BHS PLC Minutes SP2 - French 9-5&6-17

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BHS PLC Minutes

Date: Tuesday Sept. 5 and Wed. Sept. 6, 2017 (Lunch & 7th period)
Time: 2:45 3:15 (7th period) and 2 lunches with SP1
Location: 10-228
PLC Members: Chandra Willix, Kathy Maus, Rebekah Diser, Daniel Bracho, Renee
Members present: All + 2 Sp1 Members absent: None

Facilitator: Kathy Maus


Horizontal alignment of Spanish 1 and 2 specifically.


1. Everyone participates and comes to the meeting prepared.

2. If there are problems, discuss in the group first before going to others.
3. Stay on task, no outside distractions (no phones, grading).


We discussed how our classes are going.

New goals for current school year.

Reflected on the advantages and disadvantages of teaching past and present together
and we decided that it was successful.

Discussed placements of students and ways to ensure that students receive the
appropriate placement to ensure future success.

SP2 decided to review present tense, body parts, and commands.


In the discussion of placement, Rebekah has requested and welcomes any Spanish
native speaker as a alternate to taking Spanish classes that are not challenging for
Spanish speakers.

Is planning to read novels in all levels of French.

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