Text Sets

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Text Sets

By Ms. Harrington

10.5 The student will read, interpret, analyze, and evaluate nonfiction texts.

a) Identify text organization and structure.

b) Recognize an authors intended audience and purpose for writing.

d) Compare and contrast informational texts.

h) Use reading strategies throughout the reading process to monitor comprehension.

A Single story

In this TEDtalk Adichie compares

the idea that Americans seem to
have of Africans with the
actuality. She encourages
everyone to look for more than a
stereotype in a person or base an
opinion off a single story. She
gives a mirror to viewers as they
are able to reflect on their own
Standard 10.5 D: Compared and
Contrast informational texts
Readability: 7th grade. Suitability
would be 6th grade and up as
they will most likely understand
the cultural implications and
judgements as this point in their
Pride (In the Name of Love)

One of U2s most popular songs

explores the civil rights moments and
beliefs of Martin Luther King. This song
specifically speaks on the violent vs
nonviolent acts of these campaigns.
It is a great medium to explore the
writers and lead singers purpose for
writing and who his audience was at
the time.
Standard 10.5 B Recognize an
authors intended audience and
purpose for writing.

Readability: N/A, but suitability in

terms of background knowledge
and implications would be 8th grade
and above.
Blogs are a great way to look into the
different aspects of organization and
structure. They are able to present
information in a logical and easy to
follow manner and voice that can help
be used as a model for students writing.
This blog in particular is done especially
well and includes multiple examples of
different organization such as reviews, Synopsis
synopses and opinion pieces. They are
relevant to the students as it is a blog all
about YA lit. There are different She wants to put an end to the Testing
categories and tags, all of which give an In a scarred and brutal future, The United Commonwealth teeters on the brink of all-out
additional and unique perspective on civil war. The rebel resistance plots against a government that rules with cruelty and
ways to organize and structure writing. cunning. Gifted student and Testing survivor, Cia Vale, vows to fight.
Standard: 10.5 A. Identify text But she cant do it alone.
organization and structure. This is the chance to lead that Cia has trained for but who will follow? Plunging through
layers of danger and deception, Cia must risk the lives of those she lovesand gamble on
the loyalty of her lethal classmates.
Who can Cia trust?
Readability: 7th grade as there are words The stakes are higher than everlives of promise cut short or fulfilled; a future ruled by
younger students wont be familiar with and fear or hopein the electrifying conclusion to Joelle Charbonneaus epic Testing trilogy.
suitability is 7th grade and up, though some Ready or notits Graduation Day.
books reviewed may be for an older crowd.
Enriques Journey

Enriques Journey chronicles the true story of a 17

year old boy who goes from Honduras to North
Carolina in search of his mother. This story is an
example of the extreme influx of immigrant who have
been crossing the border illegally into Mexico in
search of jobs, safety and a better life. This would be
a great class to novel to bring in current events and
compare the books facts with the stereotypes and
misconceptions the media has. It is also to good way
to see different perspectives and view how readers
opinions change before and after the book.

Standard: 10.5 D. Compare and Contrast

informational texts.
Readability: 8th grade level, but suitability would be
9th grade and up as there are a lot of drug
references, some disturbing facts and mention of
rape and murder. High schoolers would understand
implications more and relate more.
Helpful tools to C &C

A graphic organizer is a great way to get students to

allow their thoughts to take shape in an organized
manner. This chart gives students a template to map
their thoughts when they compare and contrast which
can be difficult for some. This straightforward organizer
groups ideas, such as similarities and differences so that
student know exactly what they are looking for and
begin to understand how to compare and contrast.

Standard: 10.5 D: Compare and Contrast informational


Readability: N/A. Suitable for 3rd grade and up.

Anyone who can understand similarities and
differences can fill this out even if it is with help.
This Photo by Unknown Author is licensed under CC BY-SA

This is a recipe for Chicken

Cordon Bleu, it is a great but
simple example of identifying
organization and structure. This
gives an overview of the dish,
step by step directions and a
separate list of ingredients. It also
gives a picture, and small tips on
the side such as cook times/prep
time, calories and more.
Standard 10.5 A. Identify text
organization and structure.

Readability: 5th level, as much of

the wording is instructional
although there is some
cooking/ingredient Jargon that
gives the readability a higher
elementary level. Suitable for all
ages, though some may need
help from adults.
Oh the places youll go

Dr. Suess Oh the Places Youll go is a great

way to address authors purpose and
intended audience since it has multiple. It is
encouraging for all ages. This Childrens
book is desgined to promot readers to
follow their own path and remind them that
they have the power to choose who they
are, what they want to do, and how their
life will be.

Standard: 10.5 B. Recognize an authors

intended audience and purpose for writing.

Readability: 3rd grade and up but suitable

for all ages, whether one is reading it or
being read to.
Bigger than

This Ad follows the reaction of different

people as they break open Taco Bells
new Quesolupa taco. Each person,
some of them famous athletes or actors,
use the phrase this is going to be bigger
than.. and pick something thats in. It
is a great use of fads and a creative way
to look at authors intended audience
and purpose. It has many levels and
cultural references that allow it to be a
great example of who is being targeted
for this Ad.
Standard: 10.5 B
Readability: N/A, as the sentences are
incomplete. The audience would need
to be older in order to understand the
comparisons. So suitability would need at
least 7th grade and up to get the pop
culture references and current events
Why do I have to teach reading?

While this is a helpful manual for teachers,

students can benefit greatly from
becoming aware of the best strategies for
reading. Tovani gives multiple suggestions
of strategies that allow students to not
only understand what they are reading
but engage with it as well. She also offers
insight into alternatives for novels that
may be more accessible for students
Standard: 10.5 H
Readability: the readability is an 8th grade
level as there are some bigger, more
intellectual words used by Tovani. The
suitability would be 6th grade and up
though, as it gives quick and easy to read
bullet points that even 12 year olds could
easily grasp when looking at reading

Wonder is a WONDERful novel to use to convey

authors purpose and intended audience. It is
about a little boy who has undergone many
surgeries and therefore has a face that is
shocking to most. The novel centers around his
first year in a real school and the trials and
triumphs that accompany him.
Standard: 10.5 B Recognize an authors
intended audience and purpose for writing.

Readability is 4rd grade and up. It has very

simple language and is told in the voices of
multiple 10 year olds and some 15 year olds. It
is suitable for 4th grade and up and should be
read by all ages due to its themes and
messages about acceptance.
Adichie, C . (2009). The Danger of a Single Story [video]. United States : TED
Bono. (1984). Pride (in the name of love). Brian Eno, Daniel Lanois [producers]. Slane Castle studio
Kloth, S. (2016). Graduation Day. Retrieved from: http://girlplusbook.com/ya/dystopian/graduation-day/
Nazario, S. (2006). Enriques Journey. New York. Random House.
N/A. 2011. Compare and Contrast Chart. NCTE. Retrieved from:
Palacio, R.J.( 2012). Wonder. Maine. Alfred A. Knopf.
Stewart, M. (2010). Chicken Cordon Bleu. Retrieved From:
Suess. (1990). Oh! The Places Youll Go. New York. Random House
Taco Bell. (2016). Quesalupa, Taco Bell [video]. Retrieved From:
Tovani, C. (2004). Do I Really Have to Teach Reading? Maine. Stenhouse Publishers.

Wikipedia. (2017). FleschKincaid Readability Tests Wikipedia: The Free Encyclopedia.

Retrieved from: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Flesch%E2%80%93Kincaid_readability_tests

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