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1. Based on their characteristics, microorganisms can be classified into five groups.

Complete the diagram below.


2. Diagram below shows microorganisms.


Identify the group of microorganisms A, B, C , D and E

A: .. B: .. C:

D: E: ..

3. The statements below show the uses and roles of beneficial microorganisms in daily life

A Yeast acts on sugar to produce carbon dioxide that cause breads and cakes to rise.
B Bacteria is used to oxidize alcohol in making of vinegar
C Dead organisms such as plants and animals undergo a process called decomposition
caused by bacteria and fungi
D Microorganisms such as bacteria and virus play an important role in the preparation of
E Microorganisms are also used in biological control
F Penicillin, which is produced from a certain type of fungus helps us to produce
G Certain algae produce beta carotene to prevent cancer
H Yeast acts on glucose solution to produce alcohol.

Group the above statements into five categories

Category Statement
(a) Food digestion
(b) Decaying process
(c) Medicine
(i) ..

(ii) ..

(iii) .

(i) ..

(d) Industry (ii) ..

(iii) .

4. Study the terms below.

Vector Immunity Sterilization Vaccine

Vaccination Pathogen Antiseptics Antibody

Complete the following statements with the correct terms.

Statement Term
(a) Process of injecting vaccine

(b) A process to kill microorganisms

(c) Chemicals used to kill or inhibit the growth of microorganisms

on the skin
(d) Produced by white blood cells to fight against the invading
(e) Harmful microorganisms causing diseases.

(f) An agent that carries diseases

(g) Substance containing weakened pathogen

(h) The ability of the body to resist pathogens infections

5. The growth of microorganisms is very much affected by environmental factors such as

(a) ____________________ (b) _________________ (c) __________________

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