Animal Activity Dice Plan - Weebly

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Student Name: Helena Toolsiedas Course Code: ECS 3030

Age Group: Preschool Date: November 2nd, 2017

Learning Experience: Animal Activity Cube

Programming Purpose:

Previously, I have noticed the children enjoy pretending to be different animals such as a dinosaur or a lion. They are
either making the sound or doing an action. With that, this activity will allow the preschoolers to use their imagination
and act, sound, eat, hop, run, or stomp like different animals. Each child will get a turn to toss the dice, which ever
combination it lands on, they all get to do that action. Every child will do the action differently which allows this
activity to be open ended. In addition to using their imagination, this activity incorporates gross motor movements
that allow the children to move around and express themselves.


Children will enhance their gross motor skills by moving around as they pretend to be different animals. They will also
be able to see the name of each animal written out as well as an image of it. This will encourage them to associate
the image of an animal to the word they see. Moreover, each child can use their imagination to show a different
representation of each animal. This will also be a way for the preschoolers to play together and learn to take turns
rolling the dice.

1. My First objective is 3.13 in the ELECT, matching spoken words to written ones. When I say the animal name
out loud, they will also see the way that animals name is written. An image will be under each name to
assist them with identifying each animal. These animals are common such as a dinosaur, dog, cow, chicken,
monkey and a lion. By associating the action of the animals with its written name, they may be able to
recognize if they see the name in a book, for example.

2. My second objective is for them to increase their endurance by doing these movements as they pretend to
be an animal. 5.1 in the ELECT discusses increasing levels of activity, endurance and variation in the types of
activities they are doing. For example, if they are hopping like a chicken, they will be trying to look like a
chicken as they are hopping. This makes the movement slightly more complex.

3. My third objective is for them to use their pretend play skills to be an animal. 4.3 in the ELECT,
representation, is achieved when the children can express themselves or pretending to be something else.
As they pretend to be a different animal, they are representing something else. They are using their
imagination skills to put themselves into the mind of an animal. By doing so, they can do different actions
such as eating, like the animal.

Materials: Modifications:
- 1 sheet of Bristol board
- 2 Cube layouts
- 6 different actions Simplify: Read the words on the cube for the children
- 6 different animals
- Pencil crayons to design Enhance:
- Images of each animal
- tape

Opening (Introduction)

I will open this activity by asking the children if they like dinosaurs. After inviting them to the carpet, I will ask them if
they want to act like animals, if they say yes, I will show them the dice. I will ask one of them to come and roll the
dice. Whatever it lands on, I will read out loud and ask everyone to do the action. To encourage them, I will also do
the action.

Body (Content)

1. First, I will invite all of the children to the carpet and ask them if they like animals
2. Then, I will show them the dice
3. Using challenges, I will ask the children to do the actions on the cube
4. If they are unsure, I will use modeling to show them how to do it
5. Each child will take turns rolling the dice to ensure it is fair
6. I will use behavior reflections to give the preschoolers descriptive feedback on their actions and what they
are doing ex. I see that you are moving your arm like a chickens wings
7. Acknowledge each action they do and allow them to express themselves

Closing (Ending)

To close this activity, I will ask the children what their favourite animal to pretend to be was and why.


Get the children ready for snack time by playing the tidy up song.

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