Introduce: Expansion Production Change) (Pressure Ility) Compressib (Total Volume) (Pore - Time Rate

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Pseudosteady state is defined as the rate is constant and the pressure is changing at the same
rate everwhere. The rate of pressure change can be determined by material balance. For a
fluid of small and constant compressibility, and assuming pure depletion drive,

Production Expansion
Rate time - (Pore volume) (Total Compressibility) (Pressurechange)

because rate was assumed to be constant. The minus sign is needed because for positvie q, the
pressure change must be negative (and all other terms are positive). This is equivalent to
qBt re2 h ct p
Dividing by t and taking the limit as it goes to zero, we get

p qB
t re hct
We use partial derivatives because p is still a function of r as well as t.

We have converted the volume back to a reservoir basis, which is appropriate for a material
balance calculation and because theh compressibilities would be expressed on a reservoir
volume basis..

We can rewrite Eqn in terms of dimensionless pressure and time using

kt kt
t DA
ct A ct re2
dtDA k

t t DA dt ct re2 t DA
2k h
pD pi p
Combining Eqns
qB k p D

2kh ct re t DA re hct
p D
t DA
The results we will use further are listed below:
qB re 1
Pressure at r: p(r ) p wf ln s
2k h rw 2
2k h pe p w
q in terms of pe: q
r 1
B ln e s
rw 2
qB re 3
Average pressure p : p pw ln s
2k h rw 4
2k h p p w
q in terms of p : q
r 3
B ln e s
rw 4
r: r 0.47 re
e3 / 4
You should be able to modify the steady-state equation to include skin, and understand why
this works.

The pseudosteady-state in addition to the logarithmic term. This additional term is

insignificant when rD/reD, or near the well. This implies that the gradients near the well must
be similar.


Dimensionless Rate, q(rD)/q(1)





0 200 400 600 800 1000
Dimensionless Radius

Flow rate with radius for pseudosteady state flow

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