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Template for OIE PVS Evaluation GVH NEOLA


I. State baseline information
1 Administrative Map of the state NA NA
2 Geographical features ( Agro climatic NA NA
zones, Rainfall, total area, land under
cultivation, fodder and forest area
3 Demographic data about Human NA NA
population and livestock
4 Agriculture & Livestock rearing NA NA
practices in general in the state

5 Total National Parks, Wildlife NA NA

sanctuaries, Bird sanctuaries, Zoo in
the State.
6 Wild life health issues, ring NA NA
7 Total species wise livestock NA NA
population in the villages
surrounding the National Parks,
Wildlife sanctuaries, Bird sanctuaries
8 Administration and judiciary systems NA NA
of the state
9 Economic data of the state in regards NA NA
to State GDP, Budget, Livestock GDP,
economic value of Livestock
population, Contribution of
Veterinary sector etc.
10 Funding opportunities for NA NA

11 Livestock census information of the NA NA

12 Majorimportantspecies/breedsof NA NA
13 Major Livestock markets species wise NIL NIL
within the state with geographic
14 Capacity, source and destination of NA NA
livestock to the markets
15 International/ Interstate Border NA NA
check posts / Quarantine Stations/
animal movement regulation.

16 traceability
Animal and system.
animal product trade NA NA
data of the state, export /non export
markets and traceability
17 Administration status and structure NA NA
of the Agriculture , Public Health,
Wild life / forest Fishery
18 Mechanism of coordination with NA NA
line departments (Food, Wildlife,
animal feed, drug regulation,
human health) for zoonosis
under "One Health" approach

19 Slaughter Houses/Abattoirs both NIL NIL

registered and unregistered
species wise with capacity

II. Animal Husbandry sector

1 Administration status and structure NA NA

of Veterinary, department of the
2 Infrastructure of the department GVH Building at NEOLA
(Poly clinics, Hospitals, dispensaries,
Sub- centres, AI centres, Check Ice box for cold chain.
posts, Livestock farms, Fodder farms
and Feed mills, and Slaughter
houses.) Building Status, cold chain,
transportation, telecommunication
3 Veterinary Biological Units (Public/ NA NA
Private), its annual production of
different vaccines.
4 Drug manufacturing units and NIL NIL
Veterinary Drug distributers

5 Disease diagnostic laboratory NA NA

(Regional, central and at district)
with Laboratory Quality Assurance
System (ISO and other
accreditation), OIE Reference Labs,
facilities available, testing done
6 Administrative status of NA NA
Epidemiology Unit and Surveillance
system in the State.
7 Risk analysis and management NA NA
system in place
8 Zoning/ Compartmentalization NA NA
efforts, if any by the State.
9 Status and mechanism of Animal NA NA
Feed safety.
10 Frozensemenproductioncenterand NA NA
11 Emergency Response to disease Ring Vaccination and
outbreak or food safety emergency treatment of affected
III. Education, Research & Capacity building
1 Graduate and post graduate NA NA
education course curriculum
2 Para veterinarian training curriculum NA NA
3 Research facility created/ ongoing NA NA
4 Departmental training institutes NA NA
training calendar.
5 Farmers training institute of the NA NA
department and of various other
6 Continuing Veterinary Education for NA NA
Veterinarians/ Para-veterinarians
and training calendar for continuing
7 Training of departmental staff NA NA
outside the state.
IV. Manpower
1 Total Veterinarians cadre wise NA NA
in position and vacancy
2 Total Para Veterinary NA NA
professionals/ Technicians in
position and vacancy
3 Specialization of the Govt employees NA NA
and whether placement is done as
per qualification or specialization
V. State statutory body
1 State Veterinary council and its NIL NIL
mandate, legal power, staffing and
2 Legislation for existing Veterinary NIL NIL
VI. Other Stakeholders

1 No of Registered Private Veterinary NIL NIL

2 No. of registered Livestock/ Poultry NIL NIL
Farmers/ Breeders Associations
3 Farmers body / NGO / cooperatives NIL NIL
operating/ or any other agency in
the state in animal/ animal product
processing and marketing
4 Agencies involved in Animal NIL NIL
Welfare (including NGOs) and
coordination with such agencies.
5 Veterinary Colleges and Agricultural NA NA
universities, KVKs ICAR Institutes in
the state
6 Communication/consultation with NA NA
different stakeholders

VII. Animal Health

1 Mobility of Veterinary service Door step emergency

2 Disease control programmes running
in the state
a. Central sector NA NA
b. State sector
3 Major livestock disease out breaks NIL NIL
occurred in last 3 years
4 Incidence /prevalence of zoonotic NIL NIL
disease in the state in last 3 years
5 Vaccination programmes and FMD,HS,ETV,SWINE
strategy for major notifiable FEVER,PPR,SHEEP
6 Diagnostic test performed by
the veterinary laboratories DDD LAB, JHAJJAR

VIII. Annual budget and utilization

1 Central sector NA NA
2 State sector NA NA
3 Other funding like NEC, World bank NA NA
4 Monitoring & Audit NA NA

IX. Disaster Management

1 Major natural disaster( Annual flood) NA NA
affecting the Livestock , its incidence
and loss in last 3 years and
departmental preparedness for
2 Disaster Management plan of the NA NA
state and liaison mechanism with
the civil administration
X. Food safety

1 Food safety measures, liaison with NA NA

the public health and FSSAI

2 Traceability issues - measures for Tagging with 12 digit

animal registration, identification etc tags.
XI. Veterinary drug regulation
1 Drug testing and authentication NA NA

Template for identification of stakeholders to be interviewed

Sl Stakeholder Place Date of interview

1 Policy makers/ Secretaries of AH sector NA NA
2 Director, AHVD NA NA
3 Officials of wild life department NA NA

4 Municipal authorities NA NA

5 Interstate check posts NA NA

6 Other Departmental Officers of AHVD NA NA

7 Field level officers of AHVD NA NA

8 Paravetrinarians NA NA

9 Other animal health workers NA NA

10 Private veterinary practitioners NA NA

11 Animal drug dealers NA NA

12 Animal Welfare organizations and NGOs NA NA

13 Large holding farmers NA NA

14 Small farmers NA NA
15 Medium level farmers NA NA
16 Backyard farmers NA NA
17 Laboratory officers and technicians NA NA
18 Animal Transporters NA NA
19 Butchers NA NA
20 Live Animal traders NA NA

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