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HCHD Board Hears From Potential Partners

Alton Porter

The Board of Directors of the Houston County Hospital District (HCHD) is

diligently working to find a partner to team up with to reopen the countys hospital.
The directors met in closed session Tuesday, Oct. 24, with representatives of
three entities, one of which they might choose to join with them in the near future to
open again the hospital in Crockett.
Representatives of the three entities presented proposals on what they
would do to reopen and maintain the hospital in the executive session.
HCHD Board President Deborah Blackwell said the representatives of the
three organizations were given about 45 minutes each to present their proposals to
the directors.
The proposals are being reviewed and considered by the directors and a
statement will be likely be forthcoming from the board on its consideration of the
plans as the board progresses in its review and analysis of them, according to
It was a late night, Blackwell said, describing the length of the meeting.
Nothing at this time (has been) resolved. Were going to probably have to call
another special meeting. As soon as there is anything to announce, well let (it be
She said she is hopeful something positivereopening of Houston Countys
hospitalwill come out of the district officials talks with the three potential
The three organizations for which proposals were presented included
CHRISTUS Trinity Mother Frances Health System, represented by Scott Schmidly,
group vice president of strategy and business development for CHRISTUS Health
Northeast Texas. This is the organization that owns CHRISTUS Trinity Clinic-
Crockett, which is current in operation in one of the buildings on the HCHD
hospitals premises.
A second group for which a proposal was presented is CHI St. Lukes Health-
Memorial of Lufkin, represented by Monte Bostwick, the organizations market chief
executive officer and president.
A third organization for which a proposal was presented is a group that has
formed under the name of The Crockett Healthcare Partnership, whose principal
members are Dr. Subir Chhikara, a urologist who is affiliated with Seton Medical
Center in Austin, and Dr. Kelly E. Tjelmeland, a board-certified cosmetic surgeon and
the founding partner of Meridian Plastic Surgery Center in Austin.
During the part of Tuesdays meeting that was open to the public, Blackwell
announced she had received a letter earlier that day notifying the board that the
T.L.L. Temple Foundation of Lufkin has awarded HCHD a $300,000 grant.
Thats good news, she said, explaining, however, there are some terms or
stipulations on the grant. The three main conditions are that we find a reputable
hospital management partner, that the voters vote to remove the (15 cents per $100
of assessed property valuation) cap (on HCHDs tax rate) and that we remain a
licensed hospital, said Blackwell. So, we cant just open an emergency
There are nine such conditions, but these three are the key things,
Blackwell said.
Other stipulations include a requirement that the money be used for the
hospital reopening and related activities project and no other purpose, that the
district officials conform to all laws and that they submit written evidence of how
the money is spent to the foundation staff members.
Blackwell said she applied for the grant right after Timberlands Healthcare
ceased operating the hospital and it closed June 30.
During time set aside for public comments at Tuesdays meeting, Dr. Robert
Grier, the HCHD boards Position 5 director, said to those present, I want to
encourage all of you to vote for our change of our taxation limit. I want you to vote. I
want you to vote for the change, but I want you to vote.
Griers statement was in reference to the on-going election, in which hospital
district registered voters are being asked to vote for a proposition that would
remove the current 15-cents cap on HCHDs property tax rate and revert to the
general state law, which provides that Texas hospital districts may set their rates
between one cent and 75 cents per $100 valuation.
Early voting in the election lasts through tomorrow, Monday, Oct. 30, and is
being conducted in the Houston County Courthouse basement in Crockett and the
Latexo Independent School District Administration Building in Latexo.
Election day is Tuesday, Nov. 7, and on that day voting will be held at the
usual Houston County precinct polling places from 7 a.m. until 7 p.m.
Adding to Griers remarks, Blackwell said, Ill make one comment along
those lines. I made a little statement in the (Thursday, Oct. 26, issue of the Courier).
Theres concern about the 75 cents (maximum) tax.
After analyzing what other (neighboring) hospital districts (with similar
hospitals) have for tax rates, (most are) somewhere between 19 cents and 29 cents.
I can say from my standpointand Ive talked to several other board memberswe
are not going to entertain doing something outrageous and raising taxes to some
extreme level.
So, I would say, reasonably (our rate) would be in that range19 cents to
29 cents. Hopefully, that gives some people some comfort.
County resident Rita Floyd commented, I think this county can be one of the
greatest counties in the State of Texas. But, it takes people changing their old
mindsets. I have lived here all my life. I also know that I love this county.
My heart and soul is in this county, and I thank everyone of you who is on
this board who has spent your time, your effort, your money, tears, prayers,
everything youve done. I appreciate everything you all have done for us.
Its time that this county changes its mindset and people rally together and
come together to make this the best county. Thats going to start with this hospital
reopening because industries and businesses will come back to this county once a
hospital is being re-established (here).
Floyd said that will happen when people come together with a new vision, a
new purpose, and not stay in the old mindset that we cant afford this and we cant
afford that. Until you think you can do differently, youll never do differently. Youre
going to be stuck in a rut.
Benford Frizzell, another county resident, said, Theres nobody who hates
taxes more than I do, but thats a necessary evil that you have to have. And, in this
country where we live, you have to pay it if you want to have what you need.
I dont know how you people have operated with 15 cents. If you dont get
it (the proposition) passed and be able to go up so much youre going to go deeper
and deeper in debt because everything is going up.

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