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a) Existing Solution 17
b) The Invention 17
c) Process 18
d) The Features 22
e) The Functions 23





We briefly declare that the work in this report was done personally excluding the attachment
provided from other sources that have been mention.

Prepared by:

. .


DN140048 DN140047

.. ..


DN140033 DN140168


In the name of Allah, The Most Gracious and Most Merciful.

Thank Allah for His abundant Grace and all the favour of His Infinite, Peace and Blessings of
Prophet Muhammad SAW. Alhamdulillah, with the power conferred by Him, we can
complete the project and prepared this report in a right and perfect time.

Appreciation given to the chancellor Pro II Hon Tan Sri Dr. Ali Hamsa, Universiti Tun
Hussein Onn Malaysia (UTHM), Batu Pahat, Johor over the success of his set plans have
been made to provide opportunities for students to undergo a small project. We also wish to
express our gratitude to the subjects lecturer, Dr Mohd Hezri bin Lwi @ Mokhtar. Thanks
for his guidance, advice, information and disclosure as well as constructive criticism since the
beginning until the completion of this Creative and Innovation project. For our father and
mother and friends , we would like to express our sincere appreciation for all the sacrifices ,
and the guidance and support provided endless , whether it's in terms of spiritual or material
we complete this project.

Finally, once again we would like to express our appreciation and thanks to all of you who
are involved either directly or indirectly in our efforts to implement and set up this project.
Hopefully what is available can be used as memories, directives and guidelines for moving
forward. Indeed, this is what comes out of the effort and cooperation of all parties. May all
the efforts we are all blessed by Allah SWT and always guided Him. Thank you.

"That we can only able to plan but Allah plan is the best plan for us. Be thankful to the extent
that we can."



The project is to design an innovation of baby stroller accessories and then build
these modifications. The main objective of doing this project is to reduce the problem faced
by the parents that want to bring their babies for having outdoor activities. This modification
process is carried out with prior research on the design for it seems perfectly appropriate and
safe to use. Work on designing a modification done by as many sketches for variety and
innovation. Once the design has been prepared drawn, the next process is to analyze to obtain
the appropriate size for the renovation. After finish analyzing the size and the place you want
in a custom, then the process of sign, cut and make their packaging in forms that have been
made. The conclusion of this project is makes it easier for parents to bring their babies out
walking at night. With the use of these tools or accessories can reduce the heat to the baby
and easier for milk feeding bottle at night time.


1.1 Introduction

This subject focuses on developing a creative person who wills eventually think
strategically, creatively and critically. The students are exposed to various creativity and
problem solving techniques. This report is to help authors to reach a value judgment is
expected by the authors as to generate a good book report in accordance with the
requirements set by Universiti Tun Hussien Onn Malaysia. This report will tell you briefly
about the daily activities that have been undertaken by the authors during the project. In
general, this report has been prepared in accordance with guidelines set by Universiti Tun
Hussien Onn Malaysia. The written report is based on the arrangement made systematically
to facilitate an information can be searched easily and quickly.

Among the guidelines that have been followed are as follows:

o Record every activity that has been done or committed during the course of
project implementation.
o Ensure a well-crafted set of reports to facilitate the students to make a
reference if needed.
o The report must include the overall activities of the student.

1.2 Objectives
Fostering the personality of the individual.
Facilitate the students to experience the end of the project situation.
To train students with relevant knowledge and skills in creative and
innovation needed in the fields of science and technology.
To classify problems and solutions to help innovate and improve current
practices, inventions and designs.
To give a chance for students to learn the team work and management skills.
As one of the benchmark of students achievement.

1.3 Introduction to Project

Nowadays, many inventions have been produced from advanced technology as seen
in the present and the technology is growing rapidly around the world at the time. Arguably,
technology result not only in the field but also from various fields such as mechanical,
electrical, electronics and so on.

When brainstorming for a title to do this project, we have selected a few

suggestions and ideas to produce. After some research, we have chosen to make the
innovation project "Stroller baby accessories" to improve "accessories" existing in the

In this project several methods are needed to make it happen, including methods
that do is to do the observation to identify the improvements needed to implement this
project. The order for the methodology involved should be based on the needs of the title.
Each stage contains its own interest in ensuring that the project can be completed on time.

1.4 Objectives of Project

Reduce the problems faced by parents.
Can reduce the hot and dark condition of using stroller outside.
Improve the design of exists accessories in market.

1.5 Scope of Project

The scope or limits of the projects are listed. This is intended to ensure the implementation of
the project is not excluded from the scope of the set. The scopes of project are:

Identification of need
Definition of Problem
Analysis & Optimization


2.1 Problems

Problem is any situation that presents a challenge, an opportunity, or is a concern. Before we

can solve a problem, we must identify it. A problem statement clearly identifies the problem
that the product will solve. A problem statement helps in focus our thinking.

"Babies often cry because of the heat and the mother is also difficult to make bottle feeding at

The idea of innovation of stroller accessories came when considering the situation
faced by a parents when bring their baby for waking outside. The difficulties such as a hot
condition during sunny day and no light during bottle feeding milk at night are the major
problem to bring up the idea for this project. Otherwise, the accessories that been sells in the
market also provide a separate product of lamp and fan in which the parents need to buy
either one which is not the right solution for this problem. They can only use lamp or fan at
one time because there are no accessories that sell lamp and fan in one product.

Figure 2.1 Baby inside stroller during hot and sunny da


3.1 Introduction

Idea generation is the process of creating, developing, and also ideas

communicating which are abstract, concrete, or visual. The process includes the process of
constructing through the idea, innovate the concepts, developing the process, and bringing the
concept to reality. In a process of design a product of project, the generation and design
concept selection is done to select the best design of product.

Before develop of a new design of prototype, the generation and design concept
selection done to have many types of the variation concept of design. Several concept of
design are develops and the best design is selected as the main idea of the prototype design. It
will be considered with several criteria before being selected as the best design. The final
design concept will be select from the highest value points and to fulfil all the criteria.

The process of selection the project was done by group members by brainstorming
the ideas. The Brainstorming process starts off with the problem clearly stated and recognized
by all group members. One person out of the group is chosen to write down all the ideas that
are suggested in order to make them simultaneously visible to all others. Every idea is
accepted and written down. Group members are to build on and develop each others ideas.

Figure 3.1 Brainstorming for the ideas

3.2 Selection of Idea

After brainstorming for the ideas, the best idea was selected to be done for Creative
& Innovation Project. The works and process were divided among group members to make
sure the processes were done correctly in time. The designs were sketched in drawing.

Engineering drawing is not only the province of the draftsperson. It is the language
of the engineer. It is their means of developing and recording their ideas, and conveying them
to others. Every engineer will be using and referring to some form of drawings almost daily.
They will often be producing or directing the preparation of drawings.

Usually, they make the preliminary sketches and design drawings in accordance
with principles of engineering drawing because this is the most unambiguous way of to
convey and record information. It is also likely that every engineer at sometime will be
checking the work of designer drafters and approving drawings before they are sent to
manufacturing. When engineers sign off the final approval of a drawing, they take
responsibility for it. An overlooked error in the drawing could be costly.

3.3 Design

3.3.1 Introduction
Design need is the first design specification that should be considered before
the product is developed. The design of the product must be considered to a several
criteria to ensure the product is develops based on the given specifications.

The given criteria for the product are the most important part during the
development of the design. It criteria given from the project research and during the
development of product, this criteria should be considered first before the details
design is produced.

The first specification is determined to the difficulties during sunny day and
night. Other than that, the design of the product is focused on the functions of the
product, to reduce the problem faced by parents. For hot criteria, the design of product
must be strong enough to stand for high temperature as a cooling agent. Size of the
product is also the important part of designing the product.

3.3.2 Design Criteria

The most important criteria on this project prototype are focus on the comfort
condition for babies. The design criteria are to ensure the functioning and perfect
prototype design.

i. Good Design
Good design can attract the consumer.

ii. Safety of the Product

The prototype must be safe to be used by consumer.

iii. Stable

The prototype is design to cool the babies so the prototype must be stable
enough to stand a hot temperature.

iv. Low Cost

The good design prototype must not too expensive or too cheap. If too
expensive, the product is difficult to sell. If cheap, it will hard to build a
good prototype.

v. User friendly
The prototype must be easy to handle by all people.

3.3.3 Designing Concept

Design is the creation of a plan or convention for the construction of an object

or a system (as in architectural blueprints, engineering drawings, business
processes, circuit diagrams and sewing patterns). Design has different connotations in
different fields (see design disciplines below). In some cases the direct construction of
an object (as in pottery, engineering, management, cowboy-coding and graphic
design) is also considered to be design. So, to choose the best design is to define the
concept of the design (Armstrong, S. L., Gleitman, H, (1999). what some concepts
might not be. In E. Margolis, & S. Lawrence, Concepts (pp. 225-261). Massachusetts:
MIT press).

Prototype theory came out of problems with the classical view of conceptual
structure. Prototype theory says that concepts specify properties of each design
concepts. Each design has their own specify properties that would be judge before the
design would be choose. (The Writing of William James, University of Chicago

So, the design concept of the project prototype is the design from the
conclusion where taking from the project research. The idea of the concept was
observed based on current.

i. First Concept

The first concept characteristic shown in Figure 3.2 is used the cover of
stroller as a permanent place. The system is using the body of stroller to put
the accessories. The concept is too expensive and the design concept is not too
efficient because it is not a portable type. The concept is easy to handle but
cant moved. The design is not used a complicated system, it is simple
structure but high cost of build.

Figure 3.2 Concept 1

ii. Second Concept

The second concept in Figure 3.3 used a more complicated system using an
injection moulding. The design concept is more expensive and difficult to
build. The size of prototype is small and light weight. The design is more eco-
friendly and attractive with bright colour and flowery design but need a lot of

Figure 3.3 Concept 2

iii. Third Concept

The third concept in Figure 3.4 is a simple and interesting design compared to
another design. The system is not too expensive and reasonable. The size of
the prototype is not too small and too big, with a light weight. The design is
more efficient than the others concept where the concept can easily clip on
anywhere at the stroller. It used a lamp as an agent of lighting during night and
also can be use as safety light. The design had the aesthetic value on the
design so it would look interesting.

Figure 3.4 Concept 3

3.3.4 Design Concept Selection

The best design among the matrix system is used to select the best design. All
of the design concepts are given the marks according to the specific characteristic and
criteria that have been given. The design where had the highest mark would be
selected as the final design and the detail design would be make to develop the

According to the Table 3.3, the thirds concept contains the characteristic and
criteria that had been specified to the project. The third concept is selected after
getting the highest mark from matrix system and the third concept is selected as the
final design and the detail design of the third concept is build.


Strength 10 6 10 9
Aesthetic 10 8 8 9
Safety 10 7 8 8
Light 10 10 7 8
Low Cost 10 9 7 8
Maintenance 10 8 6 8
TOTAL 60 48 46 50

Table 3.3: Characteristic and Criteria for Matrix System

3.3.5 Details of Design

The detailed design of the project is carried out after the selection of the best
design. The development of the design will be considered with several criteria. The
detailed designs are drawn with the full scale or dimensions of design. The design of
the project is drawn using the software Solid Works.

The third concept is selected as first design of the prototype that would be
develops because the design is fulfil the specific criteria that have been set. The
design is selected after doing the matrix system and the third concept had the highest
mark from the all of the marks. The third concept design is repaired and developed for
the detailed project design. The full design is shown in Figure 3.2.2 that shows
detailed of each part of prototype.

Diagram 3.2.2 Design in Solid Works

3.4 Gant Chart

Table 3.1 Gantt Chart


4.1 Exist Solution

Figure 4.1 Fan for stroller in market

In the market, the accessories that can install or use for stroller are clip on stroller fan and
flashing stroller safety light which are sell separately and using non-rechargeable batteries.
The difficulties for the parents are they need to buy and prepare the stock of batteries each
time they want to use the product.

4.2 Invention

The product that called as Baby Stroller Accessories (BSA) are consists of USB lamp and fan
with portable charger. We design the arrangement and combination of the tools to ease the
parents to bring the 2 in 1 product.

Figure 4.2.1 Invention

4.3 Process

4.3.1 Material / Tools

The correct material selection is important to produce the project prototype. It
is to ensure the highest quality and practical prototype. This is due to different of
mechanical properties for each material. So, the projects materials are chosen
according to the mechanical properties of the material that had been specified.

Material selection is a step in the process of designing any physical object. In

the context of product design, the main goal of material selection is to minimize cost
while meeting product performance goals. The material or tools that used by the
group members are shown as below:

o USB Port Fan

The project is to make accessories for a baby stroller, so the USB
port fan was selected as one of the components. The ultra-quiet and
plug & play design are the advantages of this model.

Figure Fan

o USB Port Lamp

The lamp is made of silicone which is bendable. With LED light, the
lamp is suitable to use in this project because it is effective on
eyesight especially for baby.

Figure Lamp

o Portable Charger
The word battery charger pertains to several devices accustomed to
induce energy right rechargeable battery to replenish its power
capabilities. Today we use battery chargers for many applications,
and much of our mobile phones and digital appliances like cameras
have rechargeable batteries that want regular topping nearly
guarantee the device remains functional.

The volume of charging a device requires is determined by the kind

and rating of batteries utilized with all the devices. Some devices can
withstand consistent sustained charging source and are not damaged
or impaired should that charging source stay in place even though
the batteries are fully charged. Other devices will severed the latest
to the batteries once they reach full charge. Some chargers hire a
trickle charge, supplying only a little bit of current that will take
many hours to charge a cell, whilst others may charge batteries
inside of one hour. We are using portable charger compared to
lithium batteries because it is more effective and easy to manage.

Figure Portable Charger

o Phone Stand

o Cable Tie

o Needle and Thread

o Used Pants

4.3.2 Development Process

4.3.3 Cost
Cost of material is one of the most important parts in project development,
because each cost of every single material wills effects the whole material costing.
Material costing started with raw material until the last finishing part of product in
conjunction with the start of project until the end of projects. In Table 3.1 shows the
material costing of the project product and the total of material costing.


1. USB Port Fan 1 20.00
2. USB Port Lamp 1 15.00
3. Portable Charger 1 60.00
4. Phone Stand 1 20.00
5. Cable 1 5.00
TOTAL 120.00

Retails Price = RM 60

4.4 Features

The features of Baby Stroller Accessories are:

Portable tools
Portable means small and lightweight. A portable Baby Stroller
Accessories is an accessory small enough to carry and put at the stroller.

A rechargeable battery, storage battery, secondary battery or accumulator is
a type of electrical battery which can be charged, discharged into a load, and
recharged many times, while a non-rechargeable or primary battery is
supplied fully charged, and discarded once discharged.

Super quiet fan
The fan designed with non-noise conditions that suitable for babies
especially when sleeping inside the stroller.

Effective for eyesight

Babies are so sensitive especially when exposed too much with light, heat
and dust. Every material chosen should consider this condition. The USB
port lamp is suitable because it designed with protecting features for
eyesight and avoiding LED direct light.

Have a USB port

Short for Universal Serial Bus, an external bus standard that supports data
transfer rates of 12 Mbps. A single USB port can be used to connect up to
127 peripheral devices, such as mice, modems, and keyboards. USB also
supports Plug-and-Play installation and hot plugging. Both lamp and fan
chosen by group members designed with a USB port.

Can clip on stroller

The baby stroller accessories are attached by a clip so as to be easy to fasten
or remove. It also can be put anywhere without any difficulties.

4.5 Function
The functions of BSA are as below:
As an accessories for baby stroller to light the baby during dark to ease milk
feeding condition and cool the baby during hot day.
Also can use as safety light for stroller.
Can be use to charge the smartphones.


Mini project creative and innovative subjects are compulsory for all students of the Faculty of
Engineering Technology before the end of the project in order to equip students about what
they learned during their stay in UTHM. After completing the project, students are able to
classify problems and solutions to help innovate and improve current practices, inventions
and designs. Students also can adapt information and communication technology effectively
in oral presentation. Moreover, the students are able to demonstrate leadership and equal
responsibilities when working in groups on an assigned task.


Creative and Innovation. BNR22402. (2014) Noor Khazanah A. Rahman, Norazizah

Adnan. UTHM Publisher, Batu Pahat, Johor.



Industrial attraction
Good Design
Contract with manufacturer
Attractive Economic crisis
Timely Future Competitors



Buy used materials instead of Pre-order

the new one.

Buy cheap materials but still in a Coordinate purchases with other

good quality such as buy in eBay. businesses.

Reduce personal financial. Share office with other


Lease the equipment rather than Avoid unnecessary expanse.


Hire intern or student.


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