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Touchstone 2nd Edition Language summary Level 4

Unit 3 Lesson C: To be honest, . . .

Living abroad
feel homesick (v)
go back home (v)
remind you of home (v)

Other words
abroad (adv)
absolutely (adv)
certainly (adv)
definitely (adv)
honestly (adv)
just (adv)
of course (adv)
In fact, . . .
To be honest, . . .
To tell you the truth, . . .

Conversation strategies
Sounding more direct
You can use expressions like these to sound more direct or assertive:

absolutely certainly definitely really actually

honestly in fact to be honest to tell you the truth

When I'm living here, I don't miss too much, to be honest.

If I went back home, I'd absolutely miss the food here.

Cambridge University Press 2014 Unit 3, Lesson C, Page 1

Touchstone 2nd Edition Language summary Level 4

of course
Of course usually means "This idea is not surprising. It's what you expect":

A Do you miss anything from home?

B I miss my family, of course.

You can also use of course in responses to show you agree or understand:

A I really miss my family.

B Of course.

Be careful when you use of course. It can sound abrupt or rude as an answer to a question:

A Do you miss your family?

B Oh, yes, I really do. (NOT Of course.)

Cambridge University Press 2014 Unit 3, Lesson C, Page 2

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