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N479 Professional Activity Evaluation Form

Your Name: Alejandro Domnguez Date of Activity: October Faculty name: Mary OConnell

Describe the community service/professional activity/s you attended or participated with (be
specific about the purpose and your role):

The first service/professional activity I attended was the Mass Casualty Workshop. This
workshop provided information about the latest advances in lifesaving trauma care from the
experience obtained in the field treating injured soldiers in Iraq and Afghanistan. The workshop
included real-world information and skills that would be useful to help save lives during mass
shootings or any critical emergency. Some of the Emergency Civilian Casualty Care topics
included tourniquet use, wound treatment, bleeding and shock, violent encounters (bombs, guns,
knives), hypothermia, and radiation/nuclear safety. This service/professional activity was mainly
informational and did not contain many hands-on activities, but it did allow for student
interaction with the presenter. My role as a student was to analyze the information provided and
ask questions or clarification regarding any of the current emergency civilian casualty care

The second service/professional activity I attended was the St. Lukes IPEP Screening Clinic.
This IPEP activity gave students from the college of nutritional sciences, pharmacy, nursing,
medicine and public health the opportunity to screen elders living at St. Lukes home. Our
responsibility as a team of students was to review the medication list of one of the elders living at
St. Lukes home to determine if polypharmacy existed. We made sure the elder patient knew the
indication of each medication he or she was taking and any concerns they had about any
medication that was prescribed to them. We then pursued to review the medication list with a
pharmacist to make recommendations of potential polypharmacy with the healthcare provider. It
was an exciting and interesting opportunity to work as a team to help the elders living at St.

Where was this held and what was was program/activity length?

This Mass Casualty Workshop was held in the American Red Cross located on 2916 East
Broadway and it was four hours long, from 8:30AM-12:30PM.

The St. Lukes IPEP Screening Clinic was held in St. Lukes Home located on 615 East Adams
Street and it was four hours long, from 8AM-12PM.

Discuss the value of this experience to you (be specific).

The Mass Casualty Workshop provided very valuable information about what to do and what not
to do in emergency situations. Information such as tourniquet use, wound treatment, handling
violent encounters and long-term power outages were topic covered during the workshop. It was
an interesting opportunity because all this information were topics that are not usually covered in
a regular classroom setting. Therefore, having been exposed to this information is very valuable,
especially during a time where we are seeing more violent and emergency situations take place in
our modern society. I wish these classes were available to high school students across the nation
because it provides useful information that can benefit everyone during any emergency.

The St. Lukes IPEP Screening Clinic was a valuable experience to me because it helped me
realize the number of elders in our community that are being overprescribed medication, also
called polypharmacy. Healthcare providers sometimes overprescribe medication to our elder
population, and its important for us as nurses to identify these flaws in our system. It was a
valuable experience for me because it gives me insight of what to look for when I take care of
older patients in the future. Polypharmacy is happening all over the nation, and with the insight
and experience Ive gained during this professional experience, I will now know what to look for
in the future.

Would you recommend this specific communnity/professional experience in the future; why or
why not? (Describe)

I would recommend the Mass Casualty Workshop to any individual who wants more information
during emergency situations. The only downfall of this professional community is that it does not
have a lot of hands on activities, its mainly informational. However, it is still a valuable class to
attend, especially for those students who are interested in survival tactics or just want further
information on how to deal with emergency situations.

I would recommend the St. Lukes IPEP Screening Clinic professional experience to those
nursing students who anticipate working with an older demographic, such as med surge, ICU, or
long-term care. Polypharmacy is an event that can be prevented, and having the experience to
know what to look for is priceless. I really enjoyed collaborating with students of different
professions to help the elders living at St. Lukes. I honestly recommend this activity to every
nursing student because it helps you work with a variety of different students that you will be
working with in the future.

Brochure or proof of attendance obtained? YES Signature on validation of clinical hours

form obtained? YES

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