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Name: Diti Das Group: AH2 Section: 6

Name of the company: _ _ _ _ _ _Godfrey Phillips India Ltd. _ _ _ _ _ __ _ _ _ _ __ _ _ __

Web site address: _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ _ _ _ _ _ _ __

Market Capitalization: _ _ _ _ _ _ 54.23B_ _ _ _ _ __ _ (as on date. Find from a suitable website)

Pts Score granted by

1. On opening the website, there is a clear and prominent link to the 10 0
vision of the company. (if yes, give 10, else 0)
2. If not, type typed vision in the search box of the web site of the 8 0
company, and the vision was displayed immediately. (if yes, give 8,
else 0)
3. I clicked various options such as about us and reached the vision
statement. I clicked ---- (state the No of clicks in figure) before I
was able to reach the vision statement. (evaluate as per the
guideline below and write in the column opposite.
A. If 1 click 8 pts
B. If 2 clicks 7 pts
C. If 3 clicks 6 pts 6
D. If 4 clicks 5 pts
E. If 5 clicks 4 pts
F. If 6 clicks 3 pts
G. If 7 clicks 2 pts
H. If 8 clicks 1 pt
I. if 9 or more clicks 0 pt.

4. Your comment on the experience of finding the vision statement (round the appropriate
A. Exceptionally exciting experience
B. Very Exciting experience
C. Exciting experience
D. Neutral
E. A little frustrating experience
F. Moderately frustrating experience
G. Highly frustrating experience.

Learning Point: This is a surrogate measure for pride in vision and communication of the vision.
If your company is proud of the vision statement, they will announce it from roof top.

What is the vision statement? (Copy from the site and paste in the box below). In case you could not
find, state could not find the vision statement.

Vision Statement:

To become a leading tobacco player in India and beyond.

To sustain and enhance our position as one of India's most prominent business organizations, while
leveraging our proven competencies to diversify our reach across the globe.

Your Comment: How inspiring is the vision statement? (round the appropriate answer)

A. Exceptionally inspiring
B. Very inspiring
C. Inspiring
D. Neutral
E. Not very inspiring
F. Not inspiring
G. Not at all inspiring
If you found the vision statement inspiring, what words in the statement inspired you? (State 3
words or terms that inspired you in order of their priority)

1. Priority 1 (word/term) _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
2. Priority 2 (word/term) _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
3. Priority 3 (word/term) _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

If you did NOT find the vision statement neutral or not inspiring, what was the reason for it?
(Describe in brief)

As a tobacco manufacturer company vision statement should be stronger. Vision statement is very does not include companys values and commitments.

Learning point: The need to create a vision is self-explanatory. You need to focus on doing so while
making the vision of a company or a vertical or a team.

Core Values.

Are the core values a part of the vision statement? 1. YES 2. NO (Round the appropriate answer)
If NO, where is it given in the web site? _ _ _ _ _ _ Core values are mentioned in the companys vision
and values section under a subheading values_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

What are the core values of the organization as given in the vision statement? (narrate ditto from the
web site)

1. Passion for winning

2. Innovation through learning and intrepreneurship

3. Winning trust internally and externally

4. Global mindset

5. Socially Responsible Corporate Citizen

Learning Point: Core values are important to align people to your vision; whether of the organization,
vertical or a team. If the organization does not have the values well-articulated, you will find it difficult to
align your team. Remember that in a few months from now, you will be a team leader of a nested team
(a team that is part of an organization) and would have to know the vision statement to align your
teams actions to the organizational goals.

Core Purpose

Are the core purpose of the organization clearly a part of the vision statement? 1. YES 2. NO
(Round the appropriate answer)

If NO, where is it given in the web site? _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

What is/are the core purpose of the organization as given in the vision statement? (narrate ditto from
the web site)

1. To become a leading tobacco player in India and beyond.

2. To sustain and enhance our position as one of India's most prominent business organizations, while
leveraging our proven competencies to diversify our reach across the globe.
Learning Point. Core purpose must be well articulated in the vision statement. It gives the organization a
direction to move.

Audacious Goal

Does the vision statement have audacious goals? 1. YES 2. NO (Round the appropriate answer)

Does the audacious goals have a time frame? 1. YES 2. NO (Round the appropriate answer)
The audacious goals and their probability of achievement: (Narrate this in the table below from 1 to 4
and then record the probability of achieving using the rating guide given below). Use the following
standards to describe the probability of achieving. Some companies may have more than one BHAG

1. 35 to 45 % probable to achieve the goal Highly impractical.

2. 46 to 55 % probable to achieve the goal Impractical.
3. 56 to 65% probable to achieve the goal Over audacious.
4. 66 to 75 % probable to achieve the goal Big Hairy Audacious
5. 76 to 85 % probable to achieve the goal Non-audacious.
6. 86 to 95 % probable to achieve the goal Highly non-audacious. .
7. Greater than 96 % probable to achieve the goal Very mundane.

S No Audacious goal (as stated in the vision statement) or BHAG Probability of achieving
in the time frame (Use
the standards such as
highly impractical, over
audacious etc. given
1. leading tobacco player in India and beyond Big Hairy Audacious

2. Impractical
sustain and enhance our position as one of India's most prominent
business organizations
3. Over audacious
to diversify our reach across the globe

Learning point: Goals that have a probability of achieving should be Big Hairy Audacious. Only then it
will be challenging. Evaluate from current strength of the company, how it has grown so far while
making this assessment in relation to the goals specified. For example, Tata group grew from 8 billion to
100 billion between 2000 and 2015. It plans to reach 350 billion by 2025. You could give it at least a 70%

Vivid Description

How vivid is the description?

A. Exceptionally Vivid
B. Very vivid
C. Vivid
D. Neutral
E. Not very vivid
F. Not vivid
G. Not at all vivid

Your Recommendation:

What is the modification you suggest in the vision statement? Specify the statement you recommend

Option 1:
To become a leading tobacco player in India and beyond.
To sustain and enhance our position as one of India's most prominent business organizations, while
leveraging our proven competencies to diversify our reach across the globe.
To sustain commitment towards society providing best quality products and contributing to the
community through holistic welfare activities.
To maintain commitment towards environment applying environment friendly industry best practices
driven by innovation.

Justification for the recommendation:

As its a tobacco manufacturing company environment and society are important factors to be

Option 2:

To become a leading tobacco player as well as most prominent business organizations in India and while
leveraging our proven competencies to diversify our reach across the globe.
To sustain commitment towards society and environment producing best quality products, applying
environment friendly industry best practices and contributing to the community through holistic
welfare activities.

Justification for the recommendation

First two sentences can be merged as its implying similar goals. Similarly, last two sentences can be

Note: If you recommend no change, you should justify why you make such a recommendation in the
space below

If you make a recommendation that no change is required, justify the same in the space below:

Learning point: You should able to create a visions statement at organizational, vertical or team level to
inspire and align the people. This exercise hones your skill for it.

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