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Introduction to Signals

Ji Mekyska

Department of Telecommunications
Faculty of Electrical Engineering and Communication
Brno University of Technology
room: SE5.119

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Course Overview

Course Organization
12 weeks of lectures + numerical exercises
absence is allowed, but not recommended:-)

12 pt: full attendance
28 pt: small exam (closed book) in the 13th week
60 pt: final exam (open book) in January
at least 50 pt required to pass the course

lecture notes
slides for numerical exercises print them before each lecture
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Course Overview


Richard Baraniuk, Signals and Systems

Melissa Selik, Michael Haag, Richard Baraniuk, Signals and Systems
Alan V. Oppenheim, Alan S. Willsky, S. Hamid, Signals and Systems
(2nd Edition)
or books such as Introduction to Signals and Systems, Signals and
Systems Fundamentals, etc.

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Course Overview

Course Outline

Fundamentals of Signals
Fundamentals of Systems
Fourier Series
Continuous-time Fourier Transform
Discrete-time Fourier Transform
Sampling Theorem
The z-Transform

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Examples of Signals


s(t )


0 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5 3 3.5
t [s]

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What is a Signal?

a signal is a quantitative description of a physical phenomenon, event

or process
it carries information
a signal is a function, usually of one variable in time
in general, signals can be functions of more than one variable, e. g.,
image signals

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Where Can We Meet Signals?

human body
smart phones, smart watches, smart glasses, smart cars, . . .
multimedia, its analysis and compression
speech and speaker recognition, face recognition
medicine (x-ray, ECG, EEG, CT, fMRI)
chemistry (spectroscopy)
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Signal Classification
Continuous-time signal
x (t), where t is a real-valued variable denoting time, i.e., t R
we use parenthesis () to denote a continuous-time signal
x (t )

0 1 2 3 4
Discrete-time signal
x [n], where n is an integer-valued variable denoting the discrete
samples of time, i.e., n Z
we use square brackets [] to denote a discrete-time signal
under the definition of a discrete-time signal, x [1.5] is not defined, for
example 0.5
x [n]

0 20 40 60 80
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Sampling Quantizing Encoding

s(t) analog signal s(t) impulse signal

0 T 2T 3T 4T t 0 T 2T 3T 4T t

digital signal

s[n] discrete signal s[n] 111

impulses 011
0 T 2T 3T 4T t 0 T 2T 3T 4T t
0 1 2 3 4 n 0 1 2 3 4 n

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Exercise Block 1

Pavel Rajmic
translation and further edit: Ji Mekyska

Department of Telecommunications
Faculty of Electrical Engineering and Communication
Brno University of Technology

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Signals Signal classification

Signal classification
Basic classification: signals
with discrete time f (x ), y (t) functions

I continuous

I impulse
with discrete time f [n], h[m] series

1 2 3 4

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Signals Category of sets

Set Classification

e.g. {0, 2, 4, 6} or a set of all apples in a basket

I countable, e.g. N, Z, Q
I uncountable, e.g. R

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Signals Signals definition

Different ways of signal definition

Exercise 1.1. Draw signal defined as follows x (t) = 0,6t for t 0.

Exercise 1.2. For |n| 4 draw signal x [n] = n/4.

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Signals Signals definition

Different ways of signal definition

0 for t (, 0]

t for t (0, 1]

Exercise 1.3. Draw signal f (t) =
1 for t (1, 2]

0 otherwise t.

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Signals Signals definition

Different ways of signal definition

Exercise 1.4. Draw signal defined as x [1] = 1, x [0] = 5, x [1] = 3,
x [2] = 2.

Exercise 1.5. (HW) Draw signal x [n] = 2 for all n Z.

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Signals Basic operations of signals

Operator notation

we will use symbol O for operator

notation (Oparameters f )(x ) means that signal f was changed by
operator O (according to operators parameters), and as a result we
get new signal as a function of variable x
shortened Oparameters f (x ), or Oparameters h[x ] in discrete case
concatenation of operators: e.g. operators A, B:
(Bpar2 Apar1 f )(x )
i.e. firstly we process f by A and then by B

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Signals Basic operations of signals

Time shift

cont. time: Ta f (t) = f (t a), a R

discr. time: Tm h[n] = h[n m], m Z

Exercise 1.6. We have given discrete signal s[n] = {3, 1, 2}. Next, we

have its derived signal r [n] = T4 s[n] = s[n 4]. Draw signals s[n] and r [n].

4 3 2 1 1 2 3 4 5 6

4 3 2 1 1 2 3 4 5 6

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Signals Basic operations of signals

Dilatation / time scale

cont. time: Db f (t) = f (bt), b R

discr. time: Db h[n] = h[bn], b Z

Exercise 1.7. Draw signal with continuous time z(t) = D1/2 x (t) = x ( 2t ),

t + 1 for t (1, 0]
where x (t) = 12 t + 1 for t (0, 2]

0 for other t.

1 1

3 2 1 1 2 3 4 5 6 3 2 1 1 2 3 4 5 6

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Signals Basic operations of signals

Dilatation / time scale

Exercise 1.8. Draw signal h[n], if signal h[n] is graphically defined as:
3 2 1 1 2 3


3 2 1 1 2 3

Exercise 1.9. (HW) Draw signal D 3 h[n], where h[n] = n.


Exercise 1.10. (HW) Draw g[n] = h[2 n], where h[n] is from Ex. 1.8.
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Signals Basic operations of signals

Combination of operations
x (bt a) = (Db Ta x )(t) = (Ta/b Db x )(t) (derive as HW) (1.1)

Exercise 1.11. Draw signal y (t) = x (3t 6), where x (t) was defined in
Ex. 1.7.
x (t)

2 1 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 t

2 1 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9

2 1 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
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Signals Basic operations of signals

Amplification / attenuation

cont. time: x (t) 7 c x (t), c R

discr. time: x [n] 7 c x [n], c R

Exercise 1.12. (HW) We have x (t) = sin t. Draw signal y (t) = 2x (t).

What will happen if c = 1?

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Signals Basic operations of signals

Exercise 1.13. (HW) Rewrite using operator notation (and proof):
f (4t + 5) =
f [4 n] =
cos(2t ) =
5 sin[2n 4 ] =

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Signals Basic operations of signals

Sum, product of two signals

Exercise 1.14. (HW) Draw signal s(t) = sin t + sin 2t.

Exercise 1.15. (HW) Draw signal z[n] = n + 4 for 3 n 5.

In the case of product, we work analogically. E.g. see picture from Matlab
in eLearning.
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Signals Basic operations of signals

Influencing the parameter of one signal using value of another one,
e.g. simple amplitude modulation

s(t) = [Sc + S f (t)] cos(c t).

| {z }
time-varying amplitude


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Signals Basic operations of signals

We denote (discrete linear) convolution of signals x [n] and h[n] as

y [n] = x [n] h[n] (whole signals)

and define as

y [m] = x [n] h[m n], m Z. (particular samples)

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Signals Basic operations of signals

Exercise 1.16. Calculate convolution z[n] = s[n] p[n], where:
s[0] = 3, s[1] = 1, s[2] = 2; p[1] = 1, p[2] = 1.
Result: z[1] = 3, z[2] = 2, z[3] = 1, z[4] = 2.

You can try to calculate z[n] = p[n] s[n]. Do you observe any change in result? How is this

property called?

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Signals Basic operations of signals

Convolution useful statements

Statement 1.17. Consider length of x [n] as M and similarly length
of h[n] as N. Then the length of their convolution y [m] is M + N 1.

Statement 1.18. Note the first non-zero sample of signal x [n] as MS and
the last one MF , similarly in the case of h[n] using NS and NF . Then, their
convolution y [m] has non-zero values in range

MS + NS m MF + NF .

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Signals Basic operations of signals

Exercise 1.19. (HW) Calculate convolution of signals x [n] and h[n],
defined as: x [0] = 1, x [1] = 1, x [2] = 0, x [3] = 1; h[3] = 2, h[4] = 5.
Exercise 1.20. (HW) Calculate convolution of signals x [n] and h[n],
defined as: x [50] = 1, x [51] = 8; h[0] = 2, h[1] = 2.

To better understand convolution, check a java applet at

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Signals Basic operations of signals

Convolution applications

Frequency filtration of signal

Audio equalizer
Modelling linear transmission channel
Product of polynoms

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System properties examples

Causality system output is in time dependent only on inputs in past.

Non-causal system: averaging: y [n] = 13 x [n + 1] + 31 x [n] + 31 x [n 1].

Time invariance system parameters are not changing in time.

Time variant system: adaptive speech filtering in car.
Time invariant system: amplifier.

Linearity we can apply principle of superposition

S{ x + y } = S{x } + S{y }
(S system, x , y signals)
Linear system: acoustic effect reverb.
Non-linear system: acoustic effect booster.

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Exercise Block 2

Pavel Rajmic
translation and further edit: Ji Mekyska

Department of Telecommunications
Faculty of Electrical Engineering and Communication
Brno University of Technology

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Complex numbers

Complex numbers
imaginary unit j = 1; j2 = 1; j = j
complex number in the Cartesian form: x = + j
real part Re(x ) = , imaginary Im(x ) =
complex conjugate: x = j

Exercise 3.1. We have complex number x = 2 4j. Draw x and x in

complex plane.

(Mark axis and units properly.)

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Complex numbers

Complex numbers
modulus of complex number: |x | = 2 + 2

phase/argument of complex number: arg(x ) = arctan for 6= 0

Simplification: since the results is within the range
2 , 2 , we dont consider sign of

and . However, we need the result to be in (, ]. Ex:

0 for x > 0

phase of real number: arg x = for x < 0

undefined for x = 0.
Exercise 3.2. Calculate and draw modulus and phase of numbers from
exercise 3.1.
What are the relations between modulus and phase of complex conjugate numbers?
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Complex numbers

Complex numbers

Source (02/2015):

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Complex numbers

Complex numbers
Euler formula: ejy = cos y + j sin y for y R
exponential function in C: ex +jy = ex (cos y + j sin y ) for x , y R
Exercise 3.3. Draw in complex plane numbers d1 = ej 4 and d2 = e 2 +j 4 .
What are the modules of these numbers?

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Complex numbers

Complex numbers
Statement 3.4. ejy = 1 for arbitrary y R.

Where are all numbers of ejy form in the complex plane?

Where are numbers of ez+jy form (for z R)?

What is the role of minus?:

ejy =

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Complex numbers

Complex numbers

Functions cox y and sin y are defined as:

ejy + ejy
cos y = (3.1)
ejy ejy
sin y = (3.2)

Polar form of complex number:

x = r ej = |x | ej arg(x ) (3.3)

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Complex numbers

Complex numbers
Exercise 3.5. Find formula of complex number transformation into the
polar form.

Exercise 3.6. Express number x = 1 + 3j in polar form.

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Harmonic oscillation

Harmonic oscillation definition

Cosine oscillation with continuous time in so called amplitude-phase form:

s(t) = A cos(t + ), tR (4.1)

A. . .

. . .
I T = ...

I f = 2 . . .

. . .

Using operator notation, then

s(t) = A(D T cos)(t). (4.2)

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Harmonic oscillation

Harm. oscillation: s(t) = A cos(t + ) = A(D T cos)(t)

Exercise 4.1. Draw signal 4 cos(2t + 3 ).

cos t cos(t + 3 )

t t

cos(2t + 3 ) 1
4 cos(2t + 3 )

t t

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Harmonic oscillation

Harmonic oscillation
Exercise 4.2. (HW) Draw signal h(t) = 2 cos(t + 4 ).

Exercise 4.3. Calculate (without use of calculator) values of signal

s(t) = 3 cos(20t + 4 ) in t = 0 and t = 0.1 and t = 0.25.

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Harmonic oscillation

Transformation of amplitude-phase form into complex one

s(t) = A cos(t + )
(3.1) A
h i
= ej(t+) + ej(t+)
A j jt A j jt
= e e + e e (4.3)
|2{z } |2 {z }
c c
jt jt
=ce + c e (4.4)

we call c and c . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
|c| =
|c | =
arg c =
arg c =
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Harmonic oscillation

Harmonic oscillation phasor diagram

we set > 0:



Java applet for phasors:

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Harmonic oscillation

Transformation of ampl.-phase form into goniometric one

s(t) = A cos(t + )
|cos( + ) = cos cos sin sin |
= A cos t cos A sin t sin
= A cos cos t + (A sin ) sin t
| {z } | {z }
a b
= a cos t + b sin t. (4.5)

Thus arbitrary harmonic oscillation with non-zero phase can be expressed

as combination of sin and cos with the same angular velocity, but without
phase! See applet on

Exercise 4.4. Express signal x (t) = 2 cos(t + 4 ) in goniometric form.

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Harmonic oscillation

Harmonic oscillation summary

Statement 4.5. We can define

A cos(t + ) (4.6)
= c ejt + c ejt (4.7)
= a cos t + b sin t (4.8)


a = A cos c = 21 (a jb)

b = A sin A = 2 |c| = a2 + b 2
A j b
c= 2e = arctan a .

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Harmonic oscillation

Exercise Block 3

Pavel Rajmic
translation and further edit: Ji Mekyska

Department of Telecommunications
Faculty of Electrical Engineering and Communication
Brno University of Technology

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Periodic signals

Periodic signals
One possible signal classification:
I we can find T > 0, so that x (t + T ) = x (t) for all t R
I we can find N N, so that x [n + N] = x [n] for all n Z

The smallest possible T , or N, is called . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

Is the constant signal periodic?

Exercise 5.1. (HW) What is the fundamental period of signal

f (t) = ejt ?

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Periodic signals

Periodic signals their important functionals

1 RT
average value: Ia = T f (t) dt
s 0
1 RT
effective value: Ief = T f 2 (t) dt

Exercise 5.2. We have signal f with period T = 2 defined as f (t) = 3t

for t [0, 2) (so called sawtooth signal). Draw it. Calculate its average
and effective value.

3 2 1 1 2 3 4

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Fourier series

Integration recommendation
Integration of selected functions:
cos kt dt = sink
R t
e dt = et
1 dt = t
t n+1 ejkt
R n R cos kt
R jkt
t dt = n+1 sin kt dt = k e dt = jk
Linearity: R R
f (t)dt = f (t)dt
[f (t) + g(t)]dt = f (t)dt + g(t)dt
Division of integration interval:
Z b Z p Z b
f (t)dt = f (t)dt + f (t)dt, where a p b
a a p

Shift of integration range for T -periodic signal f (t):

Z T /2 Z T Z b
f (t)dt = f (t)dt = f (t)dt, where b a = T
T /2 0 a

Per partes for definite integral:

Z b Z b Z b Z b
u 0 v = [uv ]ba uv 0 or uv 0 = [uv ]ba u0v
a a a a
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Fourier series

Joseph Fourier and his infinite series

Fourier: All periodic signals can be expressed as a sum of suitable
harmonic signals with properly selected amplitude and phase.

Spectral analysis:
periodic signal f (t), t R coeff. of Four. series {ck }, k Z

Spectral synthesis:
periodic signal f(t), t R coeff. of Four. series {ck }, k Z

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Fourier series

Periodic signals expressed by Fourier series

Summary: Three equivalent forms of Fourier series of T -period. real signal f (t):

a0 X
f (t) = + Ak cos(kt + k ) (6.1)


ck e jkt = c0 + ck e jkt + ck e jkt

f (t) = (6.2)
k= k=1


a0 X
f (t) = + [ak cos(kt) + bk sin(kt)] , (6.3)
p Ak
where: ck = 12 (ak jbk ), Ak = 2 |ck | = ak2 + bk2 , ck = 2
ejk , k = arctan ak

Fourier coefficients of series (6.2), (6.3) are calculated according to

ck = 1
T 0
f (t)e jkt dt, ak = 2
T 0
f (t) cos kt dt, bk = 2
T 0
f (t) sin kt dt.

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Fourier series

Fourier series selected properties

b0 = 0 always
c0 R, ak , bk R
f (t) is even bk = 0 for k N ck R for k Z
f (t) is odd ak = 0 for k N {0} ck purely imaginary, k Z

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Fourier series

Exercise 6.1. Calculate Fourier series in goniometric form of T -periodic

signal (sawtooth, see picture):

f (t) = t for t [0, T ). (6.4)

f (t) = t for > 0

T t

T T X 1 2kt
Resulting FS: f (t) = sin .
2 k=1 k T

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Fourier series

1 1 1
K=0 K=1 K=2


0.5 0.5 0.5

0 0 0

0 2 0 2 0 2

1 1 1
K=3 K=10 K=20

0.5 0.5 0.5

0 0 0

0 2 0 2 0 2

Figure: Sum of first K harmonic components of sawtooth signal for = 21 , T = 2.

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Fourier series

Magnitude spectrum of per. signal {|ck |}kZ says how intensive are particular
harmonic components, while phase spectrum {arg ck }kZ describe their phases.
It holds that ck = |ck | ej argck .

Exercise 6.2. Based on results of exercise 6.1 calculate the magnitude

spectrum of sawtooth signal, where = 21 , T = 4, and draw it for
|k| 4.

5 4 3 2 1 1 2 3 4

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Fourier series

Exercise 6.3. Calculate Fourier series in goniometric form of half-wave

rectified signal cos(t):

2 + 2k, 2 + 2k ,

for t
cos t S
f (t) = (6.5)
0 for other t
f (t)

- 2
3 5
2 2

Solution: signal is even, so bk = 0. It can be proofed that a0 = , a1 = 12 , for
(1) 2 1 2
k > 1 odd are ak = 0 and for k even it holds that ak = 2
k 1 . Resulting FS is
1 1 2 2 2
f (t) = + cos t + cos 2t cos 4t + cos 6t . . .
2 3 15 35

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Fourier series

1.2 1 1.2





0.2 0.5 0.4

1 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 1 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 1 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
1.2 1.2 0.6

1 1 0.5

K=4 K=6
0.8 0.8 0.4

0.6 0.6 0.3

0.4 0.4 0.2

0.2 0.2 0.1

0 0 0

0.2 0.2 0.1

1 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 1 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8

Figure: Sum of first K harmonic components of rectified cosine function. The

values of ak can be found in the last figure.

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Fourier series

Exercise 6.4. (HW) Calculate coefficients of Fourier series in complex

form of T -periodic signal y (t) = x (t) = D1 x (t), if you know the
coefficients of Fourier series of signal x (t).

ck (y ) = 1
T 0 y (t)ejkt dt =

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Fourier series

Fourier series effect of phase

Is the phase in Fourier series important? What is on the picture?
FS of rectangular fun., partial sum of 15 components, period T=3, width =1, height D=1

10 8 6 4 2 0 2 4 6

10 8 6 4 2 0 2 4 6

10 8 6 4 2 0 2 4 6

10 8 6 4 2 0 2 4 6

See 1D and 2D applets on,
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Correlation function and its relation to FS Cross-correlation function

Cross-correlation function definition and properties

The cross-correlation function of two real T -periodic signals f1 and f2 is
defined as: Z T
Rf1 ,f2 ( ) = f1 (t)f2 (t + ) dt. (7.1)
T 0

Rf1 ,f2 ( ) is T -periodic.

Using Rf1 ,f2 ( ) we measure similarity of two signals

Using cross-correlation in radar see

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Correlation function and its relation to FS Cross-correlation function

Exercise 7.1. Calculate cross-correlation
function of 2-periodic signals
1 for t [0, )
x (t) and y (t), where x (t) = , y (t) = sin t.
1 for t [, 2)

Result: Rx ,y ( ) = 2 cos
(using sin( + ) = sin cos + cos sin ).

Exercise 7.2. (HW) Calculate cross-correlation function of signals

s1 (t) = 2 cos(2t) and s2 (t) = sin(2t).
Result: Rx ,y ( ) = sin(2 )
(using sin( + ) = sin cos + cos sin , sin cos = sin 2
, cos2 = 1+cos 2

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Correlation function and its relation to FS Cross-correlation function

Exercise Block 4

Pavel Rajmic
translation and further edit: Ji Mekyska

Department of Telecommunications
Faculty of Electrical Engineering and Communication
Brno University of Technology

P. Rajmic, J. Mekyska (DT, FEEC, BUT) CASS Signals and Systems Analysis Exercise Block 4 62 / 98
Autocorrelation function

Autocorrelation function definition

We already know cross-correlation function for two T -periodic signals f1
and f2 : Z T
Rf1 ,f2 ( ) = f1 (t)f2 (t + ) dt. (7.1)
T 0

Autocorrelation function of signal f can be derived from cross-correlation

function (7.1) when f1 = f2 (denoted as f ):
Rf ( ) = f (t)f (t + ) dt. (8.1)
T 0

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Autocorrelation function

Autocorrelation function properties

For signal f , that can be decomposed into FS in complex form {ck },

it holds that

Rf ( ) = |ck | e . = (8.2)

Substituting = 0 into (8.1), resp. (8.2) we get so called Parsevals

|ck |2 .
Rf (0) = f (t)2 dt = (8.3)
T 0 k=

Consequences of Parsevals identity: what is the relation between

autocorrelation and effective value of signal?

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Autocorrelation function


Rf ( ) is T -periodic.
Rf ( ) is even function.
Rf (0) |Rf ( )| for all normalized autocorr. function

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Autocorrelation function

Exercise 8.1. Calculate effective value of signal
s(t) = 2 cos(t) + cos(2t + 3 ).

Solution: The signal contains . . . . . . harmonic components in amplitude-phase form.

Therefore . . . . . . coefficients ck q
(complex form) will be non-zero.

Are we going to select formula 1
s 2 (t) dt or k=
|ck |2 ?

s(t) = A1 cos(t + 1 ) + A2 cos(2t + 2 )


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Autocorrelation function

Exercise 8.2. (HW) Calculate and draw magnitude and phase spectrum
of signal s(t) from Exercise 8.1.

|ck |

3 2 1 1 2 3 k
arg ck

3 2 1 1 2 3 k

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Function sinc

Function sinc
sin(t) for t 6= 0
sinc(t) = (9.1)
1 for t = 0.
sinc(t) is even
Ra jt Ra
e dt = cos(t) dt = 2a sinc(a)
a a
sinc(t) dt =

P. Rajmic, J. Mekyska (DT, FEEC, BUT) CASS Signals and Systems Analysis Exercise Block 4 68 / 98
Function sinc

Function sinc
Exercise 9.1. Draw functions sinc(t) and sinc(t). Mark important
values on both axis.

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Back to Fourier series

Spectrum of rectangle signal

Convention: We are going to denote even rectangle pulse with period T ,
width < T and height 1, as rectT , (t). 1
rectT , (t)

T t
T2 2

Exercise 10.1. Calculate Fourier series in complex form of periodic

rectangle pulse f (t) = D rectT , (t).
D k

Solution: ck = . . . see lecture notes . . . = T
sinc T

Exercise 10.2. Draw magnitude spectrum of signal f (t) = 5 rect3,2 (t).

Solution: T = ,D = , =

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Back to Fourier series

Some (other) properties of FS

If f (t) ck (f ), g(t) ck (g), then:

Linearity [ f (t) + g(t)] [ ck (f ) + ck (g)]

Time shift T f (t) = f (t ) ck (f ) ejk
Dilatation D f (t) = f ( t) ck (f ), >0

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Back to Fourier series

Example of FS properties usage

Exercise 10.3. Find the fundamental period of signal s(t) defined by
picture. Calculate its Fourier series in complex form.


6 5 4 3 2 1 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 t

P 4 
FS: s(t) = 3
sinc( ) + 29 sinc( ) ejk5 ejkt , where = 2
P. Rajmic, J. Mekyska (DT, FEEC, BUT) CASS Signals and Systems Analysis Exercise Block 4 72 / 98
Fourier transform

Motivation for introduction of FT

Monitor behaviour of periodic rectangular signal and its Fourier series
coefficients for T :
D k
ck = sinc (11.1)

in time domain:
in frequency domain:

. . . therefore, in the case of aperiodic signals, we need to introduce

something qualitatively different.

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Fourier transform Definition and properties


Forward FT of aperiodic signal s(t) is function of continuous

frequency : Z
S() = s(t)ejt dt. (11.2)

Notation: S() = s(t)
d = s(t)
d .

Inverse FT of function G() is function of t:

g(t) = G()e+jt d. (11.3)

[ .
Notation: g(t) = G()

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Fourier transform Definition and properties

Properties of FT
Note RS () = Re{S()} and XS () = Im{S()}, therefore
S() = RS () + j XS (). Then for real signals it holds that:
RS () = s(t) cos t dt (11.4)

XS () = s(t) sin t dt (11.5)


RS () = RS () (11.6)
XS () = XS () (11.7)

S() = [S()] (11.8)

3 s(t) even XS () = 0 for R

4 s(t) odd RS () = 0 for R
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Fourier transform Exercises

Exercise 11.1. Calculate FT of signal

cos t for t [/2, /2]
f (t) =
0 for other t.

2 cos
Solution: F () = 1 2
for 6= 1, F (1) = 2

f (t), F ()


-9 -7 -5 -3 - 2
3 5 7 9

(two pictures in one, vertical axis are equal, horizontal different: time and frequency resp.)

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Fourier transform Exercises

Properties of FT continuation
For definition of the other properties we will use notation s(t)
d = S(). It

holds that:
s(t ) = S() ej or T\ d j
s(t) = s(t) e

[ = 1 1
s(bt) |b| S( b ) or D\
b s(t) = |b|
D 1 S()

s(bt ) = 1
|b| S( b ) ej or Db\
T s(t) = 1
D 1 S()

for , a R, a 6= 0.

Exercise 11.2. Calculate FT of signal g(t) = f ( 4t ), where f is the signal

from Exercise 11.1.

Exercise 11.3. (HW) Calculate FT of signal h(t) = f ( 4t + 1).

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Fourier transform Exercises

Related to Ex. 11.2 and 11.3 (dilatation and translation)

8 t 8

f , 4F (4)  t
Re f \

4 4 +1

Im f \

4 +1 t

f 4 +1
1 t, 1 t,
2 3 2 2 4 3
4 4

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Fourier transform Exercises

Frequency vs. time

The pictures indicate duality of time and frequency, i.e. basic property,
where time and frequency counteract. If something is happening in time
faster, then in frequency domain it acts slower.

Example: vinyl desk what happens when DJ increase/decrease angular

velocity of turntable?

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Fourier transform Exercises

Exercise Block 5

Pavel Rajmic
translation and further edit: Ji Mekyska

Department of Telecommunications
Faculty of Electrical Engineering and Communication
Brno University of Technology

P. Rajmic, J. Mekyska (DT, FEEC, BUT) CASS Signals and Systems Analysis Exercise Block 5 80 / 98
Fourier transform Fourier transform reminders

Reminders of FT

Forward FT of aperiodic signal s(t) is function of continuous

frequency : Z
S() = s(t)
d = s(t)ejt dt. (*11.2)

Inverse FT of function G() is function of time t:

[ = 1
g(t) = G() G()e+jt d. (*11.3)

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Sampling of signal with continuous time

Sampling of signal with continuous time

Spectrum of signal s that is sampled, i.e. signal ss [n] = s(nTs ):

1 X
Ss () = S( ks ) (13.1)
Ts k=


s s


s s

What is the principle of Nyquists sampling theorem?

What does it prevent from?
P. Rajmic, J. Mekyska (DT, FEEC, BUT) CASS Signals and Systems Analysis Exercise Block 5 82 / 98
Sampling of signal with continuous time

Sampling of signal with continuous time


0.8 sine 13 kHz

sine 9.05 kHz







0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16
sampling frequency 22,05 kHz

One of consequences: If the signal contains both frequencies (13 and 9,05 kHz) before sampling,

then, during the reconstruction, we will get only 9,05 kHz with incorrect amplitude and phase.
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Sampling of signal with continuous time

Sampling of signal with continuous time

What is the antialiasing filter? What type of filter is it?

Example of aliasing in audiosignal. See applet on page

Why DVD supports audio with sampling frequency up to 96 kHz?

Reconstruction of signal with continuous time from its samples:

s(t) = s(nTvz ) sinc (t nTvz ) (13.2)

See applet on page

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Analysis of discrete systems

Discrete LTI system analysis

Exercise 14.1. Write differential equation of discrete system defined by
signal-flow graph. 0,4
x [n] y [n]

0,1 z 1 0,5

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Analysis of discrete systems

Exercise 14.2. Calculate first five samples of systems impulse response

(from Ex. 14.1). (First sample is related to time index 0.)

Exercise 14.3. (HW) Calculate first five samples of the systems output
(Ex. 14.1) for input signal x [2] = 5, x [3] = 0, x [4] = 2.

Additional questions:
What will be the output if we send to the input sine signal with specific frequency? (you can use Matlab)
Can you experimentally determine if the system from Ex. 14.1 is high-pass filter? How would you do it?

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Analysis of discrete systems Z transformation

Exercise 14.4. Find the transfer function of system from Exercise 14.1
and calculate its zeros and poles.

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Analysis of discrete systems FIR filtering of random process

Filtering random Gaussian process

On the pictures you can see time series and spectra of Gaussian noise.
Original on the left and filtered by FIR filter (structure without feedback)
on the right. How many branches will the signal-flow graph have?
Time series Magnitude Response (dB)
Time series
4 3


0 0

4 10
0 100 200 300 400 500 600 700 800 900 1000
Magnitude (dB)

0 100 200 300 400 500 600 700 800 900 1000
n n

Magnitude spectrum 15 Magnitude spectrum

80 100

60 20

25 40


0 0
0 100 200 300 400 500 600 700 800 900 1000 0 5 10 15 20 0 100 200 300 400 500 600 700 800 900 1000
f Frequency (kHz) f

See the filtering applet with many possibilities on

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Discrete Fourier transform

Definition of DFT for signal s[n] with length N:
s[n]ejk N n ,
S[k] = RN [k] kZ (15.1)
Exercise 15.1. (HW) Calculate DFT of signal s[n], where
s[0] = s[1] = 1, s[2] = s[3] = 0.
Solution: S[0] = 2, S[1] = 1 j, S[2] = 0, S[3] = 1 + j
n o
Pozn.: How do the series of numbers ejk N n look like? They are
complex discrete harmonic signals; e.g. for N = 8:
k = 0 : ej0 8
{1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1}
j1 2 3 5 3 7
k=1: e 8
{1, ej 4 , ej 2 , ej 4 , ej , ej 4 , ej 2 , ej 4 }
2 7 3 5 3
k = 7 : ej7 8
{1, ej 4 , ej 2 , ej 4 , ej , ej 4 , ej 2 , ej 4 } .
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Some useful properties

Some useful properties

odd fun odd fun = even fun

even fun even fun = even fun
even fun odd fun = odd fun
Ra Ra
for even fun f : f (t) dt = 2 f (t) dt
a 0
for odd fun f : f (t) dt = 0
sin(t + 2 ) = cos(t)
sin(t + 2 ) = cos(t)
sin(t 2 ) = cos(t)

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Some useful properties

Exercise Block 6

Pavel Rajmic
translation and further edit: Ji Mekyska

Department of Telecommunications
Faculty of Electrical Engineering and Communication
Brno University of Technology

P. Rajmic, J. Mekyska (DT, FEEC, BUT) CASS Signals and Systems Analysis Exercise Block 6 91 / 98
DFT reminders

DFT reminders
s[n]ejk N n ,
S[k] = RN [k] k Z. (*15.1)

It is possible to calculate DFT using fast algorithm FFT (Fast Fourier


Comparison of computational burdens of DFT and FFT:

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Circular convolution

Modulo operation
z = modx y
z is remainder after integer division of number y by x
L Z : Lx + z = y

Exercise 18.1. Calculate:

mod5 3 =
mod5 4 =
mod5 5 =
mod5 6 =
mod5 7 =

P. Rajmic, J. Mekyska (DT, FEEC, BUT) CASS Signals and Systems Analysis Exercise Block 6 93 / 98
Circular convolution

Modulo operation
Exercise 18.2. Draw signal r [n] = x [mod4 n] for |n| 4, where x [n] is
n 0 1 2 3
defined by table: .
x [n] 1 5 1 2
x [n]

4 3 2 1 1 1 2 3 4 n

r [n]

4 3 2 1 1 1 2 3 4 n

P. Rajmic, J. Mekyska (DT, FEEC, BUT) CASS Signals and Systems Analysis Exercise Block 6 94 / 98
Circular convolution

Circular convolution
(Discrete) circular convolution of signals x [n] and h[n], both equally
defined in time samples 0, . . . , N 1, is denoted as

z[n] = x [n] ~ h[n] (whole signals) (18.1)

and defined as
z[m] = RN [m] x [n] h[modN (m n)], m Z. (particular samples)

If we skip RN [m] in (18.2), then z[m] would be periodic with period . . . . .

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Circular convolution

Circular convolution how to imagine it

z[m] = RN [m] x [n] h[modN (m n)], m Z.

Imagine that h is made periodical and we calculate convolution with x ;

from the result we select only one period.
Example for N = 8:
x[0] x[1] x[2] x[3] x[4] x[5] x[6] x[7]

h[2] h[1] h[0] h[7] h[6] h[5] h[4] h[3] h[2] h[1] h[0] h[7] h[6] h[5] h[4]
m = 0:
h[3] h[2] h[1] h[0] h[7] h[6] h[5] h[4] h[3] h[2] h[1] h[0] h[7] h[6] h[5]
m = 1:
h[1] h[0] h[7] h[6] h[5] h[4] h[3] h[2] h[1] h[0] h[7] h[6] h[5] h[4] h[3]
m = 7:
See applet

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Circular convolution

Circular convolution
Exercise 18.3. (HW) Calculate circular convolution of discrete signals
x [n] and h[n], defined as:
x [0] = 2, x [1] = 1, x [2] = 0, x [3] = 2;
h[0] = 1, h[1] = 2, h[2] = 3, h[3] = 4.
Use can use table as in the case of linear convolution, but you must make h periodical.

Solution: {10 11 16 13}.

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Circular convolution

Fast convolution
So called fast convolution is in fact calculation of circular convolution
(18.2) using FFT. Calculation: ifft(fft(x).*fft(h)).

However, usually we need to calculate linear convolution using this fast

method. Is it possible? How?
See the program from Matlab in Elearning.

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