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College of Arts and Sciences

Ateneo de Naga University

Course Code: PSCS001

Course Title: Politics and Governance with Philippine


Credit/ No. of Units: 3 Units

Duration/ Term: 1st Semester, A/Y 2014 2015

Instructor: Duke
Thomas Gascon Dolorical (MA Political Science, Ateneo
de Manila University; Master in Public Administration
[units], Ateneo de Naga University)

Consultation Hours and Venue: Tuesday (1:30-4:30 PM), Thursday (1:30-

3:00 PM) or MW (12:00-1:30; 3:00-4:30 PM) AS Faculty Lounge/ Social Sciences Department

Email Address:

RATIONALE: Political Science introduces concepts and theoretical lenses that enable students
to determine which is political in his or her society. It also provides systematic and inherently
coherent procedures and methodologies by which students can scientifically approach and
analyze political issues and social phenomena affecting them. Political Science ultimately
informs students of the different actors, institutions, rudiments and fundamental principles
concomitant to politics and governance in the Philippine and international political systems in
general. Thus, this course will allow students to critically engage issues and governmental
institutions and participate in concomitant procedures and processes.

COURSE DESCRIPTION: This course shall cover (but are not limited to) relevant concepts
and theories such as nations, states, governments, political behavior, power, public policy, and
political processes. These, along with the study of significant portions of the 1987 Constitution,
shall ground students conceptually and theoretically as they make sense of their individual and
general political experiences relative to the local, national and international political settings and

COURSE OBJECTIVES: At the end of the course, students are expected to:

1.) Understand politics, its concomitant topics and issues, and relate it to their individual
political experiences.

2.) Analyze how governments, political processes and systems work.

3.) Identify current issues in politics and governance.

4.) Explore and engage more critically different political institutions and processes of this

5.) Develop political, religious and cultural sensitivity as learned political actors.


1.) Quizzes: there shall be 5 quizzes (announced and unannounced) consisted of two short
quizzes (30 items each) and three long quizzes (50 items each). These quizzes shall be
conducted as deemed appropriate by the instructor throughout the semester.

2.) Project: Students are expected to make a 10-15 minute short film regarding a particular
political event or process or any topic preferred by students highlighting the different theories
and concepts pertaining to the State or a particular political process. Students shall be able to
employ political concepts and theories in the process of creating the video and highlight it in
their output. Students are refrained from using photos or videos created by others. Projects
submitted employing other peoples work that are not properly cited shall automatically be
graded zero.

Grading Rubric for Project

Criteria Excellent (Numerical Average ( NS: 5-7) Needs
Score: 8-10) Improvement (
NS: 0-4)
Relation to Students are able to Students are able to Students are able
Political highlight the political create a short film to come-up with a
Science concept or theory which fairly or poorly thought out
(40 %) underlying or influencing passably highlights short film, failing
the plot of their short film. employed political to highlight the
Audience does not find concept or theory. supposed political
difficulty in understanding Audience may theory or concept
the concept or theory require the employed.
used in the film assistance of the
film-makers in
locating the concept
or theory employed.
Originality Students are able to Students adapt Students have,
(30%) create a storyline or plot existing or already plagiarized an
that is not only unique if thought of storylines existing plot,
not totally original but also or plots and are able storyline or work
very convincing. to give it their own of another artist,
twist or improvisation director or
and are somehow creator. This
convincing. being the worst
case scenario,
students may be
given a failing
mark in their
project altogether.
Creativity Students are able to Students are able to Students create
(30%) create concise, create short films short films
understandable and that are fairly malnourished of
artistic short films understandable, creativity,
concise and artistic coherence and

3.) Major Exams: (Prelims, Midterms, Pre-finals, Finals)

4.) Reporting. Each student shall be assigned a topic for reporting and are allotted 20 minutes
each for their reports. They are encouraged to use powerpoint presentations or other forms of
visual aids that maybe helpful in their respective reports.

Grading Rubric for Class Reporting

Criteria Excellent (Numerical Average ( NS: 5- Needs
Score: 8-10) 7) Improvement ( NS:
Use of Students utilize concise Students utilize Students utilize
Visual Aid and visually appealing crowded if not disorderly, cluttered
slides in their reports wordy and visually
(15%) presentation torturous
slides. presentation slides.
Presentation can
be quite visually
Conciseness Students present only Lengthy but still Lengthy and
and concepts and ideas that understandable incomprehensible.
Relevance to are necessary. and graspable. Presents
the Topic at Students observed Presents unnecessary or
Hand. (50%) proper employment of unnecessary unrelated topics or
parsimony or brevity topics or concepts. concepts.
Propensity to beat
around the bush.
Students are able to Students are able Students manifest
present confidently, to present their lack of confidence
Presentation coherently and reports in a fairly and are unable to
Style convincingly. They are coherent and properly present
also able to address convincing their assigned
(35%) correctly concerns or manner. They are report. They are
questions raised by able to address also unable to
their classmates or concerns or address questions
teachers. questions of their and queries.

2.1 COMPETENCE. The Atenean actuates the gift of education as an instrument to

comprehend, judge and resolve urgent and universal human dilemmas. Thus, the Atenean:

2.1.1 Professes exceptional knowledge and expertise in his/ her fields of


2.1.2 Applies interdisciplinary approaches to problems

2.1.3 Thinks critically and creatively

2.1.4 Express himself/ herself proficiently in both oral and written


2.1.10 Discern group dynamics and seeks cooperation in confronting

contemporary issues

2.2. CONSCIENCE. The Atenean lives a life of exemplary integrity by cultivating an upright
conscience that impresses on him/her the imperative to positively transform the world. Thus, the

2.2.2 Cultivates foresight in the process of deciding and acting on ethical

and moral problems

2.2.6 Evaluates moral choices in the light of Christian conscience

2.3 COMPASSIONATE COMMITMENT TO CHANGE. The Atenean participates in the life of

society and the global community and grows in consciousness of his/ her dignity and personal
purpose in engaging the world. Thus, the Atenean:

2.3.4 Understands the structural and cultural roots of injustice in social


2.3.6 Advocates social changes that assist victims of injustice in gaining

their rights and regaining their dignity

2.4 CHRIST CENTEREDNESS. The Ateneans acknowledges the humanity and divinity of
Christ and believes his spirit as active in his/ her life and in the lives of others. Thus, the
2.4.10 Seeks and finds God in all things


Series of 2011 (Policies, Standards and Guidelines for the Bachelor of Arts in Political
Science Program)

Art. IV. Competency Standards

Sec. 7. Students in the discipline must exhibit the following


A. Understanding of the major concepts in the discipline

B. A thorough knowledge of political science, its various sub-
disciplines, its major themes and analytical techniques as well as
basic analytical techniques from other relevant disciplines
C. A well-developed ability to conduct their own scholarly inquiries
using established quantitative and qualitative methods, guided by
a theory-based or conceptual framework

D. Written, visual and oral presentation skills to produce

or present analytical reports

E. A substantive understanding of the historical and

contemporary developments in the national and global setting

F. A predisposition towards political involvement or

participation in any form


The mode for computing the final grades based on the final raw scores obtained from the students
performance considers the following factors or components as described for the indicated type of

Grading Component Percentage of Final Raw Score

Regular Semester (1st or 2nd Semester)
Class Standing (Classroom Performance - 40%
10%, Quizzes - 10%, Project - 10%,
Preliminary Examination 10%
Midterm Examination 20%
Pre-Final Examination 10%
Final Examination 20%
Total 100%


Under the College new grading system, letter grades are assigned according to a seven-level
scale with the indicated point values and descriptions, namely:

Letter Grade Point Value Description

A 4.0 Excellent academic performance with an outstanding
degree of achievement required for the course fulfillment
B+ 3.5 Very good academic performance with a high level of
above-satisfactory degree of achievement required for
the course fulfillment.
B 3.0 Good academic performance with an above-satisfactory
degree of achievement required for the course fulfillment.
C+ 2.5 Fairly passing with a high level of satisfactory degree of
achievement required for course fulfillment.
C 2.0 Passing with a degree of satisfactory achievement
required for course fulfillment.
D 1.0 Poorly passing with a low degree of achievement
according to minimum requirement set for the course
F 0 Failure; non-fulfillment of the minimum requirements set
for the course.



Dannug, Roman and Campanilla, Marlo. 2004. Politics, Governance and Government with
Philippine Constitution. Quezon City: C&E Publishing.

Reference Materials:

De Leon, Hector S. & Hector M. De Leon Jr. 2011. Textbook on the Philippine Constitution.
Manila: Rex Bookstore.

Garcia, Carlito D. 2009. Philippine Government and Constitution. Makati: BOOKQUICK

Heywood, Andrew. 2007. Politics: Third Edition. New York: Palgrave Foundation.

Magstadt, Thomas A. 2013. Understanding Politics, Ideas, Institutions and Issues. California:
Wadsworth CENGAGE Learning.

Morada, Noel M. & Teresa S. Encarnacion Tadem. 2006. Philippine Politics and Governance,
An Introduction. Diliman: University of the Philippines.

Political Science Department, Ateneo de Manila University. 2010. Philippine Politics, Democratic
Ideals and Realities. Quezon City: Ateneo de Manila University Press

Important Websites and On-line resources:

On Philippine Government:

The Philippine President and the Executive Branch:

The Philippine House of Representatives:

The Philippine Senate:

The Philippine Supreme Court:



Specific Objectives Topic/Content

Introduction of teacher and students to the I. Introduction of the course and class rules.

Orient students of the course, school policies,

class requirements and class rules (e.g. exams,
intellectual dishonesty etc.)

Expectation setting between teacher and

At the end of the chapter, students are I. Understanding Politics and Political Science
expected/should be able to:

1.) Determine what is political in political

science. A. Defining Politics and Political

2.) Understand how political science is both an 1. Definition(s) and characteristics of politics
art and a science.
and its basic concepts (i.e. power, authority,
3.) Identify and learn the basic currencies of
political science (i.e. power, authority, politics society etc.)
2. Theoretical approaches to the study of political s
4.) Establish the interrelation of political science
as an independent field of study with other fields -Historicist
of social sciences.
5.) Relate political science to their daily
experiences. -Institutionalist

-Behavioralist etc.

3. Political Science as:

-an Art

-a Science

B. Scope of Political Science:

1.) Public Policy

2.) Public Admin.

3.) Political Theory

4.) International Relations

5.) Public Law

a) Constitutional Law
b) Criminal Law
c) Administrative Law

C. Disciplines related to Political Science

1. History

2. Economics

3. Law

4. Psychology

5. Sociology

6. Education

At the end of the chapter, the students are expected II. The State
1.) Understand the concept of the State and
theories explaining its origin.
2.) Identify the different elements of the state Theories on the Origin of the State
according to the (a) major and (b) minor school of 1. Divine Right Theory
thought. 2. Necessity/Force Theory
3.) Analyze and link the different elements of the 3. Paternalistic Theory
state and the concepts surrounding it with the 4. Social Contract Theory
Philippine setting.
B. The Elements of the State (Major School
of Thought)

1. People
a) Citizens & Citizenship
b) Requisites of Population
2. Territory
a) Modes of Territorial Acquisition
i. Discovery & Occupation
ii. Prescription
iii. Cession
iv. Subjugation and Annexation
v. Accretion
b) Territorial Domains
i. Terrestrial
ii. Fluvial
iii. Aerial
iv. Maritime/ Territorial Seas
c) The Philippine Territory
3. Government
a) Kinds of Government
i. According the no. of persons exercising
sovereign control
ii. According to the extent of power
exercised by the central government
iii. According to the relationship the
executive and the legislative
b) Tests of Government Status
i. Constitutional
ii. Recognition
c) Kinds of Government

4. Sovereignty
a) Kinds of Sovereignty
b) Intervention

C. The Elements of the State (Minor School of


1.) High level of civilization

2.) Recognition from other states

At the end of the chapter, students are expected to: D. State Distinguished from:

Distinguish State from Nation and 1. Nation

2. Government
Identify and distinguish doctrines that
govern state existence E. State Doctrines

1. Acts of Government Doctrine

2. Acts of State Doctrine

3. State Continuity Doctrine

4. Parens Patriae Doctrine

At the end of the chapter, students are expected to: I. Rights of States and its Inherent Powers

A. Rights of State
Explain the different rights of states

Identify pressing issues in relation with the

rights of state 1. Right of Existence and Self-Preservation
a) Aggressive War
b) Defensive War
Illustrate how the inherent powers of the 2. Right of Sovereignty and Independence
state are used in the maintenance of peace and a) Types of Intervention
order and protection of life, liberty and property. 3. Right of Equality
a) Legal Equality
b) Political Equality
4. Right to Property and Jurisdiction
a) Attributes of Property
b) Types of Jurisdiction
5. Right of Legation and Diplomatic
a) Structures
b) Immunities of Members of the Diplomatic

B. The Inherent Powers of the State

1. Police Power

2. Power of Eminent Domain

3. Power of Taxation
At the end of each chapter, students are expected I. The Philippine Constitution
A. The Constitution

Appreciate the importance of Constitution 1. Purpose

and the purpose of its creation
2. Classification
Identify the essential qualities and parts of
a good constitution 3. Essential Qualities

4. Essential Parts
Understand ways on how the constitution
can be interpreted 5. Methods of Interpretation

6. Types of Constitutional Provisions

a) Self executory
b) Non-self executory
At the end of the chapter, B. The Philippine
students are expected to:

List the different 1. 1889

Constitutions adopted by the
Philippines throughout 2. 1935
3. 1943
Know the reason for
the creation of each 4. 1973
constitution and the
historical period to which 5. 1987
they were created

Know the contents of

C. Parts of the Constitution
the present Philippine
Constitution and its meaning 1. The Preamble
2. Art. I - The
National Territory
Understand the i. Reason for putting in the first part of the constitution
principles and policies ii. Does it limit the Philippine state from acquiring territories in
abided by the Philippine the future?
state iii. Determining jurisdiction aboard crimes that occur in the high
3. Art. II - Declaration of Principles and State Policies
Comprehend the i. Sec. 1 Democracy and Republicanism
concept of citizenship and ii. Sec. 2 Renunciation of War
identify the privileges iii. Sec. 3 Doctrine of Civilian Supremacy
incorporated therein iv. Sec. 4 Military Service
v. Sec. 5 Gifts of Democracy
vi. Sec. 6 Separation of Church and State
Appreciate the vii. Sec. 7 Independent foreign policy
democratic process of viii. Sec. 8 Nuke-free Clause
election through the ix. Sec. 9 Social Services
exercise of right to suffrage x. Sec. 10 Social Justice
xi. Sec. 11 Human Rights
xii. Sec. 12 Sanctity of life
4. Art. IV Citizenship
Explain the different
i. Modes of Acquiring Citizenship
modes of changing the
ii. Types of Citizens
iii. Loss of Citizenship
iv. Dual Citizenship and Dual Allegiance
5. Art. V Suffrage

D. Modes of Changing the Constitution

1. Constituent Assembly
2. Constitutional Convention
3. Peoples Initiative
At the end of the chapter, I. The Philippine Government
students are expected to:

A. Doctrine of Separation of Powers

Be familiar with the B. Art. VI - Legislative Department
dynamics of the legislative 1. House of Senate
department particularly the 2. House of Representatives
process of legislation 3. Powers of the Congress
4. Bicameralism
5. Process of Legislation
Be acquainted with the C. Art. VII - Executive Department
dynamics of the executive 1. President
department and identify the 2. Vice-President
power of the president and 3. Powers of the Executive Department
the cabinet D. Art. VIII - Judicial Department
1. Judicial Power
2. Composition of the JBC
3. Hierarchy of Courts
Be aware with the 4. Supreme Court
dynamics of the judiciary E. Doctrine of Checks and Balances
and the hierarchy of courts

Identify pressing issues

in the Philippine government

At the end of the chapter, I. Art. III Bill of Rights

students are expected to: A. Criminal Law
Explain the concept of B. General Classification of Rights
rights and its importance C. Right of Due Process of Law
D. Equal Protection Clause
Identify the E. Right Against Unreasonable Searches and Seizures
classifications of rights F. Right to Privacy of Communication and Correspondence
G. Freedom of Expression
Have a basic H. Freedom of Religion
knowledge in Criminal Law, I. Right to Information
particularly the levels of J. Right to Liberty and Abode
crimes K. Miranda Rights
L. Writ of Habeas Corpus
Identify the procedural M. Right Against Self-Incrimination
aspects of litigation in case N. Right Against Double Jeopardy
of violation of rights.


Duke Thomas G. Dolorical
Faculty Member
Ateneo de Naga University

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