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Principles of Computational Design and Additive Manufacturing

Led by the Mediated Matter Group | MIT Media Lab E15-341

MAS.500 CAD/AM Module | TR 10:00 AM 12:00 PM

Joseph Paradiso (
Neri Oxman (

TAs for CAD/FAB module:

Jorge Duro-Royo (
Markus Kayser (
Daniel Lizardo (
Christoph Bader (
Joo Costa (
Veevee Cai (
Joshua Van Zak (
Andrea Ling (
Sunanda Sharma (
Rachel Smith (
Tim Tai (
Sara Falcone (

The MAS.500 Principles of Computational Design and Additive Manufacturing module will explore
making through the lens of design, with a specific focus on designing for additive manufacturing. We
will familiarize students with a selection of CAD software packages and computational design tools with
which to create their own projects throughout the course of the module. Additionally, we will explore
computational design and digital fabrication across multiple fields, including architecture, biology, and
mechanical engineering. Students enrolled will gain insight into processes of digital and physical form
finding, and acquire skills that will be applicable across scales and disciplines.
Session Outline:

S1 09/07 Intro, Course Overview, Documentation, Video, Photography

Neri, Markus, Joao, (Jorge)
Adobe, iMovie/MovieMaker/FCP, Photography/Video etc.

S2 09/12 Modeling Design

Tim, Daniel, (Jorge)

S3 09/14 Parametric Design

Jorge, Tim, (Daniel)

S4 09/19 Organic Modeling

Christoph, Tim, (Jorge)
Digital Sculpting, ZBrush

S5 09/21 Design for Fabrication

Veevee, Andrea, Sara
Processes, Scales and Bringing Digital Design to Physical Reality

S6 09/26 Realizing Fabrication for Prototyping

Sara, Veevee, Andrea
Prototyping for Makers

S7 09/28 Material Design

Josh, Sunanda, (Rachel)
Overview of a wider material catalog including natural and bio-inspired materials

S8 10/03 Biological Design

Sunanda, Rachel, (Josh)
Overview of incorporating living organisms and biological components into
fabricated objects
SESSION 1 09/07/17
Introduction and Documentation

Quadcopter for video (DJI Phantom) Thermal image documentation example

Neri Oxman / Markus Kayser / Joao Costa

Can you recall a powerful video of a design project? In this first lab, we will introduce the class and
cover documentation tools to detail your design and fabrication work in a compelling manner. We will
explore documentation in research, engineering, and life. Essential tools will be introduced such as
graphic design software, photography concepts, and video production. Interesting examples such as
quadcopter recording, SteadiCam stabilization, and thermal imaging will be discussed. There will be in-
class exercises in graphics/video/photography.

Equipment required used (must download and install software beforehand):

Please bring a laptop computer to class and have installed Adobe Creative Suite (free 30-day trial
linked below, please have at least Illustrator and Photoshop trials installed) and a video editing software
package (Final Cut Pro X has a 30-day free trial linked below, iMovie will also work or any other editing
package). If you have a camera, please bring it and any cords required to transfer video from it to a
computer (if you have a good cell phone camera, please bring the cable to transfer images/video off of

Relevant links:
Adobe Trial (30 days):
Apple Final Cut Pro X:
Windows Movie Maker: ta/getting-started-with-
Timelapse Assembler (Open Source): projects/time-lapse-assembler-1
Good general tutorial site for editing software:
Basics of Final Cut Pro Xhttp://:
iMovie tutorials:
Windows Movie Maker tutorial: 7gU
Film + camera tips:
Long exposure photography:
Illustrator: ery-designer-should-see
MIT Video Release Form (for all people shown in film):

Assignment description:
Designing, shooting, and editing a 30 second video to convey the meaning of a supplied quote.
SESSION 2 09/12/17
Modeling Design: Rhinoceros

Linear Stage Mechanical Design, Onshape Building Design, Digital Project, CATIA V5
Photo: Zaha Hadid Architects

Tim Tai / Daniel Lizardo

The Modeling Design session will briefly introduce computer-aided design (CAD) practices and strategies
used across design disciplines, including animation, consumer product design, complex system
development (aeronautic and automotive), and architectural practice. Students will then focus in-depth
on the use of a specific engineering CAD package (Rhinoceros), completing an in-class tutorial covering
the basics of part layout, sketching, feature development, assembly creation, and manufacturing drawing.

Software used:
(Must download and install beforehand)
Rhinoceros 5 (windows only):
Grasshopper (Rhino plugin):

Assignment description:
Students will create a simple assembly around a preexisting model provided by instructors, containing
both original and imported parts. Further information will be given in-class.
SESSION 3 09/14/17
Parametric Design: Rhino + Grasshopper

Diatom microorganisms displaying geometrical variation and feature differentiation, often a target of parametric
design systems

Jorge Duro-Royo / Tim Tai

This session will cover the foundations of parametric design and associative modeling. Students will learn
how to embed parameters describing their designs, thereby generating associative modeling platforms
that are generic, generative and flexible.

Software used:
(Must download and install beforehand)
Rhinoceros 5 (windows only):
Grasshopper (Rhino plugin):

Relevant links:

Assignment description:
There will be an in-class assignment on parametric modeling.
SESSION 4 09/19/17
Organic Modeling: Digital Sculpting, ZBrush

Christoph Bader / Tim Tai

Digital Sculpting allows the flexible manipulation of polygonal models, giving its users the ability to
introduce features hard to achieve with traditional CAD tools usually geared towards the modeling of
mechanical assemblies or products for mass-fabrication. Thusand in contrastdigital sculpting
enables the modeling of organic-looking artifacts, such as terrains, animals or characters. Compared to
CAD modeling, utilizing parameterized surface descriptions, digital sculpting is still a relatively new
method, having gained considerable popularity over the last few years. In this class we look at the
basics of digital sculpting and organic modeling.

Students are required to bring a laptop with mouse or tablet with a trial version of Pixologic ZBrush pre-
installed. Further instructions will be send before class begins.

Relevant Literature & Links:

Winslow, V.L., 2009. Classic human anatomy: the artist's guide to form, function, and movement.
Watson-Guptill Publications.
ZBrush demo:

Students will be required to model an object with the tools introduced in this course and prepare it for
3D printing.
SESSION 5 09/21/17
Design for Fabrication, Scales and Bringing Digital Design to Physical Reality

3DP sculpture (thermoplastic), B. Grossman 3DP column (glass), Mediated Matter

Veevee Cai / Andrea Ling / Sara Falcone

The Design for Fabrication session will introduce the steps required to take a designed object from
concept to physical reality. Students will be introduced to the fundamentals of additive, subtractive and
formative fabrication processes; walk through the basics of design for prototyping with 3D printing and
laser cutting using an example project; and finally, demonstrate the diversity of form that seemingly
simple fabrication processes can offer designers.

Software used:
Students are strongly recommended to follow along with the tutorial in-class. They may use whatever
CAD system they prefer, although part files will be provided in Onshape native format.

Students should also download & install the following software packages:

Relevant links:
Students may find the following tutorials useful:
- Ponoko Laser Cutting Tutorials:
Shapeways 3D Printing & Design Tutorials:
Protolabs Design Tips:

Assignment description:
Students will select a single custom component that they have developed and compare and contrast
various fabrication methods for prototyping it. They will then make any required modifications to
prepare for fabrication, and then create a machine-ready file appropriate for the process they are
intending to use. Further information will be given in-class.
SESSION 6 09/26/17
Realizing Fabrication for Prototyping
MAS650 - 2-Part Assembly Design Sketch Pg. 3
Wednesday, March 9, 2016 8:23 AM

Mediated Matter Page 3

Design Calculations CAD Model Finished Part

Sara Falcone / Veevee Cai / Andrea Ling

In this session, students will continue with the basics of design for fabrication from a makers mindset.
The session will proceed with lessons in various fabrication techniques and touch upon their application.
The session will evolve into an outline of mechanical design principles aiming to improve prototyping
quality and efficiency. Basic techniques for physical design ideation and refinement will be presented as
well as design analysis techniques; a brief overview of common mechanical design components, such
as joints, adhesives, fastener selection, linkages, motion systems, and sensor systems and component
sourcing will be reviewed.

Software used:
Students Discretion (ex. Rhino, SolidWorks, AutoCAD, etc.)

Relevant links:
The following links are not required reading for class, but are valuable design resources for any
mechanical designer. Interested students may want to skim these resources before class, to get a sense
of what information is available:
Machinerys Handbook, 27th Ed. (MIT ID required):
Alex Slocums FUNdaMENTALs of Design:
Charles Guans How To Build Your Everything Really Really Fast:

A hands-on assignment will be explained and started in class. The project will be taken from early idea
stages to a working prototype incorporating joints and moving parts.
SESSION 7 09/28/2017
Material Design: Making Materials That Expand What Can Be Designed and Fabricated

Bioengineered Soccer Ball, Jonathan Scholl Ice Feather, John O'Shea Metal Cross-
section, Avizo


Josh Van Zak / Sunanda Sharma / Rachel Smith


To this point, you have learned to design assemblies from scratch, using a relatively limited set of
traditional materials. However, accepting this finite catalog limits the types of things and, more
importantly, the range of functions you can design. This is a problem when, for example, viral evolution
has outpaced our ability to cure infections with traditional antibiotics, paraplegics quality of life remains
less than ideal, and our buildings use more energy than they produce.

Materials science is a deceptively complex field that requires integrating knowledge and tools from
mathematics, physics, chemistry, biology, computational design, imaging, and engineering. While
traditional materials are typically uniform at each level of structural organization, it is much harder to
predict macroscale functions from microscale structure in biological materials, which often have
hierarchical organization of layers. Such organization enables one material to perform multiple functions
and react to changing environmental circumstances, while traditional materials are optimized for a small
number of specific use cases and environmental conditions. Accordingly, Nature provides us with a little-
understood, but infinitely powerful, tool palette that can enable designers to create, even grow, materials
whose properties and functions are only limited by their imagination, willpower, and patience.

In this lab, we will learn about what materials are and what they can do by making one from scratch. The
session will be broken up into designing the mechanical, optical, and electrical properties of a sustainable
biopolymer using organic and inorganic additives, basic imaging methods, and simple fabrication
techniques. In doing so, you will come away with a basic understanding of how to design materials for
specific and multivalent use cases by looking to Nature for inspiration.

Equipment required used (must download and install software beforehand):

Please bring a laptop to class. No downloads required.

Relevant links:

Below is a list of resources that the TAs have put together. Weve made sure to include free videos,
books, and online courses that are concise and easy to understand. Please briefly skim at least one link
from each category before the lecture.

General online materials science courses:

Online materials science courses through MIT OCW

Of these, we recommend the following:

1. 3.012 Fundamentals of Materials Science

A good, basic overview of the field.

2. 5.60 Heat and Thermodynamics

This course requires a decent knowledge of calculus, physics, and chemistry. It does, however,
give a great overview of how heat determines the properties of materials.
3. 3.225 Electronic and Mechanical Properties of Materials

If youre curious about how to make materials with specific properties, this is a good place to
For background, we recommend basic tutorials in electronics and electronic components, and
mechanical behavior of materials.
4. 3.36 Cellular Solids

This is a great class on how to design materials with strength-to-weight ratios that rival those of
natural materials by utilizing structural patterning and geometry to optimize strength and minimize
5. 3.56 Engineering Systems Analysis for Design

How to analyze complex systems at multiple scales to achieve specific design objectives.
6. 3.962J Molecular Principles of Biomaterials

If youre interested in biological materials, this is a good place to start.


1. Organic chemistry

Ive done a lot of tutorials on organic and inorganic chemistry, and this lady is one of the best at
explaining the concepts clearly and succinctly. Although this is a link to organic chemistry, many
of the same principles apply to inorganic compounds.
2. Organic and inorganic chemistry

This guys friends with the girl who runs the website mentioned above. His is a slightly more
comprehensive explanation of both organic and inorganic chemistry. Its all written out, so if you
prefer videos you should stick to
3. Inorganic chemistry

Khan Academy is good for broad overviews of subjects, but the two websites mentioned above
explain things more clearly and are more comprehensive.


1. How to think mathematically

This is an incredibly useful online course on how to think mathematically. If youre not a natural
mathematician, this is where you should start if interested in furthering your abilities in materials
2. Math for materials scientists and engineers

This is an online course through MIT Open Courseware. Its pretty helpful, but requires
commitment and motivation to delve into more than the first couple weeks worth of material.
3. 6.849 Geometric Folding Algorithms: Linkages, Origami, Polyhedra
4. 6.838 Shape Analysis


1. On Growth and Form, by D'arcy Wentworth Thompson

This book explains why materials in nature grow into particular shapes and have specific
ingredients that have been optimized through millions of years of evolution.
2. Cellular and Molecular Biology, by Harvey Lodish

2. Biological Materials Science: Biological Materials, Bioinspired Materials, and Biomaterials

by Marc Anfre Meyers and Po-Yu Chen
a. This book does a great job of explaining the transition to more biologically inspired materials and
materials science for biological and biomedical applications. It also gently eases the reader into many
biological principles used to engineer both inorganic materials and biomaterials.

3. Structural Biological Materials: Design and Structure-property Relationships, edited by M. Elices

a. This is another book that explains why and how things in nature are designed to bear loads, resist
environmental extremes, and slowly decay or preserve themselves over time.
Material modeling and analysis:


Assignment description:
No assignment. However, it would help us make the most of your time if you were to skim through at
least one resource from each category in the relevant links we will send you.

SESSION 8 10/03/17
Biological Design

Sunanda Sharma / Rachel Smith / Josh Van Zak

This session focuses on the range of biological and bio-functional materials, as well as living organisms,
that can be considered in the realm of fabrication and design. Students will be introduced to the basics
of biology, discussing properties found commonly across all kingdoms of life, and exploring how
incorporation of biological parts may grant advanced functionalities. The aim will be to present a variety
of techniques, organisms, and products across scales to demonstrate emerging possibilities at the
intersection of biology, fabrication, and design.

Students will learn about the fundamental building blocks of cells, and survey design software used by
biologists and bioengineers to design and predict nucleic acids, proteins, and cells. Genetic and
behavioral methods for control will be introduced, and several examples of fabrication found in nature
will be examined. Students will discuss potential benefits and challenges when incorporating living and
biological materials into products, and critique examples that have been created to date.

Students will be taught to use different light microscopes to examine live or preserved organisms in the
hands-on portion. In addition, they will use at least one type of software to design DNA nanostructures
or plasmids.

Please bring a laptop to class.

Relevant Literature & Links:

See Materials Design section, under Biology.

Assignment description:
Part of this session will be discussion-based, and will require active participation from students. No
other assignment will be given.

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