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Jyotisha Siromani
There are several books on horary astrology and there are
classic works on this subject by great sages. Despite volumes
of work, there was a need for a straight forward method to answer
a question through horary astrology, in line with modern
socioeconomic evolution. This was done by a great scholar
Prof. K.S. Krishnamurti. His logic of Division of Static Zodiac
houses by a Dynamic Dasha Bhukti stellar sequence is a novel
attempt. The Zodiac with stellar division was available ready on
hand. Historical approach based on division of signs though in
vogue, had difference of opinion in the methodology and use of
such divisional charts. Confusion confounded as a result of
different approaches introduced by recent authors of traditional
astrology. At this point of time, Prof. Krishnamurti introduced the
further division to stellar Division of Zodiac in the same order that
existed, to arrive at 249 divisions.

The purpose of this division:

The Division of Houses in Zodiac as prescribed by a system
called "Sripathi" was modified and western cusp system was
adopted. In this method a cusp that rises at any point of sign
not necessarily end in that sign. Similarly, two houses may
occupy a single sign. This unequal distribution of house in zodiac
leads drifting of sign lords. The Sign lord may or may not have
control on full house. At times he even may not have a house
to rule. Therefore a reference point was needed to a cusp that
commences and ends in the same sign to attribute the
responsibility of a house. A sub lord commences and ends in the
same sign. Thus the point of rising of this cusp lord attributed
with utmost power to decide the matter of the cusp for which he
is a sub lord. Since this sub lord is a divisional lord of a star
in that zodiac, the star lord is attributed the power to indicate the
nature of the cusp for which he is a Star lord.

Cusp Linking originated in K.P.

Activation of sub lord or a star lord of a cusp is done by
a planet which is in the stars of above Sub lord or Star lord. In
the event of no planet situated in their stars, the Sub and Star
lord themselves entitled to decide the cusp results. Prof.
Krishnamurti advocates this convincing logic in his reader Ill in
page 148 while discussing an example chart on "Overseas".
This cusp linking originated in the KP itself. This is a vital
point, which if applied in total will enhance the predictive
perfection. Magnifying this beyond its simple application and
claiming research credits is fashion for selfish projection.

Planets signification is subject to modification by its Sub

Lord indications.
In most of the examples discussed in the works of Prof.
KSK, he points out importance of the sub lord's indication for a
Significator. It was evident as he proclaimed repeatedly, that if
the sub lord of a planet is not favourable the results will not
fructify. The indication of sub lord is of utmost importance in
deciding the matter of a significator. Indication means the
positional and lordship dignities of either the sub or the star where
the sub lord is posited.
Sub negates a significator means, the negative results of
the sub is effective. If that sub is positive, the positive results
will be effective. It ultimately means that the sub lord is most
important in giving positive or negative results. Therefore it is

a powerful significator to modify the results. There is no
question on inventing this theory or claim any credit to this. But
any methodology of application of the available provision is worth

This book advocates fundamentals and does not deviate

the original concept of the inventor.

This work does not introduce any new concept or claim any
research points. It is a humble modified presentation of a perfect
system existing already. It is an effort to make it a useful guide
and tool to derive the benefit of Harary Astrology in KP.

The desk board introduced here will help easy identification

of required Significators covering all the rules.

We hope the KP. fraternity will welcome this effort and use
this work for their further research.

Thanking you


Shree Lakshminarasimha parabramhane namaha


We are asked to write introduction to this book titled "KP.-

DYNAMICS" written by Sri Satyanarayana Naik. He is one of our
close family friends. It is really a matter of pride to write
introduction to his book. But to comment on any work we must
be fair and frank and should have sufficient knowledge about the
subject matter. Sri Naik had given us his material for proof
reading and correction. Having basic working knowledge in
astrology and with the explanations given by Sri Naik during the
proof reading sessions we could grasp the central idea of his
book. We find that this book is neither a beginners' guide nor an
experts' hand book in K.P.-Astrology but an essential tool to all
students of astrology. It is based on core fundamentals on which
the K.P. astrology is developed, and is essential to astrological
fraternity who practice the Krishnamurti Paddathi.

His logical explanations are convincing in attributing the

importance to Sub lord and Star Lord both at Cusp and Planet
level. He has dealt with clarity about the role of retrograde
planets. He had precisely talked about the horary in K.P. In order
to maintain continuity of the subject, he has not split the book
in chapters but discussed the several subjects under different
headings. True to the proverb "a picture is worth a million words",
he has freely used visual media to express his views with great
clarity and avoided running texts. He has avoided most of the
general topics which are available in most of the books on K.P.
astrology. But he has not ignored the tables which are essential
to be a part of the K.P. book. As usual he has made his unique

Desk Board for K.P. This will enable the K.P. followers to arrive
at Significations just by filling up the blanks in the Board.

Apart from K.P, Shri naik introduces the Naadi astrology also in
this book. He restricts this to the signification of planets and
recommends for cross verification and confirmation of the results
arrived through K.P.

We are sure the readers will not only get benefited by the content
of his book but also enjoy the subject matter while reading.

We wish him all success throughout his life and expect more such
works to come from his desk.

Smt. lndirani and Sri N.S.Charya, B.Sc Agri,

Jyothisha Visharada, Dip. in Yoga edn.
Tel.No. 040-27600102

Astrology in India is not just a subject to study but a religious
accomplishment which has influence on every one of us
irrespective of caste, creed and religion. There are volumes of
classical texts written by sages each producing unique methods
of analysing horoscopes for delineation. But the texts were
written in Sanskrit language and over a period of time several
such works were lost for many historical reasons. However with
the available monumental works, many scholars of later dates
have contributed their knowledge to this subject and made praise
worthy efforts to bridge the gap. But the subject of astrology was
originally in the hands of traditional priests and was being handed
over to the next generation religiously. Subsequently several
scholars had made efforts not only to preserve this treasure but
to bring out this subject to the benefit of society. With their efforts
today we have volumes of works in treasure. But still there exist
certain missing links to establish a sequential analysis method.
However the modern authors have shouldered this responsibility
and brought out their different methods of analysis. The new
avenue was opened up by introducing this subject to the English
speaking community across the world. The classic texts were
translated into English. The doors were opened forthe intellectual
from different walks of life to take up research work on Astrology.

During that period, Prof. K.S.Krishnamurtifrom Madras introduced

a new system for predictive astrology. This has created a history
in the field of astrology and his system was known as "K.P." which
was simple in application and accurate in getting results. He has
made his principle known across the world through his magazine
"Astrology and Athrista". He has authored several books on his
new method. Gradually many traditional followers shifted to this
system. The most attractive element in K.P. was its simple
application process and the universal applicability of rules.

During his lectures Prof. KSK made astonishing predictions by

simple method of horary astrology which he had introduced. He
preferred horary astrology which was based on his 249 divisions
of Zodiac. He advocated the new comers to further research on
the subject. The marvel of his theory was, 1) Introduction of 249
subs in horary astrology, 2) Grouping of houses for a particular
matter, 3) Method of arriving significator and confirmation of

Subsequently his theory has become world famous and today

it is considered as one of the best system of prediction. It is so
famous that just hit any website naming 'K.P. astrology" you get
1OO's of sites across the world catering information and services
on this subject. There are many groups that have started
discussion on this subject. Research on this subject is still going
on with the present generation for fine tuning K.P. principles.

But to conduct any research work, the fundamentals must be

very strong. It is not the principle on which the research to be
conducted. The research must be on the source on which the
principle is built upon. One such effort is made by Sri
Satyanarayana Naik, a research oriented non commercial
astrologer, who has studied the traditional astrology, Naadi
Astrology and K.P. He has to his credit two books on Naadi
CELESTIAL MATRIX. He has also written a book on K.P. in
Telugu. One of His Naadi book is translated into Telugu language.
He is a visiting faculty to Potti Sreeramulu University to teach

astrology. He also regularly teaches Naadi astrology in the
classes conducted by "Jyotirvaastu Vignana Samstha".

His books are well received by the readers. He does not believe
in writing volumes of texts. He presents only those rules and
principles which stand for repeated applications and supports his
presentation with reasoning. He is also involved in research work
on traditional dictums. In this present work, he is highlighting the
logic behind certain rules introduced by Prof. KSK. He has dealt
with the subject at its core fundamentals and has proved that KP.
rules are complete in its original form and find place in the books
written by Prof. KSK. He does not claim any invention or research
credit to his writing.

He has presented this book in a horoscope analysis method.

Identify the components analyse them and advocate remedies
ultimately. Therefore we do not find any chapter wise divisions
in this book. The subject begins with Static and Dynamic
divisions of Zodiac and ends with Remedial measures at the end.
He explains each component under different heads like:

a) House division and Authentication for stellar division.

Under this head he addresses the logic of Static and Dynamic
divisions of Sage "Parasara".
b) Concept of House system
In this he deals with the Cusps' credentials.
c) Birth of 249 subs
He endorses the purpose for which these divisions were
made by Prof: KSK.
d) Static Cusp Dignities:
He differentiates the cusp dignities as Static and Dynamic and
gives logical explanations of their linking factor.

With the visual aid he clearly illustrates the connecting factors
of Cusps and Planetary dignities.
e) Under Astronomical phenomenal factor he elaborate the
inbuilt theory of "Aspects", "Dispositer'', "Retrograde" and
f) Further he talks of horary system in KP. and the importance
of Sub lord.
g) He introduces and links the Naadi system and the signification
of planet on which the prediction is based.
h) He deals with a practical horary chart and demonstrates the
involvement of Lagna and Moon relations to the matter
representing the question.
i) He then introduces the remedial measures.
j) The entire work has several visuals which makes readers to
understand the concept at a glance.
k) He provides many details in the form of tables which are
interlinked to the subject under different headings.
I) It is his style to introduce a Desk Board for the readers to
use it as a tool by which they can get the Astrological results,
just by filling up the blanks.

I have given a few hints about this bookanC: its presentation style.

It is a book consisting of rich material with convincing logic.

Therefore this book, not only serves as an informative tool but

also a practical guide to KP. astrological fraternity:

I wish him all success in his future endeavors.

- B.Amaranatha Sastry
FCA.,ACS., MA(Astrology)

1. House Division 1
2. Dynamic Division 2
3. Concept of House system 4
4. Birth of 249 subs 6
5. Static Cusp Dignities 20
6. Dynamic Dignities 21
7. The Dictum of Stellar Astrology 25
8. Rahu & Ketu 33
9. Fine Tuning of Significators 34
10. The Role of Retrograde Planet 35
11. Why Dispositer to be considered in Stellar Astrology 37
12. Strength of Planets in Stellar System 38
13. How Horary Works 40
14. Ruling Planets 42
15. Interlinking Houses, Sub & Event 43
16. Promise of an Event 55
17. Bhukti Lord (Sub) - Most important 57
18. House Matter 58
19. Introduction to Naadi 61

20. Role of Planetary Significations and House matters 70

21 . Sign Significations 84
22. K.P. Horary Chart on Number Basis 96
23. Remedial Measures 109

A house, in stellar astrology, according to Krishnamurti
padhati, is not restricted to signs. Depending upon the beginning
of cusp the house drifts. Due to this there is possibility of a sign
skipping the house leaving its lord deprive of a particular house
signification. Due to this phenomenon, the star level and further
division of its sub level are considered as major signifying factor
to a particular house under consideration.

Authentication for Stellar division

Fundamentals of division of house in stellar astrology, is
based on the ancient works. For this purpose we need to know
a few fundamentals from Sage Parasara's "Brihat Parasara Hora
Sastra". Here the great maharshi has presented two sets of
division. One is a Static Division based on the Signs and the other
is stellar division which is Dynamic division based on the Stars.
The Static Divisions are represented by sign lords. This will
facilitate to assess the strengths of the planet. However in order
to identify divisional lords several charts are cast. The purpose
of these charts though, fundamentally to assess the strength of
planets, the great author also recommend to study of such
divisional charts for specific areas of life. However, it does not
deal with the methodology of studying these charts. Subsequently
scholars in this field have dealt with this subject with diverse
opinion. But the common utility to assess the strength of the
planet is well accepted universally in traditional astrology. This
static analysis of chart with various divisional dignities will
describe the quality of significations of the house and planets.
Having arrived at the qualitative significations of houses and
planets, it is essential to time the events (fructification of
signified results.) For timing the events there should be a
progressive component which should not only be dynamic but
also sequential with appropriate changes in life. For this purpose,
the stellar division is used. Every star which is sequentially
distributed in each sign is taken into consideration. 27 stars were
grouped in to 3 sets of 9 in a zone of 120 degrees in zodiac.
Three stars from zone were assigned a planet as ruler. For
example, the Star Ashwini, Makha and Moala are ruled by Ketu
and Bharani, Pubba, and Uttaraashada were ruled by Venus.
Similarly all the nine planets were allotted in the order of stellar
sequence. Then each planet was allotted a number of years as
ruling period.

Note: The number of years allotted to each planet as per

Parasara is as follows:
a. Sun-6 years, Moon-10 Years, Mars-7 Years, Rahu-18 years,
Jupiter-16 years, Saturn-17 years, Mercury-17 years, Ketu-7
years and Venus-20 years. Total 120 years allotted to all the
9 planets. These periods of each planet is called as Dasha.
b. Further division based on the same number of years were
repeated to each planet which would give the sub division
period. This is called Bhukti (some calls it Antardasha).
c. To time the event still closer, divisions like Antra, Sookshma,
etc., were also introduced.

But none of the classical texts reveal the basis of allotment of

number of years allotted to the planet.

But many scholars off late have presented this by several
metaphysical and/or life cycle theories.

Our sages had understood the creation and were experts in

astronomy. They wrote astrological texts based on astronomical
facts. Therefore, none of their dictums were a myth.

With this firm belief, we at Hyderabad, have started research in

this field and have been successful in deriving at the astronomical
phenomena to support many of the astrological dictums
propounded by sage Parasara and Jaimini. The distribution of
Zodiac signs, the Lordship allotted to them, the term Exaltation,
Debilitation, Retrogression, and their impact were all based on
the most advanced scientific temper. These led us to further
probe into the orbital theory and derive the astronomical solution
to the allotment of Dasha period to planets.

Our research team will come out with their Magnum opus on this
subject with astronomical details supporting the astrological

This note is to establish the fact that, the great astrological works
of our sages were highly technical and based on the scientific
facts. The sages were high intellectuals. Nothing was hypothesis
or myth. They presented their works for high intellectuals who
mastered the technicalities of the universe and understood

To time an event, the stellar Dynamic divisions were

adopted. Further, to arrive at closer timing of an event fine tuning
of planetary transits were introduced.

There were great astrologers who had adopted this system
perfectly to give detailed predictions of charts. However down the
line somewhere the thread was de-linked. Many corrupted
versions crept in and the dictums were way led to confusion

In late 60's when the astrologers were struggling to find a

linking factor to the missing links in astrological works, Some
selfless astrological stalwarts like Sri C.G. Rajan, Meena I,
Meena II, and Sri K.S. Krishnamurti have contrib~ted their
yeomen services in this field. Prof. K.S. Krishnamurti found that
the stellar divisions closely related to the events in human life.
With his experiments, he considered only the Dynamic analysis
of Dasha Bhukti and extended it to the Static Analysis of chart.


Though there was a system of unequal house and Bhava-
arambha, Bhava-Madhya and Bhava-Sandhi, this concept was
further fine tuned with western concept of division of houses, by
Prof. KSK. Here the houses were computed by Placidus method.
Due to different time span of each sign, a house computed by
this system need not necessarily be confined to a sign. It may
extend to other sign. Even two houses may fall in one sign
leading to its opposite sign to contain two more houses. This will
deprive Lordship to certain planets of their house lordship. The
lordships drifting and extending to other signs and some signs
loosing ruler ship lead to uncertainty of ruler ship of houses by
sign lords. It was essential to have a strong ruler to lead the
matter of the house. The beginning point of a house is considered
as Cusp of the House. Therefore a cusp should be assigned to

a static stellar body. For this purpose the only way is to seek
the help of Stars assigned in each sign. But the distribution of
stars was based on 4 quarters of 3 degrees 20 minutes span.
With this, certain stars repeat in the subsequent sign. It is here
Prof. KSK, brought out his wonderful concept which did not
deviate from the fundamentals of ancients. The Star distribution
is the basis for sequence of Dasha system. Further division will
make it a Bhukti division. He has therefore divided each stars
in a particular sign into 9 sub divisions and maintained the same
Dasha sequence. A sub begins in a sign and ends in the same
sign. But a nakshatra begins in a sign and may or may not end
in the same sign. It is appropriate and also convincing to
empower a sub with the matter of the house. For all practical
purpose this Sub lord is considered as the chief of this house.
In other words this sub lord is the powerful lord of the house.
The Chart Below for Kp no: 2 is drawn to explain the above

K.P. No. 2

- ~ .
\ ::- -~- ,._


To identify a Cusp, it's Star Lord and Sub Lord, each sign in the
zodiac was further divided according to the span of stars allotted
to each sign arriving at 249 subs. These subs (being dynamic
Bhukti lord) are entitled to bestow the result favourably or
unfavourably according to their disposition & the matters denoted
by the stars. We give below the 249 sub table indicating the
beginning points of each sub

' 0:00:00 Aswini Ketu 13:20:00

1 2 - 3 4 5 6 I 7 8 9 I

00-00-00 00-46-40 3-00-00 03-40-00 4-46-40 5-33-20 7-33-20 9-20-00 11-26-40
13:20:00 Bharani Venus 26:40:00
10 11 1 12 13 14 1
15 16 17 18


13-20-00 15-33-20 16-13-20 . 17-20-00 18-06-40 20-06-40 21-53-20 24-00-00 25-53-00

26:40:00 Krittika Sun 30:00:00

19 20 21 22


. 0 . 0 0 '

26-40-00 l 27-20-00 28-26-40 29-13-20

- -
0:00:00 Krittika Sun 10:00:00
23 24 25 26 27 T

VEN O 0 0
00-00-00 1-13-20

3-00-00 5-6-40

7 -00-00
1 Moon 7-46-40


29 30 31 32 "
33 34 35 36 37


.10-00-00 11-6-40 11-53-20 13-53-20 15-40-00 17-46-00 19-40-00 20-26-40 l 22-40-00_
- . - - -

'23:20:00 Mrigsira Mars .. ..

. 30:00:00
RAH _l_


SAT 0 0 ..
'V 0 0
23-20-00 24-6-40 26-6-40 27-53-20
- -
0:00:00 Mrigasira Mars 6:40:00
42 43 44 45 46

' MER KET VEN SUN MOO 0 0 0 ft

00-00-00 1-53-20 2-40-00 4-53-20 5-33-20 '

6:40:00 Ardra Rahu 20:00:00

47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55
6-40-00 8-40-00 10-26-40 12-33-20 14-26-40 15-13-20 17-26-40 18-6-40 19-13-20

20:00:00 Punarvasu Jupiter 30:00:00

56 57 I
58 59 60 61 62


20-00-00 21-46-40 23-53-20 25-46-40 l 26-33-20 28-46-40 29-26-40

90 CANCER - MOON 120
0:00:00 Punarvasu Jupiter 3:20:00
63 64 65

. - -
ft 0 ft @


3:20:00 Pushyami Saturn 16:40:00

66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74
3-20-00 5-26-40 7-20-00 8-6-40 10-20-00 11-00-00 12-6-40 12-53-20 14-53-20

16:40:00 Aslesha Mercury 30:00:00

75 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 83
16-40-00 18-33-20 19-20-00 21-33-20 22-13-20 23-20-00 24-6-40 26-6-40 27-53-20
- .

120 LEO- SUN 150

0:00:00 Makha Ketu 13:20:00

84 85 86 86 88 89 90 91 I


00-00-00 00-46-40 3-00-00 03-40-00 4-46-40 5-33-20 7-33-20 9-20-00 I 11-26-40

13:20:00 Pubba Venus 26:40:00

-- -
93 94 95 96 97 98 99 100 101


13-20-00 15-33-20 16-13-20 17-20-00 18-06-40 20-06-40 21-53-20 24-00-00 25-53-00
26:40:00 Uttara Sun 30:00:00

102 103 104 105

- 0 0' ft
0:00:00 Uttara Sun 10:00:00
106 107 108 109 110 111 I

00-00-00 1-13-20 3-00-00
- -

5-6-40 7-00-00 I 7-46-40

10:00:00 Hasta Moon . 23:20:00

N 112 113 114 115 116 117 118 119 120


10-00-00 11-6-40 11-53-20 . 13-53-20 15-40-00 17-46-00 19-40-00 20-26-40 22-40-00

23:20:00 Chitta Mars 30:00:00

121 122 123 124

MAR RAH JUP SAT ft ft ft ft ft

23-20-00 24-6-40 26-6-40 27-53-20

180 LIBRA - VENUS 210
- -
0:00:00 Chitta Mars 6:40:00
125 126 127 128 129
MER KET VEN SUN MOO ft 0 ft ft

00-00-00 1-53-20 2-40-00 4-53-20 5-33-20


6:40:00 Swati Rahu 20:00:00

t .J 130 131 132 133 134 135 136 137 ~'


6-40-00 8-40-00 10-26-40 I 12-33-20 14-26-40 15-13-20 17-26-40 18-6-40 19-13-20

20:00:00 Visakha Jupiter 30:00:00

-- -
139 140 141 142 143 144 145


20-00-00 21-46-40 23-53-20 25-46-40 26-33-20 28-46-40 29-26-40


0~00:00 Visakha Jupiter 3:20:00
146 147 148 '


. 0 I 0 ft 0 ft

00-00-00 0-33-20 1-20-00

I 3:20:00 Anuradha Saturn 16:40:00


-""' I
149 150 151 152 153 154 155 156 157


- - .
3-20-00 5-26-40 7-20-00 8-6-40 10-20-00 11-00-00 12-6-40 12-53-20 14-53-20

16:40:00 Jyeshta - Mercury 30:00:00


158 159 160 161 162 163 164 165 166


16-40-00 18-33-20 19-20-00 21-33-20 l 22-13-20 23-20-00 24-6-40 lI 26-6-40 27-53-20 J
0:00:00 Mula Ketu 13:20:00

167 1.68 169 170 171 172 173 174 175

F -

' 00-00-00 00-46-40 3-00-00 03-40-00 4-46-40 5-33-20 7-33-20 9-20-00 11-26-40
13:20:00 Purvashada Venus 26:40:00-
176 177 178 179 180 181 182 183 184


' ---
13-20-00 15-33-20 16-13-20 17-20-00 18-06-40 20-06-40 21-53-20 24-00-00 25-53-00
- -
26:40:00 ... Uttarasti~d'! Sun 30:00:00 - .
' - ". I

185 186 187 188 ,

- -
SUN .MOO MAR RAH ' ft ft ft ft 0
- - -
26-40-00 27-20-00 28-26-40 29-13~20'
- '
~ ~~ ~
' '
- - - ~
0:00:00 Uttarashada Sun 10:00:00

189 190 191 192 193
l 194



00-00-00 1-13-20 3-00-00 5-6-40 7-00-00 7-46-40 .

10:00:00 Sravana Moon 23:20:00
195 196 197 198 199 200 201 202 203
10-00-00 11-6-40 11-53-20 13-53-20 15-40-00 17-46-00 19-40-00 20-26-40 22-40-00

.,_.,....:;. - . rt - :- Dfta'Aistita -- " : ~je"srO 30:00:00
204 205 206 207
MAR RAH JUP SAT ft ft ft ft ft

23-20-00 24-6-40 26-6-40 27-53-20


0:00:00 Dhanishta Mars 6:40:00

208 209 210 211 212

MER KET VEN SUN MOO ft ft ft ft

00-00-00 1-53-20 2-40-00 4-53-20 5-33-20

-- -

6:40:00 Satabhisha Rahu 20:00:00

213 214 215 216 217 218 219 220 221
6-40-00 8-40-00 10-26-40 I 12-33-20 14-26-40 15-13-20 17-26-40 18-6-40 19-13-20

20:00:00 Purvabhadra Jupiter 30:00:00

' 222 ' 223 224 T 225 226 227 228


-- -

20-00-00 21-46-40 23-53-20 25-46-40 26-33-20 l 28-46-40 29-26-40

0:00:00 Purvabhadra Jupiter . 3:20:00
229 230 231
RAH ft 0 ft 0 I
0 ft
00-00-00 0-33-20 1-20-00

3:20:00 Uttarabhadra Saturn 16:40:00

00 232 233 234 235 236 237 238 239 240


3-20-00 5-26-40 7-20-00 8-6-40
10-20-00 11-00-00 12-6-40 12-53-20
l 14-53-20

16:40:00 Revati - Mercury 30:00:00

241 242 243 I 244 245 246 247 248 249
- -
16-40-00 18-33-20 19-20-00 21-33-20 22-13-20 . 23-20-00 II 24-6-40 26-6-40 27-53-20
Universal applicability of sub - table
Aro/ chart either birth or horary if cast, all the twelve cusps will
fall within this 249 subs who will decide the matter of the house.
This 249 sub areas are universally applicable in this stellar

A chief is worshipped in his town.

Afoot is worshipped at his home.
A king is worshipped in his kingdom.
A knowledge person is worshipped everywhere.
A novice can get recognition in the company of noble people.
A river flowing with sweet water, becomes salty on reaching
Anyone who has never made a mistake has never tried anything
Attempt the impossible in order to improve your work.
Experts Dant Advertise themselves.
Facts don't require proof to stand correct.
Family matters should be kept secret; a disease should be
brought to the open.
Given an inch, one takes a mile.
Good things in life cannot be appreciated by someone who has
never experienced the good things.
Great things can be achieved only with great effort.
Hard work reaps sweet success.

The Division of the houses is based on the Dynamic Dasha
sequence. Each house now has 3 components to decide the
matter of the house. Most important is Sub Lord who for all
practical purpose act like the Lord of the house, next is Star Lord
who is indicating the nature of the results, and Lastly the Lord
of the sign whose participation is considered based on his
portions covered by this sign lord to a house in the sign.



We have given above the zoomed view of house 2nd and 3rd from
the example Kp 2. Both are falling in Taurus sign. To decide
the Lord of 2nd house we have to depend on the Sub lord of 2nd
Cusp i.e. Jupiter. For 3rd house it is Saturn who is the sub lord
of 3rd house. This logic is absolutely convincing to have different
lordships in the same sign. If we consider Venus as lord of 2nd

and 3rd simultaneously, it is not convincing to give Lordship
responsibilities to Venus for 3rd house having a very little span
in his Sign. Though he has maximum span in 2nd house, the
sub lord assigned with full span of his sub area is most
acceptable theory .
In the static allocation of cusp responsibilities we have the
following representing factors in the order of preference.
1 Sub Lord of a Cusp
2 Star Lord of a Cusp
3 Lord of the sign representing fractional cusp areas.

The methodology of accrediting result orientation is superb

innovation of professor Krishnamurthy. However we will dive into
this deeper as we proceed.

Now we have 3 static cusp represent~tions, we need to activate

this, but before that we should know the external forces if any
that would contribute to represent the above mentioned cusps.

In a chart, apart from static dignities of zodiac divisions, the
dynamic planets will also occupy certain areas. A planet in
Sanskrit is called "Graha". It means "Capture" in English. These
dynamic planets when occupy certain place they capture the
effects of that area. The also capture the effects of other celestial
bodies in that area.

This. "Grahana Shakti" the inherent quality of a planet is given

utmost importance in the Indian culture. Considering this factor,
if a planet were to occupy the place designated as house, it is
obvious, that it would grasp the essence of that house. In other

words it would become the absolute representative of that house.
With this we have the 4 h representing factor to a house which
overpowers every other factor.

Now there are 12 cusps represented by static bodies of the

dynamic zodiac divisions and there are 7 planets and 2 nodes
as dynamic representatives energising certain areas of the given
dynamic zodiac divisions.
The powerful dynamic bodies which shall activate the static
zones of dynamic divisions are the beauty of the wonderful
conce~t of Professor Krishnamurti. With this concept we derive
two sets as follows:
1) Static bodies representing Dynamic zones of Chart

2) Dynamic bodies representing Dynamic zones of Chart

The first one is grouped "House details"

The Second is termed as Planet's details"

The chart below is given to derive the above two components.

K.P. No. 2, Thursday, 31st May 2007, at 10:34 am

K.P. No. 2

With the planetary position the chart will now give the following
1 Cusp position of all the 12 houses with Sign, Star, Sub
2 Planetary position with Sign, Star, Sub

Star Sub
Moo Jup
Sat Mer
Mer Mer


Rah Aqua 17:50:00 Rah Sun
Ket Leo 17:50:00 Ven Mar

The art of linking the above Cusps to the dynamic planets through their stars and subs
is the ultimate Dictum of Stellar Astrology



Prof: KSK used here most convincing logic and is well within the
frame work of acceptable norms .. We have depicted the whole
concept of Prof: KSK in the above diagram. All these have been
propounded by Prof: KSK with authenticated scientific approach
not deviating from the classic texts. As far as aspect is concerned
we have just used the inbuilt logic of sensitive point which in our
applications has proved to be effective.
The First Block
Contain the triggers which are Static dignities of Cusp. The Sub
Lord or Star Lord, The Sign Lord and the planet posited there
in. These dignitaries are empowered to offer results by them
selves if there is no dynamic planet posited in any of their stars.

Second Block
Dynamic planets posited in a cusp. These planets while they
occupy a sign will occupy certain Star and trigger its significations.
These Star lords where a planet is occupied will now signify the
houses in the order of preference by their occupation, being sub
lord or star lord of cusp and being lord of house.

Third is a Computable Interlink

This is used for Qualifying the Significations and Significators
a) Qualifying the Signification
The universal rule that a sub lord is deciding factor is applied
A house matter will be favourable if that Cusp Lord is linked
through his star or sub lords to houses which are supporting
the matter and if it is indicating negating houses the negative
results indicated will be experienced by the native.
b) Qualifying the Significator
Similarly, if a planet is in the sub and if that sub or the star
lord where this sub is posited, indicates negative houses, the
results will be negative.
These two important factors are the diamond keys of K.P.
When a qualifying factor itself is desired for a matter, then
considering those planets as significator is most convincing

With this we get
1) Planet signifying houses
2) Star level significations
3) Sub level significations
(Signified houses favourably supported by sub are most effective.)

It is here the importance of Sub is highlighted and this Sub Lord

of a Cusp by its star position or by himself if indicates cusps that
are favourable to the house for which he is sub lord the matter
of the house under study will be fruitful.

Similarly, if a sub lord of a planet either by itself or through its

star is favourable to the signification of the planet, then the planet
is empowered fully to execute the event.

But in both the cases, unless totally the houses are negating an
event and the significator, certain houses which appear to be
negative but unavoidable in executing the end results are to be

Prof: Krishnamurti has not left any stone unturned in giving the
scope of application of his principles. Be it linking of cusp, or
extending sub star level which already exist in the K.P. cannot
accredit any body with research titles.

Fourth is Astrological Phonomenal Factor

A Planet posited in a Sign, Star and Sub will throw its aspect
at certain places. If those places happen to be sensitive zones
of either cusp or planet, it will influence those matter signified
by the representing factors of that sensitive zones. The three
zone divisions of 120 degrees having similar star lords and a
planet posited in any one star influencing its other stars in the

remaining two zones is the unique principle advocated, well
authenticated by the trine aspects in traditional astrology. This
trine aspect is an inbuilt algorithm in stellar astrology.

Any planet in Ashwini star in Aries will automatically influence

Makha in Leo and Moola in Sagittarius. Similarly at the sub level
the other subs in trine are influenced. In other words the sensitive
points at star span and sub span are influenced.

This inbuilt aspect theory drives us to decide the impact of aspect

considering the point of influence on Star span and precisely
effective in influencing the Sub area.

Taking this concept into consideration we shall proceed with the

influence of aspect.

All planets from its star position & sub position, aspects a star
and sub situated at 180 degrees

If that zone does not represent a cusp or planet, no effect is

Similarly we have special aspects for outer planets, Mars, Jupiter

and Saturn.
Mars aspect the zone situated at 90 degrees and 210 degrees
Jupiter 120 degrees and 240 degrees
Saturn aspect 60 degrees 270 degrees

It is the fundamental theory of 120 degrees zone effects which

is the base for stellar astrology. A planet is influenced by another
planet which is situated in any of its Stars in the 3 zones. This
is the trine effect which is in built in the stellar system. Basing
on this the aspects is considered as described below:
A Planet will be posited in Star and a Sub in a Sign. It may be
in a particular portion of a Star and in either beginning middle
or end of a Sub. It is influencing the Star and the Sub. The Sub
is the powerful representative as earlier discussed. From this
span i.e. from the beginning of Star Position till the end of the
Sub this planet has influence. Therefore his aspect must cover
the area of this span on the sign where this planet throws its

."-:.. :
Mar-2154 Mer.sun
; r
XI0918 Sl!t;Ven XII-14-19 Vetl;Ven 1-17-4640 Moo, Mer n~fa~s Rah;Mer.
Sun-20-39 Moo, Ven Mer-13.4'0 Rah.Mer
'~ ~""' r r '

. .. .. ' .- . .... -.

Rah17-33 Rah.Sun ~en_ 05-57 SaL~er .

X-o&-51 .Rah.Rah , 111 08-48 sat, Ven
. .
. ' -. ) '
Sat 26-08 Mer, J~

Moo-1a:s9 Moo;JiJP
IX08'46 sun.Ven lY..o&-51 Ket.Rill .
. Kat:17-33Ven,~;
.:.. ...... . '' - . . :-....
. ... - :

VIII13-25 Ven.Ven VIJ.17-46 Mer.Mel' Vl-14-19-00 Rah,Mer V-o9-18 SUn,Ven

"''!. -

We are giving below the range of aspect each planet is covering
by its aspect on other signs.

:'..!.. >l>'iJ:"!ll:}.tq '.1$11 SirJtgiril lbl &b,BiQllll !tib.Endl
SUN. I Taurus 20 I 39 I 58 Moo 40:00:00 Ven 50:26:40 53:40:00
180 Deg 220:00:00 230:26:40 233:40:00
7th Cusp andJup

MOONJcapricorn 13 I 591 9 Moo 280:00:00 Jup 283:53:20 285:40:00

180 Deg 100:00:00 103:53:20 105:40:00
No Cusp No Planet

MARsJ Pisces 21JssJ24 Mer 346:40:00 Sun 351 :33:20 352:13:20

180 Deg 166:40:00 171:33:20 172:13:20
90Deg 76:40:00 81:33:20 82:13:20
No Cusp No Planet
210 Deg 196:40:00 201:33:20 202:13:20

11118'1 l Gemini 13140"127 Rah 66:40:00 Mer 72:33:20 74:26:40

180 Deg 246:40:00 252:33:20 254:26:40
No Cusp No Planet

JUP.-Rl Scorpio 21 I I 5 28 Mer 226:40:00 Ven 229:20:00 231 :33:20

180 Deg 46:40:00 49:20:00 51 :33:20
120 Deg 346:40:00 349:20:00 351 :33:20
1st Cusp and SUN
240 Deg 106:40:00 109:20:00 111:33:20

VEN. I Cancer 5157124 Sat 93:20:00 Mer 95:26:40 97:20:00

180 Deg 273:20:00 275:26:40 277:20:00
No Cusp No Planet

SAT. J Cancer 26 I aI 20 Mer 106:40:00 Jup 116:46:40 117:53:20

180 Deg 286:40:00 296:46:40 297:53:20
60Deg 166:40:00 176:46:40 177:53:20
No Cusp No Planet
270 Deg 16:40:00 26:46:40 27:53:20

1. The Sun posited in Taurus at 20:39:58 i.e. 50:39:58 In the
Star of Moo. Moon Star commences from 40:00:00 degrees
in Taurus. The Effect of Sun commences from this point.
Sun is in the Sub of Ven. Ven commences from 50:26:40
and ends at 53:40:00 in Taurus. Here the influence of Sun
ends. Sun has ih aspect i.e. 180 Degrees. Adding 180
degrees to commencement of Star degrees at Taurus we get
(40+180) 220 which mean it is Scorpio 220. Adding 180
degrees to end of Ven Sub (53:40:00+180 ) it ends at

2 Any Planet or Cusp falling in the range of 220:00: to

233:40:00 the Sun will be influencing by his aspect.

3 In the horoscope Jup is at 231 :05 therefore covered by Sun


4 The ih cusp begins at 227:46 which falls within this range

hence ih cusp is also under Sun's aspect.

In this chart only Jup has aspect of ih which covers Cusp and
Planet posited in Taurus. Rest of the planets do not cover any
cusp or Planets.

The aspect theory is logically convincing and within the frame

work of stellar system and the question of orbs are eliminated
as it is based on the stellar influence which is an inbuilt logarithm
of this system.

These are highly energised points astronomically having no
physical identity. But their influence in astrology is mysteriously
exploded and still remains unresolved. Logically, in the absence
of any physical identity considering their casting of influence
sounds not convincing. Nonetheless, they are appearing in the
star and sub zones by which they were given utmost importance.
They are empowered with lordship of the house where they are
posited. They are empowered with the planets entire signification
by conjunction. If by conjunction they are so much powerful why
not they cast their influence on other zones, by default in the
system trine influence is already given to them. Remaining is only
ih aspect. Rahu and Ketu are positioned in an axis of 180
degrees apart. They are opposite in nature hence casting
influence on each other is not logical. But there is a tricky issue
here. These Nodes are of ecliptic in nature and hence whoever
contacts them either by conjunction or by aspect, they will eclipse
that body and take over its effect. By this, if a planet is conjunct
with Rahu, Rahu takes over the planets signification. But this
planet has its opposition influence over the area covered by Ketu.
The question is whether would have secondary influence over
this planet? Let us look at this in a different angle; Rahu has
already taken over the signification of this planet. This planet is
linking Ketu. Therefore, it is logical to attribute Rahu with the
significations of Ketu. In the same way Ketu is to be considered.
If there is no planet, then the influence on each other need not
be considered.
Whether true or mean nodes
The movement of nodes are erratic and will be changing in quick
succession either retro or direct. However their mean motion is
always retrograde. But the few degrees of difference between
true and mean nodes at times will upset the whole analysis. If
this is ignored~ it will lead to serious mistakes in computation,
particularly, when the nodes shoulder the responsibility of
offering results. It is absolutely a matter of spot decision, when
the nodes appear as Dasha or Bhukti lords. This point needs to
be experimented particularly in horary system. Till further
research we shall stick to mean nodes for this purpose and ignore
the swift direct motions.


In our experience we find it useful to consider following riders,
to know the intensity of the Significators. This is done by
assessing the following two dispositions.
1. Exalted, Debilitated, Retrograde, posited in favourable or
unfavourable house.
2. The position of Dispositer to a planet, in the above houses.
These have been detailed in subsequent pages.

What is meant by a Fruitful Significator?

Now from the above format, a planet which is indicating certain
houses and the sub lord from the 2nd block in the diagram also
supports it then such planets are called Fruitful significator. The
whole process is to arrive at the Dynamic Planets who have
positive power to bestow the desired results.

The role of retrograde planet is still a matter of debate and there
are diverse opinion heralded by many stalwarts. However,
Prof. KSK attaches an important factor saying that a planet in
retrogression will not give the result of its signification. There is
volume of information hidden behind this statement.
Astronomically, a planet gets retrograde while it is nearer to the
earth. (Please refer to the research note mentioned earlier) It is
beyond doubt that there is a motion of reversal. This fact made
Prof: KSK to attach reversal result to the planet. If you read
between the lines, there is a secret lying here. "A retrograde
planet does not give result" it means:
1 This planet will not give its signified results.
2 This planet will give results which are opposite to its

These 2 points have different meaning attached to it.

In the 161 case it will not give any results. In the 2nd case it will
give results which will hamper its original signification.

If you consider 161 point, a planet when operative cannot be silent

without participating in any results. Since it is active in its period
it must giye some results.

Then we need to consider the 2nd point. If so, why should it

oppose the results. Is it because of reverse movement? Why
should it matter as long as it is moving in the heavens? This
forces us to accept the view that the planet is influencing some
other houses due to its reverse motion. One such thought
provoking theory is promoted by Late Sri M.P Shanmugam in his
Astra Secrets.

Quote Extract: "A planet may be owner of one or two houses.
For example a Kumbha Lagna, Jupiter is the rightful owner of
houses 2 & 11 as such he is a vyayadhipathi to houses 3 and
12 ... .In the normal course he will give opposite results of 3 and
12 and when this Jupiter when it is retrograde will not be able
to give the opposite results and will give results of 3 and 12."'

If this is analysed the retrograde planet Jupiter instead of giving

2 & 11 houses results has given the results of 3, 12. Ironically
there is a shift in lordship itself. The Lordships are Static chart
based, the planetary positions are dynamic. This logic would
have been convincing if Jupiter were to be in say 101h house since
retrograde he would give results of 91h house instead of 101h.

But surprisingly, there are several reports, by few astrologers who

have adopted the vyadhipathi theory and proved that it works.

However, since we do not attach much importance to lordship

directly, this rule is of no significance to us.

We do attach very importance to position of a planet in a house.

Now if a planet is in a house and it is retrograde, being nearer
to the earth it has strong influence on the earth. This planet
cannot be ignored. This must give some results either positive
or negative. Here we refer to the Naadi system of Astrology,
where the retrograde planets are empowered with the qualities
of previous sign. This is something convincing logic and in Naadi
such previous house results are being experienced.

How to consider this retrograde in stellar system?

In our example chart Jupiter is Retrograde it is in the 81h house.
Now any planet in its star should give 81h house results. But since

Jupiter is r~tro and not concerned with Sth house this planet in
Jupiter's star will not give 81h house results. If this Jupiter by his
retro motion reaches 7th house at any given point of time then
we can say that this planet in his star will g've 7th house results
instead of 81h
house results. If the planet is retrograde in the same
Sth house and does not cross the limit of 81h house in reverse,
then this planet neither gives 7th house result nor supports Sth

house results. This is as far as planetary position of Jupiter. But

the same planet in Jupiter star will be able to activate the Cusp
Sub Lord ship of Jupiter who has attained this position by static
nature. For instance in our example horoscope Jupiter is Sub
lord of 2 and Star Lord of 4,8, 12, therefore, the Planet in Jupiter
star has no objection in giving these results and the retrograde
effect is not attributed to the static sub lordship of Jupiter. This
Jupiter at the time of epoch must be in a star and sub, irrespective
of his motional direction. He is there at that moment influencing
certain zones. Therefore, there is no question of not attributing
the zonal significations to Jupiter.


Earlier we have seen that aspects theory is an inbuilt process.
In the same way, the Dispositer theory is also inbuilt in stellar
astrology. For example if a planet is in the star of a planet who
is posited in a house which is detrimental to the desired matter,
then the planet gives the undesired results. I.e. here the Star
Lord is the Dispositer for the planet who is sitting in his area. In
the same way if a planet is sitting in a sign and that sign lord
is situated or signifies negative results, then the planet gets that
signification. Logically there is no question of ignoring this factor.
Perhaps, ignoring the lordship of the Dispositer, his position in
a house will be apt to consider. This theory is working well in
our experience. We are not deviating from the origin. We are
simply extending its application.

A tenanted planet is signifying the matter of the house, by itGalf

or through its star planet, and then the Lord of this tenanted
planet is under the sway of posited planet. The signification of
the house where this Lord is posited will also get attached to the
tenanted planet. If this lord is posited in a house which is
detrimental to the sign where the planet is posited, that house
matter will be spoiled, and if it is favourable the matter will flourish.

In our example horoscope

Sun is in the Star of Moon. This Moon is not a sub lord to any
of the cusp.
But the moon is Star Lord of 11th Cusp
This moon is posited in- the 8th House
Moon is in Scorpio the lord of this Sign Mars is in 12th House.
Therefore, sun also gets 12th signification.


Even after considering the power of significator there would be
a number of planets signifying the required houses, a matter
under consideration is not just to give the fructification of event
and timing factor but it should also denote the quality and impact
of such events. This is possible only through the natural
signification of planets and signs and their respective dignities.
Two or more planet may simultaneously participate in the event
But the impact of such results may vary according
to their natural quality and their essential disposition in a

particular sign. In order to select a right planet with qualitative
favourable result, it is necessary to make selection by their
essential dignities.

The essential dignities are:

1. Exalted or Debilitated
Exalted Planets are powerful because their influence on the
earth will be more, while the influence of debilitated planets
will be less. These are based on astronomical phenomena,
and cannot be fit into this size of the book to explain.

2. Retrograde planet
Astronomically there is a similarity in retrograde and
exaltation of planet. Therefore it also exerts power to
influence. The only difference is due to cosmic plan forcing
the planet to regain its path and motion, this change in the
speed and direction of the planet is termed as Retrograde.
This phenomenon is purely astronomical strategy which
needs another volume of writing.

In this work, we follow the dictum of Prof. KSK and

accordingly we do not attribute fructification of results to a
Planet until it becomes direct, nor have we attributed any
negative results to it.

3 Planet posited in favourable or unfavourable house

This factor is decided upon whether a cusp where the planet
is posited is favourable to the signification of planet or
unfavourable to the matter.

4 Planet's Dispositer is favourably disposed or unfavourably


A Dispositer is the sign lord in whose sign a significator is
posited. The Sign Lord of a tenant if not posited in a good
house, the tenant will be at discomfort to in sign which is not
well disposed.

In horary astrology the sub lord theory is most effective.

We have seen that the 249 subs are static bodies of dynamic
divisions of Zodiac. The cusp chart is the energised zones of
this static chart for a particular moment. This chart will have
dynamic bodies which were influencing this chart at that
particular moment. The Dasha and Bhukti are active at that
moment. But it is cast for post event. But in horary it is the birth
of the question for which the chart is cast. The chart is dynamic,
the planets are dynamic and the Dasha Bhukti is dynamic. There
is no confusion of time factor. All this leads to perfect set up for
a question analysis.


By following the some of the important points mentioned below
the question and answers can be precisely addressed.
1 The personal visit of consultant is most effective.
2 Over phone (not recommended) - if question is to be asked,
the consultant must know the astrologers name and his place
of residence. He should face the direction in which the
astrologer is located, and ask his question first mentioning
the name of the Astrologer.
3 A detailed back ground of the matter has to be discussed
before framing a question. The consultants are eager to
know the answers, without fully explaining what exactly they
want. Therefore, it is for the astrologer who is conversant with

the houses and planets, to get the proper details and make
simple questions. A question must contain a single matter
related to a house. If the consultant' has complex matter, it
is to be broken into several questions and then addressed
4 Before asking him to state the number, it is advised that the
consultant repeat the question framed precisely for which he
needs the answer.
5 Once the consultant tells the number the astrologer should
note the time and date and immediately work out the chart
and finish the analysis.
6 A matter which is current during the conversation between the
consultant and astrologer is supported by planets which are
operative at that moment for that particular matter. Therefore,
noting the time and then later on sitting for analysis will dilute
the influence of planet and shift to other planets.
7 Harary chart is erected for a question of consultant.
Therefore the ascendant must indicate the activity, the nature
and the self efforts involved in the matter.
8 No doubt the moon is mind of the consultant, and it will
denot~ precisely the question and its related implications
there of.
9 Therefore, it is important to assess the Ascendant first to
know the condition of the matter involved in question. Careful
analysis of Ascendant will reveal many secrets of the matter
in question.
1O Most important is to caution the consultant about the number
that he would be giving for the question.

The number should not be a pre-decided one.
He should not give any lucky numbers, favourite date
numbers or any such numbers which he considers good for
He should be asked to give a number in random, also allow
to think over numbers and accept ultimately which he feels
more appropriate to mention.

We have said earlier the planets will be active over the matter
and follows with the consultant. Then the same planets will shift
over to Astrologers workings and influence him to arrive at the
answer. Therefore, there is no question of postponing an analysis
for a question that has influence on both the consultant and


Harary astrology itself is for the moment of birth of a question.
Planetary position, the chart and the Dasha and Bhukti are all
dynamic in nature and have direct influence on the question,
consultant and astrologer to disclose the fate of the question.
Since Dasha Bhukti lords are effective at that moment, it is only
to justify their involvement particularly the next level that is Antra
lord is more important. For this purpose, it is optional for the
astrologer to get the confirmation by the ruling planets generally
the day lord or Lagna computed for that time its Star or sub lord
will confirm this. Eventually, if the analysis is forced to take place
at a later date perhaps the ruling planet may have to be
consulted. However we do not recommend postponing analysis
for horary chart.

For constructing an apt question, we need to know, the each cusp
sub lord and its relative influencing houses for a matter to fructify.
We give below table showing the sub lord and the houses to be
signified for certain matters.

MATTER SUB to Signify Houses

Child Birth 5 2 5 11
Twin Birth 5 2 5 7 11
Child with defects 5 5 10 12 4
unhealthy Child 5 5 10
Child-Serious Sick 5 5 10 12
Abortion 5 4 10 12 1
No Children 5 4 1 10 8 12
2nd Child 7 2 5 11
3rd Child 9 2 5 11
In Mother's Chart
Child birth - Normal 8 1 5 11
Child birth - Worry 8 8 12 Mar
Mother - Healthy 8 5 11
Mother - Sick 8 1 6 8

Longevity - Long Life 1 1 3 8
Longevity - Middle Life 1 3 10
Longevity - Short 1 5 10
Accidents 1 6 8 12
Death 1 2 7 12 6 8
Murder 1 2 7 8 12
Suicide 1 6 7 2 12
Sick 1 1 6
Recovery 1 5 11
At Home-Treatment 1 6 4
Bed rest 1 6 4 12
Chronic 1 1 6 8
Damage 1 1 8
Hospital 1 1 6 12
Surgery 1 6 8 12
Rape 5 8 12
At Home-Treatment 6 1 6 4
Disease recovery 6 5 11
Suicide 8 6 7 2 12
Medical Expenditure 12 1 6 12

Scholar 1 4 9
Occult 1 2 9 10 11
High School 4 11
Higher Study 4 9 11
Scholarship 6 6 2 11
Financial Help 8 2 6 11
Higher Study abroad 9 9 11 12
ScientisVReasearch 9 9 11
Astrology Expertise 9 5 9 12
Astrology 10 5 9 Mer Moo


Interview Loss 3 5 12
Interview - Success 3 5 11
Meeting favours Self 3 6 11
Meeting favours other 3 5 9
Meetings failures 3 2 8
Meeting Success 3 6 12
Negotiations Failure 3 2 8 12
Negotiations Success 3 3 9 11
Communication 3 9 11
Agreements 8 6 9 11 Stira
Information - Receipt 9 3 11
Lost Documeot I 3 I 7 ! 12
MATTER SUB to Signify Houses
Getting Job 10 2 6 10
Day to Day Job 6 10 11
Salaried work 6 2 6 10 11
Satisfied Job 10 2 6 10 11
Same Place 10 4 10 11
Prom/Change 11 2 6 10
Outdoor Job 10 3 6 11
Long Travel 9 11
Promotions & Gains 2 1 6 10
Prom/Change 9 2 6 10
Change of Job 10 2 6 9
On Leave 10 3 9 12 Ven Ma
Transfer 10 3 10 12
Suspension 10 1 5 9
Sacked from Service 10 1 5 9 12
Broking 10 2 3 6 11 Mer
SelfEmpb,0013usines 10 2 7 10 11 Mer
Games & Sports 5 1 6 11
Sport Gamble 5 6 11
Pleasurable Pursuits 5 3 5 6 10 11
Sportsman 3 5 6
Success in Politics 5 1 6 11
Failure in Politics 5 4 8 12
Political Leader 1 6 9 10 11
Occult Sciences 5 1 2 10 11
Spiritual Leader 1 5 9 11 12 Jup

Stay at Foreign 1 9 12
To Get Visa 3 7 9 11 Mer
Foreign Travel 9 3 7 9 12
Foreign Pleasure Trip 9 5 11 12 +Com Sign
Foreign Service 9 6 10 11 12
Foreign Business 9 7 10
Frgn Med Treatment 9 1 6 12
Foreign Citizenship 9 7 10 12 +MovSign
No Foreign Trip 9 2 6 8 11 +Fix Sign
Foreign Education 12 4 9 11 12 Mer
Immigration 12 3 9 12 Sat

Case Close-Payment 7 5 8 11
Case compromise 7 3 9 11
Case Lost 7 5 8 12
Case win 7 2 6 11
False allegations 7 1 3 8
Financial litigations 7 2 5 12
Mutual withdrawal 7 5 12
Others Defeat 7 6 11
Property Litigations 7 4 8 11
Raids 10 12
Relational Litigations 7 1 6 12
Revenue Demands 3 4 8 12
Settlement Loss 7 2 6 12
Troubles by Fraud 7 3 8
Arrest 12 3 8 12 Rah


Missing Person Dead 4 5 8 12
Person Returns 4 7 8 11
Person No Return 4 3 12

MATTER SUB to Signify Houses
Self Emp/Buss 7 2 10 Mer
Prosper self emp/bus 7 2 10 11
Loss self emp/bus 7 5 12
Profit self emp/bus 7 6 11
Partnership - Good 7 5 11
Partnership - Bad 7 5 12
Contract 7 10 11
Problems contract 7 1 7 8
Separate 7 1 6 10
Break in Partnership 7 1 6 10 12
Compromise 7 5 11 Ven Jup
Success-New Venture 11 3 7 10
Losses in business 12 5 7 12

Earn by Brokerage 2 3 5 11
Earn by Services 2 6
Fin-Instrument gain 3 2 11
Gain by (Life)/Partner 2 7 11
Gain by Property Sale 2 3 11 12
Gain by Self Efforts 2 1 11
Gambling Gain 5 2 6 11
Good Finance 1 2 10 11
Profit - Sudden 8 6 11
Richness 1 2 11
Stocks, Contract Gain 2 ~2 5 10
Sudden gain 8 2 11
Sudden Money 2 8 6 11
Unearned gain 8 2 6 11
Unethical earnings 2 6 8 10
House Loan 6 4 11
Loan Giving 8 2 5 12
Loan Received 8 2 6 11
Loan to Receive 6 2 6 11
Money Payment 8 5 12
Money Receipt 8 2 6 11
Ready to Give 8 6
Funding 12 7 3 10
Profit Funding 8 2 6 11
To Invest 12 7 10
Expenses 8 2 12
Financial crises 2 5 9
Loosing everything 2 5 8 12
Loss Funding 7 5 12
Runaway from debts 2 6 8 9
Sudden Loss 8 2 5 12

Happy go lucky 1 1 5 10
Name & Fame 1 1 10
Popular 1 3 6 10 11 Ven

Success in Life 1 1 11
Property Status 1 1 4 10
Problems 1 1 7 8
Dishonour 1 8 12

Poor Status 1 5 9 12

Defame 10 1 5 8

MATTER SUB to Signif)r Houses
Love-Elope 5 3 9 5 11
Failure in Love 5 1 4 10
From Other Person 5 7 5 11
Love from Native 5 1 5 11
Loss in Love affair , 5 5 8 12
Love Disputes Unrest 5 1 5 6 8
LD.el'v1aniage-Separate 5 6 7 11 12
Love only affairs 5 5 11
Success in Love 5 2 5 7 11
Marriage Normal 7 2 5 11
Married life disturbed 7 1 6 10
Temp Separation 7 3 9
Divorce-Compromise 7 5 11 Ven
7 6
Divorce 8 12
Illicit relation 7 2 5 Ven
Illicit relation 9 5 11
2nd Marriage 9 2 7 11
Dual spouse 9 2 5 7 9 11
Reunion 11 2 5 7 11
Enemies 12 8 12

Built Property 12 4 11 12 Ven
Built Property - Loan 8 2 6 4 11 12 Ven

House Construct 12 4 6 11 Mar

Construction - Loan 8 2 4 6 10 11 Mar

Possession of House 4 6 9
Landed Property 4 4 11 12 Mer

Landed Property- Loan 8 2 4 6 11 12 Mer

Property by will 8 2 4 6 11
Property inherited 8 4 11
Property - Spouse 7 6 11
Profit Sale - Property 4 3 6 12
Loss - Sale Property 4 3 5 12
Loss of Properties 1 1 5 8
No House property 4 3 8 12
Rented House 4 3 8 12
Change of residence 1 3 12
Buy New Vehicle 4 4 6 11 Mov Ven Mar

Buy Used Vehicle 4 9 6 11 Mov Ven Sat

Sale of Vehicles 4 3 11 12
Not owning Vehicle 4 3

Valuable Theft-Loss 2 7 12
Recover Valuables 2 6 7 11
Theft Lost 7 5 8 12
Theft Found 7 2 6 11

Person Incognito 1 8 12
Secret Enemy 6 8 12
Benefits 8 2 6 11
Getting gifts 8 6 11
Luck 9 2 11
Pilgrimage 9 5 11
Fortune 10 2 6 11
Desires unfulfilled 11 5 8
Spiritual Siddhi 11 5 9 11
Success-All 11 1 2 3 6 10
Renounce 12 4 10
Worship of God 5 1 5 9
Religious travels 5 3 5 9

Unless there is indication of fructification of certain events, there
is no use in identifying the significators for relevant houses. A
requisite event must be promised in the static chart. With an
established fact that Sub is deciding agent to dispose a matter
of house favourably or unfavourably, we need to assess this sub
lord. The sub lord of a Cusp is activated by a planet that is
situated in its star for signifying the house for which it is Cusp
Sub lord. Similarly, a star lord of the Cusp Sub Lord or the Sub
Lord itself must be linked to houses which are favourable to the
house for which the Sub lord is responsible.

Let us take from the example horoscope and assess whether the
native is destined for foreign travel.

l!ll23'57 Jup,Mer
Rati.1t..&i ~Sun
K.P. No. 2

For this purpose, we shall consider 9th cusp which is for distant
travel. This Cusp sub lord must link himself to 3,7,12 houses to
promise the foreign travel.

The 9th cusp sub lord is: Sat.

1st step:
Sat is in the Star of: Mer.
Mer is the sub lord of cusp: 7 & 12.
Mer is star Lord of 5 and 9.
2"d step:
Mer is posited in 3.
Mer is .Lord of Partial 4th house.
The sub Lord Sat through his Star level Mer has indicated
houses, 3,7,12 and he is also indicating 5th house which is a
pleasure house.
Since the matter is confirmed by Star l~vel, we need not study
the Saturn. However study of saturn will give following
41h step
Saturn is sub lord of Cusps 3,6,9
Saturn is in 5th house.
Saturn is Lord of Partial 11 and 12 houses.

Saturn as sub lord is himself supporting it.

Now we should go for significator analysis for 3, 6, 7,9, 12 houses

to arrive at the timing of event of such a travel.

If this sub lord indicate two or more of houses 2, 5, 6,8, 11, then
we need not go in for computation of Significators.

We will come back to the computation of Significators, with help
of a template where in we need only to fill in the blanks and arrive
at all the significations of planets.

We have designed a work board to arrive at significator

conforming to the rules set above. This board facilitate the
readers to arrive at Significators by simply filling up blanks from
the chart details. We shall complete the discussions on few other
matters on horary astrology and then take up an example chart
and use the work boards to arrive at the results at the end of
these lessons.


For instance the period of Dasha for Venus is 20 years. In the
total span of 20 years of this star Lord, it indicates several results
of houses. But what result will have an impact on the native's
life is to decided by the sub period Lord i.e. sub Lord who will
have considerably shorter span of period. All the 9 Bhukti i.e.
sub lords will have different colours to the indicated results.
These changed results will be experienced during the period of
20 years.

Further divisions of Sub like Sub-sub (Anthra)

A Bhukti Lord has already decided the quality of results and the
closer timing of fructification of results has to be done by the other
9 sub sub divisions. All the 9 subs will be covered by Bhukti Lord
during his period. The results covered by this Bhukti Lord will
have to be given by a sub sub Lord who is favourable to him.
During the unfavourable period these results may not come or
may have some adverse effect. But ultimately, one or many of
sub lords must support the Bhukti lord to bestow the results.
Therefore, further sub division needs no consideration for
analysis but essential to time and event.

There is general theory, that houses 5,8, 12 to any house is
detrimental to the matter of that house. This is also in tradition.
But this theory cannot be applied blindly.
For 1st house 5th 8th 1ih are of-course detrimental. 5th denotes
diseases, 8th house chronic diseases and accidents, 12th is
hospitalisation. This also leads to litigation and tensions etc.
If we consider 2nd house, the 5th from it is ]th House - This is
house of spouse and marriage. While 2nd is addition to family.
8th house is 9th house indicating agreement from other party
which is not detrimental to marriage. 1ih house is 1st house this
of-course indicates individual self, does not indicate the partner
in question. Thus 5th and 8th from 2nd is not detrimental to
marriage. But as far as partner ship is concern it shows a dormant
partner and expenses from earnings.

Therefore, we should not jump into this theory or any other theory
blindly, without assessing the matters covered by each house by
a significator and analyse it as to whether it is favourable or
unfavourable to the concern matter. Some time getting rid of a
portion of profit or happiness may cause future gains or relief
from mental tensions. Therefore the matters indicated by each
house is to be studied and the favourable or unfavourable house
to be related in accordance with the result required by the

Though not exhaustive a set of house significations are re-

defined maintaining sequence as possible, to each matter
in all the twelve houses.

Important house ~frtter for all the 12 houses.

1 2 3
Activity Additions Communication
Ambition Wealth Courage-Ability
Personality Family Y.siblings
Fame Earning Short-Travel
Dignity Speech Writing/Publish
Status Documents Dispose off
Life Style Additions House change
Longevity - Health Death Longevity

Head Face, Eyes Neck-Shoulder

Cause for Disease
By Stress By Mal-nutrition Defects - Blood
Physical/Mental Family defects Cells, tissues

4 5 6
Learning Speculate Job & Service
Education Wisdom Win over
Mother Children Mtrnl. Uncles
Home Pleasures Litigation - Fear
Masses Politics, Sports Enemies
Property No work Debts-Loans
Comforts Love Partner-Delink
Private Life Disease Cure Diseases
Chest, Lungs Heart, Li.Belly Stomach
Cause for Disease
Circulatory Tension-Bad
Disturbances eating

7 8 9
Martial - Life Longevity Past merits
Business Unearned Higher Education
Spouse Legacy Father
Foreign contact Defame - Blame Distant Travel
Partners Accident - Fight Party to Agree
Legal matters Insurance - Will Legal matters
Love Life Violent - Hide Change
Death Sick Chronic Spiritual
Waist - L.Belly Private Parts Thighs
Cause for Disease
Disease by Past Karma -
Chronic & Sudden
Contacts Father

10 11 12
Profession Fulfillments Expense-Loss
Promotions Profits Disappointment
Mother in law Elder Brother Negating Self
Name Fame title Income Foreign Travel
Progress Political I
Fathers Earning Gains Displacement
Work Interest Success Bed comfort
Efforts Cure Death-Del ink
Knees Calf musckes Feet
Cause for Disease
Work ,(fOndition Expouser
Excess Comforts
Tension Weak, Unrest

Each house will have several Significators. The nature of results
will" have telling effect on detailed analysis if the natural
significations of these planets are combined to the house
matters. Here. we shall use the Naadi significations which by
experience are found to be more accurate.
To make it simpler and easy to refer, planetary significations are
tabled below.

Planetary significations to be used for combination of planets in

a chart in trine position and 7th positions from a particular planet

The each signification of planets are given in the table. Take the
desired matter for analysis and note representing planet.
Combine significations of planets posited with it, 5th sign from it,
gth sign from it and ?th sign and 2nd sign from it. Judicially combine
thesignification. It will give the indications of the desired matter.

For Character Analysis for Male take Jupiter. For Female Take
For Wife's nature and details take Venus in Male chart.
For Husband's details take Mars in Female Chart.
For Marriage in male chart Select Venus and for Female Mars.
Jupiter or Saturn relation to selected planet will ensure marriage
The married life will be denoted by the planets associated with
Venus and Mars in both the horoscopes.
For Education consider Mercury
For House, Property and Luxuries consider Venus
For Mother, Moon, Father Sun
For younger sibling consider Mercury
For Profession consider Saturn

For Business Consider Mercury and Saturn
For Dangers and ill health consider Rah over planets indicating
the relatives.
Consider Ketu for obstructions, de-link and disputes
Consider Mars for tensions, violence and harassments
Consider Moon for travel, cheating and loss
These will enhance the qualitative details of the predictions.

For this Purpose - the Sign is divided into 4 directions North, East,
South, and West.

Meena Mesh a Vrishabha Mithuna

North East South West West. North

Kumbha Karka
West North

Makara Simha South East

South East

Danush Vrischika Tula Kanya

East North West South

Group the planets on the right side Marked places in direction- Each
direction above combines planets in 1,5,9 and the next direction
becomes :t'd i.e. for North East, for East, South, and For South West.
The Opposite Directions are '7"'.
Now consider the planet for the matter you would like to get results,
and read the results of combination of other planets from the chart
Planets mentioned below are enemies to the main planet are
enemies. Enemy Planet's association w/11 negate the matter while
friendly planets will enhance significations. . ,

The above is purely an introduction to Naadi system of prediction;
however this can be used for acid test for the resu Its we arrive in
stellar astrology. For details please see "Prediction Secrets
Naadi Astrology" by the same publisher.

Application of Naadi System for horary is explained at the end of

KP Harary Chart analysis alongwith traditional method.

In the land of the blind, the one-eyed man is king.

/tis easier to destroy than to build.
It is not appropriate to start digging a well when the house is
ablaze with fire.
Keep away from people who try to belittle your ambitions.
Small people always do that, but the really great make you feel
that you, too, can become great."
Life is a bridge. Cross over it, but build no house on it.
One who knows how to talk will have no fights, one who knows
how to eat will have no sickness.
Seeing the peacock, the rooster spread his wings.
Strong winds may blow the tree down, but the grass will still
What you give away is yours and what you hide will go to
Whatever you can do or dream you can, begin it. Boldness has
genius, power, and magic in it.
With grace of. god even the most useless person can become grea
You can't build a reputation on what you are going to do.
You will receive the benefits only after paying the due.

SuccessPromotion Stab.Js Audultery-Change-Blame EmemHy.f,Marrlage-Ego inlelligence&lucati<nland
SUN Male MOO Female MAR Male MER Eunuch
Rahu Ketu Bud ha Kuja
Shani Shukra Shani Ketu
Sukra Rahu Rahu Jup Mends Mer
Personalities/Relation Mother Husband Young, Slater/Brother
Father Mother in law Brother 'Friend/Girl-Boy
Sun Aunt Enemy Mtrnl. Uncle
Warriors Vysya Warrior Mixed religion
King Queen Soldier Counselling
Profession & Edn.
Government Liquids Technical
- Business
Medical Foods Uniformed Commerce
High profiles Agro related Machinery Accounting
Travel related Realters Publicity
Occult Sports Media
Effects on above
Promotion Transfers Hazards Commercial
Success Losses/Blames Enemity Communications
Atma Mind Ego Intelligence
Name Blamish Anger Diplomatic
Fame Fraud/Thief Cruel Logical
Bright Change Enemity Romantic
Adulterous Proud
Cunning Dominating
Body Parts S Diseases
Right Eye Left Eye Bones/Blood Skin
Head Mental Spine Lungs
Heart Lungs/Kidneys Heart Shoulders
,Fever Infections Injuries Anemic
Strokes Cold/coughs Accidents Blood defects
Pitta Kala/Jala Fire Vala
Places Indicated
Thatched huts, Water Places Hills/Stones LandsAgro Lands
Bright Places Wall Education places

Directions & Vaastu

Right Window Bath rooms Kitchen Visitors Hall
Thatched Huts Water realted Bedroom Education Place
Compound Wall
Japa, Dhyana Serving Mothers Serving Brotherhood Serving Students
Gayathri Lalitha/Raja RaJeswari Subramanya Upasan Vlshnusahasranama

Good times-fortune MatiageMa1e'fHo Prdesson-labcu-WO!k Dangers-Foregn Obstn.ctions-Disputes

JUP Male VEN Female SAT Enuch RAH Female KET Enuch
At times Sun Mir Moo Ven
Moo, Mer, Ven Moo Ketu Mar Sat
Ket Sun, Moo Sun Mer, Moo
Self Elder Sister Karmallaraka Ptrni Grand Mtrni Grand
Daughter Elder Brother
Priest Minister Labour Chanda la Old Persons
Bhrammln Brahmin Sudra Muslims Chlristians

Legal Luxury Laborious Foreign Legal

Advisory Arts Lights/shadow Medical
Preacher Sales Black trade Low jobs
Endowments Finance Electronic Hardworks
Finance Assets

Prosperity Gains Status Hardships Obstructions
Growth Finance/assets Growth Quiting

Soul Passion Karma Time personified Philosophical

Respect Artistic Stubborn Injurious Disputes/Bondage
Divine Luxirious Lazy Shadowy Quarrels
Preacher High profiles Service Last rituals Aimless
End ot Karma

Liver Semen Nerves Head/Mouth Pains/CutsiWounds

Bronchitis Ovarius Joints Illusions Tumor/growths/skin
Hernia Womb Long losting Stammering Abortive
Jaundice Diabetes Digestive Ca tract Private Parts
Fat Sexual diseases Arthritis/ Danger to life End of life
Kala Kala Gas/Kala Vata Pitta
Old Buildings Drainage
Temples Clubs Place of work Big Buildings Narrow Lanes
Endowments Hotels Yards Dwaja
Pleasure places Ground


Divine Place Wealth Place Dining/related Main Entrance Back Door
Divine Articles Wealth Articles Dilapidated Bldgs. Godowns Toilets
Comfort Places Dustbins EleclroniCJBrooms Staircase/Gu II ies


Serving Gurus Serving Women Serving diseased Serving Snakes Serving animilas
Guru Pooja Kanakadhara ManthralAbhiseka Sapthasathi Ganapathl Upasana

Now we give below the signification of planets as recoded in
general astrological texts.

SUN: Represents the inner self (Atma), success, progress. It is a

male planet. Its colour is orange red. It indicates East direction.
Warrior, father, politicians and administrators are indicated by Sun.
It indicates the power, position, honour, name and fame. It's nature
is Satwic. Gold, Government, politics, public administration are
some of the portfolios attributed to Sun. Bilious in element it
represents right eye, head, heart. The disease prone to are
sunstroke, fever, headache etc., it rules over Leo sign. Venus,
Saturn and Rahu are inimical to it. It gets exalted in 1Odegrees in
Aries sign and exactly 180 degrees opposite sign in Libra it gets

MOON: It indicates Mind, fickleness, mother, loss, expenses,

travel, and changes. It is a female planet. Cream white is its colour.
It indicates water, irrigation, milk, food, chemicals. Its direction is
North West. It represents the business community. It has prime
signification over astrology. It represents left eye and prone to
infections, colds, cough, asthma, blood defects, kidneys and
diseases of private parts. It rules over Cancer sign. Venus, Saturn
and Rahu are inimical to it. It gets exalted in Taurus at 3 degrees
and 180 degrees opposite sign in Scorpio it gets debilitated.

MARS: is a plane of pride and prestige besides being a quarrelsome

planet. It promotes anger. It is a fiery and male planet. It represents
blood red colour. It indicates South direction. Warrior by nature it
signifies brothers and husband in female horoscope. Technical,
machinery, hard works, agriculture, defense, armed forces,
uniformed services and dental surgery and related profession are
indicated by it. It represents ores, granite, mining and any produce
of earth. Accidents, injuries and violence are indicated by it. It
signify, flesh, muscles, teeth, backbone. Black magic is one of its
indications. It rules over Aries and Scorpio. It gets exalted in
Capricorn at 28 Degrees and 180 degrees opposite sign of Cancer
is its debilitated place.

MERCURY: is the prime significator of education, intellect and

business. It indicates friends of both sexes. It is both male and
female in nature. It has the colour of green. Its direction is north. It
represents business community. It signifies younger siblings,
maternal relations. Mathematics, accounts, statistics, planning
and analysis are itst subjects. It also indicates astrology and
logic. It represents writing, publishing and stationery materials. It
also represents ambassadors, ~riters, and teachers. It signifies
forehead, neck, shoulders, tongue, and skin. Allergies are the
prime disease indicated by Mercury. Ketu, Mars are prime
enemies to it and with Jup it is controlled. It rules over Gemini and
Virgo. At 15 degrees in Virgo it gets exalted and opposite sign in
Pisces it gets debilitated.

JUPITER: Learned, male planet. Indicates Ether and yellow

colour. North east is the direction. Religious, Preacher: Audit,
philosophy, nobility, well behaved. Jupiter is Satwic in nature, Priest
by cast, Indicates Law and it is main indicator of finance, and
children. It indicates banks, endowments, teaching institutions,
meditation centers. Life insurance is also indicated by Jupiter.
Nose, Fat, Liver, jaundice are diseases indicated by Jupiter. Venus
and Rahu are enemies. It rules Sagittarius and Pisces. Exalted at
5 Degrees in Cancer and opposite sign Capricorn is its debilitated

VENUS: Spouse, marriage, properties and luxuries are main
indication of this planet. Brahmin by caste, it is a female planet.
Venus is White in colour & watery by nature. It indicates South
east direction. Expertise in any field is indicated by this planet.
Pleasures and luxuries are indicated by this. Beauty, arts, music,
dance, drama, cinema etc., are other indications of this planet.
Prostitution and related profession are indicated by this planet.
It also signifies diabetes, phlegm, cold diseases and sex related
problems. Womb and ovaries problems in females are indicated
by this planet. Jupiter, Moon, Sun and Ketu are enemies to it. It
rules over Taurus and Libra. In Pisces at 27 Degrees its get
exalted and in Virgo it is debilitated.

SATURN: Basically all astrological texts attach all malefic indication

to this planet. But it is a planet representing karma of person. As
a matter of fact, it only gives the results accrued due to good or bad
deeds done by the person. But being a karma karaka, it does
support all works done by the person. But to be alert and not to
commit sin, it delays matter enabling a person to think before the
act is done. It rvakes the man to realize the purpose of life. Hence
it promotes low profile in jobs. It also prompts the person with
forewarning, by giving diseases, difficulties to make him realize his
past mistakes. Being a planet of efforts normally the person is
prone to lose physical strength and develop nerves disability. It
gives chronic troubles and pains so that the person turns to self
realization. Its colour is Blue. Western direction is attributed to this
p1anet. It being a slow planet Laziness is attributed to this planet.
It rules over natural 1Q1hhouse of zodiac Capricorn and natural gain
place 11 1hAquarius. Sun, Moon, Mars, Ketu are inimical to it. Its
exaltation is in Libra at 20 degrees and in Aries it gets debilitated.

RAHU: It is a shadow planet. All shadow deals are attributed to
it. Traditionally it officiate Saturn in many ways. However Naadi
differs a little bit. Saturn is a straight forward planet, where as
Rahu is a shadow planet. The nature of work by its influence will
have the tint of antisocial elements. Its colour is Black. It indicates
the South West direction. It is an out cast planet. It is a planet of
repetitive nature and hence over work is one of its significations.
All things happen suddenly. Accidents, injuries and death are of
sudden nature. It is foreign in nature and hence indicate all matters
related to foreign. It indicates big vehicles, x-rays, atomic energy.
It also denotes black magic. Asylums, Hospitals and Jails are
places indicated by it. Its motion is always retrograde, hence
many a times it reverses the matters. Thievish tendencies are
indicated by it. It is also responsible for illusions as it is a shadow
planet. If any disease is influenced by it is beyond the scope of
medical tests and cannot be identified. In general it indicates the
long parts of the body, like intestines etc., it does not rule over any
sign as lord. However some texts have prescribed Taurus as its
exaltation point and Scorpio as debilitation point. This is possibly
because Venus has some affinity with secret affairs of Rahu and
mind must co operates for such acts. Therefore the exaltation
place of moon is also attributed to Rahu. In general when Rahu
influences the Moon the persons will be eccentric in nature. Mostly
this is found in celebrities. Rahu represents Islam religion.

KETU: The nature of Ketu is quite different from that of Rahu.

Though there is suddenness in their results, the nature of results
varies. Rahu normally supports materialistic benefits and
prompts towards sin. Ketu robs materialistic comforts to turn him
philosophical. For this peculiar reason for all materialistic
achievements, Ketu acts as obstructive planet. It supports the

service oriented knowledge and works. Thus, a doctor, a
preacher, astrologer, exorcists are all supported by Ketu.
Philanthropists, Monks, endowment officers, are all indicated by
Ketu. In general it creates dejection towards bondage of work,
love and accumulation of wealth. Thus, obstructions, quitting,
divorcing and separating are some of its dangerous qualities, if
viewed materialistically. It is a planet of abortive nature, injuries and
disputes. It indicates cancer, piles and growth related health
hazards. Mercury, Venus, Saturn are inimical to it. Ketu also do not
have any ruler ship over signs. Ketu is debilitated in the sign where
Rahu is exalted and vice versa. Ketu signifies Christianity.

In order to use the proper signification with the combination of

planet at different levels which is explained elsewhere in this
book, the significations of planets and its enmities are modified
as per Naadi rules enabling the students to get at the right
combination of results.


In stellar astrology the planet gets linked up with the Cusp at
various points as detailed earlier and there are different dignities
to the planet while linking to these cusps.
A Planet posited in a cusp is more important because it covers the
entire house.
The planet situated in a house will add up its signification to the
house signification. Then either he himself or the planet in his Star
will give the results of the house with these modifications.

The Sub Lord of the Cusp or Star lord of the Cusp is activated
by a planet posited in its star. In the event of no planet in its star

the same Sub or Star Lord will participate in giving results.

That means a cusp Sub Lord, if associated with other cusps as a

planet will modify the house significations according to its nature.

This is again same as above we need to change the dignity of

planet and read the same result as above.

As far as association of planet to planet is concern we recommend

the Naadi significations cited above.

It would be single point of view to give in running texts for each

planet related to a cusp in different manner and there is possibility
of missing the signification and co -relating with signification of
house. We have therefore adopted a table format where in for each
house matter we have tabled the significations of planets. ihis
would enable the reader to assess the impact on every aspect of
house and planet significations and arrive at results. By marking
significations to each planet we can also derive the cusp relationship
for each Significator.

If linked to 1 .
Ill&\ )j JUP <:j? V8'I
Activity Marriage
Flow, Mind Intelligent
Honour Money Spouse ' Profession Sudden
All ambitions Authority Fickle Dare, Debt Education
Progeny Steady Foreign
Fraud Action Joy Spiritual
Father Friend Law Limit Del ink
Beginning Sibling Attract I Block
Pol mes Emotion Trade Wisdom Discipline Illusion
Character Haste Wealth Detached
Delink Mother Speech Expand Delay Arrest
Water I Enemy Convey Arts Dejection
Fame Express Justice De-link Fear
Violence Analyse Joy Break
Health Name
Accidents Liberal
Protection Comforts Land Lazy-~ Deceptive
Faine Travel Religion
Longev~y React Surgery Communi- Pleasures Setbacks
1 Provocate
Health Optimism Fortune Blame Shadow
Vigor Unsteady . Iron cations Alloy
Gold Tin Unite Lead Gas
Silver Mercury
Dign~y Copper
Head, Heart
Personality Cold I Air-Gas Air-Fire
Water Fire-Bile
Fire-Bile Air-Gas Either-Gas
Self Blood MehaCold Digestive Gas Blocks
Fire-Bile Blood cells Hands Fat Brain
3rd to El Brother - Left Eye Semen Buttock Dilution Nails
Pitta Bones Marrow Neck Thigh '

5th to Father - Lungs Face Knee Intestine Hair

Right Eye Eyebrow Forehead Feet
7th to Spouse -
I ~rinary Uterus Foreleg Ear Head Anus
Heart Heart Shoulders Nose
9th to Children -
10th to Mother-
11thto Siblings
Secretions_ Tubues
J Private part
If linked to JUP ~ VEN ~ SAT Q, RAH CCJ KET

Death Marriage
Honour Flow, Mind Intelligent Money Profession Sudden 1

Dare, Debt Education Spouse Mystic

Documents Authority Fickle Progeny Steady Foreign
Action Joy Spiritual
Father Fraud Friend Law Lim~ Delink
Earning Sibling Attract Block
Politics Emotion Trade Wisdom Discipline Illusion
Express 1
Haste Wealth Detached
Del ink Mother Speech Expand Delay Arrest
Enemy Arts Dejection
Speech Express Water Convey Justice De-link Fear
Respond Violence Analyse
Joy Break
'Food Name Protection Comforts Land lazy Deceptive
Travel Accidents Liberal Liberate
Fame Religion Pleasures Setbacks Provocate
Observe React Surgery Communi- , Optimism Bondage
Health Fortune Blame Shadow
Unsteady Iron cations Tin Alloy
Wealth Gold 1
Lead Gas
-Silver Mercury
Banking Activity Copper
Face, Eyes
Family Cold Water Air-Gas Air-Fire Fire-Bile
Fire-BileAir-Gas Either-Gas Meha Cold
El. Bro to, Mother Fire-Bile Blood Digestive 1 Gas Blocks
Blood cells Hands Fat Brain
. Pitta Bones Left Eye Semen Buttock Dilution Nails
4th to El Brother - Marrow Neck Thigh
6th to Father - Right Eye Lungs Face Knee Intestine Hair
Eyebrow Forehead Feet 1

8th to Spouse : Heart Urinary Uterus Foreleg EarHead Anus

Heart Shoulders Nose
1othtoChildren- Skeleton Bladder Ovaries Chin Mouth Private part
Teeth Tongue Liver
n th to Mother- Circulatory Cheek Nerve Lips Valves
Muscles Skin Glands
12tlt o Siblings system Fluids Secretions Tubues Growths
If linked to GJSJN qMOO d MARil ~ MER
21 JUP
Communication Marriage
Honour Flow, Mind Intelligent Money Profession Sudden
Dare, Debt Education Spouse Mystic
Courage - Abil~y Authority Fickle Progeny Steady Foreign
Fraud Action Friend Joy Spiritual
. House change Father Law Attract Limit Del ink
Emotion Sibling Trade Block
Pol~ics Wisdom Discipline Illusion
'Longevity Mother Haste Speech Wealth Detached
Del ink Expand Arts Delay Arrest
Sale of Property Water Enemy Convey ' Justice Dejection
Express Joy De-link Fear
Respond Violence Analyse Break
S~f Agreement Name Protection Comforts Land lazy Deceptive.
Tr.lvel Accidents Liberal Liberate
Fame Religion Setbacks Provocate
Short-Travel React Surgery Communi- Pleasures Bondage
Health ' Optimism Blame Shadow
Iron cations Fortune Alloy
Writing-Publish Gold Unsteady Tin Lead Gas
Mercury Unite I
Interviews Copper
Younger Siblings Cold Water Fire-Bile
Air-Gas Air-Fire
Fire-Bile Air-Gas Either-Gas
Father in Law Blood MehaCold Digestive Gas Blocks
Fire-Bile Blood cells Hands Fat Brain
5th to El Brother Pitta Bones Left Eye Marrow Neck Thigh
Semen Buttock Dilution Nails
7th to Father - Right Eye Lungs Face Knee Intestine Hair
Eyebrow Forehead Feet
9th to Spouse - Urinary Uterus Foreleg EarHead Anus
Heart Heart Shoulders Nose
11th to Children Skeleton Bladder Ovaries Chin Mouth Private part
Teeth Tongue Liver
12th to Mother - Circulatory Cheek Nerve Lips Valves
1silo Siblings system
Muscles Skin
Fluids Secretions . Tubues Growths
- I

If linked to
0 Sll'J D MOO
~ V8'1
I SATIQ, FWi1 <(5> KET

. Marriage '
Basic Education
Honour Flow,Mind Intelligent Money Spouse Profession Sudden
Fickle Dare, Debt Education
Conveyance Authority Progeny Joy Steady Foreign
Fraud Action Friend Spiritual
Happiness Father Law Attract Limtt Delink
Emotion Sibling Trade Block
Politics Wisdom Wealth Discipline Illusion
Home Place Mother Haste Speech Detached
Del ink Expand Arts Delay Arrest
Water Enemy Convey Dejection
Lands Express Justice De-link Fear
Violence Joy Break
Respond Analyse Protection Land Lazy Deceptive
Masses Name Comforts Liberate I
Travel Accidents Liberal
Fame Religion Pleasures Setbacks Provocate
Private Ltte React Surgery Comm uni-
Health Optimism Fortune Blame ! Shadow
Unsteady Iron cations Alloy
Properties Gold Tin Lead Gas
Silver Mercury
Chest, Lungs :

Mother Cold Water Air-Gas Air-Fire Fire-Bile

Fire-Bile Air-Gas Etther-Gas
Negating 5th Blood MehaCold Digestive Gas Blocks
Fire-Bile Blood cells Hands Fat Brain
Left Eye Semen Buttock Dilution Nails
6th to El Brother- Pitta Bones Marrow Neck Thigh
Lungs Face Knee Intestine Hair
8th to Father - Right Eye Eyebrow Forehead Feet I
Urinary Uterus Foreleg EarHead Anus
10th to Spouse - Heart Heart Shoulders Nose
Bladder Ovaries Chin Mouth Private part
12th to Children - Skeleton Teeth Tongue Liver
Circulatory Cheek Nerve Lips Valves
1stto Mother- Muscles Skin Glands
system Fluids Secretions Tubues Growths
12th to Siblings
i- "1
If linked to
21 JUP I ': VEN

Speculation Marriage
Honour Flow, Mind Intelligent Money Profession Sudden
Fickle Dare, Debt Education ' Spouse Mystic
Disease Cure Authority Progeny Steady Foreign
Fraud Action Joy Spiritual
Father Friend Law Limit Del ink
Divinity Sibling Attract Block
Emotion Trade Wisdom Discipline Illusion
Love Haste Wealth Detached
Delink Mother Speech Expand Delay Arrest
Oppose to Work Express Water Enemy Convey Justice i Arts De-link Fear
Violence Analyse Joy Break
Name Respond Protection Comforts Land lazy Deceptive I
Pleasure pursu~ Accidents Liberate
Fame Travel Liberal Religion ' Pleasures Setbacks Provocate .
Pol~ics React Surgery Communi- Bondage
Health Optimism Fortune Blame Shadow
Sports Unsteady Iron cations Alloy '
Gold Tin Unite Lead Gas
Silver Mercury
Wisdom Copper I

Heart, Li.Belly
' -
Cold Water Air-Gas Air-Fire Fire-Bile
Fire-Bile Air-Gas Either-Gas
Brother in Law Blood MehaCold Digestive Gas Blocks
Fire-Bile Blood cells Hands Fat Brain
7th to El Brother - P~Bones
Left Eye Semen Buttock Dilution Nails
Marrow Neck Thigh
9th to Father- Lungs I Face Knee Intestine Hair
, Right Eye Eyebrow Forehead Feet i
11thto Spouse Heart Urinary ' Uterus Foreleg Ear Head Anus
Heart Shoulders Nose
1silo Children Skeleton Bladder Ovaries Chin Mouth Private part
Teeth Tongue Liver
Circulatory Cheek Nerve Lips Valves
2nd to Mother -
3rd to Siblings system
Muscles Skin I
Glands l
Fluids Secretions Tubues Growths
If linked to
0 SlJ.J
D 1rvoo cJ' MAR ~I Ille:! I
21 JUP gl\IEN 1 SAT 66JRAH ccs> KET
Enemies Marriage
Honour Flow, Mind Intelligent' Money Profession , Sudden
Dare, Debt Spouse Mystic
Job & Service Authority Fickle Education Progeny Steady Foreign
Action Joy Spiritual
Father Fraud Friend Law Lim~ Delink
Obstacles Sibling Attract I Block
Emotion Trade Wisdom Discipline Illusion
De-Link Partner Haste Wealth ' Detached
Mother Speech Expand Delay I Arrest I
Delink Arts Dejection
Debts - Loans Water Enemy Convey Justice Fear
Express Joy De-link
Respond Violence Analyse Break
Name Prctection Comforts Land Lazy Decer-tive
Diseases Accidents Liberate
Travel Liberal
Fame Religion Pleasures Setbacks Provocate Bondage
L~igations React Surgery Communi-
Health Optimism Fortune Blame Shadow
Unsteady Iron cations Alloy
Win over Gold Tin Lead Gas
Silver Mercury
Struggle - Fear Copper
Stomach I

Mtrnl. Ulcles Cold Water Air-Gas Air-Fire Fire-Bile

Fire-Bile Air-Gas E~her-Gas
Marital Problems Blood MehaCold Digestive ' Gas Blocks
Fire-Bile Blood cells Hands Fat Brain
I Left Eye i Semen Buttock Dilution Nails
I 8th to El Brother PfuBones Marrow Neck Thigh
Lungs Face Knee Intestine Hair
10th to Father - Right Eye Eyebrow Forehead Feet
Urinary Uterus Foreleg EarHead Anus
12th to Spouse Heart Heart Shoulders Nose
Bladder I Ovaries Chin Mouth Private part
2nd to Children - Skeleton Teeth Tongue Liver
Circulatory Cheek Nerve Lips Valves
3rd to Mother - Muscles Skin Glands
system Fluids Secretions Tubues Growths
4th to Siblings
If linked to
0 SUN .i> MOO d MAR
JUP 9 V8'1

Death Marriage '
Honour Flow, Mind Intelligent Money Spouse Profession Sudden
Fickle Dare, Debt Education Mystic
Business Author~y Progeny Steady Foreign '
Fraud Action Joy Spiritual
Father Friend Law Limit Delink
Partners Sibling Attract Block
Politics Emotion Trade Wisdom Discipline Illusion
Martial - Ltte Haste Wealth Detached
Delink Mother Speech Expand Delay Arrest
Water Enemy Arts Dejection
i Opposite Person Express Convey Justice De-link -Fear
Violence Analyse Joy Break
Name Respond Protection Land Lazy Deceptive
I Foreign relation Comforts Liberate
Travel Accidents Liberal
Fame Religion Pleasures Setbacks Provocate
Legal matters React Surgery Comm uni- Bondage
Health Optimism Fortune Blame Shadow
: Journey Break Unsteady Iron cations Alloy
Gold Tin Unite Lead Gas
- Silver Mercury
Foreign contact Copper
Waist - LBelly
Spouse Cold Water Air-Fire Fire-Bile
Fire-Bile Air-Gas Either-Gas
El..Bro to Father Blood MehaCold Digestive Gas Blocks
Fire-Bile Blood cells Hands Fat Brain
9lh to El Brother- Left Eye Semen Buttock Dilution Nails
Pitta Bones Marrow Neck Thigh
11th to Father - Lungs Face Knee Intestine Hair
Right Eye Eyebrow Forehead Feet
1st to Spouse - Urinary Uterus Foreleg Ear Head I Anus
Heart Heart Shoulders Nose
3rd to Children - Skeleton Bladder Ovaries Chin Mouth Private part
Teeth Tongue Liver
4th to Mother - Circulatory Cheek Nerve Lips Valves
Muscles Skin Glands
5th to Siblings system Fluids Secretions Tubues ' Growths
If linked to '.o JsuN,~ ollVKXl cf llllAR ~ IV5! )! JUP
~ Va-J 1 f So.T Q RAH KET


Longevity Flow, Mind

- Intelligent
Honour Money Spouse Profession Sudden
Fickle Dare, Debt, Education Progeny Mystic
Unearned wealth - Authority Joy Steady Foreign
Fraud Action Friend Spiritual
Father Law Attract Lim~ Delink
Legacy Emotion Sibling Trade Block
Politics Wisdom , Wealth Discipline Illusion
Violent/Hidden Mother Haste Speech Detached
Del ink Expand Arts Delay Arrest
Enemy Convey Dejection
Difficulty- Scandal Express Water Justice De-link Fear
Violence Joy ' Break
Respond Analyse ,, Protection Land Lazy Deceptive
Defame - Blame Name Comforts Liberate
Travel Accidents Liberal Religion
Fame Setbacks Provocate
Quarrel - Accident React Surgery Comm uni- Optimism Pleasures Blame Shadow
--..! Health Fortune Alloy
Insurance - Will Unsteady Iron cations Lead
Gold Tin Unite Gas
Silver Mercury
' Sick Chronic Copper
- I
Private Parts
Spouse Wealth Cold Water Air-Gas Air-Fire Fire-Bile
Fire-Bile Air-Gas E~her-Gas
Death of Partner Blood MehaCold, Digestive Gas Blocks
Fire-Bile Blood cells Hands Fat Brain
Semen Buttock Dilution Nails
10th to El Brother ~ Pitta Bones Left Eye Marrow Neck Thigh '
Lungs Face Knee Intestine Hair
12111 to Father - Right Eye Eyebrow Forehead Feet
Urinary Uterus Foreleg EarHead Anus
2nd to Spouse - Heart Heart Shoulders Nose
Bladder Ovaries Chin Mouth Private partj
4th to Children - Skeleton Teeth Tongue Liver
Circulatory Cheek Nerve Lips Valves
5th to Mother - Muscles Skin Glands
system Fluids Secretions Tubues Growths
6th to Siblings
If linked to
01~ D~IVIOO d MAR ~ 11/m
21 JUP
--- -

Past Merits Marriage

Flow, Mind Intelligent
Dare, Debt Education
Money Spouse Profession Sudden
Higher Education Authority Fickle Progeny Steady Foreign
Action Joy Spiritual
Father Fraud Friend Law Lim~ Delink
Foreign Travel Sibling Attract Block
Politics Emotion Trade Wisdom Discipline Illusion
Piiigrimage Haste Wealth Detached
Delink Mother Speech Expand Delay Arrest
Enemy Arts Dejection
Legal matters Express W<rter Convey Justice De-link Fear
Respond Violence Analyse Joy Break
Spiritual Name Protection Comforts Land lazy Deceptive
Travel Accidents Liberal Liberate
Fame Religion Pleasures Setbacks Provocate
Others Agreement React Surgery , Communi- Bondage
0 Health Optimism Fortune Blame Shadow
Occult-Intuition Unsteady Iron cations Alloy
Gold Tin Unite Lead Gas
Silver Mercury
2nd relation I wife Copper
Father W<rter Air-Fire Fire-Bile
- Cold Air-Gas
Fire-Bile Air-Gas Either-Gas
Brother/Sister in Law Blood MehaCold Digestive Gas Blocks
Fire-Bile Blood cells Hands F<rt Brain
11th to El Brother Pitta Bones Left Eye Semen Buttock Dilution Nails
Marrow Neck Thigh '
1silo Father - Lungs Face Knee Intestine Hair
Right Eye Eyebrow Forehead Feet
3rd to Spouse - Urinary Uterus Foreleg EarHead Anus
Heart Heart Shoulders Nose
5th to Children - Bladder Ovaries Chin Mouth Priv<rte part
Skeleton Teeth Tongue Liver
6th to Mother - Circulatory Cheek Nerve Lips Valves
7th to Siblings system
Muscles Skin Glands
Fluids J
Secretions Tubues Growths
If linked to .0JsuN Qi~ dj~ \S IV&! :>JjJUP ~ val 1JSt\T 66 RAH '"CJ KET
10th HOUSE
. ' Marriage I
Profession Flow, Mind Intelligent: Money Profession Sudden
Honour Spouse Mystic
Fickle Dare, Debt Education Foreign
Promotions Authority Progeny Joy II Steady
Fraud Action Friend Spiritual
Name, Fame Father Law Attract Limit Delink
Emotion Sibling Trade Block
Politics Wisdom Wealth I Discipline Illusion
Rewards Mother Haste Speech Detached
Del ink Expand Arts Delay Arrest
Water Enemy Convey Dejection
Nature of Work Express Justice Joy De-link Fear
Respond , Violence Analyse Break
Work condttion Name Protection Comforts Land lazy Deceptive
Travel Accidents Liberal Liberate
Fame Religion Pleasures Setbacks Provocate I
Progress Surgery Comm uni- Bondage
-"' Fathers Earning
Gold Unsteady Iron cations

Silver Mercury
Career Copper
Mother in law Cold Water Air-Gas Air-Fire Fire-Bile
Fire-Bile Air-Gas Either-Gas Blocks
Spouse Comfort Blood MehaCold Digestive Gas
Fire-Bile Blood cells Hands Fat Brain
Semen Buttock Dilution ,Nails
12th to El Brother Pitta Bones Left Eye Marrow Neck Thigh
Lungs Face Knee Intestine Hair
2nd to Father - Right Eye Eyebrow Forehead Feet
Urinary Uterus Foreleg EarHead Anus
4th to Spouse - Heart Heart Shoulders Nose
Bladder Ovaries Chin Mouth Private part
6th to Children - Skeleton Teeth Tongue Liver
7th to Mother -
8th to Siblings
system Muscles J Skin Glands
.. ..

If linked to
0 SUN D MOO cf MAR 9 Ill&!
21 JUP > VB'-1
11th HOUSE
Fulfillments Marriage
Honour Flow, Mind Intelligent Money Profession

Dare, Debt Spouse Mystic
Hopes Authority Fickle Education Progeny Steady Foreign
Action Joy Spiritual
Father Fraud Friend Law Limit Delink
Proftts Sibling Attract Block
Politics Emotion Trade Wisdom Discipline Illusion
Gains Haste Wealth Detached
Delink Mother Speech Expand Delay Arrest
I Arts Dejection I
' Success Express Water Convey Justice De-link I Fear
Violence Analyse Joy Break
Name Respond Protection Land Lazy Deceptive
Political Comforts Liberate
Travel Accidents Liberal
Fame Religion Pleasures Setbacks Provocate '
Friends React Surgery Comm uni- Bondage
Health Optimism Fortune Blame Shadow
Satisfaction Unsteady Iron cations Alloy
Gold Tin Unite Lead Gas
Silver Mercury
Income Copper
Calf muscles
Elder Brother I

Cold Water Air-Gas Air-Fire
Fire-Bile Air-Gas Etther-Gas
Ptrnl Uncle Blood I
'MehaCold Digestive Gas Blocks
Fire-Bile Blood cells Hands Fat Brain
Buttock Dilution Nails
1st to El Brother - Pitta Bones Left Eye Marrow Neck Thigh
3rd to Father - Right Eye Lungs Face Knee Intestine Hair
Eyebrow Forehead Feet
5th to Spouse - Heart Urinary Uterus Foreleg EarHead Anus
Heart Shoulders Nose
7th to Children - Skeleton Bladder Ovaries Chin I
Mouth Private part
Teeth Tongue Liver
8th to Mother - Circulatory Cheek Nerve Lips Valves
Muscles Skin Glands
9th to Siblings I system Fluids ,Secretions Tubues Growths
If linked to
0 SUN DlMOO d'lMAR ~ lNffi 2!1JUP ~ VEN 1 SAT 66 RAH <eJl KET
12th HOUSE I
Disappointment Flow, Mind Intelligent Money Profession Sudden
Honour Spouse Mystic
Fickle Dare, Debt Education Foreign
Displacement Authority Progeny Joy Steady
Fraud Action Friend Spiritual
Asylum.Jail Father Law Attract Limit Delink
Sibling Trade Block
Politics Emotion Wisdom Discipline Illusion
Death Haste Wealth Detached
Mother Speech Expand Delay Arrest
Delink Arts Dejection
De-Link Water Enemy Convey Justice De-link Fear
Express. Joy Break
Respond Violence Analyse
Foreign Travel Name
Accidents Liberal
Protection Comforts Land Lazy Deceptive
Liberate '.
- Travel Religion Provocate
Surgery Comm uni- Pleasures Setbacks Bondage
Health React Optimism Blame Shadow
Iron cations Fortune Alloy
Bed comfort Gold Unsteady Tin Lead Gas
Mercury Unite
Sin-Bondage Copper
Negating Se~ Cold Water Air-Gas Air-Fire Fire-Bile
Fire-Bile Air-Gas Either-Gas
Blood MehaCold Digestive Gas Blocks
Fire-Bile Blood cells Hands Fat Brain
Left Eye Semen Buttock Dilution Nails
2nd to El Brother Pitta Bones Marrow Neck Thigh
Lungs Face Knee Intestine Hair
4th to Father - Right Eye Eyebrow , Forehead Feet
Urinary Uterus Foreleg EarHead Anus
6th to Spouse - Heart Heart Shoulders Nose
Bladder Ovaries Chin Mouth Private part
8th to Children - Skeleton Teeth Tongue Liver
Circulatory Cheek Nerve Lips Valves
9th to Mother - Muscles Skin Glands
system Fluids Secretions Tubues Growths
10th to Siblings
Bhadhaka AQUARIUS-11th
Bhadhakadhipathi SATURN
. MESHA-ARIES Marakadhipathi VENUS

Positive Quadruped Male Fiery East Barren Chara Bile

Cruel Acute Mysterious Violent Rythmic Impulsive Prishotodaya Warrior
Adjustable Arteries Brain Brain related fever Agricultural
Adventure Brain Coma Architecture
Aggressive Eyes Epilepsy Chemicals
Artistic Face Bones Eye problems Dentist
Assertive Head Fire-Accidents Engineers
Confidant Muscles Head eruptions Fire services
Courage Pineal Gland Headache Gambling
Creative Upper Jaw High fever Industry
Dynamic Inflammations Individual enterprises
Energetic Insomnia Judicial Jobs
Enterprising Nerve centre damage Leadership
Fickle Mind Neuralgia Machinery & tools
Freedom Paralysis Metal works
Independent Piles Surgeons
Nervous Pyorrhoea Thieves
Planning Vertigo Uniformed services
Quarrel Union leaders
Short tempered
Strong will

Bhadhaka CAPRICORN-9th
Bhadhakadhipathi SATURN
Negative Quadruped Female Earthy South Semi-Fruit Sthira Windy
Possessive Mild Passive Soft Smooth Pri:h:tdaya Business
Affectionate Chin Blindness Agri related
Ambitions Ears Brain troubles Arts related
Beauty & Music Face Ear Problems Brothel house etc.,
Cautious Lower Jaw Goitre Building related
Endurance Neck Gout Civil services
Fond of pleasure Throat Laryngitis Commercial units
Forgiving Thyroid Mumps Financial
Imaginative Tongue Obesity Food grains
Industrious Tonsils Paralysis of Intellectual careers
Loving Veins face parts Jewellers
Materialistic Vocal Chords Smallpox Luxury goods
Possessive Throat infectionsi Pleasurable Pursuits
Prudent Tonsils Property dealings
Reliable Vehicle related
Strong will

Bhadhaka SAGITTARIUS-7th
Bhadhakadhipathi JUPITER
Marakadhipathi MOO-JU P

Positive Biped Male Airey West Barren Ubhaya Bile

Human Voice Musical Intellect Shlrshodaya Service
Activity Arms Asthma Accounts related
Adaptable Bronchial tubes Breathing problems Advertisements
Amusements Fingers Catarrh Air Travels
Artistic Hands Chest problems Space related
Changeable Nervous Collar bones Combined business
Charming Ribs Fractures Communication
Conversations Shoulders Arms related
Imaginative Lung disorders Export Imports
Intellect Nerves trouble Intellectual pursuits
Inventive Pneumonia Journalism
Logical Rheumatism Lecturer
Mathematics Stammering Media
Planning Tuborculosis Publication, Press
Progressive Sea related jobs
Reading Writing Textiles cottons
Sensual Travel related jobs
Unrest Typing

Lord MOO
Bhadhaka TAURUS11th
Bhadhakadhipathi VENUS

Negative Muttl-leged Female Watery North Fruitful Chara Phelgm

Moksha Emotional Sensitive Unstable Pristodaya Priestly
Adjustable Breasts Blood Problems Athletic related
Domestic Digestive Canal Epilepsy Food related
Emotional Pancreas Gastric problems Liquid
Gets influenced Ribs Lack of resistance Transports
Henpecked Sternum Less stamina Milk related
Imaginative Womb Little vitality Music
Intelligent Lung disorders Pearls
lntuitional Phobias Performing arts
Over sensitive Tuborculosis Religious science
Psychic Ulcers Sea related jobs
Shy nature
m Lord

Bhadhakadhipathi MARS

Positive Q..a:tuped l\l1ale Fiery East Barren Sthira Bile

Royal Voice Musical Bestial Vitality Pristodaya Warrior

Active Back Back pains Administration

Administrator Heart Convulsion Diplomacy
Ambitious Main artery Diarrhoea Executive pos~ions
Courage Spine Dyspepsia Forestry
Creative Spleen Fevers Geology
Dominating Stomach Gallbladder Government
Dynamic Heart diseases services
Egoistic Palpitations Political activities
Enthusiastic. Sight probl.ems Technical field
Firmness Spine problems
Frank Stomach problems
Generous Thrombosis
Individualistic '

Lord MER
Bhadhaka PISCES-7th
Bhadhakadhipathi JUPITER

Negative Biped Female Earthy South Barren Ubhaya Windy

Intellect Voice Medical Human Psychic Mental Sttshodaya Business
Analytical Abdomen Arthritis Accounts
Cautious Back lower nerves Constipation Critic
Diplomatic Intestine Gas problems Dentist
Discriminative Hernia Industrial ventures
Economical Indigestion Management
Fond of op sex Infections in intestine Maths
Fussing Masturbation Mental activities
Futile imaginations tendency Scholars
Impractical Nutrition deficiencies Teaching
Impulsive Plexus region Writing
Intelligent Spleen troubles
Lack of confidence
Peace loving
Soft spoken

- Lord
Bhadhakadhipathi SUN
TULA-LIBRA Marakadhipathi MAR
Positive Biped Male Airey West Barren Chara Bile
Musical Justice Balance Rhythmic Voice Intellect Shirshodaya Service
Arbitrator Adrenal glands Back rheumatics Legal professions
Artistic temperament Blood vessels Bladder Liaison
Charm Kidneys Diabetes Performing arts
Ease Lumbar Impotency Physicians
Flirts Nerves of Lumbar Kidney problems Plastics
Futile Imaginations Renal problems Rubber
Idealistic Skin Textiles
Impartial Urinary infections Precious Metals
Justice Vein problems Gems
Level Headed Space related
Over sexy Transport related
Thrusts views

Lord MAR
Bhadhaka CANCER-9th
Bhadhakadhipathi MOON
Negative Female Watery North Fruitful Sthira Phlegm
Sensitive Violent Secretive Material Medical Occult Pristodaya Priestly
Critical Anus Bladder stones Armed force services
Emotional Bladder Cystitis Diplomacy
Excited Cervix Fistula Dock yards
Fickle Genitals Hydrocele Female oriented units
Inclined to cruelty Prostate Glands Mensural Godows and stores
Jealous Sex organs disturbances Industrial Units
Materialistic Urinary system Piles Legal professions
Not adjusting nature Prostate problems Performing arts
Sensual Rectal problems Physicians
Suspicious Syphilis
Unforgiving Throat problems
Urinary genital
Vernal diseases

Lord JUP
Bhadhaka GEMINI-7th
Bhadhakadhipathi MERCURY
Marakadhipathi SAT-MER

Positive Bip/Quadr Male Fiery East Semi-Fruit Ubhaya Bile

Mysterious Yoice/Philosp Bestial PrStmya Warrior
Boasting Arterials Fits Advisory profession
Business attitude Hips Gout Animal husbandry
Careless Liver Hip related problems Astrology
Dynamic Neuralgia of Hip Injuries Councilors
Energetic Pelvis Liver problems Legal related
Enterprising Sacrum Nerves disorders Librarian
Frank Thighs Obesity Literature
Hasty Paralysis Medicine related
Honest Pelvis Ministers
Impulsive Rheumatic pains Philosopher
Irresponsible Thighs related Preachers & taachers
Non hypocritic Typhoid Priests

Lord SAT
Bhadhaka SCORPI011th
Bhadhakadhipathi MARS

Negative 41.egiWater Female Earthy South Semi.fruit Chara Windy

Sacrifices Lame Soumya Pristodaya Business
Cautious Arteries Acidity Administration
Cruel Bones Depressions Architecture related
Cunning Glands Knee problems Civilworl<s
Determined Joints Leprosy Dental related
Hypocrite religious Knees Rheumatic pains Executive services
Lazy nature Nerves Sino-infections Harbours
Methodical Skin Skin related diseases Marine products
Mindful efforts Tooth problems Meditation etc.
Patient Notorious activities
Pessimist Publicworl<s
Practical nature

Lord SAT
Bhadhaka LIBRA-9th
Bhadhakadhipathi VENUS

Positive Biped Male Aiery West Semi-Fruit Sthira Bile

Mystic Intellect Voice Humane Philosophic Musical ShriS1Jcaya Service

Eccentric Ankles Back bones Archeologist

Easily provoked Arteries System Blood related Back door activities
Fluctuated fortunes Calves Breathing disorders Mental works
Hardworks Glands Gas problems Occult subjects
Idealistic Nerves Prone to injuries Physical hardworks
lndep.endent Spasm disorders Social related
Innovative Vein problems Space related
Rational thinking

Lord JUP
Bhadhaka VIRG0-7th
Bhadhakadhipathi MERCURY
Negative Aqua Female Watery North Fruitful Ubhaya Pheigm
Unstable Secretive Emotional Intellect Psychic Philoolptic Ubhaya Priestly
Change Feet Addictions to Drugs Drug related
Compassion Lymph organs Boils Export-Import
Confused Pituitary glands Colds Hospital and related
Gets mislead Toes Gastric problems Occult related
Greedy Gland disorders
Indecisive Gout
Intuitions Impaired memory
Learned Mental distortions
Orthodox Mucus

we cast the horoscope based on a number between 1 and 249
pronounced by the consultant for a question. We take the
Ascendant as the number denoting the sign, star and sub in the
table given. We have the commencing point of Lagna for a
number given, in degrees, minutes and seconds. All we need
to know is the corresponding houses to this particular rising
degree of Lagna. There are number of astrological software
available and most of them provide the facility to erect a chart
for stellar system and a few of them have provision for number
charts also. But for those who do not have software that can
give a number chart, we can use the regular ~oftwar~ wit~
requisite ayanamsha alternations. -

For this purpose we will take an example horoscope for a serious

question. Today is 5th June 2007. We shall put a question now:
the Question is:
"What is that I am doing? When it will be completed and
KP Number given

Now the Lagna for KP No 34 is 17:46:40 Vrishabha. The Sign

Lord Venus, The Star Lord is Moon, Sub Lord is Mercury.

(Note: The Lagna Sub Lord itself indicates, the matter: Writing
and Publishing, Moon+Mercury is Astrology, Venus is Expertise.
The Day Lord Mars indicates Printing and Publishing.)

Now we cast the horoscope by computer for Kp No: 34.

If we use the computer with the horary number facility we can

use that. Other wise we can use regular programme and arrive
at the Number Lagna.

We will use now regular programme and put the horary chart by

The Lagna for Number 34 is Taurus commencing at 17.46.40.

On 5-6-2007 sunrise at Hyderabad is 5-41 a.m. and the rising
lagna is "Vrishabha".

Vrishabha Lagna is at 19.14.21 degrees but we want Lagna for

17.46.40. We have to reduce 1 degree, 27 minutes and 41
seconds to match the lagna degrees. For this purpose we have
to cast little earlier than 5.41. 4 minutes of clock time is equal
to approx 1 degree of Lagna. For 1 minute it is 15 minutes of
Lagna. If we make 2 minutes more it is 30 minutes of Lagna.
Therefore we must reduce the time little less than 6 minutes.
After adjusting the time to 5.35.02 a.m. we get the lagna
Vrishabha at 17.46.40 as denoted by KP number 34. We can
now consider the remaining houses as given by the computer.

Note: This is only to note the Cusp points for 12 houses.

No planetary position from this chart to be considered.
Str Sub
Csps Sn Degree Lords
1 fa- 1746' Moo Mer
2 II 1325' Rah Mer
3 s 846' Sat Ven
4 .fl. 651' Ket Rah
5 ml 91s Sun Ven
6 ~ 1419' Rah Mer
7 TO, 1746' Mer Mer
8 ~ 1325' Ven Ven
9 \.5 846' Sun Ven
10 ~ 651' Rah Rah
11 918' Sat Ven
12 *
cp 1419' Ven Ven

For the same number we have also used a programme which
facilitates to give the cusp points, by using number. The following
are the cusp points reported by this programme.

s H D M Sec Sgl Stl Sbl

2 1 17 46 40 Ven Moo Mer
3 2 13 26 1 Mer Rah Mer
4 3 8 47 58 Moo Sat Ven
5 4 6 54 38 Sun Ket Rah
6 5 9 21 51 Mer Sun Ven
7 6 14 21 28 Ven Rah Mer
8 7 17 46 40 Mar Mer Mer
9 8 13 26 1 Jup Ven Ven
10 9 8 47 58 Sat Sun Ven
11 10 6 54 38 Sat Rah Rah
12 11 9 21 51 Jup Sat Ven
1 12 14 21 28 Mar Ven Ven

There is hardly any difference and up to sub level we get correct

report in both the horoscopes.

But we normally use the former method due to updated data

resources being used for computation of houses and we shall
also be taking the planetary position for the time of question from
the same programme. Of-course, we must check from the
software programme whether it is backed up by reliable technical
support with sufficient knowledge on the subject.

Now to get the planetary position we have to again use the

normal programme and cast a horoscope for the date and time
19.07- 5th, June 2007. and take only the Planetary position.
Str Sub
Sn Degree Lords
Sun M 2039' Moo Ven
Moo a 1359' Moo Jup
Mar . 2154' Mer Sun
Mer N 1340' Rah Mer
Jup z 215' Mer Ven
Ven 0 557' Sat Mer
Sat 0 268 1
Mer Jup
Rah 0 1733' Rah Sun
Ket n 1733' Ven Mar

Incorporating these two we make the Question chart.

Dasha Bhukti periods

Major Minor SubMinor Starts Ends
Moon Jup Jup 05-06-07 12-07-07
Moon Jup Sat 12-06-07 26-09-07
Moon Jup Mer 26-09-07 03-12-07
Moon Jup Ket 03-12-07 31-12-07
Moon Jup Ven 31-12-07 20-03-08
Moon Jup Sun 20-03-08 13-04-08
Moon Jup Moo 13-04-08 23-05-08
Moon Jup Mar 23-05-08 20-06-08
Moon Jup Rah 20-06-08 31-08-08
Moon Sat Sat 31-08-08 29-11-08
Moon Sat Mer 29-11-08 18-02-09
Moon Sat Ket 18-02-09 23-03-09

Moon Sat Ven 23-03-09 26-06-09
Moon Sat Sun 27-06-09 25-07-09
Moon Sat Moo 25-07-09 10-09-09
Moon Sat Mar 10-09-09 13-10-09
Moon Sat Rah 14-10-09 07-01-10
Moon Sat Jup 07-01-10 24-03-10
Moon Mer Mer 24-03-10 04-06-10
Moon Mer Ket 04-06-10 04-07-10
Moon Mer Ven 04-07-10 27-09-10
Moon Mer Sun 27-09-10 22-10-10
Moon Mer Moo 23-10-10 04-12-10
Moon Mer Mar 04-12-10 03-01-11

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\ . _.,. .. Mer,.sun
_..,_ -.. _;,,~:
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XI'-09-18 Sat,Ven XIM~,9Yen,Ven 1~17-46-461100,Mer 11-1~:is iliti;ulr: ~ -- '

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Ven 05-57 ~.Mer .:
.. -. ,) ... q o;.. : ~ " ;

QUESTION m OS-46 Sat.Ven

.; .,-. _, - - '
' sat 26-08 Mer,Jup
Wtiat ta ,thau.m
....... - n -~
.. ,,.,_ ... ,. ~\..9-,..~" =~ ...,, . ~"'"~,
It Wiii btt com_E!eted and how?
tl!. r .,
.. .a... ...... ( ;.,; 1: KP NUMBER 34
~13'-?.9_!100,Jup. Time
,,. ... .. -.. .. - ./
IX.QM& sun,veo, Date I 05 I 06 }20071

. :.. .- .
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Jup.21-05-Mer,ven 'i./' -; ;> 1~
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vui~ia-25 lian,ven 11-11:..S Mer;Mei'.'. vr-14'19"00 Rah.~ :v:00.1a Sun,Ven
! .. <) ,. -t'.1. ;... ' J ;~-~~:-:- '"i )t.,-i t - '"!

In order to make easy application of rules, we have designed
a desk board where In all the components are taken care off,
giving the Significators and their performance capabilities
at one stroke.

The replicate of desk board appended herewith for ready


We shall give the details of analysis:

In this example chart we have not disclosed the content of
Question, and wanted to know what exactly I am doing at present.
For this purpose we have to Analyse Lagna (the ascendant)
1. Lagna is Taurus. Venus is lord of it who is in the Sign of Moon.
Moon indicates mind and mental work. Taurus sign is of
2. The Lagna is in the Star of Moon and sub of Mer. This
re-confirms the work is related to intelligence.
3. Sun is posited in the Sign. Sun the King of all planets indicate
the atma, dignity and status. He is also in the star of Moon
and he is in Venus Sub.
4. Jupiter aspects Sun and is again in Mer Star and Ven Sub.
Jupiter is divinity, adviser, preacher and religion.

The Lagna is indicating the divine subject of intellectual nature

of high status which relates to planet connected with it. The
combination of "Moo+Mer+Jup" itself indicates Astrology, Sun is
brightness, bringing to light, the subject astrology. Mer is
publishing and writing.
The Planets involved in Ascendant have disclosed the nature of

efforts by the self. Now let us take up the Ascendant Sub

Sub Lord of Ascendant is Mercury:

See the Desk Board:
Mercury is indicating:
1 Level - 2, 4, 6, 1O -Translation, Education, Efforts and work
2nd House is taken for translation because it is the house of
additions; it is the house of expression and speech.
3rd house represents original writing. Present book is the
modified presentation of its original Telugu version.
41h House is basic knowledge; this work contains most of the
basics in detail.
This is an educative book.
61h is efforts - 1oh is recognition and profession.
At the 2nd Level it is indicating 1, 5, 6, 7
It is the higher knowledge of divinity 61h and 7 is indicating self
efforts for society.
11 and 61h indicate sickness. Of course, I was not well and
51h shows recovery, now I am recovering.
Mer is in its own sub and hence all the above is again supported
by Mer as Sub lord.

Planets involved, the Sub of Ascendant have all confirmed the

nature of work involved and the conditions thereof.
The Moon representing the mind must reveal the actual matter.
Moo in Desk Board indicating

1, 3, 9 at both at1 51 and 2"d Level

It is writing work by the self, related to occult matter.

The sub lord is indicating
1,2,5,6,7,8, 11
What all the Ascendant has disclosed is confirmed by Sub lord
of Moon.
Now it is clear that the both Ascendant and Moon confirmed that
I am doing a work of astrology, translation, addition, modification
and writing and publishing.

Now we should go for matter confirmation by 3rd house Cusp sub

3rd Cusp Sub Lord is Ven.

In the Desk Board Ven indicating:

1st Level 3, 9, 10, 11

Since the matter is confirmed at the 11 level itself it is not

necessary to go into other levels. However other levels will again
indicate same as Ascendant and Moon, in this case.

Having got the matter confirmed we need to go in for significators

for houses 3,9 and 11 which are to be seen for writing and
publishing which fall under communication.

In the Harary astrology, once the confirmation of matter and right

selection of relevant houses are made, we need to look directly
for Dasha Bhukti and Antra Lords who would be indicating these
houses to time the event.

Look at the Dasha Bhukti and Antra statement attached.

Moon Dasha is currently running:

Moon had already established his strong signification for the
required houses.
Jupiter is Bhukti and Antra Lord running from 05-06-2007 to
During this period the work cannot be completed
1) Due to the fact that the work is in progress and may not be
completed by this date.
2) Jupiter is retrograde and he does not cross over to 6th house
and will be staying in ?1h house itself and ?1h is not detrimental
to the matter under consideration.
However, the work will have to be completed only after this date
After 12-7-2007 Saturn Antra Begins and it lasts till 26-09-2007.

This is the right period for this work to get published.

Now, we shall use the dictum of Prof: KSK, that a retrograde
planet will give result only after it becomes direct.
Jupiter as Bhukti Lord in our case is becoming direct only after
ih August 2007.

So we safely accept this rule and try to pin down the event
between 7th August 2007 and 26-9-2007.

It is now the Sun transit which is more useful in pinning down

the timing of event.
After ?1h August Sun will be transiting in Moon Sign which is 3'd
house of Horary chart and he will be transiting in Jup /Sat sub
during 11th to 14th this is the period of fructification of this work.

The horary answer can be cross verified by Naadi system and

Traditional Astrology method. For this purpose we need to cast
the horoscope for 5th June 2007 at 19:07.

N E s w

Mar21:49 Sun 20:34 Mer 13:35

w Rah 17:28
Ven 5:51 N
Date - 05.06.2007 Sat26:2
Time - 19:07:00
Week day - Tuesday Ket 17:28
s Moo 13:53


E N w s
In Naadi system Lagna is not essential. Since we are also looking
into Traditional method we are marking Lagna also in the above

Naadi Method of Analysis:

The grouping of planets according to Direction
N Mar-21:49
Mer-13:35 Sat-26:2
Rah-17;28 Jup-20:59
to previous Jup
w ~~~~~~--+-~~~~~~~..,,,



Since Jupiter is retro we have shown it in the previous direction

The hora lord at 19:07 is Jup.

Jup is in North Direction: He is in the House Mar.
Jup is connected to Ven & Sat.
Venus is "Paanditya" i.e. higher knowledge.
Saturn is "Karma" i.e. Work.
Jupiter is Jeeva - that is human life.
Jup connects to Mar, Mar is printing.
Jupiter is Retro and Joins Mer.
Mercury - Writing, publishing, knowledge.
Mercury is in the Axis of Rah and Ketu.
Rahu represents Secrets, and number of persons.
Rahu since connected to Jeeva represents number of "Jeeva"
Ketu in axis indicate occult subject
Ketu in the house of Sun - the house of Atma

Summing up all we get the matter denoted by Hora Lord Mars.

It is a work of secret knowledge related to human beings being
written and published.

Now the timing of event is based on the transit of planets.

Jupiter becomes direct in August remain in Vrishchika and by that
Mer and Sun will get connected to Jupiter. Saturn transits in
Simha connecting Ketu and Rahu.
This is around 2"d week of August.

Analysing by traditional method:
Lagna is Scorpio
Jupiter is in Lagna and aspects 5th house, ]lh house and 9th
There is an exchange of Moo and Sat in house 3rd and 9th

Sat is aspects 11 1h house

The Lagna Lord has linked the houses 5,7, 9 and the 3rd Lord

The matter is of higher knowledge to society which is related to

occult subject and under publication.

Timing of the event:

Dasha Bhukti and Antra
Moo-Jup-Sat-Sat = 06-08-2007 - 18-8-2007

The planets that are involved to fructify the matter have all
involved during the above dasha, bhukti, antra and sukshma

Confirming from other methods will make the astrologer more

confident in giving prediction to the consultants.

Na aham karta sarvasya Hari karta


The karma theory is the prime key factor in Indian astrology. The
planets are designated with the powers to bestow the persons
with the results of past karma at appropriate time. There are
several theories with diverse opinion with regard to this. During
research on the subject "Remedies" I have experienced certain
incidents. It is worth to share these with the readers.

I have been suffering from bronchial infection resulting in

breathing problem. Even after consuming different types of
antibiotics for several days, there was no improvement and some
other problems developed in the digestive tract.

During these days I happened to meet a gentleman called Sri

Kondeti Nageswara Rao, who is a yoga specialist conducting
classes at Hansa Yoga Kendra, at Hyderabad. During my
meeting with him, he showed me some of the case histories of
curing cancer, Leprosy, Asthma, thyroid problems by advocating
Asanas and Pranayama.

Of late, there have been many TV shows and camps of Sri

Ramdev ji Maharaj, claming the cure for many diseases through
yoga and pranayama. All these encouraged me to take a
chance and see how these will work on my problem.

Day by day I found there has been improvement in my health

and at the end of 1 month my lungs were clear and I had stopped
taking the antibiotics. I continued these exercises and with in a
period of 4 months I recovered all my confidence and now my
health is under total control.

There is a classic quote which says "the Past karma will trouble

the person in the shape of chronic diseases". Planets give the
results of karma in the shape of diseases. The diseases are
cured by practising yoga and pranayama. Logically, it means that
we are appeasing planets through yoga and pranayama.

If planets are appeased by yoga and diseases are cured, then

why should not the same yoga and pranayama give relief from
materialistic problems.

By Pranayama, the mental confidence will be increased.

By Certain Yoga the energy centers are activated.

The energy centers are

Moo lad hara

Mooladhara is the - Foundation which is essential for strong base

and denotes confidence and radiance.

Ajna is relates to Knowledge

Manipura is for work
Anahata is for relationships
Vishudha is for social activities
Swadhistana is enjoyments and desires

By practice of simple yoga and pranayama the chakras can be


Instead of going into details I would like to introduce the simple
yoga and pranayama by which all the six charkas are activated
and the planetary propitiations are fulfilled, to a great extent.

Wann up exercise
1) Gentle jogging 36 times forcing breathe while exhaling
through both nostrils, keeping attention on right toes. Repeat
this shifting attention to left toes.
Repeat this 3 times.

2) Stand erect facing east, take deep breath and exhale slowly
Repeat "Om aadityayacha somaaya, mangalaya,
budhaayacha, guru shukra shanibhyascha raahave
ketave namaha
Repeat 19 Times.

3) Lie down flat facing sky. Keep your legs straight a foot apart
and hands on the sides.
Keep your palms a little away from the body.

Now breath out repeating Om: while pulling stomach inside to

its maximum repeating 1 Gayatri mantra.

Gradually chant up to 5 gayatri mantras.

Now relax with inhaling the air slowly. Do it 6 times at each

charka starting from Mooladhara to Anja charka

Now relax and close your eyes and experience visualizing each
part of the boady from toes to head with normal breath.
Remain in that state for 20 minutes and then slowly get up and
sit in Padmaasana.

Breath a little fast with both nostrils and close eyes and
concentrate on Anja charka.

Relax for 5 minutes and get on with routine.

This will increase your level of concentration and confidence and
will be able to discharge your responsibilities with ease.

Homa and Daana Prakriya

Offering planetary cereals into fire by repeating mantra of each

For this purpose we should know which planets are creating


In KP it is very easy to find out

After selecting the signifying planets for a particular matter, find

out if these planets are in the sub which are signifying houses
which is detrimental to the matter under consideration. Select
those sub planets and offer grains related to the planets into the
fire or donate the same to cow or poor.

Sun - Wheat, Moon - Rice, Mars - Redgram, Mercury -

Greengram, Jupiter - Bengalgram, Venus - Beans, Saturn -
Ti/, Rahu - Urad, Ketu - Horsegram.

While offering in to the fire, repeat the Bija mantra of each planet
and offer thrice in the fire for the selected planet with the relevant
cereal dipped in ghee.

To feed a cow a minimum quantity of 1.25 kg. of mixed grains

recommended. For feeding poor, cook the respective grams as
food or side dish and serve with rice or rotis.

Use readymade copper pyramid type vessels to offer grains to
planet in fire. This should be done facing east. Chanting of
Gayatri mantra is recommended.

The Bija mantras can be had from any books of pooja of

navagraha or there are several books having these details.
These mantras are short in length and therefore it takes few
minutes perform this ritual. First offering to Ganesha with cow
ghee is recommended.

After offering the grains give thrice tharpana to each planet.

Visit the Navagraha Temple and make pradakshina and

namaskara on the prescribed days.

Gem therapy
Similarly, you can wear the stones of such planets as described
If the sub Lord is indicating negative results of the required house
signified by a Planet and
1) If the Sub Lord is Sun, Mer, Jup, Ven, Sat, do not wear these
stones of Sub lord but instead wear the stones of the Planet
signifying the House
2) If the Sub Lord who is obstructing the matter are Moo, Mar,
Rah or Ket wear the stones of these planets.

This system is based on the nature of gems which are

transparent and opaque in nature. The later are opaque in nature
hich reflect the bad rays and allow the significator to function.
.. The former absorbs light which renders more obstruction to the
planet signifying "matter''. Therefore we avoid this and wear the
gem of planet signifying matter..

Besides this theory gem can also be prescribed based on naadi
system which is purely dependent on signification of planets.

Here major obstructing planets are only Moon, Mars, Rahu and

Affliction by these planets, as per naadi system, to any of the

other planets such as Mer, Ven, Sat Jup and Sat are considered
and gems are prescribed.

For more detailed study on this please read "PREDICTION


Net aham karta sarvasya Hari karta



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