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E Pomanentoem wor a a A PRESTRESSED CONCRETE ASSOCIATION {60 Charles Strest Leicester LEI 1FB Tel: (Std 0533) 536161 : t j Inverted T beams Re eee toms Bon a roe 100—# 700—N tom som seo sony sok 190 ———! ms wt} ot oF ceogatytianaraoeaton [S| 4 | 4 30 20 toe SenosnetSstGemye — Yt fe” thie strand position usedtor [+ i 260-—D cecrorgenas sol | 108 were Speedie he ‘ cos Pee EEE HEHE s0— A o- ‘5x25max PETES BPP EPP ET ET eer 8 8 tt 4S a5 + Peqien noes Wlgntat[Seclonmecut mn’ x 10%] self weight see | oem | ane | cote is Met | apettn| Tense | Bota toe toca | Et 2 a t ia [ete | et = ig esp ies | 3 See wpe |e fase | ae ® eres |e [at Rid i 269 19.20 at 347, mo (ORCS Cee oe ® ee [a a ne Sei [oar [aes ae ‘Design sot welghtperunitvehimeneshean tokens 285HNm? 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Sides-cannorbeprovided + _somtsence-snoulcboaveidedwnereverncssitla ——————————» SS fener | LU EndHoles ‘Gonorallyholes should boat snet 400mm om tnsendofabeam Wihdimensionsiessthan 00mmtheriskethorzontalspitingotthewob increases Bearings Bearingstorbridge beamsshouttbeconsideredonthe a mmortsofeachpartculsrapplcaion ‘Asa.generalrule,however,the edgeclthe bearing closestto - ‘hoabutment shouldbe detaedat least 125mm nfrom the londotthebeam (See sketch) f 128+ Scarfed Ends "None ofthe sbave beams are considaedsutableforuseassueponded eropin'spansand snerstnesearfos ond era lsreauved ne uso! hestancarsbaxbeamiestengh ‘commended Debondingand Each manutacturerhashis preferred methodotprosding abeamtosutapariclay design Defiecting Some anufaturerecanctlarbath debonding anddellocing Ethermethogcenbe _aneaptabigaratneretoreanaternativotote engineers Sosigamay So sUbrsoS Weight Inisrecommendad that heweightolthebeamuredtor purposes othancling anderection's ‘hatghen nthe terature PLUS anadetionl 58: lorthe eintoreementconten, ceastintiingsandtoterances QualityControt ‘Weearyoutstie gusty contr precedurezandeansubmitatinacossaryoetesteeen ‘coment aggtegatesstrand stressing records. cube ectsandbeam tectr@suns Skews ‘Skewed ends tbearsare axpensiveand shouldbe avoided wherever possible inorderto ruse ondplateeandiherebykeepaddtonalcost ofekew ended beams to arinimum, skews ‘shouldbe nincromentso!5"andepectiedineceardancewiththeadjacent sketch Were . skewsinexcess cl those chown belowara pected damage iobeam end mayresut. Roinforcemont Only-oinlercomantintheandzane ct thabaamehoulsbe skewer Ailother seinforcomentinthatody ofthe beamshouldbe etaledequaretathe section Prciacting ‘infecomanton J beamscante celaiecta accommodaloskewodmamndeckstoel ote:Asquaredockhasazerockow 345.555 § ts Perpencater 20 ap as Sed [10 fn 9g eceangie SY Une 158% 0, stskow 17. ofebument * £ ofteam | / orpier == 71 iW ai] i, PRESTRESSED CONCRETE ASSOCIATION Pi sbresvettseaton stn Stes een Cinete Foran 60 Chertes Street Leicester LE1 FB Tel: (Std 0533) 536161 BEAM SELECTION TABLES “The folowing ibles are provid for scitance in thai bear selection recognising hat Getaine cnngn cslecaton wilbe suzedin eochInlidul case ‘The sugestd casings ae cased on@ unte MBlosding(inc 2 4 kN or tishes INVERTED ‘T BEAMS SIL ee meee 56 7 8 9 10 ON 2s 1S 88 “Wr BEAMS Bien Se motes 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 2 25 28 27 28 20 30 ra wa ia Ms: Me 7 we ‘U' BEAMS: ESUIerU eee ee movrenys 1415 16 17 1@ 19 2021 2223 Me 2 28 7 BO N32 OSH ui 1 un vs ur UE uP ue un, ue Bridge Beam Manufacturers Sub-Group ANGLIAN BUILDING PRODUCTS Atlas Works Lenwade Norwich NRO SSW Telephone Gt. Witchingham 291 (PBX) BRYCO CONCRETELTD Thomtalcon Works Henlade Taunton Somerset TA3 SON Telephone 0823 442000 COSTAIN CONCRETE COMPANY LTD Duncan House Dolphin Square London SWIV SPR, Telephone 01-821 1581 DOW-MAC CONCRETE LTD Tallington Stamford Lincolnshire PES 4RL Telephone 0778 342301 FAIRCLOUGH ENGINEERING LTD PRECAST DIVISION Accrington Works Huncoat Industrial Estate Botton Avenue Accrington Lanes BYS 6HN Telephone 0254 381671 FERRO-CONCRETE & STONE (NORTH NOTTS) LTD Lound Retford Nottinghamshire Telephone Renskil 6867/8

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