TP Task 3

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EPC 3903 Practicum 3b.

TP Task 3- Planning for Learning.

This task is linked to EPR3703: instructional strategies and planning for
assessment. It asks you to take on an active role in planning and preparing
for active learning environment. This task requires you to meet with your
MST, and through his/her guidance, plan a weekly plan using the school
template. Evidence of implementation of this plan is also required (added
to blog with a reflection).
What is the planning Planning for learning is the most important element to have a
cycle? successful lesson. Planning has a cycle called planning cycle.
The Planning cycle brings together all aspects of planning into a
clear, combined process (The Planning Cycle, (n.d)). There are
eight stages for the planning cycle ; Analysis of opportunity,
identify the aim of your planning, Exploring options, Selecting
the best option, Detailed planning, Evaluation of the Plan and its
Impact, Implementing Change, and finally Closing the plan.
Plan a weekly plan with your MST
Choose 1 subject and diagram the planning cycle that tasks place in your school
On Thursday October 19, 2017 I had an English lesson which was about Iguana takes a ride

story, and before I teaching this lesson I sat with my MST and we planned together on the

activities that I am going to do with them (See the picture below).

The activities that I have discussed

about with my MST.
Include photographic evidence of the implementation of the activities in your blog.
Record the learning outcome, and reflections.

H00296953 Anfal Mohammed AlDahmani

EPC 3903 Practicum 3b.

My lesson plan for the story.

Date October 19, 2017. Student Anfal Mohammed AlDhamani.
Time 10:20 to 11:00. School Emirates National School.
MST Ms. Valerie. Class 3A.
Unit/Lesson/ Reading story Iguana takes a No of 23 students.
Book/Page ride. students
Context of the lesson
This lesson is for grade three students. Students are going to learn the relationship between the animals and
humans and they should not trust strange.
Teaching goal
The overall aim of this lesson is to teach the students to not trust strange animals.
Learning objectives
At the end of the lesson students will be able to :
o Identify different characters from the story (Iguana, boatman, crocodile, frog, bird..).
o Describe the characteristics for each character (Iguana, boatman, crocodile, frog, bird..).
o Use the stick puppets to act the story.
o Compare between the story characters and choose their best character.
o Create their own conclusion for the story.
Assumptions about prior learning
o Some students may know some of the story events.
o Some students may know some of the animals in the story.
o Some students may know the problem with the Iguana before we read the story.
Anticipated problems and possible solutions
o Some students may not able to identify the problem in the story, so while I am reading the story I will
keep in asking them questions to figure out the problem.
o Some students may not able to name the animals in the story, so I will show them the picture of the
animals and I will let them to repeat the name.
o Some students may not able to compare between the animals, so I will provide an example for them.
Personal focus for this lesson
o Focus on classroom management.
o Focus on eye contact.
o Focus on variety of my voice.
o Focus on the students level.
Target language Teacher language
o Use the sticks puppet to model the story (Iguana; o Good morning students, how are you?
I want a ride). o Today I am going to read a story with you.
o Describe the story character (the Iguana is green). o What can you see in the cover page?
o Select students favorite animal and talk about it o The title of the story is Iguana takes a ride.
(I like the crocodile because it is strong). o What is the Iguanas problem?
o Give me five/ good boy or girl/ excellent.
o What do you think will happen?
o How you would describe the story ending?
Main tasks or activities Resources and teaching aids
In the next page.

H00296953 Anfal Mohammed AlDahmani

EPC 3903 Practicum 3b.

Story book, puppets sticks, worksheet, colors, and


Consider these grouping strategies: Consider where the children are working:
Whole class. In the floor.
Individual work. In groups.

H00296953 Anfal Mohammed AlDahmani

EPC 3903 Practicum 3b.

Activity Ti Interac Teacher Activity Student Activity Purpose/Objec MCT

me tion (activity + exact (what they do + tive of Activity Comme
instructions you intend to language you nts
give. Include any expect them to
questions that you plan to use)
Teacher engages the
5 T- Students will greet To get students
students by greeting them
the teacher back, attention before
then she will play with
Engagement mins STS then they will reading the
them Simon says sit down
listen to the teacher story.
and stand up.
instructions to play
Pre-Reading Simon says.
Transition 1 T-
Teacher will ask the
Students will raise To prepare
students to raise their left
min STS their left hand. them before
reading the
Teacher will ask the
10 T-STS Students will guess To teach them
students to sit in a circle ,
mins what will happen to not trust the
then she will present the
Building in the story and strange and to
story by showing them the
Knowledge story and she will hide the
they will share compare
their ideas with the between the
title, then she will ask them
teacher. Then they characters in
what they can see in the
will read the story the story.
While Reading cover page and what do
with the teacher
they think will happen in
and some of them
the story. Then she will ask
will use the puppet
the students to read the title
sticks to model the
of the story. Then while
characters with the
she is reading she will use
teacher. Also they
the puppet sticks that has
will answer the
the picture of each animal
teacher questions.
and she will use it to model
For example, they
the character in the story.
will say the iguana
Then ask them questions
will jump to get in
such as; what do you think
the next place.
the iguana will do? Who
do you think will help the

Transition 1 T-STS
The teacher will say show
The students will Managing the
me lips closed.
stop talking and students before
min they will put their doing the

H00296953 Anfal Mohammed AlDahmani

EPC 3903 Practicum 3b.

finger on their
The teacher will set up the
20 T-STS Students will focus To show if the
activity in the groups and
with the teacher students were
she will ask the students to
Transformatio mins. while she is able to
go back to their groups, but
n& first she will explain for
explaining and understand the
Post-Reading they will ask her if Iguanas
the students that in the first
they have any problem and
part they need to use the
question. how it solved.
story to answer the
question, and in the second
part they need to draw a
story map for the story and
write or draw a story

Transition 1 T-
The teacher will ask the
Students will close To settle them
students to close their eyes
their eyes and they down for the
and she will ask them to be
min STS will be quiet. last activity.
The teacher will ask the
2 T- Students will raise To close the
students to imagine that
their hands to lesson and get
they are the Iguana and she
Reflection mins STS answer the teacher feedback from
will ask them to explain
question and they the students
what they are going to do
will say for about the story
if they were in the iguana
Wrap Up instance, they will and what they
situation and what they
find a rope to reach have learnt.
learnt from the story.
the place.

H00296953 Anfal Mohammed AlDahmani

EPC 3903 Practicum 3b.

The activities that I did with the students.

Characters on the sticks.

Formative assessment; two


H00296953 Anfal Mohammed AlDahmani

EPC 3903 Practicum 3b.


I believe that the lesson was good and I was able to show my creativity with the activities I have

done. However, my MST wasnt able to observe be but she said that she liked the sticks that I

made and then she moved with the other group because in reading time my students are in three

groups; sharks, whales, and turtles. The sharks are the high level group, and I worked with them

and I saw that the students were engaged the most with the sticks because they were modelling

the story using the sticks. On the other hand, after the students finished doing the last activity

which was the assessment my MST recommended that I should ask them about what did they

learn in the story, and I wrote in my plan that I will ask them but because the timing was too

short and the story took about 20 minutes to finish discussing, so I decided to do the assessment

and while they were working I will ask them. Furthermore, for my coming lesson I will try to

work hard to ask my students about what did they learn in the story, so that would help me to get

feedback from them and my MST will be able to observe me doing that.

H00296953 Anfal Mohammed AlDahmani

EPC 3903 Practicum 3b.


The Planning Cycle. (n.d). Retrieved on October 23, 2017. Retrieved from

H00296953 Anfal Mohammed AlDahmani

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