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Lesson Plan Template

Lesson Plan - Template

Name of Student Teacher ___Hiya Ibrahim_____ School __Ishbillyah primary school
Please note: You need to refer to the Abu Dhabi Education Council (ADEC) document The New School
Model Cycle One Teacher Guidebook & Learning Outcomes 2013-2014 pp. 12 to 17 for an explanation
of whole-small-whole framework, for the cycle 1 classroom grouping considerations and for the
Cycle 1 learning outcomes. You will note that some examples have been added to this lesson plan

Date & Duration of lesson Number of Students Grade & Age

24 Grade 1
age 6-7
Personal Learning Aims:
By the end of this lesson students will be able to:
-Understand and use the terms greater than, less than and equal to.
-Understand the corresponding symbols >, < and =.
-Use these symbols and terms in an appropriate context.

Subject Strand
Math numbers
comparing numbers
Learning Outcomes (refer to ADEC document) Resources
Learning Outcome: (ADEC) video
Students will be able to
compare numbers from 1 to 10. Activity 1 Activity 2
markers papers with signs,
papers contain
numbers, glues and
safe scissors.
Activity 3 Activity 4
student book
small cards shaped as
alligator face with
opened mouth.


Supporting activities based on grouping considerations ( See ADEC document)

Opening: Time: _10 minutes _
(consider prior learning, motivation, overview and the presentation of the learning outcome)

-I will start the lesson by reviewing the previous lesson in order to create connections between the lessons.
-After that I will introduce the new lesson by showing them the alligator song to motivate them and give
them idea of the new lesson.

Practice Activities (use groupings as required) Time:____30 MINUTES _

Describe the activities and what the students will be doing. Consider differentiated activities.

Describe here what the teacher will be doing during the practice activities:

Activity 1 (whole class) Activity 2 (groups)

- I will write the numbers 10 and 9 on the board, and this will be a group activity where each group
ask my students to identify the bigger, or greater will be provided with a paper with signs, a
number. After they answer I will make the sign of paper contain numbers, glue and safe scissor so
> with my hands and say that this is the they have cut and stick the sign in the correct
alligator and he will eat the big number and I will
ask them to do that by their hands also. places. The first group finish will get a point.
I will write more numbers on the board and ask
them to answer by using their hands.

Activity 3 (individual) Activity 4

in this part the students open their student
book and follow me when I answer the first
questions then they complete the rest by
themselves and they will use the alligator cards
to help them so they put the opened alligator
mouth on the bigger number then they write
the sign same as the alligator mouth.

Closing/ Conclusion: Time: ___5 minutes___

Consider a review of what the students did during the practice activities and ensure that all
students are assessed for learning.
I will ask each group to discuss together and give me a number sentence by using on of the signs
>,< or = then write it on the board.
The Process of the Lesson
Teaching Strategies Visual & auditory learning style -i played for them a video
open ended question which made it easier to transfer
the information or the new
concept for the children's.
-this kind of questions help me
to check their understanding,
so it was effective when I used
it in the closing part where I
asked them to give me any
number sentence by using the
new signs that we learn.
Classroom Management External motivation: gifts - they were excited and
Strategies group leaders motivated when I said that the
praising winner group will get a gift so
they were participating and
doing good job in order to get
the gift.
- today i've choose the group
leaders and I told them their
roles and responsibilities, but
when I choose them some of
the group members were sad
because I didn't choose them
so I decided to choose a new
leader each week.
Transitions Ring the bell - the bell is the most effective
tool to grab students attention
in seconds which save teachers

Assessment Strategies Ask questions - as I said I asked them open

give homework ended questions e.g. how did
you get the answer? so I can
know if they understand or
need more practice.
-also I gave them homework to
practice and to check their
Recommendations / future personal targets / areas of focus
in the this lesson I teach them the signs of >< and = . It was the first math lesson I teach in this
class so I don't think that it was perfect because still I don't know the students abilities to create
different activities according to their level, but what I was know that they like visual methods and
help them to learn easier.
In my next lessons I will create differentiation activities that match their interests and needs.

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