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Muhammad Noor Fuad_Al Arifsyah

Become A Leader in The Future

When I was studying at MTsN 1 Kendari, I wearied to join in any kinds of activities and
organization. Im afraid that I cant get the top rank in class. However, in the third year, I
realized that life is too flat if I face no challenge. In a seminar that I attended, the speaker
explained that the challenges and problems will make you learn and mature. This is where I
started to be involved in an organization.

Never too late to learn. Entering high school, I started to join an organization. Following several
selection until I becomes Student Council. Only one organization that I joined in high school,
only Student Council, but Im focus and giving my best.

In the first year, I am enthusiastic and excited in school activities such as Student Orientation
and Introduction Studies, Student Leadership Training, PORSENI, and so forth. In several
occasions, I was appointed as the coordinator of equipment. Student council president gave me
the responsibility to gear activities.

In the second year, new period of the Council, fellow members asked me to became the
Chairman of the Council Committee for Madrasah Orientation and Introduction to Study
(OMPS). At first I wondered, and asked for time to decide. They did not force me, because
there are other friends who are willing to become chairman of the committee. But, somehow
my friends feel that I better suited to the task.

After some thoughts, I finally decided to become chairman of the committee. A lot of advices
from parents, teachers, and families that to be the chairman was not necessary waiting to be
perfect or good. But, the process and the new responsibilities that we face will give lessons to
develop to become better in the future.

Madrasah Orientation and Introduction to Study went for a week. I faced many challenges I
along with my secretary. But we also gain much. When I became chairman of the event, friends
responded positively to actively assist the new students, willing to work to prepare the
equipment we needed, and so forth. However, there are some friends who require a different
approach to ask them to be active and responsible for the tasks that have been given.

The experience of being a chairman of the committee in a huge event made me confident and
want to develop other skills, which influence others to cooperate without any threat and
pressure. The experience provides a valuable lesson on how to appreciate the work of others,
solve the problem by offering solutions that can be applied directly, and act decisively to friends
who do not comply with the rules.

That was moment that I still remember until this day. Being a leader for friends. Organize and
plan activities as good as possible. However, these activities will not succeed without the help
of friends and of course from Allah.

I have a dream to be an engineer as well as providing jobs for others. I want to build a company
that is able to reduce or overcome the social problems today and in the future. I believe there
are many ways to love Indonesia. There are many ways to build a better Indonesia.

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