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Year One Back to School Evening Summary Notes

Arrivals & Departures

 Late arrivals in the morning need to be accompanied and go to the office to get a green slip.
This is given to the classroom teacher.
 Children who are not picked up by 2:45 will go to the office, except on Tuesdays at 2:35 as the
teachers have a staff meeting


 Notices are posted on the blogs and an email will be sent when new updates are posted.
Please check the blog regularly to stay up to date!
 Email is one way of contacting teachers but please be mindful that teachers may not have
time to check them during the day
 Each child has a communication folder which serves as daily communication. This is a great
way of letting the teacher know anything first thing in the morning as they are checked upon
 The Elementary Blog contains information regarding parent workshops.
 Schedule an appointment with the teacher if you would like to discuss any issues/ concerns

Support Staff

 Counselor - Ms Julia
o Role: Support all students, parents and teachers to ensure that at NIST we have
happy, healthy and successful students
o She works in class with Years EY, Year One, Year Two and Year Three
 Learning Support – Ms Cassie, Ms Jai and Ms Alyson
o Ms Cassie will be the Learning Resource Teacher working with identified needs in
Year 1.
o Early low-key intervention is more likely to avoid ongoing issues which can
become problematic 2-3 years later.  It is not our role to diagnose or label learning
 ESL: English as a Second Language – Miss Suzanne
o Her office is in the Year 1 Building

Program of Inquiry

 Units of inquiry (UOI) 6 per year

 1st UOI comes under the transdisciplinary theme of ‘Who We Are’ focusing on friendships
and relationships
 A letter regarding our first UOI is on the blog
 5 other UOIs are: How we organise ourselves, How the world works (November – April),
How we express ourselves, Sharing the planet, Where we are in place and time.
Language Arts

 Upcoming workshops in reading and writing: dates and further information will be provided
 Cuddle up and read home program commencing soon: involves children enjoying real
books with an adult. The adult is encouraged to read to the child, rather than hear the child
read. It is a time to enjoy books together, rather than reading a school reader.
 Language arts incorporates speaking, listening, reading, writing, viewing aspects
 Transdisciplinary approach is used i.e. reading and writing within our current unit of inquiry
 Sometimes stand alone e.g. handwriting, phonological awareness


 Strands are Number, Pattern and Function, Shape and Space, Measurement, Data Handling
 Taught through the unit of inquiry where possible or connect to the unit of inquiry
 For instance, pattern and function relates to our current UOI through the concepts of form
and connection
 Sometimes mathematics is stand alone and not integrated. For example, number systems and
number strategy.


 Year 1 homework guidelines P. 31 Elementary School Parent Handbook: 10 – 15mins Mon –

Thurs (Reading). Students may also be asked to collect materials and/or information to bring
to class.
 Reading Monday through to Thursday evenings
 Home readers will commence after our reading workshop in September (date to be notified)
 ‘Cuddle up and read’ program: Cuddle up and read – special time together to develop a love of
reading and gains a lifelong desire to read and learn. Before bed is a great time. Parent
reading to child. Together if book is predictable, familiar or memorized. Please do not make
your child read these books independently to you.

Occupation Therapy (OT)

 Teachers use ideas from an OT based here in Bangkok to support our Program of Inquiry.
 At the Back to School Night each parent was handed a sheet detailing skills important to the
academic rigors of Year 1. This was also sent home via your son or daughter’s communication
folder. IIf you find your child can not do any of these things, practise and come and chat to
the teacher for ideas to help.
 Pencil Grip

 Use the analogy of the car: thumb is the driver, index finger is the passenger and everybody
else is in the back

 M sit:

 Orthopedic surgeons advise against this because it leads to weak core muscles- bad back
and can lead to turned in feet/duck walk. Signs: needing support when writing, sitting,
walking up and down stairs etc.
 These activities can help develop stronger core muscles: carrying school bag, sitting
unsupported, physical activities like swimming, gymnastics, Taekwondo, yoga, tennis etc.

Day-to-day Issues

 Reminders: hats (can be kept here at school), umbrellas

 Label all items
 Each child has a pencil case (I don’t encourage the use of erasers)
 No toys/ cards to be brought to school (other than for special projects)
 Independence: carrying bag, unpacking and packing items
 Birthdays: healthy treats, schedule a time
 Start/ end of day: Academic assistants go on duty at 8:10 am
 Illness: please keep at home, medicines to the nurse
 Parent helpers: signup sheet, consider confidentiality and helping all children in the group
setting, commitment
 A Parent Volunteer sheet was sent home in your child’s communication folder

Please don’t hesitate to come and see me should you have any questions!

Miss Alicia

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