World Café 2015

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Elos World Caf 2015

Lakua 22nd October

ELOS Basque Country:

Aniturri BHI
Antigua-Luberri BHI
Botikazar BHI
Ekialdea BHI
Urola BHI
1st TABLE:
What does the European Union mean for you?

The European Union is a group 28 of countries created with the idea of helping
each other and trying to avoid possible conflicts and wars. They take decisions in
different areas in order to achieve the common goal.
The EU offers opportunities, but there are important differences among state
In the last Greek crisis they have put money in order to get a stronger control of the
situation, but they havent taken measures to improve the general situation.
Some countries have behaved in a very selfish way.
What type of decisions are made in the European institutions? Can you think
about any specific examples?

Little knowledge about the European bodies and institutions and confusing information
about them. The ones mentioned in order of importance are:
European Parliament (the legislative power)
European Central Bank: deals with the euro. The euro is not so good, because those
countries with the euro have lost power in order to implement some economic
policies. Thats the reason why some countries, such as, the UK or Denmark dont
have the euro.
European Council
Court of Justice
European Commission
Even though they have heard about these institutions they share wrong information related
to their locations, roles they play, decisions they take or how and when members are
Have those decisions any influence on your everyday life?

We are affected by their decisions in some important areas such as education or

economy, but we are not very conscious about that because:
the European Union is very far.
we dont have enough information about that.
we dont care much about politics in Europe or in our country
we are not interested in it. In the future they will vote, but they feel it like an
Politics = problems and lies
It would be very necessary to talk about this question at school in order to have
more information and to reduce the gap.
2nd TABLE:


Do you speak any other European languages out of the school? If so, when?
Where? Why? With whom? Do you participate in any social network?

We don't not other languages out of school

We learn English, it's useful, its the Lingua Franca. We read, watch TV with the TDT, we
watch movies and series in original version: Breaking Bad ...
It is useful to go abroad for tourism and work (NGOs, cooperation).
Some study French at school, few of them German.
We read in English, when you have big audiences write in English, comments among
followers, fans.
We are on social networks: Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, Youtube
Do you know the customs of any other European country? Do those
customs influence your everyday life? How did you get to know them? What
do you think about them?

Meal times are much earlier in other European countries

We dont like food: ready and pre-cooked meals
Housing is different: the Europeans we know live in houses
Everything finishes earlier
We prefer our schedules
What type of activities related to Europe are organised in your school?
Do you take part in those activities? Why?

Exchanges to Poland, Germany, Denmark, France, The Netherlands

ELOS activities: World Cafs, Europe Day
Cooperation with NGOs
Aims: to practice languages, to know different people from other cultures
Do you know any school in Europe? If so, how do you consider them in
comparison with your own school?

We have known schools

They have more resources, better equipments and materials
Better sport facilities
Silence and discipline
Schools here should take into account everydays work more than exams
We have too many changes in educational laws
We need more dynamic teachers, a better attitude toward the subjects to make them
more interesting
They have less compulsory subjects and more optional practical subjects
What ideas would you import for your school?

More resources, better equipments and materials

Silence and discipline
Schools here should take into account everydays work more than exams
We have too many changes in educational laws
We need more dynamic teachers, a different attitude toward the subject
Less compulsory subjects, more optional and practical subjects
Work experience
3rd TABLE:

Europe consists of different peoples with their own traditions, culture, mentality
showing clear signs of diversity versus the impression of similar lifestyles all over
Europe despite different customs. We share the same idea of life. No real diversity,
just colourful tourists moving around.
The actual Unity is very much in doubt. It is considered to be a desirable aim.
There are also people from other countries outside Europe bringing their own
Language makes us unique within Europe.
North and south are clearly different and there is also a clear east-west contrast.
We dont really know each other. Other countries have a wider variety (for
There is not a feeling of belonging among young people. We are different from the
First we have to solve all economic issues and then, well feel more united.
General impression that each country defends their own interests.

Definitely not equal, but we should be equal in rights.

Germany is the leading country and Spain is second rate, not powerful at all.
It all comes to money in the end. We certainly dont have the same opportunities.
Money is in the north of Europe and in Germany. It rules politics.
Greece/Norway and Greece/Germany seem to be a powerful contrast.
USA (Federal State) and Europe are not the same in our perception of identity.
European flags can be seen everywhere in Europe but not so much here.
Hard work should be done at higher political level in European institutions to
achieve the same rights in education, taxes,health...for all European countries. We
should have a single government ruling all Europe and then local governments
dealing with diversity at the level of regions, not even countries. This is not an aim
shared by all students. Some others consider this impossible to be accomplished
and not realistic at all.

We should help them despite some widespread views against them for stealing our
jobs. We should change public opinion.
Students feel unable to help. We should stop war in their country and go to the very
root of the conflict. There is agreement on feeling helpless and vulnerable.
Society always ahead of institutions.
People dont want refugees in their country but we go to other European countries to get
a job and improve our quality of life.
Refugees escape from war.There is no choice for them. Immigrants decide to move
searching for better living conditions. In the end, they are all victims of the general
economic situation.
No doubt we should help them all alike. We dont treat them well, they dont get what
they deserve.
Refugees should be taken to different countries and European countries should agree on
criteria to do it ensuring their rights and needs, not only the needs of the countries
welcoming them.
No human being should be illegal anywhere. Rights should be respected.
General interest in latest news about this conflict.
We dont feel proud of Europes answer to refugees and their needs.
Some of us have relatives living in other countries (cousin in UK, dad from Cuba,
grandmothers sister in Australia) and this makes us feel close to those coming from
other countries. We have friends from other countries living among us and feel very
much involved in this matter.
The European dream does exist in the sense of a promised land but reality is far from
this. Most of the times this dream doesnt come true for people coming from outside
Europe seen as their natural environment to work and study for European young
students although they dont feel identified with a European tag.
We live in a global world and this means it doesnt make sense to feel just European
even when we accept Europe is the land of safety and life quality for us.
We dont believe in this dream. We have little to offer. We dont think the situation will
Europe seen from Africa and South America as a land for opportunities and as a
successful union from Canada and other richer non European countries. People from
the States are eager to visit Europe for its old history and ancient traditions they lack.
No emotional attachment to Europe. Well feel proud of being European when
institutions manage to provide equal rights for all citizens.
4th TABLE:
What plans do you have for your future? Will you continue learning other
European languages? Will you start learning any other language? Do you think
you will participate in ERASMUS programme when you go to university?

Early to think about our future, but university is our next plan
Some of the languages chosen for the future: Germany (they have the power), French,
Portuguese and Swedish
Erasmus: Germany, Sweden, anywhere, USA (California), France, Norway
Reasons to be a Erasmus student: improve language skills, meet new places, people,
Have you ever considered living in another country? Do you see yourself
working in any European country in the future? What do you think can help
you find a job in Europe? Would you ever consider having a relationship with
someone from another European country and living together abroad?
A gap year abroad sounds good to take time, but we need money
Concerned about language certificates
We have considered living and working somewhere else. If there are better
opportunities abroad, I wont miss it. Ill live and work somewhere else.
No regret if you try
You need to like the idea about going abroad to be able to adapt yourself to other
cultures, languages,
I wouldnt leave my country for nothing, but I wouldnt miss out an opportunity.
Most of us would live in another country. It is important to go abroad, it is always
positive. Learning the local language helps understand other cultures. Being curious
helps a lot, too.
Do you think it is positive for us to know about the European Union, to learn
its languages and to live different experience abroad? Can it help in spreading
our culture, traditions and language?

Languages would help us find a job, open-minded to learn about countries, culture,
Learning is always positive. Being prepared (languages, any other skills) is important.
It is always worth it to live in another country because you learn not only the
What do you think will happen with the European Union in 25 years? And the
Basque Country? And what about yourself? (in 2035 you'll be around 40 years

Crisis / Recovery.
Economy wont change much because the powerful countries will still be the same
I would like to be doing what I like doing in 25 years time.
There are many issues that wont kept the EU united, so difficult to have the same
EU is changing very quickly. Borders will have changed in 25 years.
We will see the Europe of nations.

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