Fig (I)

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Fig (i)

Example questions for the Foundation Stage coordinator or the manager of the preschool
setting to determine the function and general orientation (e.g. formative, summative) of the
assessment tools applied in the setting.

1. What types of assessment (e.g. formative, summative) are used in the foundation stage and
in which areas of learning do these assessments take place?
She use both formative and summative assessment. Formative: at the end of the lesson.
Summative: at the end of the week.

2. How are assessments made e.g. via observations of children engaged in everyday activities
initiated by the child or on teacher initiated tasks / tests?

She use for the formative assessment a blank paper and she let the children draw what they
learn then she take not at the end of the each drawing. She use for the summative a check
list she make a test for the students by show them visual things and ask them question.

3. When are assessments scheduled e.g. continuously or at specific points in the academic
The assessment scheduled of the summative assessment is specific points in the academic

4. Who is involved in implementing and recording assessments e.g. teachers, teaching

assistants, children, parents?

Teacher and children.

5. How are assessments moderated across the setting?

By using check list or taking note.

6. What form does this take e.g. computer generated profiles, mixed media profiles, written
reports, learning stories or a combination of forms?

Written report and computer generated profiles.

7. How are the results of these assessments documented and communicated to parents,
teachers and other stakeholders?
She send it for the parents by e-mail. Also, when she do a formative assessment (doodle it
strategy) She let the children to put it in their box to let their parent see it when they came to
take them.

8. What support is provided by the school and/or curriculum in terms of specific, measurable
assessment criteria e.g. sample assessments or vignettes that provide a contextualized
example of the attainment of a specific goal or objective?
They provide a visual things for the summative assessment to test the children.
Also, they provide a check list to evaluate the children learning.

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