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Arianto A (5)

Muh Andromeda A (19)

Hewlett Packard


Pada akhir bulan yang lalu kami mengikuti kegitan sekolah yang bernama Bedhol Bhawikarsu.
Kegiatan ini merupakan kegitan tahunan dari smanti. Bedhol kali ini berada di desa
Sumbersuko,kecamatan Dampit, Kabupaten Malang. Bedhol ini dilaksanakan pada tanggal 26-28
Oktober 2017.

Pada tanggal 26 oktober kami berangkat menuju desa Sumbersuko, sebelum berangkat
kesana, kami mengikuti apel terlebih dahulu di lapangan sekolah, setelah apel kami mencari truk
tentara kelas kami. Setelah menemukan truk tentara kelas kami, kami langsung menaikan barang
bawaan kami ke dalam truk tentara itu. Setelah barang itu tertata dengan rapi kami langsung
menaiki truk tentara dengan hati-hati.

On the way to the village of Sumbersuko we bergurou and tell stories and sing along while
enjoying the trip. About 90 minutes, we arrived at the destination of Sumbersuko village. When we
got there we dropped the goods and went straight to the village hall to carry out the opening apple.
After the opening apple we go to each host's house to arrange the luggage and rest. On this first day,
we have the activity of playing football with the villagers and kites in the afternoon and the old night
at night.

The next day we went to the village to enjoy the village, after which we went back to the host house
for breakfast and went on to work with the host for 2 hours, and then we performed our activities
with the Academic Advisor for 2 hours. After that we rest until 2 noon. In that spare time we fill by
playing together and telling stories and joking with enthusiasm. After that we are getting ready to
participate in a meticulous race held in SD Sumbersuko 1. We went there together with the spirit to
support our class representative until finally our class got the 3rd winner in this race. After that we
returned to the host house to clean ourselves and in the evening we followed the activities of
pensidhol that showed the talents of the smanti children. In addition, the villagers also present a
very good and pleasant presence to be heard.

On our last day in this village, in the morning we held a youth oath ceremony on the 28th of October
after that we performed outbound activities. Games from outbond is very exciting and can train our
cooperation and cohesiveness, after our outbond clean ourselves and re-arrange our luggage, and
clean the host house that we have fallen apart because it will go home. We feel sad when we say
good-bye to our hosts because the 3 days we spent was a precious time filled with memories of
good memories. After that we headed to the village hall to raise our luggage and board our truck. On
the way home the villagers of Sumbersuko lined up in front of their house for a farewell to us all.
Right at 5 pm we got smanti and went home to rest.

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