Pinoy Bix Radio Wave Propagation Answer Key

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field strength
2. both electric and magnetic fields.
3. D
4. James Clerk Maxwell
5. Kennely Heaviside Layers
6. band
7. 90 degrees
8. a magnetic field
9. space waves
10. is due to the transverse nature of the waves
11. pass into a medium of different dielectric constants
12. ionosphere
13. F2
14. K factor
15. reflection-multipath
16. D Layer
17. E Layer
18. critical frequency
19. 3 to 30MHz
20. 0.3 to 3MHz
21. scatter angle
22. lengthen the skip distance
23. volts per meter
24. all of the above
25. polarization
26. circularly polarized
27. 300x106 m/s
28. 317 W
29. Plane wave
30. is less than that in A
31. is a universal constant
32. always seems less than its actual depth
33. a fixed point in an electromagnetic wave
34. 1 W
35. electric field
36. shading of the RF signal by hills and trees
37. vertical
38. horizontal
39. vertical
40. an electric field and a magnetic field
41. it is more pronounced at wide bandwidths
42. spread spectrum communication
43. electric field
44. knife-edge diffraction
45. is greater than 1
46. approximately 300 million m/s
47. 8500 km
48. 1.23
49. vertical polarization
50. horizontal polarization
51. fading
52. they are very reliable
53. 12 GHz
54. affected by the solar cycle
55. to prevent sky-wave and upper ray interference
56. frequency diversity
57. window
58. space waves
59. UHF
60. tilting
61. the physical orientation of electric field in space
62. attenuation
63. their frequency
64. may occur around the edge of a sharp object
65. Perpendicular to both the magnetic field and the wave direction
66. X-rays
67. Energy
68. Long distance radio communication
69. Blue
70. Pitch
71. Can appear on screen
72. Frequency
73. Either A or B above
74. Dependent on the indexes of refraction of the two media
75. E layer
76. The splitting of white light into its component colors in refraction
77. Always seems less than its actual depth
78. That has a lower index of refraction
79. 90 degrees
80. Candela
81. Low-wattage light bulb
82. 8000 lx
83. 18 degrees
84. 0 degrees
85. 1.52
86. 1.3
87. 60 degrees
88. 2 sr
89. 1508 lx
90. Direct wave
91. Refracted
92. 300 KHz to 3 MHz
93. 3 to 30 MHz
94. Sky wave
95. HF
96. 53.2 mi
97. Increase antenna height
98. Inverse square law
99. Sky wave
100. F2
101. E
102. Ultraviolet radiation
103. F2
104. All of these
105. All of these
106. MUF
107. Skip distance
108. Fading
109. Space diversity
110. Frequency diversity
111. Diversity
112. Solar flares
113. SIDs
114. Troposcatter propagation
115. Troposcatter
116. Ducting
117. Duct
118. Electric field
119. Shadow zone
120. Huygens principle
121. Troposphere
122. At midday
123. Afternoon or early evening
124. Very high and ultra high frequencies
125. F2 layer
126. window
127. scatter angle
128. diplexer
129. faraday effect
130. angle diversity
131. hectometric wave
132. F2
133. LF
134. 3 - 30 GHz
135. vertical polarization
136. is horizontal
137. 3
138. ground
139. increases
140. long
141. makes more dense and irregular
142. ionosphere, ground, ionosphere and back to ground
143. ionosphere variation
144. between end of ground and first reflected wave
145. ground
146. to take advantage of best reflected signals
147. VHF and UHF
148. water
149. static
150. vertical

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151. Tropospheric ducting
152. It is more pronounced at wide bandwidths
153. By approximately 15% of the distance
154. -6
155. Propagation between two points at approximately the same distance north and south
of the magnetic equator
156. Both a and b above
157. 30 miles
158. 2.12 mV/m
159. E layer
160. Kinetic energy is given up by the radio wave
161. 243 ohms
162. About 5000 miles
163. 190 mV/m
164. 1.4
165. A fading caused by phase difference between radio wave components of the same
transmission as experienced at the receiving station
166. Approximately 500 miles
167. Radio waves may be bent
168. 80 kW
169. Phase differences between the radio waves components of the same transmission as
experienced in the receiving station
170. 5775 kHz
171. Selective fading
172. Afternoon or early evening
173. 21.5 GW/ sq. m
174. Allows normally line-of-sight signals to bend around sharp edges, mountain ridges,
building and other obstruction
175. 1.59 W/sq m
176. Knife-edge diffraction
177. 7 degrees
178. 2.6 dB
179. A fixed point in an electromagnetic wave
180. The electric field rotates
181. 7.5 ms
182. Horizontal
183. Approximately 300 million meters per second
184. 51.355 MHz
185. A wave consisting of an electric field and a magnetic field at right angles to each other
186. Vertical
187. 0.936
188. The electric field is parallel to the earth
199. Because of eddy currents
190. 680 nW
191. 25.5 MHz
192. Vertical
193. 0.509
194. Horizontal
195. Very high and ultra high frequencies
196. Refracted
197. Increase antenna height
198. Repeater
199. 25.7 km
200. Direct wave
201. Ground wave
202. VLF and LF
203. time diversity
204. Any of these
205. window
206. Polarization
207. 7.96 W/m^2
208. tilting
209. Horizontal
210. 21 km
211. MF, HF
212. ducting
213. Circularly polarized
214. Direct waves
215. seasonal variation
216. 23.9 GW/m^2
217. point source
218. may occur around the edge of a sharp obstacle
219. 34 MHz
220. power density
221. 10.3 degrees
222. field intensity
223. James Clerk Maxwell
224. UHF
225. any of these
226. height
227. 1.15
228. refraction
229. attenuation
230. multi-hop transmission
231. pass into a medium of different dielectric constant
232. absorption
233. sky wave signal
234. Selective fading
235. diffraction
236. Amplitude modulation
237. Huygens principle
238. 8.66 mW/m
239. their frequency
240. 37.9 mi
241. 2.03 x 10^-12 W
242. attenuation
243. Terrestrial wave
244. 6.35 x 10^ -16 W/m^2
245. fading
246. isothermal region
247. sunspot
248. is due to the transverse nature of the waves
249. Surface waves
250. Space waves
251. Radio horizon
252. sky waves
253. skipping
254. Electromagnetic waves
255. D layer
256. ghosting
257. MF and HF
258. Kennely-Heavisides
259. critical frequency
260. critical angle
261. wavefront
262. virtual height
263. maximum usable frequency
264. E field
265. optimum working frequency
266. skip distance
267. Pedersen ray
268. EMI
269. quiet zone
270. RFI
271. any of these
272. increase antenna height
273. 142 dB
274. 53.2 mi
275. Fading
276. HF
277. they are very reliable
278. direct wave
279. 12 GHz
280. sky wave
281. affected by the solar cycle
282. 3 to 30 MHz
283. to prevent sky-wave and upper ray interference
284. 300 kHz to 3 MHz
285. refracted
286. the Faraday effect
287. frequency diversity
288. reflection coefficient
289. solar flux
290. Maunder period
291. tilting
292. Troposphere
293. LUF
294. skip zone
295. diurnal variation
296. Any of these
297. polarization fading
298. one-third
299. temperature inversion
300. duct
301. The direction in which the electric plane is radiated.
302. Kenelly Heaviside Layers
303. Wave impedance
304. The field strength
305. Law of Reciprocity
306. VHF and above
307. Ground wave
308. space waves
309. diffraction
310. attenuation
311. Vertically and horizontally polarized separately
312. Horizontally
313. Permitivity
314. Huygens Principle
315. Velocity factor
316. Diffraction
317. Line of sight propagation wave
318. Radiation pattern
319. Permittivity
320. Surface wave propagation
321. Either a or b
322. Virtual height
323. Critical frequency
324. Both a and b
325. The magnitude of the incident is equal to the reflected waves
326. Refraction
327. Snells Law
328. D layer
329. Thermal inversion
330. E-layer
331. All of these
332. F layer
333. Space or direct
334. Inverse Square Law
335. 2
336. Sporadic E
337. Attenuation
338. Wave propagation
339. Carrier frequency
340. Transverse waves
341. Fading
342. They are very reliable
343. Affected by the solar cycle
344. To prevent sky-wave and upper ray interference
345. Tilting
346. Is due to the transverse nature of the waves
347. Log normal fading
348. Their frequency
349. Pass into a medium of different dielectric constant
350. Arises only with spherical wavefronts
351. All of these
352. Oscillations that propagate through free space
353. Electric field
354. Electric field (E-field) and magnetic field
355. Wavefront
356. Ray
357. Power density
358. Field intensity
359. A or C is correct
360. Inductance
361. B or C is correct
362. A and B
363. A or C is right
364. Smaller value of dielectric constant
365. The ratio of velocity of light in free space to the velocity of light in a given material
366. A and B are incorporated
367. A and B
368. Is a reflection from a perfectly smooth surface
369. Rayleigh criterion
370. Standing waves
371. Interference
372. Isotropic source
373. 300,000 km/sec
374. Magnetic field
375. Measures power density, magnetic field intensity, and electric field intensity
376. Should take place at one medium
377. All of these
378. Ground wave
379. Gradient density
380. B and C
381. All of these
382. Radio horizon
383. All of the above
384. All of these
385. Duct propagation
386. Increase
387. Increasing refraction
388. B or C
389. A and C
390. E layer
391. F layer
392. Virtual height
393. Skip distance
394. Maximum usable frequency, MUF
395. Multihop transmission
396. Hop
397. Fading
398. Diversity techniques
399. Frequency diversity
400. Space diversity

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