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September 15th, 2017

Michael Scott
Dunder Mifflin Paper Company, Inc
1725 Slough Avenue,
Scranton, PA 18503

Dear Bruce Wayne

In regard to your request on August 28th, 2017, the Dunder Mifflin solutions
department have evaluated your request of one million reams of water resistant
paper. I have enclosed the following report analyzing the proposed project.

Thank you,

Michael Scott
Michael Scott
Operations Manager
(Cameron Blount)

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Table of Contents
Alexandra Celender

Introduction 1

Title & Submissions Page 3

Abstract 4

Merging Branches Option 5

Plan 5
Impact 5
Summary 5
Up-Front Payment Option 6
Plan 6
Impact 6
Summary 6
External Loan Option 7
Plan 7
Impact 7
Summary 8

Conclusions 9

Research 10

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Title Page
Cameron Blount

A Project Report
Supplying One Million Reams of Water Resistant Paper

Submitted to
Wayne Enterprise
Order Solutions
Code Number: FX587


By Michael Scott
Dunder Mifflin Solutions Department
Joe Krukowski, Alexandra Celender, Ger Vang, Cameron Blount

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This report will examine the process in order to complete the request submitted by
Wayne Enterprises. Wayne Enterprises requested one million reams of water resistant paper. The
report will show the steps that were taken to complete this project.

Alexandra Celender

This feasibility report evaluates three separate solutions proposed for Dunder Mifflin
Scranton branch to complete a specialized order from Wayne Enterprises. Wayne Enterprises, a
massive global conglomerate, has requested an order of one million reams of weather-resistant
copy paper. This provides a challenge as the Dunder Mifflin Scranton branch works specifically
with traditional copy paper and does not typically take on orders of one million reams at a single
purchase. This report looks to three solutions as follows. The first solution involves getting the
Dunder Mifflin New York office to complete a proposed merger with another regional paper
provider to complete this order and look into expanding warehouse locations for more possible
large paper orders, as well as providing weather-resistant paper to companies on a permanent
basis. The second solution looks to involving Wayne Enterprises to fund our Scranton branch
internally in completing such a large order, as well in providing us the means of creating
weather-resistant paper. The third solution discussed will focus on working internally with the
New York office to receive a basic business loan and use our current warehouse operations to
create the ordered quantity of weather-resistant paper.

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Merging Branches Option
Ger Vang

In order to maximize production another possibility is to merge with New York Office
on manufacturing the weather resistant paper reams. New York Office is well known for their
paper producing skills. But unlike other officeses, their cost may be different from ours and
therefore, we will have to make arrangement with them before we move any further. If you are to
stand on this solution then we will contact them and make the arrangement. And if they are on
board, then the production time of the paper reams would significantly be reduced. The most
important task for us is to deliver these quality reams as soon as possible. We will be thrilled if
we can get it all delivered to our customer, Wayne Enterprise in a timely manner.

By merging with another company, we will have more resources available and will be
able to quickly produce the reams. Another reason that makes merging with New York Office
great is that they are also a paper production company which would help us out a huge deal on
paper. Although we have countless paper in our storage, it is only limited to a certain number,
but with the help of the mergers, we will have almost to zero concerns about the paper limits.
This can also impact on the cost of papers. By merging with New York Office, the price may
significantly drop or raised based on their cost of producing paper.

Overall, if you are to to value production time over cost then this will be your best option.
The more mergers we have, the faster production will be. Every production will be different
based on the company size. And the bigger the company size the faster the production will be.
Something also to consider is that the price of other mergers may not be the same as ours,
therefore, we will have to negotiate with them before anything is set in stone.

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Up-Front Payment Option
Joe Krukowski

To allow our staff to use all resources possible, one option we could utilize would be to
accept a full payment for Wayne Enterprises order before we begin working on the order. It is
well known that Wayne Enterprise has a large amount of capital available for bulk orders such as
this. It would be unlikely they would oppose this idea if it further ensures a smooth transaction.
If they are hesitant to this idea. Our profit margin would allow for a 5% reduction in the total
price to aid with their cooperation. If they are on board, we could begin processing their order
the day their payment clears.

By having our production and manufacturing costs immediately at our disposal, we
would save a considerable amount from having to look for a loan or losing a percentage of
profits to another branch. It would also allow us to plan our entire schedule on this order without
having to concern ourselves with limitations on resources. Essentially we would be able to start
on this order at full throttle. Also, by completing this order as fast as possible, we would save
additional costs associated with longer manufacturing and delivery times.

In short, having our full payment up front could allow for maximum profit. Savings
would be considerable from both knowing our full schedule for the order immediately, and from
not having to seek out money and resources elsewhere. The only obstacle we face with this
solution would be lack of cooperation from Wayne Enterprises, which is unexpected. Even if we
were to take a 5% cut to make this work, our savings would still make this option worth it.

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External Loan Option
Alexandra Celender

For this solution, Dunder Mifflin will focus on working internally to fund the
manufacture of weather-resistant copy paper. Dunder Mifflin will request an estimated loan of
1.2 million dollars. This loan will be used to supply the means to manufacture one million reams
of copy paper, as well as supply the water-resistant coating and manufacturing tools needed to
assure the copy paper is weather-resistant. The order will be delivered to Wayne Enterprises,
located in Gotham City within close vicinity to the New York area. Because of this,
manufacturing for this order will be done primarily in the New York area branches. This will
include the Rochester, Scranton, Albany, and Utica branches. The 1.2 million will be spread
solely amongst these branches to fund the manufacturing of weather-resistant paper. This amount
will be divided amongst the branches differently as some branches currently have the means to
provide larger quantities of paper than others.

The Albany and Utica branches remain the largest manufacturing branches of Dunder
Mifflin and will receive a larger portion of funds as they are expected to produce over half of the
one million reams. Albany and Utica together will receive 700,000 of the 1.2 million, with each
branch individually receiving 350,000. This amount will be used by each branch to purchase new
paper manufacturing tools to create weather-resistant copy paper. These branches are estimated
to be able to complete manufacturing of over half a million reams by the first week of October.
The Rochester and Scranton branches have a smaller means of production and will receive the
remaining half a million, with each branch receiving 250,000 individually. This funding will
work to provide these branches with new paper manufacturing machines as well as the necessary
tools to make certain the paper is weather-resistant. These branches are expected to complete
their production by the first week of October as well.
This will impact Dunder Mifflin Inc as a whole on becoming a paper company able to
supply massive quantity orders. While Dunder Mifflin is prided on being a small scale regional
paper company provider, the prospect of expanding is one that would be beneficial to the
company as a whole. This solution will have effects as the company works to pay off the
estimated 1.2 million loan however, with prospective future deals with Wayne Enterprises this
option will allow Dunder Mifflin to turn much larger profits by the end of the year. This solution
will not only allow for a successful massive scale order with an industry titan such as Wayne
Enterprises, but working internally to manufacture weather-resistant paper will also allow
Dunder Mifflin to complete orders for weather-resistant paper in the future.


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In summary, this solution is beneficial to Dunder Mifflin as it will provide a more diverse
assortment of paper products to sell in the future. It will also give Dunder Mifflin links to more
larger size corporate contacts. Working internally to complete the order will involve taking out a
loan however, with the ability to provide more massive quantities of specialized paper products
Dunder Mifflins revenue is projected to expand exponentially by the end of the business year
and in the foreseeable future.

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Ger Vang

Some of the many problem that we came across after evaluating your request is that we
do not have enough resources at our disposal for the weather resistant paper reams. Therefore,
we have proposed three solution for you. Each of these solution will go into detail on what it is
proposing and the impact on cost and manufacturing of the reams. All of the offers are not final
and can still be subject to change. Producing 1.2 million reams will largely impact our funds ,
therefore, we suggest that our best interest is to have the Wayne Enterprise supply us with the
funds before we begin production on whichever solution that is the most convenient for your
Another problem that we came across is that we will need more resources before we can
ship it out. Without the funds we can not generate the reams that was requested. Each of these
shipment will contain 200 reams, and each reams will contain 500 weather resistant paper. With
our available resources we will only be able to ship out half of the 1 million reams that were
requested. Therefore, the best possible solution is to provide us with more resources so that we
may be able to to produce the reams requested.
A way to increase manufacturing is by merging with another company. By doing so we
will be able to produce more weather resistant paper per day than us manufacturing it alone.
Manufacturing is one of the main problem because the more reams we can produce the more we
can ship out to Wayne Enterprise. The increase of production will also help us shipped it out in
larger margins than the usual 200 reams.
The last thing that we have to worry about is research on the weather resistant paper. In
order for us to create the paper we will have to send it to the Research and Development
Department. The Research and Development Department are responsible for producing new
types of high quality paper for use in the office and in nature. The department is divided into two
section. One section is to brainstorm the idea and bring it to reality while the other section role is
to test it and make sure it past protocol. In order for us to begin, we will need to provide an
appropriate amount of funds to the department. The funds will be use on research of the weather
resistant paper and make sure that it passes inspections before we begin production of the item.
We have came to a conclusion that each of the listed above request be met before we can
begin producing the paper. Without further ado, we would like our request be met also. Each of
these request will come with a price but we will work with what is the best interest to your

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1. 7(a) Loan Program | The U.S. Small Business Administration. Small Business
Administration,, 15 Sept. 2017,
2. Water Resistant Rc Glossy Silky Inkjet Photo Paper Roll - Buy Inkjet Photo Paper
Glossy,High Quality Photo Paper,Digital Photo Market Product on,, 15 Sept. 2017,
3. McShane, Frank, et al. Dunder Mifflin Economics. Confluence, 15 Sept. 2017,

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