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Patented July 27, 1948

2,445,951 .


2,445,951 '


Theodore E. Kihlgren, Scotch Plains, and Charles
E. Lacy, West?eld, N. J., assignors to The In-
ternational Nickel Company, Inc., New York,
N. Y., a corporation of Delaware
No Drawing. Application December 26, 19,46; Se
rial No. 718,620. In Canada October 25. 1946
1 12 Claims. (CL 219-8)
The present invention relates to the welding and theiron content proportionately high than
of high nickel alloys, and it relates more particu is required when the nickel content of- such parts
larly to a method and means for producing duc is relatively high and the iron content propor
tile, single and multiple bead welds essentially tionately low, and. when in each case, the fusion
free of hot cracking tendencies. metal is otherwise of substantially the same
The present invention is a continuation-in nickel-chromium-iron composition as that of the
part of our co-pending application, U. S. Serial parts united bythe fusion metal. . .
No. 602,498, ?led June 30, 1945, now U. S. Patent It is an object oi. the present invention to pro
No. 2,422,489, and particularly with respect to the vide a, welded joint between adjacent parts in
method and the welded structure free of weld hot which the parts and the fusion metal there
cracking. In our aforesaid co-pending applicae between are of substantially the same composition
tion, we have shown that weld hot cracking tend as regards the nickel-chromium-iron content
encies encountered in welding high nickel con thereof and in which said fusion metal also con
tent nickel-chromium-iron alloys containing tains columbium and silicon in a columbium
from 0.1 to 10% iron, 75 to 85% nickel, and 10 to 15 silicon ratio varying inversely with a decrease in
20% chromium with welding elements of like iron content.
composition are directly related to the silicon It is another object of the present invention to
content of the fusion aspect, the hot cracking provide a welded joint between adjacent pieces
tendency being greater, the greater the amount of similar composition of nickel-chromium-iron
of silicon present. We have further shown there 20 alloys, said joint being substantially devoid of hot
in that this deleterious effect of the silicon in cracking.
the fusion is substantially overcome by introduc A further object of the present invention is the
ing columbium into the welding element in an provision of welding electrodes containing colum
amount su?icient to maintain in the fusion de bium and silicon in such de?nite and predeter
gosit a columbium to silicon ratio of at least mined relationship to each other and to the nickel
.5 to 1.
and iron content of said electrode that welds
We have now discovered that the effect of made therefrom will have columbium and silicon
silicon in promoting weld hot cracking in nickel in a ratio exceeding a certain minimum value.
chromium-iron alloys extends to considerably It is a still further object of the present inven
higher iron contents and lower nickel contents, 30 tion to provide a method for producing welded
at comparable chromium levels, than were dis- joints in nickel-chromium-iron alloys which are
closed in the above-mentioned application, and capable of meeting free- bend requirements.
that weld hot cracking can be eliminated in these Other objects and advantages willbecome ap
alloys of lower nickel content also by incorporat parent from the following disclosure.
ing in the fusion deposit suitable amounts of 35 In our earlier application, to which reference
columbium. We have further discovered that the has been made hereinbefore, we have shown that,
critical columbium to silicon ratio required in the
fusion to eliminate hot cracking in nickel-chro when welding nickel-chromium-iron alloys such
mium-iron alloys containing at least about 0.15% as those sold under the trade mark Inconel,"
weld hot cracking is-eliminated when the fusion
silicon; is not constant but varies inversely with 40 metal uniting plates or parts of such an alloy is
the nickel content or directly with the iron con of substantially the same composition as that of ,
tent. Stated otherwise, we have discovered that the parts and inaddition contains coilumbium
a higher columbium-silicon ratio is required in
the fusion metal uniting parts of such alloys when and silicon in a columbium-silicon ratio of at
the nickel content of such parts is relatively low 45 least 4.5 to 1. It was also shown that the method
is effective in preventing weld hot cracking in
nickel-chromium alloys such as those known as inafter, electrodes having core wires made of
the "80-20 type, the nominal analysis of which various alloys were used, including core wires
is set forth hereinafter. made of alloys having the following nominal
We have now extended our investigation of the compositions: '

Alloy N31?" cw F8515 0, per cent Si, per cent Mg): 0:513
ll. 1) 0. 1'0. 5 0.05-0- 15 I0. 15-]. 30 0. 1'0. 7 ........ -,
60 15 BB]. 0. l 0. 4 0. 5 ........ ..
O0 16 B81. 0. 1 0. 4 o. 5
85 15 B81. 0. l5 0. l 1. 0 -------- -
85 15 BI]- 0. 15 0. 4 1. 0

1 See Table 0.

causes 1 of weld; j'iandll the ecstasy i151: . The. sdiniiisifcompbsition of as; of=3the alloys
which such cracking may be eliminated to a of the test pieces or blocks employed in the illus
wider range of 'nickel-chromium-iron alloys? trative tests are as follows:
especially such alloys containingless than 1.5%; ~, . I J
nickel and as low as 30%nickel. It hasbeen
found during these furthercinvestigations" that; ~: rape: 0.1m $1.1m Mum"
cent cent cont cent
to eliminate
critical columbium
weld hot toesiliccniratio
cracking? in all"required
chromium-iron alloys studied is not constant vbut '~ 0.1 0.06 0.25 0.4
Bal. 0.1 0.4 0.6
increases as the nickel content isdecreased, with; U Bel. 0.15 0.4 1.0
a corresponding increase in-tthe.ironfcontentg,,, ,1;
In general, this discovery is applicable tov ,weid
Joints comprised of a fusion deposit containing
about 0.1% to 50% iron, 10% to 20% chromium , In the production of welded joints in accord
and 30% to-'80% nickel, to amethod'of producing 30 ance with theinve'ntion, weld crack tests were
' madeemploying electrode cores of the alloy ' set
a such weld Joints; and to welding electrodes con
' taining-theaforesaid amounts or ironychromium , ' forth hereinbefore containing about60%" nickel,
15%1chromium, and, the balance mainly'iron with
I gene nickel,i'gespecially when'the'nickel content is
- vless than 75%; ' The "critical columbium-silicon X-weld blocks ofsimilar composition! also with
ratio that mustbe provided in theii'usion deposit 35 electrode cores made ofthe'alloy containing 35%
has been found to vary/froma minimum of about "nickel, 15% chromium, balance mainly'iron in
v3.8]t'o711for a weld some containing 80% nickel conjunction with X-weld blocks'ofsimilar com
11 (and-0.1% iron) toaminimum of about 8 to 1 position; and further withelectrodes ofthe80
fora weld iointcontaining about 30% nickel-(and 20 composition with X-weld blocks of corre
50% iron) at essentially comparable chromium 40 sponding composition.
levels. This relationship between the minimum The results of these'testsare given in the'fol
columbium-silicon ratio and the nickel (or iron) lowing tables, showing the e?ects on weld hot
content is applicable to fusion deposits contain cracking of varied columbium tosilicon ratios.
ing at least about 0.15% silicon, e. g., 0.2% to X-weld crack tests of joints made of an alloy
1.75%. The minimum columbium content is de "5 containing about 60% nickel, 15% chromium,
termined by the silicon content (and the required - and balance mainly iron, and having the nominal
' minimum ratio) and the columbium content may composition set forth hereinbefore, v were made
be as high as 8% oreven higher, but any sub and the results of these X-weld tests are reported
stantial excess over the ratio (over and above the ,in Table 1. Therein, the X-weld blocks were of
small excess that may be required as a safety 5 similar nickel, chromium and iron content, and
factor) increases the cost with no particular ad the analyses given are those of the weld deposit.
ditional advantageinsofar as freedom from hot
cracking in the weld is concerned. _
The aforesaid ratios of columbium to silicon Table 1.40% nickel-15% chromium
which must be attained or exceeded have been
established by making a series of "X-weld crack columbium Silicon obmmm
tests with varying contents of columbium and Weld No. Content, Per Content, Chis of mung
Cont Per Cent Ram) in 82:33,!
silicon. The X-weld crack test is made by form
ing a weld in which two 3-inch lengths or blocks
of l-inch square bar stock are joined along a 0 0. 44 0-0. 44 Medium.
1. e0 0. s5 2. 91~1 Do.
3-inch edge with a double V-groove weld. The 2. 92 0. 87 3. 35-1 Severe
weld passes are laid in, two at a time, at alter i. 50 0. 42 3. 57-1 Medium
4. 22 1. 11 3. 80-]. D0
nate sides 01' the double V formed by the two 3. 01 0. 59 5. 104 D0
blocks with su?icient time lapse vbetween each 2. 85 0. 45 6. 33-1 D0
4. 57 0. 68 6- 72-1 Slight
pair of passes to permit the specimen to cool to 4. 27 0. 60 7. 12-1 None
below 100 F. During welding, visual examina 6. 30 0. 80 7- 88-1 0
tion is made of each pass after it has been laid
in to determine whether any gross cracking has
occured. After welding, the specimen is sectioned
twice on planes perpendicular to the direction of 7o ' - The ?ux coated electrodes used- for the welds '
, welding, and the, sectional surfaces of the weld of Table 1 are shown in accompanying Table 2.
are polished on a rubber-bonded, ?ne abrasive It will be understood that, in each test, the core
_'wheel, etched, and examined under a binocular wire composition as to nickel, chromium and iron
microscope for cracks. > content corresponds to that of the metal mem
In the illustrative X-weld tests set forth here- to hem Joined therewith.
Table 2.-Electrodea

Flux Composition, Parts Dextrinc

Weld No. Core Wire . 3;
01100; our, Fe'li I . FeCb F581 Bent. r '

_________ -- 52 30 15 3 3
60-15+Cb(2% 52 30 15 3 3
15 ....... -_ 41 25 6 2) 5 3 3
15 ....... -- 48 29 10 10 3 3
60-15+Cb a
60-15-l-Cb 41
48 25
29 6
10 20
10 3
3 33
15 _______ -_ 44 27 6 2o 3 3
60-15....... _. 3D 23 5 30 3 3
_ 60-15-l-Cb
.1) ______ _.
65 e0

I Forte-titanium containing about 40% titanium used.

All corewires 0.156" diameter.
All ?ux coatings 0.230" outside diameter.
Current used for all welds 120 amperes D. C.

As will be noted in the instance of welds Nos. The results of X-weld crack tests with electrode
3, 4, 7 and 8, the columbium is introduced entirely cores of the 80-20 alloys composition and with
from 'the ?ux coatings whereas, in the instance X-weld blocks of corresponding composition are
of weld No. 2, it is introduced by the core wire given in the following Table 5 showing the ef
content, and, in the instance of welds Nos. 5, 6, 45 fects on weld hot cracking of varied columbium~
9 and 10, by the columbium inclusion in the elec silicon ratios, .the columbium having been intro
trode cores and coatings as indicated. duced to the weld by inclusion in the ?ux coating
The results of X-Weld crack tests employing on the core wire. The analyses given in Table 5
weld bars or blocks and electrode cores of alloys are those of the weld deposit.
containing about 35% nickel, 15% chromium, and 50
balance mainly iron are shown in Table 3 and are
identi?ed as test welds Nos. 11 to 22. As before,
the electrode cores and the test block correspond Table 5.'8>0-20 nickel-chromium
in nickel, chromium and iron contents, and the
data, as to the coated electrodes are given in Columbium 8mm CH1 (shagging?!)
Table 4. Weld No. Content, Per Content Ratio i H Rd
Table 3.35% nickel-15% chromium 25 Cent Per Cent '1 sec

Columbium _
Silicon - Observation - 1 6g- ' ~ ' ggvglre
9 mm
Weld No. ContentJer Content, Chis Pf ac-king 2'53 121 2'09! Seven
Cent Per Cent Ratio in sectioned 2. 77 1. 14 2. 43-1 0.
weld 3o 0 0.28 0-0.28 Slight.
2 :e
. a:
. . N0118.
0 0.90 0-0-90 Severe. 1.37 0.28 4.89-1 ' Do.
0 0. 51 0-0. 51 Do. 2. 86 0. 58 4. 93-1 D0.
1. 23 0. 54 2. 28-1 Medium. 2. 34 0. 36 6. 50*! D0.
2. 88 l. 11 2. 59-1 Severe. 3. l6 0. 43 7. 35-1 Do.
1. gig
. . .
Medlgum. 0.
35 2. 91 0. 34
8. 56-1
D0. -

3.26 0.82 3.97-1 Severe. 4'44 0 60 8 88'1 D0

2. 44 0. 54 4. 52-1 Medium.
2. 90 0. 52 5. 581 Severe.
4. 65 0. 71 6. 55-1 Medium.
4; 37 0. 56 7. 80-1 Do.
6-28 0-79 1054 None. The ?ux coated electrodes used for the welds
' 40 of Table 5 are shown in Table 6.

Table 4.-Electr0des

Flux Composition, Ports Dgrxltrine

' ux -
Weld No. Core Wire Binder,
' C8003 Fe'li _ Cali: FeCb FcSi Bent. Parts

46 I 25 25 ......... -- 3 4 3
52 I15 30 ._-_ 3 3
52 l 15 30 3 3
41 I6 25 3 3
48 l 10 29 3 3
41 16 25 3 3
42 1 10 25 3 3
48 l 10 29 3 3
44 16 27 3 3
39 I5 23 3 3
- 3515+Cb(2%)_- __- 44 16 27 3 3
35-15+Cb (2%) _____ -_ 39 15 23 3 3

l Form-titanium containing about 40% titanium used.

1 Ferrotitam'u.m containing about 25% titanium used.
All core wires 0.156" diameter.
All ?ux coatings 0.230" outside diameter.
Current used for all welds 120 amperes D. C.

Table 6.Electrodes
Flux Composition, Parts Dexirlne
Weld Core Flux
No. Wire Binder,
0e00, Cal; Fe'li F001) F081 Bentonite Parts

0 52 30 15 3 3
O 48 20 I 10 10 3 3
C 42 '25 i 10 N ...... -. 3 3
O 42 25 I 10 so ...... -_ 3 3
' A 52 30 3 15 3 3
O 89 2% i5 3 3
A 42 25 l 10 3 3
A 48 29 l 10 3 . 3
A 42 25 l 10 3 3
A 42 25 l 10 3 3
B 42 25 I 10 3 3
A 42 25 I 10 3 3
A 39 23 I5 3 3

1 Form-titanium containing about :3? titanium used.

' Form-titanium containing about a titanium used.
Core wire A: 0.156" diam.; "SO-20 Ni-Cr with 0.167 silicon.
Core wire B: 0.125" diam.: 80-20 Ni-Cr with 0.3299 silicon.
Core wire 0: 0.156" diam.; "80-21" Ni-Cr with 1. a silicon.
Core wires A dz 0: ?ux coatings 0.230" outside diameter; current used [or welds
m amperesD 0
Core wire .B:'?ux coating 0.190" outside diameter; current used for weld 105
amperes D. C.
It will be seen from the foregoing data that, 25 Table 7.80% nickel-14% chromium-Con.
when a coated welding electrode having a core
wire made of an 80-20 nickel-chromium alloy Columbium Silicon obsm'vagon
containing minor amounts of other elements, in Weld No. Content, Content Cb'si 9 crackmg
Per Cent Per Cent Ratio m sectioned
cluding silicon and iron, is used to unite metal , Weld
parts having the same composition by a fusion , _
deposit of the welding electrode between said 4. 24
s. 29
1. 37
0. so
3. 09-1
4. 11-1
Slight .
parts, the weld deposit is devoid of hot cracking 4. 7o 1. c4 4. 521 None.
if columbium is introduced into the fusion in 1. 54 0. 31 4. 97-1 D0.
2. 94 0. 55 5. 34-1 Do.
suillclent amount to provide in the fusion a 2. 65 0. 46 5. 77-1 D0.
columbium to silicon ratio greater than 3.8-1. 4. 16 0. 66 6. 30-1 Do.
3. 09 0. 33 9. 36-1 D0.
The data set forth herein demonstrate that 3. 00 0. 26 11. 53-1 D0.
weld hot cracking in all these alloys can be
eliminated by the maintenance of a suitable As-speci?cd in said earlier application, the elec
minimum columbium-silicon ratio in the fusion. trode core wires employed contained, in addition
Further, the critical minimum ratio which must 40 to '75 to 85% nickel, 10 to 16% chromium and 4
be exceeded to prevent cracking is not the same to 10% iron, about 0.01 to 0.2% carbon, 0.05 to
for all weld joints but increases as the iron con 1.0% manganese, 0.05 to 0.7% silicon, and 0.05
tent of the weld joint is increased with the given to 1.0% copper. The composition of the flux
chromiurnlevel. For the three weld joints, for coatings employed therewith conformed with the
which data has been presented hereinbefore, the 45 preferred composition given in the following
ratios are as follows: Table 8 which also sets forth the range of in
gredients that can be employed when term-25%
Composition Ratio titanium is used.
"81-20" at least 3.8-1.
50 Table 8
05-15.-- at least 7-1.
35-15 at least 7.9-1. Flux Coating Preferred Range

For a weld joint made of an alloy containing Dry Ingredients:

about 80% nickel, 14% chromium and 6% iron, 55 Percent calcium carbonate ______________ _-
Percent calcium ?uoride ____ -- _
42. 0
25. 0
referred to in said earlier application, the mini Percent i'erro-26'7 titanium__ _-- - __ 10. 0 _ 5-20
mum effective columbium-silicon ratio is about Percent ferro- ., columbium ........... ._ 20. 0 0-30
Percent Bentonite (hydrated aluminum _
4.5 to 1. silicate) _______________________________ -- 3. 0 2-5
The results of X-weld tests of weld joints em 100. 0
ploying weldbars and electrode cores of an alloy 00
Binder: Percent dextrine ................... __ 3. 0 1-5
containing about 80% nickel, 14% chromium and
6% iron disclosed in said earlier application are
given in Table 7. Improvement in the-welds as to hot cracking
tendencies is noted with relation to the columbium
Table 7.-80% nickel-14% chromium 65 addition and increase in its ratio to that of the
silicon content up to a definite columbium to
Silicon Obs
silicon ratio in the given alloy which results in
Weld No. Content, Per Content, 0 mm elimination or correction of the hot cracking
Cent Per Cent Ram in $531184 - tendency. is evidenced by the lower ratio
70 results of the welds giving medium and slight
0 1. 39 0-1. 39 Severe. cracking, and the ?nal elimination of the crack
2. 89 1. 62 1. 78-1 Do.
2. 63 l. 25 2. 10-1 Do. ing of welds Nos. 29 to 35 of Table 5 of the "80-20
0 0. 42 0. 42 Medium. nickel-chromium alloys with columbium to silicOn
3. 91 1. 80 2. 17-1 D0.
1. 40 0. 59 2. 37-1 D0. ratios of 3.84 to 1 and higher. It is also evident
2. 75 1. 14 2. 41-1 Do. from the test results that in the instance of the
welds made of alloys containing about 00% nickel,
between adjacent members made of nickel-chro
15% chromium and the balance mainly iron mium-iron alloys containing about 30% to 80%
(Table 1) elimination of hot cracking occursat nickel, about 10% to20% chromium, and the
a ratio of 7.12 to 1 (weld No. 9) and that in the balance mainly iron. with a welding element of
instance of welds made of an alloy containing similar composition containing at least 0.15%
about 35% nickel, 15% chromium and the bal silicon, the improvement which comprises incor
ance mainly iron. hot cracking is eliminated at porating in said welding element a columbium
a columbium to silicon ratio of 7.95 to 1 as shown
by reference to weld No. 22 of Table 3. A com content up to 8%, controlling the content of
parison of the weldsnumbered 29, 9 and 22 applied l0 columbium to provide a critical minimum ratio .
to welding with the "80-20 nickel-chromium or columbium to silicon in a fusion deposit made
alloy; the alloy containing about 60% nickel, by the welding element, the ratio ofcolumbium
15% chromium and the balance mainly iron; and to silicon in said fusion deposit-being so propor
the alloy containing about 35% nickel, 15% chro tioned to the iron content thereof that the mini
mium and the balance mainly iron, respectively, 15 mum ratio with 0.1% iron is about 3.84m 1,>the
(and also the welds of the alloy containing about minimum ratio with 50% iron is about 8 to 1, and
80% nickel, 44% chromium and the balance the minimum ratiojwith intermediate amounts
mainly iron of the co-pending application), shows of iron is between said values and is higher as
that a higher columbium to silicon ratio is re the iron content increases in said range, whereby
quired in the fusion metal uniting parts of such welded joints substantially devoid ofhot cracks
alloys when the nickel content is relatively low 20 are produced. "

and the iron content is proportionately higher. 2. In the method of producing welded joints be
As further support of the principle that the tween adjacent members made of nickel-chro
required columbium to silicon ratio increases as mium-iron alloys containing about 30% to 80%
the nickel decreases and/or the iron content in 25 nickel, about 10% to 20% chromium. and the bal
creases, attention is directed to the results of ance mainly iron with a welding element of com
weld No. 9, (Table 1) considered with relation to position within said ranges and containing at
weld No. 21 (Table 3). It will be observed that least 0.15% silicon, the improvement which com
in the weld No. 9 of the 60% nickel-15% chm prises incorporating in said welding element a
mium alloy, a columbium to silicon ratio of 7.12 30 columbium content up to 8%, controlling the con
to 1 resulted in elimination of hot crackingr tent of columbium to provide a critical minimunr
whereas the higher ratio (of columbium to sili ratio of columbium to silicon in a fusion deposit >
con) of IL80 to 1 in the 35% nickel-15% chromium made by the welding element, the ratio of colum
alloy produced medium hot cracking tendencies bium to silicon in said fusion deposit'being so
and elimination of hot cracking was accomplished proportioned to the iron content thereof that the
in that alloy weld deposit only on increasing the minimum ratio with 0.1 % iron is about 3.84 to 1,
columbium to silicon ratio to a value of 7.95 to l the minimum ratio with 50% iron is about 8 to 1,
(weld No, 22 of the lower-nickel alloy). and the minimum ratio with intermediate
The data obtained as a result of the weld joint amounts of iron is between said values but is
tests referred to have de?nitely established that higher as the iron content increases in said range,
weld hot cracking encountered in welddeposits whereby welded joints substantially devoid of hot
of nickel~chromium-iron alloys which are nor cracks are produced.
mally malleable can be traced to the composition 3. In the method of producing welded joints,
of the fusion metal and that by suitable composi the improvement which comprises uniting adja
tional adjustments, the hot cracking tendencies cent members made of nickel-chromium-iron al
can be largely eliminated. More speci?cally, it loys containing about 30% to about 80% nickel,
has been found that silicon promotes hot crack about 10% to about 20% chromium, and the bal
ing and that its eiiect can be neutralized by the ance mainly iron by a fusion deposit from a weld
presence of suitable amounts of columbium. ing element of substantially similar composition
Furthermore, it has been found that there is a 50 having a silicon content of at least 0.15% and a
direct relationship between the silicon content of columbium content up to about 8%, the ratio of
the fusion and the columbium content required columbium to silicon in said fusion deposit being '
to eliminate weld hot cracking and that the criti in a range of about 3.84 to 1 to at least about 8
cal columbium to silicon ratio required to prevent to 1 whereby welded joints substantially devoid
cracking in weld joints is not the same for all of hot cracks are produced.
alloys used but generally tends to increase, at a 4. In the method of producing welded joints,
substantially comparable chromium level, as the the improvement which comprises uniting adja
iron content of the alloys is increased. 1 cent members made of nickel-chromium-iron al
While the welds referred to herein have been loys containing about 30% to about 80% nickel.
performed by manual are process, itwill be under 00 about 10% to about 20% chromium, and thelbai
stood that the principle developed for controlling "ance mainly iron by a fusion deposit of substan
the weld cracking in nickel-chromium-iron alloys tially similar composition having a silicon con
is equally applicable to other welding processes tent of at least 0.15% and a columbium content
for the elimination of the hotcracking tendencies. up to about 8% made by a welding element, said
Although the present invention has been de welding element having an amount of columbium
scribed in conjunction with preferred embodi - and silicon such that the minimum ratio of colum
ments, it is to be understood that modi?cations : > bium to silicon in said fusion deposit is in a range
and variations may be resorted to without depart of at least about 3.84 to 1 to at least about8 to 1,
ing from the spirit and scope of the invention the higher the iron content the higher the mini
as those skilled in the art will readily understand. 70 mum ratio between the limits of said range,
Such modi?cations and variations are considered whereby welded joints substantially devoid of hot
to be within the purview and scope of the ap cracks are produced. .
pended claims.
We claim: 5. In the method of producing welded joints,
the improvement which comprises uniting adja
I. In the method of producing welded joints 75
cent members made of nickel-chromium-iron al
l'oys containing about 30%, to about "80%nwke1. coating enclosing" said as we, said sle'etrtse
about 10% to about-20% chromium.,and the bal- containing columbiumlin such quantity _and in
ance mainly iron'by aiusiondeposit'lfroma weld such form that the residual columbium content
ing- element ofsubstantially similar composition in the weld'deposit win'bej at least, 3.84 tin'i'es'j the
having asilicon contenror at least 0.15% and a , content of silicon in, said ,depos'it ,forf_the' lower
columbium content'up to about 8%, the ratio or iron content aiicy'andat least about atimes the
'col'umbium to silicon lnsaid' fusion deposit being "silicon contentot the deposit tor the higheriron
about 8 to 1. wh'ereby welded joints substantially contentalloy. H ,- _c ; . ~

devoid of hot cracks are produced. 1 1* mt 10. A welding. electrode, adapted for. forming
I 6. In the method of "producing welded I o 5, "10 weld deposits substantially devoid 'srhotemrs
the improvement which comprises uniting adja comprising 'a core wire containing, nickel from
cent members made oiv nickel-chromium-iron al about 30% to less than'75%., chromium from
loys containing about 30% to about 80% nickel, about 10% to 20% andtlie balance mainly iron
about 10% to about 20% chromium, and the bal including at least'about 0.15% silicon and a flux
anccimainly iron by a fusion deposit of substan 15 coating enclosing saidcore wire, said electrode
tially similar composition having a silicon con core containing columbium in such quantity and
tent of at least 0.15% and a columbium content in such form that the residual columbium content
up toiabout 8% made by a coated electrode, said in the weld deposit-will be within a range of at
electrode coating having an amount oi. colum least 3.84timesthe content of "silicon insaid de
bium such that the minimum ratio of columbium 20 posit tor the lower iron content alloy to at least
to silicon in said fusion deposit is in a range of at about atimes the silicon content of the deposit
least about 3.84 to 1 to at least about 8 to 1, the for the higher iron content alloy. ,
higher the iron content the higher the minimum 11. A welding electrode adapted for forming
ratio between the limits of said range, whereby weld deposits substantially devoidot hot cracks
welded joints substantially devoid of hot cracks 25 comprising acore wire containing nickel from
are produced. i t about 30% to less than 75%,,chromium'from
'1. Inthe method of producing welded joints, about10% to 20% and the balance mainly iron
the improvement which comprises uniting adja including at least about 0.15% siliconand a ?ux
cent members made of nickel-chromium-iron al coating enclosing said core wire, said, electrode
loys containing about 30% to about 80% nickel, 30 coating containing columbium in such quantity
about 10% to about 20% chromium, and the bale and in-such form that the residualcolumbium
ance mainly iron by a fusion deposit from a coated content in the. weld deposit will be within a
electrode having a core or a composition within range of at least 3.84'times the content of silicon
- the range given and having a silicon content or at in said deposit for'the' lower iron content alloy
least 0.15% and a columbium content up to about 35 to at least about 8 times the silicon content of.
8%, the ratio of columbium to silicon in said the deposit for the higher iron content alloy.. ,
fusion deposit being within the range of about 12. A welding electrode adapted for forming
3.84 to 1 and at least about 8 to 1, and wherein ' weld deposits substantially, devoid of hot cracks
at least part of said columbium is introduced to comprising a core Wire, containing at least 30%
the fusion deposit from the electrode core, where 40 but less than 75% nickel, about 10% to 20%
by welded joints substantially devoid of hot cracks 4 chromium, at least 0.15% to 11.75% siliconiand the
, are produced. balance mainly ironand a mix coating enclos
, 8. In the method of producing welded joints, _ing said core wire,v said electrodejkcontaining'
the improvementwhich comprises uniting adja~ columbium and silicon in such quantity , andv in
.cent- members madev of nickel-chromium-iron such form asv to provide ammimumjcommmum
alloys containing about30% to about 80% nickel, to silicon ratio in the weldideposit made thereby,
about 10%: to about 20% chromium, and the bal the ratio of columbium to'silicon being so proj
ance mainly iron ,bya fusion-deposit from a portionecl to theiron content thatthe minimum
.coated electrode 1 having a .core- of va composition ratio with 0.1% ironis' about 3.84'ito llthejmini-I
within the range given and having a silicon con mum ratio with 50%iron is; about, 8. to 1, andthe
_~tentoi-at least 0.15% and a columbium content minimum ratio with intermediate V_ amounts of
.:up 'to'about 8%, the ratio of columbium to silicon iron isbetween said values and is higher the
in said fusion deposit being within the range of iron content increasesin said range, : ,
about 3.84 to'l and at least about 8 to 1, and -
'rriEonoREEJKIHLGRnnW' " , l

wherein. at least part of the said columbium . is

introduced tothe fusion deposit from a ?ux coat
ing, whereby weldedjoints substantially devoid-o! summers orrnn I
hot cracks are produced; , The following- references are" anemia in mg
.9. A, welding electrode adapted",v "for.v forming me F_?h1SDatent:, : I, > i i - H
weld deposits substantially devoid ,oifhot cracks , . ,ms terminates .41
comprising a' core'rwirebontainingnickel from
about 30% to less than 75%, chromium from Number
1,954,296 Keir ;;.' ' ".__ Apr..10,"193,4'
about-10%. to20% and the'balance mainly iron
includingfat least about 0.15% silicon and a ?ux 2,306,421 r Arness

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