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Working Principle :

Electrical Part (Circuit)

The circuit of this robot is simple. It consists of 2 phototransistor, 2 BC548 transistor , wires, 2
motors and batteries.

There are phototransistor in the circuit. Light falls on the phototransistors base and emitter
emits electron flow, which is a signal to send power to motors from batteries.

But the phototransistor do not have sufficient amplification to drive the motors directly and so
each phototransistor has a second transistor connected to it in an arrangement called a
Darlington-Pair. The BC548 transistor was used as second transistor.

Mechanical Part

Mechanical parts of this robot are motors , wheels and a support cluster wheel. The motor pair
support maximum weight of the robot. It drives wheels which eventually drive the robot. The
wheels are made of rubber to ensure friction which helps to move the robot. The cluster wheel
at the front support a portion of weight of the robot. It can move in all direction unlike the
wheels attached to motors.

The right motor is controlled by the phototransistor at the left and vice versa. When left
phototransistor gets much light than right phototransistor ,the robot is meant to move at left.
So right motor gets much power than the left , which produce more torque and the robot tend
to move left. Same principle works for the other phototransistor motor pair.

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