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Elementary Progress Test 5A: Units 910

1 Track 9 Listen and mark the stressed words.
1 This jacket is expensive.
2 That jacket is more expensive.
3 This watch is cheap.
4 That watch is cheaper.
5 This dress is fashionable.
6 That dress is more fashionable.
7 This car is fast.
8 That car is faster.
9 These shoes are uncomfortable.
10 Those shoes are more uncomfortable.
11 This motorbike is economical.
12 That motorbike is more economical.

2 Track 10 Listen and mark the stressed words.

1 Id like a haircut, please.
2 Have you got this in a larger size?
3 How would you like your hair cut?
4 The colours OK, but its too small.
5 How much do I owe you?
6 Well take this one.

Language focus
3 Use the prompts to make comparative sentences.
Tokyo / Madrid (expensive)
Tokyo is more expensive than Madrid.
1 an aeroplane / a boat (fast)

2 Mediterranean food / fast food (healthy)

3 I / my brother at maths (good)

4 Mexico City / London (big)

5 Laura / her sister (interesting)


PHOTOCOPIABLE 2013 Pearson Education

Elementary Progress Test 5A: Units 910
4 Complete the sentences with the superlative form of the adjectives in the box.
boring famous pretty big good intelligent
Who is the most famous footballer in your country?
1 Emma is girl in our village shes really beautiful.
2 Tom is boy in his class he knows everything!
3 Geography is subject we study I always fall asleep.
4 Wow! This is birthday present ever! Thank you!
5 Thats pizza Ive ever seen! How can you eat such a big pizza?


5 Complete the sentences with the Present continuous form of the verbs in the box.
live sit not work watch wait not play
Were waiting for the bus.
1 No, I today Im at home.
2 Paul in the living room.
3 Hannah tennis today because shes got an exam.
4 (you) TV at the moment?
5 My parents in Madrid my dads an English teacher there.


6 Choose the correct answers.

Do you understand / Are you understanding Italian?
1 Maria comes / is coming from Spain.
2 We play / are playing football today.
3 I dont do / Im not doing anything today, so I can help you.
4 Harry doesnt speak / isnt speaking English very well.
5 Do you cook / Are you cooking dinner today?


7 Add letters to complete the words.
Our car has a five-litre engine its very po w e rful.
1 My camera was very e s it cost over 1,000.
2 I cant wear these shoes because theyre very u f b .
3 Jacks new motorbike is really f it can go at over 250 kilometres per hour.
4 I have an o scooter because I dont like modern things.
5 Grace is very s l h and always wears beautiful clothes.


PHOTOCOPIABLE 2013 Pearson Education

Elementary Progress Test 5A: Units 910
8 Complete the sentences with one word in each space.
The clothes shop near here sells really cheap jeans and shirts.
1 I always go to our local to buy his fresh bread.
2 I went to the yesterday because I cant see very well.
3 Can you go to the to buy some stamps and post my letters?
4 My jackets really dirty. Wheres the nearest ?
5 Its Kims birthday tomorrow. Lets go to the and get her a present.


9 Complete the sentences with the words in the box. You do not need all the words.
trainers baseball cap dress jumper tie shorts suit sunglasses shirt
I need some new trainers for basketball practice.
1 John usually wears a T-shirt and when hes on holiday by the sea.
2 I dont like wearing a suit and in the office.
3 Why dont you put on a if youre feeling cold in here?
4 I bought a beautiful long red for my birthday party.
5 Where are my new ? Its very bright outside today.


10 Choose the correct answers.

Paul is very shy / confident and doesnt like talking to people he doesnt know.
1 Jenny likes telling people what to do. I think shes very cheerful / bossy.
2 Dorothys very moody / kind and wants to help people.
3 Sarah always does what she says and is very easy-going / reliable.
4 My neighbours are very friendly / determined they often invite us over for coffee.
5 When you are very busy, its important to be organised / sociable.


Functional language
11 Where would you hear the sentences below? Tick () the correct column.
At a hairdressers In a clothes shop
Do you have an appointment?
1 Do you want a wash?
2 Have you got this in a larger size?
3 Its no good its too big.
4 No, thanks. Just a cut.
5 The colours OK, but its too small.

PHOTOCOPIABLE 2013 Pearson Education

Elementary Progress Test 5A: Units 910
12 Complete the sentences with the correct form of the verbs in the box.
owe suit like cut take try
Id like a haircut, please.
1 How would you like your hair ?
2 He me a lot of money.
3 Please it on.
4 I like that. It you.
5 Well this one.

Total: 100

PHOTOCOPIABLE 2013 Pearson Education

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