CS-1022 - 20 MHZ Dual Trace Oscilloscope

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CS-1022,CS-1021,CS-1012 (DUAL TRACE OSCILLOSCOPE) CS-1020,CS-1010 (SINGLE TRACE OSCILLOSCOPE) INSTRUCTION MANUAL SAFETY ‘Symbol in This Manual This symbol indicates where applicable cautionary or ‘other information is to be found. Power Source ‘This equipment operates from a power source that does rot apply more than 250 V ems between the supply con- ‘ductors or between either supply conductor and ground. A protective ground connection by way of the grounding con- ductor in the power cord is essential for safe operation. Grounding the Product ‘This equipment is grounded through the grounding conduc- ‘oF of the power cord. To avoid electrical shock, plug the power cord into @ properly wired receptacle before connec- tng to the equipment input or output terminals. Use the Proper Power Cord Use only the power cord and connector specified for your product. Use the Proper Fuse To avoid fire hazard, use a fuse of the correct type. Do not Operate in Explosive Atmospheres To avoid explosion, do not operate this product in an ex- plosive atmosphere, Do not Remove Cover or Pane! To avoid personal injury, do not remove the cover or panel. Refer servicing to qualified personnel. Voltage Conversion Hf the power source is not applied to your product, contact your dealer. To avoid electrical shock, do not perform the voltage com CONTENTS SAFETY FEATURES. SPECIFICATIONS... PREPARATION FOR USE. CONTROLS AND INDICATORS . FRONT PANEL. REAR PANEL. OPERATION INITIAL STARTING PROCEDURE. (1) NORMAL SWEEP DISPLAY OPERATION (2) MAGNIFIED SWEEP OPERATION.. (3) X-¥ OPERATION .. (4) VIDEO SIGNAL OBSERVATION APPLICATION PROBE COMPENSATION... This instruction manuel is described for five model Refer to item applied to your product. ‘TRACE ROTATION COMPENSATION. DC VOLTAGE MEASUREMENTS .. MEASUREMENTS OF THE VOLTAGE BETWEEN TWO POINTS ON A WAVEFORM.........20 ELIMINATION OF UNDESIRED SIGNAL COMPONENTS: TIME MEASUREMENTS. FREQUENCY MEASUREMENTS PULSE WIDTH MEASUREMENTS. PULSE RISE TIME AND FALLTIME MEASUREMENTS... ‘TIME DIFFERENCE MEASUREMENTS.. PHASE DIFFERENCE MEASUREMENTS... RELATIVE MEASUREMENTS APPLICATION OF X-Y OPERATION. ACCESSORIES ... FEATURES © Vertical axis has high sensitivity and wide bandwidth and especially covers fully specified frequency response ‘at 2mVidiv for all models. €$-1022, 1021 ; Dual Trace ‘ImVidiv : OC to 10 MHz, -3 dB 2mVidiv: DC to 20 MHz, ~3 4B ©S-1012; Dual Trace ImVidiv : DC to 7 MHz, ~3 68 2mVidw : DC to 10 MHz, —3 48 €S-1020; Single Trace ImVidiv : DC to 10 MHz, ~3 48 2mVidiv : DC to 20 MHz, -3 dB €S-1010; Single Trace imVidiv : OC to 7 MHz, ~3 dB 2mVidiv ; DC to 10 Miz, ~3 dB © Vertical sensitivity range is selectable from ImVIciv to SV/div with rotary switch continuously. © Time base permits the high sweep spect €$-1022, 1020; 20nseciciv (x10 MAG) €S-1021, 1012, 1010; SOnseciaiv (x 10 MAG) © Vertical sensitivity error and sweep rate error are 3% ‘and accurate measurements are provided © The 150mm rectangular CRT with internal graticule provides high brightness and accurate measurements, {ree of parallax error. €S-1022, 1020; domed mesh type CRT with post- deflection acceleration and high brightness phosphors (acceleration voltage; 6 KV). €5-1021, 1012, 1010; high brightness CRT (acce- leration voltage; 2 kV). © For convenience in making rise time measurements, the 0%, 10%, 90% and 100% levels are marked on the graticule scale of the CRT. © Trace rotation is electrically adjustable from the front panel. ‘© By SCALE ILLUM control, the waveform is easy observ €ed in the dark and the photograph of the waveform is ‘easy provided. (Except CS-1021) © Selectable AUTO FREE RUN function provides sweep without trigger input signal. (© The FRAME-LINE switch provides selection of syne pulse for sweep triggering from small amplitude to large ‘amplitude without adjusting when viewing composite video waveforms. © For CS-1022, 1021 and 1012, vertical mode automatically provides the trigger signal with TRIG SOURCE and V. MODE switches. © X-Y operation is easy provided by one-touche. CS-1022, 1021, 1012; CHI Y axis, CH2 xX axis €S-1020, 1010; VERT INPUT Y axis EXT TRIG INPUT X axis © CS-1022 and 1012 are provided with CH1 OUTPUT ‘terminal to monitor input signal of CHT. ‘© CS-1020 and 1010 are provided with VERT OUTPUT ‘terminal to monitor input signal of VERT INPUT. SPECIFICATIONS 65-1022 es-1021 05-1012, (05-1020 es-1010 cer 150FTMa1 160GTMS1A Ts0GTMSTA 15OFTMSt 160GTMBIA or 1S0UTM31 Acceleration Voltage ew 2K 2K ev 2K Display Area X10 dv (1 dv=10 mm) Type Rectangular, with internal grticule [VERTICAL AXIS (CHT and CHE = Sensitivity 1 mid 10 5 Vid, 23% ‘Attenuator 12 stops, 1 miVidiv to & Vidiv in 1-2-8 soquance. Vernier contro for fully adjustable senaitvity between steps. Input impedence 1M 2%, approx. 35PF 10 22%, soe 907 [M0 2H, 9 Frequency Response DC; DC to 20 Mi, 0G; Dc 10MM, | Dc: DC to 20 Mike, | OC; OC to 10 na, ‘2mVidiv to 5 Vidlv 308 “38 348 348 |AC; 6 Hz 10 20 MHz, AC; SHeto 10 Mia, AC; 5 Heo 20 Mz, | AC: 5 ero 10 Me, =308 a) 248 308 1 mvialv DC; BC to 10 MHz, 0c; 0c 10 7 MHz, | 0c; Dct0 10MM, | DC; OC to 7 MME, =308 =38 342 348 |AC; 6 Hz to 10 Mz, Ci SHeto7 Ms, | AC; SHst0 10M, | AC: He 107 Mi, =348 38 348 38 Figo Time 17.5 nsec o less ‘25 nave ores | 17.5 naoo or tase | 35 nooo or ose (20 Mite) (10 Ma) (20 Miia) (10 Mie) 135 naee or lose 50 nsec orless | 36 nsec or lass | 50 nooo or loss (10 Mie) (7 Mie) (ro Mei) (7 Ma) Crosstalk 40 68 minimum 7 Operating Modes CHI; single ace CHR; single trace CHI4+CH2 added display = ‘wo wavetorm altemeting CHOP: two wavetors chopped (Chop Frequency ‘Approx. 250 KH = [Channel Polarity Normal or inverted, CH2 only inverted 2 (Maximum Input voltage '500 Vp-p oF 250 V (DC +AC peak) Non Distorted ‘More than 8 div, | More than 5 div, | Moro than 6 div, | More than 8 div, | More than 6 av, Maximum Amplitude OC t020MHz | DC 10 20MHe | DC to 10MHz | DC 1920 MHz | DC to 10MM HORIZONTAL AXIS (input thru CH2, 10 MAG not included) (10 MAG not included) [Operating Mode ‘With TRIG MODE switeh, X-¥ ‘With TRIG MODE switch, X-¥ ‘operation is soloctabl. ‘operation is selectable. CHI; Y axis ‘VERT. INPUT: Y axis CHR: X axis EXT TRIG INPUT: axis Sensitivity ‘Same as vertical axis (CH2) 100 mviaiv Input impedance ‘Same as vertical axis (CH2) 1 MO 42%, MO 22%, approx. 320F | approx. 35 pF Frequency Respons DG; BC to 1 Mz, DC; DC to 600 KH, DC; DC to 1 Miz, | DG; DC to 500 kez, “308 348 =308 -3.48 AC; 5 Hz to 1 MH, ‘AC; 6 Hz to 600 kl, 3.48 308 x-¥ Phase Difference 2° ore ot 100 Ke 2° ores at 60 82 3° ortae at 100 ere | ors ot 50 Khe Maximum Input Voltage Same as vertical axis (CH2) 50 V (OC-+AC peak) | SWEEP Type NORM Triggering sweep ‘AUTO ‘Swoop fr ‘uns in absence of tigger (05-1022 es1021 81012 (65-1020, 65-1010 Sweep Time 0.2 piv 00.8 wa, 0.5 psi 100.5 wae, 0.2 psiv 100.8 wiv, | 05 yal 10 0.8 wl, £39920 onges, 2439 in 19 ranges, in 14351920 ranges, n | 23% 9 19 ranges in 1.25 sequen. 1-25 sequence 125 sequnce, | 1-25 sequnce erir cont proves Vernier contol provides Vernier coe provides | Vert cota provi ty cable sweep ful asta sweep ‘uty adsatieeweep | fay adjustable sweep time betwoen steps. time between stops time between steps. | tine betwoon se. [Sweep Magnification Linearity 53% al ranges, £5% on 0.2 psiv range at x 10 magnification [TRIGGERING internal Syne V.MODE; Triggered by input signal selected INT; Triggered by vertical input signal by vertical MODE setting LINE; Triggered by ine voltage cu; ‘Triggered by CHT signal cH2; “Triggered by CH2 signal LUNE; “Triggered by line voltage External Syne ext Tiiggored by signal applied to EXT “TRIG INPUT jack Extomal eyne Input 1 Mo, £256 7M, 22% 1 M0, 22% 1M, 22% Impedance approx. 329 approx. 369 ‘approx. 30pF | approx. 3OpF Maximum External 50 V (DC-+AC peak) ager Voltage [Coupling 'AC, VIDEO FRAME, VIDEO LINE Tigger Sensitivity PROBE ADJ. VOLTAGE 0.8 V, 26%, square wave, positive polarity, approx. 1 kHE [INTENSITY MODULATION Sensitivity TT compatible Positive voltage increases brightness. [Negative voltage decreases bvightness. Input Impedance ‘Approx. 10 Ki [Usable Frequency Range [DC 10 2 MHz DC %0 7 MHz DC te 2 MH C10 1 MHz | AMaximur input Voltoge 50 V (DC-+AC peak) VERTICAL AXIS SIGNAL | ci SIGNAL OUTPUT = [ont sienat ourrut| VERTICAL SIGNAL OUTPUT ourPuT ‘Output Voltage ‘aoprox. SOmViae = ‘Approx. 60 mVidv (60 0 load) (602 0a [Output impedance ‘Approx. 60 0 = ‘Approx. 500 Frequency Response 100 He to 20 Mz, = 4100 Hz to 10 MHz,] 100 Hz to 20 Miz, | 100 Hz to 10 Mi, 3.68 (50 @ load) =3 dB (60 Mad) | ~3 48 (50 0 leaa)’ | —3 48 (50.0 load) TRACE ROTATION octal, adjustable from front panel POWER REQUIREMENT [AG 100 Vi120 vi220 V + 10%, 216-250 V 50/60 Hz Power Consumption ‘Approx. 43W | Approx. 39W | Approx. 41W | Approx. 38W | Approx. 36W DIMENSIONS: (Co dimensions incide protrusions from basi outine dimensions. With 260 rm (260 mn) Height 1160 ram (180 en) Depth £400 mm (460 me) 65-1022 es1021 5-1012 65-1020 e8-1010 WEIGHT Approx. 8.8 kg Approx. 8.4 ke Approx. 8.1 kg ENVIRONMENT Operating Temperature and Humidity for Gusranteed Specifications '0°C t6 40°C, 85% maximum RH Fut "Operating Temperature and Humidity (0°C to 60°C, 80% maximum RH ACCESSORIES Probe 2 Instruction Manual Replacement Fuse 0.8 A OBA 1 Circuit and rating are subject to change without notice due to developments in technology. PREPARATION FOR USE SAFETY Before connecting the instrument to @ power source, carefully read the following information, then verity that the proper power cord is used and the proper line fuse is in- stalled for power source. The specified voltage is shown at the left side of the power cord on the rear panel. If the power cord is not applied for specified voltage, there is always a certain amount of danger from electric shock. Une voltage This instrument operates using ac-power input voltages that 100/120/220/240 V at frequencies from 50 Hz to 60 He. Power cord The ground wire of the 3-wire ac power plug places the chassis and housing of the oscilloscope at earth ground. Do ot attempt to defeat the ground wire connection or float the oscilloscope; to do so may pose a great safety hazard. ‘The appropriate power cord is supplied by an option that is specified when the instrument is ordered. ‘The optional power cords are shown as follows in Fig. 1. Une fuse ‘The fuse holder is located on the rear panel and contains the line fuse. Verify that the proper fuse is installed by replacing the line fuse. EQUIPMENT PROTECTION 1. Never alow o smal spot of high briionc to remin sta tionary on the azren fr more than afew seconds. The tcrean may become permuanenty Burned. A spot wil o> cur only whon the cope is st up for XY opration and no signa i appled. Ether reduce the intensity eo the Spot tb barely vise, switch back to normal sweep ‘operation when no signal is applied, or set up the scope for spot banking 2. Never cover the ventilating holes on the top of the asciloscope, as this wil inresse the operating temperature lie the case 3. Never apply more than the maximum rating to the esciloscope inputs €8-1022, 1021, 1012; CHI, CH2 INPUT jacks A 500 Vorp or 250 V (d+ 90 oak) EXT TRIG INPUT and Z AXIS INPUT jacks 50 V(4e+ 90 pook) €$-1020, 1010; VERT INPUT jack A ‘500 Vp-p or 250 V (de +ac peak) EXT TRIG INPUT and Z AXIS INPUT incks 50 V (dc+ac peak) Never apply extemal voltage tothe osciloscope output terminal 4. Always connect a cable from the earth ground (GND) jack of the oscilloscope to the chassis of the equipment Under test. Without this caution, the entie current for ‘the equipment under test may be drawn through the probe clip leads under certain circumstances. Such con- ditions could slso pose a safety hazard, which the ‘ground cable will prevent. . Always use the probe ground clips for best results, Do hot use an external ground wire in lieu of the probe ‘round clips, es undesired signals may be introduced. - Operation adjacent to equipment which produces strong ‘ac magnetic fields should be avoided where possible. This includes such devices as large power supplies, transformers, electric motors, etc., that are often found Jin an industrial environment. Strong magnetic shields ccan exceed the practical CRT magnetic shielding limits and result interference and distortion. 7. Probe compensation adjustment matches the probe to the input of the scope. For best results, compensation ‘of probe should be adjusted intially, then the same px bo always used with the input of scope. Probe compen- sation should be readjusted whenever @ probe from @ different scope is used. (See page 19) 8. Do not depress two or more push-switches of the ver- tical MODE switch simultaneousely. (Except ADD) Damage to instrument may result. (CS-1022, cs-1021, CS-1012) 9. In X-¥ operation, do not pull out the PULLx 10 MAG ‘switch. If pulled out it, noise may appeare on the evo. —. Power ord pa ‘eae aed atom - 120 volt/60 Hz D8 8200 ¥. ae Fost _ (12 amp max; NEC) — Unval upe oA, 250 20 vols0 He Fos tow None fed 8 ore S20 nm ox 05,2000 240 volt/50 Hz Fast blow 5A Rated 13 amp 8x20 mm ‘Type C — 08 A, 250 20 voll He Pantiow Nore fated 10 ono Sn20'om _ a 284,250 Rated 15 amp Peper = rns (12 amp max; NEC) i 5 Setanta 05,2500 FX — 240 volt/50 Hz Fast blow aan ‘So secre Bn20 mm Fig. 1 Power input Voltage Configuration CONTROLS AND INDICATORS 8-102, 1021, 1012 FRONT PANEL s-1020, 1010 €8-1022, 1021, 1012 €8-1020, 1010 © ¢ posmmon Rotation adjusts vertical poston of channel 1 ace Im X-¥ operation, rotation adusts vertical poston of eply. © $ posmion Rotation adjusts vertical position of trace. In X-¥ operation, rotation adjusts vertical position of display. voutsioIv Vertical attenustor for channel 1; provides step adjust- ‘ment of vertical sensitivity. When VARIABLE control @ is set to CAL, vertical sensitivity is calibrated in 12 steps from 6 Viciv to 1 mVidiv. For X:Y operation, this contro! provides step adjust- ‘ment of vertical sensitivity, voutsipiv Vertical attenuator. Coarse adjustment of vertical sen- sitivity. Vertical sensitivity is calibrated in 12 steps from 5 Vidiv to 1 mVidiv when VARIABLE control @® Is set to CAL, For X-Y operation this provides step adjustment of var tical sensitivity. VARIABLE Control Rotation provides fine control of channel 1. vertical sensitivity. in the fully clockwise (CAL) position, the Vertical attenuator is calibrated. For X-Y operation, this control serves as the Y axis attenuation fine adjust- ment. VARIABLE Control Vertical attenuator adjustment. Fine control of vertical, sensitivity. In the fully clockwise (CAL) position, the vertical attenuator is calibrated. For X-¥ operation, this control serves as the Y axis attenuation fine adjust- ment. 8-102, 1021, 1012 €8-1020, 1010 @ ac-eno-pc ‘Three-position lever switch which operates as follows: @ Ac-enp-pc Three-position lever switch which operates as follows; ‘AC: Blocks de component of channel 1 input ‘AC: Blocks de component of input signal signal. GND: Opens signal path and grounds input to vertical GND: Opens signal path and grounds input to v. ‘amplifier. This provides a zero-signal base line, ‘ical amplifier. This provides a zero-signal base ‘the position of which can be used as a line, the position of which can be used as a reference when performing de measurements. reference when performing de measurements. | Direct input of ac and de component of input DC: Direct input of ac and de component of chan- | signal. rel 1 input signal ® INPUT Jack © npur Jack Vertical input for channel 1 trace. Vertical input for X-Y Vertical input and vertical input for X-Y operation. operation, ® voursiow Vertical attenuator for channel 2; provides stop adjust- ment of vertical sensitivity. When VARIABLE control © is set to CAL, vertical sensitivity is calbrated in 12 steps from 5 V/dlv to 1 mVidiv. In XY operation, this control provides step adj of horizontal sensitivity. VARIABLE Control Rotation provides fine control of channel 2 vertical sensitivity. In the fully clockwise (CAL) position, the vertical attenuator is calibrated. In X-Y operation, this Control becomes the fine horizontal gain control. ‘AC-GND-DC “Three-position lever switch which operates as folows: ‘AC: Blocks de component of channel 2. input signal GND: Opens signal path and grounds input to ver- tical amplifier. This provides a zero-signal base Tine, the position of which can be used as a reference when performing de measurements. DC: Direct input of ac and de component of chan- ‘el 2 input signal. @ INPUT Jack Vertical input for channel 2 trace in normal sweep ‘operation. External horizontal input in X-Y operation. cH2 nv In the NORM position (button released), the channel 2 signal is norinverted. In the INV position (button engaged), the channel 2 signal is inverted. 4 PostTion, xv 4» Rotation adjusts vertical position of channl 2 trace In XY operation adusts horizontal poston of deploy.

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