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It decreases the release of aldosterone, reducing

sodium retention and resulting in improved renal 2. The quantity of blood expelled by the heart in a
blood flow and decreased fluid volume by dilating minute
dilate venules and arterioles?

3. An acute cardiac pain caused by inadequate

4. It inhibits the sodium potassium pump and
blood flow because of occlusion of coronary
increase intercellular calcium?
arteries or from coronary artery spasm?

5. It inhibits cholesterol synthesis in the liver and

decrease LDL by inhibiting HMG CoA reductase 6. Are poorly absorbed, causes diarrhea and
in cholesterol biosynthesis, resulting in reduction contraindicated for cardiac dysrhythmias?
of LDL after 2 weeks?

7. What are the commonly prescribe prolonged

8. What is the average cardiac output?

9. Type of angina that triggered by stress and 10. It restores normal cardiac rhythm in cardiac
exertion and is relieved by stress? dysrhytmias.

12. Which of the following medications: Quinidine,

11. It restores normal cardiac rhythm in cardiac
Bretylol, Lidocaine, Flecainide are not under Fat
channel blockers?

13. It reduces calcium entry, decreases conduction

velocity, automaticity and recovery time. Class II 14. Diuretics dilate the arterioles in the kidneys
Beta Blockers 4. Vasodilators Increase cardiac improving renal perfusion and increase fluid loss.
output by reducing cardiac afterload

15. Loop diuretics : Hydrochlorothiazideand 16. It is a direct-acting arteriolar vasodilator which

Furosemide are used for renal insufficiency immediately reduces B/P in hypertensive crisis. It
because it does NOT depress renal flow. is also used in the treatment of acute CHF.

17. Which of the following Symphatolytics are not

included in Alpha-Adrenergic Blockers 18. Is Benazepril included in Angiotensin
Phentolamine? Regitine, Cardura, Tenormin, Antagonists?

19. . Thiazide diuretics affects the distal convoluted

tubule through Manganese, Magnesium and 20. Is hypokalemia a side effect of Loop Diuretic?

21. Potassium-sparing diuretics excrete sodium and 22. . Thrombolytics dilates blood vessels. Peripheral
water and retain water by interfering with NaK dilators decreases the concentration of blood
pump. clots.

24. Aspirin, Dipyridamole, Sulfinpyrazone, Lovenox

23. Protamine sulfate is the antidote in which
The following are commonly prescribed
antiplatelet medications EXCEPT?

25. It prevents postop deep vein thrombosis. It is also

26. A clinical disturbance characterized by increase in
used for the treatment of unstable angina non-Q
plasma activity
wave myocardial infarction.
28. It increase the preload and afterload, resulting in
27. Circulatory medication use to dissolve blood clots
an increase in blood pressure cardiac output

29. After how many hours does thrombolytics 30. Type of circulatory medication that decrease
promotes the fibrinolytic process concentrations of blood lipids

31. It increases the osmolality of the plasma and fluid

32. Under what group of sympatholytic does Clonidine
in the renal tubules resulting in excretion of
sodium, chloride, potassium and water

33. Type of hypertension that caused by conditions 34. It is use to treat hypertension in a stepped care
other than related to renal and endocrine treatment after non pharmacological treatment
disorders has not achieved the desired results

35. To restore normal cardiac rhythm in cardiac


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