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‘sweenor Dally Observer | 18 March, 2017, saturday dailyoBSSrver setts sas stasis ott He was - and is - the North Star in ou SYED BADRUL AHSAN fole of Bongabendh a grater) Borgel nation son fewed on him once be was fee ofthe Agartala can Spinsey ease im ebrusey 1963 0 dea, he appears bhvefecexeeeded thelimis ofa posthumous reputation foegresnecs thot was expected (be arsocietd ah ie memories The mony tolumes of weminiseences and feilochone 6m hi ile and poles publened cree the Seats ate buts sig set ense again othe azea holt rs touncingfrher at Bangle bole on peopl oo boave aher been patt of the Mistry he altost single Shandon creed tn tha 1060s aha eve or have re sistbly bean draw to his legacy through endless dlussons of his tole the mating o is ee nation fod bs te, prblaen ncen ste aedshp efit Despite everthing his teeters bhave Been doug since ie crac Satan in git 197 to odes Bie contributions to the Bengal Satonalie tage, Mise spit Pe ns remained sma intsce sn Undeed continues to nold huge poles! sigifeanes tn 2 country that teeny ought to have done more to upheld his pelle, The Feet of the matter ie that ith ‘ulb's death eame along petted which not only Was epinbole of ‘edeval darknes in the history of Eis people but leo petape asin a how leederhip oven fom & gest ‘an cameturla pon ene rites felous and unavoidable Impediments, Should Eangarancha free eeayad avy sem aeraiog che postion of heed of govemment on iy tetun tom Inooreeetion tn Pakistare ‘There vere all the pall eseociated with proviiog leadership to damaged eotnty in ely 1972, was a Erscure land that Sheth 2dujibu Behrman tock chaps of The wound were all over he place - three millon peopl doa en milion treling thei way back home fom refuges amps in India, tene of tourande of ‘women raped fy Paietan = edn, dsstecpea Flags, outa p Toad young men with gine nelng prcee af food and ctner consume iets sna 4 panel thc lavrand orden nd there aes toa theory pave ues of the tal of Pakistan psonets of wat andthe pat fats of a muncred thousane Gangals tapped to Baku Again, theve war the egal proces lated Felson to the teal of th loal Bengal colaboratore ob the Babictan ec 7. ‘Eengabandhu promised on he return from Palstan tn Jarry 1072, fo hav all akitanlmuitery peso fcsoead of goncelae pur on snal ior crm gainat fhomenity in Eangledesh, e_got nomhere with i Suntali waiting ceva the Spares to 106 Babee stm fiers fortaaes whe naaded to beheouph te tie, reasesed the country that those who had raped Soe ledvwouldier get smnaputinhoserises vechey Gi, though the pant deal tached by Bangladesh, India and Paistan, one tht had the Pabstanl EOWS I fe, Sheth Mujfhur Rahman truly played out the going hame and the Bengali n Pakistan making their ‘ay fo then navriyincapendent ony. Rangsbanda ip profound sadness, tod Dr, Kamal Hossain of his pain In belng undtle to Keep this one promise made tots people “Abnada Shatika ose plaintive pee, eoreposed days fer Bangabandhu's stsaesnation, speaks of 4 great rman who, in true Greck fasten, trived in struggle and perished in tragedy The quales that made astatesman St aiuu n port Liberation Hanpladesh a tiene when Ne salted tall ss the glonalssene in away reminiesent ot Gandhi and Nehru seer chare deep the impediments he was up against The venerable Annada Shankar Roy fame to Dhsks and watched Gangabandna put ne Baksal politi yeom In place tas seemingly nego tom fal hat Soe foremost Bengal poltican of Hi limes badwerkedford hsife andyetGangebardhis fn teaord as having old Justee ASM. Sayemn Gao through a curious twict f bistory would one day Uecoere Bangladesh's president aad the chaos engenx dived by Bangebandhs + murda) that Balvalwar em potery measite that wosld be tage az soon os mat Feteaentback to being are ‘Would Bangabandh, given the exigencies that had propelled hi esara Salsa) have actuslistraces Sepe to paliamentary damosracy? Gr iw he, finally nd rather belated, ‘esponding to the concerae of isbasFise Casto ana tlpena's fous Bovmneadions, tw men who sew In his pardon of Pakisatt military ofcareaceuced afar cme, hicamnest forage fuumber of lord sollaborator: of the aeevpatin art as lacy with hich be had repatated Seng eed sud mltary officers from Palstan jin te Banaladec ovement withost nycersening, recipe forlearet Bul cuartorarady loomed By the ond 9 1074 wen stats of emergency ae mpage an ths sonny Saale Mujbur Rahman vas a marked man. The wav were Saginsingt peo anon ie tnt Lncal and sntsena Hepelaiter tery wenaieay at ehecatac bbe Sich ate the questons, theve ave the sentents suntch ait ot a's sts of soos coramamnseatioa limes on Hangebandha Bangabandhu Sheleh Mout aban Shetotgrantia, edited by M Nez slam and hitpiwnw-2observerbd.comiprint pip?¢-2017/03/18/6idetals'§_2_c2,jog8d-2017/03/t8ldate.php publhed by gotena Publishers D} ‘They ate atich recreation ef the teanstonnaaton tems commamnal th lar poitalJeeder ae been a rem. om the history of nation, Contra tors, aad even some admiers,b slong, bub & dreams ofa free Ber fd fist ia the Tote 1950 when Shaheed Suhrawardy served as Pa fee And thencetorvars, until hie Boones in Luss se worked aeeich rovrande assslerating the course of “Aller 1966, Iwan history that to fulhment Within the broad ambie le come the sted contibut Bengall nation ly the ne of tk lected, es ex ‘own as Bang ‘Abul Baal Ab Ilan che fn angela splendid group ay tibute tc Ratton, abu Howaln'rema Pakirtan to Be pation reflect inabity ofthe and general ferme with the the subvontine iets an ati. to Yakubu Gowon's, The Nigerian dered, as he met Bangabanchu, and Pakistan together could net country had the Bengalis not gon >Mujb’s response was classic anc sophiea.'Ntr. President’, he told Ihad not come into being, 2 unit: powerful entity. Ifthe hole of Se Engle country imagine hv mie ‘woulda be. But. Me President. ¢ ‘oe want ot of iB “41 the height ofthe Agartala cor 1, Shatin Majtoun Gaiman Ie present in sour, You know, they 8 feave than stremonths’. Be was aln metic, He was a fee man seven ‘Today, os the nation gelebrates hl ‘vanes ofthe annivercay af hi biz ogo, is the old courage andthe 1 tf the man that came alive once 0g Bangabandhu wae the Druid aninsee sf prsntive fest to th dom. Be was the North Star nour starhae nazar immed o) (Bangabandhu shetkh Mujiba the Nation! was born on 17 March ‘Qed Badrul ah aw

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