Common Surgical Procedure1

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enabling blood to flow around the obstruction.

Veins are
Common Surgical Procedures usually taken from the leg, but arteries from the chest
may also be used to create a bypass graft.
According to the American Medical Association and the
American College of Surgeons, some of the most D
common surgical operations performed in the United Debridement of wound, burn, or infection involves the
States include the following (in alphabetical order): surgical removal of foreign material and/or dead,
damaged, or infected tissue from a wound or burn. By
removing the diseased or dead tissue, healthy tissue is
Appendectomy is the surgical removal of the appendix, exposed to allow for more effective healing.
a small tube that branches off the large intestine, to treat Dilation and curettage (also called D & C) is a minor
acute appendicitis. Appendicitis is the acute operation in which the cervix is dilated (expanded) so
inflammation of this tube due to infection. that the cervical canal and uterine lining can be scraped
with a curette (spoon-shaped instrument).
Breast biopsy is a diagnostic test involving the removal of F
tissue or cells for examination under a microscope. This Free skin graft involves detaching healthy skin from one
procedure is also used to remove abnormal breast tissue. part of the body to repair areas of lost or damaged skin in
A biopsy may be performed using a hollow needle to another part of the body. Skin grafts are often performed
extract tissue (needle aspiration), or a lump may be as a result of burns, injury, or surgical removal of diseased
partially or completely removed (lumpectomy) for skin. They are most often performed when the area is too
examination and/or treatment. large to be repaired by stitching or natural healing.

Carotid endarterectomy is a surgical procedure to Hemorrhoidectomy is the surgical removal of
remove blockage from carotid arteries, the arteries hemorrhoids, distended veins in the lower rectum or anus.
located in the neck that supply blood to the brain. Left Hysterectomy is the surgical removal of a woman's uterus.
untreated, a blocked carotid artery can lead to a stroke. This may be performed either through an abdominal
Cataract surgery. Cataracts cloud the normally clear lens incision or vaginally.
of the eyes. Cataract surgery involves the removal of the Hysteroscopy is a surgical procedure used to help
cloudy contents with ultrasound waves. In some cases, diagnose and treat many uterine disorders. The
the entire lens is removed. hysteroscope (a viewing instrument inserted through the
Cesarean section (also called a c-section) is the surgical vagina for a visual examination of the canal of the cervix
delivery of a baby by an incision through the mother's and the interior of the uterus) can transmit an image of
abdomen and uterus. This procedure is performed when the uterine canal and cavity to a television screen.
physicians determine it a safer alternative than a vaginal
delivery for the mother, baby, or both. I
Cholecystectomy is surgery to remove the gallbladder (a Inguinal hernia repairs are protrusions of part of the
pear-shaped sac near the right lobe of the liver that holds intestine into the muscles of the groin. Surgical repair pulls
bile). A gallbladder may need to be removed if the the intestine back to its original location.
organ is prone to troublesome gallstones, if it is infected,
or becomes cancerous. L
Low back pain surgery can have various causes,
including abnormal development of the backbone, stress
on the back, injury, or a physical disorder that affects the
bones of the spine. Usually, surgery is not considered until
other options have been exhausted, including rest,
medication, and mild exercise. The type of surgery
performed on the back depends on the diagnosis.

Mastectomy is the removal of all or part of the breast.

Mastectomies are usually performed to treat breast
cancer. There are several types of mastectomies,
including the following:

Coronary artery bypass, most commonly referred to as

simply "bypass surgery," is often performed in people who
have angina (chest pain) and coronary artery disease
(where plaque has built up in the arteries). During the
surgery, a bypass is created by grafting a piece of a vein
above and below the blocked area of a coronary artery,
Radical mastectomy involves removal of the entire breast
(including the nipple, the areola, and the overlying skin),
the lymph nodes under the arm, and the chest muscles.

Partial colectomy is the removal of part of the large
intestine (colon) which may be performed to treat
cancer of the colon or long-term ulcerative colitis.
Prostatectomy is the surgical removal of all or part of the
Partial (segmental) mastectomy involves the removal of prostate gland, the sex gland in men that surrounds the
the breast cancer and a larger portion of the normal neck of the bladder and urethra - the tube that carries
breast tissue around the breast cancer. urine away from the bladder. A prostatectomy may be
performed for an enlarged prostate, benign prostatic
hyperplasia (BPH), or if the prostate gland is cancerous.

Releasing of peritoneal adhesions. The peritoneum is a
two-layered membrane that lines the wall of the
abdominal cavity and covers abdominal organs.
Sometimes, organs begin to adhere to the peritoneum,
requiring surgery to detach them.

Tonsillectomy is the surgical removal of one or both tonsils.
Tonsils are located at the back of the mouth and help
Total (or simple) mastectomy, in which the surgeon
fight infections.
removes the entire breast, including the nipple, the
areola (the colored, circular area around the nipple),
and most of the overlying skin, and may also remove
some of the lymph nodes under the arm, also called the
axillary lymph glands.

Modified radical mastectomy surgery involves removing

the entire breast (including the nipple, the areola, and
the overlying skin), some of the lymph nodes under the
arm, and the lining over the chest muscles. In some
cases, part of the chest wall muscle is also removed.
Anectine Bright yellow dye if viewed under cobalt blue
Neuromuscular blocker. Adjunct to anesthesia illumination.
to induce skeletal muscle relaxation. Facilitates
intubation. Garamycin
Aminoglycoside for GI/GU surgery prophylaxis.
Bronchodialator. Relaxes smooth muscle of Glucagons
bronchial airway. Treatment of Tx of hypoglycemia. Increases blood glucose.
bronchospasms. Also increases smooth muscle relaxation in
bowel surgery.
Anticholinergic. Decreases secretions and Hypague
blocks cardiac vagal reflexes. Dye used to visualize under x-ray (ex.
Local anesthetic. Used for oral cavity and nasal Hyskon
procedures. Visual media for hysteroscopy

Dantrium Isoflurance
Dantolene Sodium. Tx of Malignant Inhalation anesthetic
Diprivan Tx for bradycardia
Short acting anesthetic given IV for induction
and maintenance of general anesthesia. Also Indigo Carmine
used for sedation. Blue dye used in urologic surgery cases

Dopamine Ketamine
adrenergic. Improves perfusion to vital organs. General Anesthetic
Increase cardiac output.
Dobutrex Aminoglycoside. Pre-op bowel sterilization.
adrenergic. Increases cardiac output, adjunct Intraperitoneal irrigation.
in cardiac surgery.
Lugol's Solution
Decadron Strong Iodine Solution. Cell dye for colon
Dexamethasone. Corticosteroid (decreases biopsy and GYN surgery. Prep for thyroid
inflammation). surgery.

Dilantin Mannitol
Phenytoin. Anticonvulsant (tx of seizures) irrigation solution for TURP
Epinephrine Bupivacaine (Sensorcaine). Local anesthetic
Bronchodialtor. Tx of anaphylaxis. Increases
heart rate, blood pressure, etc. Used in an Monsels
arrest. Ferric Subsulfate. Topical cautery for GYN-
cone biopsy.
Narcotic analgesic. Adjunct to general Morphine
anesthesia Narcotic analgesic-fast acting

Nesacaine Steroid -decrease inflammation.
Chloroprocaine. Local anesthetic Hydrocortisone.

Neomycin SO4 Solumedrol

Aminoglycoside. Suppression of intestinal Steroid. Methylprednisone.
Nipride oxidized cellulose. absorbable hemostat
Antihypertensive. Produces controlled
immediate hypotension during anesthesia. Thrombin
hemostat-controls bleeding
Nitroprusside sodium.
Neosporin Toradol
Antibiotic ointment. Neomycin + Polymixin + Ketoralac. Non-narcotic analgesic. Injectable
Bacitracin NSAID

Neosynephrine Tridil
Phenylephrine. Adrenergic. Vasoconstriction Nitroglycerin. Antiarrythmic vasodilator.
for maintenace of blood pressure during Decreases blood pressure.
decreased blood pressure, spinal and
inhalation anesthesia. Vibramycin
Doxycycline. Tetracycline abx
Hemostatic agent Wydase
Hyaluronidase. Enzyme that increases
Polymyxin absorption and dispersion of injected drugs
Anti-infective irrigations. ".." B Sulfate and urography.

Pronestyl Xylocaine
Procainamide HCL. Anti-arrythmic for afib, Lidocaine. Antiarrythmic. treatment of v-tech
ctach, PVCs, atrial tach
Papavarine Midazolam. Sedative. Pre-op
Vasodilator-cerebral and peripheral ischemia
treatment Zemuron
Rocuronium. Neuromuscular blocking
Pitressin intubation.
pituitary hormone. ADH effect controls bleeding
abdomen. Surgery and esophageal varices.

Labor induction and decrease postpartum
bleeding, incomplete or inevitable abortion

Cholinergic. Antidote for skeletal muscle

Sodium biocarbonate
Alkanizers (antacid) Tx for cardiac arrest.


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