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A1la1bo2wen2 Arabic (language & writing)

A1la1bo2yu3 Arabic (language)

a5 modal particle ending sentence, showing affirmation, approval, or
ba1 1 eight 2 8
ba4ba5 (informal) father M: g [] / wi []
bai2 1 white 2 snowy 3 pure 4 bright 5 empty 6 blank 7 plain 8 clear 9 to
make clear 10 in vain 11 gratuitous 12 free of charge 13 reactionary 14 anti-
communist 15 funeral 16 to stare coldly 17 to write wrong character 18 to state 19
to explain 20 vernacular 21 spoken lines in opera
bai3 1 hundred 2 numerous 3 all kinds of
ban1 1 team 2 class 3 squad 4 work shift 5 ranking M: g [] 6
classifier for groups
ban4gong1 1 to handle official business 2 to work (esp. in an office)
ban4gong1shi4 1 office 2 business premises 3 bureau M: jin
bao1zi5 steamed stuffed bun M: g []
bei1 1 trophy cup 2 cup 3 classifier for certain containers of liquids:
glass, cup
ben3 1 roots or stems of plants 2 origin 3 source 4 this 5 the current 6
root 7 foundation 8 basis 9 classifier for books, periodicals, files etc 10
bi3 1 pen 2 pencil 3 writing brush 4 to write or compose 5 the strokes of
Chinese characters 6 classifier for sums of money, deals M: zh [] /
zh []
bi3jiao4 1 to compare 2 to contrast 3 comparatively 4 relatively 5 quite 6
bie2de5 1 else 2 other
bu4 1 (negative prefix) 2 not 3 no
bu4ke4qi5 1 you're welcome 2 don't mention it 3 impolite 4 rude 5 blunt
cha2 1 tea 2 tea plant M: bi [] / h []
cha2ye4 1 tea 2 tea leaves M: h [] / gun [] /
bo [] / pin []
che1 1 car 2 vehicle M: ling [] 3 machine 4 to shape with a
chi1 1 to eat 2 to consume 3 to eat at (a cafeteria etc) 4 to eradicate 5 to
destroy 6 to absorb 7 to suffer 8 to stammer (Taiwan pr. for this sense is [j])
chu1zu1che1 1 taxi 2 (Taiwan) rental car
ci2dian3 dictionary (of Chinese compound words) M: b [] /
bn []
da4 1 big 2 huge 3 large 4 major 5 great 6 wide 7 deep 8 older (than) 9
oldest 10 eldest 11 greatly 12 very much 13 (dialect) father 14 father's elder or
younger brother
da4gai4 1 roughly 2 probably 3 rough 4 approximate 5 about 6 general idea
da4xue2 1 university 2 college M: su []
da4fu1 senior official (in imperial China)
dan4shi4 1 but 2 however
dan4 1 egg 2 oval-shaped M: g [] / d []
De2guo2 1 Germany 2 German
De2wen2 German (language)
De2yu3 German (language)
de5 1 of 2 ~'s (possessive particle) 3 (used after an attribute) 4 (used to
form a nominal expression) 5 (used at the end of a declarative sentence for
deng3 1 class 2 rank 3 grade 4 equal to 5 same as 6 to wait for 7 to await 8
et cetera 9 and so on 10 et al. (and other authors) 11 after 12 as soon as 13 once
di4di5 younger brother M: g [] / wi []
dian3r5 1 point 2 dot 3 drop 4 speck 5 o'clock 6 point (in space or time)
7 to draw a dot 8 to check on a list 9 to choose 10 to order (food in a restaurant)
11 to touch briefly 12 to hint 13 to light 14 to ignite 15 to pour a liquid drop by
drop 16 (old) one fifth of a two-hour watch gng [] 17 dot stroke in
Chinese characters 18 classifier for items
dian4 1 electric 2 electricity 3 electrical
dian4hua4 1 telephone M: b [] 2 phone call M: tng
[] 3 phone number
dou1 1 all 2 both 3 entirely 4 (used for emphasis) even 5 already 6 (not) at
du2 1 to read 2 to study 3 reading of word (i.e. pronunciation), similar to
pnyn []
dui4 1 right 2 correct 3 couple 4 pair 5 towards 6 at 7 for 8 to face 9
opposite 10 to treat (sb a certain way) 11 to match together 12 to adjust 13 to fit
14 to suit 15 to answer 16 to reply 17 classifier: couple
dui4bu5qi3 1 unworthy 2 to let down 3 I'm sorry 4 excuse me 5 pardon me 6 if
you please 7 sorry? (please repeat)
duo1 1 many 2 much 3 often 4 a lot of 5 numerous 6 more 7 in excess 8 how
(to what extent) 9 multi- 10 Taiwan pr. [du] when it means "how"
duo1shao5 1 how much 2 how many 3 which (number) 4 as much as
E2guo2 Russia
E2wen2 Russian language
E2yu3 Russian (language)
er4 1 two 2 2 3 (Beijing dialect) stupid
fa1yin1 1 to pronounce 2 pronunciation 3 to emit sound
Fa3guo2 1 France 2 French
Fa3wen2 French language
Fa3yu3 French (language)
fan4 1 food 2 cuisine 3 cooked rice 4 meal M: w n [] /
dn []
fang2jian1 room M: jin [] / g []
fen1 1 to divide 2 to separate 3 to distribute 4 to allocate 5 to
distinguish (good and bad) 6 part or subdivision 7 fraction 8 one tenth (of certain
units) 9 unit of length equivalent to 0.33 cm 10 minute 11 a point (in sports or
games) 12 0.01 yuan (unit of money)
gang1 1 hard 2 firm 3 strong 4 just 5 barely 6 exactly
Gang3bi4 1 Hong Kong currency 2 Hong Kong dollar
ke3ke3 cocoa (loanword)
ge4 1 individual 2 this 3 that 4 size 5 classifier for people or objects in
gei3 1 to 2 for 3 for the benefit of 4 to give 5 to allow 6 to do sth (for
sb) 7 (grammatical equivalent of ) 8 (grammatical equivalent of ) 9
(sentence intensifier)
gong1zuo4 1 to work 2 (of a machine) to operate 3 job 4 work 5 task M:
g [] / fn [] / xing []
gong1jin1 kilogram (kg)
gong1si1 1 (business) company 2 company 3 firm 4 corporation 5
incorporated M: ji []
guang1pan2 1 compact disc 2 CD or DVD 3 CD ROM M: pin [] /
zhng []
gui4 1 expensive 2 noble 3 your (name) 4 precious
gui4xing4 what is your name?
guo2 1 country 2 nation 3 state 4 national M: g []
hai2 1 still 2 still in progress 3 still more 4 yet 5 even more 6 in
addition 7 fairly 8 passably (good) 9 as early as 10 even 11 also 12 else
hai2shi5 1 or 2 still 3 nevertheless 4 had better
Han2guo2 1 South Korea (Republic of Korea) 2 Han, one of the Seven Hero
States of the Warring States zhnguqxing [] 3 Korea
from the fall of the Joseon dynasty in 1897
Han2guo2yu3 Korean language
Han2wen2 1 hangeul , Korean phonetic alphabet 2 Korean written
Han4yu3 Chinese language M: mn []
hao3 1 good 2 well 3 proper 4 good to 5 easy to 6 very 7 so 8 (suffix
indicating completion or readiness) 9 (of an unmarried couple) to be close 10 to be
keen on each other
hao3jiu3 quite a while
hao4 1 ordinal number 2 day of a month 3 mark 4 sign 5 business
establishment 6 size 7 ship suffix 8 horn (wind instrument) 9 bugle call 10 assumed
name 11 to take a pulse 12 classifier used to indicate number of people
hao4ma3 number M: du [] / g []
he1 1 to drink 2 My goodness!
he2 1 old variant of h [] 2 harmonious
hei1 1 black 2 dark 3 sinister 4 secret 5 shady 6 illegal 7 to hide (sth)
away 8 to vilify 9 (loanword) to hack (computing)
hen3 1 (adverb of degree) 2 quite 3 very 4 awfully
hong2 1 red 2 popular 3 revolutionary 4 bonus
hua4 1 dialect 2 language 3 spoken words 4 speech 5 talk 6 words 7
conversation 8 what sb said M: zhng [] / x [] /
j [] / ku [] / fn []
huan1ying2 1 to welcome 2 welcome
huan4 1 to exchange 2 to change (clothes etc) 3 to substitute 4 to switch 5
to convert (currency)
hui2 1 to circle 2 to go back 3 to turn around 4 to answer 5 to return 6 to
revolve 7 Hui ethnic group (Chinese Muslims) 8 time 9 classifier for acts of a play
10 section or chapter (of a classic book)
ji1 1 fowl 2 chicken M: zh [] 3 (slang) prostitute
ji1dan4 1 (chicken) egg 2 hen's egg M: g [] / d
ji3 1 how much 2 how many 3 several 4 a few
ji4 1 to send 2 to mail 3 to entrust 4 to depend on 5 to attach oneself to
6 to live (in a house) 7 to lodge 8 foster (son etc)
jia1 1 home 2 family 3 (polite) my (sister, uncle etc) 4 classifier for
families or businesses 5 refers to the philosophical schools of pre-Han China 6
noun suffix for a specialist in some activity, such as a musician or revolutionary,
corresponding to English -ist, -er, -ary or -ian M: g []
jian4 1 to see 2 to meet 3 to appear (to be sth) 4 to interview
jian4 1 item 2 component 3 classifier for events, things, clothes etc
jiao3 1 angle 2 corner 3 horn 4 horn-shaped 5 unit of money equal to 0.1 yuan
M: g []
jiao3zi5 1 dumpling 2 pot-sticker M: g [] / zh
jiao4 1 to shout 2 to call 3 to order 4 to ask 5 to be called 6 by (indicates
agent in the passive mood)
jiao4shou4 1 professor 2 to instruct 3 to lecture on M: g [] /
wi []
ta1 she
jie3jie5 older sister M: g []
jie4shao4 1 to introduce (sb to sb) 2 to give a presentation 3 to present
(sb for a job etc) 4 introduction
jin1tian1 1 today 2 at the present 3 now
jin1 1 catty 2 weight equal to 0.5 kg 3 (Tw) weight equal to 0.6 kg
jin4 1 to advance 2 to enter 3 to come (or go) into 4 to receive or admit 5
to eat or drink 6 to submit or present 7 (used after a verb) into, in 8 to score a
jiu3 1 nine 2 9
jiu3 1 wine (esp. rice wine) 2 liquor 3 spirits 4 alcoholic beverage M:
bi [] / png [] / gun [] / tng
[] / gng []
jiu4 1 old 2 opposite: new 3 former 4 worn (with age)
ju2zi5 tangerine M: g [] / bn []
jue2de5 1 to think 2 to feel
ka1fei1 coffee (loanword) M: bi []
kai1 1 to open 2 to start 3 to turn on 4 to boil 5 to write out (a
prescription, check, invoice etc) 6 to operate (a vehicle) 7 carat (gold) 8 abbr.
for Kelvin, Ki'rwn [] 9 abbr. for kibn
[], book format
kai1xue2 1 foundation of a University or College 2 school opening 3 the
start of a new term
kan4 1 to see 2 to look at 3 to read 4 to watch 5 to visit 6 to call on 7 to
consider 8 to regard as 9 to look after 10 to treat (an illness) 11 to depend on 12
to feel (that) 13 (after verb) to give it a try 14 Watch out! (for a danger)
ke4qi5 1 polite 2 courteous 3 formal 4 modest
kou3 1 mouth 2 classifier for things with mouths (people, domestic animals,
cannons, wells etc) 3 classifier for bites or mouthfuls
kuai4 1 lump (of earth) 2 chunk 3 piece 4 classifier for pieces of cloth,
cake, soap etc 5 (coll.) classifier for money and currency units
lai2 1 to come 2 to arrive 3 to come round 4 ever since 5 next
lan2 1 blue 2 indigo plant
lao3shi1 teacher M: g [] / wi []
li3 1 li (Chinese mile) 2 500 meters (modern) 3 home 4 hometown 5 village 6
neighborhood 7 administrative unit
lia3 1 two (colloquial equivalent of ) 2 both 3 some
liang3 1 two 2 both 3 some 4 a few 5 tael, unit of weight equal to 50
grams (modern) or 116 of a catty jn [] (old)
liang4 classifier for vehicles
le5 1 (modal particle intensifying preceding clause) 2 (completed action
ling2 1 zero 2 nought 3 zero sign 4 fractional 5 fragmentary 6 odd (of
numbers) 7 (placed between two numbers to indicate a smaller quantity followed by a
larger one) 8 fraction 9 (in mathematics) remainder (after division) 10 extra 11 to
wither and fall 12 to wither
liu2xue2 to study abroad
liu2xue2sheng1 1 student studying abroad 2 (foreign) exchange student M:
g [] / wi []
liu4 1 six 2 6
lou2 1 house with more than 1 story 2 storied building 3 floor M:
cng [] / zu [] / dng []
l4shi1 lawyer
ma1ma5 1 mama 2 mommy 3 mother M: g [] / wi
ma3 1 horse M: p [] 2 horse or cavalry piece in Chinese chess
3 knight in Western chess
ma3ma5hu1hu1 1 careless 2 casual 3 vague 4 not so bad 5 so-so 6
tolerable 7 fair
ma5 (question particle for "yes-no" questions)
mai3 1 to buy 2 to purchase
mai4 1 to sell 2 to betray 3 to spare no effort 4 to show off or flaunt
man2tou5 1 steamed roll 2 steamed bun 3 steamed bread M: g
mang2 1 busy 2 hurriedly 3 to hurry 4 to rush
mei2 1 (negative prefix for verbs) 2 have not 3 not
mei2guan1xi5 it doesn't matter
mei2shen2me5 1 nothing 2 it doesn't matter 3 it's nothing 4 never mind
Mei3guo2 1 United States 2 USA 3 US
Mei3yuan2 1 American dollar 2 US dollar
mei4mei5 1 younger sister 2 young woman M: g []
men2 1 gate 2 door M: shn [] 3 gateway 4 doorway M:
g [] 5 opening 6 valve 7 switch 8 way to do something 9 knack 10 family 11
house 12 (religious) sect 13 school (of thought) 14 class 15 category 16 phylum or
division (taxonomy) 17 classifier for large guns 18 classifier for lessons,
subjects, branches of technology 19 (suffix) -gate (i.e. scandal; derived from
mi3 1 rice M: l [] 2 meter (classifier)
mi3fan4 (cooked) rice
mi4shu1 secretary
mian4tiao2r5 noodles
ming2zi5 name (of a person or thing) M: g []
ming2tian1 tomorrow
mo2tuo1che1 1 motorbike 2 motorcycle (loanword) M: ling [] /
b []
na3 1 how 2 which
na3r5 1 where? 2 wherever 3 anywhere
na4 1 that 2 those 3 then (in that case) 4 commonly pr. [ni] before a
classifier, esp. in Beijing
na4r5 there
na4xie1 those
nan2 1 male 2 Baron, lowest of five orders of nobility
w dngjuwi [] M: g []
nan2 1 difficult (to...) 2 problem 3 difficulty 4 difficult 5 not good
ne5 1 particle indicating that a previously asked question is to be applied
to the preceding word ("What about ...?", "And ...?") 2 particle for inquiring
about location ("Where is ...?") 3 particle signaling a pause, to emphasize the
preceding words and allow the listener time to take them on board ("ok?", "are you
with me?") 4 (at the end of a declarative sentence) particle indicating
continuation of a state or action 5 particle indicating strong affirmation
ni3 you (informal, as opposed to courteous nn [])
ni3hao3 1 Hello! 2 Hi! 3 How are you?
ni3men5 you (plural)
nin2 you (courteous, as opposed to informal n [])
n3 1 female 2 woman 3 daughter
Ou1yuan2 Euro (currency)
peng2you5 friend M: g [] / wi []
pi2jiu3 beer (loanword) M: bi [] / png [] /
gun [] / tng [] / gng []
ping2guo3 apple M: g [] / k []
ping2 1 bottle 2 vase 3 pitcher M: g [] 4 classifier for wine
and liquids
qi1 1 seven 2 7
qi4che1 1 car 2 automobile 3 bus M: ling []
qian1 thousand
qian2 1 coin 2 money M: b [] 3 unit of weight, one tenth of a
tael ling []
qing1 1 light 2 easy 3 gentle 4 soft 5 reckless 6 unimportant 7 frivolous 8
small in number 9 unstressed 10 neutral 11 to disparage
qing3 1 to ask 2 to invite 3 please (do sth) 4 to treat (to a meal etc) 5 to
qing3wen4 Excuse me, may I ask...?
qu3 1 to take 2 to get 3 to choose 4 to fetch
qu4 1 to go 2 to go to (a place) 3 to cause to go or send (sb) 4 to remove
5 to get rid of 6 (when used either before or after a verb) to go in order to do
sth 7 to be apart from in space or time 8 (after a verb of motion indicates
movement away from the speaker) 9 (used after certain verbs to indicate detachment
or separation) 10 (of a time or an event etc) just passed or elapsed
quan2 1 all 2 whole 3 entire 4 every 5 complete
ren2 1 man 2 person 3 people M: g [] / wi []
ren2min2 the people M: g []
ren2min2bi4 1 Renminbi (RMB) 2 Chinese Yuan (CNY)
yue1 1 to speak 2 to say
Ri4ben3 1 Japan 2 Japanese
Ri4wen2 Japanese (language)

Ri4yu3 Japanese language

Ri4yuan2 1 Japanese yen (unit of currency) 2 also written
rong2yi4 1 easy 2 likely 3 liable (to)
san1 1 three 2 3
shang1dian4 1 store 2 shop M: ji [] / g []
shang4wu3 morning M: g []
shao3 1 few 2 less 3 to lack 4 to be missing 5 to stop (doing sth) 6 seldom
shen1ti3 1 the body 2 one's health M: j [] / g
[] 3 in person
shi2 1 ten 2 10
shen2me5 1 what? 2 who? 3 something 4 anything
shi2tang2 dining hall M: g [] / jin []
shi4 1 variant of sh [] 2 (used in given names)
shou3 1 hand 2 (formal) to hold 3 person engaged in certain types of work 4
person skilled in certain types of work 5 personal(ly) 6 convenient 7 classifier
for skill M: shung [] / zh []
shou3ji1 1 cell phone 2 mobile phone M: b [] /
zh []
shu1 1 book 2 letter 3 document M: bn [] / c [] /
b [] 4 to write
shu4 1 number 2 figure 3 several M: g []
shei2 1 who 2 also pr. [shu]
shui3 1 water 2 river 3 liquid 4 beverage 5 additional charges or income 6
(of clothes) classifier for number of washes
shui3guo3 fruit M: g []
shuo1 1 to speak 2 to say 3 to explain 4 to scold 5 to tell off 6 a theory
(usually in compounds such as heliocentric theory)
si4 1 four 2 4
ta1 1 he or him 2 (used for either sex when the sex is unknown or
unimportant) 3 (used before sb's name for emphasis) 4 (used as a meaningless mock
object) 5 other 6 another
ta1men5 they
tai4 1 highest 2 greatest 3 too (much) 4 very 5 extremely
tang1 1 soup 2 hot or boiling water 3 decoction of medicinal herbs 4 water in
which sth has been boiled
tian1 1 day 2 sky 3 heaven
ting1 1 to listen 2 to hear 3 to obey 4 a can (loanword from English "tin") 5
classifier for canned beverages
tong2wu1 roommate M: g []
tong2xue2 1 to study at the same school 2 fellow student 3 classmate M:
wi [] / g []
tu2shu1guan3 library M: ji [] / g []
wai4guo2 foreign (country) M: g []
wai4mao4 foreign trade
wan3 1 bowl 2 cup M: zh [] / g []
wan4 1 ten thousand 2 a great number
wei4 1 position 2 location 3 place 4 seat 5 classifier for people
(honorific) 6 classifier for binary bits (e.g. 16-bit or 2 bytes)
wen2 1 language 2 culture 3 writing 4 formal 5 literary 6 gentle 7 (old)
classifier for coins 8 Kangxi radical 118
wen4 to ask
wo3 1 I 2 me 3 my
wo3men5 1 we 2 us 3 ourselves 4 our
wu3 1 five 2 5
Xi1ban1ya2wen2 Spanish (language)
Xi1ban1ya2yu3 Spanish language
xi1yao4 Western medicine
xia4wu3 1 afternoon M: g [] 2 p.m.
xian1 1 early 2 prior 3 former 4 in advance 5 first
xian1sheng5 1 teacher 2 husband 3 doctor (dialect) M: wi []
xiang1shui3 1 perfume 2 cologne
xiang1zi5 1 suitcase 2 chest 3 box 4 case 5 trunk M: zh [] /
g []
xiao3 1 small 2 tiny 3 few 4 young
xiao3jie5 1 young lady 2 miss 3 (slang) prostitute M: g [] /
wi []
xiao4zhang3 1 (college, university) president 2 headmaster M: g
[] / wi [] / mng []
xie1 1 some 2 few 3 several 4 measure word indicating a small amount or
small number (greater than 1)
xie3 to write
xie4xie5 1 to thank 2 thanks 3 thank you
xin1 1 new 2 newly 3 meso- (chemistry)
xin4 1 letter 2 mail M: fng [] 3 to trust 4 to believe 5 to
profess faith in 6 truthful 7 confidence 8 trust 9 at will 10 at random
xing1qi1 1 week M: g [] 2 day of the week 3 Sunday
Xing1qi1er4 Tuesday
Xing1qi1liu4 Saturday
Xing1qi1san1 Wednesday
Xing1qi1si4 Thursday
Xing1qi1tian1 Sunday M: g []
Xing1qi1wu3 Friday
Xing1qi1yi1 Monday
xing4 1 family name 2 surname M: g [] 3 to be surnamed
xue2 1 to learn 2 to study 3 to imitate 4 science 5 -ology
xue2sheng5 1 student 2 schoolchild
xue2xi2 1 to learn 2 to study
xue2xiao4 school M: su []
yan2se4 1 color 2 countenance 3 appearance 4 facial expression 5 pigment
6 dyestuff
yao4 1 leaf of the iris 2 variant of yo []
yao4 1 important 2 vital 3 to want 4 to ask for 5 will 6 going to (as future
auxiliary) 7 may 8 must 9 (used in a comparison) must be 10 probably 11 if
ye3 1 also 2 too 3 (in Classical Chinese) final particle implying

yi1gong4 altogether
yi1hui4r5 1 a moment 2 a while 3 in a moment 4 5 also pr.
yi1xia4 1 (used after a verb) give it a go 2 to do (sth for a bit to give
it a try) 3 one time 4 once 5 in a while 6 all of a sudden 7 all at once
yi1yuan4 hospital M: su [] / ji [] /
zu []
yi3zi5 chair M: b [] / to []
yin2hang2 bank M: ji [] / g []
Ying1guo2 1 United Kingdom Linhwnggu [] 2
United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland 3 abbr. for England
Ynggln []
Ying1wen2 English (language)
Ying1yu3 English (language)
ying2ye4yuan2 1 clerk 2 shop assistant M: g []
you2bao1 1 postal parcel 2 parcel
you2ju2 post office M: ji [] / g []
you3 1 to have 2 there is 3 there are 4 to exist 5 to be
yu3 rain M: zhn [] / chng []
yu3san3 umbrella M: b []
yu3fa3 grammar
yu3yan2 language M: mn [] / zhng []
za2zhi4 magazine M: bn [] / fn [] /
q []
zai4jian4 1 goodbye 2 see you again later
zai4 1 (located) at 2 (to be) in 3 to exist 4 in the middle of doing sth 5
(indicating an action in progress)
zen3me5 1 how? 2 what? 3 why?
zen3me5yang4 1 how? 2 how about? 3 how was it? 4 how are things?
zhang1 1 to open up 2 to spread 3 sheet of paper 4 classifier for flat
objects, sheet 5 classifier for votes
zhao3 1 to try to find 2 to look for 3 to call on sb 4 to find 5 to seek 6 to
return 7 to give change
zhao4pian4 1 photograph 2 picture M: zhng [] / to
[] / f []
zhe4 1 this 2 these 3 (commonly pr. [zhi] before a classifier, esp. in
zhe4r5 here
zhe4xie1 these
zhi1 1 to support 2 to sustain 3 to erect 4 to raise 5 branch 6 division 7
to draw money 8 classifier for rods such as pens and guns, for army divisions and
for songs or compositions
zhi1dao4 1 to know 2 to become aware of 3 also pr. [zhdao]
zhi2yuan2 1 office worker 2 staff member M: g [] /
wi []
zhi3 1 only 2 merely 3 just 4 but
Zhong1guo2 China
Zhong1wen2 1 Chinese 2 Chinese written language 3 Chinese writing
zhong1wu3 1 noon 2 midday M: g []
Zhong1yao4 (traditional) Chinese medicine M: f [] /
zhng []
zhong4 1 heavy 2 serious 3 to attach importance to
zhu4 1 to live 2 to dwell 3 to stay 4 to reside 5 to stop 6 (suffix
indicating firmness, steadiness, or coming to a halt)
zi4xing2che1 1 bicycle 2 bike M: ling []
zui4jin4 1 recent 2 recently 3 these days 4 latest 5 soon 6 nearest (of
locations) 7 shortest (of routes)
zuo2tian1 yesterday
zuo4 1 to sit 2 to take a seat 3 to take (a bus, airplane etc) 4 to bear
fruit 5 variant of zu []
zuo4 1 to do 2 to make 3 to produce 4 to write 5 to compose 6 to act as 7 to
engage in 8 to hold (a party) 9 to be 10 to become 11 to function (in some
capacity) 12 to serve as 13 to be used for 14 to form (a bond or relationship) 15
to pretend 16 to feign 17 to act a part 18 to put on appearance
a1yi2 1 maternal aunt 2 step-mother 3 childcare worker 4 nursemaid 5 woman of
similar age to one's parents (term of address used by child) M: g []
ai1 1 hey! 2 (interjection used to attract attention or to express surprise
or disapprobation)
ai4hao4 1 to like 2 to take pleasure in 3 keen on 4 fond of 5 interest 6
hobby 7 appetite for M: g []
an1jing4 1 quiet 2 peaceful 3 calm
bai2se4 1 white 2 fig. reactionary 3 anti-communist
ban4 1 to do 2 to manage 3 to handle 4 to go about 5 to run 6 to set up 7 to
deal with
ban4fa3 1 means 2 method 3 way (of doing sth) M: tio [] /
g []
ban4 1 half 2 semi- 3 incomplete 4 (after a number) and a half
bang1 1 to help 2 to assist 3 to support 4 for sb (i.e. as a help) 5 hired
(as worker) 6 side (of pail, boat etc) 7 outer layer 8 upper (of a shoe) 9 group 10
gang 11 clique 12 party 13 secret society
bao1guo3 1 to wrap up 2 to bind up 3 bundle 4 parcel 5 package M:
g []
bao4 1 to announce 2 to inform 3 report 4 newspaper 5 recompense 6 revenge
M: fn [] / zhng []
bao4ming2 1 to sign up 2 to enter one's name 3 to apply 4 to register 5 to
enroll 6 to enlist
bei3bian1 1 north 2 north side 3 northern part 4 to the north of
bi3 1 (particle used for comparison and "-er than") 2 to compare 3 to
contrast 4 to gesture (with hands) 5 ratio
bi3sai4 1 competition (sports etc) 2 match M: chng [] /
c []
bi4xu1 1 to have to 2 must 3 compulsory 4 necessarily
bi4ye4 1 graduation 2 to graduate 3 to finish school

bian4 1 everywhere 2 all over 3 classifier for actions: one time

biao3yan3 1 play 2 show 3 performance 4 exhibition 5 to perform 6 to act 7
to demonstrate M: chng []
bie2 1 to leave 2 to depart 3 to separate 4 to distinguish 5 to classify 6
other 7 another 8 do not 9 must not 10 to pin 11 to stick (sth) in
bing4 1 illness M: chng [] 2 disease 3 to fall ill 4 defect
bing4ren2 1 sick person 2 patient 3 invalid M: g []
bo2wu4guan3 museum
bu4cuo4 1 correct 2 right 3 not bad 4 pretty good
bu4guo4 1 only 2 merely 3 no more than 4 but 5 however 6 anyway (to get
back to a previous topic) 7 cannot be more (after adjectival)
bu4yong4 need not
bu4yi1ding4 1 not necessarily 2 maybe
cai2 1 ability 2 talent 3 sb of a certain type 4 a capable individual 5 only
6 only then 7 just now
cai4 1 dish (type of food) 2 vegetable 3 cuisine M: pn [] /
do [] 4 (coll.) (one's) type
can1guan1 1 to look around 2 to tour 3 to visit
can1jia1 1 to participate 2 to take part 3 to join
cao1chang3 1 playground 2 sports field 3 drill ground M: g []
ceng2 1 layer 2 stratum 3 laminated 4 floor (of a building) 5 storey 6
classifier for layers 7 repeated 8 sheaf (math.)
cha2 1 to research 2 to check 3 to investigate 4 to examine 5 to refer to 6
to look up (e.g. a word in a dictionary)
cha4 1 to differ from 2 to fall short of 3 lacking 4 wrong 5 inferior
cha4bu5duo1 1 almost 2 nearly 3 more or less 4 about the same 5 good enough 6
not bad
zhang3 1 chief 2 head 3 elder 4 to grow 5 to develop 6 to increase 7 to
chang2yan2 enteritis
chang2 1 always 2 ever 3 often 4 frequently 5 common 6 general 7
chang4 1 to sing 2 to call loudly 3 to chant
chao1shi4 1 supermarket 2 abbr. for M: ji []
che1zhan4 1 rail station 2 bus stop M: ch [] / g
cheng2 1 to succeed 2 to finish 3 to complete 4 to accomplish 5 to
become 6 to turn into 7 to be all right 8 OK! 9 one tenth
cheng2ji4 1 achievement 2 performance records 3 grades M: xing
[] / g []
chu1 1 to go out 2 to come out 3 to occur 4 to produce 5 to go beyond 6 to
rise 7 to put forth 8 to happen 9 classifier for dramas, plays, operas etc
chu1guo2 1 to go abroad 2 to leave the country 3 emigration
chu1fa1 1 to start out 2 to set off
chu1lai2 1 to come out 2 to appear 3 to arise
chu2fang2 kitchen M: jin []
chuang2 1 bed 2 couch 3 classifier for beds M: zhng []
ci2 1 word 2 statement 3 speech 4 lyrics M: z [] /
g [] 5 classical Chinese poem M: shu []
ci4 1 next in sequence 2 second 3 the second (day, time etc) 4 secondary 5
vice- 6 sub- 7 infra- 8 inferior quality 9 substandard 10 order 11 sequence 12
hypo- (chemistry) 13 classifier for enumerated events: time
cong2 1 from 2 via 3 passing through 4 through (a gap) 5 past 6 ever
(followed by negative, meaning never) 7 (formerly pr. [zng] and related to )
to follow 8 to comply with 9 to obey 10 to join 11 to engage in 12 adopting some
mode of action or attitude 13 follower 14 retainer 15 accessory 16 accomplice 17
related by common paternal grandfather or earlier ancestor
cong2lai2 1 always 2 at all times 3 never (if used in negative sentence)
cuo4 1 mistake 2 wrong 3 bad 4 interlocking 5 complex 6 to grind 7 to polish
8 to alternate 9 to stagger 10 to miss 11 to let slip 12 to evade 13 to inlay with
gold or silver
da2 1 reply 2 answer 3 return 4 respond 5 echo
da3 1 to beat 2 to strike 3 to hit 4 to break 5 to type 6 to mix up 7 to
build 8 to fight 9 to fetch 10 to make 11 to tie up 12 to issue 13 to shoot 14 to
calculate 15 to play (a game) 16 since 17 from
da3kai1 1 to open 2 to show (a ticket) 3 to turn on 4 to switch on
da3yu2 to fish
da3zhe2 to give a discount
da3zhen1 to give or have an injection
da3suan4 1 to plan 2 to intend 3 to calculate 4 plan 5 intention 6
calculation M: g []
da3ting5 1 to ask about 2 to make some inquiries 3 to ask around
da4bian4 1 to defecate 2 excrement 3 feces
da4jia1 1 everyone 2 influential family 3 great expert
dai4biao3 1 representative 2 delegate M: wi [] /
g [] / mng [] 3 to represent 4 to stand for 5 on behalf of 6 in
the name of
dai4 1 band 2 belt 3 girdle 4 ribbon 5 tire 6 area 7 zone 8 region M:
tio [] 9 to wear 10 to carry 11 to take along 12 to bear (i.e. to have) 13
to lead 14 to bring 15 to look after 16 to raise
dang1 1 (onom.) dong 2 ding dong (bell)
dang1ran2 1 only natural 2 as it should be 3 certainly 4 of course 5
without doubt
dao4 1 to (a place) 2 until (a time) 3 up to 4 to go 5 to arrive 6 (verb
complement denoting completion or result of an action)
dao4 1 direction 2 way 3 road 4 path M: tio [] / g
[] 5 principle 6 truth 7 morality 8 reason 9 skill 10 method 11 Dao (of Daoism)
12 to say 13 to speak 14 to talk 15 classifier for long thin things (rivers, cracks
etc), barriers (walls, doors etc), questions (in an exam etc), commands, courses in
a meal, steps in a process 16 province (of Korea or Japan)
de5 structural particle: used after a verb (or adjective as main verb),
linking it to following phrase indicating effect, degree, possibility etc
deng1 1 lamp 2 light 3 lantern M: zhn []
di4fang5 1 area 2 place 3 space 4 room 5 territory M: ch []
/ g [] / kui []
di4tie3 1 subway 2 metro
dian3 1 point 2 dot 3 drop 4 speck 5 o'clock 6 point (in space or time) 7 to
draw a dot 8 to check on a list 9 to choose 10 to order (food in a restaurant) 11
to touch briefly 12 to hint 13 to light 14 to ignite 15 to pour a liquid drop by
drop 16 (old) one fifth of a two-hour watch gng [] 17 dot stroke in
Chinese characters 18 classifier for items
dian3xin5 1 light refreshments 2 pastry 3 dimsum (in Cantonese cooking) 4
dian4nao3 computer M: ti []
dian4shi4 1 television 2 TV M: ti [] / g []
dian4shi4ju4 1 TV play 2 soap opera M: b []
dian4shi4tai2 television station M: g []
dian4ying3 1 movie 2 film M: b [] / pin [] /
m [] / chng []
dong1bian5 1 east 2 east side 3 eastern part 4 to the east of
dong1xi5 1 thing 2 stuff 3 person M: g [] / jin
dong3 1 to understand 2 to comprehend
du3che1 1 traffic jam 2 choking
du4zi5 1 belly 2 abdomen 3 stomach M: g []
duan3 1 short 2 brief 3 to lack 4 weak point 5 fault
duan4lian4 1 to toughen 2 to temper 3 to engage in physical exercise 4 to
work out 5 (fig.) to develop one's skills 6 to train oneself
dui4 1 squadron 2 team 3 group M: g []
dui4le5 1 Correct! 2 Oh, that's right, ... (when one suddenly remembers
sth one wanted to mention) 3 Oh, by the way, ...
duo1da4 1 how big 2 how much 3 how old etc
fa1 1 to send out 2 to show (one's feeling) 3 to issue 4 to develop 5 to
make a bundle of money 6 classifier for gunshots (rounds)
fa1shao1 1 to have a high temperature (from illness) 2 to have a fever
fan1yi4 1 to translate 2 to interpret 3 translator 4 interpreter 5
translation 6 interpretation M: g [] / wi [] /
mng []
fang1bian4 1 convenient 2 to help out 3 to make things easy for people 4
convenience 5 suitable 6 having money to spare 7 (euphemism) to go to the toilet
fang2zi5 1 house 2 building (single- or two-story) 3 apartment 4 room M:
dng [] / zhung [] / zu [] / to
fang2zu1 rent for a room or house
fei1 to fly
fei1ji1 airplane M: ji []
fei1chang2 1 unusual 2 extraordinary 3 extreme 4 very 5 exceptional

fen4 1 classifier for gifts, newspaper, magazine, papers, reports, contracts

etc 2 variant of fn []
fu4mu3 1 father and mother 2 parents
fu4jin4 1 (in the) vicinity 2 nearby 3 neighboring 4 next to
fu4xi2 1 to revise 2 to review 3 revision M: c []
gan1jing4 1 clean 2 neat
gan1zao4 1 to dry (of weather, paint, cement etc) 2 desiccation 3 dull 4
uninteresting 5 arid
gan3 1 to overtake 2 to catch up with 3 to hurry 4 to rush 5 to try to catch
(the bus etc) 6 to drive (cattle etc) forward 7 to drive (sb) away 8 to avail
oneself of (an opportunity) 9 until
gan3xing4qu4 to be interested
gan3dao4 1 to feel 2 to sense 3 to have the feeling that 4 to think that 5
to move 6 to affect
gan3mao4 1 to catch cold 2 (common) cold M: chng [] /
c [] 3 (coll.) to be interested in (often used in the negative) 4 (Tw) to
detest 5 can't stand
gan3xie4 1 (express) thanks 2 gratitude 3 grateful 4 thankful 5 thanks
gan4 1 tree trunk 2 main part of sth 3 to manage 4 to work 5 to do 6 capable
7 cadre 8 to kill (slang) 9 to fuck (vulgar)
gan4shen2me5 1 what are you doing? 2 what's he up to?
gang1cai2 1 just now 2 a moment ago
gao1xing4 1 happy 2 glad 3 willing (to do sth) 4 in a cheerful mood
gao1xue4ya1 1 high blood pressure 2 hypertension
gen1 1 heel 2 to follow closely 3 to go with 4 to marry sb (of woman) 5 with
6 towards 7 as (compared to) 8 from (different from) 9 and (in addition to)
gong1gong4qi4che1 bus M: ling [] / bn []
gong1yuan2 park (for public recreation) M: g [] /
zu []
gong1ke4 1 homework 2 assignment 3 task 4 classwork 5 lesson 6 study M:
mn []
gou3 dog M: zh [] / tio []
gu4shi5 1 narrative 2 story 3 tale
guai3 1 to turn (a corner etc) 2 to kidnap 3 to swindle 4 to misappropriate 5
walking stick 6 crutch 7 seven (used as a substitute for q [])
guan1 1 mountain pass 2 to close 3 to shut 4 to turn off 5 to concern 6 to
guan1ji1 1 to turn off (a machine or device) 2 to finish shooting a film
guang3chang3 1 public square 2 plaza
guo4 1 (experienced action marker) 2 to cross 3 to go over 4 to pass (time)
5 to celebrate (a holiday) 6 to live 7 to get along 8 excessively 9 too-

hao3chu5 1 benefit 2 advantage 3 gain 4 profit 5 also pr. [hoch] M:

g []
hao3kan4 1 good-looking 2 nice-looking 3 good (of a movie, book, TV show
etc) 4 embarrassed 5 humiliated
he2shang4 to close (box, book, mouth etc)
he2shi4 1 suitable 2 fitting 3 decent 4 to fit
he2ping2 1 peace 2 peaceful
he2 river M: tio [] / do []
hong2l4deng1 1 traffic light 2 traffic signal
hou4 1 empress 2 queen
hou4bian5 1 back 2 rear 3 behind
hou4nian2 the year after next
hua1er2 style of folk song popular in Gansu, Qinghai and Ningxia M:
shu []
hua4yan4 1 laboratory test 2 chemical experiment 3 assay
hua4 1 to delimit 2 to transfer 3 to assign 4 to plan 5 to draw (a line) 6
stroke of a Chinese character
hua4r5 1 picture 2 drawing 3 painting
huai4chu5 1 harm 2 troubles M: g []
huan2jing4 1 environment 2 circumstances 3 surroundings M: g
[] 4 ambient
hui2xin4 1 to reply 2 to write back 3 letter written in reply M:
fng []
hui2lai5 1 to return 2 to come back
hui4 1 can 2 to be possible 3 to be able to 4 will 5 to be likely to 6 to be
sure to 7 to assemble 8 to meet 9 to gather 10 to see 11 union 12 group 13
association M: g [] 14 a moment (Taiwan pr. for this sense is [hu])
hui4hua4 conversation M: g [] / c []
huo3che1 train M: li [] / ji [] /
bn [] / tng []
huo4zhe3 1 or 2 possibly 3 maybe 4 perhaps
ji1hui4 1 opportunity 2 chance 3 occasion M: g []
ji2he2 1 to gather 2 to assemble 3 set (mathematics)
ji3 1 to crowd in 2 to cram in 3 to force others aside 4 to press 5 to
squeeze 6 to find (time in one's busy schedule)
ji4 1 to record 2 to note 3 to remember 4 mark 5 sign 6 classifier for
blows, kicks, shots
ji4zhu5 1 to remember 2 to bear in mind 3 to learn by heart
ji4mo4 1 lonely 2 lonesome 3 (of a place) quiet 4 silent
jian1chi2 1 to persevere with 2 to persist in 3 to insist on
jian3cha2 1 inspection 2 to examine 3 to inspect M: c []
jiao1tong1 1 to be connected 2 traffic 3 transportation 4 communications 5
jiao1 1 to pour liquid 2 to irrigate (using waterwheel) 3 to water 4 to cast
(molten metal) 5 to mold
jiao4 1 religion 2 teaching 3 to make 4 to cause 5 to tell
jiao4shi4 classroom M: jin []
jie1 1 to receive 2 to answer (the phone) 3 to meet or welcome sb 4 to
connect 5 to catch 6 to join 7 to extend 8 to take one's turn on duty 9 to take
over for sb
jie2 1 festival 2 holiday 3 node 4 joint 5 section 6 segment 7 part 8 to
economize 9 to save 10 to abridge 11 moral integrity 12 classifier for segments,
e.g. lessons, train wagons, biblical verses M: g []
jie2mu4 1 program 2 item (on a program) M: ti [] /
g [] / to []
jie1guo3 to bear fruit M: g []
jie4 1 to lend 2 to borrow 3 by means of 4 to take (an opportunity)
jin1nian2 this year
jin4 1 near 2 close to 3 approximately
jin4bu4 1 progress 2 improvement 3 to improve 4 to progress M:
g []
Jing1ju4 Beijing opera M: chng [] / ch []
jiu4 1 at once 2 right away 3 only 4 just (emphasis) 5 as early as 6 already
7 as soon as 8 then 9 in that case 10 as many as 11 even if 12 to approach 13 to
move towards 14 to undertake 15 to engage in 16 to suffer 17 subjected to 18 to
accomplish 19 to take advantage of 20 to go with (of foods) 21 with regard to 22
ju3xing2 to hold (a meeting, ceremony etc)
ju4zi5 sentence M: g []
kai1ji1 1 to start an engine 2 to boot up (a computer) 3 to press Ctrl-
Alt-Delete 4 to begin shooting a film or TV show
kai1shi3 1 to begin 2 beginning 3 to start 4 initial M: g []
kan4bing4 1 to visit a doctor 2 to see a patient
kan4jian4 1 to see 2 to catch sight of
kao3 1 to beat 2 to hit 3 variant of ko [] 4 to inspect 5 to
test 6 to take an exam
kao3shi4 1 to take an exam 2 exam M: c []
ke2sou5 to cough M: zhn []
ke3neng2 1 might (happen) 2 possible 3 probable 4 possibility 5
probability 6 maybe 7 perhaps M: g []
ke3yi3 1 can 2 may 3 possible 4 able to 5 not bad 6 pretty good
ke4 1 quarter (hour) 2 moment 3 to carve 4 to engrave 5 to cut 6 oppressive
7 classifier for short time intervals
ke4ting1 1 drawing room (room for arriving guests) 2 living room M:
jin []
ke4 1 subject 2 course M: mn [] 3 class 4 lesson M:
tng [] / ji [] 5 to levy 6 tax 7 form of divination
ke4jian1 interval between lessons
ke4wen2 text M: pin []
kou3yu3 1 colloquial speech 2 spoken language 3 vernacular language 4
slander 5 gossip M: mn []
ku1 1 to cry 2 to weep
kuai4 1 rapid 2 quick 3 speed 4 rate 5 soon 6 almost 7 to make haste 8 clever
9 sharp (of knives or wits) 10 forthright 11 plainspoken 12 gratified 13 pleased 14
kuai4le4 1 happy 2 merry
la1du4zi5 (coll.) to have diarrhea
lan2qiu2 basketball M: g [] / zh []
lao2jia4 excuse me
li2 mythical beast (archaic)
li3tang2 1 assembly hall 2 auditorium M: zu [] /
ch []
li3bian5 inside
li4hai5 1 difficult to deal with 2 difficult to endure 3 ferocious 4
radical 5 serious 6 terrible 7 violent 8 tremendous 9 awesome
lian4 1 to practice 2 to train 3 to drill 4 to perfect (one's skill) 5
lian4xi2 1 to practice 2 exercise 3 drill 4 practice M: g []
liao2tian1r5 1 to chat 2 to gossip
liu2li4 fluent
lu4yin1 1 to record (sound) 2 sound recording M: g []
lu4 1 road M: tio [] 2 journey 3 route 4 line (bus etc) 5
sort 6 kind
luan4 1 in confusion or disorder 2 in a confused state of mind 3 disorder 4
upheaval 5 riot 6 illicit sexual relations 7 to throw into disorder 8 to mix up 9
indiscriminate 10 random 11 arbitrary
l3xing2 1 to travel 2 journey 3 trip M: tng [] /
c [] / g []
l4 green
ma3lu4 1 street 2 road M: tio []
man3yi4 1 satisfied 2 pleased 3 to one's satisfaction
man4xing4bing4 chronic disease
mao2yi1 (wool) sweater M: jin []
mei2wen4ti2 no problem
mei2you3 1 haven't 2 hasn't 3 doesn't exist 4 to not have 5 to not be
mei3 1 each 2 every
men5 plural marker for pronouns, and nouns referring to individuals
mian4ji1 1 area (of a floor, piece of land etc) 2 surface area 3 tract of
ming2nian2 next year
na2 1 to hold 2 to seize 3 to catch 4 to apprehend 5 to take 6 (used in the
same way as b []: to mark the following noun as a direct object)
na3li3 1 where? 2 somewhere 3 anywhere 4 wherever 5 nowhere (negative
answer to question) 6 humble expression denying compliment
na4me5 1 like that 2 in that way 3 or so 4 so 5 so very much 6 about 7
in that case
nan2bian5 1 south 2 south side 3 southern part 4 to the south of
nan2guo4 1 to feel sad 2 to feel unwell 3 (of life) to be difficult
neng2 1 can 2 to be able to 3 might possibly 4 ability 5 (physics) energy
nian2 1 grain 2 harvest (old) 3 variant of nin []
nian2ji2 1 grade 2 year (in school, college etc) M: g []
nian4 1 to read 2 to study (a subject) 3 to attend (a school) 4 to read aloud
5 to miss (sb) 6 idea 7 remembrance 8 twenty (banker's anti-fraud numeral
corresponding to , 20)
niu2nai3 cow's milk M: png [] / bi []
niu2rou4 beef
nu3li4 1 great effort 2 to strive 3 to try hard
pa2 1 to crawl 2 to climb 3 to get up or sit up
pai4 1 clique 2 school 3 group 4 faction 5 to dispatch 6 to send 7 to assign
8 to appoint 9 pi (Greek letter ) 10 the circular ratio pi = 3.1415926 11
(loanword) pie
pang2bian1 1 lateral 2 side 3 to the side 4 beside
pang4 1 fat 2 plump
pao3 1 to run 2 to run away 3 to escape 4 to run around (on errands etc) 5
(of a gas or liquid) to leak or evaporate 6 (verb complement) away 7 off
pao3bu4 1 to run 2 to jog 3 (military) to march at the double
pei2 1 to accompany 2 to keep sb company 3 to assist 4 old variant of
pi []
bian4yi2 convenient
pian4 1 thin piece 2 flake 3 a slice 4 film 5 TV play 6 to slice 7 to carve
thin 8 partial 9 incomplete 10 one-sided 11 classifier for slices, tablets, tract
of land, area of water 12 classifier for CDs, movies, DVDs etc 13 used with numeral
y []: classifier for scenario, scene, feeling, atmosphere, sound etc
ping2mi3 1 square meter 2 short for
qi1zi5 wife M: g []
qi2 1 to ride (an animal or bike) 2 to sit astride 3 classifier for saddle-
qi3chuang2 1 to get out of bed 2 to get up
qi4gong1 qigong, a system of deep breathing exercises
qi4hou4 1 climate 2 atmosphere 3 situation M: zhng []
qian2 1 front 2 forward 3 ahead 4 first 5 top (followed by a number) 6 future
7 ago 8 before 9 BC (e.g. 293 ) 10 former 11 formerly
qian2bian5 1 front 2 the front side 3 in front of
qian3 1 shallow 2 light (color)
qing1nian2 1 youth 2 youthful years 3 young person 4 the young
qing2kuang4 1 circumstances 2 state of affairs 3 situation M: g
[] / zhng []
qing3jia4 to request leave of absence
qiu2 1 ball 2 sphere 3 globe M: g [] 4 ball game 5 match M:
chng []
qu4nian2 last year
ran2hou4 1 after 2 then (afterwards) 3 after that 4 afterwards
rang4 1 to yield 2 to permit 3 to let sb do sth 4 to have sb do sth 5 to make
sb (feel sad etc)
ren4zhen1 1 conscientious 2 earnest 3 serious 4 to take seriously 5 to take
to heart
san4bu4 1 to take a walk 2 to go for a walk
shai4 1 (of the sun) to shine on 2 to bask in (the sunshine) 3 to dry
(clothes, grain etc) in the sun 4 (fig.) to expose and share (one's experiences and
thoughts) on the Web (loanword from "share") 5 (coll.) to give the cold shoulder to
shan1 1 mountain 2 hill 3 anything that resembles a mountain M:
zu [] 4 bundled straw in which silkworms spin cocoons 5 gable
shang4 1 on top 2 upon 3 above 4 upper 5 previous 6 first (of multiple
parts) 7 to climb 8 to get onto 9 to go up 10 to attend (class or university)
shang4che1 to get on or into (a bus, train, car etc)
shang4ke4 1 to go to class 2 to attend class 3 to go to teach a class
shang4wang3 1 to go online 2 to connect to the Internet 3 (of a document etc)
to be uploaded to the Internet 4 (tennis, volleyball etc) to move in close to the
shang4bian5 1 the top 2 above 3 overhead 4 upwards 5 the top margin 6 above-
mentioned 7 those higher up
shang4qu4 to go up
shen1 1 deep 2 depth 3 deeply 4 (of a color) dark 5 deep 6 rich
sheng1ci2 1 new word (in textbook) 2 word that is unfamiliar or not yet
studied M: z [] / g []
sheng1huo2 1 life 2 activity 3 to live 4 livelihood

shi1mian2 to suffer from insomnia

shi2hou5 1 time 2 length of time 3 moment 4 period
shi2jian1 1 time 2 period M: dun []
shi4 1 matter 2 thing 3 item 4 work 5 affair M: jin [] /
zhung [] / hu []
shi4 1 to test 2 to try 3 experiment 4 examination 5 test
shou1 1 to receive 2 to accept 3 to collect 4 to put away 5 to restrain 6 to
stop 7 in care of (used on address line after name)
shou1fa1 1 to receive and send 2 to receive and transmit
shou4 1 thin 2 to lose weight 3 (of clothing) tight 4 (of meat) lean 5 (of
land) unproductive
shu1dian4 bookstore M: ji []
shu1fa3 1 calligraphy 2 handwriting 3 penmanship
shu1fu5 1 comfortable 2 feeling well
shu1 1 to lose 2 to transport 3 to donate 4 to enter (a password)
shu2 1 cooked (of food) 2 ripe (of fruit) 3 mature (of seeds) 4 familiar 5
skilled 6 done 7 also pr. [shu]
shu3 1 category 2 genus (taxonomy) 3 family members 4 dependents 5 to belong
to 6 subordinate to 7 affiliated with 8 be born in the year of (one of the 12
animals) 9 to be 10 to prove to be 11 to constitute
shui3ping2 1 level (of achievement etc) 2 standard 3 horizontal
shui4jiao4 1 to go to bed 2 to sleep
shun4bian4 1 conveniently 2 in passing 3 without much extra effort
su4she4 1 dormitory 2 dorm room 3 living quarters 4 hostel M:
jin []
sui1ran2 1 although 2 even though 3 even if
sui4 1 variant of su [], year 2 years old
suo3yi3 1 therefore 2 as a result 3 so 4 the reason why
tai2 1 (classical) you (in letters) 2 variant of ti []
tai4ji2quan2 1 shadowboxing or Taiji, T'aichi or T'aichichuan 2
traditional form of physical exercise or relaxation 3 a martial art
tan2 1 to speak 2 to talk 3 to converse 4 to chat 5 to discuss
tao4 1 cover 2 sheath 3 to encase 4 a case 5 to overlap 6 to interleave 7
bend (of a river or mountain range, in place names) 8 harness 9 classifier for
sets, collections 10 tau (Greek letter )
te4bie2 1 especially 2 special 3 particular 4 unusual
teng2 1 (it) hurts 2 sore 3 to love dearly
ti1 1 to kick 2 to play (e.g. soccer)
ti2gao1 1 to raise 2 to increase 3 to improve
ti2 1 topic 2 problem for discussion 3 exam question 4 subject 5 to
inscribe 6 to mention M: g [] / do []
ti3yu4 1 sports 2 physical education
ti3yu4guan3 1 gym 2 gymnasium 3 stadium M: g []
ti4 1 to substitute for 2 to take the place of 3 to replace 4 for 5 on
behalf of 6 to stand in for
tiao2 1 strip 2 item 3 article 4 clause (of law or treaty) 5 classifier for
long thin things (ribbon, river, road, trousers etc)
tiao4wu3 to dance
ting1jian4 to hear
ting1li4 1 hearing 2 listening ability
ting1shuo1 1 to hear (sth said) 2 one hears (that) 3 hearsay 4 listening and
ting3 1 straight 2 erect 3 to stick out (a part of the body) 4 to
(physically) straighten up 5 to support 6 to withstand 7 outstanding 8 (coll.)
quite 9 very 10 classifier for machine guns
tou2 1 head 2 hair style 3 the top 4 end 5 beginning or end 6 a stub 7
remnant 8 chief 9 boss 10 side 11 aspect 12 first 13 leading 14 classifier for pigs
or livestock M: g []
tou2teng2 headache
tuan2 dumpling
tuo1fu2 (old) thanks to your lucky influence (polite reply to health
wai4bian5 1 outside 2 outer surface 3 abroad 4 place other than one's home
wan2 1 to finish 2 to be over 3 whole 4 complete 5 entire
wan2r5 1 to play 2 to have fun 3 to hang out
wan3 1 evening 2 night 3 late
wan3fan4 1 evening meal 2 dinner 3 supper M: fn [] /
dn [] / c [] / cn []
wan3hui4 evening party M: g []
wan3shang5 1 evening 2 night M: g [] 3 in the evening
wang3 1 net 2 network
wang3 1 to go (in a direction) 2 to 3 towards 4 (of a train) bound for 5 past
6 previous
wang4 1 to forget 2 to overlook 3 to neglect
wei4 1 because of 2 for 3 to
wei4shen2me5 1 why? 2 for what reason?
wei4 1 hey 2 to feed (an animal, baby, invalid etc)
wen2hua4 1 culture 2 civilization 3 cultural M: g [] /
zhng []
wen4ti2 1 question 2 problem 3 issue 4 topic M: g []
wo4shi4 bedroom M: jin []
wu3fan4 lunch M: fn [] / dn [] / c
[] / cn []
wu3jiao4 1 siesta 2 afternoon nap
wu3hui4 1 dance 2 ball 3 party M: chng []
xi1bian1 1 west 2 west side 3 western part 4 to the west of
xi2guan4 1 habit 2 custom 3 usual practice 4 to be used to M:
g []
xi3 1 to wash 2 to bathe 3 to develop (photo)
xi3zao3 1 to bathe 2 to take a shower
xi3huan5 1 to like 2 to be fond of
xia4 1 down 2 downwards 3 below 4 lower 5 later 6 next (week etc) 7 second
(of two parts) 8 to decline 9 to go down 10 to arrive at (a decision, conclusion
etc) 11 measure word to show the frequency of an action
xia4bian5 1 under 2 the underside 3 below
xia4che1 to get off or out of (a bus, train, car etc)
xia4ke4 1 to finish class 2 to get out of class
xian4zai4 1 now 2 at present 3 at the moment 4 modern 5 current 6 nowadays
xiang3 1 echo 2 sound 3 noise 4 to make a sound 5 to sound 6 to ring 7
loud 8 classifier for noises
xiang3 1 to think 2 to believe 3 to suppose 4 to wish 5 to want 6 to
miss (feel wistful about the absence of sb or sth)
xiao1hua4 1 to digest 2 digestion 3 digestive
xiao3bian4 1 to urinate 2 to pass water 3 urine
xiao3shi2 hour M: g []
xiao4guo3 1 result 2 effect 3 quality M: g []
xiao4 1 laugh 2 smile M: g []
xin1qing2 1 mood 2 frame of mind M: g []
xing2 1 to walk 2 to go 3 to travel 4 a visit 5 temporary 6 makeshift 7
current 8 in circulation 9 to do 10 to perform 11 capable 12 competent 13 effective
14 all right 15 OK! 16 will do 17 behavior 18 conduct 19 Taiwan pr. [xng] for the
behavior-conduct sense
xing4qu4 1 interest (desire to know about sth) 2 interest (thing in which
one is interested) 3 hobby M: g []
xiu1xi5 1 rest 2 to rest
yan2chang2 1 to prolong 2 to extend 3 to delay
yang2guang1 1 sunshine M: xin [] 2 transparent (open to public
yao4shi5 if
ye4yu2 1 spare time 2 amateur 3 extra-curricular
ye4 1 page 2 leaf
yi1ding4 1 surely 2 certainly 3 necessarily 4 fixed 5 a certain (extent
etc) 6 given 7 particular 8 must
yi1ban1 1 same 2 ordinary 3 so-so 4 common 5 general 6 generally 7 in
yi1qi3 1 in the same place 2 together 3 with 4 altogether (in total)
yi1zhi2 1 straight (in a straight line) 2 continuously 3 always 4 from
the beginning of ... up to ... 5 all along
yi1mei4r5 1 email (loanword) 2 see dinzyujin [
yi3jing1 already
yi3hou4 1 after 2 later 3 afterwards 4 following 5 later on 6 in the
yi3qian2 1 before 2 formerly 3 previous 4 ago
yi4si5 1 idea 2 opinion 3 meaning 4 wish 5 desire 6 interest 7 fun 8
token of appreciation, affection etc M: g [] 9 to give as a small
token 10 to do sth as a gesture of goodwill etc
yin1wei4 1 because 2 owing to 3 on account of
yin1yue4 music M: zhng [] / q [] /
dun []
ying1gai1 1 ought to 2 should 3 must
ying2 1 to beat 2 to win 3 to profit
yong4 1 to use 2 to employ 3 to have to 4 to eat or drink 5 expense or outlay
6 usefulness 7 hence 8 therefore
you2piao4 (postage) stamp M: mi [] / zhng []
you2ni4 1 grease 2 greasy food 3 oily 4 rich (of food) 5 fatty 6 greasy
and dirty 7 a slippery character
you2yong3 1 swimming 2 to swim
you3shi2hou5 sometimes
you3yi4si5 1 interesting 2 meaningful 3 enjoyable 4 fun
you3de5 1 (there are) some (who are...) 2 some (exist)
you4 1 (once) again 2 also 3 both... and... 4 and yet 5 (used for emphasis)

you4 1 right (-hand) 2 the Right (politics) 3 west (old)

you4bian5 1 right side 2 right, to the right
yu2 fish M: tio [] / wi []
yu2kuai4 1 cheerful 2 cheerily 3 delightful 4 pleasant 5 pleasantly 6
pleasing 7 happy 8 delighted
yu3rong2fu2 down-filled garment
yu4xi2 to prepare a lesson
yuan2lai2 1 original 2 former 3 originally 4 formerly 5 at first 6 so,
actually, as it turns out
yuan3 1 far 2 distant 3 remote 4 (intensifier in a comparison) by far 5 much
(lower etc)
yuan4yi4 1 to wish 2 to want 3 ready 4 willing (to do sth)
yue4 1 moon 2 month 3 monthly M: g [] / ln []
yue4du2 1 to read 2 reading
yun4dong4 1 to move 2 to exercise 3 sports 4 exercise 5 motion 6 movement 7
campaign M: chng []
zai4 1 again 2 once more 3 re- 4 second 5 another 6 then (after sth, and not
until then)
zan2men5 1 we or us (including both the speaker and the person(s) spoken
to) 2 (dialect) I or me 3 (dialect) (in a coaxing or familiar way) you 4 also pr.
zao1gao1 1 too bad 2 how terrible 3 what bad luck 4 terrible 5 bad
zao3 1 early 2 morning 3 Good morning! 4 long ago 5 prematurely
zao3fan4 breakfast M: fn [] / dn [] /
c [] / cn []
zao3shang5 early morning M: g []
zhan4 1 station 2 to stand 3 to halt 4 to stop 5 branch of a company or
organization 6 website
zhe4me5 1 so much 2 this much 3 how much? 4 this way 5 like this
zhen1 1 really 2 truly 3 indeed 4 real 5 true 6 genuine
zheng4 1 straight 2 upright 3 proper 4 main 5 principal 6 to correct 7
to rectify 8 exactly 9 just (at that time) 10 right (in that place) 11 (math.)
zheng4hao3 1 just (in time) 2 just right 3 just enough 4 to happen to 5 to
chance to 6 by chance 7 it just so happens that
zheng4zai4 1 just at (that time) 2 right in (that place) 3 right in the
middle of (doing sth)
zhong1jian1 1 between 2 intermediate 3 mid 4 middle
zhong1xue2 middle school M: g []
zhong1tou2 hour M: g []
zhong3 1 seed 2 species 3 kind 4 type 5 classifier for types, kinds,
zhou1wei2 1 surroundings 2 environment 3 to encompass
zhu4 1 to wish 2 to express good wishes 3 to pray 4 (old) wizard
zhu4he4 1 to congratulate 2 congratulations M: g []
zhun3 1 to allow 2 to grant 3 in accordance with 4 in the light of
zhun3bei4 1 preparation 2 to prepare 3 to intend 4 to be about to 5 reserve
zhun3shi2 1 on time 2 punctual 3 on schedule
zi1liao4 1 material 2 resources 3 data 4 information 5 profile (Internet)
M: fn [] / g []
zi4ji3 1 oneself 2 one's own
zong1he2 1 comprehensive 2 composite 3 synthesized 4 mixed 5 to sum up 6
to integrate 7 to synthesize
zong3 1 always 2 to assemble 3 gather 4 total 5 overall 6 head 7 chief 8
general 9 in every case
zou3 1 to walk 2 to go 3 to run 4 to move (of vehicle) 5 to visit 6 to leave
7 to go away 8 to die (euph.) 9 from 10 through 11 away (in compound verbs, such as
chzu []) 12 to change (shape, form, meaning)
zu1 1 to hire 2 to rent 3 to charter 4 to rent out 5 to lease out 6 rent 7
land tax
zu2qiu2 1 soccer ball 2 a football M: g [] 3 soccer 4
zu2qiu2chang3 1 football field 2 soccer field
zuo3 1 left 2 the Left (politics) 3 east 4 unorthodox 5 queer 6 wrong 7
differing 8 opposite 9 variant of zu []
zuo3bian5 1 left 2 the left side 3 to the left of
zuo4ye4 1 school assignment 2 homework 3 work 4 task 5 operation M:
g [] 6 to operate
zuo4 1 seat 2 base 3 stand M: g [] 4 classifier for buildings,
mountains and similar immovable objects
ai1ya1 interjection of wonder, shock or admiration
ai4 1 to love 2 affection 3 to be fond of 4 to like
ai4ren5 1 spouse (PRC) 2 lover (non-PRC) M: g []
an1pai2 1 to arrange 2 to plan 3 to set up 4 arrangements 5 plans
an4mo2 1 massage 2 to massage
ba2 1 to pull up 2 to pull out 3 to draw out by suction 4 to select 5 to
pick 6 to stand out (above level) 7 to surpass 8 to seize
bai2shu3 sweet potato
bai2tian1 1 daytime 2 during the day 3 day M: g []
bai3 1 to arrange 2 to exhibit 3 to move to and fro 4 a pendulum
ban4shi4 1 to handle (affairs) 2 to work
ban4tian1 1 half of the day 2 a long time 3 quite a while 4 midair M:
g []
bang1zhu4 1 assistance 2 aid 3 to help 4 to assist
bang4 1 stick 2 club 3 cudgel 4 smart 5 capable 6 strong 7 wonderful 8
classifier for legs of a relay race
bao3zheng4 1 guarantee 2 to guarantee 3 to ensure 4 to safeguard 5 to pledge
M: g []
bei4 1 (two, three etc) -fold 2 times (multiplier) 3 double 4 to increase or
bi2zi5 nose M: g [] / zh []
bi4 1 to close 2 to stop up 3 to shut 4 to obstruct
bi4shu3 1 to be away for the summer holidays 2 to spend a holiday at a
summer resort 3 to prevent sunstroke
bian4 1 to change 2 to become different 3 to transform 4 to vary 5 rebellion
bian4hua4 1 change 2 variation 3 to change 4 to vary M: g []
biao3 1 exterior surface 2 family relationship via females 3 to show (one's
opinion) 4 a model 5 a table (listing information) 6 a form 7 a meter (measuring
bie2ti2le5 1 say no more 2 don't bring it up 3 drop the subject

bu4ting2 incessant
bu4 1 a step 2 a pace 3 walk 4 march 5 stages in a process 6 situation
ceng2jing1 1 once 2 already 3 former 4 previously 5 ever 6 (past tense
marker used before verb or clause)
cha1 1 to insert 2 stick in 3 pierce 4 to take part in 5 to interfere 6 to
cha4dian3r5 1 almost 2 nearly
chan3sheng1 1 to arise 2 to come into being 3 to come about 4 to give rise to
5 to bring into being 6 to bring about 7 to produce 8 to engender 9 to generate 10
to appear 11 appearance 12 emergence 13 generation 14 production 15 yield
cheng2ren4 1 to admit 2 to concede 3 to recognize 4 recognition (diplomatic,
artistic etc) 5 to acknowledge
cheng2shi4 1 city 2 town M: zu []
cheng2du4 1 degree (level or extent) 2 level M: g []
chi2dao4 to arrive late
chou1 1 to draw out 2 to pull out from in between 3 to remove part of the
whole 4 (of certain plants) to sprout or bud 5 to whip or thrash
chu1tu3 1 to dig up 2 to appear in an excavation 3 unearthed 4 to come up
out of the ground
chu1qu4 to go out

chuan1 1 to bore through 2 to pierce 3 to perforate 4 to penetrate 5 to

pass through 6 to dress 7 to wear 8 to put on 9 to thread
chun1 1 spring (time) 2 gay 3 joyful 4 youthful 5 love 6 lust 7 life
ci2zhi2 to resign
da3gong1 1 to work a temporary or casual job 2 (of students) to have a job
outside of class time, or during vacation
da4shi3 1 ambassador 2 envoy M: mng [] / wi []
da4shi3guan3 embassy M: zu [] / g []
da4yi1 1 overcoat 2 topcoat 3 cloak M: jin []
da4yue1 1 approximately 2 probably
dai4 1 to put on or wear (glasses, hat, gloves etc) 2 to respect 3 to bear 4
to support
dao3you2 1 tour guide 2 guidebook 3 to conduct a tour
dao3mei2 1 to have bad luck 2 to be out of luck
dao4 1 to place upside down 2 to invert 3 to pour 4 to throw out 5 to move
backwards 6 however 7 actually 8 as a matter of fact 9 contrary to expectation
de2bing4 1 to fall ill 2 to contract a disease
de5 1 -ly 2 structural particle: used before a verb or adjective, linking
it to preceding modifying adverbial adjunct
deng1long2 lantern
di4shang5 1 on the ground 2 on the floor
di4 1 (prefix indicating ordinal number, e.g. first, number two etc) 2
order 3 (old) rank in the imperial examinations 4 mansion 5 (lit.) but 6 just
dian4chi2 battery M: ji [] / z []
dian4ti1 1 elevator 2 escalator M: ti [] / b []
diao4 1 to fall 2 to drop 3 to lag behind 4 to lose 5 to go missing 6 to
reduce 7 fall (in prices) 8 to lose (value, weight etc) 9 to wag 10 to swing 11 to
turn 12 to change 13 to exchange 14 to swap 15 to show off 16 to shed (hair) 17
(used after certain verbs to express completion, fulfillment, removal etc)
diu1 1 to lose 2 to put aside 3 to throw
diu1san1la4si4 1 forgetful 2 empty-headed
dong1 winter

fa1cai2 to get rich
fa1kuang2 1 crazy 2 mad 3 madly
fa1xian4 1 to find 2 to discover
fa1zhan3 1 development 2 growth 3 to develop 4 to grow 5 to expand
fan4dian4 1 restaurant 2 hotel M: ji [] / g []
fan4guan3 restaurant M: ji []
fang1fa3 1 method 2 way 3 means M: g []
fang4 1 to release 2 to free 3 to let go 4 to put 5 to place 6 to let out 7
to set off (fireworks)
fang4da4 1 to enlarge 2 to magnify
feng1 1 wind 2 news 3 style 4 custom 5 manner M: zhn [] /
s []
feng1guang1 1 scene 2 view 3 sight 4 landscape 5 to be well-regarded 6 to be
well-off 7 grand (dialect) 8 impressive (dialect)
feng1jing3 1 scenery 2 landscape M: g []
fu2wu4yuan2 1 waiter 2 waitress 3 attendant 4 customer service personnel M:
g [] / wi []
fu4qin1 1 father 2 also pr. [fqin] M: g []
fu4 1 secondary 2 auxiliary 3 deputy 4 assistant 5 vice- 6 abbr. for
adverb 7 classifier for pairs, sets of things & facial expressions
gai1 1 should 2 ought to 3 probably 4 must be 5 to deserve 6 to owe 7 to be
sb's turn to do sth 8 that 9 the above-mentioned
gai3ge2 1 reform M: c [] / zhng [] /
xing [] 2 to reform
gan3kuai4 1 at once 2 immediately
gan3jue2 1 to feel 2 to become aware of 3 feeling 4 sense 5 perception M:
g []
gang1qin2 piano M: ji [] / ti []
gao1 1 high 2 tall 3 above average 4 loud 5 your (honorific)
ge1ci2 1 song lyric 2 lyrics
ge1qu3 song
ge4zi5 1 height 2 stature 3 build 4 size
ge4 1 each 2 every
ge4zhong3ge4yang4 various sorts and varieties
gen1ju4 1 according to 2 based on 3 basis 4 foundation M: g
geng4 1 more 2 even more 3 further 4 still 5 still more
gong1fen1 1 centimeter 2 gram
gou4 1 to reach 2 to be enough
gu3dian3 classical
gu4xiang1 1 home 2 homeland 3 native place M: g []
gua1feng1 to be windy
gua4 1 to hang or suspend (from a hook etc) 2 to hang up (the phone) 3 to
hang (computing) 4 to be worried or concerned 5 to make a phone call (dialect) 6 to
register or record 7 to hitch 8 classifier for sets or clusters of objects 9
(slang) to kill 10 to die 11 to be finished 12 to fail (an exam)
guang1 1 light 2 ray M: do [] 3 bright 4 only 5 merely 6
to use up
gui1ze2 1 rule 2 regulation 3 rules and regulations
guo2jia1 1 country 2 nation 3 state M: g []
guo4lai2 1 to come over 2 to manage 3 to handle 4 to be able to take care
guo4qu5 1 (in the) past 2 former 3 previous 4 to go over 5 to pass by
hao3hao1r5 1 in good condition 2 perfectly good 3 carefully 4 well 5
hao3shi4 1 good action, deed, thing or work (also sarcastic, "a fine thing
indeed") 2 charity 3 happy occasion 4 Daoist or Buddhist ceremony for the souls of
the dead
hao3ting1 pleasant to hear
he2 1 small box 2 case
hong2ye4 red autumnal leaves
hou4tian1 1 the day after tomorrow 2 post-natal 3 acquired (not innate) 4 a
hu1ran2 1 suddenly 2 all of a sudden
hu4xiang1 1 each other 2 mutually 3 mutual
hu4zhao4 passport M: bn [] / g []
hua2bing1 1 to skate 2 skating
hua2xue3 1 to ski 2 skiing
hua4ce4 picture album
huai4 1 bad 2 spoiled 3 broken 4 to break down 5 (suffix) to the utmost
huai4shi4 1 bad thing 2 misdeed 3 to ruin things
hui2qu5 1 to return 2 to go back
hui4yi4 1 meeting 2 conference M: chng [] / ji
hun1li3 1 wedding ceremony 2 wedding M: chng []
huo2dong4 1 to exercise 2 to move about 3 to operate 4 to use connections
(personal influence) 5 loose 6 shaky 7 active 8 movable 9 activity 10 campaign 11
maneuver 12 behavior M: xing [] / g []
ji2le5 1 extremely 2 exceedingly
ji4jie2 1 time 2 season 3 period M: g []
jia1ting2 1 family 2 household M: h [] / g []
jia1xiang1 1 hometown 2 native place M: g []
jia4qi1 vacation
jian3 1 to pick up 2 to collect 3 to gather
jian4zhu4 1 to construct 2 building M: g []
jiang1lai2 1 in the future 2 future 3 the future M: g []
jiang3hua4 1 a speech 2 to speak 3 to talk 4 to address M: g
jiao1 1 to hand over 2 to deliver 3 to pay (money) 4 to turn over 5 to make
friends 6 to intersect (lines)
jiao4xue2 1 teacher and student 2 education M: mn [] /
g []
jie2hun1 1 to marry 2 to get married M: c []
jin3biao1sai4 1 championship contest 2 championships
jin4qu4 to go in
jing1guo4 1 to pass 2 to go through 3 process 4 course M: g
jing1li4 1 experience M: g [] / c [] 2 to
experience 3 to go through
jing1ying2 1 to engage in (business etc) 2 to run 3 to operate
jing1shen5 1 vigor 2 vitality 3 drive 4 spiritual
kai1che1 to drive a car
kai1hui4 1 to hold a meeting 2 to attend a meeting
kai1fang4 1 to bloom 2 to open 3 to be open (to the public) 4 to open up
(to the outside) 5 to be open-minded 6 unrestrained by convention 7 unconstrained
in one's sexuality
kang2 to carry on one's shoulder
kao3 1 to roast 2 to bake 3 to broil
kao3ya1 roast duck
kao4 1 to lean against or on 2 to stand by the side of 3 to come near to 4
to depend on 5 to trust 6 to fuck (vulgar) 7 traditional military costume drama
where the performers wear armor (old)
ke3 1 can 2 may 3 able to 4 to approve 5 to permit 6 to suit 7 (particle
used for emphasis) certainly 8 very
ke3shi4 1 but 2 however 3 (used for emphasis) indeed
ke4ren2 1 visitor 2 guest 3 customer 4 client M: wi []
kou3dai4 1 pocket 2 bag 3 sack M: g []
ku1xiao4bu4de2 1 lit. not to know whether to laugh or cry (idiom);
both funny and extremely embarrassing 2 in a desperate state 3 between laughter and
ku3 1 bitter 2 hardship 3 pain 4 to suffer 5 to bring suffering to 6
kun4 1 to trap 2 to surround 3 hard-pressed 4 stranded 5 destitute
luo4 1 to fall or drop 2 (of the sun) to set 3 (of a tide) to go out 4 to
lower 5 to decline or sink 6 to lag or fall behind 7 to fall onto 8 to rest with 9
to get or receive 10 to write down 11 whereabouts 12 settlement
la5 1 sentence-final particle, contraction of , indicating
exclamation 2 particle placed after each item in a list of examples
lao3 1 prefix used before the surname of a person or a numeral indicating
the order of birth of the children in a family or to indicate affection or
familiarity 2 old (of people) 3 venerable (person) 4 experienced 5 of long standing
6 always 7 all the time 8 of the past 9 very 10 outdated 11 (of meat etc) tough
lao3ban3 1 boss 2 business proprietor M: g []
lao3wai4 1 (coll.) foreigner (esp. non Asian person) 2 layman 3 amateur
lei4 1 tired 2 weary 3 to strain 4 to wear out 5 to work hard
leng3 cold
li2hun1 1 to divorce 2 divorced from (one's spouse)
li4shi3 history M: mn [] / dun []
li4yong4 1 to exploit 2 to make use of 3 to use 4 to take advantage of 5
to utilize
liang2kuai5 1 nice and cold 2 pleasantly cool
ling3dai4 necktie M: tio []
liu2xing2 1 to spread 2 to rage (of contagious disease) 3 popular 4
fashionable 5 prevalent 6 (math.) manifold
lou2ti1 1 stair 2 staircase M: g []
l3guan3 hotel M: ji []
l3xing2she4 travel agency
l3you2 1 trip 2 journey 3 tourism 4 travel 5 tour 6 to travel
ma2fan5 1 inconvenient 2 troublesome 3 annoying 4 to trouble or bother sb
5 to put sb to trouble
ma3shang4 1 at once 2 right away 3 immediately 4 on horseback (i.e. by
military force)
ma5 1 modal particle indicating that sth is obvious 2 particle indicating a
pause for emphasis

mai4 1 arteries and veins 2 vein (on a leaf, insect wing etc)
man4 slow
men2kou3 1 doorway 2 gate M: g []
mi2 1 to bewilder 2 crazy about 3 fan 4 enthusiast 5 lost 6 confused
mian2ao3 cotton-padded jacket
min2ge1 folk song M: zh [] / shu []
ming2qu3 1 famous song 2 well-known piece of music
mo1 1 to feel with the hand 2 to touch 3 to stroke 4 to grope 5 to steal 6
to abstract
mu3qin1 1 mother 2 also pr. [mqin] M: g []
na4li5 1 there 2 that place
na4yang4 1 that kind 2 that sort
nian2qing1 young
nuan3huo5 1 warm 2 nice and warm
nuan3qi4 1 central heating 2 heater 3 warm air
pai1 1 to pat 2 to clap 3 to slap 4 to swat 5 to take (a photo) 6 to shoot
(a film) 7 racket (sports) 8 beat (music)
pan2 1 plate 2 dish 3 tray 4 board 5 hard drive (computing) 6 to build 7 to
coil 8 to check 9 to examine 10 to transfer (property) 11 to make over 12
classifier for food: dish, helping 13 to coil 14 classifier for coils of wire 15
classifier for games of chess
pei4fu2 to admire
peng4 1 to touch 2 to meet with 3 to bump
piao4liang5 1 pretty 2 beautiful
qi1jian1 1 period of time 2 time 3 time period 4 period M: g
qi3 1 to rise 2 to raise 3 to get up 4 to set out 5 to start 6 to appear 7
to launch 8 to initiate (action) 9 to draft 10 to establish 11 to get (from a depot
or counter) 12 verb suffix, to start 13 (before place or time) starting from 14
classifier for occurrences or unpredictable events: case, instance 15 classifier
for groups: batch, group
qi3lai5 1 to stand up 2 to get up
qi4fen1 1 atmosphere 2 mood
qi4wen1 air temperature M: g []
qian1zheng4 1 visa 2 certificate 3 to certify M: g []
qian2tian1 the day before yesterday
qiang2 wall M: min [] / d []
qin1er3 with one's own ears
qin1yan3 1 with one's own eyes 2 personally
qing1chu5 1 clear 2 distinct 3 to understand thoroughly 4 to be clear about
qiu1 a swing
qiu2mi2 fan (ball sports) M: g []
qu1 1 area 2 region 3 district 4 small 5 distinguish M: g []
qu1 1 bent 2 crooked 3 wrong
que4 1 but 2 yet 3 however 4 while 5 to go back 6 to decline 7 to retreat 8
nevertheless 9 even though
qun2zi5 skirt M: tio []
re4 1 to warm up 2 to heat up 3 hot (of weather) 4 heat 5 fervent
re4nao5 1 bustling with noise and excitement 2 lively
re4qing2 1 cordial 2 enthusiastic 3 passion 4 passionate 5 passionately
ren2jia5 1 other people 2 sb else 3 he, she or they 4 I, me (referring to
oneself as "one" or "people")
ren2kou3 1 population 2 people

shang4ban1 1 to go to work 2 to be on duty 3 to start work 4 to go to the

shang4lai2 1 to come up 2 to approach 3 (verb complement indicating success)
shao1 1 to bring sth to sb 2 to deliver
she4xiang4ji1 video camera M: b []
shen2me5de5 1 and so on 2 and what not
sheng1 1 sound 2 voice 3 tone 4 noise 5 classifier for sounds
sheng1diao4 1 tone 2 note 3 a tone (on a Chinese syllable) M: g
shi1fu5 1 master 2 qualified worker 3 respectful form of address for
older men M: g [] / wi [] / mng []
shi2cha1 1 time difference 2 time lag 3 jet lag
shi4jie4 world M: g []
Shi4jie4bei1 World Cup
shi4gu4 accident M: zhung [] / q [] /
c []
shou1ji2 1 to gather 2 to collect
shou3ti2bao1 1 (hand)bag 2 hold-all
shu1jia4 bookshelf M: g []
shu3jia4 summer vacation M: g []
shu4ye4 tree leaves
shuai1 1 to throw down 2 to fall 3 to drop and break
shuai1jiao1 1 to trip and fall 2 to wrestle 3 wrestling (sports)
shuai4 1 handsome 2 graceful 3 smart 4 commander in chief 5 (coll.)
cool! 6 sweet!
shuang1xi3 1 double happiness 2 the combined symmetric character
(similar to ) as symbol of good luck, esp. marriage
song4 1 to deliver 2 to carry 3 to give (as a present) 4 to present (with) 5
to see off 6 to send
suan4 1 to regard as 2 to figure 3 to calculate 4 to compute
tang2 1 sugar 2 sweets 3 candy 4 carbohydrate M: k [] /
kui []
tang2hu2lu5 1 sugar-coated Chinese hawthorn or other fruit on a stick 2
tang4 1 classifier for times, round trips or rows 2 a time 3 a trip
ti2 1 to carry (hanging down from the hand) 2 to lift 3 to put forward 4 to
mention 5 to raise (an issue) 6 upwards character stroke 7 lifting brush stroke (in
painting) 8 scoop for measuring liquid
tian1qi4 weather
tian2 sweet
tiao1 1 to carry on a shoulder pole 2 to choose 3 to pick 4 to nitpick
tie1 1 to stick 2 to paste 3 to post (e.g. on a blog) 4 to keep close to 5
to fit snugly 6 to subsidize 7 allowance (e.g. money for food or housing) 8 sticker
9 classifier for sticking plaster: strip
tie3lu4 1 railroad 2 railway M: tio []
ting1xie3 1 dictate 2 dictation M: c []
ting2 1 to stop 2 to halt 3 to park (a car)
tong1zhi1 1 to notify 2 to inform 3 notice 4 notification M: g
tou2fa5 hair (on the head)
tu2shu1 books (in a library or bookstore) M: bn [] /
c [] / b []

wei2xiu1 1 maintenance (of equipment) 2 to protect and maintain

wei4hun1fu1 fianc
wei4hun1qi1 fiance
wei4le5 1 in order to 2 for the purpose of 3 so as to
wen2wu4 1 cultural relic 2 historical relic M: jin [] /
g []
wen4hao3 1 to say hello to 2 to send one's regards to
wu1zi5 1 house 2 room M: jin []
xi1fu2 1 suit 2 Western-style clothes (historical usage)
xi3 1 to be fond of 2 to like 3 to enjoy 4 to be happy 5 to feel pleased 6
happiness 7 delight 8 glad
xi4 1 thin or slender 2 finely particulate 3 thin and soft 4 fine 5
delicate 6 trifling 7 (of a sound) quiet 8 frugal
xia4ban1 1 to finish work 2 to get off work
xia4xue3 to snow
xia4yu3 to rain
xia4lai5 1 to come down 2 (after verb of motion, indicates motion down and
towards us, also fig.) 3 (indicates continuation from the past towards us) 4 to be
harvested (of crops) 5 to be over (of a period of time) 6 to go among the masses
(said of leaders)
xia4 summer
xian4dai4 1 modern times 2 modern age 3 modern era
xiang3qi5lai5 1 to remember 2 to recall
xiang4 1 to tend toward 2 to guide 3 variant of xing []
xiang4 1 to resemble 2 to be like 3 to look as if 4 such as 5 appearance
6 image 7 portrait 8 image under a mapping (math.)
xiao3huo3zi5 1 young man 2 young guy 3 lad 4 youngster M: g
xiao3shuo1 1 novel 2 fiction M: bn [] / b []
xiao3ti2qin2 1 fiddle 2 violin
xie2zou4qu3 concerto
xin1ku3 1 hard 2 exhausting 3 with much toil 4 thanks for your trouble
xin1lang2 1 bridegroom 2 groom
xin1niang2 bride
xing1fen4 1 excited 2 excitement
xu1yao4 1 to need 2 to want 3 to demand 4 to require 5 requirement 6 need
xuan3 1 to choose 2 to pick 3 to select 4 to elect
xue2qi1 1 term 2 semester M: g []
xue3 1 snow 2 snowfall M: chng [] 3 to have the appearance of
snow 4 to wipe away, off or out 5 to clean
ya5 (particle equivalent to after a vowel, expressing surprise or
yan2jiu1 1 research 2 a study M: xing []
yan2jiu1sheng1 1 graduate student 2 postgraduate student 3 research
yan2tao3 discussion
yan2tao3hui4 1 discussion forum 2 seminar
yan3jing5 eye M: zh [] / shung []
yan3jing4 1 spectacles 2 eyeglasses M: f []
yan3zou4 to perform on a musical instrument
yang4 1 manner 2 pattern 3 way 4 appearance 5 shape 6 classifier: kind, type
yao1qiu2 1 to request 2 to require 3 to stake a claim 4 to ask 5 to demand
M: din []
yao2yuan3 1 distant 2 remote
yao4fang1 prescription
yao4shi5 key M: b []
ye3xu3 1 perhaps 2 maybe
ye4 1 leaf 2 page 3 lobe 4 (historical) period 5 classifier for small boats
ye4 night

yi1qie4 1 everything 2 every 3 all

yi1yang4 1 same 2 like 3 equal to 4 the same as 5 just like
yin1xiang4 1 audio and video 2 audiovisual
yin3qi3 1 to give rise to 2 to lead to 3 to cause 4 to arouse
ying2ye4 1 to do business 2 to trade
yong1ji3 1 crowded 2 to throng 3 congestion
you2qi2 1 especially 2 particularly
you2hua4 oil painting
you3ming2 1 famous 2 well-known
you3xie1 1 some 2 somewhat
yu2shi4 1 thereupon 2 as a result 3 consequently 4 thus 5 hence
yu4bao4 forecast
yuan2yin1 1 cause 2 origin 3 root cause 4 reason M: g []
zan4ting2 1 to suspend 2 time-out (e.g. in sports) 3 stoppage 4 pause
(media player)
zao4cheng2 1 to bring about 2 to create 3 to cause
zeng1jia1 1 to raise 2 to increase
zha1zhen1 to give or have an acupuncture treatment
zhan3lan3 1 to put on display 2 to exhibit 3 exhibition 4 show M:
g [] / c []
zhan3lan3guan3 exhibition hall
zhe5 aspect particle indicating action in progress
zhao2ji2 1 to worry 2 to feel anxious 3 Taiwan pr. [zhoj]
zhao4 1 according to 2 in accordance with 3 to shine 4 to illuminate 5 to
reflect 6 to look at (one's reflection) 7 to take (a photo) 8 photo 9 as requested
10 as before
zhao4xiang4 to take a photograph
zhao4xiang4ji1 camera M: g [] / ji [] /
b [] / ti [] / zh []
zhe4li3 here
zhe4yang4 1 this kind of 2 so 3 this way 4 like this 5 such
zhen1jiu3 1 acupuncture and moxibustion 2 to give or have acupuncture and
zheng3 1 exactly 2 in good order 3 whole 4 complete 5 entire 6 in order
7 orderly 8 to repair 9 to mend 10 to renovate 11 (coll.) to fix sb 12 to give sb a
hard time 13 to mess with sb
zheng4chang2 1 regular 2 normal 3 ordinary
zhi1yi1 1 one of (sth) 2 one out of a multitude 3 one (third, quarter,
percent etc)
zhi3hao3 1 without any better option 2 to have to 3 to be forced to
zhi3shi4 1 merely 2 simply 3 only 4 but
zhi3 1 paper M: zhng [] / d [] 2 classifier for
documents, letter etc
zhi3xiang1 1 carton 2 cardboard box
zhi4 1 to rule 2 to govern 3 to manage 4 to control 5 to harness (a river) 6
to treat (a disease) 7 to wipe out (a pest) 8 to punish 9 to research
Zhong1can1 1 Chinese meal 2 Chinese food M: fn [] /
dn []
zhong1cheng2yao4 prepared prescription (Chinese medicine)
zhong1xin1 1 center 2 heart 3 core M: g []
Zhong1yi1 1 traditional Chinese medical science 2 a doctor trained in
Chinese medicine
zhou1mo4 weekend
zhu3chi2ren2 1 TV or radio presenter 2 host 3 anchor
zhu3yao4 1 main 2 principal 3 major 4 primary
zhu4yuan4 1 to be in hospital 2 to be hospitalized
zhu4yi4 1 to take note of 2 to pay attention to
zhe5ne5 1 comes at the end of the sentence to indicate a strong degree 2
quite 3 rather
zi4you2 1 freedom 2 free 3 liberty M: g []
zu3zhi1 1 to organize 2 organization 3 organized system 4 nerve 5 tissue
M: g []
zui4 1 most 2 the most 3 -est (superlative suffix)
zui4hou4 1 final 2 last 3 finally 4 ultimate
zun1shou3 1 to comply with 2 to abide by 3 to respect (an agreement)
zuo3you4 1 left and right 2 nearby 3 approximately 4 attendant 5 to
control 6 to influence
zuo4wei4 seat M: g []
ai1 1 interjection or grunt of agreement or recognition (e.g. yes, it's
me!) 2 to sigh
ai4qing2 1 romance 2 love (romantic) M: g [] /
fn []
an1quan2 1 safe 2 secure 3 safety 4 security
an1quan2dai4 1 seat belt 2 safety belt
an4 1 to close (a door) 2 to eclipse 3 muddled 4 stupid 5 ignorant 6
variant of n []
ba3 1 to hold 2 to contain 3 to grasp 4 to take hold of 5 handle 6 particle
marking the following noun as a direct object 7 classifier for objects with handle
8 classifier for small objects: handful
ban1 1 to pull 2 to draw out 3 to turn
ban1 1 to move (i.e. relocate oneself) 2 to move (sth relatively heavy or
bulky) 3 to shift 4 to copy indiscriminately
ban4li3 1 to handle 2 to transact 3 to conduct
bao4 1 to hold 2 to carry (in one's arms) 3 to hug 4 to embrace 5 to
surround 6 to cherish
bei1zi5 1 cup 2 glass M: g [] / zh [] /
zh []
bei4 1 the back of a body or object 2 to turn one's back 3 to hide something
from 4 to learn by heart 5 to recite from memory 6 unlucky (slang) 7 hard of
bei4 1 quilt 2 by 3 (indicates passive-voice clauses) 4 (literary) to cover
5 to meet with
ben4 1 stupid 2 foolish 3 silly 4 slow-witted 5 clumsy
biao3xian4 1 to show 2 to show off 3 to display 4 to manifest 5 expression 6
manifestation 7 show 8 display 9 performance (at work etc) 10 behavior
bie2ren5 1 other people 2 others 3 other person
bing1deng1 ice lantern
bing1diao1 ice sculpture
bing1xiang1 1 icebox 2 freezer cabinet 3 refrigerator M: ti []
/ g []
bing1ma3yong3 1 figurines of warriors and horses buried with the dead 2
Terracotta Army (historic site)
bu4yao4jin3 1 unimportant 2 not serious 3 it doesn't matter 4 never mind 5 it
looks all right, but
bu4hao3yi4si5 1 to feel embarrassed 2 to find it embarrassing 3 to
be sorry (for inconveniencing sb)
bu4jiu3 1 not long (after) 2 before too long 3 soon 4 soon after
bu4zhi4 1 to put in order 2 to arrange 3 to decorate 4 to fix up 5 to
ca1 1 to wipe 2 to erase 3 rubbing (brush stroke in painting) 4 to clean 5
to polish
cai1 to guess
cai3dai4 1 colored ribbon 2 streamer M: tio []

cha1tou2 plug
chang2jiu3 (for a) long time
chang2 1 to taste 2 to try 3 to experience 4 already 5 ever 6 once
cheng2li4 1 to establish 2 to set up 3 to be tenable 4 to hold water
cheng2 1 to ride 2 to mount 3 to make use of 4 to avail oneself of 5 to
take advantage of 6 to multiply (mathematics) 7 Buddhist sect or creed
chou1yan1 to smoke (a cigarette, tobacco)
chu1han4 1 to perspire 2 to sweat
chu1men2 1 to go out 2 to leave home 3 to go on a journey 4 away from home
5 (of a woman) to get married
chuan2tong3 1 tradition 2 traditional 3 convention 4 conventional M:
g []
chuan2 1 boat 2 vessel 3 ship M: tio [] / su
[] / zh []
chuan3qi4 1 to breathe deeply 2 to pant
chuang1 1 shutter 2 window M: shn []
chuang1hu5 window M: g [] / shn []
chui1 1 to blow 2 to play a wind instrument 3 to blast 4 to puff 5 to boast 6
to brag 7 to end in failure 8 to fall through
Chun1jie2 Spring Festival (Chinese New Year)
da1ying5 1 to promise 2 to agree 3 to reply 4 to respond
da3di1 1 (coll.) to take a taxi 2 to go by taxi
da3ban5 1 to decorate 2 to dress 3 to make up 4 to adorn 5 manner of
dressing 6 style of dress
da3sao3 1 to clean 2 to sweep
dai4 1 to wait 2 to treat 3 to deal with 4 to need 5 going to (do sth) 6
about to 7 intending to
dai4ti4 1 instead 2 to replace 3 to substitute (X for Y, or a number in
an algebraic expression)
dan1xin1 1 anxious 2 worried 3 uneasy 4 to worry 5 to be anxious
dao4di3 1 finally 2 in the end 3 when all is said and done 4 after all 5
to the end 6 to the last
dao4chu4 everywhere
de5hua4 if (coming after a conditional clause)
deng1ji1 to board a plane
deng1ji1pai2 boarding pass
di4wei4 1 position 2 status 3 place M: g []
di4zhi3 address M: g []
dian4tai2 1 transmitter-receiver 2 broadcasting station 3 radio station M:
g [] / ji []
dong4 1 (of sth) to move 2 to set in movement 3 to displace 4 to touch 5 to
make use of 6 to stir (emotions) 7 to alter 8 abbr. for dngc [],
dong4zuo4 1 movement 2 motion 3 action M: g []
dui4lian2 1 rhyming couplet 2 pair of lines of verse written vertically
down the sides of a doorway M: f [] / f []
e4 1 to be hungry 2 hungry
fa1sheng1 1 to happen 2 to occur 3 to take place 4 to break out
fa2 1 to punish 2 to penalize
fang4jia4 to have a holiday or vacation
feng1fu4 1 to enrich 2 rich 3 plentiful 4 abundant
feng1su2 social custom M: g []
fu1qi1 1 husband and wife 2 married couple
fu1ren5 1 lady 2 madam 3 Mrs. M: wi []
fu2 1 to support with the hand 2 to help sb up 3 to support oneself by
holding onto something 4 to help
fu2shou3 1 handrail 2 armrest
fu2zhuang1 1 dress 2 clothing 3 costume 4 clothes M: shn []
fu2 1 width 2 roll 3 classifier for textiles or pictures
fu2 1 good fortune 2 happiness 3 luck
gai4 1 lid 2 top 3 cover 4 canopy 5 to cover 6 to conceal 7 to build
gan1bei1 1 to drink a toast 2 Cheers! (proposing a toast) 3 Here's to you!
4 Bottoms up! 5 lit. dry cup
gan3 1 to dare 2 daring 3 (polite) may I venture
gan3dong4 1 to move (sb) 2 to touch (sb emotionally) 3 moving
gan3qing2 1 feeling 2 emotion 3 sensation 4 likes and dislikes 5 deep
affection for sb or sth 6 relationship (i.e. love affair) M: g [] /
zhng []
gan3xiang3 1 impressions 2 reflections 3 thoughts M: tng [] /
g []
gao3 1 to do 2 to make 3 to go in for 4 to set up 5 to get hold of 6 to take
care of
gao4su5 1 to tell 2 to inform 3 to let know
gong1fei4 at public expense
gu1ji4 1 to estimate 2 to reckon M: g [] 3 (coll.) to
gu3dai4 1 ancient times 2 olden times
gu3tou5 1 bone M: gn [] / kui [] 2 moral
character 3 bitterness
gu4yi4 1 deliberately 2 on purpose
guan3li3 1 to supervise 2 to manage 3 to administer 4 management 5
administration M: g []
guan3li3yuan2 1 manager 2 administrator
guang3bo1 1 broadcast M: g [] 2 broadcasting 3 to broadcast 4
(formal) to propagate 5 to publicize
gui1ju5 1 lit. compass and set square 2 fig. established standard 3 rule
4 customs 5 practices 6 fig. upright and honest 7 well-behaved
gun3 1 to boil 2 to roll 3 to take a hike 4 Get lost!
guo2ji4 international
guo2wai4 1 abroad 2 external (affairs) 3 overseas 4 foreign
guo4jiang3 1 to over-praise 2 to flatter
ha1ha1 (onom.) laughing out loud
han2jia4 winter vacation
han4 1 perspiration 2 sweat M: d [] / tu [] /
shn [] 3 to be speechless (out of helplessness, embarrassment etc)
(Internet slang used as an interjection)
hang2ye4 1 industry 2 business
hao3chi1 1 tasty 2 delicious
he2tong5 (business) contract M: g []
he2zi1 joint venture
hei1ban3 blackboard M: kui [] / g []
hu2shuo1 1 to talk nonsense 2 drivel
hua1 1 flower 2 blossom M: du [] / zh [] /
sh [] / b [] / pn [] / c [] 3 fancy
pattern 4 florid 5 to spend (money, time)
hua4bao4 pictorial (magazine) M: bn [] / fn [] /
c [] / q []
hua4jia1 painter M: g []
hua4ju4 1 stage play 2 modern drama M: ti [] /
b []
huan1le4 1 gaiety 2 gladness 3 glee 4 merriment 5 pleasure 6 happy 7
joyous 8 gay
hui4chang3 1 meeting place 2 place where people gather M: g []
huo2 1 to live 2 alive 3 living 4 work 5 workmanship
ji1chang3 1 airport 2 airfield M: ji [] / ch []
ji1piao4 1 air ticket 2 passenger ticket M: zhng []
ji1ji2 1 active 2 energetic 3 vigorous 4 positive (outlook) 5 proactive
ji1chu3 1 base 2 foundation 3 basis 4 underlying M: g []
ji2li4 1 auspicious 2 lucky 3 propitious
ji2xiang2 1 lucky 2 auspicious 3 propitious
ji4hua4 1 plan 2 project 3 program 4 to plan 5 to map out M:
g [] / xing []
xi4 1 to connect 2 to relate to 3 to tie up 4 to bind 5 to be (literary)
ji4xu4 1 to continue 2 to proceed with 3 to go on with
jia1you2 1 to add oil 2 to top up with gas 3 to refuel 4 to accelerate 5
abbr. for jidyumn [] 6 to step on the gas 7 fig. to
make an extra effort 8 fig. to cheer sb on
jia3 1 first of the ten Heavenly Stems shtingn []
2 (used for an unspecified person or thing) 3 first (in a list, as a party to a
contract etc) 4 letter "A" or roman "I" in list "A, B, C", or "I, II, III" etc 5
armor plating 6 shell or carapace 7 (of the fingers or toes) nail 8 bladed leather
or metal armor (old) 9 ranking system used in the Imperial examinations (old) 10
civil administration unit (old)
jian3dan1 1 simple 2 not complicated
jian4 1 to establish 2 to found 3 to set up 4 to build 5 to construct
jian4yi4 1 to propose 2 to suggest 3 to recommend 4 proposal 5 suggestion
6 recommendation M: g [] / din []
jiao1liu2 1 to exchange 2 exchange 3 communication 4 interaction 5 to have
social contact (with sb)
jiao3 1 foot 2 leg (of an animal or an object) 3 base (of an object) M:
shung [] / zh [] 4 classifier for kicks
jiao4zuo4 1 to be called 2 to be known as
jie1zhe5 1 to catch and hold on 2 to continue 3 to go on to do sth 4 to
follow 5 to carry on 6 then 7 after that 8 subsequently 9 to proceed 10 to ensue 11
in turn 12 in one's turn
jie2 1 knot 2 sturdy 3 bond 4 to tie 5 to bind 6 to check out (of a hotel)

jie4yan1 to give up smoking

jing1xi3 1 nice surprise 2 to be pleasantly surprised
jing1cai3 1 wonderful 2 marvelous 3 brilliant

jing4jiu3 1 to toast 2 to propose a toast

jiu1zheng4 1 to correct 2 to make right
ju4 1 sentence 2 clause 3 phrase 4 classifier for phrases or lines of verse
ju4chang3 theater M: g []
jue2ding4 1 to decide (to do something) 2 to resolve 3 decision M:
g [] / xing [] 4 certainly
kai1guan1 1 power switch 2 to open a gate
kai1wan2xiao4 1 to play a joke 2 to make fun of 3 to joke
kai1yan3 (of a play, movie etc) to begin
kai1zhan3 1 to launch 2 to develop 3 to unfold 4 (of an exhibition etc) to
kan4yang4zi5 1 it seems 2 it looks as if
kao3cha2 1 to inspect 2 to observe and study 3 on-the-spot investigation
ke1 classifier for trees, cabbages, plants etc
ke3bu5shi4 1 that's just the way it is 2 exactly!
ke3qi4 1 annoying 2 irritating 3 exasperating
ke3 thirsty
ken3ding4 1 to be sure 2 to be certain 3 sure 4 certain 5 definite 6 to
confirm 7 to affirm 8 affirmative 9 to approve 10 approval 11 recognition
kong1 1 empty 2 air 3 sky 4 in vain
kong1jie3 1 abbr. for 2 stewardess 3 air hostess 4 female flight
kong1tiao2 1 air conditioning 2 air conditioner (including units that have a
heating mode) M: ti []
kong3pa4 1 fear 2 to dread 3 I'm afraid that... 4 perhaps 5 maybe
kong4r5 1 spare time 2 free time
kun4nan5 1 difficult 2 challenging 3 straitened circumstances 4 difficult
la1 1 to pull 2 to play (a bowed instrument) 3 to drag 4 to draw 5 to chat

lai2wang3 1 to come and go 2 to have dealings with 3 to be in relation with

lan3che1 cable car
lang4fei4 1 to waste 2 to squander
li2kai1 1 to depart 2 to leave
li3wu4 1 gift 2 present M: jin [] / g [] /
fn []
li4ji2 immediately
lian2 1 to link 2 to join 3 to connect 4 continuously 5 in succession 6
including 7 (used with , etc) even 8 company (military)
lian2huan1hui4 1 social gathering 2 party
lian3pu3 types of facial makeup in operas
liang2 1 cool 2 cold
liao3jie3 1 to understand 2 to realize 3 to find out
lin2 1 to sprinkle 2 to drip 3 to pour 4 to drench
ling2xia4 below zero
ling3dao3 1 lead 2 leading 3 to lead 4 leadership 5 leader M:
wi [] / g []
liu2 1 to flow 2 to disseminate 3 to circulate or spread 4 to move or drift
5 to degenerate 6 to banish or send into exile 7 stream of water or sth resembling
one 8 class, rate or grade
lu4xian4 1 itinerary 2 route 3 political line (e.g. right revisionist
road) M: tio []
luo4tang1ji1 1 a person who looks drenched and bedraggled 2 like a
drowned rat 3 deep distress
man3 1 to fill 2 full 3 filled 4 packed 5 fully 6 completely 7 quite 8 to
reach the limit 9 to satisfy 10 satisfied 11 contented
mei2 1 plum 2 plum flower 3 Japanese apricot (Prunus mume)
mian4qian2 1 in front of 2 facing 3 (in the) presence (of)
min2zu2 1 nationality 2 ethnic group M: g []
nei4rong2 1 content 2 substance 3 details M: g [] /
xing []
nong2cun1 1 rural area 2 village M: g []
o2 oh (interjection indicating doubt or surprise)
pa4 1 to be afraid 2 to fear 3 to dread 4 to be unable to endure 5 perhaps
pai2 1 a row 2 a line 3 to set in order 4 to arrange 5 to line up 6 to
eliminate 7 to drain 8 to push open 9 platoon 10 raft 11 classifier for lines, rows
pai2lian4 1 to rehearse 2 rehearsal
pian4 1 to cheat 2 to swindle 3 to deceive 4 to get on (a horse etc) by
swinging one leg over
piao4 1 ticket 2 ballot 3 bank note M: zhng [] 4 person held
for ransom 5 amateur performance of Chinese opera 6 classifier for groups, batches,
business transactions
pin3chang2 1 to taste a small amount 2 to sample
qi3fei1 (of an aircraft) to take off
qia3zi5 1 clip 2 hair fastener 3 checkpoint
qian1 1 to sign one's name 2 visa 3 variant of qin []
qian2bao1 1 purse 2 wallet
qiao3ke4li4 chocolate (loanword) M: kui []
qin1shou3 1 personally 2 with one's own hands
qing2jing3 1 scene 2 sight 3 circumstances M: g []
ren2jian1 1 the human world 2 the earth
ren2men5 people
ren2wu4 1 person 2 character (in a play, novel etc) 3 protagonist M:
g []
ren4shi5 1 to know 2 to recognize 3 to be familiar with 4 to get
acquainted with sb 5 knowledge 6 understanding 7 awareness 8 cognition
ren4wei2 1 to believe 2 to think 3 to consider 4 to feel
ru2guo3 1 if 2 in case 3 in the event that
sa3 1 to sprinkle 2 to spray 3 to spill 4 to shed
sha1fa1 1 sofa (loanword) M: tio [] / zhng []
2 (Internet slang) the first reply or replier to a forum post
sha3 foolish
shan1shui3 1 water from a mountain 2 mountains and rivers 3 scenery 4
shang1 1 to injure 2 injury 3 wound
shang4cai4 to serve, also to put on plate
shang4jie1 1 to go onto the streets 2 to go shopping
shang4xia4ban1 to start and finish work
shang4ci4 last time
shang4zuo4 seat of honor
shao1 1 to burn 2 to cook 3 to stew 4 to bake 5 to roast 6 to heat 7 to boil
(tea, water etc) 8 fever 9 to run a temperature 10 (coll.) to let things go to
one's head
shao3shu4 1 small number 2 few 3 minority
she3bu5de5 1 to hate to do sth 2 to hate to part with 3 to begrudge
she4hui4 society M: g []
shen1qing3 1 to apply for sth 2 application (form etc) M: fn
shen1 1 to stretch 2 to extend
shen1 1 body 2 life 3 oneself 4 personally 5 one's morality and conduct 6 the
main part of a structure or body 7 pregnant 8 classifier for sets of clothes: suit,
twinset 9 Kangxi radical 158
shen2hua4 1 legend 2 fairy tale 3 myth 4 mythology
sheng1yin1 1 voice 2 sound M: g []
sheng4li4 victory M: g []
Sheng4dan4jie2 1 Christmas time 2 Christmas season 3 Christmas
shi1 1 moist 2 wet
shi2fen1 1 to divide into ten equal parts 2 very 3 hundred percent 4
completely 5 extremely 6 utterly 7 absolutely
shi2zi4lu4kou3 1 crossroads 2 intersection
shi4de5 1 seems as if 2 rather like 3 Taiwan pr. [sde]
shi4shang4 on earth
shou3xu4 1 procedure M: do [] / g [] 2
shou3 1 head 2 chief 3 first (occasion, thing etc) 4 classifier for poems,
songs etc
shou3du1 capital (city) M: g []
shou3xian1 1 first (of all) 2 in the first place
shou4 1 to receive 2 to accept 3 to suffer 4 subjected to 5 to bear 6 to
stand 7 pleasant 8 (passive marker)
shou4pian4 1 to be cheated 2 to be taken in 3 to be hoodwinked
shou4shang1 1 to sustain injuries 2 wounded (in an accident etc) 3 harmed
shu1shu5 1 father's younger brother 2 uncle 3 Taiwan pr. [shshu] M:
g []
shu4zi4 1 numeral 2 digit 3 number 4 figure 5 amount 6 digital
(electronics etc) M: g []
shui3xian1 1 narcissus 2 daffodil 3 legendary aquatic immortal 4 refers to
those buried at sea 5 person who wanders abroad and does not return
shun4 1 to obey 2 to follow 3 to arrange 4 to make reasonable 5 along 6
shuo1ming2 1 to explain 2 to illustrate 3 to indicate 4 to show 5 to prove 6
explanation 7 directions 8 caption M: g []
shuo1ming2shu1 1 (technical) manual 2 (book of) directions 3 synopsis (of
a play or film) M: bn []
si1ji1 1 chauffeur 2 driver M: g []
si4he2yuan4 courtyard house (type of Chinese residence)
song1 1 loose 2 to loosen 3 to relax
suan4ming4 1 fortune-telling 2 to tell fortune
sui2bian4 1 as one wishes 2 as one pleases 3 at random 4 negligent 5 casual
6 wanton

ta1 it
tai2ci2 1 an actor's lines 2 script
tang2cu4yu2 sweet and sour fish
tao1 1 to fish out (from pocket) 2 to scoop
te4se4 1 characteristic 2 distinguishing feature or quality
ti3hui4 1 to know from experience 2 to learn through experience 3 to
realize 4 understanding 5 experience
tian1shang4 1 celestial 2 heavenly
tian1tang2 1 paradise 2 heaven
tian1xia4 1 land under heaven 2 the whole world 3 the whole of China 4
realm 5 rule
tong1 1 to go through 2 to know well 3 (suffix) expert 4 to connect 5 to
communicate 6 open 7 to clear 8 classifier for letters, telegrams, phone calls etc
tong1guo4 1 by means of 2 through 3 via 4 to pass through 5 to get through
6 to adopt 7 to pass (a bill or inspection etc) 8 to switch over
tong2yi4 1 to agree 2 to consent 3 to approve
tou1 1 to steal 2 to pilfer 3 to snatch 4 thief 5 stealthily
tou1tou1 1 stealthily 2 secretly 3 covertly 4 furtively 5 on the sly
tou2ding3 top of the head
tou4 1 to penetrate 2 to pass through 3 thoroughly 4 completely 5
transparent 6 to appear 7 to show
tu1ran2 1 sudden 2 abrupt 3 unexpected
tu2 1 diagram 2 picture 3 drawing 4 chart 5 map M: zhng [] 6
to plan 7 to scheme 8 to attempt 9 to pursue 10 to seek
tu3dou4 1 potato M: g [] 2 (Tw) peanut M: k []
tui3 1 hip bone 2 old variant of tu []
tuo1yun4 1 to consign (goods) 2 to check through (baggage)
wai4bin1 1 foreign guest 2 international visitor
wai4di4 parts of the country other than where one is
wan1 1 to bend 2 bent 3 a bend 4 a turn (in the road etc) M: do
wan2xiao4 1 to joke 2 joke 3 jest
wei1xian3 1 danger 2 dangerous
wei3da4 1 huge 2 great 3 grand 4 worthy of the greatest admiration 5
important (contribution etc)
wu2 1 not to have 2 no 3 none 4 not 5 to lack 6 un- 7 -less
wu3da3 acrobatic fighting in Chinese opera or dance
xia2 gorge
xia4ci4 next time
xian1n3 fairy
xian4dai4hua4 modernization M: g []
xian4mu4 1 to envy 2 to admire
xiang1xin4 1 to be convinced (that sth is true) 2 to believe 3 to accept sth
as true
xiang3sheng1 noise
xiang4sheng5 1 comic dialog 2 sketch 3 crosstalk
xiao3qu1 1 neighborhood 2 district
xiao3tou1 thief
xiao3xin1 1 to be careful 2 to take care
xie2yin1 1 homonym 2 homophone 3 harmonic (component of sound)
xie2 shoe M: shung [] / zh []

xue4 1 blood 2 colloquial pr. [xi] M: d [] / pin

xin1 1 heart 2 mind 3 intention 4 center 5 core M: k [] /
g []
xin1chun1 1 the beginning of Spring 2 the 10 or 20 days following the lunar
New Year's Day
xin1nian2 New Year M: g []
xing1wang4 1 prosperous 2 thriving 3 to prosper 4 to flourish
xing2li5 luggage M: jin []
xing4fu2 1 happiness 2 happy 3 blessed
xing4ge2 1 nature 2 disposition 3 temperament 4 character M: g
yan3 1 to develop 2 to evolve 3 to practice 4 to perform 5 to play 6 to act
yan3chu1 1 to act (in a play) 2 to perform 3 to put on (a performance) 4
performance 5 concert 6 show M: chng [] / c []
yan3yuan2 1 actor or actress 2 performer M: g [] /
wi [] / mng []
yan4hui4 1 banquet 2 feast 3 dinner party M: x [] /
g []
yang4zi5 1 appearance 2 manner 3 pattern 4 model
yao1 1 waist 2 lower back 3 pocket 4 middle 5 loins
yao1qing3 1 to invite 2 invitation M: g []
yao4jin3 1 important 2 urgent
ye4wu4 1 business 2 professional work 3 service M: xing []
yi1ban4 half
yi1xia4zi5 1 in a short while 2 all at once 3 all of a sudden
yi2han4 1 regret 2 to regret 3 to be sorry that
yi4shu4 art
yi4jian4 1 idea 2 opinion 3 suggestion 4 objection 5 complaint M:
din [] / tio []
yin1 1 sound 2 noise 3 note (of musical scale) 4 tone 5 news 6 syllable 7
reading (phonetic value of a character)
yin1xiang3 1 sound 2 acoustics 3 audio 4 hi-fi system 5 stereo sound system
6 abbr. for zhynxing []
ying3xiang3 1 influence 2 effect 3 to influence 4 to affect (usually
adversely) 5 to disturb M: g []
ying1 1 to agree (to do sth) 2 should 3 ought to 4 must 5 (legal) shall
ying4yao1 1 at sb's invitation 2 on invitation
ying4bi4 coin M: mi []
you2lan3 1 to go sight-seeing 2 to tour 3 to visit M: c []
you3yi4 1 companionship 2 fellowship 3 friendship
you3qu4 1 interesting 2 fascinating 3 amusing
yu4dao4 1 to meet 2 to run into 3 to come across
yuan2quan1 circle
yuan4zi5 1 courtyard 2 garden 3 yard 4 patio M: g [] 5 (old)
yue1 1 to make an appointment 2 to invite 3 approximately 4 pact 5 treaty 6
to economize 7 to restrict 8 to reduce (a fraction) 9 concise

yue4lai2yue4 more and more

yun4qi5 luck (good or bad)
zao3 1 jujube 2 dates
zhang3bei4 1 one's elders 2 older generation
zheng1qu3 1 to fight for 2 to strive for 3 to win over

Zhong1guo2tong1 1 China watcher 2 an expert on China 3 an old China hand
zhong1wai4 1 Sino-foreign 2 Chinese-foreign 3 home and abroad
zhong4yao4 1 important 2 significant 3 major
zhou1 1 week 2 weekly 3 variant of zhu []
zhu2 bamboo M: k [] / zh [] / gn []
zhu4zhai2 1 residence 2 tenement
zhuan1li4 1 patent 2 sth uniquely enjoyed (or possessed etc) by a certain
group of people 3 monopoly
zhuang1 1 adornment 2 to adorn 3 dress 4 clothing 5 costume (of an actor
in a play) 6 to play a role 7 to pretend 8 to install 9 to fix 10 to wrap (sth in a
bag) 11 to load 12 to pack
zhuang1shi4 1 to decorate 2 decoration 3 decorative 4 ornamental
zhuang4 1 to knock against 2 to bump into 3 to run into 4 to meet by
zhuo1zi5 1 table 2 desk M: zhng [] / to []
zi3xi4 1 careful 2 attentive 3 cautious
zi4 1 letter 2 symbol 3 character 4 word M: g [] 5 courtesy
or style name traditionally given to males aged 20 in dynastic China
zi4hua4 1 the strokes of a character 2 calligraphy and painting
zi4xin4 1 to have confidence in oneself 2 self-confidence
zui4hao3 1 best 2 (you) had better (do what we suggest)
zuo4ke4 to be a guest or visitor
ai4lian4 1 in love with 2 to feel deeply attached to
an1ding4 1 stable 2 quiet 3 settled 4 stabilize 5 maintain 6 stabilized 7
calm and orderly
an1wei4 1 to comfort 2 to console M: g []
bai3xing4 common people

bao4chou2 1 to take revenge 2 to avenge

bao4 1 to explode or burst 2 to quick fry or quick boil
bei4zi5 quilt M: chung []
beng4 1 to jump 2 to bounce 3 to hop
bi3ci3 1 each other 2 one another
bian1ji2 1 to edit 2 to compile 3 editor 4 compiler
biao1zhun3 1 (an official) standard 2 norm 3 criterion M: g []
biao3da2 1 to voice (an opinion) 2 to express 3 to convey
biao3qing2 1 (facial) expression 2 to express one's feelings 3 expression
biao3shi4 1 to express 2 to show 3 to say 4 to state 5 to indicate 6 to
bing4 1 and 2 furthermore 3 also 4 together with 5 (not) at all 6
simultaneously 7 to combine 8 to join 9 to merge
bu4liao4 1 unexpectedly 2 to one's surprise
bu4yue1er2tong2 to agree by chance (idiom); taking the same action
without prior consultation
bu4zhi1bu4jue2 1 unconsciously 2 unwittingly
bu4guan3 1 no matter (what, how) 2 regardless of 3 no matter
bu4fen5 1 part 2 share 3 section 4 piece M: g []
cai3hong2 rainbow M: do []
cao1zuo4 1 to work 2 to operate 3 to manipulate
cao3yuan2 1 grassland 2 prairie M: pin []
chang3 1 large place used for a specific purpose 2 stage 3 scene (of a
play) 4 classifier for sporting or recreational activities 5 classifier for number
of exams
chao2 1 imperial or royal court 2 government 3 dynasty 4 reign of a sovereign
or emperor 5 court or assembly held by a sovereign or emperor 6 to make a
pilgrimage to 7 facing 8 towards
chao3jia4 1 to quarrel 2 to have a row 3 quarrel M: dn []
che1tai1 tire
cheng2gong1 1 success 2 to succeed M: c [] / g []
cheng2jiu4 1 accomplishment 2 success 3 achievement M: g [] 4
to attain a result
cheng2yu3 1 Chinese set expression, often made up of 4 characters or two
couplets of 4 characters each, often alluding to a story or historical quotation 2
idiom 3 proverb 4 saying 5 adage 6 set expression M: tio [] /
bn [] / j []
cheng2xin1cheng2yi4 earnestly and sincerely (idiom); with all
cheng2xu4 1 procedures 2 sequence 3 order 4 computer program

chi1li4 1 to entail strenuous effort 2 to toil at a task 3 strenuous 4

laborious 5 strain

chong1man3 1 full of 2 brimming with 3 very full 4 permeated

chong1 1 (of water) to dash against 2 to mix with water 3 to infuse 4 to
rinse 5 to flush 6 to develop (a film) 7 to rise in the air 8 to clash 9 to collide
chu1qi4 to give vent to anger
chu1shi4 1 to have an accident 2 to meet with a mishap
chu1zhong1 1 junior high school 2 abbr. for
chjzhngxu []
chu2chuang1 display window
chuan2 1 to pass on 2 to spread 3 to transmit 4 to infect 5 to transfer
6 to circulate 7 to conduct (electricity)
chuan4 1 to string together 2 to skewer 3 to connect wrongly 4 to gang
up 5 to rove 6 string 7 bunch 8 skewer 9 classifier for things that are strung
together, or in a bunch, or in a row: string of, bunch of, series of 10 to make a
swift or abrupt linear movement (like a bead on an abacus) 11 to move across
chui1niu2 1 to talk big 2 to shoot off one's mouth 3 to chat (dialect)

ci2shan4jia1 1 philanthropist 2 humanitarian 3 charity donor

la2 to slash
cong2ci3 1 from now on 2 since then 3 henceforth
cong2qian2 1 previously 2 formerly 3 once upon a time
cong1ming5 1 acute (of sight and hearing) 2 clever 3 intelligent 4 bright 5
cu1 1 coarse 2 rough 3 thick (for cylindrical objects) 4 unfinished 5
vulgar 6 rude 7 crude
cun2zai4 1 to exist 2 to be 3 existence
da3jiao1dao4 1 to come into contact with 2 to have dealings
da3qi4 1 to inflate 2 to pump up 3 fig. to encourage 4 to boost morale
da3xue3zhang4 to have a snowball fight
da3zhao1hu5 1 to greet sb by word or action 2 to give prior notice
da3yin4ji1 printer
da4fang5 1 generous 2 magnanimous 3 stylish 4 in good taste 5 easy-
mannered 6 natural and relaxed
da4jie1 1 street 2 main street M: tio []
dan1qin1 single parent
dan1shen1 1 unmarried 2 single
dan1dang1 1 to take upon oneself 2 to assume
dan4 1 insipid 2 diluted 3 weak 4 mild 5 light in color 6 tasteless 7 fresh
8 indifferent 9 nitrogen
dang1chu1 1 at that time 2 originally
dang1shi2 1 then 2 at that time 3 while
dao4qian4 to apologize
dao4xie4 to express thanks
dao4lu4 1 road 2 path 3 way M: tio []
de2dao4 1 to get 2 to obtain 3 to receive
de2yi4 1 proud of oneself 2 pleased with oneself 3 complacent
deng3dai4 1 to wait 2 to wait for
deng4 1 to open (one's eyes) wide 2 to stare at 3 to glare at
di1 1 low 2 beneath 3 to lower (one's head) 4 to let droop 5 to hang down 6
to incline
di1sheng1 1 in a low voice 2 softly
di4dao5 1 authentic 2 genuine 3 typical 4 from a place known for the
product 5 thorough 6 conscientious
di4mian4 1 floor 2 ground 3 surface
di4qiu2 the earth M: g []
di4qu1 1 local 2 regional 3 district (not necessarily formal
administrative unit) 4 region 5 area 6 as suffix to city name, means prefecture or
county (area administered by a prefecture level city or county level city) M:
g []
di4tu2 map M: zhng [] / bn []
dian4zi3xin4xiang1 1 electronic mailbox 2 e-mail address
die2zi5 1 saucer 2 small dish M: pn []
dong1yi1 winter clothes
dong3shi4 1 sensible 2 thoughtful 3 intelligent
dong4 1 to freeze 2 to feel very cold 3 aspic or jelly
du2yao4 poison
du2li4 1 independent 2 independence 3 to stand alone
du2sheng1n3 an only daughter
du2zou4 solo
duan4 1 paragraph 2 section 3 segment 4 stage (of a process) 5 classifier for
stories, periods of time, lengths of thread etc
dui1 1 to pile up 2 to heap up 3 a mass 4 pile 5 heap 6 stack 7 large amount

dui4mian4 1 (sitting) opposite 2 across (the street) 3 directly in front 4

to be face to face
dui4yu2 1 regarding 2 as far as sth is concerned 3 with regards to
dun4 shield
duo1ban4 1 most 2 mostly 3 most likely
duo1me5 1 how (wonderful etc) 2 what (a great idea etc) 3 however
(difficult it may be etc) 4 (in interrogative sentences) how (much etc) 5 to what
er2n3 1 children 2 sons and daughters
er2zi5 son
er2 1 and 2 as well as 3 and so 4 but (not) 5 yet (not) 6 (indicates causal
relation) 7 (indicates change of state) 8 (indicates contrast)
fa1liang4 1 to shine 2 shiny
fa1dong4 1 to start 2 to launch 3 to unleash 4 to mobilize 5 to arouse
fan1lai2fu4qu4 1 to toss and turn (sleeplessly) 2 again and again
fan3er2 1 instead 2 on the contrary 3 contrary (to expectations)
fan3wen4 1 to ask (a question) in reply 2 to answer a question with a
question 3 rhetorical question
fan3ying4 1 to mirror 2 to reflect 3 mirror image 4 reflection 5 (fig.) to
report 6 to make known 7 to render
fan4 1 to violate 2 to offend 3 to assault 4 criminal 5 crime 6 to make a
mistake 7 recurrence (of mistake or sth bad)
fang4xin1 1 to feel relieved 2 to feel reassured 3 to be at ease
fei1die2 1 flying saucer 2 frisbee
fen1bie2 1 to part or leave each other 2 to distinguish 3 difference 4 in
different ways 5 differently 6 separately or individually
fen1xiang3 to share (let others have some of sth good)
fen4nu4 1 angry 2 indignant 3 wrath 4 ire
feng1yu3 1 wind and rain 2 the elements 3 trials and hardships
feng1 1 to confer 2 to grant 3 to bestow a title 4 to seal 5 classifier for
sealed objects, esp. letters
feng1li4 1 sharp (e.g. knife blade) 2 incisive 3 to the point
fu3yang3 1 to foster 2 to bring up 3 to raise
fu4 1 to pay 2 to hand over to 3 classifier for pairs or sets of things
fu4chu1 1 to pay 2 to invest (energy or time in a friendship etc)
fu4yin4ji1 photocopier
fu4ye4 1 sideline 2 side occupation
fu4qiang2 rich and powerful
fu4weng1 1 rich person 2 millionaire 3 billionaire
gai3bian4 1 to change 2 to alter 3 to transform
gai3tian1 1 another day 2 some other time 3 to find another day (for
appointment etc) 4 to take a rain check
gan1ga4 1 awkward 2 embarrassed
gan3ji1 1 to be grateful 2 to appreciate 3 thankful
gao1zhong1 1 senior high school 2 abbr. for
gojzhngxu []
ge1shou3 singer
ge2bi4 1 next door 2 neighbor
ge4ren2 1 individual 2 personal 3 oneself
gen1ben3 1 fundamental 2 basic 3 root 4 simply 5 absolutely (not) 6 (not)
at all M: g []
geng4jia1 1 more (than sth else) 2 even more
gong1cheng2 1 engineering 2 an engineering project 3 project 4 undertaking M:
g [] / xing []
gong1kai1 1 public 2 to publish 3 to make public
gu1niang5 1 girl 2 young woman 3 young lady 4 daughter 5 paternal aunt
(old) M: g []
gu3lao3 1 ancient 2 old 3 age-old
gu3li4 to encourage
gu4ke4 1 client 2 customer M: wi []
gua1 1 melon 2 gourd 3 squash
gua1mu4xiang1kan4 1 to have a whole new level of respect for sb or sth
2 to sit up and take notice (of sb's improved performance etc)
guan1xin1 1 to be concerned about 2 to care about
guang1liang4 bright
guang1shu4 light beam
guang4 1 to stroll 2 to visit
Guo2qing4jie2 PRC National Day (October 1st)
guo2wang2 king M: g []
guo3 1 fruit 2 result 3 resolute 4 indeed 5 if really
guo3ran2 1 really 2 sure enough 3 as expected 4 if indeed
hai2zi5 child
han3 1 to yell 2 to shout 3 to call out for (a person)
hao3bu4 1 not at all ... 2 how very ...
hao3wan2r5 1 interesting 2 delightful 3 amusing
hao3xiang4 1 as if 2 to seem like
hao3xin1 1 kindness 2 good intentions
hao3zai4 1 luckily 2 fortunately
he2zou4 to perform music (as ensemble)
heng2 1 horizontal 2 across 3 (horizontal character stroke)

hou3 1 roar or howl of an animal 2 bellow of rage

hu2 lake M: g [] / pin []
hua4 1 to delimit 2 to transfer 3 to assign 4 to plan 5 to draw (a line) 6
stroke of a Chinese character
hua2chuan2 1 to row a boat 2 rowing boat 3 rowing (sport)
hua4ti2 1 subject (of a talk or conversation) 2 topic
huan3man4 1 slow 2 slow-moving
huang2 1 yellow 2 pornographic 3 to fall through
hui1fu4 1 to reinstate 2 to resume 3 to restore 4 to recover 5 to regain
6 to rehabilitate
hui1 1 to wave 2 to brandish 3 to command 4 to conduct 5 to scatter 6 to
hui2bao4 1 (in) return 2 reciprocation 3 payback 4 retaliation 5 to report
back 6 to reciprocate
hui2da2 1 to reply 2 to answer 3 the answer M: g []
hui2tou2 1 to turn round 2 to turn one's head 3 later 4 by and by
hui2yi4 1 to recall 2 memories M: g []
hun4 1 to mix 2 to mingle 3 muddled 4 to drift along 5 to muddle along 6 to
pass for 7 to get along with sb 8 thoughtless 9 reckless
huo3guo1 hotpot
ji1ben3 1 basic 2 fundamental 3 main 4 elementary
ji1dong4 1 to move emotionally 2 to stir up (emotions) 3 to excite
ji1hu1 1 almost 2 nearly 3 practically
ji2cu4 1 urgent 2 hurried and brief 3 rushing
ji2bing4 1 disease 2 sickness 3 ailment
ji4qiao3 1 skill 2 technique

ji4ran2 1 since 2 as 3 this being the case

jia1 1 to add 2 plus 3 (used after an adverb such as , , etc,
and before a disyllabic verb, to indicate that the action of the verb is applied to
sth or sb previously mentioned) 4 to apply (restrictions etc) to (sb) 5 to give
(support, consideration etc) to (sth)
jia1ban1 to work overtime
jia1huo5 1 household dish, implement or furniture 2 domestic animal 3
(coll.) guy 4 chap 5 weapon
jia1jiao4 1 family education 2 upbringing 3 to bring sb up 4 private tutor
jia1wu4 1 household duties 2 housework
jia4qian5 price
jian1gu4 1 firm 2 firmly 3 hard 4 stable
jian1qiang2 1 staunch 2 strong
jian1ku3 1 difficult 2 hard 3 arduous
jian1 1 double 2 twice 3 simultaneous 4 holding two or more (official) posts
at the same time
jian3zhi2 1 simply 2 at all 3 practically
jian4mian4 1 to meet 2 to see each other M: c []
jian4kang1 1 health 2 healthy
jian4jian4 gradually
jiang3shu4 1 to talk about 2 to narrate 3 to give an account
jiang4luo4 1 to descend 2 to land
jiao1tan2 1 to discuss 2 to converse 3 chat 4 discussion
jiao1wai4 outskirts
jiao4mai4 1 to hawk (one's wares) 2 to peddle
jin1hou4 1 hereafter 2 henceforth 3 in the future 4 from now on
jin3guan3 1 despite 2 although 3 even though 4 in spite of 5 unhesitatingly
6 do not hesitate (to ask, complain etc) 7 (go ahead and do it) without hesitating

jing1dai1 1 stupefied 2 stunned

jing3se4 1 scenery 2 scene 3 landscape 4 view
jing3ti4 1 to be on the alert 2 vigilant 3 alert 4 on guard 5 to warn
jing4ran2 1 unexpectedly 2 to one's surprise 3 in spite of everything 4 in
that crazy way 5 actually 6 to go as far as to
ju3 1 to lift 2 to hold up 3 to cite 4 to enumerate 5 to act 6 to raise 7
to choose 8 to elect 9 act 10 move 11 deed
ju4da4 1 huge 2 immense 3 very large 4 tremendous 5 gigantic 6 enormous
juan1 1 to contribute 2 to donate 3 contribution 4 tax 5 to abandon
jun1zi3 1 nobleman 2 person of noble character
kai1ye4che1 1 to burn the midnight oil 2 to work late into the night
kai1ban4 1 to open 2 to start (a business etc) 3 to set up
kai1lang3 1 spacious and well-lit 2 open and clear 3 to open out (onto a
wider vista) 4 optimistic 5 cheerful 6 carefree 7 easy-going 8 open-minded
kai1xin1 1 to feel happy 2 to rejoice 3 to have a great time 4 to make fun
of sb
kao3l4 1 to think over 2 to consider 3 consideration
ke1 classifier for small spheres, pearls, corn grains, teeth, hearts,
satellites etc
ke3neng2xing4 1 possibility 2 probability
ke3xiao4 1 funny 2 ridiculous
ke4ku3 1 hardworking 2 assiduous
ke4wai4 extracurricular
kou3tou2yu3 1 pet phrase 2 regularly used expression 3 manner of speaking
kuai4su4 1 fast 2 high-speed 3 rapid
kuai4zi5 chopsticks M: du [] / gn [] /
b [] / shung []
la1lian4 zipper
lai2zi4 1 to come from (a place) 2 From: (in email header)
lan4yu2chong1shu4 1 lit. to play the yu mouth organ to make up
numbers (idiom); fig. to make up the numbers with inferior products 2 to masquerade
as having an ability 3 token member of a group
lao3bai3xing4 1 ordinary people 2 the "person in the street" M:
g []
lao3da4 1 old age 2 very 3 eldest child in a family 4 leader of a group 5
boss 6 captain of a boat 7 leader of a criminal gang
leng4 1 to look distracted 2 to stare blankly 3 distracted 4 blank 5 (coll.)
unexpectedly 6 rash 7 rashly
li2bie2 1 to leave (on a long journey) 2 to part from sb
li3 1 texture 2 grain (of wood) 3 inner essence 4 intrinsic order 5 reason
6 logic 7 truth 8 science 9 natural science (esp. physics) 10 to manage 11 to pay
attention to 12 to run (affairs) 13 to handle 14 to put in order 15 to tidy up
li3xiang3 1 an ideal 2 a dream 3 ideal 4 perfect
li4ke4 1 forthwith 2 immediate 3 prompt 4 promptly 5 straightway 6
thereupon 7 at once
lian2mang2 1 promptly 2 at once
lian2sheng1 repeatedly (say something)
lian2xi4 1 connection 2 contact 3 relation 4 to get in touch with 5 to
integrate 6 to link 7 to touch
lian3 face M: zhng [] / g []
lian4ai4 1 (romantic) love M: g [] / chng [] 2
in love 3 to have an affair
lian4lian4bu4she3 reluctant to part
liao4dao4 1 to foresee 2 to anticipate
lin2ju1 1 neighbor 2 next door M: g []
lin2zuo4 1 person in next seat 2 adjacent seat 3 neighbor
lin2yin4dao4 1 boulevard 2 avenue 3 mall
lin2 1 to face 2 to overlook 3 to arrive 4 to be (just) about to 5 just

liu1 1 to slip away 2 to escape in stealth 3 to skate

liu2 1 to leave (a message etc) 2 to retain 3 to stay 4 to remain 5 to keep
6 to preserve
lu4 1 dew 2 syrup 3 nectar 4 outdoors (not under cover) 5 to show 6 to
reveal 7 to betray 8 to expose
l3tu2 1 journey 2 trip
ma3da4ha1 1 a careless person 2 scatterbrain 3 frivolous and forgetful 4
abbr. for
man2yuan4 1 to complain 2 to grumble (about) 3 to reproach 4 to blame
man2 1 to conceal from 2 to keep (sb) in the dark
mao2bi3 writing brush M: zh [] / gun []
mao2bing4 1 fault 2 defect 3 shortcomings 4 ailment M: g []
mao2 1 spear 2 lance 3 pike
mao2dun4 1 contradiction M: g [] 2 conflicting views 3
mao4yi4 (commercial) trade M: g []
mei2lian3 1 ashamed 2 embarrassed 3 not having the face (to meet people) 4
not daring (out of shame)
mei2zhun3r5 1 not sure 2 maybe
mei3hao3 1 beautiful 2 fine
mei3li4 beautiful
meng4 dream M: chng [] / g []
meng4jian4 1 to dream about (sth or sb) 2 to see in a dream
meng4xiang3 1 (fig.) to dream of 2 dream
mi4mi4 secret M: g []
mian3fei4 free (of charge)
mian3de5 1 so as not to 2 so as to avoid
min2hang2 civil aviation
ming2pian4 (business) card
ming2bai5 1 clear 2 obvious 3 unequivocal 4 to understand 5 to realize
ming2xian3 1 clear 2 distinct 3 obvious
mo4mo4 1 in silence 2 not speaking
na3pa4 1 even 2 even if 3 even though 4 no matter how
nei4 1 inside 2 inner 3 internal 4 within 5 interior
nan2de2 1 seldom 2 rare 3 hard to come by
nan2mian3 1 hard to avoid 2 difficult to escape from
neng2li4 1 capability 2 ability M: g []
niao3 1 bird M: zh [] / qn [] 2 (dialect) to pay
attention to 3 (intensifier) damned 4 goddam
nie1 1 to pinch (with one's fingers) 2 to knead 3 to make up
nong4 1 to do 2 to manage 3 to handle 4 to play with 5 to fool with 6 to mess
with 7 to fix 8 to toy with
n3er2 daughter
n3hai2r5 1 girl 2 lass
ou3ran2 1 incidentally 2 occasional 3 occasionally 4 by chance 5 randomly
pa1 1 to lie on one's stomach 2 to lean forward, resting one's upper body
(on a desktop etc) 3 (Taiwan) percent
pei2 1 to compensate for loss 2 to indemnify 3 to suffer a financial loss
peng1 (onom.) bang
peng3 1 to clasp 2 to cup the hands 3 to hold up with both hands 4 to offer
(esp. in cupped hands) 5 to praise 6 to flatter
pin1ming4 1 to do one's utmost 2 with all one's might 3 at all costs 4 (to
work or fight) as if one's life depends on it
pin2qiong2 1 poor 2 impoverished
ping2an1 1 safe and sound 2 well 3 without mishap 4 quiet and safe 5 at
ping2dan4 1 flat 2 dull 3 ordinary 4 nothing special
pu2tao5 grape
pu3tong1 1 common 2 ordinary 3 general 4 average
qi2shi2 1 actually 2 in fact 3 really
qi2zhong1 1 among 2 in 3 included among these

qi4tong3 1 inflator 2 bicycle pump

qiao1 1 to hit 2 to strike 3 to tap 4 to rap 5 to knock 6 to rip sb off 7 to
qiao2 1 to look at 2 to see 3 to see (a doctor) 4 to visit
qin1ai4 1 dear 2 beloved 3 darling
qin1qie4 1 amiable 2 cordial 3 close and dear 4 familiar
qin1ren2 one's close relatives
qin2lao2 1 hardworking 2 industrious 3 diligent
qing1song1 1 light 2 gentle 3 relaxed 4 effortless 5 uncomplicated 6 to
relax 7 to take things less seriously
qing2 1 clear 2 fine (weather)
qiong2 1 exhausted 2 poor
qu3de2 1 to acquire 2 to get 3 to obtain
qu4shi4 1 to pass away 2 to die
quan2li4 1 power 2 authority
re4ai4 1 to love ardently 2 to adore
ren2sheng1 life (one's time on earth)
ren4he2 1 any 2 whatever 3 whichever 4 whatsoever
reng2ran2 1 still 2 yet
ri4zi5 1 day 2 a (calendar) date 3 days of one's life
rou2he2 1 gentle 2 soft
ru2jin1 1 nowadays 2 now
ru4mi2 1 to be fascinated 2 to be enchanted
ru4shui4 to fall asleep

sai1 1 to stop up 2 to squeeze in 3 to stuff 4 cork 5 stopper

sen1lin2 forest M: pin []
sha3gua1 1 idiot 2 fool
shan3 1 to dodge 2 to duck out of the way 3 to beat it 4 shaken (by a fall) 5
to sprain 6 to pull a muscle 7 lightning 8 spark 9 a flash 10 to flash (across
one's mind) 11 to leave behind
shan4liang2 1 good and honest 2 kindhearted
shang1xin1 1 to grieve 2 to be broken-hearted 3 to feel deeply hurt
she4ji4 1 plan 2 design 3 to design 4 to plan M: g []
shen1bian1 1 at one's side 2 on hand
shen2qi2 1 magical 2 mystical 3 miraculous
shen4zhi4 1 even 2 so much so that
sheng1zhi2 1 to get promoted (at work etc) 2 promotion
sheng1wu4 1 organism 2 living creature 3 life form 4 biological M:
g []
sheng1yi5 business M: b []
sheng4 1 victory 2 success 3 to beat 4 to defeat 5 to surpass 6
victorious 7 superior to 8 to get the better of 9 better than 10 surpassing 11
superb (of vista) 12 beautiful (scenery) 13 wonderful (view) 14 (Taiwan pr.
[shng]) able to bear 15 equal to (a task)
shi1lian4 1 to lose one's love 2 to break up (in a romantic relationship) 3
to feel jilted
shi1xue2 1 unable to go to school 2 an interruption to one's education
shi1bai4 1 to be defeated 2 to lose 3 to fail (e.g. experiments) 4 failure
5 defeat M: c []
shi1qu4 to lose
shi1 1 poem M: shu [] 2 poetry 3 verse
shi2hua4 truth
shi2xian4 1 to achieve 2 to implement 3 to realize 4 to bring about
shi2zai4 1 really 2 actually 3 indeed 4 true 5 real 6 honest 7 dependable
8 (philosophy) reality
shi4qing5 1 affair 2 matter 3 thing 4 business M: jin [] /
zhung []
shi4ying4 1 to adapt 2 to fit 3 to suit
shou1cheng2 harvest
shou1huo4 1 to harvest 2 to reap 3 to gain 4 crop 5 harvest 6 profit 7 gain
8 bonus 9 reward
shou1ru4 1 to take in 2 income 3 revenue M: b [] /
g []
shou3mang2jiao3luan4 1 to act with confusion 2 to be in a flurry 3
to be flustered
shou3zhi3 finger M: g [] / zh []
shu1bao1 1 schoolbag 2 satchel M: g [] / zh []
shu1hua4 painting and calligraphy
shu1zhan3 1 to roll out 2 to extend 3 to smooth out 4 to unfold
shu2lian4 1 practiced 2 proficient 3 skilled 4 skillful
shu2xi1 1 to be familiar with 2 to know well
shu4 1 to bind 2 bunch 3 bundle 4 classifier for bunches, bundles, beams of
light etc 5 to control
shuai3 1 to throw 2 to fling 3 to swing 4 to leave behind 5 to throw off
6 to dump (sb)
shuang1 1 two 2 double 3 pair 4 both 5 even (number)

shun4lu4 1 by the way 2 while out doing sth else 3 conveniently

si3 1 to die 2 impassable 3 uncrossable 4 inflexible 5 rigid 6 extremely 7
su4du4 1 speed 2 rate 3 velocity 4 (music) tempo M: g []
suan1tian2ku3la4 1 sour, sweet, bitter and spicy hot 2 fig. the joys
and sorrows of life
suo3 1 actually 2 place 3 classifier for houses, small buildings,
institutions etc 4 that which 5 particle introducing a relative clause or passive
M: g []
tai4tai5 1 married woman 2 Mrs. 3 Madam 4 wife M: g [] /
wi []
tai4yang5 1 sun M: g [] 2 abbr. for
tiyngxu []
tai4du5 1 manner 2 bearing 3 attitude 4 approach M: g []

ti3zhi4 physique
tian1kong1 sky
tiao2jian4 1 condition 2 circumstances 3 term 4 factor 5 requirement 6
prerequisite 7 qualification M: g []
tiao4 1 to jump 2 to hop 3 to skip over 4 to bounce 5 to palpitate
ting1cong2 1 to listen and obey 2 to comply with 3 to heed 4 to hearken
ting1hua4 1 to do what one is told 2 obedient
tong2shi2 1 at the same time 2 simultaneously
tong2shi4 1 colleague 2 co-worker M: g [] / wi
tong3yi1 1 to unify 2 to unite 3 to integrate
tong4kuai4 1 overjoyed 2 delighted 3 happily 4 heartily 5 enjoying 6 also
pr. [tngkuai]
tou2r5 leader
tou2gao3 1 to submit articles for publication 2 to contribute (writing)
tuan2jie2 1 to unite 2 unity 3 solidarity 4 friendly 5 harmonious
tui1 1 to push 2 to cut 3 to refuse 4 to reject 5 to decline 6 to shirk
(responsibility) 7 to put off 8 to delay 9 to push forward 10 to nominate 11 to
elect 12 massage
tui1ci2 to decline (an appointment, invitation etc)
tui4suo1 1 to shrink back 2 to cower
tuo1 1 to shed 2 to take off 3 to escape 4 to get away from
wai4jiao1 1 diplomacy 2 diplomatic 3 foreign affairs M: g []
wan2quan2 1 complete 2 whole 3 totally 4 entirely
wang4 1 15th day of month (lunar calendar) 2 old variant of wng
wei1xiao4 1 smile M: g [] / s [] 2 to smile
wei2nan2 1 to feel embarrassed or awkward 2 to make things difficult (for
someone) 3 to find things difficult (to do or manage)
wei2 1 to encircle 2 to surround 3 all around 4 to wear by wrapping around
(scarf, shawl)
wei4dao5 1 flavor 2 smell 3 hint of
wen1nuan3 warm
wen2jian4 1 document 2 file M: fn []
wen4hou4 1 to give one's respects 2 to send a greeting

wu2bi3 1 incomparable 2 matchless

wu2liao2 1 bored 2 boring 3 senseless
wu2nai4 1 helpless 2 without choice 3 for lack of better option 4
grudgingly 5 willy-nilly 6 nolens volens 7 abbr. for wknih
wu2shu4 1 countless 2 numberless 3 innumerable
xi1yin3 to attract (interest, investment etc) M: g []
xi3yue4 1 happy 2 joyous
xia4 1 to frighten 2 to scare
xian1jing4 1 fairyland 2 wonderland 3 paradise
xian1hua1 fresh flowers M: du []
xian1mei3 1 delicious 2 tasty
xian3de5 1 to seem 2 to look 3 to appear
xian4 county
xiang3fa3 1 way of thinking 2 opinion 3 notion 4 to think of a way (to do
sth) M: g []
xiang3nian4 1 to miss 2 to remember with longing 3 to long to see again
xiang4wang3 1 to yearn for 2 to look forward to
xiang4 1 back of neck 2 item 3 thing 4 term (in a mathematical formula)
5 sum (of money) 6 classifier for principles, items, clauses, tasks, research
projects etc
xiao1xi5 1 news 2 information M: tio []
xiao3hai2zi5 child
xiao4 1 filial piety or obedience 2 mourning apparel
xiao4rong2 1 smile 2 smiling expression M: f []
xin1ai4 beloved
xin1shi4 1 a load on one's mind 2 worry M: zng [] /
zhung []
xin1teng2 1 to love dearly 2 to feel sorry for sb 3 to regret 4 to grudge
xin1 1 fuel 2 salary
xin4xin1 1 confidence 2 faith (in sb or sth) M: g []
xing1xing5 star in the sky
xing2wei2 1 action 2 conduct 3 behavior 4 activity
xing4ming2 name and surname M: g []
xing4bie2 1 gender 2 sex 3 distinguishing between the sexes
xiu1li3 1 to repair 2 to perform maintenance 3 to overhaul 4 to fix 5 to
prune 6 to trim 7 (coll.) to sort sb out 8 to fix sb
xu3duo1 1 many 2 a lot of 3 much
xuan2 1 to hang or suspend 2 to worry 3 public announcement 4 unresolved 5
baseless 6 without foundation
xuan3ze2 1 to select 2 to pick 3 choice 4 option 5 alternative
xue2yuan4 1 college 2 educational institute 3 school 4 faculty M:
su []
xun2chang2 1 usual 2 common 3 ordinary
ya1 1 to press 2 to push down 3 to keep under (control) 4 pressure
yan3lei4 1 tears 2 crying M: d []
yang2rou4 1 mutton 2 goat meat
yao4yan3 1 to dazzle 2 dazzling
ye4zi5 1 foliage 2 leaf M: pin []
bei4zi5 1 all one's life 2 lifetime
yi1lian2 1 in a row 2 in succession 3 running
yi1qi2 1 at the same time 2 simultaneously
yi1shi2 1 a period of time 2 a while 3 for a short while 4 temporary 5
momentary 6 at the same time

yi3wei2 1 to believe 2 to think 3 to consider 4 to be under the

yi4shi2 1 consciousness 2 awareness 3 to be aware 4 to realize
yi4wai4 1 unexpected 2 accident 3 mishap M: g []
yi4yi4 1 sense 2 meaning 3 significance 4 importance M: g
yin1ci3 1 thus 2 consequently 3 as a result
yin1 1 overcast (weather) 2 cloudy 3 shady 4 Yin (the negative principle of
Yin and Yang) 5 negative (electric.) 6 feminine 7 moon 8 implicit 9 hidden 10
yong1you3 1 to have 2 to possess
yong3yuan3 1 forever 2 eternal
yong4li4 to exert oneself physically
you1mei3 1 graceful 2 fine 3 elegant
you1chou2 to be worried
you2yu4 to hesitate
you2ren2 a tourist
you3hao3 1 friendly 2 amicable 3 close friend
you3shuo1you3xiao4 1 talking and laughing 2 to jest 3 cheerful and
gan1 pole
yu3zhou4 1 universe 2 cosmos
yu4fang2 1 to prevent 2 to take precautions against 3 to protect 4 to
guard against 5 precautionary 6 prophylactic
yuan4 1 to hope 2 to wish 3 to desire 4 hoped-for 5 ready 6 willing 7 sincere
yuan4wang4 1 desire 2 wish
yue4dui4 1 band 2 pop group M: zh []
yue4qi4 musical instrument M: jin []
yue4qu3 musical composition
zai4shuo1 1 to say again 2 to put off a discussion until later 3 moreover 4
what's more 5 besides
zan4cheng2 1 to approve 2 to endorse 3 (literary) to assist
zeng1qiang2 1 to increase 2 to strengthen
zhai1 1 to take 2 to borrow 3 to pick (flowers, fruit etc) 4 to pluck 5 to
select 6 to remove 7 to take off (glasses, hat etc)
zhan3chu1 1 to put on display 2 to be on show 3 to exhibit
zhang4fu5 husband M: g []
zhao1shou3 1 to wave 2 to beckon
zhao4gu5 1 to take care of 2 to show consideration 3 to attend to 4 to
look after
zhao4liang4 1 to illuminate 2 to light up 3 lighting
zhen1zheng4 1 genuine 2 real 3 true 4 genuinely
zheng3ge4 1 whole 2 entire 3 total
zhi1 1 (possessive particle, literary equivalent of de []) 2
him 3 her 4 it
zhi1hou4 1 afterwards 2 following 3 later 4 after
zhi2 1 straight 2 to straighten 3 fair and reasonable 4 frank 5
straightforward 6 (indicates continuing motion or action) 7 vertical 8 vertical
downward stroke in Chinese characters
zhi2ye4 1 occupation 2 profession 3 vocation 4 professional

zhi3 1 finger 2 to point at or to 3 to indicate or refer to 4 to depend on 5

to count on 6 (of hair) to stand on end
zhi4jin1 1 so far 2 to this day 3 until now
zhi4yu2 1 as for 2 as to 3 to go so far as to
zhi4neng2 1 intelligent 2 able 3 smart (phone, system, bomb etc)

zhong1yang1 1 central 2 middle 3 center 4 central authorities (of a state)

zhong1yu2 1 at last 2 in the end 3 finally 4 eventually
zhong4di4 1 to farm 2 to work the land
zhong4ren4 heavy responsibility
zhong4shi4 1 to attach importance to sth 2 to value
zhou1 1 continent 2 island in a river
zhu2zi5 bamboo M: k [] / zh [] /
gn []
zhu3dong4 1 to take the initiative 2 to do sth of one's own accord 3
spontaneous 4 active 5 opposite: passive bidng [] 6 drive (of
gears and shafts etc)
zhu3fu4 1 to tell 2 to exhort 3 injunction
zhu4shi4 1 to watch attentively 2 to gaze
zhu4ming2 1 famous 2 noted 3 well-known 4 celebrated
zhua1 1 to grab 2 to catch 3 to arrest 4 to snatch 5 to scratch
zhuan1 1 for a particular person, occasion, purpose 2 focused on one
thing 3 special 4 expert 5 particular (to sth) 6 concentrated 7 specialized
zhuan1lan2 special column
zhuan1ye4 1 specialty 2 specialized field 3 main field of study (at
university) 4 major M: mn [] / g [] 5 professional

zi3 1 purple 2 violet 3 amethyst 4 Lithospermum erythrorhizon (flowering

plant whose root provides red purple dye) 5 Japanese: murasaki
zi4 1 from 2 self 3 oneself 4 since
zi4li4 1 independent 2 self-reliant 3 self-sustaining 4 to stand on
one's own feet 5 to support oneself
zi4ran2 1 nature 2 natural 3 naturally
zi4xiang1mao2dun4 1 to contradict oneself 2 self-contradictory 3
zi4zai5 1 free 2 unrestrained 3 comfortable 4 at ease
zi4zhuan4 rotation
zong3dei3 1 must 2 have to 3 be bound to
zong3zhi1 1 in a word 2 in short 3 in brief
zou3yun4 1 to have good luck 2 lucky 3 in luck
zu2 1 foot 2 to be sufficient 3 ample
zu3guo2 1 ancestral land 2 homeland 3 used for PRC M: g []
zui3 1 mouth 2 beak 3 nozzle 4 spout (of teapot etc) M: zhng
[] / g []
zui4chu1 1 first 2 primary 3 initial 4 original 5 at first 6 initially 7
zuo3gu4you4pan4 glancing to left and right (idiom); to look all
zuo4jia1 author M: g [] / wi []
zuo4yong4 1 to act on 2 to affect 3 action 4 function 5 activity 6 impact 7
result 8 effect 9 purpose 10 intent 11 to play a role 12 corresponds to English
-ity, -ism, -ization M: g []
ai1qiu2 1 to entreat 2 to implore 3 to plead
ai1 1 in order 2 in sequence 3 close to 4 adjacent to
ai4hu4 1 to cherish 2 to treasure 3 to take care of 4 to love and
an4 1 to press 2 to push 3 to leave aside or shelve 4 to control 5 to
restrain 6 to keep one's hand on 7 to check or refer to 8 according to 9 in the
light of 10 (of an editor or author) to make a comment
an4zhao4 1 according to 2 in accordance with 3 in the light of 4 on the
basis of
an4shi4 1 to hint 2 to suggest 3 suggestion 4 hint
ba1 1 to hold on to 2 to cling to 3 to dig up 4 to rake 5 to push aside 6
to climb 7 to pull out 8 to strip off
bai4tuo1 1 to request sb to do sth 2 please!
ban1zhang3 1 class monitor 2 squad leader 3 team leader M: g
ban1 1 sort 2 kind 3 class 4 way 5 manner
ban1fa1 1 to issue 2 to promulgate 3 to award
ban4ye4 1 midnight 2 in the middle of the night
bang4wan3 1 in the evening 2 when night falls 3 towards evening 4 at night
fall 5 at dusk
bao1han2 1 to contain 2 to embody 3 to include
bao1kuo4 1 to comprise 2 to include 3 to involve 4 to incorporate 5 to
consist of
bao3gui4 1 valuable 2 precious 3 to value 4 to treasure 5 to set store by
bao4she4 1 general office of a newspaper 2 newspaper office M:
ji []
bao4qian4 1 to be sorry 2 to feel apologetic 3 sorry!
bei1guan1 pessimistic
ben3lai2 1 original 2 originally 3 at first 4 it goes without saying 5 of
bi1 1 variant of b [] 2 to compel 3 to pressure
bi3ru2 1 for example 2 for instance 3 such as
bi3ji4 1 to take down (in writing) 2 notes 3 a type of literature
consisting mainly of short sketches M: bn []
biao1yu3 1 written slogan 2 placard M: f [] /
zhng [] / tio []
biao3lu4 1 to show 2 to reveal (one's feelings etc)
biao3ming2 1 to make clear 2 to make known 3 to state clearly 4 to indicate
5 known
bing4tong4 1 slight illness 2 indisposition 3 ailment
bu3chong1 1 to replenish 2 to supplement 3 to complement 4 additional 5
supplementary M: g []
bu4lun4 1 whatever 2 no matter what (who, how etc) 3 regardless of 4 not
to discuss
bu4shan4 1 bad 2 ill 3 not good at 4 not to be pooh-poohed 5 quite
bu4xing4 1 misfortune 2 adversity 3 unfortunate 4 sad 5 unfortunately M:
g []
bu4zhi4yu2 1 unlikely to go so far as to 2 not as bad as
bu4de2bu4 1 have no choice or option but to 2 cannot but 3 have to 4 can't
help it 5 can't avoid
bu4de2liao3 1 desperately serious 2 disastrous 3 extremely 4 exceedingly
bu4you2zi4zhu3 can't help; involuntarily (idiom)
bu4zhi1suo3cuo4 1 not knowing what to do (idiom); at one's wits' end
2 embarrassed and at a complete loss
bu4an1 1 unpeaceful 2 unstable 3 uneasy 4 disturbed 5 restless 6 worried
bu4fang2 1 there is no harm in 2 might as well
bu4jin3 1 not only (this one) 2 not just (...) but also
bu4liang2 1 bad 2 harmful 3 unhealthy
bu4man3 1 resentful 2 discontented 3 dissatisfied
bu4ran2 1 not so 2 no 3 or else 4 otherwise 5 if not 6 How about ...?
bu4ren3 1 cannot bear to 2 disturbed
bu4ru2 1 not equal to 2 not as good as 3 inferior to 4 it would be
better to
bu4shi2 1 from time to time 2 now and then 3 occasionally 4 frequently
bu4tong2 1 different 2 distinct 3 not the same 4 not alike
bu4 1 cloth 2 to declare 3 to announce 4 to spread 5 to make known
bu4jian4 1 part 2 component
cai2neng2 1 talent 2 ability 3 capacity
can2ji2 1 disabled 2 handicapped 3 deformity on a person or animal
cha1cuo4 1 mistake 2 slip-up 3 fault 4 error (in data transmission) 5
accident 6 mishap

che1lun2 wheel
chen2jing4 1 peaceful 2 quiet 3 calm 4 gentle
chen2men4 1 oppressive (of weather) 2 heavy 3 depressed 4 not happy 5 (of
sound) dull 6 muffled
chen2zhong4 1 heavy 2 hard 3 serious 4 critical
chen4 1 to avail oneself of 2 to take advantage of
chen4zao3 1 as soon as possible 2 at the first opportunity 3 the sooner the
better 4 before it's too late
cheng1 1 to support 2 to prop up 3 to push or move with a pole 4 to
maintain 5 to open or unfurl 6 to fill to bursting point 7 brace 8 stay 9 support
cheng2zhang3 1 to mature 2 to grow 3 growth
cheng2qian1shang4wan4 1 lit. by the thousands and tens of thousands
(idiom); untold numbers 2 innumerable 3 thousands upon thousands
cheng2shu2 1 mature 2 ripe 3 to mature 4 to ripen 5 Taiwan pr. [chngshu]
cheng2wei2 1 to become 2 to turn into
chi1jing1 1 to be startled 2 to be shocked 3 to be amazed
chong1fen4 1 ample 2 sufficient 3 adequate 4 full 5 fully 6 to the full
chong2gao1 1 majestic 2 sublime
chong2xin1 1 again 2 once more 3 re-

chou3 1 clown 2 2nd earthly branch: 1-3 a.m., 12th solar month (6th January
to 3rd February), year of the Ox
chou3e4 1 ugly 2 repulsive
chu1chai1 to go on an official or business trip
chu1chou3 1 shameful 2 scandalous 3 to be humiliated 4 to make a fool of sb
or oneself 5 to make sb lose face
chu1yang2xiang4 to make a fool of oneself
chu1xian4 1 to appear 2 to arise 3 to emerge 4 to show up
chu1zhong4 1 to stand out 2 outstanding
chu1 1 at first 2 (at the) beginning 3 first 4 junior 5 basic
chuan2bo1 1 to disseminate 2 to propagate 3 to spread
chun2jie2 1 pure 2 clean and honest 3 to purify
cong2er2 1 thus 2 thereby
cong2shi4 1 to go for 2 to engage in 3 to undertake 4 to deal with 5 to
handle 6 to do
cong2zhong1 1 from within 2 therefrom
cui1 1 to urge 2 to press 3 to prompt 4 to rush sb 5 to hasten sth 6 to
cui1cu4 to urge
cuo4bie2zi4 incorrectly written or mispronounced characters
cuo4wu4 1 error 2 mistake M: g [] 3 mistaken 4 false 5
da2dao4 1 to reach 2 to achieve 3 to attain
da3pai2 to play mahjong or cards

da2tui4tang2gu3 1 lit. to beat the return drum (idiom) 2 fig. to give

up 3 to turn tail
da3fa5 1 to dispatch sb to do sth 2 to make sb leave 3 to pass (the
time) 4 (old) to make arrangements 5 (old) to bestow (alms etc)
da3ji1 1 to hit 2 to strike 3 to attack 4 to crack down on sth 5 blow 6
(psychological) shock 7 percussion (music)
da3zhuan4 1 to spin 2 to rotate 3 to revolve
da4da4 1 greatly 2 enormously 3 (dialect) dad 4 uncle
da4dan3 1 brazen 2 audacious 3 outrageous 4 bold 5 daring 6 fearless
da4ren5 1 adult 2 grownup 3 title of respect toward superiors
da4ting1 1 hall 2 lounge
dan1wei4 1 unit (of measure) 2 unit (group of people as a whole) 3 work
unit (place of employment, esp. in the PRC prior to economic reform) M:
g []
dan1wu5 1 to delay 2 to hold up 3 to waste time 4 to interfere with
dan4gao1 cake M: kui [] / g []
dang1jia1 1 to manage the household 2 to be the one in charge of the family
3 to call the shots 4 to be in charge
dang4zuo4 1 to treat as 2 to regard as 3 to look upon as
dao3shi1 1 tutor 2 teacher 3 academic advisor
dao4li5 1 reason 2 argument 3 sense 4 principle 5 basis 6 justification
M: g []

deng3hou4 1 to wait 2 to wait for

di1 1 a drop 2 to drip
di2que4 1 really 2 indeed

di4dian3 1 place 2 site 3 location 4 venue M: g []

di4 1 to hand over 2 to pass on sth 3 to gradually increase or decrease 4
dian3tou2 to nod
dian3ran2 1 to ignite 2 to set on fire 3 aflame
dian4zi3you2jian4 email M: fng [] / fn []
diao4xiao4 a condolence visit

die2 butterfly M: zh []
dong4hua4pian4 animated film
dong4li4 1 power 2 motion 3 propulsion 4 force
du2chu3 to live alone

dun4shi2 1 immediately 2 suddenly

duo1kui1 1 thanks to 2 luckily
duo1mei2ti3 multimedia
duo1shu4 1 majority 2 most
er3duo5 1 ear M: zh [] / g [] / du
[] 2 handle (on a cup)
er3mu4 1 eyes and ears 2 sb's attention or notice 3 information 4
knowledge 5 spies
fa1huo3 1 to catch fire 2 to ignite 3 to detonate 4 to get angry
fa1pi2qi4 to get angry
fa1hui1 1 to display 2 to exhibit 3 to bring out implicit or innate
qualities 4 to express (a thought or moral) 5 to develop (an idea) 6 to elaborate
(on a theme)
fa1ming2 1 to invent 2 an invention M: g []
fa4lang2 1 hair salon 2 hairdresser's shop M: ji [] /
jin []
fan1gun3 1 to roll 2 to boil
fan3dui4 1 to fight against 2 to oppose 3 to be opposed to 4 opposition
fan3zheng4 1 anyway 2 in any case 3 to come over from the enemy's side
fan4zui4 1 to commit a crime 2 crime 3 offense
fang1an4 1 plan 2 program (for action etc) 3 proposal 4 proposed bill M:
g [] / to []
fang1mian4 1 respect 2 aspect 3 field 4 side M: g []
fang1shi4 1 way 2 manner 3 style 4 mode 5 pattern M: g []
fang4xue2 to dismiss students at the end of the school day
fang4qi4 1 to renounce 2 to abandon 3 to give up
fang4song1 1 to loosen 2 to relax
fei1xiang2 1 to circle in the air 2 to soar

fen1bian4 1 to distinguish 2 to differentiate 3 to resolve

fen1qi2 1 divergent 2 difference (of opinion, position) 3 disagreement 4
bifurcation (math.)
fen1zi3 1 molecule 2 (math) numerator of a fraction
fen3se4 1 pink 2 white 3 erotic 4 beautiful woman 5 powdered (with make-
feng1qu4 1 charm 2 humor 3 wit 4 humorous 5 witty
fou3ze2 1 if not 2 otherwise 3 else 4 or else
fu4ze2 1 to be in charge of 2 to take responsibility for 3 to be to
blame 4 conscientious
gai3 1 to change 2 to alter 3 to transform 4 to correct
gan1cui4 1 straightforward 2 clear-cut 3 blunt (e.g. statement) 4 you
might as well 5 simply
gan3jin3 1 hurriedly 2 without delay
gan3yu2 1 to have the courage to do sth 2 to dare to 3 bold in
gan3shang1 1 sad 2 down-hearted 3 sentimental 4 pathos 5 melancholy
gang1hao3 1 just 2 exactly 3 to happen to be
gang1tie3 steel
gao1shao1 1 fever 2 high temperature
gao1su4 high speed
gao3zi5 1 draft of a document 2 script 3 manuscript 4 mental plan 5
gao4bie2 1 to leave 2 to bid farewell to 3 to say good-bye to
gen1sui2 to follow
gong1chang3 factory M: ji [] / zu []
gong1ju4 1 tool 2 instrument 3 utensil 4 means (to achieve a goal etc)
gong1ju4shu1 reference book (such as dictionary, almanac, gazetteer etc)
gong1ren2 worker M: g [] / mng []
gong1lu4 1 highway 2 road M: tio []
gou1tong1 1 to join 2 to connect 3 to link up 4 to communicate
gu3 1 share 2 portion 3 part 4 thigh 5 classifier for smells, electric
currents, spirals etc 6 whiff 7 low-level administrative unit, translated as
"section" or "department" etc, ranked below k []
gu3zhe2 1 to suffer a fracture 2 (of a bone) to break 3 fracture
gu3 1 drum M: tng [] / min [] 2 to drum 3 to
strike 4 to rouse 5 to bulge 6 to swell
gu3zhang3 1 to applaud 2 to clap
guan1xi5 1 relation 2 relationship 3 to concern 4 to affect 5 to have to
do with 6 guanxi M: g []
guan1yu2 1 pertaining to 2 concerning 3 with regard to 4 about 5 a matter
guan1dian3 1 point of view 2 viewpoint 3 standpoint M: g []
guan1 1 official 2 government 3 organ of body M: g []
guan4 1 accustomed to 2 used to 3 indulge 4 to spoil (a child)
guang3gao4 1 to advertise 2 a commercial 3 advertisement M: xing
gui1ding4 1 provision 2 to fix 3 to set 4 to formulate 5 to stipulate 6 to
provide 7 regulation 8 rule M: g []
gui4zu2 1 lord 2 nobility 3 nobleman 4 noblewoman 5 aristocrat 6
gui4 to kneel
hai3bian1 seaside
hai4xiu1 1 shy 2 embarrassed 3 bashful
han2shou4 to teach by correspondence
hao2bu4 1 hardly 2 not in the least 3 not at all
hao3shi3 1 easy to use 2 to function well 3 so that 4 in order to
hao3rong2yi4 1 with great difficulty 2 to have a hard time (convincing
sb, relinquishing sth etc)
hao4wu4 1 lit. likes and dislikes 2 preferences 3 taste
hao4xue2 1 eager to study 2 studious 3 erudite
he2bi4 1 there is no need 2 why should
he2kuang4 1 let alone 2 to say nothing of 3 besides 4 what's more
he2xie2 1 harmonious 2 harmony 3 (euphemism) to censor
he2dui4 1 to check 2 to verify 3 to audit 4 to examine
hei1she4hui4 1 criminal underworld 2 organized crime syndicate
hei1shi4 black market

hei1xin1 1 ruthless and lacking in conscience 2 vicious mind full of

hatred and jealousy 3 black core (flaw in pottery)
hong2huo3 prosperous
hong2yan3bing4 1 pinkeye 2 envy 3 jealousy
hou4hui3 1 to regret 2 to repent
hou4lai2 1 afterwards 2 later
hu2die2 butterfly M: zh []
Hu4lian2wang3 Internet
hua1jiao4 marriage sedan
hua1yuan2 garden M: zu [] / g []
Hua2ren2 ethnic Chinese person or people
hua2 1 to slip 2 to slide 3 smooth 4 slippery 5 cunning
hua4 1 to make into 2 to change into 3 -ization 4 to ... -ize 5 to transform
6 abbr. for huxu []
hua4jie3 1 to dissolve 2 to resolve (contradictions) 3 to dispel (doubts)
4 to iron out (difficulties) 5 to defuse (conflicts) 6 to neutralize (fears)
hua4xue2 1 chemistry 2 chemical
hua4shuo1 1 It is said that ... (at the start of a narrative) 2 to discuss
3 to recount
hua4yu3 1 words 2 speech 3 utterance 4 discourse
huai2 1 bosom 2 heart 3 mind 4 to think of 5 to harbor in one's mind 6 to
conceive (a child)
huai4dan4 1 bad egg 2 scoundrel 3 bastard
huan1hu1 1 to cheer for 2 to acclaim
huang1mang2 1 in a great rush 2 in a flurry
huang2di4 emperor M: g []
huang3ran2da4wu4 1 to suddenly realize 2 to suddenly see the light
hui1se4 1 gray 2 ash gray 3 grizzly 4 pessimistic 5 gloomy 6 dispirited 7
hui4hua4 1 drawing 2 painting
huo2r5 1 work 2 (lots of) things to do
huo2yue4 1 active 2 lively 3 excited 4 to enliven 5 to brighten up
huo3 1 fire 2 urgent 3 ammunition 4 fiery or flaming 5 internal heat
(Chinese medicine) 6 hot (popular) 7 classifier for military units (old)
huo3xing1 spark
huo4duo1huo4shao3 more or less
huo4de2 1 to obtain 2 to receive 3 to get
ji1qi4 machine M: ti [] / b [] /
g []
ji2shi3 1 even if 2 even though
ji2 1 urgent 2 pressing 3 rapid 4 hurried 5 worried 6 to make (sb) anxious
ji2zhen3 1 emergency call 2 emergency (medical) treatment
ji2zhong1 1 to concentrate 2 to centralize 3 to focus 4 centralized 5
concentrated 6 to put together
ji2 1 book or record 2 registry 3 roll 4 place of one's family or ancestral
records 5 membership
ji4de5 to remember
ji4yi4 1 to remember 2 to recall 3 memory M: g []
ji4zhe3 1 reporter 2 journalist M: g []
ji4du5 1 to be jealous of 2 to envy 3 jealousy 4 envy
ji4neng2 1 technical ability 2 skill
jia1kuai4 1 to accelerate 2 to speed up
jia1 1 to press from either side 2 to place in between 3 to sandwich 4 to
carry sth under armpit 5 wedged between 6 between 7 to intersperse 8 to mix 9 to
mingle 10 clip 11 folder 12 Taiwan pr. [ji]
jia1yu4hu4xiao3 1 understood by everyone (idiom); well known 2 a
household name
jia3ru2 if
jia4 1 (of a woman) to marry 2 to marry off a daughter 3 to shift (blame
jian1jue2 1 firm 2 resolute 3 determined
jian1 1 shoulder 2 to shoulder (responsibilities etc)
jian1kao3 1 to proctor (an exam) 2 to invigilate
jian3shao3 1 to lessen 2 to decrease 3 to reduce 4 to lower
jian3 1 scissors 2 shears 3 clippers M: b [] 4 to cut with
scissors 5 to trim 6 to wipe out or exterminate
jian3dao1 scissors M: b []
jian4li4 1 to establish 2 to set up 3 to found
jiang1 1 will 2 shall 3 to use 4 to take 5 to checkmate 6 just a short
while ago 7 (introduces object of main verb, used in the same way as b
jiang1cuo4jiu4cuo4 1 lit. if it's wrong, it's wrong (idiom); to
make the best after a mistake 2 to accept an error and adapt to it 3 to muddle
jiang3 1 to speak 2 to explain 3 to negotiate 4 to emphasise 5 to be
particular about 6 as far as sth is concerned 7 speech 8 lecture
jiang3jiu5 1 to pay particular attention to 2 carefully selected for quality
3 tastefully chosen
jiang3tai2 1 platform 2 rostrum 3 lectern 4 (teacher's) desk
jiang3xue2jin1 scholarship M: g []
jiao1ji4 1 communication 2 social intercourse
jiao1wang3 1 to associate (with) 2 to have contact (with) 3 to hang out
(with) 4 to date 5 (interpersonal) relationship 6 association 7 contact
jiao1ao4 1 pride 2 arrogance 3 conceited 4 proud of sth
jiao3 1 to disturb 2 to annoy 3 to mix 4 to stir
jiao4an4 1 lesson plan 2 teaching plan 3 a "missionary case" (a dispute
over Christian missionaries during the late Qing)
jiao4cai2 teaching material M: bn []
jiao4shi1 teacher M: g []
jiao4wu4 educational administration
jiao4yu4 1 to educate 2 to teach 3 education
jie1chu4 1 to touch 2 to contact 3 access 4 in touch with
jie1shou4 1 to accept 2 to receive
jie1wen3 to kiss
jie2bai4 1 to become sworn brothers or sisters 2 sworn (brothers)
jie2shu4 1 termination 2 to finish 3 to end 4 to conclude 5 to close
jie3jue2 1 to settle (a dispute) 2 to resolve 3 to solve 4 to dispose of 5
to dispatch
jie3shi4 1 explanation 2 to explain 3 to interpret 4 to resolve M:
g []
jie4 1 to arrive at (place or time) 2 period 3 to become due 4 classifier
for events, meetings, elections, sporting fixtures, years (of graduation)
jin3 1 barely 2 only 3 merely
jin3zhang1 1 nervous 2 keyed up 3 intense 4 tense 5 strained 6 in short
supply 7 scarce M: zhn []
jin3 1 to the greatest extent 2 (when used before a noun of location)
furthest or extreme 3 to be within the limits of 4 to give priority to
jin4qing2 as much as one likes
jin4ru4 1 to enter 2 to join 3 to go into
jin4yi1bu4 1 one step further 2 to move forward a step 3 further onwards
jin4zhi3 1 to prohibit 2 to forbid 3 to ban
jing1bu5zhu4 to be unable to bear
jing1chang2 1 frequently 2 constantly 3 regularly 4 often 5 day-to-day 6
everyday 7 daily
jing1ji4 1 economy 2 economic
jing1yan4 1 experience 2 to experience
jing1jiao4 to cry out in fear
jing1xin1 1 with utmost care 2 fine 3 meticulous 4 detailed
jing4xuan3 1 to take part in an election 2 to run for office
jing4zheng1 1 to compete 2 competition
jing4zi5 mirror M: min [] / g []
jiu3 1 (long) time 2 (long) duration of time

ju4jue2 1 to refuse 2 to decline 3 to reject

ju4you3 1 to have 2 to possess
ju4shuo1 1 it is said that 2 reportedly
ju4li2 1 distance M: g [] 2 to be apart from
jue2xin1 1 determination 2 resolution 3 determined 4 firm and resolute 5
to make up one's mind M: g []
jue2se4 1 role 2 character in a novel 3 persona 4 also pr. [jios]
ka1cha1 1 (onom.) breaking or snapping 2 cut it out 3 stop it
kai1chang3bai2 1 prologue of play 2 opening remarks 3 preamble (of
speeches, articles etc)
kai1kou3 1 to open one's mouth 2 to start to talk
kai1zhang1 1 to open a business 2 first transaction of a business day
kai1tong5 1 to open up (windows for air, ideas for discussion, transport
routes etc) 2 open-minded
kan4fa3 1 way of looking at a thing 2 view 3 opinion M: g
kao3chang3 exam room
ke1ji4 science and technology
ke1xue2 1 science 2 scientific knowledge 3 scientific 4 rational M:
mn [] / g [] / zhng []
ke3ai4 1 adorable 2 cute 3 lovely
ke3jian4 1 it can clearly be seen (that this is the case) 2 it is (thus)
clear 3 clear 4 visible
ke3kao4 reliable
ke3pa4 1 awful 2 dreadful 3 fearful 4 formidable 5 frightful 6 scary 7
hideous 8 horrible 9 terrible 10 terribly
ke3xi1 1 it is a pity 2 what a pity 3 unfortunately
ke4cheng2 1 course 2 academic program M: tng [] /
ji [] / mn []
ke4tang2 classroom M: jin []
ken3 1 to agree 2 to consent 3 to be ready (to do sth) 4 willing
kong3 1 hole M: g [] 2 classifier for cave dwellings
kong4zhi4 1 control 2 to exercise control over 3 to contain
kou3hao4 1 slogan 2 catchphrase M: g []
kou3tou2chan2 1 lit. Zen saying repeated as cant 2 fig. popular saying 3
catchphrase 4 clich

ku3ku3 1 strenuously 2 persistently 3 hard 4 painful

la4zhu2 candle M: gn [] / zh []
lai2bu5ji2 1 there's not enough time (to do sth) 2 it's too late (to do sth)
lai2hui2 1 to make a round trip 2 return journey 3 back and forth 4 to and
fro 5 repeatedly
lan2 1 to block sb's path 2 to obstruct 3 to flag down (a taxi)
lan3 lazy
lao3po2 (coll.) wife
lao3shi5 1 honest 2 sincere 3 well-behaved 4 open and guileless 5 naive
le4guan1 1 optimistic 2 hopeful
le4yu2zhu4ren2 willing to help others
lei2 1 thunder 2 mine (weapon) 3 (Internet slang) terrifying 4 terrific
lei4shui3 1 teardrop 2 tears
lei4 1 kind 2 type 3 class 4 category 5 similar 6 like 7 to resemble
leng3jing4 1 calm 2 cool-headed
leng3nuan3 1 lit. daily changes of temperature 2 fig. well-being 3 sb's
comfort, health, prosperity etc
li3fa4 1 a barber 2 hairdressing
li3fa4shi1 barber
li3jie3 1 to comprehend 2 to understand 3 comprehension 4 understanding
li3lun4 1 theory M: g [] 2 to argue 3 to take notice of
lian3hong2 1 to blush 2 to redden (with shame, indignation etc)
liang2hao3 1 good 2 favorable 3 well 4 fine
liang2xin1 conscience
liang2shuang3 cool and refreshing
liao3bu5qi3 1 amazing 2 terrific 3 extraordinary
lie4 1 to split 2 to crack 3 to break open 4 to rend
ling3 1 neck 2 collar 3 to lead 4 to receive 5 classifier for clothes, mats,
screens etc
ling3wu4 1 to understand 2 to comprehend
ling4 1 other 2 another 3 separate 4 separately
ling4wai4 1 additional 2 in addition 3 besides 4 separate 5 other 6
moreover 7 furthermore
liu2chuan2 1 to spread 2 to circulate 3 to hand down
long2ya3 deaf and dumb
long2long2 rumble
lou2tai2 1 balcony 2 high building (esp. in poetry) 3 tower
lou4 1 to leak 2 to divulge 3 to leave out by mistake 4 waterclock or
hourglass (old)
lu4yin1ji1 1 (tape) recording machine 2 tape recorder M: ti []
lu4guo4 to pass by or through
luan4qi1ba1zao1 1 everything in disorder (idiom); in a hideous mess 2
at sixes and sevens
lun2 1 wheel 2 disk 3 ring 4 steamship 5 to take turns 6 to rotate 7 by turn
8 classifier for big round objects: disk, or recurring events: round, turn
lun2zi5 wheel M: g []
luo4bang3 1 to fail the imperial exams 2 to flunk
l4hua4 1 to make green with plants 2 to reforest
ma4 1 to scold 2 to abuse 3 to curse M: tng [] /
dn []
man4teng2teng2 1 leisurely 2 unhurried 3 sluggish
mang2lu4 1 busy 2 bustling
mao4xian3 1 to take risks 2 to take chances 3 foray 4 adventure
mao4zi5 1 hat 2 cap 3 (fig.) label 4 bad name M: dng []
mei2shi4r5 1 to have spare time 2 free from work 3 it's not important 4 it's
nothing 5 never mind
mei3hua4 1 to make more beautiful 2 to decorate 3 embellishment
men2ling2 doorbell
mian2hua5 cotton
mian3 1 to excuse sb 2 to exempt 3 to remove or dismiss from office 4 to
avoid 5 to avert 6 to escape 7 to be prohibited
mian3bu4liao3 1 unavoidable 2 can't be avoided
mian3qiang3 1 to do with difficulty 2 to force sb to do sth 3 reluctant 4
barely enough
mian4 1 face 2 side 3 surface 4 aspect 5 top 6 classifier for flat surfaces
such as drums, mirrors, flags etc
mian4dui4 1 to confront 2 to face
mian4shi4 1 to interview 2 to audition 3 interview 4 audition
mian4shou4 1 to teach face to face 2 to instruct in person
mian4xiang4 1 to face 2 to turn towards 3 to incline to 4 geared towards 5
catering for 6 -oriented 7 facial feature 8 appearance 9 aspect 10 facet
miao3 1 second (of time) 2 unit of angle or arc equivalent to one sixtieth of
a degree
ming2liang4 1 bright 2 shining 3 glittering 4 to become clear
ming2ming2 1 obviously 2 plainly 3 undoubtedly 4 definitely
ming2xing1 1 star 2 celebrity
mou3 1 some 2 a certain 3 sb or sth indefinite 4 such-and-such
mu3zi3 1 mother and child 2 parent and subsidiary (companies) 3
principal and interest
mu4biao1 1 target 2 goal 3 objective M: g []
mu4di4 1 purpose 2 aim 3 goal 4 target 5 objective M: g []
mu4guang1 1 sight 2 vision 3 view 4 gaze 5 look
mu4 1 grave 2 tomb 3 mausoleum
nai4li4 endurance
nai4xin1 1 to be patient 2 patience
nan2sheng1 1 schoolboy 2 male student 3 boy 4 guy (young adult male)
nan2dao4 1 don't tell me ... 2 could it be that...?
nan2shou4 1 to feel unwell 2 to suffer pain 3 to be difficult to bear
nan2wang4 unforgettable
nian2ling2 (a person's) age M: b [] / g []
ning2jing4 1 tranquil 2 tranquility 3 serenity
ning4ke3 1 preferably 2 one would prefer to...(or not to...) 3 would
rather 4 (would) be better to 5 (to pick) the lesser of two evils
nu4 1 anger 2 fury 3 flourishing 4 vigorous
nuan3 1 warm 2 to heat 3 genial
nuan3liu2 warm current
nuan3yang2yang2 1 warm 2 comfortably warm

n3sheng1 1 schoolgirl 2 female student 3 girl

pai2dui4 to line up
pao4 1 bubble 2 foam 3 blister (i.e. skin bubble) 4 to soak 5 to steep 6 to
infuse 7 to dawdle 8 to shilly-shally 9 to hang about 10 to pick up (a girl) 11 to
get off with (a sexual partner)
pei2yang3 1 to cultivate 2 to breed 3 to foster 4 to nurture 5 to educate 6
to groom (for a position) 7 education 8 fostering 9 culture (biology)
pei2chang2 to compensate
pei4 1 to join 2 to fit 3 to mate 4 to mix 5 to match 6 to deserve 7 to make
up (a prescription) 8 to allocate
pei4he2 1 matching 2 fitting in with 3 compatible with 4 to correspond 5
to fit 6 to conform to 7 rapport 8 to coordinate with 9 to act in concert with 10
to cooperate 11 to become man and wife 12 to combine parts of machine
pen2jing3 1 bonsai 2 landscape in a pot
peng4zhuang4 1 to collide 2 collision
pi1ping2 1 to criticize 2 criticism M: g []
pi1li4 1 clap of thunder 2 thunderbolt 3 (slang) awesome 4 shocking 5
pi2lao2 1 fatigue 2 wearily 3 weariness 4 weary
pian1ai4 1 to be partial towards sth 2 to favor 3 to prefer 4 preference 5
pian1pian1 1 (indicates that sth turns out just the opposite of what one
would expect or what would be normal) 2 unfortunately 3 against expectations
pian1pian1qi3wu3 (to start) dancing lightly and gracefully
pin3 1 article 2 commodity 3 product 4 goods 5 kind 6 grade 7 rank 8
character 9 disposition 10 nature 11 temperament 12 variety 13 to taste sth 14 to
sample 15 to criticize 16 to comment 17 to judge 18 to size up
ping2 1 to lean against 2 to rely on 3 on the basis of 4 no matter (how, what
etc) 5 proof
ping2mu4 screen (TV, computer or movie)
po4huai4 1 destruction 2 damage 3 to wreck 4 to break 5 to destroy
pu1 1 to throw oneself at 2 to pounce on 3 to devote one's energies 4 to
flap 5 to flutter 6 to dab 7 to pat 8 to bend over
pu3shi2 1 plain 2 simple 3 guileless 4 down-to-earth 5 sincere and honest
pu3su4 1 plain and simple 2 unadorned 3 simple living 4 not frivolous
pu4 1 plank bed 2 place to sleep 3 shop 4 store 5 (old) relay station

qi1dai4 1 to look forward to 2 to await 3 expectation

qi1pian4 1 to deceive 2 to cheat
qi1 1 paint 2 lacquer M: do [] 3 to paint (furniture, walls
qi2ta1 1 other 2 (sth or sb) else 3 the rest
qi2guai4 1 strange 2 odd 3 to marvel 4 to be baffled
qi2shi4 1 to discriminate against 2 discrimination
qi3chu1 1 originally 2 at first 3 at the outset
qi3li4 1 to stand 2 Stand up!
qi4 1 gas 2 air 3 smell 4 weather 5 to make angry 6 to annoy 7 to get angry
8 vital energy 9 qi
qi4hu1hu1 panting with rage
qi4 1 device 2 tool 3 utensil M: ti []
qian1wan4 1 ten million 2 countless 3 many 4 one must by all means
qian3ze2 1 to denounce 2 to condemn 3 to criticize 4 condemnation 5
qiang1diao4 accent
qiang2 1 strong 2 powerful 3 better 4 slightly more than 5 vigorous 6
violent 7 best in their category, e.g. see biqing []
qiang2bi4 wall
qiang3 1 to fight over 2 to rush 3 to scramble 4 to grab 5 to rob 6 to
qiao1qiao1 1 quietly 2 secretly 3 stealthily 4 quiet 5 worried 6 Taiwan pr.
qiao2 bridge M: zu []
qin1shen1 1 personal 2 oneself
qing1rou2 1 soft 2 gentle 3 pliable
qing1liang2 1 cool 2 refreshing
qing2gan3 1 feeling 2 emotion 3 to move (emotionally)
qing2shang1 1 emotional quotient (EQ) 2 emotional IQ 3 abbr. for
qngxshngsh []
qing2xu4 1 mood 2 state of mind 3 moodiness M: zhng []
qing2yi4 1 friendship 2 camaraderie
qing3qiu2 1 to request 2 to ask 3 request M: g []
qiu2hun1 to propose marriage

qiu2zhi2 to seek employment

quan2li4 1 power 2 right 3 privilege
quan4 1 to advise 2 to urge 3 to try to persuade 4 to exhort 5 to console 6
to soothe
quan4shuo1 1 to persuade 2 persuasion 3 to advise
que1 1 deficiency 2 lack 3 scarce 4 vacant post 5 to run short of
que4shi2 1 indeed 2 really 3 reliable 4 real 5 true
ran2er2 1 however 2 yet 3 but
re4lie4 1 enthusiastic 2 ardent 3 warm
re4xin1 1 enthusiasm 2 zeal 3 zealous 4 zest 5 enthusiastic 6 ardent 7
ren2ji4 1 human relationships 2 interpersonal
ren2lei4 1 humanity 2 human race 3 mankind
ren2pin3 1 moral standing 2 moral quality 3 character 4 personality 5
appearance 6 looks (colloquial) 7 bearing
ren2qing2 1 reason 2 human emotions 3 human interaction 4 social
relationship 5 friendship 6 favor 7 a good turn
ren2xing4 1 human nature 2 humanity 3 human 4 the totality of human
ren2yuan2r5 1 relations with people 2 popularity
ren4wu5 1 mission 2 assignment 3 task 4 duty 5 role M: xing
[] / g []
ru2he2 1 how 2 what way 3 what
ruan3 1 soft 2 flexible
ruan3jian4 (computer) software
ruo4zhi4 1 weak-minded 2 mentally deficient 3 retarded
san4 1 to scatter 2 to break up (a meeting etc) 3 to disperse 4 to
disseminate 5 to dispel 6 (coll.) to sack
sang3zi5 1 throat 2 voice M: b []
sang4shi1 1 to lose 2 to forfeit
sao3xing4 1 to have one's spirits dampened 2 to feel disappointed
se4cai3 1 tint 2 coloring 3 coloration 4 (fig.) flavor 5 character
se4diao4 1 hue 2 tone
sha3yan3 1 stunned 2 struck dumb 3 flabbergasted
shan3shi1 1 mishap 2 accident 3 accidental loss
shang1hai4 1 to injure 2 to harm
shang1kou3 1 wound 2 cut
shao1 1 somewhat 2 a little
shao4n3 1 girl 2 young lady
she4shen1chu3di4 to put oneself in sb else's shoes
shen1hou4 1 deep 2 profound
shen1ke4 1 profound 2 deep 3 deep-going
shen1shen1 1 deep 2 profound
shen2mi4 1 mysterious 2 mystery
sheng1 1 to be born 2 to give birth 3 life 4 to grow 5 raw 6 uncooked 7
sheng1qi4 1 to get angry 2 to take offense 3 angry 4 vitality 5 liveliness
sheng1chan3 1 to produce 2 to manufacture 3 to give birth to a child
sheng1xiang4 1 audio-visual 2 (ultrasonography etc) acoustic image
sheng4ren4 1 qualified 2 competent (professionally) 3 to be up to a task
sheng4 1 to remain 2 to be left 3 to have as remainder
shi1wang4 1 disappointed 2 to lose hope 3 to despair
shi1mu3 term of respect for your teacher's wife
shi2quan2shi2mei3 1 complete and beautiful 2 to be perfect (idiom)
shi2dai4 1 age 2 era 3 epoch 4 period (in one's life) M: g
shi2kong1 space-time (in relativity)
shi2yan4 1 experiment 2 test M: g [] / c [] 3
experimental 4 to experiment
shi2pin3 1 foodstuff 2 food 3 provisions M: zhng []
shi2yu4 appetite
shi3 1 to make 2 to cause 3 to enable 4 to use 5 to employ 6 to send 7 to
instruct sb to do sth 8 envoy 9 messenger
shi3de5 1 usable 2 workable 3 feasible 4 doable 5 to make 6 to cause
shi3zhong1 1 from beginning to end 2 all along
shi4 1 market 2 city M: g []
shi4chang3 1 marketplace 2 market (also in abstract)
shi4ruo4 1 not to fight back 2 to take it lying down 3 to show weakness 4
to show one's softer side
shi4jian4 1 event 2 happening 3 incident M: g []
shi4shi2 fact M: g []

shi4yan4 1 experiment 2 test 3 experimental M: c [] /

g []
shi4fou3 1 whether (or not) 2 if 3 is or isn't
shi4he2 1 to fit 2 to suit
shou1shi5 1 to put in order 2 to tidy up 3 to pack 4 to repair 5 (coll.) to
sort sb out 6 to fix sb
shou3biao3 wrist watch M: kui [] / zh [] /
g []
shou3pa4 handkerchief M: fng []
shou3yi4 1 craftmanship 2 workmanship 3 handicraft 4 trade
shou3yu3 sign language
shou3zhuo2 bracelet
shou3shi4 1 jewelry 2 head ornament
shou4hai4 1 to suffer damage, injury etc 2 damaged 3 injured 4 killed 5
shou4yi4 1 to benefit from 2 profit
shu1zi5 comb M: b []
shu1shi4 1 cozy 2 snug
shu3biao1 mouse (computing)
shun4shou3 1 easily 2 without trouble 3 while one is at it 4 in passing 5
shuo1huang3 1 to lie 2 to tell an untruth
si1wei2 1 (line of) thought 2 thinking
si3xin1 1 to give up 2 to admit failure 3 to drop the matter 4 to
reconcile oneself to loss 5 to have no more illusions about
song4xing2 1 to see someone off 2 to throw someone a send-off party
su4shuo1 to tell sb
su4zhi4 1 inner quality 2 basic essence

sui2 1 to follow 2 to comply with 3 varying according to... 4 to allow 5

sui2xin1suo3yu4 1 to follow one's heart's desires 2 to do as one
pleases (idiom)
sun3shi1 1 loss 2 damage M: g [] 3 to lose 4 to suffer
suo1duan3 1 to curtail 2 to cut down
suo3wei4 1 so-called 2 what is called
suo3you3 1 all 2 to have 3 to possess 4 to own
suo3 1 to lock up 2 to lock 3 lock M: b []
tai2jie1 1 steps 2 flight of steps 3 step (over obstacle) 4 fig. way out
of an embarrassing situation 5 bench (geology)
tai2 1 to lift 2 to raise 3 (of two or more persons) to carry
tan3bai2 1 honest 2 forthcoming 3 to confess
tan4qi4 1 to sigh 2 to heave a sigh
tan4xi1 1 to sigh 2 to gasp (in admiration)
tang3 1 to recline 2 to lie down
tao2 1 to escape 2 to run away 3 to flee
tao3lun4 1 to discuss 2 to talk over M: g []
tao3yan4 1 to dislike 2 to loathe 3 disagreeable 4 troublesome 5 annoying
te4 1 special 2 unique 3 distinguished 4 especially 5 unusual 6 very
te4yi4 1 specially 2 intentionally
te4you3 1 specific (to) 2 characteristic (of) 3 distinctive
ti2xin1diao4dan3 (saying) to be very scared and on edge
ti2xing3 1 to remind 2 to call attention to 3 to warn of
ti3liang4 1 to empathize 2 to allow (for something) 3 to show understanding
4 to appreciate
tian1zhen1 1 naive 2 innocent 3 artless
tian1 1 to add 2 to increase 3 to replenish
tian2mi4 1 sweet 2 happy
tie3dao4 1 railway line 2 rail track
ting1jiang3 1 to attend a lecture 2 to listen to a talk
ting2ye4 1 to cease trading (temporarily or permanently) 2 to close down
tong1hong2 1 very red 2 red through and through 3 to blush (deep red)
tong1xun4 1 communications 2 news story 3 dispatch M: g []
tong2hang2 1 person of the same profession 2 of the same trade, occupation
or industry
tong4ku1 to cry bitterly
tong4ku3 1 pain 2 suffering 3 painful M: g []
tou1lan3 1 to goof off 2 to be lazy
tou2hun1nao3zhang4 1 giddy 2 one's head spins
tuan2tuan2zhuan4 1 to go round and round 2 running around in circles 3 fig.
frantically busy
tui1jian4 1 to recommend 2 recommendation

wai4yu4 extramarital affair

wang3luo4 network (computing, telecommunications, transport etc)
wang3zhan4 1 website 2 network station 3 node
wang3shi4 1 past events 2 former happenings
wang3wang3 1 often 2 frequently
wei2xin1 1 false 2 untrue to one's convictions 3 against one's will 4
wei2yi1 1 only 2 sole
wei4sheng1 1 health 2 hygiene 3 sanitation
wei4lai2 1 future 2 tomorrow M: g [] 3 approaching 4 coming
5 pending
wen1he2 1 mild 2 gentle 3 moderate
wen2xue2 literature M: zhng []
wu1yun2 black cloud
wu1ran3 1 pollution 2 contamination M: g []
wu2kui4 1 to have a clear conscience 2 to feel no qualms
wu2sheng1 1 noiseless 2 noiselessly 3 silent
wu2yi2 1 no doubt 2 undoubtedly
wu2zhi1 1 ignorant 2 ignorance
wu3tai2 1 stage 2 arena 3 fig. in the limelight
wu4li3 1 physics 2 physical
wu4ye4 1 property 2 real estate 3 abbr. for
wygunl [], property management
wu4hui4 1 to misunderstand 2 to mistake 3 misunderstanding M:
g []
xi3qing4 1 jubilation 2 festive

xia4ling4ying2 summer camp

xian1lai2hou4dao4 1 in order of arrival 2 first come, first served
xian3chu1 1 to express 2 to exhibit
xiang1qin1 1 blind date 2 arranged interview to evaluate a proposed marriage
partner (Taiwan pr. [xingqn]) 3 to be deeply attached to each other
xiang1fan3 1 opposite 2 contrary
xiang1guan1 1 related 2 relevant 3 pertinent 4 to be interrelated 5
(statistics) correlation
xiang1hu4 1 each other 2 mutual
xiang1hui4 to meet together
xiang4mao4 appearance
xiang3shou4 1 to enjoy 2 to live it up 3 pleasure M: zhng []
xiang3xiang4 1 to imagine 2 to fancy M: g []
xiang4lai2 always (previously)
xiang4xing2zi4 1 pictogram (one of the Six Methods of forming
Chinese characters) 2 Chinese character derived from a picture 3 sometimes called
xiang4zheng1 1 emblem 2 symbol 3 token 4 badge 5 to symbolize 6 to
signify 7 to stand for
xiao1shi1 1 to disappear 2 to fade away
xiao3xin1yi4yi4 1 cautious and solemn (idiom); very carefully 2
prudent 3 gently and cautiously
xiao3zi5 1 (coll.) boy 2 (derog.) joker 3 guy 4 (despicable) fellow
xiao4l4 efficiency
xiao4hua4 1 joke 2 jest M: g [] 3 to laugh at 4 to mock
xie2tiao2 1 to coordinate 2 to harmonize 3 negotiation
xin1tiao4 1 heartbeat 2 pulse
xin1di4 character
xin1li3 1 mental 2 psychological
xin1li3xue2 psychology
xin1ling2 1 bright 2 smart 3 quick-witted 4 heart 5 thoughts 6 spirit
xin1si5 1 mind 2 thoughts 3 inclination 4 mood
xin1tou2 1 heart 2 thoughts 3 mind
xin1xue4 1 heart's blood 2 expenditure (for some project) 3 meticulous
xin1yuan4 1 cherished desire 2 dream 3 craving 4 wish 5 aspiration
xin1shang3 1 to appreciate 2 to enjoy 3 to admire
xin1wen2 news M: tio [] / g []

xin4xi1 1 information 2 news 3 message

xing2xiang4 1 image 2 form 3 figure M: g [] 4 visualization 5
xing3 1 to wake up 2 to be awake 3 to become aware 4 to sober up 5 to come to
xing4gao1cai3lie4 1 happy and excited (idiom) 2 in high spirits 3 in
great delight
xing4zhi4bo2bo2 1 to become exhilarated (idiom); in high spirits 2
full of zest
xing4kui1 1 fortunately 2 luckily
xing4 1 nature 2 character 3 property 4 quality 5 attribute 6 sexuality 7 sex
8 gender 9 suffix forming adjective from verb 10 suffix forming noun from
adjective, corresponding to -ness or -ity 11 essence M: g []
xiong1di4 1 brothers 2 younger brother M: g [] 3 I, me
(humble term used by men in public speech) 4 brotherly 5 fraternal

xiu1zheng4 1 to revise 2 to amend

xiu4hua1 1 to embroider 2 to do embroidery
xuan1bu4 1 to declare 2 to announce 3 to proclaim
xue2fei4 1 tuition fee 2 tuition M: g []
xue2jia1 scholar
xue2li4 1 educational background 2 academic qualifications
xue2nian2 academic year
xue2wen4 1 learning 2 knowledge M: g []
xun4lian4 1 to train 2 to drill 3 training M: g []
ya1yi4 1 to constrain or repress emotions 2 oppressive 3 stifling 4
depressing 5 repression
yan2wu5 1 to delay 2 to be held up 3 to miss (an opportunity) 4 delay 5
yan2ge2 1 strict 2 stringent 3 tight 4 rigorous
yan2zhong4 1 grave 2 serious 3 severe 4 critical

yan3shen2 1 expression or emotion showing in one's eyes 2 meaningful glance

3 wink 4 eyesight (dialect)
yao2 1 to shake 2 to rock 3 to row 4 to crank
yao2tou2 to shake one's head
yao3 1 to bite 2 to nip
ye3ying2 1 to camp 2 field lodgings
yi1jian4ru2gu4 familiarity at first sight
yi1xiao4liao3zhi1 to laugh away (instead of taking seriously)

yi1xiang4 1 always (previously) 2 a period of time in the recent past

yi1wu3yi1shi2 lit. count by fives and tens (idiom); to narrate

systematically and in full detail
yi1xin1yi1yi4 1 concentrating one's thoughts and efforts 2 single-
minded 3 bent on 4 intently
yi1kou3qi4 1 one breath 2 in one breath 3 at a stretch
yi1sheng1 1 all one's life 2 throughout one's life
yi1liao2 medical treatment
yi1sheng1 doctor M: g [] / wi [] /
mng []
yi2xin1 1 suspicion 2 to suspect
yi3ji2 1 as well as 2 too 3 and
yi3shang4 1 that level or higher 2 that amount or more 3 the above-
yi3wang3 1 in the past 2 formerly
yi4wei4zhe5 1 to signify 2 to mean 3 to imply
yi4yuan4 1 aspiration 2 wish (for) 3 desire
yin1su4 1 element 2 factor M: g []
yin4xiang4 impression
ying1you3jin4you3 1 everything that should be here is here (idiom); all
one can think of is on hand 2 to have all one needs
Ying1bang4 pound sterling
ying2qin1 1 to escort the bride 2 the groom's family sends a marriage sedan
to escort the bride
ying2jie1 1 to meet 2 to welcome 3 to greet
ying2yang3 1 nutrition 2 nourishment M: zhng []
ying4 1 hard 2 stiff 3 strong 4 firm 5 resolutely 6 doggedly 7 good (quality)
8 able (person)
yong3gan3 1 brave 2 courageous
yong3qi4 1 courage 2 valor
you1xiu4 1 outstanding 2 excellent
you2 1 to follow 2 from 3 it is 4 reason 5 cause 6 because of 7 due
to 8 to 9 to leave it (to sb) 10 by (introduces passive verb)
you2yu2 1 due to 2 as a result of 3 thanks to 4 owing to 5 since 6
you2zhong1 1 heartfelt 2 sincere 3 unfeigned
you2xi4 1 game M: chng [] 2 to play
you3yong4 useful
you3guan1 1 to have sth to do with 2 to relate to 3 related to 4 to concern
5 concerning
you3yi4 1 useful 2 profitable
yu3 1 and 2 to give 3 together with
yu3qi2 1 rather than... 2 yq [] A br
[] B (rather than A, better to B)
yu3yin1 1 speech sounds 2 pronunciation 3 colloquial (rather than
literary) pronunciation of a Chinese character 4 phonetic 5 audio 6 voice 7
(Internet) to voice chat 8 voice message
yu4 jade
yu4zhi1 1 to anticipate 2 to foresee
yuan2zi3 1 atom 2 atomic

yue4qiu2 the moon

yue4 1 to jump 2 to leap
zai4san1 1 over and over again 2 again and again

ze2 1 duty 2 responsibility 3 to reproach 4 to blame

ze2guai4 1 to blame 2 to rebuke

zeng1jin4 1 to promote 2 to enhance 3 to further 4 to advance (a cause etc)

zeng4song4 to present as a gift
zhan4 1 to take possession of 2 to occupy 3 to take up
zhan4yong4 to occupy

zhang3da4 to grow up
zhang3sheng1 applause M: zhn []
zhao1 1 to recruit 2 to provoke 3 to beckon 4 to incur 5 to infect 6
contagious 7 a move (chess) 8 a maneuver 9 device 10 trick 11 to confess
zhao1sheng1 1 to enroll new students 2 to get students
zhao1hu5 1 to call out to 2 to greet 3 to say hello to 4 to inform 5 to
take care of 6 to take care that one does not
zhao1pin4 1 recruitment 2 to invite applications for a job
zhao4 1 cover 2 fish trap (basket) 3 shade
zhe3 1 (after a verb or adjective) one who (is) ... 2 (after a noun) person
involved in ... 3 -er 4 -ist 5 (used after a number or hu [] or
qin [] to refer to sth mentioned previously) 6 (used after a term, to mark
a pause before defining the term) 7 (old) (used at the end of a command) 8 (old)
zhen1cheng2 1 true 2 sincere 3 genuine
zhen1li3 truth M: g []
zhen1xiang4 1 the truth about sth 2 the actual facts
zheng1lun4 1 to argue 2 to debate 3 to contend 4 argument 5 contention 6
controversy 7 debate M: c [] / chng []
zheng1yan3 to open one's eyes
zheng3dun4 1 to tidy up 2 to reorganize 3 to consolidate 4 to rectify
zheng4que4 1 correct 2 proper
zheng4zhi2 1 upright 2 upstanding 3 honest
zheng4 1 to admonish 2 variant of zhng []
zheng4ming2 1 proof 2 certificate 3 identification 4 testimonial M:
g [] 5 to prove 6 to testify 7 to confirm the truth of
zheng4shu1 1 credentials 2 certificate
zhi1jian1 1 between 2 among 3 inter-
zhi1chi2 1 to be in favor of 2 to support 3 to back 4 support 5 backing 6
to stand by M: g []
zhi1shi5 1 knowledge M: mn [] 2 intellectual
zhi2dao4 until
zhi3 1 to stop 2 to prohibit 3 until 4 only
zhi3chu1 1 to indicate 2 to point out
zhi3dao3 1 to guide 2 to give directions 3 to direct 4 to coach 5 guidance
6 tuition M: g []
zhi4ding4 1 to work out 2 to formulate
zhi4zuo4 1 to make 2 to manufacture
zhi4liao2 1 to treat (an illness) 2 medical treatment 3 therapy
zhi4shang1 IQ (intelligence quotient)
zhong1 1 within 2 among 3 in 4 middle 5 center 6 while (doing sth) 7
during 8 (dialect) OK 9 all right
zhong1cheng2 1 devoted 2 loyal 3 fidelity 4 loyalty
zhong4ren2 everyone
zhong4da4 1 great 2 important 3 major 4 significant
zhu2jian4 gradually
zhu3ren4 1 director 2 head M: g []
zhu3yi4 1 -ism 2 ideology
zhu4zhi3 address
zhuan3bian4 1 to change 2 to transform 3 shift 4 transformation M:
g []
zhuan3jiao1 1 to pass on to sb 2 to carry and give to sb else
zhuan3yan3 1 in a flash 2 in the blink of an eye 3 to glance
zhuan4yi3 1 swivel chair 2 children's roundabout
zhuan4ke4 carving a seal
zhuang1zuo4 1 to pretend 2 to feign 3 to act a part
zhun3kao3zheng4 (exam) admission ticket
zhuo2xiang3 1 to give thought (to others) 2 to consider (other people's
needs) 3 also pr. [zhoxing]
zi1ge2 1 qualifications 2 seniority
zi3se4 1 purple 2 violet (color)
zi4fa1 spontaneous
zi4hao2 proud (of one's achievements etc)
zi4jue2 1 conscious 2 aware 3 on one's own initiative 4 conscientious
zi4sha1 1 to kill oneself 2 to commit suicide 3 to attempt suicide
zi4xi2 1 to study outside of class time (reviewing one's lessons) 2 to
study in one's free time 3 individual study
zi4xue2 1 self-study 2 to study on one's own
zong3bian1 1 chief editor (of newspaper) 2 abbr. for
zong3tong3 president (of a country) M: g [] / wi
[] / mng [] / ji []
zou3hong2 1 to be popular 2 to be in luck 3 to have good luck 4 to develop
zu3cheng2 1 to form 2 to make up 3 to constitute
zun1gui4 1 respected 2 respectable 3 honorable
zuo4guai4 1 (of a ghost) to make strange things happen 2 to act up 3 to act
behind the scenes 4 to make mischief 5 odd 6 to misbehave (euphemism for having
zuo4wei2 1 one's conduct 2 deed 3 activity 4 accomplishment 5 achievement
6 to act as 7 as (in the capacity of) 8 qua 9 to view as 10 to look upon (sth as)
11 to take sth to be
zuo4mei2 to act as go-between (between prospective marriage partners etc)
zuo4shi4 1 to work 2 to handle matters 3 to have a job
zuo4zhu3 1 to decide 2 to make decisions 3 to take responsibility (for
deciding) 4 to be in charge
yi1 1 one 2 1 3 single 4 a (article) 5 as soon as 6 entire 7 whole 8 all 9
throughout 10 "one" radical in Chinese characters (Kangxi radical 1) 11 also pr.
[yo] for greater clarity when spelling out numbers digit by digit
da3dian4hua4 to make a telephone call
fen1zhong1 minute
yi1fu5 clothes M: jin [] / to []
hou4mian5 1 rear 2 back 3 behind 4 later 5 afterwards
mao1 1 cat M: zh [] 2 (dialect) to hide oneself 3 (coll.)
qian2mian4 1 ahead 2 in front 3 preceding 4 above
yi1dian3r5 1 a bit 2 a little 3 one dot 4 one point
Bei3jing1 1 Beijing, capital of People's Republic of China 2 Peking 3 PRC
ba5 1 (modal particle indicating suggestion or surmise) 2 ...right? 3
...OK? 4 ...I presume.
yi1xia4 1 (used after a verb) give it a go 2 to do (sth for a bit to give
it a try) 3 one time 4 once 5 in a while 6 all of a sudden 7 all at once
xi1wang4 1 to wish for 2 to desire 3 hope M: g []
di4yi1 1 first 2 number one
wan2 1 toy 2 sth used for amusement 3 curio or antique (Taiwan pr. [wn]) 4
to play 5 to have fun 6 to trifle with 7 to keep sth for entertainment
shuo1hua4 1 to speak 2 to say 3 to talk 4 to gossip 5 to tell stories 6
talk 7 word
ri4 1 sun 2 day 3 date, day of the month
wai4 1 outside 2 in addition 3 foreign 4 external
sheng1ri4 birthday M: g []
ge1ge5 older brother M: g [] / wi []
bao4zhi3 1 newspaper 2 newsprint M: fn [] / q
[] / zhng []
chang4ge1 to sing a song
sheng1bing4 to fall ill

bin1guan3 1 guesthouse 2 lodge 3 hotel M: g [] /

ji []
mian4tiao2 noodles
qian1bi3 (lead) pencil M: zh [] / zh [] /
gn []
huo3che1zhan4 train station
xi1gua1 watermelon M: k [] / l [] /
ge []
er2qie3 1 (not only ...) but also 2 moreover 3 in addition 4 furthermore
zong3shi4 always
zhi3you3 only
hai4pa4 1 to be afraid 2 to be scared
bang1mang2 1 to help 2 to lend a hand 3 to do a favor 4 to do a good turn
wan2cheng2 1 to complete 2 to accomplish
chu2le5 1 besides 2 apart from (... also...) 3 in addition to 4 except
yue4 1 to exceed 2 to climb over 3 to surpass 4 the more... the more
bao1 1 to cover 2 to wrap 3 to hold 4 to include 5 to take charge of 6 to
contract (to or for) 7 package 8 wrapper 9 container 10 bag 11 to hold or embrace
12 bundle 13 packet M: g [] / zh []
wang4ji4 to forget
dong4wu4 animal M: zh [] / qn [] /
g []
xi1 west
yi1bian1 1 one side 2 either side 3 on the one hand 4 on the other hand 5
doing while
shu4 1 tree M: k [] 2 to cultivate 3 to set up
yuan2 1 unit of money (in PRC: Chinese yuan, in USA: dollar, etc) 2 primary 3
nai3nai5 1 (informal) grandma (paternal grandmother) 2 (respectful)
mistress of the house M: wi [] 3 (coll.) boobies 4 breasts
ku4zi5 1 trousers 2 pants M: tio []
jing1li3 1 manager 2 director M: g [] / wi [] /
mng []
ye2ye5 1 (coll.) father's father 2 paternal grandfather M: g
ji2 1 extremely 2 pole (geography, physics) 3 utmost 4 top
dong1 1 east 2 host (i.e. sitting on east side of guest) 3 landlord
mian4bao1 bread M: pin [] / di [] /
kui []
xin1xian1 1 fresh (experience, food etc) 2 freshness 3 novel 4 uncommon
liao2tian1 1 to chat 2 to gossip
nan2 south
xin4yong4ka3 credit card
xi3shou3jian1 1 toilet 2 lavatory 3 washroom
yin3liao4 1 drink 2 beverage
chen4shan1 1 shirt 2 blouse M: jin []
cao3 1 grass 2 straw 3 manuscript 4 draft (of a document) 5 careless 6 rough
M: k [] / zu [] / zh [] / gn
shu4xue2 1 mathematics 2 mathematical
shou4 1 thin 2 to lose weight 3 (of clothing) tight 4 (of meat) lean 5 (of
land) unproductive
ai3 1 low 2 short (in length)
jie2ri4 1 holiday 2 festival M: g []
pan2zi5 1 tray 2 plate 3 dish M: g []
ping2zi5 bottle M: g []
jie1dao4 1 street M: tio [] 2 subdistrict 3 residential
yue4liang5 the moon
bao3 1 to eat till full 2 satisfied
xiang1jiao1 banana M: zh [] / gn [] /
g [] / b []
bi3ji4ben3 1 notebook (stationery) M: bn [] 2 notebook
cai4dan1 menu M: fn [] / zhng []
bei3fang1 1 north 2 the northern part a country 3 China north of the Yellow
bu4dan4 not only (... but also...)
san3 1 damask silk 2 variant of sn []
xiong2mao1 panda M: zh []
shua1ya2 to brush one's teeth
xing2li5xiang1 1 suitcase 2 baggage compartment 3 overhead bin 4 (car)
trunk 5 boot
pi2xie2 leather shoes
pa2shan1 1 to climb a mountain 2 to mountaineer 3 hiking 4 mountaineering
Huang2 He2 Yellow River or Huang He
yi3 1 to use 2 by means of 3 according to 4 in order to 5 because of 6 at
(a certain date or place)
jing3cha2 1 police 2 police officer M: g []
zhi3yao4 1 if only 2 so long as
di3 1 background 2 bottom 3 base 4 end (of the month, year etc) 5 remnants
bao3hu4 1 to protect 2 to defend 3 to safeguard 4 protection M:
zhng []
zhi4shao3 1 at least 2 (to say the) least
jin4xing2 1 to advance 2 to conduct 3 underway 4 in progress 5 to do 6 to
carry out 7 to carry on 8 to execute
diao4cha2 1 investigation 2 inquiry 3 to investigate 4 to survey 5 survey 6
(opinion) poll M: xing [] / g []
yue1hui4 1 appointment 2 engagement 3 date M: c [] /
g [] 4 to arrange to meet
zhu3yi5 1 plan 2 idea 3 decision M: g [] 4 Beijing pr.
sheng1ming4 1 life 2 living 3 biological M: g []
zhuan3 1 to turn 2 to change direction 3 to transfer 4 to forward (mail)
bo2shi4 1 doctor 2 court academician (in feudal China) 3 Ph.D.
bing4qie3 1 and 2 besides 3 moreover 4 furthermore 5 in addition
zhi2jie1 1 direct 2 opposite: indirect 3 immediate 4 directly 5
reng1 1 to throw 2 to throw away
quan2bu4 1 whole 2 entire 3 complete
ke3lian2 1 pitiful 2 pathetic 3 to have pity on
yuan2liang4 1 to excuse 2 to forgive 3 to pardon
jia3 1 fake 2 false 3 artificial 4 to borrow 5 if 6 suppose
da3rao3 1 to disturb 2 to bother 3 to trouble
ti2gong1 1 to offer 2 to supply 3 to provide 4 to furnish
fa3l4 law M: tio [] / to [] / g
zhi2de5 1 to be worth 2 to deserve
shi3yong4 1 to use 2 to employ 3 to apply 4 to make use of
shou4dao4 1 to receive 2 to suffer 3 obtained 4 given
huai2yi2 1 to doubt 2 to suspect 3 doubt 4 suspicion 5 skeptical
po4 1 broken 2 damaged 3 worn out 4 lousy 5 rotten 6 to break, split or
cleave 7 to get rid of 8 to destroy 9 to break with 10 to defeat 11 to capture (a
city etc) 12 to expose the truth of
da2an4 1 answer 2 solution M: g []
wu2lun4 1 no matter what or how 2 regardless of whether...
dao1 1 knife 2 blade 3 single-edged sword 4 cutlass M: b [] 5
(slang) dollar (loanword) 6 classifier for sets of one hundred sheets (of paper) 7
classifier for knife cuts or stabs
yun3xu3 1 to permit 2 to allow
ze2ren4 1 responsibility 2 blame 3 duty M: g []
ya1li4 pressure
guan1zhong4 1 spectators 2 audience 3 visitors (to an exhibition etc)
duan3xin4 1 text message 2 SMS
guan1jian4 1 crucial point 2 crux M: g [] 3 key 4 crucial 5
jiu1jing4 1 to go to the bottom of a matter 2 after all 3 when all is said
and done 4 (in an interrogative sentence) finally 5 outcome 6 result
ju4hui4 1 party 2 gathering 3 to meet 4 to get together
fang1xiang4 1 direction 2 orientation 3 path to follow M: g []
ji4shu4 1 technology 2 technique 3 skill M: mn [] /
zhng [] / xing []
mao2 1 hair 2 feather 3 down 4 wool 5 mildew 6 mold 7 coarse or semifinished
8 young 9 raw 10 careless 11 unthinking 12 nervous 13 scared 14 (of currency) to
devalue or depreciate 15 classifier for Chinese fractional monetary unit ( =
jio [] , = one-tenth of a yuan or 10 fen fn [])
shun4li4 1 smoothly 2 without a hitch
zhuan4 1 to earn 2 to make a profit
zun1zhong4 1 to esteem 2 to respect 3 to honor 4 to value 5 eminent 6
serious 7 proper
chao1guo4 1 to surpass 2 to exceed 3 to outstrip
fu4za2 1 complicated 2 complex
chu1sheng1 to be born
la4 1 hot (spicy) 2 pungent
ce4suo3 1 toilet 2 lavatory M: jin [] / ch []
guo4cheng2 1 course of events 2 process M: g []
zheng4shi4 1 formal 2 official
mi4ma3 1 code 2 secret code 3 password 4 pin number
he2zi5 case
zang4 1 viscera 2 (anatomy) organ
zan4shi2 1 temporary 2 provisional 3 for the time being
sheng3 1 to save 2 to economize 3 to do without 4 to omit 5 to leave out
6 province M: g []
can1ting1 1 dining hall 2 dining room 3 restaurant M: jin [] /
ji []
kong1qi4 1 air 2 atmosphere
hu4shi5 nurse M: g []
xian4jin1 cash
er2tong2 child M: g []
pian1 1 sheet 2 piece of writing 3 bound set of bamboo slips used for record
keeping (old) 4 classifier for written items: chapter, article
lang4man4 romantic
shi4ji4 century M: g []
xiang1tong2 1 identical 2 same
chong2dian3 1 to recount (e.g. results of election) 2 to re-evaluate
shou4bu4liao3 1 unbearable 2 unable to endure 3 can't stand
pi2fu1 skin M: cng [] / kui []
qu1bie2 1 difference 2 to distinguish 3 to discriminate 4 to make a
distinction M: g []
wen2zhang1 1 article 2 essay 3 literary works 4 writings 5 hidden meaning M:
pin [] / dun [] / y []
bing3gan1 1 biscuit 2 cracker 3 cookie M: pin [] /
kui []
cheng2shi2 1 honest 2 honesty 3 honorable 4 truthful
cun2 1 to exist 2 to deposit 3 to store 4 to keep 5 to survive
xiang1 1 fragrant 2 sweet smelling 3 aromatic 4 savory or appetizing 5
(to eat) with relish 6 (of sleep) sound 7 perfume or spice 8 joss or incense stick
M: gn []
fu2he2 1 in keeping with 2 in accordance with 3 tallying with 4 in line
with 5 to agree with 6 to accord with 7 to conform to 8 to correspond with 9 to
manage 10 to handle
gong4tong2 1 common 2 joint 3 jointly 4 together 5 collaborative
shao1wei1 a little bit
gou4wu4 shopping
hang2ban1 1 scheduled flight 2 flight number 3 plane 4 scheduled sailing 5
sailing number 6 passenger ship
li3mao4 1 courtesy 2 manners
ti2qian2 1 to shift to an earlier date 2 to do sth ahead of time 3 in
pan4duan4 1 to decide 2 to determine M: g []
ge1bo5 arm M: zh [] / tio [] /
shung []
zheng3li3 1 to arrange 2 to tidy up 3 to sort out 4 to straighten out 5 to
list systematically 6 to collate (data, files) 7 to pack (luggage)
tong2qing2 1 to sympathize with 2 sympathy
shang1liang5 1 to consult 2 to talk over 3 to discuss
zhuan1men2 1 specialist 2 specialized 3 customized

cai2liao4 1 material 2 data 3 makings 4 stuff M: g [] /

zhng []
dui4hua4 dialog M: g []
xiang2xi4 1 detailed 2 in detail 3 minute
sui2zhe5 1 along with 2 in the wake of 3 following
gong1fu5 1 skill 2 art 3 kung fu 4 labor 5 effort
ri4ji4 diary M: z [] / bn [] / pin
ou3er3 1 occasionally 2 once in a while 3 sometimes
shi2ji4 1 reality 2 practice 3 practical 4 realistic 5 real 6 actual
zhun3que4 1 accurate 2 exact 3 precise
ping2shi2 1 ordinarily 2 in normal times 3 in peacetime
pi2qi5 1 character 2 temperament 3 disposition 4 bad temper M:
g []
jia4ge2 price M: g []
ji2shi2 1 in time 2 promptly 3 without delay 4 timely
mi2lu4 1 to lose the way 2 lost 3 labyrinth 4 labyrinthus vestibularis
(of the inner ear)
gong1zi1 1 wages 2 pay M: g [] / fn [] /
yu []
jiang3jin1 1 premium 2 award money 3 bonus
you1mo4 1 (loanword) humor 2 humorous
sun1zi5 1 grandson 2 son's son
suan1 1 sour 2 tart 3 sick at heart 4 grieved 5 sore 6 aching 7 pedantic 8
impractical 9 an acid
gong1li3 kilometer
fu4 1 rich 2 abundant 3 wealthy
li4qi5 strength M: b []
ru4kou3 1 entrance 2 to import
wa4zi5 1 socks 2 stockings M: zh [] / du [] /
shung []
fan2nao3 1 to be worried 2 to be distressed 3 worries
ju3ban4 1 to conduct 2 to hold
qin1qi5 a relative (i.e. family relation) M: mn [] /
g [] / wi []
guo3zhi1 fruit juice
mao2jin1 towel M: tio []
zuo4zhe3 1 author 2 writer M: g []
hai3yang2 ocean M: g []
li4ru2 1 for example 2 for instance 3 such as
zhi2wu4 1 plant 2 vegetation M: zhng []
jia1ju4 furniture M: jin [] / to []
yan2 salt M: l []
wen1du4 temperature M: g []
shu4liang4 1 amount 2 quantity M: g [] 3 quantitative
hou4 1 thick 2 deep or profound 3 kind 4 generous 5 rich or strong in flavor
6 to favor 7 to stress
Ya4zhou1 1 Asia 2 abbr. for Yxy Zhu []
lai2de5ji2 1 there's still time 2 able to do sth in time
jian3fei2 to lose weight
que1shao3 1 lack 2 shortage of 3 shortfall 4 to be short (of) 5 to lack
lao3hu3 tiger M: zh []
jiang4di1 1 to reduce 2 to lower 3 to bring down
yun2 (classical) to say
zhi4liang4 1 quality 2 (physics) mass M: g []
wei4sheng1jian1 1 bathroom 2 toilet 3 WC M: jin []
wang3qiu2 tennis M: g []
qi2ci4 1 next 2 secondly
biao3ge2 1 form 2 table M: zhng [] / fn []
xin4feng1 envelope M: g []
shun4xu4 1 sequence 2 order

cheng2zuo4 to ride (in a vehicle)

tui1chi2 1 to postpone 2 to put off 3 to defer
que1dian3 1 weak point 2 fault 3 shortcoming 4 disadvantage M:
g []
jia1you2zhan4 gas station
ling2qian2 1 change (of money) 2 small change 3 pocket money
chuan2zhen1 1 fax 2 facsimile
you1dian3 1 merit 2 benefit 3 strong point 4 advantage M: g
[] / xing []
la1ji1tong3 1 rubbish bin 2 trash can 3 garbage can 4 Taiwan pr. [lstng]
fang2dong1 landlord
an4shi2 1 on time 2 before deadline 3 on schedule
gao1su4gong1lu4 1 expressway 2 highway 3 freeway
te4dian3 1 characteristic (feature) 2 trait 3 feature M: g
he2ge2 1 to meet the standard required 2 qualified 3 eligible (voter
zong3jie2 1 to sum up 2 to conclude 3 summary 4 rsum M: g
jiao1qu1 1 suburban district 2 outskirts 3 suburbs M: g []
xian2 1 all 2 everyone 3 each 4 widespread 5 harmonious
da3yin4 1 to print 2 to seal 3 to stamp
huo2po5 1 lively 2 vivacious 3 brisk 4 active
ya2gao1 toothpaste M: gun []
shao2zi5 1 scoop 2 ladle M: b []
fu4kuan3 1 to pay a sum of money 2 payment
fu4yin4 1 to photocopy 2 to duplicate a document
ci2yu3 1 word (general term including monosyllables through to short
phrases) 2 term (e.g. technical term) 3 expression
biao3yang2 1 to praise 2 to commend
pu3bian4 1 universal 2 general 3 widespread 4 common
pai2lie4 1 array 2 arrangement 3 permutation (i.e. ordered choice of n
elements out of m)
su4liao4dai4 plastic bag
xiao3chi1 1 snack 2 refreshments M: ji []
xi1hong2shi4 tomato M: zh []
jie2yue1 1 to economize 2 to conserve (resources) 3 economy 4 frugal
shuo4shi4 1 master's degree 2 person who has a master's degree 3 learned
ping1pang1qiu2 1 table tennis 2 ping-pong 3 table tennis ball M:
g []
ji1lei3 1 to accumulate 2 accumulation 3 cumulative 4 cumulatively
xiang4pi2 1 rubber 2 an eraser M: kui []
ying4pin4 1 to accept a job offer 2 to apply for an advertised position
kuang4quan2shui3 mineral spring water M: png [] /
bi []
Chang2cheng2 the Great Wall
Li3bai4tian1 Sunday
guo2ji2 nationality
shou4huo4yuan2 salesperson M: g []
cu1xin1 1 careless 2 thoughtless
yang3cheng2 1 to cultivate 2 to raise 3 to form (a habit) 4 to acquire
ma3hu5 1 careless 2 sloppy 3 negligent 4 skimpy
bai3fen1zhi1 percent
pu3tong1hua4 1 Mandarin (common language) 2 Putonghua (common speech of
the Chinese language) 3 ordinary speech
zhan4xian4 busy (telephone line)
yu3mao2qiu2 1 shuttlecock 2 badminton M: g []
Chang2 Jiang1 Yangtze River, or Chang Jiang
tian2kong4 1 to fill a job vacancy 2 to fill in a blank (e.g. on
questionnaire or exam paper)
en1 (a groaning sound)
sha1 1 to kill 2 to murder 3 to fight 4 to weaken or reduce 5 to smart
(dialect) 6 to counteract 7 (used after a verb) extremely
bao3bei4 1 treasured object 2 treasure 3 darling 4 baby 5 cowry 6 good-
for-nothing or queer character
qiang1 1 gun 2 firearm 3 rifle 4 spear 5 thing with shape or function
similar to a gun M: zh [] / b [] / gn [] /
tio [] / zh [] 6 to substitute for another person in a
test 7 to knock 8 classifier for rifle shots
n3shi4 1 lady 2 madam M: g [] / wi [] 3 Miss
4 Ms
gen1 1 root 2 basis 3 classifier for long slender objects, e.g. cigarettes,
guitar strings M: tio [] 4 radical (chemistry)
que4ding4 1 definite 2 certain 3 fixed 4 to fix (on sth) 5 to determine 6
to be sure 7 to ensure 8 to make certain 9 to ascertain 10 to clinch 11 to
recognize 12 to confirm 13 OK (on computer dialog box)
huo4xu3 1 perhaps 2 maybe
jiu4 1 to save 2 to assist 3 to rescue
dai1 1 foolish 2 stupid 3 expressionless 4 blank 5 to stay
jue2dui4 1 absolute 2 unconditional
chu3li3 1 to handle 2 to treat 3 to deal with 4 to process M:
g []
xing2dong4 1 operation 2 action 3 to move 4 mobile M: g []
ha1 1 laughter 2 yawn
bao3chi2 1 to keep 2 to maintain 3 to hold 4 to preserve
zheng4ju4 1 evidence 2 proof 3 testimony
fang1 1 square 2 power or involution (mathematics) 3 upright 4 honest 5 fair
and square 6 direction 7 side 8 party (to a contract, dispute etc) 9 place 10
method 11 prescription (medicine) 12 just when 13 only or just 14 classifier for
square things 15 abbr. for square or cubic meter
feng1kuang2 1 crazy 2 frantic 3 extreme popularity
ji4lu4 1 to record 2 record (written account) 3 note-taker 4 record (in
sports etc) M: g []
fei1 1 to not be 2 not 3 wrong 4 incorrect 5 non- 6 un- 7 in- 8 to reproach
or blame 9 (colloquial) to insist on 10 simply must
chu2fei1 1 only if (..., or otherwise, ...) 2 only when 3 only in the case
that 4 unless
zu3zhi3 1 to prevent 2 to block
wan2mei3 1 perfect 2 perfection 3 perfectly
ke4 1 to be able to 2 to subdue 3 to restrain 4 to overcome 5 gram 6
Tibetan unit of land area, about 6 ares
xi4tong3 system M: g []
bao4gao4 1 to inform 2 to report 3 to make known 4 report 5 speech 6 talk
7 lecture M: pin [] / fn [] / g [] /
tng []
shou3shu4 1 (surgical) operation 2 surgery M: g []
bi4yao4 1 necessary 2 essential 3 indispensable 4 required
zu3 1 to form 2 to organize 3 group 4 team 5 classifier for sets, series,
groups of people, batteries
li3you2 1 reason 2 grounds 3 justification M: g []
xian3ran2 1 clear 2 evident 3 obvious(ly)
zheng4fu3 government M: g []
xing4yun4 1 fortunate 2 lucky 3 fortune 4 luck
xin4ren4 1 to trust 2 to have confidence in
he2zuo4 1 to cooperate 2 to collaborate 3 to work together 4 cooperation
M: g []
wei4zhi5 1 position 2 place 3 seat M: g []
si4hu1 1 apparently 2 to seem 3 to appear 4 as if 5 seemingly
li4liang5 1 power 2 force 3 strength
ming4ling4 1 order 2 command M: do [] / g []
wei1xie2 1 to threaten 2 to menace
zhan4zheng1 1 war 2 conflict M: chng [] / c []
gong1xi3 1 congratulations 2 greetings
hen4 1 to hate 2 to regret
jiu3ba1 1 bar 2 pub 3 saloon M: ji []
shen1fen4 1 identity 2 status 3 capacity 4 dignity 5 position 6 rank
mo2te4 (fashion) model (loanword)
yi1dan4 1 in case (sth happens) 2 if 3 once (sth happens, then...) 4 when
5 in a short time 6 in one day
zhui1 1 to chase after 2 to seek 3 to do one's utmost to seek or procure sth
4 to recall
qun2 1 group 2 crowd 3 flock, herd, pack etc
ju1ran2 1 unexpectedly 2 to one's surprise 3 go so far as to
zhen1shi2 1 true 2 real
shu3yu2 1 to be classified as 2 to belong to 3 to be part of
chu1se4 1 remarkable 2 outstanding
mu4qian2 1 at the present time 2 currently
ren2yuan2 1 staff 2 crew 3 personnel M: g []
ying1xiong2 hero M: g []
gan3shou4 1 to sense 2 perception 3 to feel (through the senses) 4 to
experience 5 a feeling 6 an impression 7 an experience
wen3 1 kiss 2 to kiss 3 mouth
gong1yu4 1 apartment building 2 block of flats M: to []
xun2zhao3 1 to seek 2 to look for
lan4 1 soft 2 mushy 3 well-cooked and soft 4 to rot 5 to decompose 6 rotten
7 worn out 8 chaotic 9 messy 10 utterly 11 thoroughly 12 crappy 13 bad
qian4 1 deficient 2 to owe 3 to lack 4 yawn
fan3ying4 1 to react 2 to respond 3 reaction 4 response 5 reply 6 chemical
reaction M: g []
shi2wu4 food M: zhng []
zui4 intoxicated
si1ren2 1 private 2 personal 3 interpersonal 4 sb with whom one has a
close personal relationship 5 a member of one's clique
chou4 1 stench 2 smelly 3 to smell (bad) 4 repulsive 5 loathsome 6 terrible 7
bad 8 severely 9 ruthlessly 10 dud (ammunition)
zi4cong2 1 since (a time) 2 ever since
hu1xi1 to breathe
chao1ji2 1 super- 2 ultra- 3 hyper-
dun4 1 to stop 2 to pause 3 to arrange 4 to lay out 5 to kowtow 6 to stamp
(one's foot) 7 at once 8 classifier for meals, beatings, scoldings etc: time, bout,
spell, meal
bian4 1 ordinary 2 plain 3 convenient 4 as convenient 5 when the chance
arises 6 handy 7 easy 8 informal 9 simple 10 so 11 thus 12 to relieve oneself 13 to
urinate 14 to defecate 15 equivalent to ji []: then 16 in that case
17 even if 18 soon afterwards
shi2ke4 1 moment M: g [] 2 constantly 3 always
xiang1dang1 1 equivalent to 2 appropriate 3 considerably 4 to a certain
extent 5 fairly 6 quite
wen2 1 to hear 2 news 3 well-known 4 famous 5 reputation 6 fame 7 to smell 8
to sniff at
ping2 1 flat 2 level 3 equal 4 to tie (make the same score) 5 to draw (score)
6 calm 7 peaceful 8 see also pngshng []
gong1ping2 1 fair 2 impartial
ju4le4bu4 club (i.e. a group or organization) (loanword) M: g
tong1chang2 1 regular 2 usual 3 normal 4 usually 5 normally
xin4hao4 signal
duan4 1 to break 2 to snap 3 to cut off 4 to give up or abstain from sth 5 to
judge 6 (usu. used in the negative) absolutely 7 definitely 8 decidedly
xian4shi2 1 reality 2 actuality 3 real 4 actual 5 realistic
que4ren4 1 to confirm 2 to verify 3 confirmation
huai2yun4 1 pregnant 2 to have conceived 3 gestation 4 pregnancy
hun1yin1 1 matrimony 2 wedding 3 marriage M: zhung [] /
c []
quan1 1 circle 2 ring 3 loop 4 classifier for loops, orbits, laps of race etc
M: g [] 5 to surround 6 to circle
nao3dai4 1 head 2 skull 3 brains 4 mental capability M: k []
/ g []
fen1shou3 1 to part company 2 to split up 3 to break up
jin3ji2 1 urgent 2 emergency
jie1jin4 1 to approach 2 to get close to
chao3 1 to quarrel 2 to make a noise 3 noisy 4 to disturb by making a noise
guan4jun1 champion M: g []
jiao4lian4 1 instructor 2 sports coach 3 trainer M: g [] /
wi [] / mng []
sui2shi2 1 at any time 2 at all times 3 at the right time
dui4fang1 1 counterpart 2 other person involved 3 opposite side 4 other
side 5 receiving party
di2ren2 enemy M: g []
zhu1 1 hog 2 pig 3 swine M: ku [] / tu []
tiao3zhan4 1 to challenge 2 challenge
zhuang4tai4 1 state of affairs 2 state 3 mode 4 situation M: g
bao4dao4 1 to report (news) 2 report M: pin [] /
fn []
can1yu4 to participate (in sth)
dao4da2 1 to reach 2 to arrive
xian3shi4 1 to show 2 to illustrate 3 to display 4 to demonstrate
tu3 1 to spit 2 to put 3 to say
qu3xiao1 1 to cancel 2 cancellation
jin4li4 1 to strive one's hardest 2 to spare no effort
qing4zhu4 to celebrate
jia3zhuang1 1 to feign 2 to pretend
zai4hu5 1 to care about 2 equivalent of ziy []
zhuang4kuang4 1 condition 2 state 3 situation M: g []
xin1zang4 heart M: k [] / g []
xiang4mu4 1 item 2 project 3 (sports) event M: g []
bao3xian3 1 insurance 2 to insure 3 safe 4 secure 5 be sure 6 be bound to
M: fn []
dan1du2 1 alone 2 by oneself 3 on one's own
zhuan1jia1 1 expert 2 specialist M: g []
feng1ge2 style
jin3kuai4 1 as quickly as possible 2 as soon as possible 3 with all speed
jia4zhi2 1 value 2 worth 3 fig. values (ethical, cultural etc) M:
g []
qie4 1 definitely 2 absolutely (not) 3 (scoffing or dismissive interjection)
Yeah, right. 4 Tut! 5 to grind 6 close to 7 eager 8 to correspond to 9 see also
fnqi []
che4di3 1 thorough 2 thoroughly 3 complete
fan1 1 to turn over 2 to flip over 3 to overturn 4 to rummage through 5 to
translate 6 to decode 7 to double 8 to climb over or into 9 to cross
ming4yun4 1 fate 2 destiny M: g []
te4shu1 1 special 2 particular 3 unusual 4 extraordinary
nian2dai4 1 a decade of a century (e.g. the Sixties) 2 age 3 era 4 period
M: g []
shi4bing1 soldier M: g []
yi3lai2 since (a previous event)
zhi4zao4 1 to manufacture 2 to make
tui4 1 to retreat 2 to decline 3 to move back 4 to withdraw
jie4 1 to guard against 2 to exhort 3 to admonish or warn 4 to give up or
stop doing sth 5 Buddhist monastic discipline 6 ring (for a finger)
jie4zhi5 (finger) ring
dong4 1 cave 2 hole 3 zero (unambiguous spoken form when spelling out
numbers) M: g []
zuo4pin3 1 work (of art) 2 opus M: b [] / pin
ze2 1 conjunction used to express contrast with a previous sentence or
clause 2 standard 3 norm 4 rule 5 to imitate 6 to follow 7 then 8 principle 9
classifier for written items (such as an official statement)
shuo1fu2 1 to persuade 2 to convince 3 to talk sb over 4 Taiwan pr.
ka3che1 truck M: ling []
bu4men2 1 department 2 branch 3 section 4 division M: g []
fen1xi1 1 to analyze 2 analysis M: g []
dao3zhi4 1 to lead to 2 to create 3 to cause 4 to bring about
dui4dai4 1 to treat 2 treatment
zhu3ren2 1 master 2 host 3 owner M: g []
kong1jian1 space M: g []
you2zha2 to deep fry
chao3 1 to saut 2 to stir-fry 3 to speculate 4 to hype 5 to fire (sb)
chuang4zao4 1 to create 2 to bring about 3 to produce 4 to set (a record)
fan4wei2 1 range 2 scope 3 limit 4 extent M: g []
cheng1 1 to weigh 2 to state 3 to name 4 name 5 appellation 6 to praise
jin3liang4 1 as much as possible 2 to the greatest extent
qin1zi4 1 personally 2 in person 3 oneself
shi2tou5 stone M: kui []
ding3 1 apex 2 crown of the head 3 top 4 roof 5 most 6 to carry on the head 7
to push to the top 8 to go against 9 to replace 10 to substitute 11 to be subjected
to (an aerial bombing, hailstorm etc) 12 (slang) to "bump" a forum thread to raise
its profile 13 classifier for headwear, hats, veils etc
xi4jie2 1 details 2 particulars
xiang1chu3 1 to be in contact with 2 to associate with 3 to have dealings
du4guo4 1 to pass 2 to spend (time) 3 to survive 4 to get through
qi2ji4 1 miracle 2 miraculous 3 wonder 4 marvel
mei2ti3 media, esp. news media
pi3 1 classifier for horses, mules etc 2 Taiwan pr. [p] 3 ordinary person
4 classifier for cloth: bolt 5 horsepower
wu2suo3wei4 1 to be indifferent 2 not to matter 3 cannot be said to be
yi1bei4zi5 (for) a lifetime
zheng4zhi4 1 politics 2 political
dui4shou3 1 opponent 2 rival 3 competitor 4 (well-matched) adversary 5
ci4ji1 1 to provoke 2 to irritate 3 to upset 4 to stimulate 5 to excite
6 irritant
fei4hua4 1 nonsense 2 rubbish 3 superfluous words 4 You don't say! 5 No
kidding! (gently sarcastic)
zhang3wo4 1 to grasp (often fig.) 2 to control 3 to seize (initiative,
opportunity, destiny) 4 to master 5 to know well 6 to understand sth well and know
how to use it 7 fluency
bo2zi5 neck M: g []
wan2ju4 1 plaything 2 toy
man3zu2 1 to satisfy 2 to meet (the needs of) 3 satisfied 4 content
chong2fu4 1 to repeat 2 to duplicate M: g []
zhi1piao4 1 check (bank) 2 cheque M: bn []
jiao3du4 1 angle 2 point of view
nian2ji4 age M: b [] / g []
guan1cha2 1 to observe 2 to watch 3 to survey 4 to examine 5 observation 6
view 7 perspective M: g []
lao3shu3 1 rat 2 mouse M: zh []
long2 1 dragon M: tio [] 2 imperial
yi2dong4 1 to move 2 movement 3 migration 4 mobile 5 portable
bu4duan4 1 unceasing 2 uninterrupted 3 continuous 4 constant
gong1zhu3 princess
si1kao3 1 to reflect on 2 to ponder over
guan1bi4 1 to close 2 to shut
huan4xiang3 1 delusion 2 fantasy
huo3ban4 1 partner 2 companion 3 comrade
liang4 1 bright 2 clear 3 resonant 4 to shine 5 to show 6 to reveal
sui4 1 to break down 2 to break into pieces 3 fragmentary
zai4yu2 1 to be in 2 to lie in 3 to consist in 4 to depend on 5 to rest
jiao4xun5 1 lesson 2 moral 3 to chide sb 4 to lecture sb
wen3ding4 1 steady 2 stable 3 stability 4 to stabilize 5 to pacify
zun1jing4 1 to respect 2 to revere
bo1li5 1 glass 2 nylon 3 plastic M: zhng [] /
kui []
shu4ju4 1 data 2 numbers 3 digital
yuan2gong1 1 staff 2 personnel 3 employee
hao4qi2 1 inquisitive 2 curious 3 inquisitiveness 4 curiosity
kan3 1 to chop 2 to cut down 3 to throw sth at sb
jia3she4 1 to suppose 2 to presume 3 to assume 4 supposing that ... 5 if 6
hypothesis 7 conjecture
tu3di5 1 local god 2 genius loci
jie4kou3 1 to use as an excuse 2 on the pretext 3 excuse 4 pretext
bao4yuan4 1 to complain 2 to grumble 3 to harbor a complaint 4 to feel
cheng2shou4 1 to bear 2 to support 3 to inherit
shi2shang4 1 fashion 2 fad 3 fashionable
bing4du2 virus
she4bei4 1 equipment 2 facilities 3 installations M: g []
qu3 1 to take a wife 2 to marry (a woman)
guo4fen4 1 excessive 2 undue 3 overly
tou2zi1 1 investment 2 to invest
dui4xiang4 1 target 2 object 3 partner 4 boyfriend 5 girlfriend M:
g []
yi1zhi4 1 unanimous 2 identical (views or opinions)
mei4li4 1 charm 2 fascination 3 glamor 4 charisma
wang2zi3 1 prince 2 son of a king
tou2ru4 1 to throw into 2 to put into 3 to throw oneself into 4 to
participate in 5 to invest in 6 absorbed 7 engrossed
cai3 1 to step on 2 to tread 3 to stamp 4 to press a pedal 5 to pedal (a
xiong1 1 chest 2 bosom 3 heart 4 mind 5 thorax
dang1di4 local
chu1kou3 1 an exit M: g [] 2 to speak 3 to export 4 (of a
ship) to leave port
she2 1 snake 2 serpent M: tio []
guai1 1 (of a child) obedient, well-behaved 2 clever 3 shrewd 4 alert 5
perverse 6 contrary to reason 7 irregular 8 abnormal
nei4bu4 1 interior 2 inside (part, section) 3 internal
zi1shi4 1 posture 2 position
xia1 1 blind 2 groundlessly 3 foolishly 4 to no purpose
he2fa3 1 lawful 2 legitimate 3 legal
sou1suo3 1 to search 2 to look for sth 3 to scour (search meticulously) 4
to look sth up 5 Internet search 6 database search
jue2sai4 finals (of a competition)
yun1 1 confused 2 dizzy 3 giddy 4 to faint 5 to swoon 6 to lose
consciousness 7 to pass out
shuo1bu5ding4 1 can't say for sure 2 maybe
jiao1huan4 1 to exchange 2 to swap 3 to switch (telecom) 4 commutative
(math) 5 to commute
yong1bao4 1 to embrace 2 to hug
wan4yi1 1 just in case 2 if by any chance 3 contingency
zu3he2 1 to assemble 2 combination 3 combinatorial
si1xiang3 1 thought 2 thinking 3 idea 4 ideology M: g []
zhen1dui4 1 to be directed against 2 to be aimed at 3 to counter 4 in the
light of 5 in connection with
ju4ti3 1 concrete 2 definite 3 specific
zhu3ti2 1 theme 2 subject
ya2chi3 1 tooth 2 dental M: k []
rao4 1 to wind 2 to coil (thread) 3 to rotate around 4 to spiral 5 to move
around 6 to go round (an obstacle) 7 to by-pass 8 to make a detour 9 to confuse 10
to perplex

jia4shi3 1 to pilot (ship, airplane etc) 2 to drive

ying4fu5 1 to deal with 2 to cope
cai2chan3 1 property 2 assets 3 estate M: b []
gao1ji2 1 high level 2 high grade 3 advanced 4 high-ranking
feng1xian3 1 risk 2 hazard
Ou1zhou1 1 Europe 2 abbr. for ulub Zhu [
dang3 1 to resist 2 to obstruct 3 to hinder 4 to keep off 5 to block (a blow)
6 to get in the way of 7 cover 8 gear (e.g. in a car's transmission)
hou4guo3 1 consequences 2 aftermath
ge4xing4 1 individuality 2 personality
bi4mian3 1 to avert 2 to prevent 3 to avoid 4 to refrain from
pi1 1 to ascertain 2 to act on 3 to criticize 4 to pass on 5 classifier for
batches, lots, military flights 6 tier (for the ranking of universities and
bao3liu2 1 to retain 2 to continue to have 3 to preserve 4 to maintain 5
to reserve 6 reservations 7 to hold back (approval or acceptance)
chi2xu4 1 to continue 2 to persist 3 sustainable 4 preservation
hou2zi5 monkey M: zh []
cai3qu3 1 to adopt or carry out (measures, policies, course of action) 2
to take
lei4xing2 1 type 2 category 3 genre 4 form 5 style
sheng1 1 to ascend 2 to rise to the rank of 3 to promote 4 to hoist 5
liter 6 measure for dry grain equal to one-tenth dou du []
jin1shu3 metal M: zhng []
he2li3 1 rational 2 reasonable 3 fair
tui4xiu1 1 to retire 2 retirement (from work)
jing1li4 energy
chan3pin3 1 goods 2 merchandise 3 product M: g []
zhi3hui1 1 to conduct 2 to command 3 to direct 4 conductor (of an
orchestra) M: g []
zi4dong4 1 automatic 2 voluntarily
fa3yuan4 1 court of law 2 court
ping2jing4 1 tranquil 2 undisturbed 3 serene
yi1ran2 1 still 2 as before
dun1 1 to crouch 2 to squat 3 to stay (somewhere)
fa1biao3 1 to issue 2 to publish
yan3jiang3 1 lecture 2 to make a speech
guang1lin2 1 (formal) to honor with one's presence 2 to attend
bei4jing3 1 background 2 backdrop 3 context M: zhng []
jiu4hu4che1 ambulance M: ling []
mo2fang3 1 to imitate 2 to copy 3 to emulate 4 to mimic 5 model
cai3fang3 1 to interview 2 to gather news 3 to hunt for and collect 4 to
ping2jia4 1 to evaluate 2 to assess
qiang2lie4 1 intense 2 (violently) strong
zheng1 to struggle
jie1duan4 1 stage 2 section 3 phase 4 period M: g []
wei2fan3 to violate (a law)
fou3ren4 1 to declare to be untrue 2 to deny
tao2bi4 1 to escape 2 to evade 3 to avoid 4 to shirk
pin2dao4 1 frequency 2 (television) channel
wu4zhi4 1 matter 2 substance 3 material 4 materialistic M: g
shi2qi1 1 period 2 phase M: g []
chuan2shuo1 1 legend 2 folklore 3 tradition 4 it is said 5 they say that...
she4ji1 1 to shoot 2 to fire (a gun)
tu4zi5 1 hare 2 rabbit M: zh []
shi4wu4 1 thing 2 object M: g []
sheng2zi5 1 cord 2 string 3 rope M: tio []
ji4nian4 1 to commemorate 2 to remember M: g []
shi3jin4r5 to exert all one's strength
bi4jing4 1 after all 2 all in all 3 when all is said and done 4 in the
final analysis
dao4de2 1 virtue 2 morality 3 ethics M: zhng []
ji1rou4 1 muscle 2 flesh
yu2le4 1 to entertain 2 to amuse 3 entertainment 4 recreation 5
amusement 6 hobby 7 fun 8 joy
zheng1 to open (one's eyes)
jing1dian3 1 the classics 2 scriptures 3 classical
zhui1qiu2 1 to pursue (a goal etc) stubbornly 2 to seek after 3 to woo
min3gan3 1 sensitive 2 susceptible
zhu3 1 to cook 2 to boil
cheng2dan1 1 to undertake 2 to assume (responsibility etc)
chai1 1 to tear open 2 to tear down 3 to tear apart 4 to open
deng1ji4 to register (one's name)
shen1cai2 1 stature 2 build (height and weight) 3 figure
feng3ci4 1 to satirize 2 to mock 3 irony 4 satire 5 sarcasm
zhua1jin3 1 to grasp firmly 2 to pay special attention to 3 to rush in 4 to
make the most of
yuan2 1 circle 2 round 3 circular 4 spherical 5 (of the moon) full 6 unit of
Chinese currency (Yuan) 7 tactful 8 to justify
chen2mo4 1 taciturn 2 uncommunicative 3 silent
yan2su4 1 solemn 2 grave 3 serious 4 earnest 5 severe
cheng1hu5 1 to call 2 to address as 3 appellation
dou4 1 to stay 2 to stop 3 to tease (play with) 4 amusing 5 short pause in
reading aloud, equivalent to comma (also written du [])
biao1zhi4 1 sign 2 mark 3 symbol 4 to symbolize 5 to indicate 6 to mark
ping2chang2 1 ordinary 2 common 3 usually 4 ordinarily
wan2zheng3 1 complete 2 intact
jian1bang3 shoulder
xuan1chuan2 1 to disseminate 2 to give publicity to 3 propaganda M:
g []
tan2pan4 1 to negotiate 2 negotiation 3 talks 4 conference M:
g []
zi4si1 1 selfish 2 selfishness
shang1ye4 1 business 2 trade 3 commerce
sha1mo4 desert M: g []
shou3tao4 1 glove 2 mitten M: shung [] / zh []
yi4 100 million
mian4lin2 1 to face sth 2 to be confronted with
deng3yu2 1 to equal 2 to be tantamount to
dang1xin1 1 to take care 2 to look out
chu1xi2 1 to attend 2 to participate 3 present
zi4mu3 letter (of the alphabet) M: g []
xiang4lian4 necklace M: tio []
zi1jin1 1 funds 2 funding 3 capital
yuan2ze2 1 principle 2 doctrine M: g []
ji4lu4 1 to record 2 record (written account) 3 note-taker 4 record (in
sports etc) M: g []
yu4mi3 1 corn 2 maize M: l []
hui1 1 ash 2 dust 3 lime 4 gray 5 discouraged 6 dejected
chong3wu4 house pet
xian4zhi4 1 to restrict 2 to limit 3 to confine 4 restriction 5 limit M:
g []
tang4 1 to scald 2 to burn (by scalding) 3 to blanch (cooking) 4 to heat
(sth) up in hot water 5 to perm 6 to iron 7 scalding hot
biao3mian4 1 surface 2 face 3 outside 4 appearance
zhi4hui4 1 wisdom 2 knowledge 3 intelligent 4 intelligence
zhu3xi2 1 chairperson 2 premier 3 chairman M: g [] /
wi []
lian2he2 1 to combine 2 to join 3 unite 4 alliance
pi1zhun3 1 to approve 2 to ratify
ti3yan4 to experience for oneself
huang2jin1 1 gold 2 golden (opportunity) 3 prime (time)
you1shi4 1 superiority 2 dominance 3 advantage
lin2shi2 1 at the instant sth happens 2 temporary 3 interim 4 ad hoc
wen1rou2 1 gentle and soft 2 tender
xing2rong2 1 to describe 2 description 3 appearance 4 look
li4yi4 1 benefit 2 (in sb's) interest M: g []
xun2wen4 to inquire
jun1shi4 1 military affairs 2 military matters 3 military
xiao1shou4 1 to sell 2 to market 3 sales (representative, agreement etc)
jie2lun4 1 conclusion 2 verdict M: g [] 3 to conclude 4 to
reach a verdict
ping2heng2 1 balance 2 equilibrium
zi4yuan4 voluntary
zhu4fu2 1 blessings 2 to wish sb well
cuo4shi1 1 measure 2 step M: g []
tiao2zheng3 1 to adjust 2 adjustment 3 revision M: g []
wei4 stomach M: g []
guo4min3 1 to be allergic 2 allergy
fu4n3 woman
zong3suan4 1 at long last 2 finally 3 on the whole
di4tan3 1 carpet 2 rug
huai2nian4 1 to cherish the memory of 2 to think of 3 reminisce
chu1ban3 1 to publish 2 to come off the press 3 to put out
zhu3chi2 1 to take charge of 2 to manage or direct 3 to preside over 4 to
uphold 5 to stand for (justice etc) 6 to host (a TV or radio program etc) 7 (TV)
lian2xu4 1 continuous 2 in a row 3 serial 4 consecutive
que1fa2 1 to lack 2 to be short of 3 lack 4 shortage
yi4wu4 1 duty 2 obligation 3 commitment 4 volunteer duty M:
xing [] 5 mandatory 6 voluntary
mi4feng1 1 bee 2 honeybee M: zh [] / qn []
kua1 1 to boast 2 to exaggerate 3 to praise
kua1zhang1 1 to exaggerate 2 overstated 3 exaggerated 4 hyperbole 5 (coll.)
excessive 6 extreme 7 ridiculous
bao3cun2 1 to conserve 2 to preserve 3 to keep 4 to save (a file etc)
chi2zao3 sooner or later
si1 to tear
hu2tu5 1 muddled 2 silly 3 confused
zi1xun2 1 to consult 2 to seek advice 3 consultation 4 (sales) inquiry
ran2shao1 1 to ignite 2 to combust 3 to burn 4 combustion 5 flaming
hao2hua2 luxurious
qing1 1 nature's color 2 green or blue 3 greenish black 4 youth 5 young (of
qing1yi4 1 easily 2 lightly 3 rashly
yin2 1 silver 2 silver-colored 3 relating to money or currency
gong1neng2 1 function 2 capability
ming2que4 1 clear-cut 2 definite 3 explicit 4 to clarify 5 to specify 6 to
make definite
ji1lie4 1 intense 2 acute 3 fierce
ba3wo4 1 to grasp (also fig.) 2 to seize 3 to hold 4 assurance 5
certainty 6 sure (of the outcome)
chuang3 1 to rush 2 to charge 3 to dash 4 to break through 5 to temper
oneself (through battling hardships)
shi4xian1 1 in advance 2 before the event 3 beforehand 4 prior
fu4zhi4 1 to duplicate 2 to make a copy of 3 to copy 4 to reproduce 5 to
shan3dian4 lightning M: do []
she4ying3 1 to take a photograph 2 photography 3 to shoot (a movie)
che1ku4 garage
po4chan3 1 to go bankrupt 2 to become impoverished 3 bankruptcy
sha1tan1 1 beach 2 sandy shore M: pin []
yi2min2 1 to immigrate 2 to migrate 3 emigrant 4 immigrant
zhao2huo3 1 to ignite 2 to burn
ri4qi1 date M: g []
xing2shi4 1 outer appearance 2 form 3 shape 4 formality M: g
jie2he2 1 to combine 2 to link 3 to integrate 4 binding M: c
xiang1si4 1 to resemble 2 similar 3 like 4 resemblance 5 similarity
xian4xiang4 1 appearance 2 phenomenon M: g [] /
zhng []
ling3yu4 1 domain 2 sphere 3 field 4 territory 5 area
xun4su4 1 rapid 2 speedy 3 fast
qian2tu2 1 prospects 2 future outlook 3 journey
ruo4 1 weak 2 feeble 3 young 4 inferior 5 (following a decimal or fraction)
slightly less than
fang2ai4 1 to hinder 2 to obstruct
zhen3duan4 1 diagnosis 2 to diagnose
zi1yuan2 1 natural resource (such as water or minerals) 2 resource (such
as manpower or tourism)
cheng2ren2 adult
du2te4 1 unique 2 distinct 3 having special characteristics
bo1fang4 1 to broadcast 2 to transmit
guang1ming2 1 light 2 illumination 3 radiance (esp. glory of Buddha etc) 4
fig. bright prospects 5 openhearted
dai4kuan3 1 a loan M: b [] 2 to provide a loan (e.g. bank) 3
to raise a loan (from e.g. a bank)
dan3xiao3gui3 coward
diao4 to fish with a hook and bait
di4zhen4 earthquake
ge4zi4 1 each 2 respective 3 apiece
zhuan1xin1 1 to concentrate 2 absorption 3 concentration 4 engrossed
gong4xian4 1 to contribute 2 to dedicate 3 to devote 4 contribution M:
g []
zhang4hu4 1 bank account 2 online account
gu3piao4 1 share certificate 2 stock (finance)
xing2cheng2 1 to form 2 to take shape
xi4ju4 1 drama 2 play 3 theater
zhi2zhao4 1 license 2 permit
qi4you2 gasoline
jian4shen1 1 to exercise 2 to keep fit 3 to work out 4 physical exercise
pi1 1 to drape over one's shoulders 2 to open 3 to unroll 4 to split open 5
to spread out
lun4wen2 1 paper 2 treatise 3 thesis M: pin [] 4 to discuss a
paper or thesis (old)
gu4ding4 1 to fix 2 to fasten 3 to set rigidly in place 4 fixed 5 set 6
kou3wei4 1 a person's preferences 2 tastes (in food) 3 flavor
ce4 1 book 2 booklet 3 classifier for books
zhu4ce4 1 to register 2 to enroll
ying1jun4 handsome
mu4tou5 1 slow-witted 2 blockhead 3 log (of wood, timber etc) M:
kui [] / gn []
gong1bu4 1 to announce 2 to make public 3 to publish
mo4sheng1 1 strange 2 unfamiliar
ren2cai2 1 talent 2 talented person 3 looks 4 attractive looks
shi1ye4 1 unemployment 2 to lose one's job
nan2guai4 1 (it's) no wonder (that...) 2 (it's) not surprising (that)
wai1 1 askew 2 at a crooked angle 3 devious 4 noxious
quan2mian4 1 all-around 2 comprehensive 3 total 4 overall
ke4fu2 1 (try to) overcome (hardships etc) 2 to conquer 3 to put up with
4 to endure
ji4suan4 1 to count 2 to calculate 3 to compute M: g []
xie1 to rest
you3li4 1 advantageous 2 to have advantages 3 favorable
jin3shen4 1 cautious 2 prudent
qi3ye4 1 company 2 firm 3 enterprise 4 corporation M: ji []
xia4zai3 1 to download 2 also pr. [xizi]
shi1zi5 lion M: zh [] / tu []
qing1shao4nian2 1 adolescent 2 youth 3 teenager
zhan3kai1 1 to unfold 2 to carry out 3 to be in full swing 4 to launch
shuang1fang1 1 bilateral 2 both sides 3 both parties involved
ren3bu5zhu4 1 cannot help 2 unable to bear
da4xing2 1 large 2 large-scale
wen2ming2 1 civilized 2 civilization 3 culture M: g []
da4xiang4 elephant M: zh []
bu4zu2 1 insufficient 2 lacking 3 deficiency 4 not enough 5 inadequate 6
not worth 7 cannot 8 should not
yi2wen4 1 question 2 interrogation 3 doubt
cao1xin1 to worry about
wu4 1 fog 2 mist M: chng [] / zhn []
yun4yong4 1 to use 2 to put to use
chi4bang3 wing M: g [] / du []
lie4che1 (railway) train
xiang1chang2 sausage M: gn []
ji2qi2 extremely
wei4yu2 1 to be located at 2 to be situated at 3 to lie
kuan1 1 lenient 2 wide 3 broad
zong3cai2 1 chairman 2 director-general (of a company etc)
wei3ba5 tail
chou1ti5 drawer
duo3 1 flower 2 earlobe 3 fig. item on both sides 4 classifier for flowers,
clouds etc
zhen4 1 disposition of troops 2 wave 3 spate 4 burst 5 spell 6 short period
of time 7 classifier for events or states of short duration
jiao3hua2 1 crafty 2 cunning 3 sly
xie3zuo4 1 to write 2 to compose 3 writing 4 written works
da4sha4 1 large building 2 edifice 3 mansion M: zu []
zan4mei3 1 to admire 2 to praise 3 to eulogize
qi2yu2 1 the rest 2 the others 3 remaining 4 remainder 5 apart from them
jie2gou4 1 structure 2 composition 3 makeup 4 architecture M:
zu [] / g []
zheng4jian4 1 certificate 2 papers 3 credentials 4 document 5 ID
fa1yan2 1 to make a speech 2 statement 3 utterance M: g []
bian4lun4 1 debate 2 argument 3 to argue over M: chng [] /
c []
neng2yuan2 1 energy 2 power source M: g []
shuai1dao3 1 to fall down 2 to slip and fall 3 to throw sb to the ground
wei4kou3 1 appetite 2 liking
luo4hou4 1 to fall behind 2 to lag (in technology etc) 3 backward 4 to
chuan2ran3 1 to infect 2 contagious
te4zheng1 1 characteristic 2 diagnostic property 3 distinctive feature 4
shi2xi2 1 to practice 2 field work 3 to intern 4 internship
hu1shi4 1 to neglect 2 to ignore
luo2ji5 logic (loanword)
fei2zao4 soap M: kui [] / tio []
shu1ru4 1 to import 2 to input
guan3zi5 1 tube 2 pipe 3 drinking straw M: gn []
gai4nian4 1 concept 2 idea M: g []
zhao1dai4 1 to receive (guests) 2 to entertain 3 reception
an1zhuang1 1 to install 2 to erect 3 to fix 4 to mount 5 installation
xiu1gai3 1 to amend 2 to alter 3 to modify
shu1cai4 1 vegetables 2 produce M: zhng []
yu3qi4 1 tone 2 manner of speaking 3 mood M: g []
she4shi1 1 facilities 2 installation
zhen1xi1 1 to treasure 2 to value 3 to cherish
wo4shou3 to shake hands
cheng2guo3 1 result 2 achievement 3 gain 4 profit M: g []
fen4dou4 1 to strive 2 to struggle
guo1 1 pot 2 pan 3 boiler M: ku [] / zh []
zhi4xu4 1 order (orderly) 2 order (sequence) 3 social order 4 the state
(of society) M: g []
xing2zhuang4 1 form 2 shape M: g []
zhuang1xiu1 1 to decorate 2 interior decoration 3 to fit up 4 to renovate
cheng2fen4 1 composition 2 make-up 3 ingredient 4 element 5 component 6
one's social status M: g []
ying3zi5 1 shadow 2 reflection M: g []
ling2 (small) bell M: zh []
bao2 1 thin 2 cold in manner 3 indifferent 4 weak 5 light 6 infertile
shui4 1 taxes 2 duties
yang3 1 to itch 2 to tickle
nong2 1 concentrated 2 dense 3 strong (smell etc)
fang3fu2 1 to seem 2 as if 3 alike 4 similar
yao4bu4 1 otherwise 2 or else 3 how about...? 4 either... (or...)
yun4shu1 1 transport 2 haulage 3 transit M: g []
zhi4ding4 1 to draw up 2 to formulate
shou1ju4 receipt M: zhng []
gong1cheng2shi1 engineer M: g [] / wi [] /
mng []
tao2 peach
dai4yu4 1 treatment 2 pay 3 salary 4 status 5 rank
ti2wen4 1 to question 2 to quiz 3 to grill
he2xin1 1 core 2 nucleus
kai1fa1 1 to exploit (a resource) 2 to open up (for development) 3 to
wen2zi4 1 character 2 script 3 writing 4 written language 5 writing style
6 phraseology M: g []
ben3zhi4 1 essence 2 nature 3 innate character 4 intrinsic quality
mai4ke4feng1 microphone (loanword)
mo2hu5 1 vague 2 indistinct 3 fuzzy
hua1sheng1 1 peanut 2 groundnut M: l []
jia1bin1 1 esteemed guest 2 honored guest 3 guest (on a show)
fen1pei4 1 to distribute 2 to assign 3 to allocate 4 to partition (a hard
xing2shi4 1 circumstances 2 situation 3 terrain M: g []
ping2deng3 1 equal 2 equality
qing1chun1 1 youth 2 youthfulness
ling2jian4 1 part 2 component
duo1yu2 1 superfluous 2 unnecessary 3 surplus
kuai4ji4 1 accountant 2 accountancy 3 accounting
fa1dou3 1 to tremble 2 to shake 3 to shiver
gong1ye4 industry
er3huan2 earring M: zh [] / du []
ri4chang2 1 daily 2 everyday
ti3tie1 considerate (of other people's needs)
piao1 to float
bing1ji1ling2 ice cream
shan4yu2 1 to be good at 2 to be adept at
ji2ti3 1 collective 2 social 3 team M: g []
gai3jin4 1 to improve 2 to make better M: g []
shi2mao2 1 in vogue 2 fashionable
sheng1zhang3 to grow
ce4yan4 1 test 2 to test M: c [] / g []
xi1shou1 1 to absorb 2 to assimilate 3 to ingest 4 to recruit
dan1ren4 1 to hold a governmental office or post 2 to assume office of 3
to take charge of 4 to serve as
guai4bu5de5 1 no wonder! 2 so that's why!
sui2shen1 1 to (carry) on one's person 2 to (take) with one
pei2xun4 1 to cultivate 2 to train 3 to groom 4 training
gai3shan4 1 to make better 2 to improve M: g []
zong3gong4 1 altogether 2 in sum 3 in all 4 in total
ri4cheng2 1 schedule 2 itinerary M: g []
ping2jun1 1 average 2 on average 3 evenly 4 in equal proportions
ci3wai4 1 besides 2 in addition 3 moreover 4 furthermore
zhi4du4 1 system (e.g. political, adminstrative etc) 2 institution M:
g []
xiang1dui4 1 relatively 2 opposite 3 to resist 4 to oppose 5 relative 6 vis-
a-vis 7 counterpart
kuo4da4 1 to expand 2 to enlarge 3 to broaden one's scope
dan1chun2 1 simple 2 pure 3 unsophisticated 4 merely 5 purely
lu4qu3 1 to recruit 2 to enroll
yang2tai2 1 balcony 2 porch
niu2zai3ku4 jeans M: tio []
jian3li4 1 curriculum vitae (CV) 2 rsum 3 biographical notes
hou4bei4 1 the back (human anatomy) 2 the back part of sth
li4run4 profits
chuang1lian2 window curtains
zhong4liang4 weight M: g []
si1hao2 1 the slightest amount or degree 2 a bit
shang1pin3 1 good 2 commodity 3 merchandise M: g []
fan3fu4 1 repeatedly 2 over and over 3 to upend 4 unstable 5 to come and
go 6 (of an illness) to return
la4jiao1 1 hot pepper 2 chili
tu1chu1 1 prominent 2 outstanding 3 to give prominence to 4 to protrude 5
to project
zhang3 to rise (of prices, rivers)
chu1shi4 1 to show 2 to take out and show to others 3 to display
qiang2diao4 1 to emphasize (a statement) 2 to stress
zhuan3gao4 1 to pass on 2 to communicate 3 to transmit
shan1chu2 1 to delete 2 to cancel
dou4fu5 1 tofu 2 bean curd
jiu4jiu5 1 mother's brother 2 maternal uncle (informal) M: g
nong2min2 1 peasant 2 farmer M: g []
zhi4yuan4zhe3 volunteer
wei1hai4 1 to jeopardize 2 to harm 3 to endanger M: g []
e4lie4 1 vile 2 nasty 3 of very poor quality
ze2bei4 1 to blame 2 to criticize 3 condemnation 4 reproach
zhe2xue2 philosophy M: g []
gui4tai2 1 sales counter 2 front desk 3 bar 4 (of markets, medicines etc)
OTC (over-the-counter)
mei2mao5 eyebrow M: gn []
chao1 1 to make a copy 2 to plagiarize 3 to search and seize 4 to raid 5 to
grab 6 to go off with 7 to take a shortcut 8 to make a turning move 9 to fold one's
jie1dai4 1 to receive (a visitor) 2 to admit (allow sb to enter)
fu3dao3 1 to coach 2 to tutor 3 to give advice (in study)
ju4bei4 1 to possess 2 to have 3 equipped with 4 able to fulfill
(conditions or requirements)
ji4l4 discipline
dui4bi3 1 to contrast 2 contrast 3 ratio M: g []
gou4cheng2 1 to constitute 2 to form 3 to compose 4 to make up 5 to
configure (computing)
che1xiang1 carriage M: ji []
gu1gu5 paternal aunt M: g []
wei2jin1 1 scarf 2 shawl M: tio []
ti3xian4 1 to embody 2 to reflect 3 to incarnate
gui1l4 1 rule (e.g. of science) 2 law of behavior 3 regular pattern 4
rhythm 5 discipline
mi4qie4 1 close 2 familiar 3 intimate 4 closely (related) 5 to foster
close ties 6 to pay close attention
guan1nian4 1 notion 2 thought 3 concept 4 sense 5 views 6 ideology 7 general
fou3ding4 1 to negate 2 to deny 3 to reject 4 negative (answer) 5 negation
gu3wu3 1 heartening (news) 2 boost (morale) M: g []
gui1mo2 1 scale 2 scope 3 extent M: g []
zhao4kai1 1 to convene (a conference or meeting) 2 to convoke 3 to call
zheng3ti3 1 whole entity 2 entire body 3 synthesis 4 as a whole (situation,
construction, team etc) 5 global 6 macrocosm 7 integral 8 holistic 9 whole
bao4dao4 1 to report for duty 2 to check in 3 to register
shou3gong1 1 handwork 2 manual
you4er2yuan2 1 kindergarten 2 nursery school
qi3fa1 1 to enlighten 2 to explain (a text etc) 3 to stimulate (a mental
attitude) 4 enlightenment 5 revelation 6 motivation
dun1 1 ton (loanword) 2 Taiwan pr. [dn]
pen2 1 basin 2 flower pot 3 unit of volume equal to 12 and 8 ,
approx 128 liters M: g []
cong1mang2 1 hasty 2 hurried
xi1qu3 1 to absorb 2 to draw (a lesson, insight etc) 3 to assimilate
ji2ge2 1 to pass an exam or a test 2 to meet a minimum standard
huo3chai2 match (for lighting fire) M: gn [] / h
mu4lu4 1 catalog 2 table of contents 3 directory (on computer hard
drive) 4 list 5 contents
nen4 1 tender 2 soft 3 delicate 4 light (color) 5 inexperienced 6 unskilled
jie1shi5 1 rugged 2 sturdy 3 strong 4 durable 5 buff (physique)
dao3yan3 1 to direct 2 director (film etc)
hu2 1 pot 2 classifier for bottled liquid
wei2rao4 1 to revolve around 2 to center on (an issue)
wai4gong1 1 (coll.) mother's father 2 maternal grandfather
jian1zhi2 1 to hold concurrent posts 2 concurrent job 3 moonlighting
li4xi1 interest (on a loan) M: b []
ti2mu4 1 subject 2 title 3 topic M: g []
xiao1fei4 to consume M: g []
an4 1 bank 2 shore 3 beach 4 coast M: g []
yu4ding4 1 to place an order 2 to book ahead
huan3jie3 1 to blunt 2 to dull 3 to ease 4 to help relieve (a crisis) 5 to
alleviate (pain)
xiu1xian2 1 leisure 2 relaxation 3 not working 4 idle 5 to enjoy leisure 6
to lie fallow
qian1xu1 1 modest 2 self-effacing 3 to make modest remarks
kun1chong2 insect M: zh [] / qn [] /
du []
ke4guan1 1 objective 2 impartial
liu2lei4 to shed tears
bi3li4 1 proportion 2 scale
bi4ran2 1 inevitable 2 certain 3 necessity
ai4xin1 1 compassion 2 kindness 3 care for others 4 love M:
pin [] 5 charity (bazaar, golf day etc) 6 heart (the symbol )
guo4qi1 1 to be overdue 2 to exceed the time limit 3 to expire (as in
expiration date)
hai3guan1 customs (i.e. border crossing inspection) M: g []
xiao1ji2 1 negative 2 passive 3 inactive
ri4li4 calendar M: zhng [] / bn []
wu4 do not
tao2qi4 1 naughty 2 mischievous
tou4ming2 1 transparent 2 open (non-secretive)
jie2sheng3 1 saving 2 to save 3 to use sparingly 4 to cut down on
kan4wang4 1 to visit 2 to pay a call to
li2 pear M: g []
jian4she4 1 to build 2 to construct 3 construction 4 constructive
lao2dong4 1 work 2 toil 3 physical labor M: c []
ling2huo2 1 flexible 2 nimble 3 agile
cheng1zan4 1 to praise 2 to acclaim 3 to commend 4 to compliment
can1kao3 1 consultation 2 reference 3 to consult 4 to refer
duo3cang2 1 to conceal oneself 2 to go into hiding 3 to take cover
zhou1dao4 1 thoughtful 2 considerate 3 attentive 4 thorough 5 also pr.
gao1dang4 1 superior quality 2 high grade 3 top grade
ming2pai2 famous brand
tao3jia4huan2jia4 to haggle over price
shu4ma3 1 number 2 numerals 3 figures 4 digital 5 amount 6 numerical code
shi2jian4 1 to practice 2 to put into practice 3 to fulfill
ling2shi2 1 between-meal nibbles 2 snacks
hui1chen2 dust
zong3li3 1 premier 2 prime minister M: g [] / wi
[] / mng []
fa1da2 1 developed (country etc) 2 flourishing 3 to develop
li2mi3 centimeter
ge4bie2 1 individual 2 specific 3 respective 4 just one or two
pan4wang4 1 to hope for 2 to look forward to
di4li3 geography
lu4di4 dry land (as opposed to the sea)
can2kui4 ashamed
liu2lan3 1 to skim over 2 to browse
xing4zhi4 1 nature 2 characteristic M: g []
cu4 1 vinegar 2 jealousy (in love rivalry)
chang2shi2 1 common sense 2 general knowledge M: mn []
yin4shua1 1 to print 2 printing
jiao1shui3 glue
jin4kou3 1 to import 2 imported 3 entrance 4 inlet (for the intake of air,
water etc)
zhong3lei4 1 kind 2 genus 3 type 4 category 5 variety 6 species 7 sort 8
chi2tang2 1 pool 2 pond
zhu3zhang1 1 to advocate 2 to stand for 3 view 4 position 5 stand 6
proposition 7 viewpoint 8 assertion M: g []
sheng1dong4 1 vivid 2 lively
tan3shuai4 1 frank (discussion) 2 blunt 3 open
shang4dang4 1 taken in (by sb's deceit) 2 to be fooled 3 to be duped
yong4tu2 1 use 2 application
zheng3qi2 1 orderly 2 neat 3 even 4 tidy
lun2liu2 1 to alternate 2 to take turns
fa2kuan3 1 to fine 2 penalty 3 fine (monetary)
shang1wu4 1 commercial affairs 2 commercial 3 commerce 4 business
cu1cao1 1 crude 2 gruff 3 rough 4 coarse
jian4pan2 keyboard
cha1zi5 fork M: b []
qiao3miao4 1 ingenious 2 clever 3 ingenuity 4 artifice
po4qie4 1 urgent 2 pressing
dan1yuan2 1 unit (forming an entity) 2 element 3 (in a residential
building) entrance or staircase
miao2tiao5 1 (of a woman) slim 2 slender 3 graceful
wei4bi4 1 not necessarily 2 maybe not
ao2ye4 to stay up late or all night
miao2xie3 1 to describe 2 to depict 3 to portray 4 description
si1chou2 1 silk cloth 2 silk
yuan2liao4 raw material M: g []
ci2hui4 1 vocabulary 2 list of words (e.g. for language teaching
purposes) 3 word
zheng1qiu2 1 to solicit 2 to seek 3 to request (opinions, feedback etc) 4 to
ying4yong4 1 to use 2 to apply 3 application 4 applicable
hai3xian1 seafood
wan2shan4 1 perfect 2 to make perfect 3 to improve
bu4zhou4 1 procedure 2 step
wu3shu4 1 military skill or technique (in former times) 2 all kinds of
martial art sports (some claiming spiritual development) 3 self-defense 4 tradition
of choreographed fights from opera and film (recent usage) 5 also called kungfu
M: zhng []
ping2fang1 square (as in square foot, square mile, square root)
chao2shi1 1 damp 2 moist
xue2shu4 1 learning 2 science 3 academic M: g []
cha1ju4 1 disparity 2 gap
liang2shi5 1 foodstuff 2 cereals M: zhng []
tui1guang3 1 to extend 2 to spread 3 to popularize 4 generalization 5
promotion (of a product etc)
cu4shi3 1 to induce 2 to promote 3 to urge 4 to impel 5 to bring about 6
to provoke 7 to drive (sb to do sth) 8 to catalyze 9 to actuate 10 to contribute to
(some development)
kong4xian2 1 idle 2 free time 3 leisure 4 unused (place)
xiao3qi4 1 stingy 2 petty 3 miserly 4 narrow-minded
xu4shu4 1 to relate (a story or information) 2 to tell or talk about 3 to
recount 4 narration 5 telling 6 narrative 7 account
yi4lun4 1 to comment 2 to talk about 3 to discuss 4 discussion M:
g []
gai3zheng4 1 to correct 2 to amend 3 to put right 4 correction M:
g []
ren2shi4 1 personnel 2 human resources 3 human affairs 4 ways of the world
5 (euphemism) sexuality 6 the facts of life
chu1ji2 1 junior 2 primary
chang2tu2 long distance
you1hui4 1 preferential 2 favorable
mei3shu4 1 art 2 fine arts 3 painting M: zhng []
guang3fan4 1 extensive 2 wide range
tiao2pi2 1 naughty 2 mischievous 3 unruly
jiang3zuo4 a course of lectures M: g []
zhai3 1 narrow 2 narrow-minded 3 badly off
xie2 1 inclined 2 slanting 3 oblique 4 tilting
guang1hua2 1 glossy 2 sleek 3 smooth
cheng2ken3 1 sincere 2 honest 3 cordial
leng3dan4 1 cold 2 indifferent
yi3 1 second of the ten Heavenly Stems shtingn []
2 second in order 3 letter "B" or roman "II" in list "A, B, C", or "I, II, III" etc
4 second party (in legal contract, usually yfng [], as opposed
to jifng []) 5 ethyl 6 bent 7 winding 8 radical in Chinese
characters (Kangxi radical 5)
nong2ye4 1 agriculture 2 farming
he2ying3 1 joint photo 2 group photo
qu1shi4 1 trend 2 tendency
fan2rong2 1 prosperous 2 booming (economy)
ge2wai4 1 especially 2 particularly
zhu3guan1 subjective
xiao3mai4 wheat M: l []
huang1zhang1 1 confused 2 flustered
ben3ling3 1 skill 2 ability 3 capability M: xing [] /
g []
fen1bu4 1 distributed 2 to distribute
cu4jin4 1 to promote (an idea or cause) 2 to advance 3 boost
ju2zi5 1 tangerine 2 also written M: g [] /
bn []
lao3lao5 1 (coll.) mother's mother 2 maternal grandmother
zhong1jie4 1 to act as intermediary 2 to link 3 intermediate 4 inter- 5
agency 6 agent
kai1mu4shi4 opening ceremony
qin2fen4 1 hardworking 2 diligent
zi4mu4 1 caption 2 subtitle
shi2yong4 1 practical 2 functional 3 pragmatic 4 applied (science)
xiang4qi2 Chinese chess M: f []
dui4huan4 1 to convert 2 to exchange
zhao4chang2 as usual
jia1zi5 1 clip 2 clamp 3 tongs 4 folder 5 wallet
yong4gong1 1 diligent 2 industrious (in one's studies) 3 to study hard 4 to
make great effort
zhen4dong4 1 to vibrate 2 to shake 3 vibration
bu4nai4fan2 1 impatience 2 impatient
dan1diao4 monotonous
qing1shi4 1 contempt 2 contemptuous 3 to despise 4 to scorn 5 scornful
fa1piao4 1 invoice 2 receipt or bill for purchase
dao3yu3 island
jian1ju4 1 arduous 2 terrible (task) 3 very difficult 4 formidable
fen1fen1 1 one after another 2 in succession 3 one by one 4 continuously 5
diverse 6 in profusion 7 numerous and confused 8 pell-mell
lang3du2 to read aloud
da3pen1ti4 to sneeze
yi1zai4 repeatedly
xing2ren2 1 pedestrian 2 traveler on foot 3 passer-by 4 official
responsible for arranging audiences with the emperor
jiang4you2 soy sauce
hui1xin1 1 to lose heart 2 to be discouraged
yang4shi4 1 type 2 style
you1jiu3 long (tradition, history etc)
zuo4wen2 1 to write an essay 2 composition (student essay) M:
pin []
jie2zhang4 1 to pay the bill 2 to settle accounts 3 also written
shou4ming4 1 life span 2 life expectancy 3 lifetime (of a machine)
yin1er2 1 therefore 2 as a result 3 thus 4 and as a result, ...
ying4jian4 hardware
teng2ai4 to love dearly
sui2shou3 1 conveniently 2 without extra trouble 3 while doing it 4 in
chou1xiang4 1 abstract 2 abstraction M: zhng []
zhu2bu4 1 progressively 2 step by step
shi4juan4 1 examination paper 2 test paper M: fn [] /
zhng []
wei3qu5 1 to feel wronged 2 to cause sb to feel wronged 3 grievance
Chu2xi1 lunar New Year's Eve
ya1jin1 1 deposit 2 down payment
gong1yuan2 1 CE (Common Era) 2 Christian Era 3 AD (Anno Domini)
chong1dian4qi4 battery charger
tui4bu4 1 to do less well than before 2 to make a concession 3 setback 4
backward step 5 leeway 6 room to maneuver 7 fallback
gai4kuo4 1 to summarize 2 to generalize 3 briefly M: g []
guo3shi2 1 fruit (produced by a plant) 2 (fig.) fruits (of success etc) 3
results 4 gains
ci4yao4 secondary
wang3fan3 1 to go back and forth 2 to go to and fro 3 round trip
hao4ke4 1 hospitality 2 to treat guests well 3 to enjoy having guests 4
hospitable 5 friendly
zhao2liang2 1 to catch cold 2 Taiwan pr. [zholing]
ti2chang4 1 to promote 2 to advocate
guai3wan1 1 to go round a curve 2 to turn a corner 3 fig. a new direction
fa1chou2 1 to worry 2 to fret 3 to be anxious 4 to become sad
neng2gan4 1 capable 2 competent
kan4bu5qi3 1 to look down upon 2 to despise
guang3da4 1 (of an area) vast or extensive 2 large-scale 3 widespread 4 (of
people) numerous
sheng3le4 1 to leave out 2 an omission
jun1yun2 1 even 2 well-distributed 3 homogeneous 4 well-proportioned
(figure, body etc)
shi1run4 moist
chi1kui1 1 to suffer losses 2 to come to grief 3 to lose out 4 to get the
worst of it 5 to be at a disadvantage 6 unfortunately
xian1yan4 1 bright-colored 2 gaily-colored
nei4ke1 1 internal medicine 2 general medicine
bu4jian4de5 1 not necessarily 2 not likely
xiao4shun4 1 filial piety 2 to be obedient to one's parents
zai1hai4 1 disastrous damage 2 scourge M: g []
lu4xu4 1 in turn 2 successively 3 one after the other 4 bit by bit
ai4xi1 1 to cherish 2 to treasure 3 to use sparingly
yi1l4 1 same 2 uniformly 3 all 4 without exception
pian4mian4 1 unilateral 2 one-sided
bian1pao4 1 firecrackers 2 string of small firecrackers M: mi
qing1dan4 1 light (of food, not greasy or strongly flavored) 2 insipid 3
slack (sales)
kai1shui3 1 boiled water 2 boiling water
jing1shang1 1 to trade 2 to carry out commercial activities 3 in business
shan4zi5 fan M: b []
ri4yong4pin3 articles for daily use M: jin [] /
g []
hu2tong4 1 lane 2 alley M: tio []
gan4huo2r5 1 to work 2 manual labor
zhong1xun2 middle third of a month
ben3ke1 1 undergraduate course 2 undergraduate (attributive)
wen2ju4 1 stationery 2 item of stationery (pen, pencil, eraser, pencil
sharpener etc)
mei2tan4 coal
ji2mang2 hastily
ti2gang1 1 outline 2 synopsis 3 notes
Yuan2dan4 New Year's Day
jin4dai4 1 the not-very-distant past 2 modern times, excluding recent
decades 3 (in the context of Chinese history) the period from the Opium Wars until
the May 4th Movement (mid-19th century to 1919) 4 capitalist times (pre-1949)
hui4l4 exchange rate
Hua2yi4 1 ethnic Chinese 2 non-Chinese citizen of Chinese ancestry
zhan1tie1 1 to stick 2 to affix 3 to adhere 4 to paste (as in "copy and
paste") 5 Taiwan pr. [ninti]
pin1yin1 1 phonetic writing 2 pinyin (Chinese romanization)
xu1xin1 modest
gua4hao4 1 to register (at a hospital etc) 2 to send by registered mail
chi3zi5 1 rule 2 ruler (measuring instrument) M: b []
biao1dian3 1 punctuation 2 a punctuation mark 3 to punctuate M:
g []
gui1na4 1 to sum up 2 to summarize 3 to conclude from facts 4 induction
(method of deduction in logic)
ming2sheng4gu3ji4 historical sites and scenic spots
hei1 hey
hai1 1 oh alas 2 hey! 3 hi! (loanword) 4 high (on drugs, or as 'in high
spirits') (loanword)
wa5 replaces a [] when following the vowel "u" or "ao"
er2yi3 1 that's all 2 nothing more
shi1ti3 1 dead body 2 corpse 3 carcass M: j []
xian4chang3 1 the scene (of a crime, accident etc) 2 (on) the spot 3 (at) the
jian1yu4 prison
sha2 dialectal equivalent of shnme []
si3wang2 1 to die 2 death
xiong1shou3 1 murderer 2 assassin
pi4gu5 1 buttocks 2 bottom 3 butt 4 back part
xuan3shou3 1 athlete 2 contestant
tou2piao4 1 to vote 2 vote
sa1huang3 to tell lies
wu3qi4 1 weapon 2 arms M: zhng []
fa1shi4 1 to vow 2 to pledge 3 to swear
xin1yan3r5 1 one's thoughts 2 mind 3 intention 4 willingness to accept new
ideas 5 baseless suspicions
xian4suo3 1 trail 2 clues 3 thread (of a story)
za2 1 to smash 2 to pound 3 to fail 4 to muck up 5 to bungle
shi1zong1 1 to be missing 2 to disappear 3 unaccounted for
kong3bu4 1 terrible 2 frightful 3 frightening 4 terror 5 terrorist
xing4gan3 1 sex appeal 2 eroticism 3 sexuality 4 sexy
jiao1yi4 1 (business) transaction 2 business deal M: b []
e3xin1 1 nausea 2 to feel sick 3 disgust 4 nauseating 5 to embarrass
wu3dao3 1 dance (performance art) 2 dancing
gong1ji1 1 to attack 2 to accuse 3 to charge 4 an attack (terrorist or
shi4tu2 1 to attempt 2 to try
tao2tai4 1 to wash out 2 elimination (by selection) 3 natural selection 4
to knock out (in a competition) 5 to die out 6 to phase out
zi3dan4 bullet M: l [] / k [] / f
du2pin3 1 drugs 2 narcotics 3 poison
xi2ji1 1 attack (esp. surprise attack) 2 raid 3 to attack
ling2hun2 1 soul 2 spirit
bao4zha4 1 explosion 2 to explode 3 to blow up 4 to detonate
wan2yi4r5 1 toy 2 plaything 3 thing 4 act 5 trick (in a performance, stage
show, acrobatics etc)
ding1 1 to watch attentively 2 to fix one's attention on 3 to stare at 4 to
gaze at
yu2chun3 1 silly 2 stupid
gen1zong1 1 to follow sb's tracks 2 to tail 3 to shadow 4 tracking
bang3jia4 1 to kidnap 2 to abduct 3 to hijack 4 a kidnapping 5 abduction 6
ke4hu4 1 client 2 customer
jiang1jun1 1 general 2 high-ranking military officer 3 to check or checkmate
4 fig. to embarrass 5 to challenge 6 to put sb on the spot
zhou1 1 prefecture 2 (old) province 3 (old) administrative division 4 state
(e.g. of US) 5 oblast (Russia) 6 canton (Switzerland)
hao2wu2 1 not in the least 2 to completely lack
dai4bu3 1 to arrest 2 to apprehend 3 an arrest
cheng2yuan2 member
jian1shi4 1 to monitor 2 to keep a close watch over 3 surveillance
jing3gao4 1 to warn 2 to admonish
chang2shi4 1 to try 2 to attempt M: c []
da1 1 to put up 2 to build (scaffolding) 3 to hang (clothes on a pole) 4 to
connect 5 to join 6 to arrange in pairs 7 to match 8 to add 9 to throw in
(resources) 10 to take (boat, train) 11 variant of d []
da1dang4 1 to cooperate 2 partner
dui4fu5 1 to handle 2 to deal with 3 to cope 4 to get by with
rong2xing4 honored (to have the privilege of ...)
dui4wu3 1 ranks 2 troops 3 queue 4 line 5 procession M: g
[] / zh [] / tio []
tong2zhi4 1 comrade 2 (slang) homosexual M: g []
ou3xiang4 idol
jun1dui4 1 army 2 troops M: zh [] / g []
zhen1tan4 1 detective 2 to do detective work
que4bao3 1 to ensure 2 to guarantee
shua3 1 to play with 2 to wield 3 to act (cool etc) 4 to display (a skill,
one's temper etc)
zhan4dou4 1 to fight 2 to battle M: chng [] / c
zhan3shi4 1 to reveal 2 to display 3 to show 4 to exhibit sth
jin4zhan3 1 to make headway 2 to make progress
le4yi4 1 to be willing to do sth 2 to be ready to do sth 3 to be happy
to do sth 4 content 5 satisfied
jie3gu4 1 to fire 2 to sack 3 to dismiss 4 to terminate employment
shi2guang1 1 time 2 era 3 period of time
wu2gu1 1 innocent 2 innocence 3 not guilty (law)
kong3ju4 1 fear 2 dread 3 phobia
jing1ya4 1 amazed 2 astonished 3 to surprise 4 amazing 5 astonishment 6
shi4ye4 1 undertaking 2 project 3 activity 4 (charitable, political or
revolutionary) cause 5 publicly funded institution, enterprise or foundation 6
career 7 occupation M: g []
bu4ke3si1yi4 1 inconceivable (idiom); unimaginable 2 unfathomable
an4jian4 1 case 2 instance M: zng [] / zhung []
/ q []
dang4an4 1 file 2 record 3 archive
xie2yi4 1 agreement 2 pact 3 protocol M: xing []
qiang3jie2 1 to rob 2 looting
dai4jia4 1 price 2 cost 3 consideration (in share dealing)
bei4pan4 to betray
shi4fang4 1 to release 2 to set free 3 to liberate (a prisoner) 4 to
zhi2xing2 1 to implement 2 to carry out 3 to execute 4 to run
bao4jing3 1 to sound an alarm 2 to report sth to the police
zhe2 1 to break 2 to fracture 3 to snap 4 to suffer loss 5 to bend 6 to
twist 7 to turn 8 to change direction 9 convinced 10 to convert into (currency) 11
discount 12 rebate 13 tenth (in price) 14 classifier for theatrical scenes 15 to
fold 16 accounts book
zhe2mo2 1 to persecute 2 to torment
juan3 1 to roll (up) 2 to sweep up 3 to carry on 4 roll
sou1 1 classifier for ships 2 Taiwan pr. [so]
zui4fan4 criminal
qing2bao4 1 information 2 intelligence
ci4 1 thorn 2 sting 3 thrust 4 to prick 5 to pierce 6 to stab 7 to
assassinate 8 to murder
bao4li4 1 violence 2 force 3 violent
shen2jing1 1 nerve 2 mental state 3 (coll.) unhinged 4 nutjob
xi1sheng1 1 to sacrifice one's life 2 to sacrifice (sth valued) 3 beast
slaughtered as a sacrifice
ying1er2 1 infant 2 baby M: g [] 3 lead (Pb)
ta3 1 pagoda 2 tower 3 minaret 4 stupa (abbr. loanword from Sanskrit tapo)
M: zu []
xin4yang3 1 to believe in (a religion) 2 firm belief 3 conviction
mo2gui3 devil
gu1du2 1 lonely 2 solitary
cheng2fa2 1 penalty 2 punishment 3 to punish
bang4 1 see scale 2 platform balance 3 (loanword) pound (unit of
weight, about 454 grams)
cheng2nuo4 1 to promise 2 to undertake to do something 3 commitment
jian4die2 spy
que4xin4 1 to be convinced 2 to be sure 3 to firmly believe 4 to be
positive that 5 definite news
heng1 1 to groan 2 to snort 3 to hum 4 to croon 5 humph!
neng2liang4 1 energy 2 capabilities
qing1xing3 1 clear-headed 2 sober 3 awake
zhi3wang4 1 to hope for sth 2 to count on 3 hope
ran3 1 to dye 2 to catch (a disease) 3 to acquire (bad habits etc) 4 to
contaminate 5 to add color washes to a painting
gan3ran3 1 infection 2 to infect 3 to influence
pao1qi4 1 to abandon 2 to discard 3 to renounce 4 to dump (sb)
mei3miao4 1 beautiful 2 wonderful 3 splendid
zou4 1 to beat up 2 to break to pieces
shan4chang2 1 to be good at 2 to be expert in
ren3shou4 1 to bear 2 to endure
dong4shou3 1 to set about (a task) 2 to hit 3 to punch 4 to touch
qing1li3 1 to clear up 2 to tidy up 3 to dispose of
wan2bi4 1 to finish 2 to end 3 to complete
ji1gou4 1 mechanism 2 structure 3 organization 4 agency 5 institution M:
su []
ji2jiang1 1 on the eve of 2 to be about to 3 to be on the verge of
zuan4shi2 diamond M: k []
jian1nan2 1 difficult 2 hard 3 challenging
ci2shan4 1 benevolent 2 charitable
hen2ji4 1 vestige 2 mark 3 trace
qu1yu4 1 area 2 region 3 district
jing4tou2 1 camera lens 2 camera shot (in a movie etc) 3 scene
lian2meng2 1 alliance 2 union 3 coalition
shen3pan4 1 a trial 2 to try sb
ji1di4 1 base (of operations) 2 industrial or military base 3 al-Qaeda
ji2du4 1 to be jealous 2 to envy 3 to hate
yao2gun3 1 rock 'n' roll (music) 2 to rock 3 to fall off
bao3mu3 1 nanny 2 housekeeper
da3jia4 1 to fight 2 to scuffle 3 to come to blows M: chng
tian1fu4 1 gift 2 innate skill
lei4si4 1 similar 2 analogous
ji1qing2 1 passion 2 fervor 3 enthusiasm 4 strong emotion
zhu4she4 1 injection 2 to inject
zhuan3yi2 1 to shift 2 to divert or distract (attention etc) 3 to change 4
to transform 5 metastasis (medicine) 6 to evacuate (people)
bai3tuo1 1 to break away from 2 to cast off (old ideas etc) 3 to get rid
of 4 to break away (from) 5 to break out (of) 6 to free oneself from 7 to extricate
zhu4shou3 1 assistant 2 helper
bao3mi4 1 to keep sth confidential 2 to maintain secrecy
dong4 1 classifier for houses or buildings 2 ridgepole (old)
mi2ren2 1 fascinating 2 enchanting 3 charming 4 tempting
chu2 1 to get rid of 2 to remove 3 to exclude 4 to eliminate 5 to wipe out 6
to divide 7 except 8 not including
kai1chu2 to expel
yi2shi4 ceremony
hun4luan4 1 confusion 2 chaos 3 disorder
lian2luo4 1 to get in touch with 2 to contact 3 to stay in contact (with) 4
liaison 5 (math.) connection
ai2zheng4 cancer
jian4 1 double-edged sword M: ku [] / b [] 2
classifier for blows of a sword
tian1cai2 1 talent 2 gift 3 genius 4 talented 5 gifted
fa1she4 1 to shoot (a projectile) 2 to fire (a rocket) 3 to launch 4 to
emit (a particle) 5 to discharge 6 emanation 7 emission
sheng1cun2 1 to exist 2 to survive
jie2ju2 1 conclusion 2 ending
fei1fa3 illegal
dong4ji1 1 motor 2 locomotive 3 motive 4 motivation 5 intention
bing4fei1 really isn't
ren2zhi4 hostage
ban4yan3 1 to play the role of 2 to act
ju4ben3 1 script for play, opera, movie etc 2 screenplay 3 scenario
zheng4shi2 1 to confirm (sth to be true) 2 to verify
bei4gao4 defendant
kou4 1 to fasten 2 to button 3 button 4 buckle 5 knot 6 to arrest 7 to
confiscate 8 to deduct (money) 9 discount 10 to knock 11 to smash, spike or dunk (a
ball) 12 to cover (with a bowl etc) 13 fig. to tag a label on sb
shi2ji1 1 fortunate timing 2 occasion 3 opportunity
bian4hu4 1 to speak in defense of 2 to argue in favor of 3 to defend 4 to
qi3ma3 1 at the minimum 2 at the very least
yin3man2 1 to conceal 2 to hide (a taboo subject) 3 to cover up the truth
ning4yuan4 1 would rather 2 better
she4qu1 community
zhu4li3 assistant
ke3wang4 1 to thirst for 2 to long for
tai4kong1 outer space
hui3mie4 1 to perish 2 to ruin 3 to destroy
gu3guai4 1 eccentric 2 grotesque 3 oddly 4 queer
jin4gong1 1 to attack 2 to assault 3 to go on the offensive 4 attack 5
assault 6 offense (sports)
bao4fu4 1 to make reprisals 2 to retaliate 3 revenge 4 retaliation
huang1miu4 1 absurd 2 ridiculous
bo1 1 to push aside with the hand, foot, a stick etc 2 to dial 3 to
allocate 4 to set aside (money) 5 to poke (the fire) 6 to pluck (a string
instrument) 7 to turn round 8 classifier: group, batch
wei4xing1 1 satellite 2 moon M: k []
qi1wang4 1 to have expectations 2 to earnestly hope 3 expectation 4 hope
chao2xiao4 1 to jeer at 2 to deride 3 to ridicule 4 mockery 5 derision
mao4fan4 to offend
wa2wa5 1 baby 2 small child 3 doll
da2cheng2 1 to reach (an agreement) 2 to accomplish
fu1fu4 1 a (married) couple 2 husband and wife M: du []
qin1mi4 1 intimate 2 close
ge1 1 to cut 2 to cut apart
zhi4fu2 1 to subdue 2 to check 3 to bring under control 4 (in former
times) what one is allowed to wear depending on social status 5 uniform (army,
party, school etc) 6 livery (for company employees) M: to []
zhi2bo1 1 live broadcast (not recorded) 2 direct Internet broadcasting 3
(agriculture) direct seeding
beng1kui4 1 to collapse 2 to crumble 3 to fall apart
zong1jiao4 religion
xian4ru4 1 to sink into 2 to get caught up in 3 to land in (a predicament)
yi4chang2 1 exceptional 2 abnormal 3 an anomaly
zhan3xian4 1 to come out 2 to emerge 3 to reveal 4 to display
qiang3po4 1 to compel 2 to force
dang1shi4ren2 1 persons involved or implicated 2 party (to an affair)
jue2wang4 1 to despair 2 to give up all hope 3 desperate 4 desperation
ju3sang4 1 dispirited 2 dejected 3 dismayed
zai1nan4 1 disaster 2 catastrophe
zheng4yi4 1 justice 2 righteousness 3 just 4 righteous
rong2yu4 1 honor 2 credit 3 glory 4 (honorable) reputation 5 honorary
ti2yi4 1 proposal 2 suggestion 3 to propose 4 to suggest
ji2bian4 1 even if 2 even though 3 right away 4 immediately
ji1mi4 1 secret 2 classified (information)
zou3lang2 1 corridor 2 aisle 3 hallway 4 colonnade 5 passageway 6 piazza 7
zheng4zhuang4 symptom (of an illness)
xi4lie4 series
bao3zhong4 to take care of oneself
zhen4jing1 1 to shock 2 to astonish
fan3kang4 1 to resist 2 to rebel
yan3hu4 1 to screen 2 to shield 3 to cover 4 protection 5 cover M:
min []
huo2li4 1 energy 2 vitality 3 vigor 4 vital force
tian1sheng1 1 nature 2 disposition 3 innate 4 natural
mei2 1 classifier for coins, rings, badges, pearls, sporting medals,
rockets, satellites etc 2 tree trunk 3 whip 4 wooden peg, used as a gag for
marching soldiers (old)
bu4zhi3 1 incessantly 2 without end 3 more than 4 not limited to
gu4wen4 1 adviser 2 consultant
zhang4ai4 1 barrier 2 obstruction 3 hindrance 4 impediment 5 obstacle
wei1ji1 crisis M: g []
wei2chi2 1 to keep 2 to maintain 3 to preserve
bao3shou3 1 conservative 2 to guard 3 to keep
zhu3guan3 1 in charge 2 responsible for 3 person in charge 4 manager
guan4 1 can 2 jar 3 pot
shi4pin2 video
zhi4an1 1 law and order 2 public security
biao1ji4 1 sign 2 mark 3 symbol 4 to mark up
chu1mai4 1 to offer for sale 2 to sell 3 to sell out or betray
hun1mi2 1 to lose consciousness 2 to be in a coma 3 stupor 4 coma 5
stunned 6 disoriented
ling2chen2 1 very early in the morning 2 in the wee hours
wu3ru3 1 to insult 2 to humiliate 3 dishonor
bao4lu4 1 to expose 2 to reveal 3 to lay bare 4 also pr. [pl]
shen1shi4 gentleman
gong1min2 citizen
can2ren3 1 cruel 2 mean 3 merciless 4 ruthless
zao4xing2 1 modeling 2 mold-making 3 model or mold 4 molding 5 pose
ji4xiang4 1 mark 2 indication 3 sign 4 indicator
shen2sheng4 1 divine 2 hallow 3 holy 4 sacred
hang2kong1 aviation
cang1ku4 1 depot 2 storehouse 3 warehouse
ma3tou2 1 dock 2 pier 3 wharf M: g []
ben3ren2 1 the person himself 2 I (humble form used in speeches) 3 oneself
4 myself 5 in person 6 personal
da4bu4liao3 1 at worst 2 if worst comes to worst 3 serious 4 alarming
bu3chang2 1 to compensate 2 to make up
chong1dong4 1 to have an urge 2 to be impetuous 3 impulse 4 urge
dui4kang4 1 to withstand 2 to resist 3 to stand off 4 antagonism 5
cheng2bao3 1 castle 2 rook (chess piece)
ben3shen1 1 itself 2 in itself 3 per se
ao2 1 to cook on a slow fire 2 to extract by heating 3 to decoct 4 to
nu2li4 slave
zai4yi4 1 to care about 2 to mind
bai4fang3 1 to pay a visit 2 to call on
jiang3li4 1 to reward 2 reward (as encouragement)
xi1gai4 knee
yin3qing2 engine (loanword) M: ti []
zai3 1 to slaughter livestock 2 to govern or rule 3 to cheat customers 4
imperial official in dynastic China
zei2 1 thief 2 traitor 3 wily 4 deceitful 5 evil 6 extremely
zhong3zu2 1 race 2 ethnicity
she2tou5 1 tongue M: g [] 2 enemy soldier captured for the
purpose of extracting information
xiao1mie4 1 to put an end to 2 to annihilate 3 to cause to perish 4 to
perish 5 annihilation (in quantum field theory)
le4qu4 1 delight 2 pleasure 3 joy
ne4dai4 1 to mistreat 2 to maltreat 3 to abuse 4 mistreatment 5
tian3 1 to lick 2 to lap
xin1shui3 1 salary 2 wage
li3zhi4 1 reason 2 intellect 3 rationality 4 rational
su4song4 lawsuit
feng1suo3 1 to blockade 2 to seal off
ji1yin1 gene (loanword)
zhi2wei4 1 post 2 office 3 position
ke3wu4 1 repulsive 2 vile 3 hateful 4 abominable
que4qie4 1 definite 2 exact 3 precise
zhi1yuan2 1 to provide assistance 2 to support 3 to back
zha1 1 to prick 2 to run or stick (a needle etc) into 3 jug (a classifier
for liquids such as beer)
ya1zhi4 1 to suppress 2 to inhibit 3 to stifle
ping2lun4 1 to comment on 2 to discuss 3 comment 4 commentary M:
pin []
ji1jin1 fund
tou2xiang2 1 to surrender 2 surrender
ling2gan3 1 inspiration 2 insight 3 a burst of creativity in scientific or
artistic endeavor
man4hua4 1 caricature 2 cartoon 3 Japanese manga
yu4yan2 1 to predict 2 prophecy
jiao3luo4 1 nook 2 corner
ce4le4 1 tactics 2 to be tactful
ling3xian1 1 to lead 2 to be in front
zhuang1bei4 1 equipment 2 to equip 3 to outfit
liu2mang2 1 rogue 2 hoodlum 3 gangster 4 immoral behavior
sheng1ming2 1 to state 2 to declare 3 statement 4 declaration M:
xing [] / fn []
pai2chu2 1 to eliminate 2 to remove 3 to exclude 4 to rule out
cheng2jiao1 1 to complete a contract 2 to reach a deal
huang2hou4 1 empress 2 imperial consort
xiao1fang2 1 firefighting 2 fire control
ji2tuan2 1 group 2 bloc 3 corporation 4 conglomerate
xie2zhu4 1 to provide assistance 2 to aid
yin1mou2 1 plot 2 conspiracy
xing4ming4 life
xie2hui4 1 an association 2 a society M: g [] /
ji []
hou2long2 1 throat 2 larynx
bao4fa1 1 to break out 2 to erupt 3 to explode 4 to burst out
xian4hai4 1 to entrap 2 to set up 3 to frame (up) 4 to make false charges
miao2zhun3 1 to aim (a weapon at a target) 2 fig. to aim (for a higher
sui2yi4 1 as one wishes 2 according to one's wishes 3 at will 4 voluntary
5 conscious
huang1tang2 1 beyond belief 2 preposterous 3 absurd 4 intemperate 5
ce4hua4 1 to plot 2 to scheme 3 to bring about 4 to engineer 5 planning 6
producer 7 planner
mi2bu3 1 to complement 2 to make up for a deficiency
dang3 1 party 2 association 3 club 4 society M: g []
lai2yuan2 1 source (of information etc) 2 origin
pan4jue2 1 judgment (by a court of law) 2 to pass judgment on 3 to
xian4jing3 1 pitfall 2 snare 3 trap
gong1zheng4 1 just 2 fair 3 equitable
yi1kao4 1 to rely on sth (for support etc) 2 to depend on
wei3tuo1 1 to entrust 2 to trust 3 to commission
quan3 dog
chong1tu1 1 conflict 2 to conflict 3 clash of opposing forces 4 collision
(of interests) 5 contention
zhi3shi4 1 to point out 2 to indicate 3 to instruct 4 directives 5
instructions M: g []
hua4zhuang1 to put on makeup
duan1 1 old variant of dun [] 2 start 3 origin
bei1bi3 1 base 2 mean 3 contemptible 4 despicable
ren2shi4 1 person 2 figure 3 public figure
cui4ruo4 1 weak 2 frail
qin1fan4 1 to infringe on 2 to encroach on 3 to violate 4 to assault
qi4guan1 1 organ (part of body tissue) 2 apparatus
kao3yan4 1 to test 2 to put to the test 3 trial 4 ordeal
chong2bai4 1 to worship 2 adoration
mo2shu4 magic
yu4wang4 1 desire 2 longing 3 appetite 4 craving
shi2li4 strength
du3bo2 to gamble
chu3jing4 1 plight 2 unfavorable situation
ji4cheng2 1 to inherit 2 to succeed to (the throne etc) 3 to carry on (a
tradition etc)
huang3 1 to dazzle 2 to flash past
gu4yong1 1 to employ 2 to hire
ge2li2 1 to separate 2 to isolate
qi3tu2 1 to attempt 2 to try 3 attempt M: zhng []
wu2neng2wei2li4 1 impotent (idiom) 2 powerless 3 helpless
ling3xiu4 leader M: g [] / wi [] /
mng []
zheng1zha2 to struggle
ding1 1 fourth of the ten Heavenly Stems shtingn []
2 fourth in order 3 letter "D" or roman "IV" in list "A, B, C", or "I, II, III" etc
4 butyl 5 cubes (of food)
sao1rao3 1 to disturb 2 to cause a commotion 3 to harass
nan2kan1 1 hard to take 2 embarrassed
xu3ke3 1 to allow 2 to permit
hui4bao4 1 to report 2 to give an account of 3 to collect information and
report back 4 report
guo4du4 1 excessive 2 over- 3 excess 4 going too far 5 extravagant 6
intemperate 7 overdue
fei4 lung M: g []
ti2shi4 1 to prompt 2 to present 3 to point out 4 to draw attention to
sth 5 hint 6 brief 7 cue
bao1wei2 1 to surround 2 to encircle 3 to hem in
hun4he2 1 to mix 2 to blend
ming2zhi4 1 sensible 2 wise 3 judicious 4 sagacious
wu3zhuang1 1 arms 2 equipment 3 to arm 4 military 5 armed (forces)
tou4lu4 1 to leak out 2 to divulge 3 to reveal
dou4zheng1 1 a struggle 2 fight 3 battle
zhi3jia5 fingernail
xuan3ju3 1 to elect 2 election M: c [] / g []
zu2yi3 1 sufficient to... 2 so much so that 3 so that
yin3si1 1 secrets 2 private business 3 privacy
kou3yin5 1 voice 2 accent
xuan2zhuan3 1 to rotate 2 to revolve 3 to spin 4 to whirl
chuan1yue4 1 to pass through 2 to cross 3 to overcome
hui2gu4 1 to look back 2 to review
bian3 1 flat 2 (coll.) to beat (sb) up 3 old variant of bin []
huan2jie2 1 round segment 2 segment (of annelid worms) 3 connection 4 link
5 sector 6 annular ring
can2ku4 1 cruel 2 cruelty
shi3ming4 1 mission (diplomatic or other) 2 set task
jiu3jing1 1 alcohol 2 ethanol CHCHOH 3 ethyl alcohol 4 grain alcohol
chang3he2 1 situation 2 occasion 3 context 4 setting 5 location 6 venue
mo2xing2 1 model 2 mold 3 matrix 4 pattern
ping2gu1 1 to evaluate 2 to assess 3 assessment 4 evaluation
jie3chu2 1 to remove 2 to sack 3 to get rid of 4 to relieve (sb of their
duties) 5 to free 6 to lift (an embargo) 7 to rescind (an agreement)
ji3yu3 1 to accord 2 to give 3 to show (respect)
dian3xing2 1 model 2 typical case 3 archetype 4 typical 5 representative
wei3zao4 1 to forge 2 to fake 3 to counterfeit
yan3gai4 1 to conceal 2 to hide behind 3 to cover up
qiao4 1 to stick up 2 to rise on one end 3 to tilt
you4huo4 1 to entice 2 to lure 3 to induce 4 to attract
huo3jian4 rocket M: mi []
fu4dan1 1 burden 2 to bear a burden
lun2tai1 1 tire 2 pneumatic tire
tuan2ti3 1 group 2 organization 3 team M: g []
qing1xiang4 1 trend 2 tendency 3 orientation
zao1yu4 1 to meet with 2 to encounter 3 (bitter) experience
tong3zhi4 1 to rule (a country) 2 to govern 3 rule 4 regime
zui3chun2 lip M: pin []
bian1yuan2 1 edge 2 fringe 3 verge 4 brink 5 periphery 6 marginal 7
fu4huo2 resurrection
shuang1bao1tai1 twin M: du []
ju1min2 1 resident 2 inhabitant
li4chang3 1 position 2 standpoint M: g []
yi4zhi4 1 will 2 willpower 3 determination M: g []
qing2xing5 1 circumstances 2 situation M: g []
ren2ci2 1 benevolent 2 charitable 3 kind 4 kindly 5 kindness 6 merciful
sui4dao4 tunnel
dao3dan4 1 guided missile 2 cruise missile 3 missile M: mi
tu1po4 1 to break through 2 to make a breakthrough 3 to surmount or
break the back of (a task etc) 4 (of ball sports) to break through a defense
ben3shi5 1 ability 2 skill
zhi3ling4 1 order 2 command 3 instruction
shi2you2 1 oil 2 petroleum
che4tui4 to retreat
bei1can3 1 miserable 2 tragic
mo2shi4 1 mode 2 method 3 pattern
feng1bao4 1 storm 2 violent commotion 3 fig. crisis (e.g. revolution,
uprising, financial crisis etc)
hu1le4 1 to neglect 2 to overlook 3 to ignore
wai4biao3 1 external 2 outside 3 outward appearance
e2wai4 1 extra 2 added 3 additional
gan1rao3 1 to disturb 2 to interfere 3 perturbation 4 interference
fang2shou3 1 to defend 2 to protect (against)
qian1 1 to lead along 2 to pull (an animal on a tether) 3 (bound form) to
involve 4 to draw in
qi1fu5 to bully
wan3jiu4 1 to save 2 to remedy 3 to rescue
xu4jiu3 1 heavy drinking 2 to get drunk 3 to drink to excess
tuo1li2 1 to separate oneself from 2 to break away from 3 diastasis
(medicine) 4 abscission 5 abjunction (botany)
jie2zou4 1 rhythm 2 tempo 3 musical pulse 4 cadence 5 beat
zhen3tou5 pillow
qing2jie2 1 plot 2 circumstances
jian3ti3zi4 simplified Chinese character, as opposed to traditional Chinese
character fntz []
diao4 1 a string of 100 cash (arch.) 2 to lament 3 to condole with 4 variant
of dio []
guo4yu2 1 too much 2 excessively
a1 1 interjection of surprise 2 Ah! 3 Oh!
jing3 1 a well M: ku [] 2 neat 3 orderly
fang3wen4 1 to visit 2 to call on 3 to interview M: c []
xi4bao1 cell (biology)
kang1kai3 1 vehement 2 fervent 3 generous 4 giving 5 liberal
qian2li4 1 potential 2 capacity
ju3dong4 1 act 2 action 3 activity 4 move 5 movement
ge1zi5 1 pigeon 2 dove 3 various birds of the family Columbidae
kang4yi4 1 to protest 2 protest
zhou1nian2 1 anniversary 2 annual
cai2fu4 1 wealth 2 riches
zheng4ce4 policy M: g []
zhi3ze2 1 to criticize 2 to find fault with 3 to denounce
ku1qi4 to weep
zhi2zi5 1 brother's son 2 nephew
rong2ren3 1 to put up with 2 to tolerate
zha1 1 slag (in mining or smelting) 2 dregs
qing1chu2 1 to clear away 2 to eliminate 3 to get rid of
zun1yan2 1 dignity 2 sanctity 3 honor 4 majesty
shou1yin1ji1 radio M: ti []
ban4l3 1 companion 2 mate 3 partner
zao1shou4 1 to suffer 2 to sustain (loss, misfortune)
zhong3liu2 tumor
yu4suan4 budget
qi4wei4 1 odor 2 scent
fa1bu4 1 to release 2 to issue 3 to announce 4 to distribute
huan4zhe3 1 patient 2 sufferer
zi1wei4 1 taste 2 flavor 3 feeling
shou3fa3 1 technique 2 trick 3 skill
she4ji2 1 to involve 2 to touch upon (a topic)
zheng1fu2 1 to conquer 2 to subdue 3 to vanquish
zuo4bi4 1 to practice fraud 2 to cheat 3 to engage in corrupt practices
hun2shen1 1 all over 2 from head to foot
shou1cang2 1 to hoard 2 to collect 3 collection 4 to bookmark (Internet)
xie4lu4 1 to leak (information) 2 to divulge 3 also pr. [xilu]
zhao2mi2 1 to be fascinated 2 to be captivated
dian3li3 1 celebration 2 ceremony
jie1 1 all 2 each and every 3 in all cases
di3kang4 1 to resist 2 resistance
zhan4shu4 tactics
cao1zong4 1 to operate 2 to control 3 to rig 4 to manipulate
ju2mian4 1 aspect 2 phase 3 situation
she4zhi4 1 to set up 2 to install
qi2miao4 1 fantastic 2 wonderful
xiao1chu2 1 to eliminate 2 to remove
dai4li3 1 to act on behalf of sb in a responsible position 2 to act as an
agent or proxy 3 surrogate
fang2zhi3 1 to prevent 2 to guard against 3 to take precautions
chun2cui4 1 pure 2 unadulterated 3 purely 4 completely
chang3mian4 1 scene 2 spectacle 3 occasion 4 situation
wo1 1 nest 2 pit or hollow on the human body 3 lair 4 den 5 place 6 to
harbor or shelter 7 to hold in check 8 to bend 9 classifier for litters and broods
chuang2 banner
chao1yue4 1 to surpass 2 to exceed 3 to transcend
yuan2shi3 1 first 2 original 3 primitive 4 original (document etc)
bu4xi1 1 not stint 2 not spare 3 not hesitate (to do sth) 4 not scruple
(to do sth)
zu3fu4 1 father's father 2 paternal grandfather
yong3heng2 1 eternal 2 everlasting 3 fig. to pass into eternity (i.e. to
ruo4dian3 1 weak point 2 failing
tou2su4 1 complaint 2 to file a complaint 3 to sue
gao1chao2 1 high tide 2 high water 3 upsurge 4 climax 5 orgasm 6 chorus
(part of a song)
ye4 1 to drag 2 to haul
huo3yan4 1 blaze 2 flame
fu2cong2 1 to obey (an order) 2 to comply 3 to defer
xin4nian4 1 faith 2 belief 3 conviction
hui4lu4 1 to bribe 2 a bribe
qian1shu3 to sign (an agreement)
gu4zhang4 1 malfunction 2 breakdown 3 defect 4 shortcoming 5 fault 6
failure 7 impediment 8 error 9 bug (in software)
cang1 1 cabin 2 the hold of a ship or airplane
da3zhang4 1 to fight a battle 2 to go to war
chuang4zuo4 1 to create 2 to produce 3 to write 4 creative work 5 creation M:
g []
fen1san4 1 to scatter 2 to disperse 3 to distribute
za3 dialectal equivalent of znme []
jiang4lin2 1 to descend 2 to arrive 3 to come
zong1se4 brown
tui1ce4 1 speculation 2 to conjecture 3 to surmise 4 to speculate
guan1fang1 1 government 2 official (approved or issued by an authority)
fen2mu4 1 sepulcher 2 tomb
qu3zi5 1 poem for singing 2 tune 3 music M: zh []
shi2shi1 1 to implement 2 to carry out
chen2shu4 1 an assertion 2 to declare 3 to state
chang3kai1 1 to open wide 2 unrestrictedly
bian1jing4 1 frontier 2 border
yan3shi4 1 to cover up 2 to conceal 3 to mask 4 to gloss over
wei2hu4 1 to defend 2 to safeguard 3 to protect 4 to uphold 5 to maintain
zhong1dian3 1 the end 2 end point 3 finishing line (in a race) 4 destination
5 terminus M: g []
ye3man2 1 barbarous 2 uncivilized
yan4wu4 1 to loathe 2 to hate 3 disgusted with sth
man4chang2 1 very long 2 endless
zan4zhu4 1 to support 2 to assist 3 to sponsor
yu4liao4 1 to forecast 2 to anticipate 3 expectation
zheng4dang1 1 timely 2 just (when needed)
duo4luo4 1 to degrade 2 to degenerate 3 to become depraved 4 corrupt 5 a
fall from grace
he2bing4 1 to merge 2 to annex
diu1ren2 to lose face
ji2duan1 extreme
nian2du4 1 year (e.g. school year, fiscal year) 2 annual
ji1xie4 1 machine 2 machinery 3 mechanical 4 (old) cunning 5 scheming
ju1liu2 1 to detain (a prisoner) 2 to keep sb in custody
sha1che1 1 to brake (when driving) 2 to stop 3 to switch off 4 to check
(bad habits) 5 a brake
cai2pan4 1 judgment 2 to referee 3 umpire 4 judge 5 referee M:
g [] / wi [] / mng []
xun2luo2 to patrol (police, army or navy)
zao4yin1 1 rumble 2 noise 3 static (in a signal)
fen1lie4 1 to split up 2 to divide 3 to break up 4 fission 5 schism
ding4yi4 definition
ou3tu4 to vomit
xiu1chi3 (a feeling of) shame
qing1jie2 clean
kong3he4 1 to threaten 2 to menace
gui3dao4 1 orbit 2 railway or tram line 3 fig. conventional way of
shi4xian4 line of sight
zhang4peng5 tent M: dng [] / zu []
yi2chuan2 1 heredity 2 inheritance 3 to transmit
xue4ya1 blood pressure
yang3qi4 oxygen
shi2zu2 1 ample 2 complete 3 hundred percent 4 a pure shade (of some
xie2dai4 1 to carry (on one's person) 2 to support (old) 3 Taiwan pr.
jian3yan4 1 to inspect 2 to examine 3 to test
shou3hu4 1 to guard 2 to protect
jian4yu2 1 in view of 2 seeing that 3 considering 4 whereas
wu4jie3 1 to misunderstand 2 to misread 3 misunderstanding
zhen4han4 1 to shake 2 to vibrate 3 to shock 4 to stun 5 shocking 6
stunning 7 fig. mind-blowing
li4wai4 1 exception 2 to be an exception
tiao4yue4 1 to jump 2 to leap 3 to bound 4 to skip
min2zhu3 democracy
qia1 1 to pick (flowers) 2 to pinch 3 to nip 4 to pinch off 5 to clutch 6
(slang) to fight
da3bao1 1 to wrap 2 to pack 3 to put leftovers in a doggy bag for take-
di4bu4 1 condition 2 situation 3 plight 4 extent 5 room for action
bao3wei4 1 to defend 2 to safeguard
fang2yu4 1 defense 2 to defend
che4xiao1 1 to repeal 2 to revoke 3 (computing) to undo
wang4xiang3 1 to attempt vainly 2 a vain attempt 3 delusion
ming4ming2 1 to give a name to 2 to dub 3 to christen 4 to designate 5 named
after 6 naming
shi4wu4 1 (political, economic etc) affairs 2 work 3 transaction (as in a
computer database)
jie3fang4 1 to liberate 2 to emancipate 3 liberation 4 refers to the
Communists' victory over the Nationalists in 1949 M: c []
si1fa3 1 judicial 2 (administration of) justice
yao2yan2 rumor
ban3ben3 1 version 2 edition 3 release
bao4chou5 1 reward 2 remuneration
dong4jing4 1 sound of activity or people talking 2 news of activity
fu2she4 radiation
cu1lu3 1 coarse 2 crude (in one's manner) 3 boorish
dai4ling3 1 to guide 2 to lead
nuo2 1 to shift 2 to move
po4bu4ji2dai4 1 impatient (idiom); in a hurry 2 itching to get on
with it
qian2shui3 1 to dive 2 to go under water 3 lurker (Internet slang for sb who
reads forum posts but never replies)
guang1rong2 1 honor and glory 2 glorious
wei2bei4 1 to violate 2 to be contrary to
yi2chan3 1 heritage 2 legacy 3 inheritance 4 bequest M: b []
shun4jian1 1 moment 2 momentary 3 in a flash
zheng4jing1 1 decent 2 honorable 3 proper 4 serious 5 according to standards
quan1tao4 1 trap 2 snare 3 trick
kan4dai4 1 to look upon 2 to regard
jing1qi2 1 to be amazed 2 to be surprised 3 to wonder
ren2ge2 1 personality 2 integrity 3 dignity
zhen1gui4 precious
xian1jin4 1 advanced (technology) 2 to advance
ji2bie2 1 (military) rank 2 level 3 grade
jing4sai4 1 race 2 competition M: g []
dian4 1 pad 2 cushion 3 mat 4 to pad out 5 to fill a gap 6 to pay for sb 7 to
advance (money)
ge2ming4 1 revolution 2 revolutionary (politics) M: c []
yin3dao3 1 to guide 2 to lead (around) 3 to conduct 4 to boot 5
introduction 6 primer
yan2shi2 rock
mi2huo5 1 to puzzle 2 to confuse 3 to baffle
gan1she4 1 to interfere 2 to meddle 3 interference
xue2wei4 1 academic degree 2 place in school
xian2 1 to dislike 2 suspicion 3 resentment 4 enmity 5 abbr. for
xinfn [], criminal suspect
xian2yi2 1 suspicion 2 to have suspicions
jiao1cha1 1 to cross 2 to intersect 3 to overlap
na4men4r5 1 puzzled 2 bewildered
yuan2shou3 head of state
ben3neng2 instinct
xiu1fu4 1 to restore 2 to renovate 3 restoration
ren4ding4 1 to maintain (that sth is true) 2 to determine (a fact) 3
determination (of an amount) 4 of the firm opinion 5 to believe firmly 6 to set
one's mind on 7 to identify with
quan2tou5 1 fist 2 clenched fist M: g [] 3 competitive
di3da2 1 to arrive 2 to reach (a destination)
yi1liu2 1 top quality 2 front ranking
bei1ai1 1 grieved 2 sorrowful
keng1 1 hole 2 pit 3 tunnel 4 to defraud
fa1jue2 1 to become aware 2 to detect 3 to realize 4 to perceive
ju1zhu4 1 to reside 2 to dwell 3 to live in a place 4 resident in
cheng2xian4 1 to appear 2 to emerge 3 to present (a certain appearance) 4 to
bie2shu4 villa M: zhung [] / zu []
shi2bie2 1 to distinguish 2 to discern
shi1wu4 1 lapse 2 mistake 3 to make a mistake 4 fault 5 service fault (in
volleyball, tennis etc)
he2jie3 1 to settle (a dispute out of court) 2 to reconcile 3 settlement
4 conciliation 5 to become reconciled
yuan2su4 1 element 2 element of a set 3 chemical element
tan1lan2 1 avaricious 2 greedy 3 rapacious 4 insatiable 5 avid
chuan2da2 1 to pass on 2 to convey 3 to relay 4 to transmit 5 transmission
zhen4ding4 1 calm 2 unperturbed 3 cool
qing1xi1 1 clear 2 distinct
ma2zui4 1 anesthesia 2 fig. to poison (sb's mind)
xi4jun1 1 bacterium 2 germ
yan3guang1 1 gaze 2 insight 3 foresight 4 vision 5 way of looking at things
yi2qi4 1 instrument 2 apparatus M: ti []
jie2chu1 1 outstanding 2 distinguished 3 remarkable 4 prominent 5
wang3chang2 1 habitually (in the past) 2 as one used to do formerly 3 as it
used to be
qin1re4 1 affectionate 2 intimate 3 warm-hearted
dan4sheng1 to be born
zhong1shi2 faithful
fu2hao4 1 symbol 2 mark 3 sign
zhi3ding4 1 to appoint 2 to assign 3 to indicate clearly and with certainty
4 designated
yi3bian4 1 so that 2 so as to 3 in order to
jian4ding4 1 to appraise 2 to identify 3 to evaluate
xian1wei2 fiber M: zhng []
dao4qie4 to steal
tui1xiao1 1 to market 2 to sell
xuan1shi4 1 to swear an oath (of office) 2 to make a vow
xu1qiu2 1 requirement 2 to require 3 (economics) demand
lei2da2 radar (loanword)
zhong1shen1 1 lifelong 2 all one's life 3 marriage
jian1 1 to pan fry 2 to saut
dao3luan4 1 to disturb 2 to look for trouble 3 to stir up a row 4 to bother
sb intentionally
hong1 1 roar of laughter (onom.) 2 hubbub 3 to roar (as a crowd)
fu2li4 1 material benefit 2 benefit in kind 3 (social) welfare
qu1zhu2 1 to expel 2 to deport 3 banishment
qian1che3 1 to involve 2 to implicate
tan4suo3 1 to explore 2 to probe
xun2huan2 1 to cycle 2 to circulate 3 circle 4 loop
cai2wu4 financial affairs
ju2shi4 1 situation 2 state (of affairs)
yun4xing2 1 to be in motion 2 to move 3 (of a computer) to run
zhong1zhi3 1 to stop 2 to terminate (law)
mu2yang4 1 look 2 style 3 appearance 4 approximation 5 about M:
g [] 6 also pr. [myng]
xia2gu3 1 canyon 2 gill 3 ravine
pin2l4 frequency
deng1lu4 1 to land 2 to come ashore 3 to make landfall (of typhoon etc) 4
to log in
han2yi4 1 meaning (implicit in a phrase) 2 implied meaning 3 hidden
meaning 4 hint 5 connotation
zi1zhu4 1 to subsidize 2 to provide financial aid 3 subsidy
wa1jue2 1 to excavate 2 to dig 3 to unearth
tuo1yan2 1 to delay 2 to put off 3 to procrastinate
you1xian1 priority
zheng1duo2 1 to fight over 2 to contest 3 to vie over
fu4yu3 1 to assign 2 to entrust (a task) 3 to give 4 to bestow
hui2bi4 1 to shun 2 to avoid (sb) 3 to skirt 4 to evade (an issue) 5 to
step back 6 to withdraw 7 to recuse (a judge etc)
tuo3xie2 1 to compromise 2 to reach terms 3 a compromise
jing1que4 1 accurate 2 precise
chao1piao4 1 paper money 2 a bill (e.g. 100 yuan) M: zhng [] /
z []
yan3yi4 1 to deduce 2 to infer
yi1lai4 1 to depend on 2 to be dependent on
shang4yin3 1 to get into a habit 2 to become addicted
dian4yuan2 electric power source
qi4se4 complexion
yi4tu2 1 intent 2 intention 3 to intend
jian1ding4 1 firm 2 steady 3 staunch 4 resolute
qing1ting1 to listen attentively
wan2nong4 1 to play with 2 to toy with 3 to dally with 4 to engage in 5 to
resort to
tong2hua4 children's fairy tales
fen1fu4 1 to tell 2 to instruct 3 to command
gao1shang4 1 noble 2 lofty 3 refined 4 exquisite
pian1jian4 prejudice
bao3guan3 1 to assure 2 to guarantee 3 to take care of 4 to safeguard 5
certainly 6 surely
jie3san4 1 to dissolve 2 to disband
jiao1dian3 1 focus 2 focal point
wu2chi3 1 without any sense of shame 2 unembarrassed 3 shameless
zhan4le4 strategy
reng2jiu4 1 still (remaining) 2 to remain (the same) 3 yet
shou3yao4 1 the most important 2 of chief importance
mai4bo2 pulse (both medical and figurative)
feng1bi4 1 to seal 2 to close 3 to confine 4 to seal off 5 to close down 6
sealed 7 confined 8 closed 9 unreceptive
zou3si1 1 to smuggle 2 to have an illicit affair
chu1lu4 a way out (of a difficulty etc)
dong4mai4 artery
mu4du3 1 to witness 2 to see at first hand 3 to see with one's own eyes
e4hua4 to worsen
zu3ai4 1 to obstruct 2 to hinder 3 to block 4 obstruction 5 hindrance
jian1du1 1 to control 2 to supervise 3 to inspect
you4zhi4 1 young 2 childish 3 puerile
xian4fa3 constitution (of a country) M: b []
mian4zi5 1 outer surface 2 outside 3 honor 4 reputation 5 face (as in
"losing face") 6 self-respect 7 feelings 8 (medicinal) powder
ji1li4 1 to encourage 2 to urge 3 motivation 4 incentive
ji2xian4 1 limit 2 extreme boundary
yan2li4 1 severe 2 strict
te4ding4 1 special 2 specific 3 designated 4 particular
gang3kou3 1 port 2 harbor
pu4guang1 1 exposure (e.g. of photosensitive material) 2 to expose (a
scandal to the public)
yin3yong4 1 to quote 2 to cite 3 to recommend 4 to appoint
gu3dong3 1 curio 2 antique
zhi1jue2 1 perception 2 consciousness
liu2lang4 1 to drift about 2 to wander 3 to roam 4 nomadic 5 homeless 6
unsettled (e.g. population) 7 vagrant
jin4hua4 evolution M: g []
fa1xing2 1 to publish 2 to issue (stocks, currency etc) 3 to release 4 to
distribute (a film)
wan3hui2 1 to retrieve 2 to redeem
tu2jing4 1 way 2 channel
zhuo2shou3 1 to put one's hand to it 2 to start out on a task 3 to set out
xuan4yao4 1 to show off 2 to flaunt
lao2dao5 1 to prattle 2 to chatter away 3 to nag 4 garrulous 5 nagging
yao2bai3 1 to sway 2 to wobble 3 to waver
zhen4jing4 1 calm 2 cool
chu3zhi4 1 to handle 2 to take care of 3 to punish
ming2yu4 1 fame 2 reputation 3 honor 4 honorary 5 emeritus (of retired
bao3zhang4 1 to ensure 2 to guarantee 3 to safeguard
jie3pou1 1 to dissect (an animal) 2 to analyze 3 anatomy
fu3lan4 1 to rot 2 to putrefy 3 (fig.) corrupt
tong3ji4 1 statistics 2 to count 3 to add up
sheng1li3 physiology
rong2qi4 1 receptacle 2 vessel
xing2shi4 1 criminal 2 penal
rong2hua4 1 to melt 2 to thaw 3 to dissolve 4 to blend into 5 to combine 6
to fuse
kong4bai2 blank space
lao1 1 to fish up 2 to dredge up
da3lie4 to go hunting
kua4 1 to step across 2 to stride over 3 to straddle 4 to span
feng4xian4 1 to offer respectfully 2 to consecrate 3 to dedicate 4 to devote
chang3suo3 1 location 2 place
yao4ming4 1 to cause sb's death 2 very 3 extremely 4 frightening 5 annoying
chuang2dan1 bed sheet M: tio [] / jin [] /
zhng [] / chung []
gu4zhi2 1 obstinate 2 stubborn
leng3ku4 1 grim 2 unfeeling 3 callous
bang3yang4 1 example 2 model M: g []
tiao2kuan3 clause (of contract or law) M: xing []
guan1zhao4 1 to take care 2 to keep an eye on 3 to look after 4 to tell 5 to
sun3huai4 1 to damage 2 to injure
bao1zhuang1 1 to pack 2 to package 3 to wrap 4 packaging
zhong1duan4 1 to cut short 2 to break off 3 to discontinue 4 to interrupt
ying1yong3 1 bravery 2 gallant 3 valiant
li4 1 grain 2 granule 3 classifier for small round things (peas, bullets,
peanuts, pills, grains etc)
fan1 1 foreign country 2 foreigner 3 foreign (non-Chinese) 4 barbarian 5
classifier for occurrences (of an action or deed) 6 -fold (as in twofold etc) 7
kind 8 sort
ye4ti3 liquid
dan1bao3 1 to guarantee 2 to vouch for
bao4da2 1 to repay 2 to requite
ren4ke3 1 to approve 2 approval 3 acknowledgment 4 OK
shi4li5 1 power 2 (ability to) influence
zi1chan3 1 property 2 assets
zhan4ling3 1 to occupy (a territory) 2 to hold
ji1e4 1 hunger 2 starvation 3 famine
xiao1hui3 1 to destroy (by melting or burning) 2 to obliterate
cai2zheng4 1 finances (public) 2 financial
shang4ji2 1 higher authorities 2 superiors M: g []
que1xian4 1 defect 2 flaw 3 physical defect
ke1 1 to tap 2 to knock (against sth hard) 3 to knock (mud from boots,
ashes from a pipe etc)
bie1 1 to choke 2 to stifle 3 to restrain 4 to hold back 5 to hold in
(urine) 6 to hold (one's breath)
cha1bie2 1 difference 2 distinction 3 diversity 4 disparity
zhi4zhi3 1 to curb 2 to put a stop to 3 to stop 4 to check 5 to limit
yi1jiu4 1 as before 2 still
bu4wei4 1 position 2 place
yan2lun4 1 expression of opinion 2 views 3 remarks 4 arguments
huo2gai1 1 (coll.) serve sb right 2 deservedly 3 ought 4 should
qia4dang4 1 appropriate 2 suitable
zhi1fang2 fat (in the body, in a plant, or in food)
ci2dai4 magnetic tape M: pn [] / h []
ta1 1 to collapse 2 to droop 3 to settle down
mai2zang4 to bury
zhan4ju4 1 to occupy 2 to hold
hua2li4 gorgeous
da2fu4 1 to answer 2 to reply 3 Reply to: (in email header)
ba1 1 scar 2 scab
gang3wei4 1 a post 2 a job
qian2ti2 1 premise 2 precondition 3 prerequisite
da4huo3r5 1 everybody 2 everyone 3 we all
guang1mang2 1 rays of light 2 brilliant rays 3 radiance
jie1lu4 1 to expose 2 to unmask 3 to ferret out 4 to disclose 5
jin4lai2 1 recently 2 lately
bi3fang5 1 analogy 2 instance 3 for instance
qu1fu2 1 to surrender 2 to yield
mo2 1 membrane 2 film
zha4pian4 1 to defraud 2 to swindle 3 to blackmail
shi4fei1 1 right and wrong 2 quarrel
zhan3xin1 brand new
yi4 also
ang2gui4 1 expensive 2 costly
cai3piao4 lottery ticket
l3xing2 1 to fulfill (one's obligations) 2 to carry out (a task) 3 to
implement (an agreement) 4 to perform
jia1shu3 1 family member 2 (family) dependent
hui2shou1 1 to recycle 2 to reclaim 3 to retrieve 4 to recover 5 to recall
(a defective product)
ma3yi3 ant
yan3xi2 1 maneuver 2 exercise 3 practice 4 to maneuver
shu4fu4 1 to bind 2 to restrict 3 to tie 4 to commit 5 fetters
jiang1ying4 1 stiff 2 rigid
you1yu4 1 sullen 2 depressed 3 melancholy 4 dejected
ping2fan2 1 commonplace 2 ordinary 3 mediocre
quan2li4yi3fu4 1 to do at all costs 2 to make an all-out effort
li2ming2 1 dawn 2 daybreak
wan2gu4 1 stubborn 2 obstinate
fan4mai4 1 to sell 2 to peddle 3 to traffic
tan1huan4 1 paralysis 2 be paralyzed (body, transportation, etc)
po1 1 to splash 2 to spill 3 rough and coarse 4 brutish
bi3yu4 1 to compare 2 to liken to 3 metaphor 4 analogy 5 figure of
speech 6 figuratively
chuan2dan1 1 leaflet 2 flier 3 pamphlet
wan4fen1 1 very much 2 extremely 3 one ten thousandth part
han3jian4 1 rare 2 rarely seen
yuan2gu4 1 reason 2 cause
an1ning2 1 peaceful 2 tranquil 3 calm 4 composed 5 free from worry
dui4xian4 1 (of a cheque etc) to cash 2 to honor a commitment
fu3bai4 1 corruption 2 to corrupt 3 to rot 4 rotten
hao2mi3 millimeter
dang1mian4 1 to sb's face 2 in sb's presence
dang1chang3 1 at the scene 2 on the spot
pian4ke4 1 short period of time 2 a moment
you2qi1 1 oil paints 2 lacquer 3 to paint M: cng []
fang1wei4 1 direction 2 points of the compass 3 bearing 4 position 5
jian4 to splash
en1yuan4 1 gratitude and grudges 2 resentment 3 grudges 4 grievances
gong1lao2 1 contribution 2 meritorious service 3 credit
xing2zheng4 1 administrative 2 executive (attributive)
an1zhi4 1 to find a place for 2 to help settle down 3 to arrange for 4 to
get into bed 5 placement
yuan2gao4 1 complainant 2 plaintiff
xin4lai4 1 to trust 2 to have confidence in 3 to have faith in 4 to rely
die1 1 to drop 2 to fall 3 to tumble 4 Taiwan pr. [di]
zhan4yi4 military campaign
ou1da3 1 to beat up 2 to come to blows 3 battery (law)
quan2wei1 1 authority 2 authoritative 3 power and prestige
chang2huan2 1 to repay 2 to reimburse
zuo4feng1 1 style 2 style of work 3 way
ba4gong1 1 a strike 2 to go on strike
mai4 1 to take a step 2 to stride
dou1 1 pocket 2 bag 3 to wrap up or hold in a bag 4 to move in a circle 5 to
canvas or solicit 6 to take responsibility for 7 to disclose in detail 8 combat
armor (old)
qiang2zhi4 1 to enforce 2 enforcement 3 forcibly 4 compulsory
shi1fan4 1 teacher-training 2 pedagogical 3 normal (school, e.g. Beijing
Normal University)
bian4li4 1 convenient 2 easy 3 to facilitate
peng1ren4 1 cooking 2 culinary arts
mian3yi4 immunity (to disease)
cheng2qing1 1 clear (of liquid) 2 limpid 3 to clarify 4 to make sth clear 5
to be clear (about the facts)
kuo4san4 1 to spread 2 to proliferate 3 to diffuse 4 spread 5
proliferation 6 diffusion
yu4qi1 1 to expect 2 to anticipate
guo4shi1 1 error 2 fault 3 (law) negligence 4 delinquency
jie2jin4quan2li4 to spare no effort (idiom); to do one's utmost
yi1ju4 1 according to 2 basis 3 foundation
ning2 1 to pinch 2 wring
tu2an4 1 design 2 pattern
gui1hua4 1 to plan (how to do sth) 2 planning 3 plan 4 program
na2shou3 1 expert in 2 good at
hou4dai4 1 posterity 2 later periods 3 later ages 4 later generations
ka3tong1 cartoon (loanword)
hang2xing2 1 to sail 2 to fly 3 to navigate
zhi1cheng1 1 to prop up 2 to support 3 strut 4 brace
zhi2zhuo2 1 attachment 2 stubborn 3 be attached to 4 persistent 5
tong2bao1 1 born of the same parents 2 sibling 3 fellow citizen 4
ban4sui2 1 to accompany 2 to follow 3 to occur together with 4 concomitant
zhao3ze2 1 marsh 2 swamp 3 wetlands 4 glade
zu3xian1 1 ancestor 2 forebears
zhen1zhu1 pearl M: k []
an4li4 case (law) M: g []
zhe1teng5 1 to toss from side to side (e.g. sleeplessly) 2 to repeat sth
over and over again 3 to torment sb 4 to play crazy 5 to squander (time, money)
nao3huo3 1 to get angry 2 irritated 3 to annoy 4 to aggravate 5 annoying
dao3hang2 navigation
ti3mian4 1 dignity 2 face (as in "losing face") 3 honorable 4 creditable 5
tan4wang4 1 to visit 2 to call on sb 3 to look around
lin2chuang2 clinical
chi2dun4 1 slow in one's reactions 2 sluggish (in movement or thought)
wai4jie4 1 the outside world 2 external
po1 1 rather 2 quite 3 considerably (Taiwan pr. [p]) 4 oblique 5 inclined
6 slanting
zhun3ze2 1 norm 2 standard 3 criterion
shi4tai4 1 situation 2 existing state of affairs
fu4gai4 to cover
chu1bu4 1 initial 2 preliminary 3 tentative
shi4fan4 1 to demonstrate 2 to show how to do sth 3 demonstration 4 a
model example
xian1qian2 1 before 2 previously
bian1jie4 1 boundary 2 border
tiao1ti5 1 picky 2 fussy
tong1ji1 1 to order the arrest of sb as criminal 2 to list as wanted
wu2lai4 1 hoodlum 2 rascal 3 rogue 4 rascally 5 scoundrelly
yi3mian3 1 in order to avoid 2 so as not to
tong3tong3 totally
da1pei4 1 to pair up 2 to match 3 to arrange in pairs 4 to add sth into a
rao3luan4 1 to disturb 2 to perturb 3 to harass
yin3shi2 1 food and drink 2 diet
re4men2 1 popular 2 hot 3 in vogue
shen3cha2 1 to examine 2 to investigate 3 to censor out 4 censorship
xu1wei3 1 false 2 hypocritical 3 artificial 4 sham
ce4liang2 1 survey 2 to measure 3 to gauge 4 to determine
tui1fan1 to overthrow
wei1li4 1 might 2 formidable power
jing4li3 1 to salute 2 salute
bian4ren4 1 to recognize 2 to identify
ji1fa1 1 to arouse 2 to excite
cheng2tian1 1 (coll.) all day long 2 all the time
zi1tai4 1 attitude 2 posture 3 stance
jiang3shang3 1 reward 2 prize 3 award
ya1po4 1 to oppress 2 to repress 3 to constrict 4 oppression 5 stress
jin1rong2 1 banking 2 finance 3 financial
jie4xian4 1 boundary 2 marginal
wan2 1 ball 2 pellet 3 pill
diao1su4 1 a statue 2 a Buddhist image 3 sculpture 4 to carve
zhong3zi5 seed M: k [] / l []
ke3xing2 feasible
yin3bi4 1 to conceal 2 to hide 3 covert 4 under cover
shou3shi4 1 gesture 2 sign 3 signal
gong4he2guo2 republic
chong1zu2 1 adequate 2 sufficient 3 abundant
ren2gong1 1 artificial 2 manpower 3 manual work
qun2zhong4 1 mass 2 multitude 3 the masses
shui3ni2 cement M: di []
san4fa1 1 to distribute 2 to emit 3 to issue
kou3qi4 1 tone of voice 2 the way one speaks 3 manner of expression 4
gong1guan1 public relations
chan3ye4 1 industry 2 estate 3 property 4 industrial
cai3ji2 1 to gather 2 to collect 3 to harvest
zhuo2mo2 1 to carve and polish (jade) 2 to polish and refine a literary
qi4zhi4 1 temperament 2 personality traits 3 manners
xuan2l4 1 melody 2 rhythm
pin3zhi4 1 character 2 intrinsic quality (of a person) 3 quality (of a
product or service, or as in "quality of life", "air quality" etc)
ren4ming4 1 to appoint and nominate 2 (job) appointment M: zh
zheng1yi4 1 controversy 2 dispute 3 to dispute
dian1dao3 1 to turn upside down 2 to reverse 3 back to front 4 confused 5
deranged 6 crazy
suan4shu4 1 to count numbers 2 to keep to one's word 3 to hold (i.e. to
remain valid) 4 to count (i.e. to be important)
deng3ji2 1 grade 2 rank 3 status
xian4zhuang4 current situation
kuan1rong2 1 lenient 2 tolerant 3 indulgent 4 charitable 5 to forgive
gong1dian4 palace M: zu []
fu2lu3 captive
la3ba5 1 horn (automobile etc) 2 loudspeaker 3 brass wind instrument 4
trumpet 5 suona sun []
mo4ming2qi2miao4 1 unfathomable mystery (idiom); subtle and ineffable
2 unable to make head or tail of it 3 boring (e.g. movie)
qi2zhi4 1 ensign 2 flag
qi1xian4 1 time limit 2 deadline 3 allotted time
zhi4li4 1 intelligence 2 intellect
tan4ce4 1 to probe 2 to take readings 3 to explore 4 exploration
yong4hu4 1 user 2 consumer 3 subscriber 4 customer
dang1xuan3 to be elected
fan3chang2 1 unusual 2 abnormal
yuan2xian1 1 former 2 original
shu1mian4 1 in writing 2 written
yao2kong4 remote control
chan4dou3 1 to shudder 2 to shiver 3 to shake 4 to tremble
kong1xu1 1 hollow 2 emptiness 3 meaningless
zhuan1 brick M: kui []
fan3gan3 1 to be disgusted with 2 to dislike 3 bad reaction 4 antipathy
guang1cai3 1 luster 2 splendor 3 radiance 4 brilliance
zong1ji4 1 tracks 2 trail 3 footprint 4 trace 5 vestige
cang1bai2 1 pale 2 wan
pai2chi4 1 to reject 2 to exclude 3 to eliminate 4 to remove 5 to repel
fou3jue2 1 to veto 2 to overrule
jiao1dai4 1 to hand over 2 to explain 3 to make clear 4 to brief (sb) 5 to
account for 6 to justify oneself 7 to confess 8 to finish (colloquial)
she4xiang3 1 to imagine 2 to assume 3 to envisage 4 tentative plan 5 to have
consideration for
zhong1jiu1 1 in the end 2 after all is said and done
shi4li4 1 vision 2 eyesight
yan2xu4 1 to continue 2 to go on 3 to last
nei4zai4 1 intrinsic 2 innate
tong2 1 copper (chemistry) 2 see also hngtng [] M:
kui []
yang4pin3 1 sample 2 specimen
ren3nai4 1 to show restraint 2 to repress (anger etc) 3 to exercise
shi2xing2 1 to implement 2 to carry out 3 to put into practice
sui4yue4 1 years 2 time
ken3 1 to gnaw 2 to nibble 3 to bite
yue1shu4 1 to restrict 2 to limit to 3 to constrain 4 restriction 5
mie4wang2 1 to be destroyed 2 to become extinct 3 to perish 4 to die out 5
to destroy 6 to exterminate
zhuan1chang2 1 specialty 2 special knowledge or ability
bu4shu3 1 to dispose 2 to deploy 3 deployment
bian4jie3 1 to explain 2 to justify 3 to defend (a point of view etc) 4 to
provide an explanation 5 to try to defend oneself
he2cheng2 1 to compose 2 to constitute 3 compound 4 synthesis 5 mixture 6
zhi2ban1 1 to work a shift 2 on duty
mo4shui3r5 ink M: png []
ji4zai3 1 to write down 2 to record 3 written account
bu3jiu4 to remedy
ti3xi4 1 system 2 setup M: g []
pi2bei4 1 beaten 2 exhausted 3 tired
sheng1xiao4 1 to take effect 2 to go into effect
jiao4yang3 1 to train 2 to educate 3 to bring up 4 to nurture 5 education 6
culture 7 upbringing 8 early conditioning
mai2fu2 1 to ambush 2 to lie in wait for 3 to lie low 4 ambush
gong1ji3 1 to furnish 2 to provide 3 supply (as in supply and demand)
yi2huo4 1 to doubt 2 to distrust 3 unconvincing 4 to puzzle over 5
misgivings 6 suspicions
biao1ti2 1 title 2 heading 3 headline 4 caption 5 subject
bo2dou4 1 to wrestle 2 to fight 3 to struggle
fu3mo1 1 to gently caress and stroke 2 to pet 3 to fondle
bu4gu4 1 in spite of 2 regardless of
huo3yao4 gunpowder
she4 to ascend in light steps
bi2ti4 1 nasal mucus 2 snivel
mi2xin4 1 superstition 2 to have a superstitious belief (in sth)
tao3hao3 1 to get the desired outcome 2 to win favor by fawning on sb 3 to
curry favor with 4 a fruitful outcome to reward one's labor
can4lan4 1 to glitter 2 brilliant 3 splendid
qing1chen2 early morning
chu1shen1 1 to be born of 2 to come from 3 family background 4 class origin
ye3xin1 1 ambition 2 wild schemes 3 careerism
ji4du4 1 quarter of a year 2 season (sports)
ren4yi4 1 arbitrary 2 at will 3 at random
li3suo3dang1ran2 1 as it should be by rights (idiom); proper and to be
expected as a matter of course 2 inevitable and right
shi4ye3 1 field of view 2 horizon
zhi2wu4 1 post 2 position 3 job 4 duties
fen3sui4 1 to crush 2 to smash 3 to shatter
can2liu2 1 to remain 2 left over 3 surplus 4 remnant
tiao3xin4 1 to provoke 2 provocation
shu1yuan3 1 to drift apart 2 to become estranged 3 to alienate 4
tan1 1 to spread out 2 vendor's stand
dong4shen1 1 to go on a journey 2 to leave
gong1dao5 1 fair 2 equitable
shan4zi4 1 without permission 2 of one's own initiative
hui1huang2 1 splendid 2 glorious
man4yan2 1 to extend 2 to spread
yi4 1 wing 2 area surrounding the bullseye of a target 3 to assist 4 one of
the 28 constellations of Chinese astronomy 5 old variant of
min3rui4 1 keen 2 sharp 3 acute
fei4xu1 ruins
zhi4li4 1 to work for 2 to devote one's efforts to
mi4feng1 to seal up
hong1dong4 1 to cause a sensation 2 to create a stir in (a place) 3
commotion 4 controversy
zha3 1 to blink 2 to wink
shen3li3 to hear (a case)
hu1huan4 1 to call out (a name etc) 2 to shout
she4li4 1 to set up 2 to establish
xian2 1 bow string 2 string of musical instrument 3 watchspring 4 chord
(segment of curve) 5 hypotenuse M: gn []
yan2qi1 1 to delay 2 to extend 3 to postpone 4 to defer
bei3ji2 1 the North Pole 2 the Arctic Pole 3 the north magnetic pole
zheng1fa1 1 to evaporate 2 evaporation
deng1lu4 1 to register 2 to log in
shu4 1 to erect 2 vertical 3 vertical stroke (in Chinese characters)
mang2mu4 1 blind 2 blindly 3 ignorant 4 lacking understanding
chong1ji1 1 to attack 2 to batter 3 (of waves) to pound against 4 shock 5
pin2fan2 1 frequently 2 often
wei4ju4 1 to fear 2 to dread 3 foreboding
zhi1pei4 1 to control 2 to dominate 3 to allocate
shi2chang2 1 often 2 frequently
zhuang4guan1 1 spectacular 2 magnificent sight
ke4zhi4 1 to restrain 2 to control 3 restraint 4 self-control
cheng2ben3 (manufacturing, production etc) costs
si1nian4 1 to think of 2 to long for 3 to miss
gui1huan2 1 to return sth 2 to revert
xin1wei4 to be gratified
tiao2yue1 1 treaty 2 pact M: g []
xue1 1 to pare 2 to reduce 3 to remove 4 Taiwan pr. [xu]
yi1guan4 1 consistent 2 constant 3 from start to finish 4 all along 5
gu3fen4 1 a share (in a company) 2 stock
qin1le4 1 invasion 2 encroachment
feng1man3 1 ample 2 well developed 3 fully rounded
geng1xin1 1 to replace the old with new 2 to renew 3 to renovate 4 to
upgrade 5 to update 6 to regenerate
tui1li3 1 reasoning 2 speculative 3 inference
shou4yu3 1 to award 2 to confer
guai3zhang4 1 crutches 2 crutch 3 walking stick
yan4zheng4 1 to inspect and verify 2 experimental verification 3 to validate
(a theory) 4 to authenticate
dan4bai2zhi4 protein
pang2da4 1 huge 2 enormous 3 tremendous
chu3cun2 1 stockpile 2 to store 3 to stockpile 4 storage

chao2liu2 1 tide 2 current 3 trend

pai2huai2 1 to dither 2 to hesitate 3 to pace back and forth 4 by ext. to
hover around 5 to linger
po1 1 slope M: g [] 2 sloping 3 slanted
bao1fu5 1 wrapping cloth 2 a bundle wrapped in cloth 3 load 4 weight 5
burden 6 funny part 7 punchline
ce4mian4 1 lateral side 2 side 3 aspect 4 profile
bu4ze2shou3duan4 1 by fair means or foul 2 by hook or by crook 3
bi4 arm
pao4mo4 1 foam 2 (soap) bubble 3 (economic) bubble
mo2ca1 1 friction 2 rubbing 3 chafing 4 fig. disharmony 5 conflict
han4wei4 1 to defend 2 to uphold 3 to safeguard
ceng2ci4 1 arrangement of ideas 2 administrative level 3 level 4 stage 5
bei4wang4lu4 1 memorandum 2 aide-memoire 3 memorandum book
yu4xian1 1 beforehand 2 in advance
fu3zhu4 1 to assist 2 to aid 3 supplementary 4 auxiliary 5 subsidiary
jie4bei4 1 to take precautions 2 to guard against (emergency)
yuan2li3 1 principle 2 theory
pi1 1 to hack 2 to chop 3 to split open 4 (of lightning) to strike
yan2mi4 1 strict 2 tight (organization, surveillance etc)
su1xing3 1 to come to 2 to awaken 3 to wake up 4 to regain consciousness
qu2dao4 1 irrigation ditch 2 (fig.) channel 3 means
jiang1jin4 1 almost 2 nearly 3 close to
chuang4xin1 1 innovation 2 to bring forth new ideas 3 to blaze new trails
dang1qian2 1 current 2 today's 3 modern 4 present 5 to be facing (us)
ben1chi2 1 to run quickly 2 to speed 3 to gallop
su4zao4 1 to model 2 to mold 3 plastic (arts) 4 flexible 5 to portray (in
sculpture or in words)
xiao1du2 1 to disinfect 2 to sterilize
shou1yi4 1 earnings 2 profit
kuai4huo5 1 happy 2 cheerful
kuang4qie3 1 moreover 2 besides 3 in addition 4 furthermore
pu4bu4 waterfall
san4bu4 to disseminate
bu3zhuo1 1 to catch 2 to seize 3 to capture
ma2bi4 1 paralysis 2 palsy 3 numbness 4 to benumb
ben4zhuo1 1 clumsy 2 awkward 3 stupid
jiu4ji4 1 emergency relief 2 to help the needy with cash or goods
de2zui5 1 to offend somebody 2 to make a faux pas 3 a faux pas 4 see also
dzu []
qi3you3ci3li3 1 how can this be so? (idiom); preposterous 2
ridiculous 3 absurd
gao1ming2 1 brilliant 2 superior 3 tall and bright
long2zhong4 1 grand 2 prosperous 3 ceremonious 4 solemn
rang4bu4 1 to concede 2 to give in 3 to yield 4 a concession
zhi1 1 branch 2 classifier for sticks, rods, pencils etc
ji1yu4 1 opportunity 2 favorable circumstance 3 stroke of luck
fei3bang4 1 to slander 2 to libel
hong2shui3 1 deluge 2 flood
niu3zhuan3 1 to reverse 2 to turn around (an undesirable situation)
yi4liao4 1 to anticipate 2 to expect
sheng1yu4 1 reputation 2 fame
bie4niu5 1 awkward 2 difficult 3 uncomfortable 4 not agreeing 5 at
loggerheads 6 gauche
jian3 1 to choose 2 to pick 3 to sort out 4 to pick up
yu4 1 the more...(the more...) 2 to recover 3 to heal 4 better
qu1fen1 1 to differentiate 2 to find differing aspects
ji1ling5 1 clever 2 quick-witted
jing1zhi4 1 delicate 2 fine 3 exquisite 4 refined
qiang3jiu4 to rescue
ba3shou3 1 handle 2 grip 3 knob
kai1zhi1 1 expenditures 2 pay 3 expenses M: b []
qi4jin1wei2zhi3 1 so far 2 up to now 3 still (not)
gu3dong1 1 shareholder 2 stockholder
sheng1yu4 1 to bear 2 to give birth 3 to grow 4 to rear 5 to bring up
xiao1hao4 1 to use up 2 to consume
fa1yu4 1 to develop 2 growth 3 development
feng1du4 1 elegance (for men) 2 elegant demeanor 3 grace 4 poise
gu1fu4 1 to fail to live up (to expectations) 2 unworthy (of trust) 3 to
let down 4 to betray (hopes) 5 to disappoint
pi2juan4 1 to tire 2 tired
dai3tu2 1 evildoer 2 malefactor 3 gangster 4 hoodlum
ban1 1 spot 2 colored patch 3 stripe 4 spotted 5 striped 6 variegated
fen1jie3 1 to resolve 2 to decompose 3 to break down
yi1ru2ji4wang3 1 just as in the past (idiom); as before 2 continuing
as always
pin2kun4 1 impoverished 2 poverty
zheng4quan2 1 regime 2 political power
si1ling4 commanding officer
fan3bo2 1 to retort 2 to refute
fan3she4 1 to reflect 2 reflection (from a mirror etc) 3 reflex (i.e.
automatic reaction of organism)
nei4mu4 1 inside story 2 non-public information 3 behind the scenes 4
chui2 1 hammer 2 to hammer into shape 3 weight (e.g. of a steelyard or
po4hai4 1 to persecute 2 persecution
zhu1wei4 1 (pron) everyone 2 Ladies and Gentlemen 3 Sirs
que1xi2 1 absence 2 absent
zhou1 1 congee 2 gruel 3 porridge M: wn []
cuan4 1 to flee 2 to scuttle 3 to exile or banish 4 to amend or edit
miao2hui4 1 to describe 2 to portray
ping2xing2 1 parallel 2 of equal rank 3 simultaneous
gan1yu4 1 to meddle 2 to intervene 3 intervention
ju1gong1 1 to bow 2 (literary) to bend down
rong2qia4 1 harmonious 2 friendly relations 3 on good terms with one
zhao4yang4 1 as before 2 (same) as usual 3 in the same manner 4 still 5
lou3 1 to hug 2 to embrace 3 to hold in one's arms
guan4li4 1 convention 2 usual practice
jiao4liang4 1 to have a contest with sb 2 to cross swords 3 to measure up
against 4 to compete with 5 to haggle 6 to quibble
xi1mie4 1 to stop burning 2 to go out (of fire) 3 to die out 4
rou2 1 to knead 2 to massage 3 to rub
xiang4dao3 guide
dong4jie2 to freeze (loan, wage, price etc)
bi3shi4 1 to despise 2 to disdain 3 to look down upon
cai2feng2 1 tailor 2 dressmaker
su4shi2 1 vegetables 2 vegetarian food
yan1mo4 1 to submerge 2 to drown 3 to flood 4 to drown out (also fig.)
fang4she4 1 to radiate 2 radioactive
he2huo3 1 to act jointly 2 to form a partnership
gong1wu4 official business
guang1hui1 1 radiance 2 glory 3 brilliant 4 magnificent
chu4fan4 to offend
yao4dian3 1 main point 2 essential
da3guan1si5 1 to file a lawsuit 2 to sue 3 to dispute
xie4 1 bits 2 fragments 3 crumbs 4 filings 5 trifling 6 trivial 7 to
condescend to
ci4hou4 1 to serve 2 to wait upon
kuan3dai4 1 to entertain 2 to be hospitable to
mo2fan4 1 model 2 fine example
gou4si1 1 to design 2 to plot 3 to plan out 4 to compose 5 to draw a
mental sketch 6 conception 7 plan 8 idea 9 composition
duan4jue2 1 to sever 2 to break off
zhu4zhong4 1 to pay attention to 2 to emphasize
gu1li4 1 isolate 2 isolated
shi1shi4 1 (of a plane, ship etc) to have an accident (plane crash,
shipwreck, vehicle collision etc) 2 to mess things up
shen1yin2 1 to moan 2 to groan
zun1xun2 1 to follow 2 to abide by 3 to comply with 4 compliance
sheng4fu4 1 victory or defeat 2 the outcome of a battle
le4duo2 1 to plunder 2 to rob
bu4kan1 1 cannot bear 2 cannot stand 3 utterly 4 extremely
ma2mu4 1 numb 2 insensitive 3 apathetic
jing1tong1 proficient
qi4xiang4 1 meteorological feature M: g [] 2 meteorology 3
atmosphere 4 ambience 5 scene
zhi2min2di4 colony
yan2shen1 1 to extend 2 to spread
she1chi3 1 luxurious 2 extravagant
kan1deng1 1 to carry a story 2 to publish (in a newspaper or magazine)
xi1 1 creek 2 rivulet
bu4fa2 1 pace 2 (measured) step 3 march
cuo4zhe2 1 setback 2 reverse 3 check 4 defeat 5 frustration 6
disappointment 7 to frustrate 8 to discourage 9 to set sb back 10 to blunt 11 to
qi3shi4 1 to reveal 2 to enlighten 3 enlightenment 4 revelation 5
bian4bu4 1 to cover the whole (area) 2 to be found throughout
shu1hu5 1 to neglect 2 to overlook 3 negligence 4 carelessness
dong4tai4 1 movement 2 motion 3 development 4 trend 5 dynamic (science)
jue2ce4 1 strategic decision 2 decision-making 3 policy decision 4 to
determine policy
rao2shu4 1 to forgive 2 to pardon 3 to spare
lian2suo3 1 to interlock 2 to be linked 3 chain (store etc)
bei4ke2 1 shell 2 conch 3 cowry 4 mother of pearl 5 hard outer skin 6
also pr. [biqio]
xu1jia3 1 false 2 phony 3 pretense
miao3shi4 1 to despise 2 to look down on
shi1zhan3 1 to use fully 2 to put to use
zhui4 1 to fall 2 to drop 3 to weigh down
qi3gai4 beggar
zhong1xin1 1 heartfelt 2 wholehearted 3 cordial
cao3shuai4 1 careless 2 negligent 3 sloppy 4 not serious
jin3po4 1 pressing 2 urgent
fei4teng2 1 (of a liquid) to boil 2 (of sentiments etc) to boil over 3 to
flare up 4 to be impassioned
xiang3fang1she4fa3 1 to think up every possible method (idiom); to
devise ways and means 2 to try this, that and the other
mao4chong1 1 to feign 2 to pretend to be 3 to pass oneself off as
xi2su2 1 custom 2 tradition 3 local tradition 4 convention
guan1guang1 1 to tour 2 sightseeing 3 tourism
jiu1fen1 dispute
bei4fen4 backup
zhou1bian1 1 periphery 2 rim 3 surroundings 4 all around 5 perimeter 6
peripheral (computing)
chong1shi2 1 rich 2 full 3 substantial 4 to enrich 5 to augment 6 to
substantiate (an argument)
chu3bei4 1 reserves 2 to store up
xia4shu3 1 subordinate 2 underling
ling3tu3 territory
ling3shi4guan3 consulate
shen4tou4 1 to permeate 2 to infiltrate 3 to pervade 4 osmosis
xuan1yang2 1 to proclaim 2 to make public or well known
qi3cao3 1 to make a draft 2 to draw up (plans)
qi3yuan2 1 origin 2 to originate 3 to come from
tuo3dang5 1 appropriate 2 proper 3 ready
gu4l4 1 misgivings 2 apprehensions
mei3man3 1 happy 2 blissful
jing1fei4 1 funds 2 expenditure M: b []
shi1jia1 to exert (effort or pressure)
jiao3xing4 1 luckily 2 by a fluke
fan2zhi2 1 to breed 2 to reproduce 3 to propagate
shou1suo1 1 to pull back 2 to shrink 3 to contract 4 (physiology) systole
qin1pei4 1 to admire 2 to look up to 3 to respect sb greatly
da4zhi4 1 more or less 2 roughly 3 approximately
du3se4 1 to block 2 to stop 3 blockage
yuan2man3 1 satisfactory 2 consummate 3 perfect
huo4bi4 1 currency 2 monetary 3 money
biao3tai4 1 to declare one's position 2 to say where one stands
wei2sheng1su4 vitamin
mu4yu4 1 to take a bath 2 to bathe 3 to immerse
shu4li4 1 to set up 2 to establish
fan3kui4 1 to send back information 2 feedback
bian4tiao2 (informal) note M: zhng [] / g []
zhu3dao3 1 leading 2 dominant 3 prevailing 4 to lead 5 to direct 6 to
bu4de2yi3 1 to act against one's will 2 to have no alternative but to 3 to
have to 4 to have no choice 5 must
xie2shang1 1 to consult with 2 to talk things over 3 agreement
leng3que4 1 to cool off 2 cooling
guan3xia2 1 to administer 2 to have jurisdiction (over)
zhou4wen2 wrinkle M: do []
da4chen2 1 chancellor (of a monarchy) 2 cabinet minister
jian4jie1 indirect
qi3fu2 1 to move up and down 2 to undulate 3 ups and downs
long3zhao4 1 to envelop 2 to shroud
pai4qian3 1 to send (on a mission) 2 to dispatch
kuo4zhang1 1 expansion 2 dilation 3 to expand (e.g. one's power or
influence) 4 to broaden
shan1mai4 mountain range M: tio []
pian1pi4 1 remote 2 desolate 3 far from the city
tiao2jie2 1 to adjust 2 to regulate 3 to harmonize 4 to reconcile
(accountancy etc)
hua4tong3 1 microphone 2 (telephone) receiver 3 handset
zan3 1 to collect 2 to hoard 3 to accumulate 4 to save
pie1 1 to cast away 2 to fling aside
bai1 1 to break off or break open sth with one's hands 2 (fig.) to break off
(a relationship)
chi2jiu3 1 lasting 2 enduring 3 persistent 4 permanent 5 protracted 6
endurance 7 persistence 8 to last long
wu4bi4 1 must 2 to need to 3 to be sure to
gong4ming2 1 resonance (physics) 2 sympathetic response to sth
zhai4quan4 1 bond 2 debenture
zhong4suo3zhou1zhi1 as everyone knows (idiom)
yu4zhao4 1 omen 2 prognosis (in medicine)
zhong4xin1 1 center of gravity 2 central core 3 main part
diao4dong4 1 to transfer 2 to maneuver (troops etc) 3 to mobilize 4 to bring
into play
cheng1hao4 1 name 2 term of address 3 title
fang1yuan2 circumference
shen4zhong4 1 cautious 2 careful 3 prudent
wei1bu4zu2dao4 1 negligible 2 insignificant
xuan3ba2 to select the best
zhui1jiu1 1 to investigate 2 to look into
chou2bei4 1 preparations 2 to get ready for sth
guo2fang2 national defense
pei4ou3 1 consort 2 mate 3 spouse
hang2lie4 1 ranks 2 procession
lian2xiang3 1 to associate (cognitively) 2 to make an associative connection
3 mental association 4 word prediction and auto-complete functions of input method
editing programs
shi4wei1 1 to demonstrate (as a protest) 2 a demonstration 3 a military
show of force
piao1fu2 1 to float 2 to hover 3 to drift (also fig., to lead a wandering
life) 4 to rove 5 showy 6 superficial
di3zhi4 1 to resist 2 to boycott 3 to refuse (to cooperate) 4 to reject 5
resistance 6 refusal
xiang4 1 lane 2 alley
qian2jing3 1 foreground 2 vista 3 (future) prospects 4 perspective
shan3shuo4 1 flickering 2 twinkling 3 evasive 4 vague (of speech)
ji4jiao4 1 to bother about 2 to haggle 3 to bicker 4 to argue 5 plan 6
min3jie2 1 nimble 2 quick 3 shrewd
hen4bu5de5 1 wishing one could do sth 2 to hate to be unable 3 itching to do
fei4chu2 1 to abolish 2 to abrogate 3 to repeal
ji4jing4 quiet
si4zhi1 the four limbs of the body
qi4cai2 1 equipment 2 material
xiu4jue2 sense of smell
zhi4cai2 1 to punish 2 punishment 3 sanctions (incl. economic)
sheng4 1 flourishing 2 vigorous 3 magnificent 4 extensively
feng1sheng4 1 rich 2 sumptuous
guo4l4 1 to filter 2 filter
miao3xiao3 1 minute 2 tiny 3 negligible 4 insignificant
fu3shi2 1 corrosion 2 to corrode (degrade chemically) 3 to rot 4
hu2luan4 1 careless 2 reckless 3 casually 4 absent-mindedly 5 at will 6 at
random 7 any old how
te4chang2 1 personal strength 2 one's special ability or strong points
zhen4fen4 1 to stir oneself up 2 to raise one's spirits 3 to inspire
jia1gong1 1 to process 2 processing 3 working (of machinery)
fen1mi4 1 to secrete 2 secretion
gao1feng1 1 peak 2 summit 3 height
xiang1ying4 1 to correspond 2 answering (one another) 3 to agree (among the
part) 4 corresponding 5 relevant 6 appropriate 7 (modify) accordingly
que2 lame
liu2lu4 1 to express 2 to reveal (one's thoughts or feelings)
qi3cheng2 to set out on a journey
qing1xie2 1 to incline 2 to lean 3 to slant 4 to slope 5 to tilt
jie4zhu4 1 to draw support from 2 with the help of
yi2shi1 1 to lose 2 lost
hun4xiao2 1 to obscure 2 to confuse 3 to mix up 4 to blur 5 to mislead
qi4gai4 1 lofty quality 2 mettle 3 spirit
ji1dong4 1 locomotive 2 motorized 3 power-driven 4 adaptable 5 flexible
(use, treatment, timing etc)
cheng2ban4 1 to undertake 2 to accept a contract
yuan1wang5 1 to accuse wrongly 2 to treat unjustly 3 injustice 4 wronged 5
not worthwhile
dao3bi4 1 to go bankrupt 2 to close down
shi4ji4 1 deed 2 past achievement 3 important event of the past
bi1po4 1 to force 2 to compel 3 to coerce
li3jie2 etiquette
fu4yu4 1 prosperous 2 well-to-do 3 well-off
shu1ji2 1 books 2 works
zhi1ji4 1 during 2 at the time of
biao3jue2 1 to decide by vote 2 to vote
pi2ge2 leather M: zhng []
ku1zao4 1 dry and dull 2 uninteresting 3 dry-as-dust
dian4ji4 1 to think of 2 to keep thinking about 3 to be concerned about
ping2yuan2 1 field 2 plain M: g []
he2ai3 1 kindly 2 nice 3 amiable
ji4xing5 memory (ability to retain information)
shuai1lao3 1 to age 2 to deteriorate with age 3 old and weak
zheng4gui1 1 regular 2 according to standards
pin3zhong3 1 breed 2 variety M: g []
gong1gao4 1 post 2 announcement
zhuan3da2 1 to pass on 2 to convey 3 to communicate
fen3mo4 1 fine powder 2 dust
xian1qi3 1 to lift 2 to raise in height 3 to begin 4 upsurge 5 to set off
(a campaign)
ping2mian4 1 plane (flat surface) 2 print media
rang3 1 to blurt out 2 to shout
bian3di1 1 to belittle 2 to disparage 3 to play down 4 to demean 5 to
degrade 6 to devalue
kong1dong4 1 cavity 2 empty 3 vacuous
zhong4zhi2 1 to plant 2 to grow
meng3lie4 1 fierce 2 violent (criticism etc)
ai4dai4 1 to love and respect 2 love and respect
zhi1zhu4 1 mainstay 2 pillar 3 prop 4 backbone
tan4tao3 1 to investigate 2 to probe
xin1tai4 1 attitude (of the heart) 2 state of one's psyche 3 way of
thinking 4 mentality
guan1huai2 1 care 2 solicitude 3 to show care for 4 concerned about 5
attentive to
bian4zi5 1 plait 2 braid 3 pigtail 4 a mistake or shortcoming that may be
exploited by an opponent 5 handle M: gn [] / tio []
xiong1tang2 chest
hu2xu1 beard M: gn [] / li []
Guo2wu4yuan4 1 State Council (PRC) 2 State Department (USA)
fan2mang2 1 busy 2 bustling
min2jian1 1 among the people 2 popular 3 folk 4 non-governmental 5
involving people rather than governments
wu2dong4yu2zhong1 1 aloof 2 indifferent 3 unconcerned
kuan1chang5 1 spacious 2 wide
shang1biao1 1 trademark 2 logo
shou4zui4 1 to endure 2 to suffer 3 hardships 4 torments 5 a hard time 6 a
feng1wei4 1 distinctive flavor 2 distinctive style
guo4du4 1 to cross over (by ferry) 2 transition 3 interim 4 caretaker
jian4jie3 1 opinion 2 view 3 understanding
yu4 1 reconciled 2 smooth
bin1lin2 1 on the verge of 2 close to
gen1yuan2 1 origin 2 root (cause)
ding4qi1 1 regularly 2 at regular intervals
cou4he5 1 to bring together 2 to make do in a bad situation 3 to just get
by 4 to improvise 5 passable 6 not too bad
jian4quan2 1 robust 2 sound
zhong1li4 neutral
liang4jie3 1 to understand 2 to make allowances for 3 understanding
zi4zhu3 1 independent 2 to act for oneself 3 autonomous
ji2qie4 1 eager 2 impatient
tai2feng1 stage presence, poise
chang4xiao1 1 to sell well 2 best seller 3 chart-topping
you2ru2 1 similar to 2 appearing to be
kuan3shi5 1 elegant 2 elegance 3 good taste
duan4ding4 1 to conclude 2 to determine 3 to come to a judgment
tu2di4 1 apprentice 2 disciple
da4si4 1 wantonly 2 without restraint (of enemy or malefactor) 3
xiao4xiang4 portrait
zhao4yao4 1 to shine 2 to illuminate
chu3xu4 1 to deposit money 2 to save 3 savings
xiu1jian4 1 to build 2 to construct
pan2xuan2 1 to spiral 2 to circle 3 to go around 4 to hover 5 to orbit
cheng2 1 orange tree 2 orange (color)
lan3duo4 1 idle 2 lazy
ping2yong1 1 mediocre 2 indifferent 3 commonplace
ke3kou3 1 tasty 2 to taste good
ti2cai2 subject matter
zao1ta4 1 to waste 2 to defile 3 to abuse 4 to insult 5 to defile 6 to
trample on 7 to wreck 8 also pr. [zota]
sheng1xiu4 1 to rust 2 to grow rusty 3 to corrode 4 oxidization
tan2xing4 1 flexibility 2 elasticity
ge4ti3 individual
tao2zui4 1 to be infatuated with 2 to be drunk with 3 to be enchanted with
4 to revel in
hai3bin1 1 shore 2 seaside
zhuang1jia5 farm crop M: zhng []
jiu4zhi2 1 to take office 2 to assume a post
diao1 to hold with one's mouth (as a smoker with a cigarette or a dog with a
fan2shi4 1 each and every 2 every 3 all 4 any
lun2kuo4 1 an outline 2 silhouette
yan3bian4 1 to develop 2 to evolve
wei3yuan2 1 committee member 2 committee 3 council M: g []
er4yang3hua4tan4 carbon dioxide CO
gui1fan4 1 norm 2 standard 3 specification 4 regulation 5 rule 6 within
the rules 7 to fix rules 8 to regulate 9 to specify
hong1 1 to bake 2 to heat by fire 3 to set off by contrast
ling2min3 1 smart 2 clever 3 sensitive 4 keen 5 quick 6 sharp
jin4sheng1 to promote to a higher position
fen1ming2 1 clear 2 distinct 3 evidently 4 clearly
gou1zi5 hook
qi4ya1 1 atmospheric pressure 2 barometric pressure
qia4qiao3 1 fortunately 2 unexpectedly 3 by coincidence
jing4jie4 1 boundary 2 state 3 realm
kou3tou2 1 oral 2 verbal
chuang4li4 1 to establish 2 to set up 3 to found
bu4jin1 1 can't help (doing sth) 2 can't refrain from
zhu4zha1 1 to station 2 to garrison (troops)
qing2li3 1 reason 2 sense
zhuang1yan2 1 solemn 2 dignified 3 stately
ju4lie4 1 violent 2 acute 3 severe 4 fierce
ren4xing4 1 willful 2 headstrong 3 unruly
yan2jun4 1 grim 2 severe 3 rigorous
xin1qin2 1 hardworking 2 industrious
deng1 1 to step on 2 to tread on 3 to wear 4 Taiwan pr. [dng]
qi4shi4 1 imposing manner 2 loftiness 3 grandeur 4 energetic looks 5
hu1yu4 1 to call on (sb to do sth) 2 to appeal (to) 3 an appeal
han2hu5 1 ambiguous 2 vague 3 careless 4 perfunctory
fan3mian4 1 reverse side 2 backside 3 the other side (of a problem etc) 4
negative 5 bad
zhuo2yue4 1 outstanding 2 surpassing 3 distinguished 4 splendid
chong1dang1 1 to serve as 2 to act as 3 to play the role of
bu4kui4 1 to be worthy of 2 to deserve to be called 3 to prove oneself to
guo4yin3 1 to satisfy a craving 2 to get a kick out of sth 3 gratifying 4
immensely enjoyable 5 satisfying 6 fulfilling
zi1ben3 capital (economics)
shai1xuan3 to filter
xiao1sa3 1 confident and at ease 2 free and easy
ge1 1 to place 2 to put aside 3 to shelve
dang1dai4 1 the present age 2 the contemporary era
jian1ying4 1 hard 2 solid
zhou1qi1 1 period 2 cycle
gong1ran2 1 openly 2 publicly 3 undisguised
qi2xin1xie2li4 1 to work with a common purpose (idiom); to make
concerted efforts 2 to pull together 3 to work as one
gao1chao1 1 excellent 2 superlative
gao1zhang3 1 to surge up 2 to rise 3 (of tensions etc) to run high
wan2qiang2 1 tenacious 2 hard to defeat
feng2 1 to meet by chance 2 to come across 3 to fawn upon
zi1shen1 1 veteran (attributive) 2 senior 3 highly experienced
lun4tan2 forum (for discussion)
wen2ping2 diploma
ji4tuo1 1 to have sb look after sb 2 to entrust the care of sb 3 to place
(hope etc) on
shi2zhi4 1 substance 2 essence
an1xiang2 serene
bing3 1 third of the ten Heavenly Stems shtingn []
2 third in order 3 letter "C" or roman "III" in list "A, B, C", or "I, II, III" etc
4 propyl
shang4ren4 1 to take office 2 previous (incumbent) 3 predecessor
jian4bie2 1 to differentiate 2 to distinguish
zheng4zhong4 1 serious 2 solemn
tong1yong4 1 common (use) 2 interchangeable
mi2yu3 1 riddle 2 conundrum M: tio []
mie4shi4 1 to loathe 2 to despise 3 contempt
yong1hu4 1 to endorse 2 to support
ming2e2 1 quota 2 number of places 3 place (in an institution, a group
cang1cu4 1 all of a sudden 2 hurriedly
gai4 calcium (chemistry)
cai3gou4 1 to procure (for an enterprise etc) 2 to purchase
cai3na4 1 to accept 2 to adopt
zhu4zuo4 1 to write 2 literary work 3 book 4 article 5 writings M:
b []
pian4duan4 1 section 2 fragment 3 segment
qiao2liang2 1 bridge 2 fig. connection between two areas
jiao3ban4 1 to stir 2 to agitate
jian4ta4 to trample
bei4dong4 passive
beng2 1 need not 2 (contraction of and )
ji1zhi4 1 quick-witted 2 resourceful
xun2mi4 to look for
mi4du4 1 density 2 thickness
ren2dao4 1 human sympathy 2 humanitarianism 3 humane 4 the "human way",
one of the stages in the cycle of reincarnation (Buddhism) 5 sexual intercourse
ling3hui4 1 to understand 2 to comprehend 3 to grasp
zou3lou4 1 to leak (of information, liquid etc) 2 to divulge
hua1ban4 petal M: pin []
tui1lun4 1 to infer 2 inference 3 corollary 4 reasoned conclusion
qia4dao4hao3chu4 1 it's just perfect 2 it's just right
da4yi5 careless
fei1yue4 to leap
dian1bo3 1 to shake 2 to jolt 3 to bump
zhen4di4 1 position 2 front
pei4bei4 1 to allocate 2 to provide 3 to outfit with
tiao2liao4 1 condiment 2 seasoning 3 flavoring
jing1hua2 1 best feature 2 most important part of an object 3 quintessence
4 essence 5 soul
zhi1chu1 1 to spend 2 to pay out 3 expense
kai1kuo4 1 wide 2 open (spaces) 3 to open up
zuo4you4ming2 1 motto 2 maxim
wai4hang2 1 layman 2 amateur
tu3rang3 soil
liu2shen2 1 to take care 2 to be careful
sheng1tai4 ecology
li3cai3 1 to heed 2 to pay attention to
biao1ben3 1 specimen 2 sample 3 the root cause and symptoms of a disease
fen1liang4 (vector) component
ning2shi4 1 to gaze at 2 to fix one's eyes on
xin4yu4 1 prestige 2 distinction 3 reputation 4 trust
huang2hun1 1 dusk 2 evening 3 nightfall
qing3jiao4 1 to ask for guidance 2 to consult
si1zi4 1 private 2 personal 3 secretly 4 without explicit approval
xie4qi4 1 to leak (gas) 2 to be discouraged 3 to despair 4 (disparaging)
pathetic 5 to vent one's anger 6 (of a tire) to be flat
hui1huo4 1 to squander money 2 extravagant 3 prodigal 4 free and easy 5
xing2tai4 1 shape 2 form 3 pattern 4 morphology
dui4ce4 countermeasure for dealing with a situation
shao4 1 a whistle 2 sentry
zao1yang1 to suffer a calamity
yi2liu2 1 to leave behind 2 to hand down
huan2yuan2 1 to restore to the original state 2 reduction (chemistry)
bo2ruo4 1 weak 2 frail
jing1mi4 1 accuracy 2 exact 3 precise 4 refined
lao2gu4 1 firm 2 secure
za2ji4 acrobatics M: chng []
quan2ju2 overall situation
shen2xian1 1 Daoist immortal 2 supernatural entity 3 (in modern fiction)
fairy, elf, leprechaun etc 4 fig. lighthearted person
wa3jie3 1 to collapse 2 to disintegrate 3 to crumble
liang4 1 to dry in the air 2 (fig.) to cold-shoulder
xian3zhu4 1 outstanding 2 notable 3 remarkable 4 statistically significant
ti2ba2 1 to promote to a higher job 2 to select for promotion
de2li4 1 able 2 capable 3 competent 4 efficient
xue1ruo4 1 to weaken 2 to impair 3 to cripple
Yuan2xiao1jie2 Lantern Festival, the final event of the Spring Festival
, on 15th of first month of the lunar calendar
yi3zhi4 1 to such an extent as to 2 down to 3 up to
ren2wei2 1 artificial 2 man-made 3 having human cause or origin 4 human
attempt or effort
yi1du4 1 for a time 2 at one time 3 one time 4 once
qing3jian3 1 invitation card 2 written invitation
cai2yuan2 1 to cut staff 2 to lay off employees
jie2jing1 1 to crystallize 2 crystallization 3 crystal 4 crystalline

bo1lang4 wave
shu4e2 1 amount 2 sum of money 3 fixed number
hui3hen4 1 remorse 2 repentance
jian1rui4 1 sharp 2 intense 3 penetrating 4 pointed 5 acute (illness)
chui2zhi2 1 perpendicular 2 vertical
gao4ci2 1 to say goodbye 2 to take one's leave
ke3guan1 1 considerable 2 impressive 3 significant
qi2quan2 complete
tao2ci2 1 pottery and porcelain 2 ceramics
cheng2zhi4 1 sincere 2 cordial
dan3qie4 1 timid 2 cowardly
wei4mian3 1 unavoidably 2 can't help 3 really 4 rather
zhi3nan2zhen1 compass
chao2xue2 1 lair 2 nest 3 den 4 hideout
ju2bu4 1 part 2 local
gong1shi4 formula
diao1ke4 1 to carve 2 to engrave 3 carving
jie1ceng2 1 hierarchy 2 stratum 3 social class
gui1zhang1 1 rule 2 regulation
fu3xiu3 1 rotten 2 decayed 3 decadent 4 degenerate
lai2li4 1 history 2 antecedents 3 origin
cuo1 1 to rub or roll between the hands or fingers 2 to twist
xuan2nian4 1 suspense in a movie, play etc 2 concern for sb's welfare
si4miao4 1 temple 2 monastery 3 shrine
gong1ren4 1 publicly known (to be) 2 accepted (as)
zu3nao2 1 to thwart 2 to obstruct (sth)
jian4ge2 1 compartment 2 gap 3 interval 4 to divide
bu3tie1 1 to subsidize 2 subsidy 3 allowance 4 to supplement (one's
salary etc) 5 benefit
yuan2quan2 1 fountainhead 2 well-spring 3 water source 4 fig. origin
zong3er2yan2zhi1 1 in short 2 in a word 3 in brief
gao4jie4 1 to warn 2 to admonish
nei4han2 1 meaning 2 content 3 essential properties implied or reflected
by a notion 4 intention 5 connotation 6 self-possessed
jiao1she4 1 to negotiate 2 relating to
ke4ti2 1 task 2 problem 3 issue
liu2lian4 1 reluctant to leave 2 to hate to have to go 3 to recall fondly
sheng1chu4 1 domesticated animals 2 livestock
shuan4huo3guo1 1 hot pot 2 a dish where thinly sliced meat and vegetables
are boiled briefly in a broth and then served with dipping sauces
wai1qu1 1 to distort 2 to misrepresent
man4xing4 1 slow and patient 2 chronic (disease) 3 slow to take effect
(e.g. a slow poison)
bao3yang3 1 to take good care of (or conserve) one's health 2 to keep in
good repair 3 to maintain 4 maintenance
tiao2jie3 1 to mediate 2 to bring parties to an agreement
shuai1tui4 1 to decline 2 to fall 3 to drop 4 to falter 5 a decline 6
recession (in economics)
li4ti3 1 three-dimensional 2 solid 3 stereoscopic
wu4zi1 1 goods 2 supplies
chen2si1 1 to contemplate 2 to ponder 3 contemplation 4 meditation
dang4ci4 1 grade 2 class 3 quality 4 level
ba1bu5de5 1 (coll.) to be eager for 2 to long for 3 to look forward to
ban4tu2er2fei4 to give up halfway (idiom); leave sth unfinished
yun4niang4 1 (of alcohol) to ferment 2 (of a crisis) to be brewing 3 to mull
over (an issue) 4 to hold exploratory discussions
hang2tian1 space flight
yu2lun4 public opinion
shui3long2tou2 1 faucet 2 tap
zhu1 1 tree trunk 2 stump (tree root) 3 a plant 4 classifier for trees or
plants 5 to involve others (in shady business)
dui4ying4 1 to correspond 2 a correspondence 3 corresponding 4 homologous 5
matching with sth 6 counterpart
bian4zhi4 1 to degenerate 2 to go bad 3 to deteriorate 4 metamorphosis
bo1xue1 1 to exploit 2 exploitation
zheng1duan1 1 dispute 2 controversy 3 conflict
zhu3liu2 1 main stream (of a river) 2 fig. the essential point 3 main
viewpoint of a matter 4 mainstream (culture etc)
gen1qian5 1 living with sb 2 nearby
wu1xian4 1 to entrap 2 to frame 3 to plant false evidence against sb
bian1zhi1 1 to weave 2 to knit 3 to plait 4 to braid 5 (fig.) to create
(sth abstract, e.g. a dream, a lie etc)
jiang3 1 oar 2 paddle
wu2li3qu3nao4 to make trouble without reason (idiom); to be
deliberately provocative
ju3jue2 1 to chew 2 to think over
zu3lan2 1 to stop 2 to obstruct
qu4wei4 1 fun 2 interest 3 delight 4 taste 5 liking 6 preference
kao3gu3 archaeology
fu1yan3 1 to elaborate (on a theme) 2 to expound (the classics) 3
perfunctory 4 to skimp 5 to botch 6 to do sth half-heartedly or just for show 7
barely enough to get by
kun3bang3 to bind
bao4xiao1 1 to submit an expense account 2 to apply for reimbursement 3 to
write off 4 to wipe out
jie2zhi3 1 to close 2 to stop 3 to put a stop to sth 4 cut-off point 5
stopping point 6 deadline
mi2man4 1 to pervade 2 to fill the air 3 diffuse 4 everywhere present 5
about to inundate (water) 6 permeated by (smoke) 7 filled with (dust) 8 to saturate
(the air with fog, smoke etc)
guang3kuo4 1 wide 2 vast
rong2mao4 1 one's appearance 2 one's aspect 3 looks 4 features
rong2na4 1 to hold 2 to contain 3 to accommodate 4 to tolerate (different
tian1ran2qi4 natural gas
zu1lin4 1 to rent 2 to lease 3 to hire
po4li4 to make an exception
sheng1ji1 1 opportunity to live 2 to reprieve from death 3 life force 4
ming2fu4qi2shi2 not just in name only, but also in reality (idiom)
chuan2shou4 1 to impart 2 to pass on 3 to teach
xian2hua4 1 digression 2 gossip 3 complaint 4 scandal M: dun
lian2tong2 1 together with 2 along with
zheng4zong1 1 orthodox school 2 fig. traditional 3 old school 4 authentic 5
ju1shu4 1 to restrict 2 to restrain 3 constrained 4 awkward 5 ill at ease
6 uncomfortable 7 reticent
ju2xian4 1 to limit 2 to confine 3 to restrict sth within set boundaries
jiu4ye4 1 looking for employment 2 getting a job 3 to start a career
zong1zhi3 1 objective 2 aim 3 goal
xiang3ying4 1 to respond to 2 answer M: g []
he2mu4 1 peaceful relations 2 harmonious
hou4xuan3 candidate (attributive)
shang4you2 1 upper reaches (of a river) 2 upper level 3 upper echelon 4
qiao4men2 1 a trick 2 an ingenious method 3 know-how 4 the knack (of doing
qing2lang3 sunny and cloudless
bao4fu4 1 aspiration 2 ambition
gan4jin4 enthusiasm for doing sth
kou3qiang1 oral cavity
ning2gu4 1 to freeze 2 to solidify 3 to congeal 4 fig. with rapt attention
ting2dun4 1 to halt 2 to break off 3 pause (in speech)
zhuan1cheng2 1 specifically 2 specially (for that purpose)
tan1wu1 1 to be corrupt 2 corruption 3 to embezzle
chan2rao4 1 twisting 2 to twine 3 to wind 4 to pester 5 to bother
fu2qi5 1 good fortune 2 a blessing
rong2jie3 to dissolve
geng1zheng4 1 to correct 2 to make a correction
ri4yi4 1 day by day 2 more and more 3 increasingly 4 more and more with
each passing day
zhuan4ji4 biography M: pin [] / b []
huan3he2 1 to ease (tension) 2 to alleviate 3 to moderate 4 to allay 5 to
make more mild
tu1 1 bald 2 blunt
ying2li4 1 profit 2 gain
dui4chen4 1 symmetry 2 symmetrical
li4suo3neng2ji2 1 as far as one's capabilities extend (idiom); to the
best of one's ability 2 within one's powers
cong2rong2 1 to go easy 2 unhurried 3 calm 4 Taiwan pr. [cngrng]
du2cai2 dictatorship
chen2zhuo2 1 steady 2 calm and collected 3 not nervous
ai4mei4 1 vague 2 ambiguous 3 equivocal 4 dubious
wan3xi1 1 to regret 2 to feel that it is a great pity 3 to feel sorry for
kai1cai3 1 to extract (ore or other resource from a mine) 2 to exploit 3
to mine
you1yue4 1 superior 2 superiority
xian1ming2 1 bright 2 clear-cut 3 distinct
tiao2li3 1 arrangement 2 order 3 tidiness
wen2ya3 1 elegant 2 refined
bao1bi4 1 to shield 2 to harbor 3 to cover up
zhi2jing4 diameter
xia2zhai3 narrow
zi1run4 1 moist 2 humid 3 to moisten 4 to provide moisture 5 comfortably
xi1ri4 1 formerly 2 in olden days
cheng2xiao4 1 effect 2 result
xing4neng2 1 function 2 performance
xin1gan1qing2yuan4 1 delighted to (do sth, idiom) 2 perfectly
happy to do 3 most willing to do
lin4se4 1 stingy 2 mean 3 miserly
yao4su4 1 essential factor 2 key constituent
wu2you1wu2l4 carefree and without worries (idiom)
pin1bo2 1 to struggle 2 to wrestle
zhuang1zhong4 1 grave 2 solemn 3 dignified
hong2wei3 1 grand 2 imposing 3 magnificent
yun4yu4 1 to be pregnant 2 to produce offspring 3 to nurture (a
development, school of thought, artwork etc) 4 fig. replete with (culture etc)
ben1bo1 1 to rush about 2 to be constantly on the move
yong3yu2 1 to dare to 2 to be brave enough to
yi1fan1feng1shun4 1 propitious wind throughout the journey (idiom) 2
plain sailing 3 to go smoothly 4 have a nice trip!
chen2jiu4 old-fashioned
mang2mang2 1 boundless 2 vast and obscure
xiu4 1 to embroider 2 embroidery
xi4zhi4 1 delicate 2 fine 3 careful 4 meticulous 5 painstaking
tian2ye3 1 field 2 open land M: pin []
cui1can2 1 to ravage 2 to ruin
shi4xiang4 1 matter 2 item
yun4suan4 (mathematical) operation
lao2sao1 1 discontent 2 complaint 3 to complain
pan1deng1 1 to climb 2 to pull oneself up 3 to clamber 4 to scale 5 fig. to
forge ahead in the face of hardships and danger
yue4mu3 wife's mother, mother-in-law
dong4yuan2 1 to mobilize 2 to arouse 3 mobilization M: c [] /
g []
ning2ju4 1 to condense 2 to coagulate 3 coacervation (i.e. form tiny
droplets) 4 aggregation 5 coherent
jie2zhi4 1 to control 2 to restrict 3 to moderate 4 to temper 5 moderation
6 sobriety 7 to administer
liu2tong1 1 to circulate 2 to distribute 3 circulation 4 distribution
ci4xu4 1 sequence 2 order
pi1pan4 1 to criticize 2 critique M: g []
ji2zao4 1 irritable 2 irascible 3 impetuous
si1suo3 1 to think deeply 2 to ponder
jian1duan1 1 sharp pointed end 2 the tip 3 the cusp 4 tip-top 5 most
advanced and sophisticated 6 highest peak 7 the best
xi1yang2 1 sunset 2 the setting sun
fu4xing1 1 to revive 2 to rejuvenate
ti3ji1 1 volume 2 bulk M: g []
qian1xun4 1 humble 2 modest 3 unpretentious 4 modesty
que1kou3 1 nick 2 jag 3 gap 4 shortfall
xian4cheng2 1 ready-made 2 readily available
shuai4ling3 1 to lead 2 to command 3 to head
wu2fei1 1 only 2 nothing else
cai2gan4 1 ability 2 competence
yu2mei4 1 ignorant 2 uneducated
zhan3wang4 1 outlook 2 prospect 3 to look ahead 4 to look forward to
ping2zhang4 protective screen
sao3zi5 1 (coll.) older brother's wife 2 sister-in-law M: g
fa1yan2 1 to become inflamed 2 inflammation
yue4pu3 1 a musical score 2 sheet music
chi2yi2 to hesitate
qian1xi3 1 to migrate 2 to move
mang2ran2 1 blankly 2 vacantly 3 at a loss
tao1tao1bu4jue2 1 unceasing torrent (idiom) 2 talking non-stop 3
gabbling forty to the dozen
qu1zhe2 1 winding 2 (fig.) complicated
jing1dong4 1 to alarm 2 to startle 3 to disturb
ya1suo1 1 to compress 2 compression
jue2xing3 1 to awaken 2 to come to realize 3 awakened to the truth 4 the
truth dawns upon one 5 scales fall from the eyes 6 to become aware
suo3qu3 1 to ask 2 to demand
shi4yi4 1 to hint 2 to indicate (an idea to sb)
shen1chen2 1 deep 2 profound 3 (of a person) reserved 4 undemonstrative 5
(of a voice, sound etc) deep 6 low-pitched
gong3gu4 1 to consolidate 2 consolidation 3 to strengthen
chan3shu4 1 to expound (a position) 2 to elaborate (on a topic) 3 to treat
(a subject)
shi4yi2 1 suitable 2 appropriate
guo4wen4 1 to show an interest in 2 to get involved with
bai4huai4 1 to ruin 2 to corrupt 3 to undermine
qing3tie3 1 invitation card 2 written invitation
hao4fei4 1 to waste 2 to spend 3 to consume 4 to squander
fan4lan4 1 to be in flood 2 to overflow (the banks) 3 to inundate 4 to
spread unchecked
fang1yan2 1 topolect 2 dialect
pei2yu4 1 to train 2 to breed
ting2zhi4 1 stagnation 2 at a standstill 3 bogged down
yan2jin4 to strictly prohibit
zhuan3zhe2 1 shift in the trend of events 2 plot shift in a book 3 twists
and turns
biao3zhang1 1 to honor 2 to commend 3 to cite (in dispatches)
ruo4gan1 1 a certain number or amount 2 how many? 3 how much?
qian1zhi4 1 to control 2 to curb 3 to restrict 4 to impede 5 to pin down
(enemy troops)
jiao1ji2 1 anxiety 2 anxious
yan2re4 1 blistering hot 2 sizzling hot (weather)
quan2heng2 1 to weigh 2 to consider 3 to assess 4 to balance 5 to trade-off
cha1zuo4 1 socket 2 outlet
da3liang5 1 to size sb up 2 to look sb up and down 3 to take the measure of
4 to suppose 5 to reckon
ying4chou5 1 social niceties 2 social interaction 3 a dinner party
ao4mi4 1 secret 2 mystery
xiang3liang4 1 loud and clear 2 resounding
hua4fen1 1 to divide up 2 to partition 3 to differentiate
fu4shu3 1 subsidiary 2 auxiliary 3 attached 4 affiliated 5 subordinate 6
zi4bei1 1 feeling inferior 2 self-abased
bei4song4 1 to recite 2 to repeat from memory
sheng4kai1 1 blooming 2 in full flower
xiong1yong3 1 to surge up violently (of ocean, river, lake etc) 2 turbulent
yi4li4 1 perseverance 2 willpower
jing4ye4 1 to be dedicated to one's work 2 to respect one's work
ba2miao2zhu4zhang3 to spoil things through excessive enthusiasm
dang1wu4zhi1ji2 1 top priority job 2 matter of vital importance
dui4li4 1 to oppose 2 to set sth against 3 to be antagonistic to 4
antithetical 5 relative opposite 6 opposing 7 diametrical
zeng1tian1 1 to add 2 to increase
ge2he2 estrangement
pi4ru2 1 for example 2 for instance 3 such as
fu4xie4 1 diarrhea 2 to have the runs
zhi3biao1 1 target 2 quota 3 index 4 indicator 5 sign 6 signpost 7
(computing) pointer
yong1su2 1 filthy 2 vulgar 3 debased
tuo3shan4 1 appropriate 2 proper
jian1shi2 1 firm and substantial 2 solid
qi3shi4 1 announcement (written, on billboard, letter, newspaper or
website) 2 to post information 3 a notice
hou4qin2 logistics
mian4mao4 1 appearance 2 face 3 features M: g []
ci2xiong2 male and female
chong2die2 1 to overlap 2 to superimpose 3 to telescope 4 to run together 5
to duplicate 6 one over another 7 superposition 8 an overlap 9 redundancy 10
reduplication (in Chinese grammar, e.g. snsnb [] to have
a stroll)
xiang1cha4 1 to differ 2 discrepancy between
shen1ao4 1 profound 2 abstruse 3 recondite 4 profoundly
zhou1mi4 1 careful 2 thorough 3 meticulous 4 dense 5 impenetrable
xiong1e4 1 fierce 2 ferocious 3 fiendish 4 frightening
zhu4zao4 to cast (pour metal into a mold)
ku1wei3 1 to wilt 2 to wither 3 wilted 4 withered 5 drained 6 enervated 7
tou2zhi4 1 to throw sth a long distance 2 to hurl 3 to throw at 4 to throw
(dice etc) 5 to flip (a coin)
ji2ju4 1 rapid 2 sudden
chu1xi5 1 future prospects 2 profit 3 to mature 4 to grow up
you1yi4 1 exceptional 2 outstandingly good
zhuan1ti2 special topic
gu3dong4 1 to agitate 2 to arouse 3 to instigate 4 to encite
xue3shang4jia1shuang1 1 to add hail to snow (idiom); one disaster on
top of another 2 to make things worse in a bad situation
zhuan3rang4 1 transfer (technology, goods etc) 2 conveyancing (property)
fan4chou2 category
zhi4ci2 1 to express in words or writing 2 to make a speech (esp. short
introduction, vote of thanks, afterword, funeral homily etc) 3 to address (an
audience) 4 same as
tian2jing4 track and field (athletics)
mo1suo5 1 to feel about 2 to grope about 3 to fumble 4 to do things
pai2fang4 1 emission 2 discharge 3 exhaust (gas etc)
gu4ti3 solid
bo2mu3 1 wife of father's elder brother 2 aunt 3 (polite form of address
for a woman who is about the age of one's mother) M: g []
si4yang3 1 to raise 2 to rear
qian1jiu4 1 to yield 2 to adapt to 3 to accommodate to (sth)
lun2chuan2 1 steamship 2 steamer 3 ocean liner 4 ship M: su []
jie3ti3 1 to break up into components 2 to disintegrate 3 to collapse 4
to crumble
zhou1 boat
xing1 fishy (smell)
gai3liang2 to improve
bu4ju2 1 arrangement 2 composition 3 layout 4 opening (chess jargon)
bo2lan3hui4 1 exposition 2 international fair
li4hai5 1 terrible 2 formidable 3 serious 4 devastating 5 tough 6 capable
7 sharp 8 severe 9 fierce
zuo4fei4 1 to become invalid 2 to cancel 3 to delete 4 to nullify
zhen4rong2 1 troop arrangement 2 battle formation 3 line-up (of a sports
team etc)
gui1ge2 1 standard 2 norm 3 specification
tong3chou2jian1gu4 an overall plan taking into account all factors
jian3lou4 simple and crude
jian3hua4 to simplify
guo3duan4 1 firm 2 decisive
ti2lian4 1 to extract (ore, minerals etc) 2 to refine 3 to purify 4 to
wei2du2 1 only 2 just (i.e. it is only that...) 3 all except 4 unique
fan3si1 1 to think back over sth 2 to review 3 to revisit 4 to rethink 5
reflection 6 reassessment
bu4xiang4hua4 1 unreasonable 2 shocking 3 outrageous
fu4jian4 1 enclosure 2 attachment (email) 3 appendix
li3cheng2bei1 milestone
huang1liang2 desolate
zhi4shi3 1 to cause 2 to result in
kuang1 basket M: zh []
kong1xiang3 1 daydream 2 fantasy 3 to fantasize
lang2bei4 1 in a difficult situation 2 to cut a sorry figure 3 scoundrel!
qing1che4 1 clear 2 limpid
ge2shi4 1 form 2 specification 3 format
fang1zhen1 1 policy 2 guidelines M: g []
tou2ji1 1 to speculate (on financial markets) 2 opportunistic 3 congenial
4 agreeable
gan1han4 1 drought 2 arid 3 dry
di4zhi4 geology
tuan2yuan2 to have a reunion
cao2za2 1 noisy 2 clamorous
hao4zhao4 1 to call 2 to appeal
fa1dai1 1 to stare blankly 2 to be stunned 3 to be lost in thought
fen1hong2 1 dividend 2 to award a bonus
qi1liang2 desolate
ban1bu4 1 to issue 2 to proclaim 3 to enact (laws, decrees etc)
shuang3kuai5 1 refreshed 2 rejuvenated 3 frank and straightforward
wu2jing1da3cai3 1 dispirited and downcast (idiom); listless 2 in low
spirits 3 washed out
can1zhao4 1 to consult a reference 2 to refer to (another document)
hua4shi2 fossil
qie4shi2 1 feasible 2 earnestly 3 conscientiously 4 realistic 5 practical
feng1shou1 bumper harvest
pei4tao4 1 to form a complete set 2 coherent
shi4shi4 1 to pass away 2 to die
beng4fa1 to burst forth
dong3shi4zhang3 1 chairman of the board 2 chairman
ying1ming2 1 wise 2 brilliant
jian3yao4 1 concise 2 brief
cheng4 1 steelyard 2 Roman balance M: ti []
mo3sha1 1 to erase 2 to cover traces 3 to obliterate evidence 4 to
expunge 5 to blot out 6 to suppress
zong3he2 sum
kai1ming2 1 enlightened 2 open-minded 3 enlightenment
fu2du4 1 width 2 extent 3 range 4 scope
wei1feng1 1 might 2 awe-inspiring authority 3 impressive
ya1zha4 1 to press 2 to squeeze 3 to extract juice, oil etc by squeezing
xiu1yang3 1 accomplishment 2 training 3 self-cultivation
yin3huan4 1 a danger concealed within sth 2 hidden damage 3 misfortune not
visible from the surface
zhen1zhi4 1 sincere 2 sincerity
shen1bao4 1 to report (to the authorities) 2 to declare (to customs)
xia2ai4 1 narrow 2 tight 3 narrow minded 4 lacking in experience
ben3qian2 1 capital 2 (fig.) asset 3 advantage 4 the means (to do sth)
long3duan4 1 to enjoy market dominance 2 to monopolize
gong1xiao4 efficacy
xu1rong2 vanity
jie2suan4 1 to settle a bill 2 to close an account
zhi4liu2 1 to detain 2 retention
zhi4li3 1 to govern 2 to administer 3 to manage 4 to control 5 governance
chai2you2 diesel fuel
wu2chang2 1 free 2 no charge 3 at no cost
xin1chen2dai4xie4 1 metabolism (biology) 2 the new replaces the old
she4shi4du4 degrees centigrade
jie1lian2 1 on end 2 in a row 3 in succession
re3huo4 1 to stir up trouble 2 to invite disaster
cha4 1 fork in road 2 bifurcation 3 branch in road, river, mountain range
etc 4 to branch off 5 to turn off 6 to diverge 7 to stray (from the path) 8 to
change the subject 9 to interrupt 10 to stagger (times)
xi2fu4 1 daughter-in-law 2 wife (of a younger man) 3 young married woman
4 young woman
can1mou2 1 staff officer 2 to give advice
gou1jie2 1 to collude with 2 to collaborate with 3 to gang up with
dong4dang4 1 unrest (social or political) 2 turmoil 3 upheaval 4 commotion
chong1pei4 1 abundant 2 plentiful 3 vigorous
hui4wu4 1 to meet 2 meeting 3 conference
ya4jun1 1 second place (in a sports contest) 2 runner-up
zhu3quan2 sovereignty
zhu3ban4 1 to organize 2 to host (a conference or sports event)
mi1 1 to narrow one's eyes 2 to squint 3 (dialect) to take a nap
sheng4xing2 1 to be in vogue 2 to be prevalent
chang4tong1 1 unimpeded 2 free-flowing 3 straight path 4 unclogged 5 move
without obstruction
sheng1shu1 1 unfamiliar 2 strange 3 out of practice 4 not accustomed
hai3ba2 1 height above sea level 2 elevation
si1wen2 1 refined 2 educate 3 cultured 4 intellectual 5 polite 6 gentle
xuan2gua4 1 to suspend 2 to hang 3 (vehicle) suspension
dui1ji1 1 to pile up 2 to heap 3 accumulation
jian1ren4 1 tough and durable 2 tenacious
tuo4qi4 1 to spurn 2 to disdain
jue2wu4 1 consciousness 2 awareness 3 Buddhist enlightenment (Sanskrit:
kong4xi4 1 crack 2 gap between two objects 3 gap in time between two
hen3xin1 1 callous 2 heartless
pai4bie2 1 denomination 2 group 3 school 4 faction 5 school of thought
gong1ke4 1 to capture 2 to take 3 to overcome 4 to solve
yi4xiang4 1 intention 2 purpose 3 intent 4 inclination 5 disposition
kai1tuo4 1 to break new ground (for agriculture) 2 to open up (a new seam)
3 to develop (border regions) 4 fig. to open up (new horizons)
bie2zhi4 1 unusual 2 unique
chuang4ye4 1 to begin an undertaking 2 to start a major task 3 to initiate 4
to venture 5 venture 6 entrepreneurship
shang1nao3jin1 1 to be a real headache 2 to find sth a real headache 3 to
beat one's brains
wei2qi1 1 (to be done) by (a certain date) 2 lasting (a certain time)
tong1huo4peng2zhang4 inflation
duan1zheng4 1 upright 2 regular 3 proper 4 correct
gang3wan1 1 natural harbor 2 bay serving as harbor
wen2xian4 document
chong2jing4 1 to revere 2 to venerate 3 high esteem
dui4zhao4 1 to contrast 2 to compare 3 to place side by side for comparison
(as parallel texts) 4 to check
mei2jie4 1 intermediary 2 vehicle 3 vector 4 medium 5 media
chu3fen4 1 to discipline sb 2 to punish 3 disciplinary action 4 to deal
with (a matter) M: g []
he2qi5 1 friendly 2 polite 3 amiable
ba4dao4 1 the Way of the Hegemon 2 abbr. for 3 despotic rule 4
rule by might 5 evil as opposed to the Way of the King 6 overbearing 7
tyranny 8 (of liquor, medicine etc) strong 9 potent
zan4tan4 1 to sigh or gasp in admiration 2 high praise
ku3se4 1 bitter and astringent 2 pained 3 agonized
song3 1 to excite 2 to raise up 3 to shrug 4 high 5 lofty 6 towering
ke1mu4 subject
dian3zhui4 1 to decorate 2 to adorn 3 sprinkled 4 studded 5 only for show
ge1song4 1 to sing the praises of 2 to extol 3 to eulogize
za2jiao1 1 to hybridize 2 to crossbreed 3 promiscuity
zan4qie3 1 for now 2 for the time being 3 temporarily
leng3luo4 1 desolate 2 unfrequented 3 to treat sb coldly 4 to snub 5 to
cold shoulder
yi1si1bu4gou3 1 not one thread loose (idiom); strictly according to
the rules 2 meticulous 3 not one hair out of place
chi2huan3 1 slow 2 sluggish
yan3se4 1 signal made with one's eyes 2 meaningful glance
jin4pao4 1 to steep 2 to soak 3 to immerse
lan2mu4 1 regular column or segment (in a publication or broadcast
program) 2 program (TV or radio)
you3tiao2bu4wen3 regular and thorough (idiom); methodically arranged
wei4wen4 to express sympathy, greetings, consolation etc
wei1xin4 1 prestige 2 reputation 3 trust 4 credit with the people
yi1mu4liao3ran2 obvious at a glance (idiom)
zi4li4geng1sheng1 1 regeneration through one's own effort (idiom) 2
shi2shi4 1 current trends 2 the present situation 3 how things are going
xin1ying3 1 lit. new bud 2 fig. new and original
ting2bo2 1 to anchor 2 anchorage 3 mooring (of a ship)
jue2jiang4 1 stubborn 2 obstinate 3 unbending
fu3shi4 1 to overlook 2 to look down at
shi4dai4 1 for many generations 2 generation 3 era 4 age
kao4long3 to draw close to
ta1shi5 1 firmly based 2 steady 3 steadfast 4 to have peace of mind 5
free from anxiety 6 Taiwan pr. [tsh]
li4zu2 1 to stand 2 to have a footing 3 to be established 4 to base
oneself on
dan4shui3 1 potable water (water with low salt content) 2 fresh water
gang4gan3 1 lever 2 pry bar 3 crowbar 4 financial leverage
kai1pi4 1 to open up 2 to set up 3 to establish
zhou1zhe2 1 twists and turns 2 vicissitude 3 complication 4 difficulty 5
effort M: fn []
cong2 1 cluster 2 collection 3 collection of books 4 thicket
jin4er2 and then (what follows next)
qing3shi4 to ask for instructions
si4wu2ji4dan4 1 absolutely unrestrained 2 unbridled 3 without the
slightest scruple
que4li4 1 to establish 2 to institute
sheng4qing2 1 great kindness 2 magnificent hospitality
lang2tun1hu3yan4 1 to wolf down one's food (idiom); to devour
ravenously 2 to gorge oneself
kuang4jia4 1 frame 2 framework 3 fig. pattern 4 outline 5 organizing plan
ping2tan3 1 level 2 even 3 smooth 4 flat
bing1bao2 1 hail 2 hailstone M: chng [] / l []
sui2ji2 1 immediately 2 presently 3 following which
chi4zi4 1 (financial) deficit 2 red letter
cao3an4 draft (legislation, proposal etc)
jing1jian3 1 to simplify 2 to reduce
ge1da5 1 swelling or lump on skin 2 pimple 3 knot 4 preoccupation 5
shi2er2 1 occasionally 2 from time to time
san3wen2 1 prose 2 essay
gong1yi4pin3 1 handicraft article 2 handiwork M: g []
mai2mo4 1 to engulf 2 to bury 3 to overlook 4 to stifle 5 to neglect 6 to
fall into oblivion
pin3de2 moral character
pian1cha1 1 bias 2 deviation
tang3ruo4 1 provided that 2 supposing that 3 if
bian4yu2 1 easy to 2 convenient for
xiong2wei3 1 grand 2 imposing 3 magnificent 4 majestic
tong1su2 1 common 2 everyday 3 average
zhuang1xie4 1 to load or unload 2 to transfer 3 to assemble and disassemble
chen4tuo1 to set off
kao3he2 1 to examine 2 to check up on 3 to assess 4 to review 5 appraisal
6 review 7 evaluation
fan2hua2 1 flourishing 2 bustling
mu3yu3 1 native language 2 mother tongue 3 (linguistics) parent language
yi3zhi4 1 down to 2 up to 3 to such an extent as to ... 4 also written
yzhy []
ju3zu2qing1zhong4 1 a foot's move sways the balance (idiom); to hold
the balance of power 2 to play the decisive role
yin3yue1 1 vague 2 faint 3 indistinct
tiao2he2 1 harmonious 2 to mediate 3 to reconcile 4 to compromise 5
mediation 6 to mix 7 to blend 8 blended 9 to season 10 seasoning 11 to placate
wu4cha1 1 difference 2 error 3 inaccuracy
lun4zheng4 1 to prove a point 2 to expound on 3 to demonstrate or prove
(through argument) 4 proof
guan4gai4 to irrigate
zhu4shi4 1 marginal notes 2 annotation 3 to annotate 4 to add comments to
zhai1yao4 1 summary 2 abstract
gu1qie3 1 for the time being 2 tentatively
tian1wen2 astronomy
da4ti3 1 in general 2 more or less 3 in rough terms 4 basically 5 on the
bian4gu4 1 an unforeseen event 2 accident 3 misfortune
fa1yang2 1 to develop 2 to make full use of
zheng1qi4 1 to work hard for sth 2 to resolve on improvement 3 determined
not to fall short
bu4xiang1shang4xia4 1 equally matched 2 about the same
wen4shi4 1 to be published 2 to come out
jin3shang4tian1hua1 1 lit. on brocade, add flowers (idiom); to
decorate sth already perfect 2 gilding the lily
zuan1yan2 1 to study meticulously 2 to delve into
zhui1dao4 1 to mourn 2 to pay last respects 3 mourning 4 memorial (service
meng2ya2 1 to sprout (lit. or fig.) 2 to bud 3 to germinate 4 germ 5 seed
6 bud
li4fang1 1 cube (math.) 2 abbr. for lfngt [] 3
abbr. for lfngm []
bo1tao1 1 great waves 2 billows
bo1zhong3 1 to sow seeds 2 sowing 3 seed
han2xuan1 1 to exchange conventional greetings 2 to talk about the weather
qian1fang1bai3ji4 lit. thousand ways, a hundred plans (idiom); by every
possible means
jia1ju4 1 to intensify 2 to sharpen 3 to accelerate 4 to aggravate 5 to
exacerbate 6 to embitter
ling2li4 1 clever 2 witty 3 intelligent
shang4jin4 1 to make progress 2 to do better 3 fig. ambitious to improve
oneself 4 to move forwards
chen2lie4 1 to display 2 to exhibit
xiang1qian4 1 to inlay 2 to embed 3 to set (e.g. a jewel in a ring) 4 tiling
5 tesselation
chi4dao4 equator (of the earth or astronomical body)
xiong1huai2 1 one's bosom (the seat of emotions) 2 breast 3 broad-minded and
open 4 to think about 5 to cherish
wu2qiong2wu2jin4 1 endless 2 boundless 3 infinite
zhu3 1 to lean on 2 to prop on
ba1jie5 1 to fawn on 2 to curry favor with 3 to make up to
li4qiu2 1 to make every effort to 2 striving to do one's best
bu4xie4yi1gu4 to disdain as beneath contempt (idiom)
e4zhi4 1 to check 2 to contain 3 to hold back 4 to keep within limits 5
to constrain 6 to restrain
du1cu4 1 to supervise and urge completion of a task 2 to urge on
zhuo2zhong4 1 to put emphasis on 2 to stress
gai4zhang1 to affix a seal (to sth)
hu2po1 lake
tuo3yuan2 1 oval 2 ellipse 3 elliptic
cao1lao2 1 to work hard 2 to look after
xin1de2 1 what one has learned (through experience, reading etc) 2
knowledge 3 insight 4 understanding 5 tips M: xing [] / g
kan1wu4 publication
jing3zhui1 1 cervical vertebra 2 the seven cervical vertebrae in the neck of
humans and most mammals
ying2mian4 1 directly 2 head-on (collision) 3 in one's face (of wind)
shu1chang4 1 happy 2 entirely free from worry
zhang1cheng2 1 rules 2 regulations 3 constitution 4 statute 5 articles
of association (of company) 6 articles of incorporation 7 charter (of a
corporation) 8 by-laws
shen2qi4 1 expression 2 manner 3 vigorous 4 impressive 5 lofty 6
zai1pei2 1 to grow 2 to cultivate 3 to train 4 to educate 5 to patronize
zhou4ye4 1 day and night 2 period of 24 hours 3 continuously, without stop
di2shi4 1 hostile 2 malevolence 3 antagonism 4 to view as enemy 5 to
stand against
zhao1shou1 1 to hire 2 to recruit
chui1peng3 1 to flatter 2 to laud sb's accomplishments 3 adulation
ming2ci4 1 position in a ranking of names 2 place 3 rank
chang4dao3 1 to advocate 2 to initiate 3 to propose 4 to be a proponent of
(an idea or school of thought)
bu4yan2er2yu4 1 it goes without saying 2 it is self-evident
cha4yi4 1 flabbergasted 2 astonished
yu2min2 1 fisherman 2 fisher folk
cheng2xin1 1 intentional 2 deliberate 3 on purpose
ji4hui4 1 taboo 2 to avoid as taboo 3 to abstain from
dao3xiang4 1 to be oriented towards 2 orientation
luo1suo5 1 long-winded 2 wordy 3 troublesome 4 pesky 5 also pr. [lusu]
bian4qian1 1 changes 2 vicissitudes
zhi4yue1 1 to restrict 2 condition
lie4ju3 1 a list 2 to list 3 to enumerate
gong1zheng4 1 notarization 2 notarized 3 acknowledgement
jia1yao2 1 fine food 2 delicacies 3 delicious food
kui1dai4 to treat sb unfairly
po4li4 1 courage 2 daring 3 boldness 4 resolution 5 drive
bian1ce4 1 to spur on 2 to urge on 3 to encourage sb (e.g. to make
suo3xing4 1 you might as well (do it) 2 simply 3 just
yong3xian4 1 to emerge in large numbers 2 to spring up 3 to emerge
gu4ran2 admittedly (it's true that...)
hu1xiao4 1 to whistle 2 to scream 3 to whiz
ji1xiao4 to sneer
wei4lan2 1 azure 2 sky blue
jing1 1 stalk 2 stem M: tio []
da2bian4 1 to reply (to an accusation) 2 to defend one's dissertation
ci2xiang2 1 kindly 2 benevolent (often of older person)
jia1chang2 the daily life of a family
xue2shuo1 1 theory 2 doctrine
zhuang4li4 1 magnificence 2 magnificent 3 majestic 4 glorious
zhou1zhuan3 1 turnover (in cash or personnel) 2 to have enough resources to
cover a need
jie4jian4 1 to use other people's experience 2 to borrow from a source 3 to
use as reference
piao1yang2 1 to wave 2 to flutter 3 to fly
fang3zhi1 spinning and weaving
zong4heng2 1 lit. warp and weft in weaving; vertically and horizontal 2
length and breadth 3 criss-crossed 4 able to move unhindered 5 abbr. for
Hzng Linhng [], School of Diplomacy during the Warring
States Period (475-221 BC)
kuang4ke4 1 to play truant 2 to cut classes
wen2yi4 literature and art
jie2zhi4 1 up to (a time) 2 by (a time)
wei1wang4 prestige
jia1za2 1 to mix together (disparate substances) 2 to mingle 3 a mix 4 to
be tangled up with
zhuang4lie4 1 brave 2 heroic
fan3zhi1 1 on the other hand... 2 conversely...
li4lai2 1 always 2 throughout (a period of time) 3 (of) all-time
fen1cun5 1 propriety 2 appropriate behavior 3 proper speech or action 4
within the norms
qi3hong4 1 to heckle 2 rowdy jeering 3 to create a disturbance
guan4che4 1 to implement 2 to put into practice 3 to carry out
yun4cang2 1 to hold in store 2 to contain (untapped reserves etc)
xiang1deng3 1 equal 2 equally 3 equivalent
pan4 1 edge 2 side 3 boundary 4 bank (of a river etc) 5 shore
yan2hai3 coastal
wu1mie4 1 to slander 2 to smear 3 to tarnish
gun4bang4 1 club 2 staff 3 stick
shao1 tip of branch
cao1lian4 1 drill 2 practice
chan1 1 to take by the arm and assist 2 to mix 3 to blend 4 to dilute 5 to
ni3ding4 1 to draw up 2 to draft 3 to formulate
xuan2shu1 1 widely different 2 large disparity
gong1jing4 1 deferential 2 respectful
gui1gen1dao4di3 1 after all 2 in the final analysis 3 ultimately
yu4yan2 fable M: z []
duo1yuan2hua4 1 diversification 2 pluralism 3 to diversify
xuan1hua2 1 hubbub 2 clamor 3 to make a racket
bu3ru3 1 breast feeding 2 to suckle 3 to nurse
qi3meng2 1 to instruct the young 2 to initiate 3 to awake sb from
ignorance 4 to free sb from prejudice or superstition 5 primer 6 enlightened 7 the
Enlightenment 8 Western learning from the late Qing dynasty
su2hua4 1 common saying 2 proverb
ni4xing2 1 to go the wrong way 2 to go against one-way traffic regulation
bian3yi4 1 derogatory sense 2 negative connotation
luo4cheng2 to complete a construction project
liu2nian4 1 to keep as a souvenir 2 to recall fondly
zhen1zhuo2 1 to consider 2 to deliberate 3 to fill up a cup to the brim
tiao3bo1 1 to incite disharmony 2 to instigate
cheng2bao1 1 to contract 2 to undertake (a job)
pi1fa1 1 wholesale 2 bulk trade 3 distribution
zha1shi5 1 strong 2 solid 3 sturdy 4 firm 5 practical
gu4you3 1 intrinsic to sth 2 inherent 3 native
kui1sun3 1 deficit 2 (financial) loss
yan2han2 1 bitter cold 2 severe winter
bao3he2 saturation
dou3qiao4 precipitous
xie4jue2 to refuse politely
zi4man3 1 complacent 2 self-satisfied
tu2mo3 1 to paint 2 to smear 3 to apply (makeup etc) 4 to doodle 5 to
erase 6 to obliterate
fa3ren2 1 legal person 2 corporation 3 see also
zrnrn []
ci4pin3 1 substandard products 2 defective 3 seconds
di4shi4 1 terrain 2 topography relief
he2suan4 1 worthwhile 2 to be a good deal 3 to be a bargain 4 to reckon up
5 to calculate
li4zheng1 1 to work hard for 2 to do all one can 3 to contend strongly
shu1ji5 1 secretary (chief official of a branch of a socialist or
communist party) 2 clerk 3 scribe
zhe1dang3 1 to shelter 2 to shelter from
yi1shang5 clothes
hun1 1 strong-smelling vegetable (garlic etc) 2 non-vegetarian food (meat,
fish, spicy food etc) 3 vulgar 4 obscene
hua1lei3 1 bud 2 flower bud
jian4ting3 1 warship 2 naval vessel
zhi2neng2 1 function 2 role
nong2hou4 1 dense 2 thick (fog, clouds etc) 3 to have a strong interest in
4 deep 5 fully saturated (color)
qia4tan2 to discuss
ge2ju2 1 structure 2 pattern 3 layout
gen1shen1di4gu4 deep-rooted (problem etc)
duo1suo5 1 to tremble 2 to shiver 3 uncontrolled shaking of the body
ji2zao3 1 at the earliest possible time 2 as soon as possible
jian3cai3 to cut the ribbon (at a launching or opening ceremony)
liao2kuo4 1 vast 2 extensive
mao4sheng4 lush
fei2wo4 fertile
kong1qian2jue2hou4 1 unprecedented and never to be duplicated 2
the first and the last 3 unmatched 4 unique
jian3tao3 1 to examine or inspect 2 self-criticism 3 review
wu2wei1bu4zhi4 in every possible way (idiom); meticulous
kua4 to carry (esp. slung over the arm, shoulder or side)
bing4lie4 1 to stand side by side 2 to be juxtaposed
shi2hui4 1 tangible benefit 2 material advantages 3 cheap 4 economical 5
advantageous (deal) 6 substantial (discount)
shi4bi4 1 to be bound to 2 undoubtedly will
zai4jie1zai4li4 1 to continue the struggle (idiom); to persist 2
unremitting efforts
xing1long2 1 prosperous 2 thriving 3 flourishing
feng1qi4 1 general mood 2 atmosphere 3 common practice
ling2xing1 1 fragmentary 2 random 3 bits and pieces 4 sporadic
xiong2hou4 1 robust 2 strong and solid
xian2jie1 1 to join together 2 to combine
nai4yong4 durable
mei3guan1 1 pleasing to the eye 2 beautiful 3 artistic
ai4bu4shi4shou3 to love sth too much to part with it (idiom); to
fondle admiringly
re4lei4ying2kuang4 1 eyes brimming with tears of excitement
(idiom) 2 extremely moved
dai4man4 1 to slight 2 to neglect
zhi4qi4 1 ambition 2 resolve 3 backbone 4 drive 5 spirit
bi4duan1 1 malpractice 2 abuse 3 corrupt practice
tun1tun1tu3tu3 1 to hum and haw (idiom); to mumble as if hiding sth
2 to speak and break off, then start again 3 to hold sth back
jing1jing1ye4ye4 cautious and conscientious
yu3ri4ju4zeng1 1 to increase steadily 2 to grow with each passing
fu4he4 1 to parrot 2 to crib 3 to copy sb's action or words 4 to trail
sb's footsteps 5 copy-cat
tiao2ji4 1 to adjust 2 to balance 3 to make up a medical prescription
jian4yi4yong3wei2 1 to see what is right and act courageously (idiom,
from Analects); to stand up bravely for the truth 2 acting heroically in a just
chen4xin1ru2yi4 1 after one's heart (idiom); gratifying and
satisfactory 2 everything one could wish
shen2tai4 1 appearance 2 manner 3 bearing 4 deportment 5 look 6 expression
7 mien
mo2he2 1 to break in 2 to wear in
duan3cu4 1 short in time 2 fleeting 3 brief 4 gasping (breath) 5 curt
(tone of voice)
sheng4chan3 1 to produce in abundance 2 to be rich in
qi4po4 1 spirit 2 boldness 3 positive outlook 4 imposing attitude
kuo4chong1 to expand
l3ci4 1 repeatedly 2 time and again
sheng1shi4 1 fame and power 2 prestige 3 influence 4 impetus 5 momentum
qu3di4 1 to suppress 2 to crack down on 3 to prohibit
chan2 1 gluttonous 2 greedy 3 to have a craving
fang2zhi4 prevention and cure
mou2qiu2 1 to seek 2 to strive for
luo4shi2 1 practical 2 workable 3 to implement 4 to carry out 5 to decide
du4jue2 to put an end to
xiao4yi4 1 benefit 2 effectiveness 3 efficiency
zheng1shou1 1 to levy (a fine) 2 to impose (a tariff)
hua4fei2 fertilizer
kan1tan4 1 to explore 2 to survey 3 to prospect (for oil etc) 4
yan4shou1 1 to inspect and accept 2 acceptance
jiao3na4 to pay (taxes etc)
fan2ti3zi4 traditional Chinese character
li4jiao1qiao2 1 overpass 2 flyover
cuo1shang1 1 to consult 2 to discuss seriously 3 to negotiate 4 to confer 5
negotiations 6 consultations
zhen1xi1 1 rare 2 precious and uncommon
xun1tao2 1 to seep in 2 to influence 3 to nurture 4 influence 5 training
shui3li4 1 water conservancy 2 irrigation works
pu3ji2 1 popular 2 to popularize 3 universal 4 ubiquitous 5 pervasive
ji2gong1jin4li4 seeking instant benefit (idiom); shortsighted vision,
looking only for fast return
xun2xu4jian4jin4 in sequence, step by step (idiom); to make steady
progress incrementally
ceng2chu1bu4qiong2 1 more and more emerge 2 innumerable succession
3 breeding like flies (idiom)
jiu4jin4 1 nearby 2 in a close neighborhood
shi2shi4qiu2shi4 1 to seek truth from facts (idiom) 2 to be practical
and realistic
wan2bei4 1 faultless 2 complete 3 perfect 4 to leave nothing to be desired
ning4ken3 1 would rather... 2 it would be better... 3 would prefer
tian1lun2zhi1le4 1 family love and joy 2 domestic bliss
chi1ku3 to bear hardships
Ru2jia1 Confucian school, founded by Confucius Kngz [
] (551-479 BC) and Mencius Mngz [] (c. 372-c. 289 BC)
chang4yi4 1 to suggest 2 to initiate 3 proposal 4 initiative
zuo4xi1 work and rest
zheng1xian1kong3hou4 striving to be first and fearing to be last
(idiom); outdoing one another
dong1zhang1xi1wang4 1 to look in all directions (idiom) 2 to glance
gu3gan4 1 diaphysis (long segment of a bone) 2 fig. backbone
bi4se4 1 to stop up 2 to close up 3 hard to get to 4 out of the way 5
inaccessible 6 unenlightened 7 blocking
pin2fa2 1 impoverished 2 lacking 3 deficient 4 limited 5 meager 6
impoverishment 7 lack 8 deficiency
geng1di4 1 arable land 2 to plow land
kuang4chan3 minerals
zhan1yang3 1 to revere 2 to admire
pen2di4 1 basin (low-lying geographical feature) 2 depression
wu4mei3jia4lian2 1 good quality and cheap 2 a bargain
fu2qi4 1 to be convinced 2 to accept
zhi1liu2 tributary (river)
shen3mei3 1 esthetics 2 appreciating the arts 3 taste
dian4ding4 1 to establish 2 to fix 3 to settle
ding1zhu3 1 to warn repeatedly 2 to urge 3 to exhort again and again
ting2zi5 pavilion
qiu1ling2 hills
yi1ju3liang3de2 one move, two gains (idiom); two birds with one stone
jian4duo1shi2guang3 experienced and knowledgeable (idiom)
gao3jian4 1 rough draft 2 material contributing to a final document
hua4she2tian1zu2 1 lit. draw legs on a snake (idiom); fig. to ruin the
effect by adding sth superfluous 2 to overdo it
chen2dian4 1 to settle 2 to precipitate (solid sediment out of a solution)
zhao1biao1 to invite bids
jiao1qi4 1 delicate 2 squeamish 3 finicky
yuan2lin2 1 gardens 2 park 3 landscape garden
hou4gu4zhi1you1 1 fears of trouble in the rear (idiom); family
worries (obstructing freedom of action) 2 worries about the future consequences 3
often in negative expressions, meaning "no worries about anything"
cha4na4 1 an instant (Sanskrit: ksana) 2 split second 3 the twinkling of
an eye
gong4ji4 1 to sum up to 2 to total
bu4you2de5 1 can't help 2 cannot but
bu4gan3dang1 1 lit. I dare not (accept the honor); fig. I don't deserve
your praise 2 you flatter me
xia2 red clouds
chou2mi4 dense
kan3fa2 1 to hew 2 to cut down
ju4xi1 1 according to reports 2 it is reported (that)
ting3ba2 tall and straight
gan3kai3 1 to sigh with sorrow, regret etc 2 rueful 3 deeply moved
feng1jian4 1 system of enfeoffment 2 feudalism 3 feudal 4 feudalistic
yi1tuo1 1 to rely on 2 to depend on
zhu2nian2 1 year after year 2 with each passing year 3 over the years
xian2hui4 1 (of a wife) wise and kind 2 perfect in her traditional roles
ju4jing1hui4shen2 to concentrate one's attention (idiom)
jing1da3xi4suan4 meticulous planning and careful accounting (idiom)
xin1xin1xiang4rong2 1 luxuriant growth (idiom); flourishing 2
chang1sheng4 prosperous
ri4xin1yue4yi4 1 daily renewal, monthly change (idiom) 2 every day
sees new developments 3 rapid progress
ba3guan1 1 to guard a pass 2 to check on sth
de2bu4chang2shi1 the gains do not make up for the losses (idiom)
bu4gao4 1 posting on a bulletin board 2 notice 3 bulletin 4 to announce
ke4bu4rong2huan3 1 to brook no delay 2 to demand immediate action
gong1bu4ying4qiu2 supply does not meet demand
lu2zao4 stove
bi3zhong4 1 proportion 2 specific gravity
chu1shen2 1 spellbound 2 entranced 3 lost in thought
you1sheng4lie4tai4 survival of the fittest (idiom)
xu1zhi1 1 prerequisites 2 rules that must be known before starting sth
bian1jiang1 1 border area 2 borderland 3 frontier 4 frontier region
gang1ling3 1 program (i.e. plan of action) 2 guiding principle
Zheng1yue4 first month of the lunar year
zhen4xing1 1 to revive 2 to revitalize 3 to invigorate 4 to re-energize
fei4qin3wang4shi2 1 to neglect sleep and forget about food (idiom) 2 to
skip one's sleep and meals 3 to be completely wrapped up in one's work
di1ba4 dam
ao1tu1 1 bumpy 2 uneven 3 slotted and tabbed joint 4 crenelation
xiang1zhen4 1 village 2 township
bu4mian3 inevitably
nan2neng2ke3gui4 1 rare and precious 2 valuable 3 remarkable
qie4er2bu4she3 1 to chip away at a task and not abandon it (idiom);
to chisel away at sth 2 to persevere 3 unflagging efforts
bian4zheng4 1 to investigate 2 dialectical
qian2yi2mo4hua4 1 imperceptible influence 2 to influence secretly
qing1zhen1 1 Islamic 2 Muslim 3 halal (of food) 4 clean 5 pure
dan4ji4 1 off season 2 slow business season 3 see also
wngj []
yi4ran2 1 firmly 2 resolutely 3 without hesitation
zheng4qi4 1 healthy environment 2 healthy atmosphere 3 righteousness 4
vital energy (in Chinese medicine)
chao2dai4 1 dynasty 2 reign (of a king)
zhan3ding1jie2tie3 1 lit. to chop the nail and slice the iron
(idiom) 2 fig. resolute and decisive 3 unhesitating 4 categorical
wei1guan1 1 micro- 2 sub-atomic
lian2jie2 1 honest 2 not coercive 3 honesty 4 integrity 5 incorruptible
xu4yan2 1 preface 2 introductory remarks 3 preamble 4 prelude
hong2guan1 1 macro- 2 macroscopic 3 holistic
li4dai4 1 successive generations 2 successive dynasties 3 past dynasties
feng1tu3ren2qing2 local conditions and customs (idiom)
hao2mai4 1 bold 2 open-minded 3 heroic
jian4wen2 1 what one sees and hears 2 knowledge 3 information
chuan2bo2 1 shipping 2 boats
li3shang4wang3lai2 1 lit. proper behavior is based on reciprocity
(idiom) 2 fig. to return politeness for politeness
sheng3hui4 provincial capital
cha2huo4 1 to investigate and capture (a criminal) 2 to ferret out 3 to
hunt down and arrest
zhao1qi4peng2bo2 1 full of youthful energy (idiom); vigorous 2
energetic 3 a bright spark
bi4bing4 1 malady 2 evil 3 malpractice 4 drawback 5 disadvantage
shang4qie3 1 (not) even 2 yet 3 still
wai4xiang4 1 extroverted (personality) 2 (economics etc) export-oriented
ti3cai2 1 genre 2 style 3 form of writing
ren4zhong4dao4yuan3 1 a heavy load and a long road 2 fig. to bear
heavy responsibilities through a long struggle (cf Confucian Analects, 8.7)
ya1que4wu2sheng1 1 lit. crow and peacock make no sound 2 absolute
silence (idiom); not a single voice can be heard 3 absolute silence
ku3jin4gan1lai2 bitterness finishes, sweetness begins (idiom); the
hard times are over, the good times just beginning
jing1yi4qiu2jing1 to perfect sth that is already outstanding (idiom);
constantly improving
ji2guan4 1 one's native place 2 place of ancestry 3 registered birthplace
dao4gu3 rice crops
hun4zhuo2 1 turbid 2 muddy 3 dirty
xuan2ya2qiao4bi4 sheer cliffs and precipitous rock faces (idiom)
chuan1liu2bu4xi1 the stream flows without stopping (idiom); unending
ya1sui4qian2 money given to children as new year present
ju3shi4zhu3mu4 to receive worldwide attention
lian2nian2 1 successive years 2 over many years
dan4chen2 birthday
luo4yi4bu4jue2 continuously; in an endless stream (idiom)
zhi1zu2chang2le4 satisfied with what one has (idiom)
jin1jin1you3wei4 1 with keen interest pleasure (idiom); with gusto 2
to relish 3 eagerly 4 with great interest
bai4nian2 1 to pay a New Year call 2 to wish sb a Happy New Year
ji2yu2qiu2cheng2 1 anxious for quick results (idiom); to demand
instant success 2 impatient for result 3 impetuous
ji4jun1 1 third in a race 2 bronze medalist
nan2yuan2bei3zhe2 to act in a way that defeats one's purpose (idiom)
gong1an1ju2 public security bureau (government office similar in function to
a police station)
wu1hei1 1 jet-black 2 dark
xian4r5 1 stuffing 2 forcemeat 3 filling
lian2huan1 1 to have a get-together 2 celebration 3 party
xiang1fu3xiang1cheng2 to complement one another (idiom)
xu4mu4 to raise animals
sheng1xiao4 1 one of the twelve animals symbolic of the earthly branches
dzh [] 2 animal from the Chinese zodiac
li3zhi2qi4zhuang4 1 in the right and self-confident (idiom); bold and
confident with justice on one's side 2 to have the courage of one's convictions 3
just and forceful
tai4dou3 1 leading scholar of his time 2 magnate
zhan1guang1 1 to bask in the light 2 fig. to benefit from association with sb
or sth 3 reflected glory
zheng4fu4 positive and negative
qi2pao2 1 Chinese-style dress 2 cheongsam
ge4shu1ji3jian4 everyone gives their own view
mian3li4 to encourage
kan3kan3er2tan2 to speak frankly with assurance
di4zeng1 1 to increase by degrees 2 in increasing order 3 incremental 4
yong3yue4 1 to leap 2 to jump 3 eager 4 enthusiastically
jing1wei3 1 warp and woof 2 longitude and latitude 3 main points
ji4yao4 1 minutes 2 written summary of a meeting
chui1yan1 smoke from kitchen chimneys
wen1dai4 temperate zone
ken3qie4 1 earnest 2 sincere
de2tian1du2hou4 1 (of an area) rich in resources 2 (of a person)
gifted or able (idiom)
xi3wen2le4jian4 a delight to see (idiom); an attractive spectacle
bo2da4jing1shen1 1 wide-ranging and profound 2 broad and deep
qin2jian3 hardworking and frugal
nong2li4 1 the traditional Chinese calendar 2 the lunar calendar
dong1dao4zhu3 1 host 2 official host (e.g. venue for games or a
bao3jing1cang1sang1 having lived through many changes
fei1qin2zou3shou4 1 birds and animals 2 the beasts of the field and the
birds of the air
Duan1wu3jie2 Dragon Boat Festival (5th day of the 5th lunar month)
shen1qing2hou4yi4 deep friendship
wu3xia2 1 martial arts chivalry (Chinese literary, theatrical and cinema
genre) 2 knight-errant
jiang1jiu5 1 to accept (a bit reluctantly) 2 to put up with
Hua2qiao2 1 overseas Chinese 2 (in a restricted sense) Chinese emigrant who
still retains Chinese nationality M: g [] / wi [] /
mng []

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