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The Use of Genetically-Engineered Parageobacillus toebii NBRC 107807

for Enhanced Oil Recovery (EOR)

Theo Situmorang, Universitas Indonesia,, +6281314717214

In this era of rapid industrialization, petroleum will still be the worlds main source of
energy for the next decades. Today, the conventional oil recovery leaves a huge fraction of oil
beneath the earths surface. Besides, it is apart from being environmentally friendly. Therefore,
we need a more efficient and advanced method in order to recover the most possible oil without
harmful effects to its surrounding. This paper discusses the potential use of genetically-
engineered thermophile, Parageobacillus toebii NBRC 107807, to proliferate crude oil
production, a method known as Genetically-Engineered Microorganism for Enhanced Oil
Recovery (GEMEOR). The change genetic makeup of this thermophile includes the
improvement and deletion of specific genes. The genes that control the biosynthesis and
secretion of biosurfactant, biosolvent, acid and gas will be overexpressed to stimulate oil
extraction from the reservoir. These desired byproducts play a key role in the increase of oil
recovery; biosurfactant for reducing the interfacial tension between oil and water, biosolvent
and acid for unlocking the isolated part of the reservoir and gas for increasing the pressure in
oil sweeping. Meanwhile, the genes that control the biosynthesis of starch and the catabolism
of biosurfactant will be deleted. Moreover, the motility of this genetically-engineered
thermophile will create a more dispersed composition that maximize the oil recovery.
Furthermore, mathematical models are depicted to show a more comprehensible concept. The
model for GEMEOR includes the interfacial area between oil and water and also considers the
transport equation for three important components: thermophile, nutrients and the desired
byproducts. While there is a strong need for further research regarding the methods for
Enhanced Oil Recovery (EOR), GEMEOR becomes the most advantageous option to be
implemented. Not only it yields more oil, but also is environmentally friendly.

Keywords: byproducts, GEMEOR, mathematical models.

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