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BCS GRADUATION PROJECT ‘STUDENT AGREEMENT \WiseLe Prot2 acknowiedge al ofthe folowing statemens, Please inal ech ine. V2.1 must complete the Buncombe County Schools Graduation Project (BCSGP) and al of ts components inorder o ‘graduate LP understand that it need an extenston | must apply for ino later than one week before the presentation dot MP. | understand that extensions are not an excuse to not do work. 1W2_ | understand tat it am granted an extension, must present on the second presentation dey without exception {L2_tunderstand that | must attend schoo! on the day of preseniatons or | will nat be alowed to present YD tundersiand that | do not get a 70 or higher on my presentation, | willbe required to re-present. YP understand that it most re-presen, wil only got one opporunity to do so. A second lw grade is permanent ‘Lt wat cotect accurate veriieatons on althe work necessitating signatures. | will no forge eny verification documents. V.P_t understand thet any ethical volaton wil result in a zero onthe graded element and an appearance before the EHSGP commits L-P_1 may not change the project topic from the one approved by the EHSGP commits \LP_t must tur in a cost waiver if my projects expansive (more than $100.00} ar a recognition of risk form if my project could be dangerous. C2 wit document my research, do my best o avoid plagiarism, and submit my paper for plagiarism detection as requested by my teacher. EP. san esponiblforknoping an ace ual of my stiies related toe BCSCP, 2E2_ tam responsi fr keeping photographic and ter evidence of ha complain of ny racial Experience VE2_| must invest a minimum of ten hours of supervised work on my Practical Experiance/Produc. LP. 1am responsible for keeping In contact with my mentor ané making sure that | am completing everything to theic UP 1am respor expected standards. 2.1 must participate in a mock presentation in front of my class in order to have the opportunity to present onthe oficial resentation right, Student Signature: fut fom bate: SeoT.04, 261% Paren/Guardian Signature: Gesthy BCS GRADUATION PROJECT PARENT/GUARDIAN CONSENT FORM ‘Student Name: Project Due Dates - Fall 2017 Resume -9/4| Proposal - 9/11 Research Paper Rough Draft - 10/2 Final Draft- 10°23, Product = 1116 Potfoto- 1116 Presentations - 12/7 Reflection Essay - 12/12 Dear Parent or Guardia Please read each ofthe folowing statements and sign your name on the line below indicating that you understand. 1am aware that my son/daughter/ward must complete all components of the BCS Graduation Project in order to pass the English IV Final Exam. ‘© Lam aware that English IV isa requirement for graduation, ‘© understand that there are four major components of the Graduation Project: 1) the research paper; 2) the practical experience; 3) the portfolio; and 4) the presentation, ‘© Ireaize that some components of the project will need to be completad outside of school hours and that there willbe no school-related absence allowance for completing BCS Graduation Project work. ‘* understand that all due dates (above) must be met. Not meeting the due dates will result ina zero or a Penalty for the missing/ate work. In order to fii the requirements ofthe projec, all work must be submitted, ‘© indemnify and hold harmless Buncombe County Schools and its employees for any accident or injury that may resut from participation in the Graduation Project. Date Soph ty Please Note: Deadlines are posted above, in the classroom, and on the CAEH'S website. In addition, midterms are sent cut every three weeks indicating any deadlines missed. Please feel free to email your child's teacher at his/her ‘BCS email account: (mamas atin, [BCS GRADUATION PROJECT MENTOR CONSENT FORM Student Name: (Ray PEREZ Dale: SeeT.04 , 20. Research Peper Tone: L2H EI ERS “INCAERGING PIZHEIMEL'S FACILITY WORDWD ical Experonce/Product Description: Practical Ex “PEN ChUNNNCAL HOURS [ WODLING WI PLZHEIMEL” RESID ENTS ‘Mentor information Name: INGifs BLIZAG ETH Place/Description of Business: FUN , HS TORCHED, Job Tite: Pus | AS TORCAER Phone Number: (828) 232~ 425) Emal Address: MOY. IN GLE® csemail- org Relatonship win student or how do you ow each oer) Heaira SUENCE 1 TEACH ED Please have your mentor read each of the following statements, fill out the information, and sign below. ‘« Lamwilling to serve as a mentor for this student while s/he completes Graduation Project. + have reviewed the Mentor handbook and understand the duties and responsibilities of a mentor. ‘© realize that this student will need to meet with me regularly throughout the semester while completing the Practical Experience/Product portion of the BCSGP. ‘© Lunderstand that my responsibilities as a mentor include verification of the time the student actually ‘spends in hands-on work with the Practical Experience/Product. ‘© understand that I will be giving an honest assessment in the form of a graded rubric for this student's. Practical Experience/Product. ‘* | amiwill be aware of the due date for the Practical Experience/Product. ‘Mentor Signature: byl Eliza) eth Date: 9/4, | consent to the above individual serving as a mentor for my child for the purposes of fuffiling the requirements of the BCS Graduation Project. ParenlGuardian Signature: Data: Store svt ye

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