Mutant Superhero Project Rubric

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Mutant Superhero Project Rubric

Option 1: Animation (possible 100 points)

Scene 1:
a. Write the superheros name (5 pts)
b. Include an image/picture/graphic to enhance your frame (4 pts)

Scenes 2 and 3:
a. Identify the cause of the mutation. Is it due to natural events (by
birth/inherited), artificial events (chemical or physical mutagens in
environment), errors in the genetic process such as during DNA replication,
or stressful environments(10 pts)
b. EXPLAIN in detail how the mutation happened. Give the full
story/background. (20 pts)
c. Include an image/picture/graphic to enhance each frame (4 pts)

Scene 4:
a. Describe the superpower(s) and how they use their powers (10 pts)
b. Include an image/picture/graphic to enhance your frame (4 pts)

Scene 5:
a. Describe how the mutation is beneficial to the superhero (15 pts)
b. Include an image/picture/graphic to enhance your frame (4 pts)

Scene 6:
a. Describe how the mutation is detrimental to the superhero (15 pts)
b. Include an image/picture/graphic to enhance your frame (4 pts)

Post to Padlet: (5 pts)

Option 2: Short Story (possible 100 points)

a. Write the superheros name (5 pts)

b. Identify the cause of the mutation. Is it due to natural events (by

birth/inherited), artificial events (chemical or physical mutagens in
environment), errors in the genetic process such as during DNA replication,
or stressful environments (15 pts)

c. EXPLAIN in detail how the mutation happened. Give the full

story/background.(20 pts)

d. Describe the superpower(s) and how they use their powers (10 pts)

e. Describe how the mutation is beneficial to the superhero (10 pts)

f. Describe how the mutation is detrimental to the superhero (10 pts)

g. Metting Google Document requirements (10 pts)

h. Voki audio recording with avatar (15 pts)

Post to Padlet: (5 pts)

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