2016 Vibration Final

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STUDENT NAME STUDENT ID NUMBER LAKEHEAD UNIVERSITY Examination Cover Page Engineering 4436 FA Mechanical Engineering SUBECT COURSE WOWBER SECTION DEPARTWENT Mechanical Vibrations Dr. H.T. Saliba ‘CouRsE TILE INSTRUCTOR Wamae December 18, 2016 1:00 - 4:00 pm. {3 hours} EXAM DATE (AM Tove & DURATION TYPE OF EXAMINATION _ Please choose one: Midterm MW] Finat [Ispecia Examination Information “* Closed Book and Notes “® Calculators Permitted *Non-programmable Only % Attempt any five (5) questions. “© If more than five questions are attempted, only the first five, as they appear in the examination book, will be marked. This examination question paper MAY NOT be taken from the examination room. STUDENTS PLEASE NOTE: YOU MUST count the number of pages in this examination question paper BEFORE beginning to write, Report ANY discrepancy immediately to your instructor/invigilator. there are_© pages in total, (including this cover page) 1. For the system shown, (a) determine the kinetic energy in terms of %, and the equivalent mass at me, (b) determine the potential energy in terms of x, and the equivalent Y, stiffness atmo, (c) write the expression for the natural Frequency in cps. 2. A hydrometer float, as shown in the figure, is used to measure the specific gravity of liquids. The mass of the float is 0.0372 kg, and the diameter of the cylindrical section protruding above the surface is 0.0064 m. If water weighs 9802 N/m’, determine the period of vibration when the float is allowed to bob up and down in a fluid of specific gravity 1.2. ‘An industrial machine of mass 453.4 kg is supported ‘on springs with a statical deflection of 0.508 cm. The machine has a rotating unbalance of 0.2303 kg . m, ‘and operate at 1200 rpm. Assuming damping to be negligible, determine, (a) the dynamical amplitude at this speed et (b) the force transmitted to the floor. te Two equal pendulums free to rotate about the x-x axis are coupled by a rubber hose of x a torsional stiffness k Ib. in,/rad. If ¢= 19.3, in, mg = 3.86 Ib, and k = 2.0 Ib in/rad, determine, h f (a) the natural frequencies for the natural modes of vibration in rad/s, (b) the modal shapes of the normal modes of vibration. Page 2 of 5 Engineering 4436 5. The disk of mass m and radius r rolls without slip relative to the center of the wagon of mass 2m. Xp is bee te oete the absolute displacement of the mass of the disk. kop tk yk (a) Use Lagrange’s equations to derive the pre differential equations of motion of the system using the indicated generalized coordinates. (Note Jas =f (1/2)? }) (b) Write the deferential equations in matrix form and indicate the nature of the system’s coupling. 6. For the lumped-mass system shown, (a) Derive the flexibility matrix fal. (b) Another form of Rayleigh’s quotient for the Jundamental frequency can be obtained by starting from the equation of motion based on the flexibility influence coefficient: MeZMe yy ET = constont X= [allm]¥ = w? falimix Premultiplying by X"{m] and solving for «* gives, xT imix tty Assuming x = (2) Using this equation, estimate the fundamental frequency of this system. ~Pabilrb) POX 12 ye yk O=~eler } Nee Ue Ox") Pabii+a). Paz fae eer | *gjer (Ue a*-2") Page 3 of 5 Engineering 4436 H(t) = 07/20 gl Ve7AmPK7 mI, po(eeremytrml), ‘Underdamped system: x(Q=e "| xccosyT=e2w t+ ne beak Csin ey wav 1-0? cet 2mw, 3 b=C/e, 5 We w Vl? b= nde anaed > 6e4in £) Dy fio m\Xma)” Harmonically Excited Vibrations: a- Amplitude of the steady-state response Folk VL m2)? + (ow/k)? where Ww is the frequency of the forcing function. The phase angle 6 is ti cw/k oo tan" moeZe b- Fora rotating unbalance mass 1", the amplitude \ is (m"e/m)(w/0,)? x= . V= (370,97) + 2EO/00,) ¢~ Steady state amplitude ratio for support motion, ) sin wt, is is as above. 1+ (26/4)? V = (70,97? (2E0/0,)?" y and wpttyn RE SiNl@t= 1), _wer cos(wt- 1) we Tammany? (ew)? fom?) (oun)? ‘The phase angle between X and Y is g-tané ( 26(w/w,)* ) 1=(/W,)?* (26(W/0))) Page 4 of 5 Engineering 4436 d- The force transmitted through the spring and damper is, Foy i+ (250/0,)" Foy wpe ees V {1 (/0_)?)? # (2601 W9)* fulti-Degree of Freedom System: ‘Lagranges equations: a- Non-conservative systems: a(ar) _ ar, av 4()_ sO, FAQ... ym ols) ae bee pO, pt mo Fg dt + py We ee or = ( aS ryeStt ral) where... y,and >", are the displacements of the k th mass in th x, y and z directions respectively. b- Conservative systems: For a conservative system, Q(”) = 0 and es _ ar bee av at\ ag, ag, = 12, a Rayleigh’s Method: a= continuous system: fenarysaxtyax If both energies, due to bending and tension, are included, fe Id? y/dx?)*ax + va f eacayraxytax Lumped mass systems: wo? ghey XR) Dunkerley’s formula: Page 5 of 5

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