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Thank to Almighty God who has given His bless to the writer for finishing the English
paper assignment entitled Analyzing The Use of Lines and Angles In Simple Bridge
The writer also wish to express his deep and sincere gratitude for those who have
guided in completing this paper. This English paper contains the implementation of lines and
angles in bridge construction where can be used as guidance or reference for lines and angles
topic, and how lines and angles is used in civil engineering.
The writer is aware about errors in the writing of this paper, by that reason the writer
asking for suggestions and criticisms to be develope the better future project.

Palembang, December 23rd 2016

Shinta Novia


Title Page ............................................................................................................. 1

Prefece ................................................................................................................. 2
Table Of Contents ................................................................................................ 3
Chapter 1

1.1 Background .............................................................................................. 4

1.2 Problem Formulation ............................................................................... 4
1.3 Writing Purpose ....................................................................................... 4
1.4 Writing Benefit ........................................................................................ 5
Chapter 2

2.1 The Definition and Kinds of Two Dementional Shapes ......................... 6

2.2 The Definition and Kinds of Three Dementional Shapes........................ 8
2.3 Definition Of Drainage ............................................................................ 10
2.4 Drainage Use ........................................................................................... 10
2.5 Drainage System ...................................................................................... 10
2.6 The Shape of Drainage ............................................................................ 12
2.7 Contruction Of Drainage ......................................................................... 14

Chapter 3

3.1 Conclution ............................................................................................... 16

3.2 Advice...................................................................................................... 16


1.1 Background

The city is a place for many people to do various activities, to ensure the health and
comfort there must be a population of adequate sanitation, such as drainage. With the
drainage of the rainwater can distributed so that flooding can be avoided and will not cause
the impact on public health disorders as well as community activities will not be disturbed.
Drainage is a system for channeling rain water. This system has a very important role in
creating a healthy environment, especially in densely populated areas such as in urban
areas.Waste management is not good can lead to blockage of the drainage system, which can
cause overflow of water due to reduced flow of water can be collected and distributed by
drainage. Population growth is also a problem itself for the drainage capacity. Increasing
population means more infrastructure, which is accompanied by the increasing amount of
waste released into the environment.

1.2 Problem Formulation

The problem formulation in this paper is :
1. What is the definition and kinds of Two Dimentional Shapes?
2. What is the definition and kinds of Three Dimentional Shapes?
3. What is the Drainage ?
4. What are the shapes of Drainage?
5. How does the Drainage used ?
6. How does the system of Drainage ?
7. How does the construction of Drainage ?

1.3 Writing Purpose

The purpose of this paper is :
1. To know the definition and kinds of two dimentional shapes.
2. To know the definition and kinds of three dimensional shapes.
3. To know the definition of Drainage.
4. To explain the use of shapes in construction of Drainage.
5. To explain the system of Drainage.

1.4 Writing Benefit
The benefit of this paper are :
a. For teacher
As an additional reference for the teacher about the implementation of shapes for
civil engineering purpose.
b. For students
To give the information and knowledge for the students about the shape og
Drainage and how the use of shapes in the process of Drainage.


2.1 The Definition and Kinds of Two Dementional Shapes

2.1.1 Square
Square is a regular quadrilateral, which means that it has four equal sides and
four equal angles (90-degree angles, or right angles). It can also be defined as
a rectangle in which two adjacent sides have equal length.

2.1.2 Rectangle
Rectangle is a quadrilateral with four right angles. It can also be defined as an
equiangular quadrilateral, since equiangular means that all of its angles are equal
(360/4 = 90).

2.1.3 Rhombus
Rhombus (plural rhombi or rhombuses) is a quadrilateral whose four sides all
have the same length. Another name is equilateral quadrilateral, since equilateral
means that all of its sides are equal in length.

2.1.4 Paralellogram
Parallelogram is a quadrilateral with two pairs of parallel sides. The opposite
or facing sides of a parallelogram are of equal length and the opposite angles of a
parallelogram are of equal measure.

2.1.5 Trapezium
A convex quadrilateral with at least one pair of parallel sides is referred to as
a trapezoid . The parallel sides are called the bases of the trapezoid and the other two
sides are called the legs or the lateral sides.

2.1.6 Triangle
A triangle is a polygon with three edges and three vertices. It is one of the
basic shapes in geometry. A triangle with three vertices and three points.

2.1.7 Circle
A circle is a simple closed shape in Euclidean geometry. It is the set of
all points in a plane that are at a given distance from a given point, the centre;
equivalently it is the curve traced out by a point that moves so that its distance from a
given point is constant.

2.1.8 Ellipse
An ellipse is a curve in a plane surrounding two focal points such that the sum
of the distances to the two focal points is constant for every point on the curve.

2.2 The Definition and Kinds of Three Dimentional Shapes

2.2.1 Cube

A cube is a three dimensional solid object bounded by

six square faces, facets or sides, with three meeting at each vertex.The cube is the
only regular hexahedron and is one of the five Platonic solids. It has 12 edges, 6 faces
and 8 vertices.

2.2.2 Cuboid
A cuboid is a convex polyhedron bounded by six quadrilateral faces. While
mathematical literature refers to any such polyhedron as a cuboid, other sources use
"cuboid" to refer to a shape of this type in which each of the faces is a rectangle, this
more restrictive type of cuboid is also known as a rectangular cuboid.

2.2.3 Pyramid
A pyramid is a polyhedron formed by connecting a polygonal base and a point,
called the apex. Each base edge and apex form a triangle, called a lateral face. It is
a conic solid with polygonal base.

2.2.4 Sphere
A sphere is a perfectly round geometrical object in three dimensional
space that is the surface of a completely round ball.

2.2.5 Cylinder
A cylinder is the surface formed by the points at a fixed distance from a
given straight line called the axis of the cylinder. It is one of the most
basic curvilinear geometric shapes.

2.2.6 Cone
A cone is a three-dimensional geometric shape that tapers smoothly from a flat
base (frequently, though not necessarily, circular) to a point called the apex or vertex.

2.3 Definition Of Drainage

Drainage or steaming is the removal of the mass of water in natural or artificial surface or
subsurface of a place. This can be done with the disposal drain, drain, discard, or divert water
. Irrigation and drainage is an important part in structuring the water supply system in
agriculture and layout.

Drainage channels is often referred to as drainage because it is technically almost all

related to the manufacture of drainage channels. Surface drainage channel is usually a trench,
while the so-called underground culverts under the ground.
In the sphere of civil engineering, drainage water is limited as a series of buildings that
serve to reduce and / or remove excess water from an area or land, so the land can be used
optimally in accordance with the interests. In layout, the drainage was essential to regulate the
supply of water for flood prevention. Drainage is also part of the effort to control the quality
of groundwater in relation to salinity.

2.4 Drainage Use

Drainage has several uses such as :
1. Howering the water table at an ideal level.
2. Controlling soil erosion, damage to roads and buildings.
3. Controlling excessive rain water so it does not disaster flood.
4. Drain the water surface to the body of water (surface water and
below ground level) or buildings catchment.

2.5 Drainage System

1. Type Drainage
a. According to the Establishment History

1) Natural Drainage
Drainage occurs naturally and there are no support structures such as buildings spillway,
masonry / concrete, culverts and others. These channels are formed by moving water
scours due to gravity, which gradually form a permanent waterways such as rivers.
2) Arficial Drainage
Drainage made with the intent and purpose so require buildings - special buildings such
as gutter masonry / concrete, culverts, pipes and so on.
b. According to the Building Layout
1) Surface Drainage
Drainage channels that are above the soil surface that serves drain water runoff. Flow
analysis is an analysis of open channel flow.
2) Subsurface Drainage
Drainage channels aimed drain water runoff through the media under the soil surface
(pipes), due to certain reasons. Demands that reason, among others, artistic, demand
function of the soil surface that does not allow any channel on the surface of the
ground like a football field, airfields, parks and others.
c. According to Function
1) Single Purpose, which is the channel that serves the one type of waste water, such as
rain water or other types of wastewater such as domestic sewage, industrial waste
water and others.
2) Multi Purpose, the channel that serves the several types of waste water either mixed or
d. According to Construction
1) Open channels. That is more suitable channel for rainwater drainage, located in
regions that have a considerable extent, or for non-rain water drainage which is not
harmful to health / environment disturbing.
2) Closed channel, that channel is generally often used for gross flow (water that
interfere with health / environment) or for the channel located in the city / settlement.

Figure 1. Artificial Drainage

2. Patterns Drainage Network
a. Elbow
Created in areas that have a slightly higher topography of the river. The end of the
discharge channel of the river as being the end located in the city center.
b. Parallel
The main channel is parallel to the branch channel. With a branch line (secondary) are
quite numerous and short, in case of urban development, the channels will be able to
c. Grid Iron
For areas where the river is located in the suburbs, so that the channels of branches are
collected at the collection channel.
d. Natural
Just like the elbow pattern, only the load of the river on a larger natural patterns.
e. Radial
In the hilly area, so that the channel pattern scattered in all directions.

2.6The Shape of Drainage

1) Open channel primary and secondary Length primary and secondary channel can not be
standardized, because depending on the shape and size of the drainage area of the river
DPS oval-shaped leaves will cause the primary channel becomes longer
DPS round shaped leaves causes the primary channel becomes shorter.
The size of the primary and secondary channel cross section can not be standardized,
because it depends on: The area of drift there is 6.
Sectional shape of the primary and secondary channels :
1. Trapezoidal
A trapezoidal shape is a cross-sectional shape of the channel that is formed naturally in
which the slope of the embankments follow the slope of the original soil type.
a. Trapezoidal channel with percutaneous talud of masonry times.
b. Trapezoidal channel with embankments reinforcement of concrete and concrete beams.
Serves to accommodate and channel rainwater runoff with large discharge. Continuous flow
properties with little fluktuas. The channel shape can be used in areas that are still enough
available land.

2. This type of rectangular channels
Channel cross-sectional shape of the square is a form created by retrofitting requirements
talud. In terms of the four types of channels:
a. Retrofitting of masonry broken
b. Strengthening embankments with hollow concrete
c. Strengthening embankments with reinforced concrete pile site
d. Retrofitting with piles

Serves to accommodate and channel rainwater runoff with large discharge. The nature of the
flow is continuous with minor fluctuations. Serves to channel rain water sewage to discharge
small. This channel is commonly used form channels for the bulk of the population and on the
side of the dense residential street.

3. The tertiary open channels

Tertiary channels are channels that receive flows of homes around the channel and drain
the water flow to the secondary channel. Besides it is also the left and right channels are
usually standardized channel of a certain size depending on the area drainage channel / path.
a. Tertiary channel cross-section is the smallest cross section of the channel compared to
other channels and serves the flow of rainwater from roads and homes.
b. Tertiary canals are generally made of brick, crushed stone and concrete slab.
c. Channel cross-sectional shape is rectangular with a semicircular floor or trapezoid.

2) Closed channel closed channel is part of the channel drainage systems in certain places
such as regional markets, trade and so that the soil surface is not allowed to be made open
channels. Closed channels can be divided into two kinds:
1. Open channel closed
The advantage is the upper part of the closed channel can be used for various
The disadvantage is the maintenance of closed channels is much more difficult, let alone
awareness in Indonesia is still low in terms of supporting existing sampah.Fasilitas
disposal is in line equipped with control holes or man-hole and There are also trash mouth
filter channels.

2.7Construction Of Drainage
Construction should take into account the average volume of water collected from the
area. In making the drain is closed, the work began by marking the area. This should be done
on the slope around the house. After marking, a trench two feet wide and a foot deep is
excavated. When the trench is completed, concrete is poured on the ground and put fall
toward the exit. A short wall one foot high which was set up on two sides of the trench. When
the walls of emigration is established, rough plaster done on the side to make them smooth. In
the case of trench steep gradients, a short wall of eight inches was set at wide moat. This is
done at intervals of six meters to reduce water velocity. It covers were then placed on top of
the wall. If the grille used on the sewer cover, a piece of metal angle line is fixed to remain in
place. When using sheets, the remaining two-inch gap between them.


(Length Channels and Beams Confessor) (The cross-Channel Details)

(Cross-section Beam and Beam Bracing Score)

Tip: To calculate the total concrete volume, should be done with Complete and Thorough.
The calculation begins with a thorough cross-section area as well. Because the longer the
channel to be calculated, the greater the difference in volume due to the possibility of
inaccuracy in the cross-section area calculation.

1. Calculate the cross-section area in advance, (data from Figure 2).

a. Duct Floor broad cross-section = ((0.84 + 0.80): 2) x 0.12 <----- (unit changed in
Meters) = 0.0984 m2
b. Broad cross-section of Wall Channel (2-sided) = (0.15 x 0.79) x 2 = 0.237 m2.
2. Add the cross-section area Duct Floor and Wall Channels = 0.0984 + 0.237 = 0.3354 m2
3. Volume Concrete Floor and Wall Channels = 0.3354 x Length Channels
= 0.3354 m2 x 500 m = 167.7 m3.
4. Now we can calculate the volume of Concrete Beams Confessor (Score), which in Figure
1 is known is made at each distance 250cm (2.5 meter), (Detail Beams see Figure 3).
a. Volume 1 piece Beam = 0.15 x 0.15 x ((0.8 + 0.75): 2) = 0.0174375 m3
b. Number of beams = (500m: 2.5 m) + 1 = 201 pieces
c. Volume 201 m3 Beams = 0.0174375 x 201 = 3,50 m3
5. Volume Concrete Total = 167.7 m3 + 3.50 m3 = 171.2 m3

3.1 Conclusion

Of the existing research, it can be concluded that the drainage is indispensable

in life because it has many uses. Especially in urban areas, drainage is indispensable because
in urban areas prone to flooding in the season rain. Besides rainwater, drainage can also be as
irrigation or irrigation.

3.2 Advice

As a student in Civil Engineering we should pay more attention to all aspects relating to
development. But not only the development should be considered, maintenance is equally
Revamping the drainage system needs to be done because it proved the drainage system
has contributed the most to the deterioration of the road. Improvement of drainage system can
be done by looking at the level of cleanliness of the drainage channels so as not to disturb the
flow of water or with taking into account the dimensions of the drainage channel.
Of this paper, the authors hope that readers pay attention to environmental awareness
around and keeping our country in the future of our country could be better.


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