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Examination of Gamification in an Immersive 3D World: Understanding Performance as it Relates to

Motivation and Engagement


[Authors Name]
[Faculty Name]
[Department or School Name]
[Month Year]

Table of Contents

CHAPTER 3: METHADOLOGY................................................................................................1
Outline of the Chapter..................................................................................................................1
Theoretical Framework................................................................................................................1
Pure Research...........................................................................................................................2
Applied Research.....................................................................................................................2
Value Judgments.......................................................................................................................2
Level of Knowledge about Problem.........................................................................................3
Personal Interest.......................................................................................................................3
Research methods........................................................................................................................3
Research Philosophy....................................................................................................................4
Research Approach......................................................................................................................6
Research Strategy.........................................................................................................................6
Research Design...........................................................................................................................7
Sampling Techniques...................................................................................................................9
Non Probability Sampling Method...........................................................................................9
Probability Sampling Method.................................................................................................11
Data Collection Method.............................................................................................................12
Literature Search........................................................................................................................14
Inclusion and Exclusion Criteria................................................................................................16
Data Analysis.............................................................................................................................16
Ethics, Validity and Reliability..................................................................................................17


Outline of the Chapter

This chapter of the dissertation will explain the methodology that was adopted by the

researcher on order to gather data, information and required material. It will also describe in

detail about the technique through which the researcher analyzed the information collected.

Moreover, the chapter will discuss the approach on the basis of which the findings of the study

were generated. This research had incorporated secondary qualitative approach in order to collect

the desired data. Keeping view the approach followed in previous researches, the research was

initiated with an extensive analysis of the previous literatures related to the topic under

discussion. Furthermore it is worth noting that results and conclusions tend to draw its roots from

the analysis based upon the understanding developed through a systematic and scientific way.

The primary focus of this dissertation was to examine the significance of gamification. This

chapter will present a brief description of the research methodology that was adopted to

accomplish the defined aim and objectives. Along with the description of research methodology,

the chapter will provide a description of the research design. Moreover it will also highlight

research approach, data collection method, research instrument and data analysis technique that

were adopted by the researcher in order to generate the findings of this research.

Theoretical Framework

Before moving towards the research methodology and other sections of the study it is

necessary to develop an understanding of the theoretical framework. Various researchers have

defined theoretical framework as the groups of theories and concepts that researcher utilizes to

compute and develop an argument. From the scientific point of view interests governing the

investigation may be classified into three types:

Pure Research

This type of research approach tends to explore the events that have occurred in

throughout the course of study (Cohen, 2013). It encompasses the period from the formulation of

research questions to hypothesis testing.


This form of research tends to squeeze the a data set accumulated in censuses, such

patient records, significant statistics and various other related tools in order to establish a

relationship between data.

Applied Research

This form of research is performed by the researcher to generate answers for the research

questions (Bryman, 2012). There are other aspects also which assist the researcher in

constructing the theoretical framework for the study. Those factors are deciphered below.

Value Judgments

Personal judgments always seep around the research. However if the researcher is not

able to eradicate it he must control it (Saunders, 2011). One strategy is to explicitly control

personal judgments is to identify their origin and determine their impact on the results. If the aim

of the study is apparent to the researcher, he might undertake all possible measure to avoid

biasness and deviations.

Level of Knowledge about Problem

It is essential for the researcher to acquire all relevant knowledge regarding the topic

under discussion. Any ambiguity about the research problem and objectives of the study can lead

to misleading results. Interdisciplinary researches widen up the capacities of the research as it

allows him to approach problems from different perspectives and more comprehensively.

Personal Interest

The interest of the researcher in the topic under study is vital for the success of any study.

However if the researcher does not show much interest in understanding the problem,

constructing the answers to the research questions, developing the background of the study,

gathering data and generating findings than the effectiveness of the researcher can be

questionable (Bernard, 2011). On the other hand, if the researcher is highly enthusiastic about the

research topic, the research tends to generate quality results.


Research Methods

In order to develop a comprehensive understanding of the entire research process, the

researcher utilized the structure of the research onion proposed by Saunders et al (2003) to

explain the flow of the research (Bernard, 2011). The research onion also accelerates the process

of recognizing the most appropriate research approach and strategy. It guides the researcher to

determine suitable theoretical orientations hence identifying the preeminent strategy to be

adopted in the research exercise.

Research Philosophy

Research philosophy refers to the belief system that guides the researchers towards the

finalization of the decision on the research agenda will be approached. It includes how the

researcher perceives and portrays the concepts of reality and truth. The purpose of explaining the

philosophical and theoretical orientations is to justify the adoption of specific techniques and

approaches to direct the research. Easterby-Smith et al. (2002) pointed out that it is crucial to

study the research philosophy due to three main reasons (Zikmund et al., 2012. The research

philosophy assists the researcher in the course of developing an understanding about different

research designs. In the light of most appropriate philosophy, the researcher will get to know

about the research design that fits into his research criteria.

Therefore, the researcher can select the most appropriate design for his research. In

addition the by the mean of research philosophy the researcher can construct his own research

design according to his study objectives. Furthermore, the researcher philosophy creates

awareness among the researches regarding the constraints of different research designs. There are

three types of research philosophies that are fundamentally followed by majority of the

researchers. These are positivism, interpretivisim and realism (Thomas et al., 2011). The realism

philosophy mainly supports the adoption of approach that is less radical and consequently seeks

to bring education reform as an ongoing conflict.

In other words, social environment and existing realities can be radically investigated by

the means of realism philosophy. In the event of interpretivism philosophy, the realities generally

utilized are subjective in nature. Onwuegbuzie and Leech (2008) pointed out that acceptance of

interpretivism logic is to develop understanding information by means of a solitary right course.

Utilizing social developments i.e. dialect, awareness and different methods the scientist has

gotten access to reality. In addition, real life experiences can be depicted with the help of

interpretivsm philosophy through applicable techniques of surveys, interviews and focused group

discussions (Cooper & Schindler, 2006). In other words, data and information is procured by the

specialist utilizing interpretivism philosophy by means of the conduct and thoughts of the

selected members.

On the other hand positivism philosophy is based upon experiments and observation. The

static and stable reality is generally acknowledged by the means of positivism philosophy

(Creswell, 2005). In other words, the human behavior is noted as passive in positivism

philosophy. In the light of above explanations of each type of philosophy and consistent with the

nature of study the researcher decided to adopt positivism philosophy for this particular study.

Research Approach

Research approach is termed as another significant constituent essential for executing a

research in a systematic way. There are mainly two types of approaches that are widely adopted

by the researcher. These are inductive approach and deductive approach. Both types of research

approaches differentiate from each other in many perspectives (Davies, 2007). Inductive

approach enables the researcher to accomplish the defined aim and objectives by using existing

literatures and theories. On the other hand, this researcher enables the researcher to achieve the

set goals by the means of hypothesis testing. In inductive approach the research follows a narrow

down approach moving from general information to specific information.

This type of research approach is also known as bottom up approach because of its

nature. In contrast, deductive approach is known as top down approach and in this type of

approach, the researcher widen ups the narrow and limited concepts and information (Echambadi

et al., 2006). According to Burney (2008) inductive approach is more flexible in contrast to

deductive approach as it encourages free research which is not possible in deductive approach.

Since this study aimed to examine the significance of gamification in various aspects, the

researcher adopted deductive approach to deduce the findings and results of the approach. By

utilizing deductive approach the researcher analyzed different theories related to the topic under

study and drew necessary conclusion.

Research Strategy

According to Creswell (2009), there are various strategies that are put into practice by the

researcher in order to gather required information. Some of strategies widely exercised by the

researcher include survey, statics observation, meta-analysis, laboratory experiment, field


experiment, interviews, case study analysis, examination of past theories and action research

strategy etc. In general, the research strategy is selected according to the research methodology

(Leedy & Ormrod, 2012). Based on the nature of the study and selected research methodology,

the researched exercised case study analysis and examination of past theories in order to generate

findings of the study.

Research Design

Research design is the most crucial component of the research methodology which guides

the researcher in directing a research in the most systematic manner. In order to execute a study,

the plan to conduct a research work is imperative since the research plan specifies the path need

to be followed for successful execution of the study. In realm of academic region, there are two

main research designs that are mainly adopted by the researcher. These are quantitative research

approach and qualitative research approach. The data obtained through research is in the form of

numeric and is quantifiable (Tesch, 2013). This type of data is generally analyzed through

statistical tools or software. On the other hand qualitative research approach tends to present

explanatory data. This type of research is usually performed in circumstances when the data

cannot be quantified. Qualitative researches are narrative records of the phenomena being

studied by techniques such as participant observation and unstructured interviews.

The chief difference between the two types of approaches lay in their application and

production of data. Quantitative approach tends to evaluate the strength of a correlation or

association between variables. However qualitative research tends to identify and develop an

understanding about the nature of reality (O'Donoghue & Punch, 2013). Qualitative research can

be executed through interviews, focused group discussion and analysis of past literatures. Often

studies incorporate both quantitative and qualitative approach to simplify the complexity of the

study. Secondary qualitative research acquires immense significance in academic region since it

helps the researcher to gain in-depth knowledge of the topic thereby enhancing the knowledge of

the researcher. Moreover, it allows the researcher to extract large amount of data from existing

literatures. Qualitative research approach concentrates upon exploring the phenomenon by

understanding the perspective of other people (Flick, 2014). It facilitates the researcher in

gaining in-depth knowledge of the topic under discussion through the acquisition of the

responses of the people. The reason for selecting qualitative approach for this particular was that

the researcher wanted to study the views of different researchers and make own logical


The strategies and procedures of qualitative examination empowered the specialist in

creating an acceptable understanding of the viewpoints of individuals, their conduct and their

lives. The exploration study utilized qualitative examination system to analyze the significance

of gamification. In addition, the secondary qualitative approach empowered the researcher to set

the foundation for exploring the research topic. Moreover it also presented strategies to enhance

the research methods in prospect years. The purpose of this research was to carry out an

examination of gamification in an immersive 3D world. The most essential purpose behind

picking qualitative research in this study was the fact that it empowered information

accumulation process and assembling process. The wide range of information sources and

journals which consist of a plethora of information were studied by the researcher to gain in-

depth understanding of the research topic. It allowed the researcher to explore the views of

different scholars and researchers. Additionally, the expense included in secondary exploration is

equitably lower than that involved in primary examination. Moreover, fewer efforts are required

to complete the study and can be completed in a shorter compass of time. The objectives of this

study and research questions were set in harmony with the journals and articles which have been

reviewed during the secondary research. The research objectives of the study were achieved by

studying secondary sources. Past literatures have been utilized to investigate the distinctive

perspectives and features of gamification so that the specialist can contemplate the topic from a

more extensive viewpoint.

Sampling Techniques

The accuracy of the research depends upon the selection of correct sampling technique.

At the time selecting the sampling technique, the researcher needs to have an insight of the

measures that need to be investigated, measurement techniques that will be utilized plus of the

anticipated outcomes and their role in academic region. It is very essential that sampling method

must give such a sample which is true representative of the population. Until and unless the

researcher uses a true sample, he wont be able to reach to the reality. There are two main kinds

of sampling techniques which include probability sampling and non probability sampling. Both

these types have their sub categories. The following section discusses the two types in detail.

Non Probability Sampling Method

This segment describes different types of techniques for non probability sampling. Unlike

probability sampling, there is no need of using statics in non probability sampling. The non

probability sampling method is employed when the researcher wishes to explain an already

recognized method. As the researcher is already aware of facts what he has to find out, he

chooses such sample only which is beneficial and helpful for his conclusion. The type of

sampling is also done before the real or actual research is carried out. For the purpose of pre test

and experiments the non probability sampling is also utilized. According to famous researcher

(Kogut, 1988), the non probability sampling is also utilized when it is not appropriate to utilized

statistics order to choose the sample (Boehnke et al., 2011). This type of sampling is also

employed when sufficient amount of reliable resources are not available for the researcher

because the non probability sampling do not require either numerous amount of resources or

variety of resources. The probability sampling produces great results utilizing minimal resources.

Various types of non probability sampling are defined in the following segment.
Convenience sampling is the most common and ordinary kind of non probability

sampling. The convenience sampling is utilized on the grounds that it is reliable and suitable for

researcher in order to conduct his research efficiently. This is essentially used when the

researcher does not have variety of reliable resources and it is not possible to achieve the

preferred sample (Hair, 2010). The fundamental explanation behind picking the sample is that it

is simpler to select. The most helpful simplest and the easiest method is convenience sampling.
Consecutive sampling is also one of the most important categories of sampling

methodology. It is broadly applicable and utilized. The convenience and consecutive sampling

are basically like one another. According to (Mcwilliams, 2000), in consecutive sampling, the

researcher utilizes all the accessible samples which better speak to the people . The fundamental

purpose behind utilizing this methodology is that it provides the sample which is nearest to the

Quota sampling is also an essential type of non probability sampling. One of the famous

researchers (Hallowell, 1996) described the quota sampling as the one in which the researcher

verifies that he incorporates a required amount of quota of various types of the population. The

principle explanation behind utilizing this sampling technique is that it keeps the sample the best

illustrative of the population and hence making the outcomes valid.


Judgmental sampling is a broadly utilized non-probability sampling procedure. This

method is generally known as purposive sampling. There are numerous purposes to utilize this

sampling methodology (Newing, 2011). The analyst incorporates the sample part accepting that

this part represents population better than any other part. This sampling methodology is

marginally troublesome on the grounds that to choose a sample, the analyst or researcher must

aware of the population completely. According to a famous researcher (Harris, 1993), if the

researcher is not fully aware of the population types, than it would be difficult or the researcher

to choose the sample efficiently.

Probability Sampling Method

Probability sampling is the sampling method in which all elements or units of the

population have exactly equal probabilities of being chosen in the sample. Probability sampling

is one of the very commonly used sampling methods all over the world. This method is utilized

when the researcher has adequate resources to conduct a research. There are numerous kinds of

Probability sampling method. The following segment will briefly explain four major kinds of

Probability sampling methodology (Palinkas, 2013). The four most frequently employed

sampling methodology of Probability sampling consist of stratified sampling, simple random

sampling, cluster sampling and systematic sampling. The four mentioned kinds are utilized in

various scenarios and different situations. The following will describe that how these mentioned

kinds of Probability sampling methodologies vary from one another and how they are utilized in

different situations.
Simple random sample method is utilized in this research. The sampling methodology in

the sample is chosen at random and all population element has the same possibility of being

chosen in the sample is known as simple random sampling. This type of sampling method is also

known as equal probability sampling technique. The simple random sampling is performed in six

basic steps. The simple random sampling has its own advantages and disadvantages also. The

following segment will throw light on the advantages and disadvantages of simple random

sampling. The biggest advantage of the simple random sampling is that it provides supporting

information (Babbie, 2013). The sampling is performed separately.

This technique is comparatively easier. The simple random sample can be selected

utilizing statistical measures. The simple random sampling data can be analyzed using the

statistical procedures. The drawbacks of the simple random sampling include the requirement for

sampling frame. In absence of sampling frame, the researcher wont be able to select a good

sample. The chances of error 1 and error 2 are higher in simple random sampling. The researcher

may consider the false reality as true or true reality as false (Newing, 2011). There may be higher

dispersion in the sample which may be costly for the researcher.

Data Collection Method

The data for this research was gathered in an organized manner starting from the

identification of the authentic resources from which the information needs to be collected.

Identification of authentic and correct resources is considered as the most crucial part of the data

collection stage since inaccurate identification can result in erroneous results. In order to ensure

the validity and reliability the researcher utilized online authentic journals, books and reliable

information accessories present online. Once the identification process was completed and the

researcher got access to authentic data bases, the secondary data collection was carried out by the

means of e-libraries and online data bases. The data collection phase was although lengthy but it

allowed the researcher to gather immense of data. After the acquisition of all required

information, the data collected was arranged in an organized.


The researcher exercised inclusion and exclusion criteria for extracting relevant and

desired data from the plethora of information. Lastly, the final data was analyzed using thematic

analysis. The data collection stage was the foundation for conducting the research. Since the data

collection method employed in this research was exploratory qualitative in nature the existing

literatures and scholarly writings were used to assess the significance of gamification in various

aspects. The advantage of executing a secondary research is that it is easily accessible and

relatively cheaper as compared to primary research (Rhodes et al., 2013). In contrast, the

drawback of secondary research is that it is often not specific to the topic under study. Moreover,

chances of biasness are higher in secondary research method which diminishes its validity. In

this research study, the data was collected from existing literatures. For collecting the abundant

relevant data, various books, journals, websites were searched and data was extracted out from

those sources.

Sources used Data collection

E-Books Online books available on gamification and motivation

Journals and The online available journals and articles on the significance of

Articles gamification in enhancing the motivation and performance of

Sources of Secondary Data

The secondary research was carried out through a non-systematic literature review. All

relevant information and theories were extracted and summarized. The researcher ensured that all

research questions were answered and all the objectives were accomplished effectively. The

qualitative strategy did not put any limitations on gathering immense amount of information. The

information accumulation strategy concentrated on significant information which was carried out

by the researchers seeking aptitudes and searching skills (Teddlie & Yu, 2007). The analyst

concentrated on investigating the examination subject from various perspectives which in

incorporated the qualities of gamification and its significance in the context of motivation and


Literature Search

The measurements of choice for literature resented relevancy to research topic and year

of publishing. Both online libraries as well as institutes library were visited by the researcher.

The databases used in the data collection process were EBSCO, Sage, Phoenix, ProQuest, Jstor,

and Emerald where the following key words were used: gamification, motivation, videogames

and human resources. The sources were secondary in nature and were in the form of text books

and Journal articles. Moreover in order to widen up the range of information, the researcher also

accessed various research papers with the intention to explore benefits of gamification to human

resources and its impact on human behavior. Moreover he utilized the existing literatures to

identify the elements and tools of gamification and to explore various theories discussing the

relationship between gamification and motivation. The secondary resources presented an

immense amount of knowledge to the researcher. However, there were some limitations

confronted by the researcher in the course of secondary data collection.

First all authenticity and reliability limited the access of the researcher to a larger number

of data resources. This limitation was catered by the research when including information from

secondary resources in order to ensure the authenticity of outcomes as well as to enhance the

reliability of the information incorporated in the study (Brasdefer, 2010). Secondly secondary

research method does not include original data collection but it involves evaluating and

establishing previous research or existing sources of data. However, a limitation of this method is

that it does not lead to the breakthrough of researcher knowledge because the data used already

existed. Thirdly, while collecting data from secondary resources it was essential for the

researcher to ensure that only latest publications were utilized. According to Saunders et al

(2009), in some of the situations it is complicated for the researcher to make right decisions

concerning the assortment of the information to be incorporated in the study. Given that, nearly

all the information from secondary resources is composed from internet resource which is not

inevitably genuine for that reason; the researcher did not embraced information from unreliable

resources such as blogs.


Inclusion and Exclusion Criteria

The sources for the collection of secondary data were selected based on the extent to

which they harmonized with the objectives of the research. All those sources directly discussing

the concepts of gamification and its features were selected, whereas, the researches that

considered the topic as secondary were excluded.

Data Analysis

Analysis of the secondary information is another crucial aspect of the researcher. Once all

the required data and information has been acquired from the secondary resources, it is

extremely essential for the researcher to proficiently examine the information gathered from the

resources (Cooper & Schindler, 2006). For this particular research the researcher incorporated

thematic analysis for analyzing the data gathered and generating the findings of the study. In

thematic analysis the information collected was classified according to the set themes. The

objective of the researcher to integrate qualitative data analysis technique is to enhance the

understanding of the topic under examination as well as to extract the emerging themes from the

secondary information regarding the topic of the research in order to draw conclusion from the

information incorporated in the study. Furthermore, thematic analysis plays a constructive role in

enhancing the understanding of the issue as well as to draw concluding facts about the issue

under investigation.

Ethics, Validity and Reliability

The data held in secondary research is gathered by other individuals according to their

specific needs and objectives of the organization or analyst. These goals determine the nature of

the study, consequently obliges a careful selection of what is valuable. The timing information

was gathered, and the needs to be considered. The researcher guaranteed that the author whose

work was in this study was decently referred. The researcher additionally checked if the original

authors have verified their findings with the comparable studies addressing the similar topic.

Everything aspect of the project that acquired information was critically analyzed to verify that

the exploration had high validity and reliability for instance, the conceptual model, hypothesis

and variables placed, measures and variables utilized, the sample frame, and specimen obtained.

The researcher ensured that various theories utilized by the researcher do not generally coincide

with those utilized by the authors. Despite the fact that the terminology is similar, the content of

the speech is different, thus affecting the results.



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