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( Health Life Tips )

BY :

NIM : 452 16 012
In summary, our healthy body is a gift from God. We are the trustees. We should not misuse
it, nor provide wrong raw products for the factory and we should keep superb maintenance of this
delicate and sensitive machine, in order to enjoy it. It is the container of our soul.

The human body can be compared to some degree with a machine created by man. The
fascinating tape recorder has many mechanical and electronic parts but life does not come to it till an
electrical current is passed through. Similarly, in the components of the human body there are the
anatomic parts and fluids but also the spirit (the soul). As the care of a machine requires keeping it
clean, giving it some rest, and passing electricity of proper voltage, and using it carefully and wisely,
so are there requirements for the body and of the body as whole.

1. Exercise and Being Active

Being active and to exercise is not only acceptable in Our Life, but also recommended. Part
of the instructions given by the Prophet and the Imams (peace be upon them) about upbringing of
children is the issue of physical exercise. Swimming, for example, has been greatly encouraged in
our religious literature.

We have to realize that in Asia and Africa, walking was part of our daily routine, and doing
our day-to-day job without use of modern machines was part of our lifestyle. And so lots of physical
activity used to take place without planning or thinking on our part.

However, in North America, our lifestyle has changed. We are dependent on machines that
do our work. Walking is not an integral part of our life: we get into the car inside our garages and get
off at the office parking lots. And so, even a simple thing like walking requires planning, scheduling,
and determination on our part.

Involvement in sports activities is one way of exercising and keeping fit. Joining the community
sports groups also has the benefit of fostering brotherhood and fraternity among Shias.

2. Sleeping, Resting, and Avoiding Stress

Almighty Allah has appointed the night as the time for resting and the day as the time for
working. He is the One who made for you the night so that you may rest in it, and the day with light;
most surely in these are signs for the people who hear. (10:67) So naturally, sleeping is very

Avoiding stress: slow down; look at the present and enjoy it before you lose it. Give time for
your family. Having a good family life will help you in dealing with stress. And, finally, be in touch
with Allah, the Prophet, and Imams; read the Quran and the Duas. This will greatly help in dealing
with stress. can be quite helpful. And unlike stress counselors or psychiatrists, you dont need to
schedule an appointment or pay any fees Allah is always available to listen to you free of charge!

3. Practicing moderation in diet

When it comes to our diet, it has been scientifically proven that eating too much can
contribute to weight gain and obesity, and all the health concerns stemming from it. Similarly, eating
too little can result in your body not receiving the nutrients it needs for proper development and

The medical community is gradually beginning to recognize the medical benefits of

refraining from eating for the better part of the day. Not only can this fasting help us to lose fat, it
also gives our digestive system a much-needed and truly well-deserved break. It also increase
neuronal autophagy, which means that your brain neurons flush out toxins. However, science has
also shown that extending a fast beyond 30-40 days can result in starvation and this is not

4. Emphasis on personal hygiene

Islamic teachings lay great emphasis on keeping ones clothes and self clean. Tirmizi, Adab,
41 exhorts, Certainly, Allah is clean and He likes cleanness. It is highly advised to clean rubbish,
take daily showers and not leave bodily waste out in the open. Cleanliness of our mind is prerequisite
for total cleanliness (body and mind).

5. Refraining from consuming blood in any form

Strangely enough, blood that keeps you alive when it flows in your veins can prove toxic if it
enters your digestive system, and this is why the zabiha method of slaughter requires blood to be
drained from livestock before it is eaten. Blood is rich in iron, which the human digestive system is
not designed to handle in large quantities. An iron overdose can cause liver damage, buildup of fluid
in the lungs, dehydration, low blood pressure, and nervous disorders.

6. Enjoying some shut-eye in the afternoon

A short mid-day nap gives relief to the vital organs of the body including the heart and brain.

7. Especially for the MoslemsPraying five times a day

Apart from the spiritual aspect, praying five times a day at fixed times introduces routine in
ones life. The movements involved in the ritual provide a very light form of exercise and keeps the
blood circulation going. The arrangement of prayers is such that those at the time of empty stomach
are brief but those after meals are longer and give more exercise to the body in order to aid digestion
after a heavy meal.

8. Using honey to treat infections

Honey offers incredible antiseptic, antioxidant and immune boosting properties for our body
and health. It not only fights infection and helps tissue healing but also helps reduce inflammation,
even helping to cure coughs and flu, and treat acne.

9. Dealing with substance abuse

We learn from verses 90 and 91 of Surah Maidah that Islam is opposed to the use of any intoxicants.
The detrimental effects of cigarettes are well-documented and there would be hardly anyone who
was not well-aware of the harm caused by smoking. In addition, the lives, and in many cases the
untimely deaths, of many celebrities are a testament to the devastating effects of substance abuse.
Therefore, a person under the influence of alcohol may want to take off his dress, engage in unlawful
sexual acts, become violent and abusive without even knowing what he is doing. On medical
damages due to alcohol, whole books have been written.

10. Increase your knowledge of health and disease, of medications and side effects

This knowledge is not the monopoly of doctors. You can have it and use it in preventing the
illness, recognizing it early when symptoms appear, seeking early medical attention, then monitoring
the course of the disease, implementing the treatment (i.e. knowledge of diet for diabetics) and
recognizing side effects of the medicine.

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