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Lesson Plan for PEER TEACHING #1 and #2

Teacher Name: Ryan Moos

Standards Being Addressed:

Demonstrate understanding of expressive qualities (such as dynamics and tempo) and how
creators use them to convey expressive intent.

Materials of Instruction: Nursery Rhyme

Cinderella dressed in yella went upstairs to kiss a fella. By mistake she kissed a snake, how
many doctors will it take?

Entry Activity/Transition:

Activity #1 Objective (This is Peer Teaching #1): Grade two students will perform a rhyme
from memory with a steady beat and accurate rhythm.
Teacher models complete rhyme in rhythmic context
Ask students questions to help them remember specific parts about each phrase
Question 1: Who is the poem about?
Students Answer: Cinderella
Teacher Repeat Poem
Question 2: What color was she wearing?
Students Answer: Yellow
Teacher Repeat Poem
Question 3: Who did she go upstairs to kiss?
Students Answer: a fella
Teacher Repeat Poem
Question 4: But instead what bit her?
Students Answer: A Snake
Teacher Repeat Poem

Use echo strategy for each individual phrase:

Teacher calls: Cinderella dressed in yella
Students echo: Cinderella dressed in yella
Teacher calls: Went upstairs to kiss a fella
Students echo: Went upstairs to kiss a fella
Teacher calls: By mistake she kissed a snake
Students echo: By mistake she kissed a snake
Teacher calls: How many doctors will it take?
Students echo: How many doctors will it take?

Use echo strategy for two phrases at a time:

Teacher calls: Cinderella dressed in yella went upstairs to kiss a fella
Students answer: Cinderella dressed in yella went upstairs to kiss a fella
Teacher calls: By mistake she kissed a snake, how many doctors will it take?
Students answer: By mistake she kissed a snake, how many doctors will it take?

Fill in the Blank:

Cinderella dressed in YELLA
Went upstairs to kiss a FELLA
By mistake she kissed a SNAKE
How many doctors will it TAKE?

Ask students to internally audiate rhyme.

Check for understanding: Asks students if they need a certain phrase again

Together students and teacher recite the rhyme one last time all the way through.

Assessment: Students will recite a rhyme reciting correct rhythms from memory.

Transition/Closure: Students will recite rhyme accurately from memory without

teacher guidance.

Activity #2 Objective (This is Peer Teaching #2): Grade 2 students will perform body
percussion to accompany Cinderella Dressed In Yella with a steady beat and accurate
Standards being addressed: MU:Pr4.3.2a
Demonstrate understanding of expressive qualities (such as dynamics and tempo) and how
creators use them to convey expressive intent.

1. T & S will review poem together. Repetition will occur until S are able to recite the
rhyme to the correct rhythmic structure without T aid.
2. T will stop reviewing the rhyme and begin patting inviting students to join.
3. Once the S can hold a steady beat, T will add in the quarter note claps on beat two while
S continue patting.
4. Once S are comfortable adding in the quarter note claps on beat two, T will change the
rhythm to the eighth note pattern.

5. Using a non-verbal gesture S will invite students to join in on the pat and clap on beat
6. T and S will practice this phrase over and over together until the students can do it
7. T will have the students continue the body percussion while T recites the rhyme and
performs the full of BP adding in the third measure (four beat pat).
8. T will stop and ask the students to demonstrate the measure in which the BP was
9. T will model just that measure with words and BP.
10. T and S will do just that measure with words and BP.

11. Once S have the BP down T will invite the students to recite the rhyme and BP together
along with her.
12. S will recite the rhyme and BP. T will perform BP but not the rhyme with S.
13. S will recite the rhyme and BP without any T help.

T will watch for mistakes in BP and rhyme. If more than a few students are struggling then T
will breakdown problem areas.

Transition/ Closure:
T will divide classroom into two groups and S will perform rhyme and BP for each other.

Activity #3 Objective: Students will demonstrate their knowledge of duple meter in 2 and 4 bar
phrases using rhythmic improvisation to the rhyme Cinderella Dressed in Yella.

1. T greets students and refreshes their memory of the rhyme by saying it one time through
with T, having S audiate, and then saying it by themselves. If problems occur T will use
echo to review.
2. T then refreshes the body percussion by having students begin patting the quarter note
pulse on thighs.
3. T then begins the BP and invites students to join in with a non-verbal cue. If review is
needed T will use an echo strategy.
4. T begins reciting rhyme with BP and invites students to join. Repetition is used until
students feel comfortable again with the poem and BP.
5. T passes out rhythm sticks to class and gives S one minute to hit them together as much
as they want.
6. T instructs S to click the rhythm sticks together to the quarter note pulse.
7. T begins reciting poem with the quarter note pulse without S joining in on the rhyme.
8. T does the poem twice through but after T says How many doctors will it take, T
improvises for a 4 beat phrase.
9. T stops the class and asks all S What did I just do?
10. S will call out improvised.
11. T will say I want everyone to say the phrase how many doctors will it take and I want
you to listen for how long I click my rhythm sticks together.
12. T will ask if any student would volunteer to demonstrate how it is going to look and
13. After demonstration T will invite the whole class to join in saying how many doctors
will it take and then improvise for four beats and repeat this phrase over and over again.
14. After some repetition T will go around in a circle and have students demonstrate their
improv in groups of three.
15. T then instructs students to turn to a partner and take turns doing the improvisation.
16. T stops students and invites them back in for further instruction.
17. T will explain the structure of the improv Remember class how we clicked our rhythm
sticks together as we said the poem? Lets do that again but after we finish the poem I
want you to improv for four beats and continue to repeat our little phrase while keeping
your eyes on me.
18. T and S say the rhyme and continue with improvisational phrase for some time.
19. T gains student attention by making eye contact, counting to four with her fingers and
cutting students off.
20. In a quite whisper T begins to recite the whole rhyme again with the tapping of the
rhythm sticks inviting S to join her.
21. T asks students if anyone recognized a pattern.
22. S will say the middle is different but the beginning and end are the same.
23. T will ask S to recite the poem in that same format again all together.

Assessment: T and S will recite a rhyme in ABA format using rhythm sticks that includes several
4 beat improvs in the B section.

Transition/ Closure: Good job today students, I hope you enjoyed playing with the rhythm sticks
and coming up with your own rhythmic ideas.

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