BBC 12 9 Uses of Stick

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9 uses of 'stick'
The Snow Queen

Hello, I'm Jonny and today's story is a chilly one. It involves an ice-cold Queen and the
struggle between good and evil. It's a famous fairy tale that you might find familiar.

The story begins a long time ago. There's a wicked goblin who has a magic mirror but not
one you would want for everything that is good and beautiful reflects back as bad and ugly.
Then one day the mirror breaks and the shattered pieces of glass fall onto a small village
where two friends Kay and Gerda live.

They are young and happy and always stick up for each other even when one of them is in
trouble. They love playing outside but unfortunately this means Kay gets hit by some of the
falling pieces of mirror one bit sticks in his eye and another bit sticks in his heart and
from then on Kay becomes horrible and nasty and no longer thinks of Gerda as his friend.
But she can't understand his strange behaviour.
Then one day, Kay is offered a ride on a huge sledge. He is a bit nervous, but the driver
says stick with me and you'll be fine. Foolishly he agrees to ride on the sledge across the
snowy landscape. The driver of the sledge transforms himself into a woman wearing a white
flowing gown and a crown made of ice she is the Snow Queen and she takes him off to
a distant land.
Gerda is back in the village waiting for Kay, despite his bad behaviour she still wants to stick
by him. When he doesn't return, she decides to look for him and takes a boat down a long
river hoping it will lead to Kay. Unfortunately, it doesn't. She gets caught by a robber girl
with a reindeer. Gerda pours out her heart with her sad story and the robber girl takes pity
on her and admits that she has seen the Snow Queen heading off to Lapland with a boy.
Gerda sets off for Lapland, where she meets a magician who waves a stick in the air, looks
into a crystal ball and sees that Kay is at the Snow Queen's palace, which - by the way - is
made of ice! Because of the piece of mirror stuck in Kay's heart, he sees the evil palace as a
fantastic place to live.

Gerda sets off to change his mind and win her friend back. She breaks into the Snow
Queen's palace and finds Kay half-frozen in ice. She can't stick the evil queen and fights her,
and her love for Kay gives her strength and she wins. She runs and embraces him. Her
warm tears fall down her cheeks and stick to Kay's body. Gradually the tears cause him to
warm up and also wash away the splinters of glass. Now he can see properly again and
realise his love for Gerda and they promise to stick together forever!

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I do love a happy ending. If only all fairy tales could come true, except for the bit about
being half-frozen in ice! Anyway, I hope you enjoyed the story and see you again soon. Bye
for now!


stick up for (C2)


sticks (B2)
goes into

stick with (B2)

stay close to

stick by (C2)
continue to support

stick (B1)
a long, thin piece of wood

stuck (B2)
unable to move

can't stick (C1)


stick (B2)
become attached

stick together (B2)

support each other

A1 = Beginner
A2 = Elementary
B1 = Lower Intermediate
B2 = Higher Intermediate
C1 = Towards Advanced
C2 = Advanced

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