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A Mini-Guide To

Created By The 2017-2018 Projects

What is Project Happiness?
WHY DOES HAPPINESS MATTER? Turn on the news or just listen to people
talk. Stress and negativity are everywhere. War, bullying, disease,
loneliness, hate and fear are all by-products of those negative feelings.
But they dont have to be. Science shows us that the more people
expand their own happiness, the kinder they are to themselves and
each other. Thats why weve teamed up with Project Happiness, a
nonprofit organization with the mission to inspire and empower people
to create greater happiness within themselves and their communities.
The resources Project Happiness provides are based on science,
psychology, observations, interviews, stories and reflections. There are
seven sections to the handbook. Through games, club exercises, service
projects and discussions youll discover what makes you happy and
learn how to create lasting happiness in your life. This guide will help you
set up your Key Club to share Project Happiness and explain how
members, schools and communities will benefit from it. You can also
find lots of resources online at
Though you can explore happiness with just this guide, we highly
recommend your Key Club purchase a copy of the Project Happiness
DVD and handbook at to get the most out
of this life-changing resource. You dont need more than one book, but
you may find that you want more than one. Additional books may be
purchased at a discount, or you can apply for a scholarship through
Project Happiness.

If after reading this guide, you still have

any questions, comments, or concerns
please do not hesitate to reach out to me
at Also, please
send us pictures of you and your friends
creating happiness around you! We
would love to promote your actions to
Take some time for yourself!
-Buy yourself a flower -Take a different route to school

-Take time to smell the flowers -Put an air freshener in your car

-Say hello to a stranger -Read a poem

-Ask someone to be your vent-partner -Write a note to a faraway friend

-Do it today -Stop a bad habit

-Work at being cheerful and optimistic -Cook a meal and eat it by candlelight

-Look up at the stars -Keep a journal

-Pay attention to your appearance -Practice a monster smile

-Strive for excellence NOT perfection -Get enough sleep

-Stretch your limits a little each day -Talk less and listen more

-Learn to whistle a tune -Get up 15 minutes earlier

-Hum a jingle -Prepare for the morning the night before

-Plant a tree -Avoid tight-fitting clothes

-feed the birds -Dont rely on your memorywrite it down

-Stand up and stretch -Avoid negative people

-Always have a plan B -Use time wisely

-Learn a new doodle -Repair anything that doesnt work

-Memorize a joke
-Break large tasks into bite-sized portions
-Become a better listener
-Practice breathing slowly
-Pet a friendly dog/cat
-Tell someone to have a good day in Pig
Latin -Teach a kid to fly a kite

-Throw a paper airplane -Walk in the rain

-Exercise every day -Schedule playtime into every day

-Learn the words to a new song -Get to school early

-Stop saying negative things to yourself -Clean out one closet

-Stop thinking tomorrow will be a better -Ask a friend for a hug

-Take a bubble bath
-Set goals for yourself-small and big
-Dance a jig
-Read a story curled up in bed
-Write yourself a kudos
Create Happiness In Meetings!

Have meetings Put snacks and

outside juice out

Provide time for

talking about each
others day
Do a service
Have time for project in the
some coloring meeting

Make Happy
Posters for around Have study time
the school during a meeting

Have story time

Have a joke
with your favorite
telling session
kids books

Hang kind notes on

Write each other peoples lockers

Do a 5 minute
meditation video
Make paper
airplanes and
throw them
Fill the community with happiness!

Host a community movie night

Organize an event for Foster Children

Organize a pep assembly before a big game

Make a stress ball bin for people to use

Make a Little Free Library at a local park

Share a meal with your K-Family

Organize a Circle
Find happiness on social media!
Follow Project Happiness on Instagram, Twitter, and Facebook
for inspirational quotes, pictures, and stories!







Use stickers in your promotions!

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