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Francophone Country Study

6598572 6598573 6598574 6598575 6598576

Poor Fair Good Very good Excellent

1 2 3 4 5
Poor Fair Good Very good Excellent
1 pts 2 pts 3 pts 4 pts 5 pts
Introduction 6598577 6598578 6598579 6598580 6598581

Is very basic or no Is missing three el Is missing two elem Is missing one ele Includes country na

Poor Fair Good Very good Excellent

Is very basic or non- Is missing three Is missing two Is missing one Includes country
existent. elements. elements. element. name, capital and
location. Has a topic
sentence and
introduces the

History 6598582 6598583 6598584 6598585 6598586

Has only 1 fact or Includes 2 facts. Includes 3 facts. Includes 4 facts. Includes 5 facts ab

Poor Fair Good Very good Excellent

Has only 1 fact or is Includes 2 facts. Includes 3 facts. Includes 4 facts. Includes 5 facts
non-existent. about the history and
people of the

Geography/Climate 6598587 6598588 6598589 6598590 6598591

Has only 1 fact or Includes 2 facts. Includes 3 facts. Includes 4 facts. Includes 5 facts ab

Poor Fair Good Very good Excellent

Has only 1 fact or is Includes 2 facts. Includes 3 facts. Includes 4 facts. Includes 5 facts
non-existent. about geography
and climate such as
landmarks, cities,
bodies of water,
specific climate etc.

Culture x2 (/10) 6598592 6598593 6598594 6598595 6598596

Includes 2 or less Includes 4 facts. Includes 6 facts. Includes 8 facts. Includes 10 facts a

Poor Fair Good Very good Excellent

Includes 2 or less Includes 4 facts. Includes 6 facts. Includes 8 facts. Includes 10 facts
facts. about culture such
as clothing, holidays,
food, music,
religions, customs,

Interesting Facts 6598597 6598598 6598599 6598600 6598601

Has only 1 fact or Includes 2 facts. Includes 3 facts. Includes 4 facts. Includes 5 interest

Poor Fair Good Very good Excellent

Has only 1 fact or is Includes 2 facts. Includes 3 facts. Includes 4 facts. Includes 5
non-existent. interesting facts
about the country
such as strange laws
or customs, travel
tips, other languages
Conclusion 6598602 6598603 6598604 6598605 6598606

Has a weak or non Has a mediocre w Has a satisfactory Has a good wrap- Has an excllent an

Poor Fair Good Very good Excellent

Has a weak or non- Has a mediocre Has a satisfactory Has a good wrap-up Has an excellent and
existent conclusion. wrap-up and does wrap-up and may tell and tells in general concise wrap-up and
not tell if others if others should or why others should or tells in detail why
should or should not should not visit the should not visit the others should or
visit the country. country. country. should not visit the

Maps/Illustrations 6598608 6598609 6598610 6598611

Is missing 3 eleme Is missing 2 eleme Is missing 1 eleme Includes clear and
Is missing 4 eleme
Fair Good Very good Excellent
Is missing 3 Is missing 2 Is missing 1 Includes clear and
Is missing 4 elements. elements. element. colorful pictures of
elements or is non- the country's flag, a
existent. map of the country
and 2 other images
about the country.
Also includes an
obvious title of the

Citation List 6598612 6598613 6598614 6598615 6598616

Is missing 4 sourc Is missing 3 sourc Is missing 2 sourc Is missing 1 sourc Includes 1 book, 1

Poor Fair Good Very good Excellent

Is missing 4 sources Is missing 3 sources Is missing 2 sources Is missing 1 source Includes 1 book, 1
and/or was not and/or was not and/or was not and/or was not reference book and
created with Easybib created with created with created with 3 websites. Created
or is non-existent. Easybib. Easybib. Easybib. correctly with

Use of French 6598622 6598623 6598624 6598625 6598626

Does not use Fren Uses French langu Uses French langu Uses French langu Uses French langu

Poor Fair Good Very good Excellent

Does not use French Uses French Uses French Uses French Uses French
language in oral or language poorly as language language well as language very well
written presentation part of the oral or satisfactorily as part part of the oral or as part of the oral or
and/or does not written presentation of the oral or written written presentation written presentation
include an "extra". and/or includes an presentation and/or and/or includes an and/or includes an
"extra" that is very includes an "extra" "extra" that is "extra" that is
basic or easy to that is semi- interesting or especially unique or
produce. mediocre. somewhat difficult to difficult to produce.

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