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Chapter -1
 General Introduction
 Specific Introduction
Chapter -2
 Objectives
 Methodology
 Scope of the Study
 Limitations of the Study

Chapter –3
 Introduction
 Global outlook and development of the Animation
 Acceleration of Growth in the World
 Uses of Animation
 12 Basic principles of Animation

Chapter –4
 Introduction to India
 Animation in India
 On the Growth Track
 Scope for Career Growth
 India Growing Entertainment Sector

 India-a hot spot for Animation industries

Chapter –5
 Animation in Bollywood Industry
 Animation in Films

Chapter –6
 Demand for Animation
 Animation industry records a high Growth
 India a strong and career friendly
 Growth of industry expected by NASSCOM
 Key findings of the NASSCOM study on Animation and Gaming industry in

Chapter –7

Chapter – 8

Chapter – 9

o Questionnaire
o Bibliography

Chapter -1


 General Introduction

 Specific Introduction

General Introduction

This is the study which I have taken to know analyze and interpret
the increasing importance of animation influenced by ten famous
animation industries like heath Disney and now Growing from the
earlier stage from 1950’s it has opened its own domestic animation
industries. In the next 3 years India would service more than. $ 2 Billion
of business according to the study conducted by the Anderson consulting
states”. Thus, bring curious about the fact that India is developing in its
animation business, to know the road of animation business to its Global
level, this study has been undertaken, Thus witnessing a valuable and an
important Growth of animation industries of India in the Global market.

Exploring the Wonderful World of Animation

Have you ever imagined how your favorite cartoon show would
look like without applying animation techniques? Would it be then as
interesting as it is?
No ways! Fascinating world of animation prompts us to laugh
when we watch talking and squealing animals chasing each other and
performing amazing feats.

Specific Introduction
The word animation is derived from a Latin word anima, meaning
soul i.e. when life breathes into characters.
Animation literally means "The state of being full of life" or
"lively’’ and in terms of its practical application it denotes "the
techniques of filming successive drawings or positions of models, to
create a film giving an illusion of movement". It is the art of bringing
something to life by using special effects, unbelievable graphics and
exotic technologies. It is a world of amusing news, a world where even
vindictiveness seems harmless.
Animation is a unique genre. With its universal language, it is
becoming important as it gives soul to the character and create moving
Technically speaking, animation refers to a sequence of frames
which, when played in a systematic sequence, at a particular speed,
presents a smoothly moving image as in a film or a video. An animation
can be in the form of digitalized video or computer based graphics, or a
combination of both. Its application is varied and ranges from special
effects in films and television to modeling and animation for computer
games, for engineering or legal studies, etc.
Animation is certainly not a child's play. Besides meticulous
planning and coordination of several activities, hours are required to
create a single second of animation film. That is why, a typical
Hollywood movie needs the services of 700-800 animators.

The advent of animation took place in Hollywood first, when
blockbusters like 'Batsman' and 'Stuart little' attracted the eyeballs of
public. In India, few animated characters like 'Moogli', 'Chacha
Chaudhary' made their mark in early 90's.
But, with the release of 'Krrish', 'Koi Mil gaya', 'Hum Tum' where
actors performed amazing feats, is an eye opener for what animation and
3D modeling stands for.
Basically, there are two kinds of technologies used in animation
i.e 2D and 3D techniques:

Kind of Animations

2D and 3D animation
In simple words, 2D means two dimensional. By using this
technology, image can be seen from two dimensions only. 3D refers to
three dimensions, by the help of which, an image can be viewed from
three dimensions. To understand it in a better manner, we can say, 2D
refers to a square drawn on a piece of paper where only the length and
breadth of it can be seen while a cube is an example of 3D figure which
shows its length, breadth as well as height. In other words, "the creation,
display and manipulation of objects on computer in two dimensions" is
called 2D. Here, objects can be seen when constructed from two
dimensions only (height and width, rows and columns, etc.).

On the other hand, 3D technology helps in animating objects that

appear in a three dimensional space. They can be rotated and moved like
a real object. Earlier, animated images could be viewed in two
dimensions only but advent of 3D technology has revolutionized the
world of animation.

Computer Animation
Computer Animation is one of the exciting of the multitude of
applications spawned by the advent of computers. Animation can make a
series of dead images come alive.

It is possible to categorize animation into various types

 Stick figure animation

 Cartoons
 Human like figure Animation
Among all of the above, animating the human face is the most
difficult task as each human face is unique and generating a life like
representation of the face is really difficult.
The Human Face is a complex object which can be easily
represented in two dimensions on a computer. However, to obtain a three
dimensional representation of the same is an intricate task.
There are three steps in the animation of the human face
 Developing the model for the face
 Modifying the facial expression
 Generating the images

 There are three approaches to facial animation
 Key Frame animation
This requires complete specification of the model for each facial
expression. The key frame for these expressions are different for
individual frames.

 Parameterisation
In this model proposed by Parke and then by Waters, sets of parameters
define the conformation in the expression of the face. However, the
transformation specified by these parameters being rather global, it is
difficult to model complex expressions.

 Muscle based modeling

In this method, suggested by Platt and Badler, muscles are geometric
deformation operators. Many muscle units and their parameter values
must be specified to simulate natural expression.

Chapter – 2

 Objectives of the Study

 Methodology of the Study

 Scope of the Study

Limitations of the Study


Objectives of the Study

 To Analyze and interpret the increasing importance of animation
industry in India.
 To know the development of animation industry in India.
 To analyze the career scope of animation Industries.
 To know the role played by the animation Industries in Global level.
 To analyze the importance of role played by the animation industries
towards domestic companies.
 To know the role of animations in field of marketing.
 To analyze the importance of animations in various sectors.
 To know the role played by the animation industry in the field of
commercial Business
 To study the elements of animation to know the importance of
animation industry to our nation.

The data are collected from primary data and secondary data.

Primary sources:
It consists of survey through questionnaires and observations. The
survey was conducted by issuing the questionnaire to animation
interested students.

Secondary Sources:
It includes information through published sources. The secondary
data is collected from websites, broacher, magazines, and newspapers.

Scope in Animation
Animation rumble up the world and it is becoming essence of the
time. The boom in the arena of animation has affected all the segments
in the genre. Presently it has explored the world of:
Entertainment world
Game development
Advertising world
Film Industry
Print Media
Virtual Reality

Entertainment world
Whether it is TV soap, news media or film industry, animation is
becoming very popular because practically every TV channel wants to
present its stories in animated format. Scope in entertainment sector is
increasing. One can start his/ her career by working as a story board
artist, background designer, and modeler and so on. Today, a number of
institutes provide specialized training in film animation that can easily
enroll in the glamorous field of entertainment.

Game development
Game development industry has emerged as one of the strongest
beneficiaries of 3D technology and this has again spawned the
companies like Sony and Microsoft into action with their competitive
games. In fact, games market is thrice the size of Hollywood movie
industry. Games have made their presence in hundred of homes and
opened up another fascinated field for animators. The future of gaming is
bright in India. People with creative minds can give a try.

Advertising World
There is a variety of opportunities for innovative, fast paced and
collaborative mind. However, the biggest consumer of computer
animation is advertisement industry. From low and title scrolls to high
and visual effect for TV commercial, its animation all the way.

Film Industry
Experts feel that animation can help in making difficult content
easier to understand, particularly if the subject matter is dynamic.
Animation is superior to the static graphics in depicting dynamic content
because animation can portray the dynamic explicitly. That is why, film
makers are shifting towards this medium.

Print Media

Print media demands animators specialized in 2D animation. They
are generally known as Graphic Designers. Graphic designers can build
up their career in newspapers, magazines, journals, companies producing
publicity materials, etc.

 Lack of adequate data.
 Lack of fluent communication.
 Lack of active involvement
 It is very costly.
 Concentrated only in Metropolitan cities.

Lack of adequate data:

While going through this study I found the difficulty of
inadequate data. The general public wont get much information about
animation industries, only the people who are related to these industries
have the knowledge about the animation each and everyone from a child
to an adult have the curiacity to know about the animation. So, it must be

Lack of fluent communication:

The very next limitation which I found while studying about
animation industries is there is communication between the people who
are related with animation industry and the genetal public. If there is no
proper communication between these two people then there is no chance
of knowing about each other. The animators who is to prepare the
animation they cant able to know the likes and dislikes of the public and
in the same way the general public also cant able to know how the
animators work. So, it is necessary to have a fluent communication
between the people of animation industry and the general public.

It is very costly:
The most important draw back of the animation is that the courses
which are offered are very costly the people from middle class families
cannot able to afford it . It is not at all within the reach of the common
people. So, the people who are interest to learn cant able to fulfill their

Lack of active involvement:

As in the case of other business or other industrial fields there is
no active involvement of the people who are concerned with the
animation industry.

Concentrated only in Metropolitan cities:

The animation training centres are concentrated only in
metropolitan cities, therefore it becomes very hard to the interested
people who are from other areas to know or to join the courses. So th
animation training centres must also move towards other areas also.
Then, it will become easy to each and every person who are interested in
this field to know and to learn about it.

Chapter –3


 Introduction
 Global outlook and development of the Animation
 Acceleration of Growth in the World
 Uses of Animation

Basic Principles of Animation

Chapter –3


A forerunner of today’s comic strip can be found in Egyptian wall
decoration. In successful panels it depicts the action of two wrestlers in
variety of holds. In one of Leonardo da Vince’s most famous
illustrations he shows how the limbs would look in various positions.
Giotto’s angels seem to take flight in their respective motions. The
Japanese used strolls to explain stories in continuous form.
Since the beginnings of time, human beings have tried to capture a
sense of motion in their Art. From the eight legged bear in Alta Mira
caves of northern Spain to paintings alongside the long dead pharaoh’s
these quest for capturing motion has been a common theme throughout
many of mankind’s artistic endeavor.
In early twenty’s the popularity of animated cartoons was on the
decline, and movie exhibitors were looking elsewhere for the alternative
entertainment media. The public were fed up, where the old formula of
stringing sight gag’s together without including a story line or any
character development. What the art of animation would accomplish
was not evident in this period, except for the works of ‘winsor or mccay’
such as gertie the dinosaur 1914. The major accomplishment was that he
had developed a character in his dinosaur; this had an galvanizing effect
on the audiences. The notion of a dinosaur coming to life on the screen

was astonishing of all the early animations, felix the cat developed the
strongest screen personality, but failed to develop any further, relying on
crude visual tricks to entertain the audience as opposed to developing a
stronger screen person.
A big change came over the industry in mid twenties;
commercialization big studios took over the smaller cottage industry &
cost standards for animation. Animator’s were given quota on number
of drawings they had to produce in a day. Cartoon’s now had to
manufacture in quantity & cheaply.
The same gag’s were worked & reworked. Audiences became
apathetic of seeing drawings come to life wore off this caused a
depression in the animation business that coincide with the depression of
ecomnomy in the United States.

Global outlook and Development of the Animation

The use of digital technology to produce visual effect for features

films is at an all time high. Today, virtually every Hollywood movie
employs digital effects in one form or the other.
In 1989 approximately 600 animators in the industry made a full
time living in the digital film effects and the industry spent less than
$100 million for the development of the effects, on less than 30 shots
but, today more than 100,000 animators make a full time living through
the creation of digital film.
The use of digital technology to produce usual effects for feature
films is at an all development activity. This seege in demand has spurred

a significant growth in the visual effects industry and has created high
paid jobs for hundreds of artists and other technical specialists.

Acceleration of Growth in the world

The global digital animation industry is estimated to grow a

whopping $300 billion by 2008 from the current size of $ 170 billion
according to the speakers at ego 2005 meet which showed the sign of
development of the animation industry.
However, the speakers were cautions in qualifying the growth
figures with ‘ifs’ & ‘buts’ blaming the nebulous state of industry would
wide. The speakers are also of view that the North America’s
predominance in the industry has been fastly declining with contents
producer’s increasingly resorting to offshore development.
They said though there is rapid growth in 2d animation movies,
the real value & skill lies in the development of the 3d animation
They said that the Asia Specific countries emerging as the favorite
destination for offshore content development with the major studies
outsourcing their work to the companies in the countries, however the
high end of the production line still remains in north America.

Animation [creating a whole new world]

The world of animation is a world were imagination meets reality
where dinosaurs walk across silver screen and where the mind blowing
websites greet the cyber voyager and take him on a journey of discovery.

Animation is an art of capturing the series of individual
movements, whether on film or on a digital form and replaying them in a
rapid succession to give the illusion of movement. It can be achieved
through the picture drawn on a paper or other medium. With clay
figures or puppets or using computer generated images.

How Animation works?

Prior to the advent of computer, artists used to sketch the figures
on paper first and these hand-sketched frames were then moved very fast
in front of a projector so as to give the impression of fast and
uninterrupted movements. But, the process faced a limitation of being
confined to the particular scene within a given space.

Another drawback was that the details of movement could not be

drawn. Also, this process was very tedious. The artist had to hand draw
the scene character numerous times and he could not afford to be
inconsistent even to a small degree. But, now these sketches are made on
computer thereby enabling the artist to make drawings in an effortless
manner. After the structuring of models, they are textured, titled and
finally animated as per requirement of the story. And then, animation is
rendered or processed as a picture (or frames) which are coupled with
the audio and final product is ready.
Use of modern animation techniques have widened up its scope.
Now, animation is not confined to movies. It has entered the numerous
fields where opportunities for upcoming animators are likely to grow up

As per a study conducted by National Association of Software and
Services Companies (NASSCOM) study, the Indian animation industry
is at $550 million and is expected to touch the growth rate of 30 %
annually by the year 2008. This study reveals that India will receive
more than $2 billion worth of animation business in next three years.
To meet the demand of industry, more than 20,000 job opportunities are
waiting to come up in the next three years. Wide application of
animation, right from the movies, entertainment to education and other
areas like TV, business, product promotion, websites, architecture and
virtual reality has contributed a lot to its growth.

How do Animators work?

Animators create a sequence of motion pictures that tell a story or
communicate a message. Traditional animators draws each picture
individually on a paper & which are transferred in to a film and when
played back rapidly (about 25 Frances per second) give us the effect of
However these days the advent of 3d studio max, alias etc nearly
all animation work is being done on computer animator’s rely less on
traditional graphic designs expertise and more on proficiency on using
the animation software. However good drawing skills are always on
Nearly all animators are a part of a team and have a specific area
of specialization. Some of these areas include, character animation,
three dimensional animation etc some of animators work on individual
character’s scenes or sequences, others may work on assembling these

together to form a complete picture. All works done by animators has to
confirm to the script and specifications laid down by the director.

Uses of animation
We are immersed in animation in a variety of forms. I have
devised the following diagram to illustrate the various uses of animation:

Using the categories of entertainment, education and advertising, the

various applications of animation can be seen to be
connected with the common element of using animation as
a graphic enhancement.

Educational animation
Educational animations are animations produced for the specific
purpose of fostering learning. The popularity of using animations to help
learners understand and remember information has greatly increased
since the advent of powerful graphics-oriented computers. This
technology allows animations to be produced much more easily and
cheaply than in former years. Previously, traditional animation required
specialised labour-intensive techniques that were both time-consuming
and expensive. In contrast, software is now available that makes it
possible for individual educators to author their own animations without
the need for specialist expertise. Teachers are no longer limited to
relying on static graphics but can readily convert them into educational

The most common application of animation is in entertainment,
primarily cartoons. Educational cartoons are referred to as teaching
episodes because they usually don't have the personification elements
contained in most cartoons. Special effects are also a common use of
animation. They are known as Computer Generated Imagery (CGI) when
enhancing actual film for a movie.


Most TV commercials contain elements of animation. These can
range from the inclusion or brand names and logos to complete animated
imagery. When you consider that TV advertising is the sole revenue
source for funding commercial television, the value of animation should
not be underestimated. Most good ads are entertaining but advertising is
designed for promoting sales or product awareness regardless of
entertainment value.

There are three uses of animation in education.
• Teaching episodes
• Learning environments
• Educational games

Chapter –4


 Introduction

 Animation in India

 On the Growth Track

 Scope for Career Growth

 India Growing Entertainment Sector

 India-a hot spot for Animation industries

Chapter –4

Animation history in Asia was started in early 1940’s and was
heavily influenced by the needs of western studios and Disney in
particular. Exposure to foreign tradition, training abroad & foreign
assistance were some of the important factor behind the animation
tradition in countries like China, Japan, Korea & India. In all such
instances however Asian artists adopted those elements that fits their
own culture although it was more pronounced in China especially after
1949 and Japan, Korea & India than elsewhere.
The mature animation production countries in Asia include Japan,
Korea, Philippines & Taiwan as animation business is lucrative and
Labour intensive (70 percent to 80 percent of cost go to Labour) business
other Asian countries such as India, China, Vietnam, Malaysia &
Singapore have recently started their own industries. The early
animation in Asia was predominantly influenced by Walt Disney. Thus,
china’s smiling monkey was a copy of Mickey mouse and India’s. The
pea brothers (1934) considered by some as India’s first India’s
theoretical film was said to be similar to animators of Walt Disney.

Animation in India
A recent study conducted by the Andersen consulting states the
Indian animation industry is currently pledged at $550 million is stated
to clock of growth rate of 30 percent annually in next 3 years and is
expected to reach $15 billion by 2008. In next 3 years India would
receive more than $2 billion worth animation business, according to the
Meanwhile NASSCOM estimates the current global animation
market to be worth around $45 billion & expects to jump between $50
billion and $ 70 billion by next year. It also states that India could use 3
lakh professionals in context development and animation by 2008, up
from 27000 three years ago.
The Indian advertising Industry has actually pioneered the use of
animation in India Advertisements are using animation to capture the
viewers imagination & also animations are touted to be the next big
thing on internet as soon as the bandwidth constraint will be resolved.
Another area the animators has a lot of scope in the high end game
technology. This has a huge market globally requiring both software &
animation (creative skills).

On a growth track (growth)

Apart from the local market, India is fastly emerging as an
important as an important destination for outsourcing assignments for
Global studio’s such as walt Disney pictures & cartoon network. India is
increasingly presenting itself as the favorable destinations for animation

Industry, particularly in the post production & 3D context development
activity. The surge in demand has spured significant growth in the visual
effect industry and has created jobs for high paid visual artists and
technical specialists. There is also potential for the country to become
global hub.
Animation as a promising business proposition in the field of
serious interests in India. India has seen at least 75 large animation post
production studios coming up in less than 5 years.
Indian Animation is marching towards achievement in the arena of
creating new products & establishing their own intellectual property
rights. In this regard India has advantages over not only China but the
rest of the world with its rich history & cultural of story telling along
with the high quality artistic ability.
In India a new animation revolution is under way with generation
next bring exposed to the world class animation from TV Channels such
as cartoon network, Disney channel, hungama, pogo and Animax. This
is also creating a domestic market for the Indian animation products.

Scope for career growth

The animation industry in India is in its infancy and offers a lot of
scope for career growth. There is a significant demand for highly skilled
& trained work force that merges technical and artistic capabilities.
There is an immediate need to increase the awareness about the industry
to attract talent and to offer training programs that trains talent
comprehensively in all the skills but also focuses on skills that best suits
the individual aptitude.

The animation Industry offers career opportunity in a range of
activities from technology based job such as scanning, compositing,
digital ink & paint and games designing to creative guys like visual
effect supervisors, 3d modelers and character animators.

India's growing entertainment sector

Owing to the prolific entertainment segment, India has a huge
potential to expand the use of animation techniques in this sector. Hence,
animation has a bright future in entertainment world too.

Animation has been a major money churner in most of the

countries and India has taken a lead in 2D and 3D computer generation
animation with an added advantage of cheap and English speaking
workforce. Gradually, our country is turning to be a hunting ground for
the western world. And, the international animation industry is looking
towards Asian nations as the cost of real estate, studio space and outdoor
location in thir country sky rockets.
Credit goes to India's IT expertise and creative manpower,
combined with the entrepreneurial drive, making it well positioned to
grasp the attention of this fast growing industry. The rapid growth of
mobile devices, increasing number of personal computers and the greater
use of animation in movies are contributing to the growth of domestic
market. As such, trained man power is in demand for achieving such

India - a Hot Spot for Animation Industry
 English speaking manpower

India has sufficient English knowing manpower. This is

particularly beneficial when the work is outsourced to India. Moreover,
numbers of initiatives are underway in the country for producing skilled
English speaking manpower for the animation market.

 Presence of well equipped animation studios:

Many metro cities in India have hi-tech animation studios and

their number is steadily increasing. These studios have all the world
class facilities with appropriate hardware, software and communication
infrastructure. These studios are successfully meeting the deadlines of
the projects from overseas companies because of sufficient creative and
skilled animators.

 Low cost of animation services:

As compared to countries like US, Canada, Korea and Philippines,

Indian has relatively lowest cost in terms of animation techniques.
NASSCOM study reveals that the rate of production of half an hour TV
animation program is around US$250,000-400,000 in US and Canada
while it is only. $ 60,000 in India.

 Entertainment industry

Entertainment industry has a lot in store for animators. In this
glamorous field, animators are in high demand. According to experts,
entertainment industry is one of the fastest growing industries in India.
Animation in movies is becoming huge rage as its viewership is not
restricted to kids only but adults are also joining this bandwagon. With
the craze towards animation among the viewers, the industry would need
considerable trained manpower in this field.

 Other Options

Animation has much wider spectrum than one can think of. In
India, there are multiple areas which are still in infancy and are
promising an attractive career prospects, yet to be explored. For instance,
animation is used in fashion industry, textile industry, virtual reality and
many more. "In India, animation industry is catching up the spark but
there is lot more to come up. In abroad, even toddlers are taught how
water goes into air and how it comes down and all this is shown on
computer screen with the help of animation techniques.
It becomes easy for the students as they can recall easily what they
see rather than what they mug up from the books and enables the
students to understand the concept properly", said, Mr. Kirti, Director of
Arena multimedia, Pitampura centre, Delhi.
Advent of animation has provided a broader scope and dimension
to the all the related fields because of Static 3D object modeling and
scene designing through computer graphics.
Offering ample opportunities to those who are planning to gear up their
career in animation.

 Skills Required

To become a good animator, one must possess necessary creative

skills. He/she must be creative and should have ability to visualize,
imagine, understand the concept and implement it with clarity.
A good animator must have proper Knowledge of basic computer
techniques. "Anybody who wants to succeed in, this field must have
knowledge of computer tools as one has to learn computer software
during the course. Sometimes, we came across instances where some
students having immense creativity but no computer knowledge. Here,
we taught the very basics of computer applications.
Thus, for getting into animation, your interest and creativity are
primarily important.", said Mr. Shrikant, teaching in Maya Academy

 Job Prospects

Animators find job in various fields whether it is print, electronic,

web, architecture, interior designing, gaming or textiles etc.
Opportunities for animators are splurging up and these are likely to

 Career Prospects
Indian animation industry though a late starter is on the threshold
of a boom period and so has a great career potential. India has great
mythological stories and characters, good artists and technicians.
Numerous job opportunities are available in India as well as abroad in
the exciting field of animation. It opens the door to film industries such
as Hollywood, which is the world of special effects and imagery for
films. Specialized computer knowledge and skills are essential for
various jobs in the field of animation. It is a booming industry with wide
job openings and one can work on full length animation movies or any
other related fields like television, advertising industry etc. An Animated
feature film, which offers considerable employment prospects, is a
combined talented effort of a wide variety of artists.

Chapter -5

 Animations in Bollywood
 Animation in films
 Indian animation industry

 The future of animation-2 D or 3D

Chapter -5

Animations in Bollywood
The first prototype of SGIC computer workstation was given free
of charge in 1984 to George Lucas, the creator of star was series of
movies from small step SGI emerged as a Hollywood’s favorite
computer supplier. In traditional animation, realistic effect were
achieved by painstaking drawings or models for each Frame of a film, a
very Labour intensive process. Today most animation & special effects
are created inside “virtual words” where computer’s automate much of
the work. SGI computers have been instrumental in such transaction,
producing some special effects for some bollywood’s biggest block
buster, as well as for music video’s and television ads. In 1995 the
feature film animated entirely computer generated, Walt Disney
company’s toy story, was created with sgi’s computer.
Contact between Indian & western cinemas were established in
early days of the film in India first itself. Dadasaheb phalke was moved
to make a raja harishchandra after watching the film the life of Christ at
P.B. Mehta’s American-Indian cinema. Similarly some other film
director’s were inspired by western movies.
In India at least 80 percent of films shown in late 1920’s were
American even though twenty one studios manufactured Indian films
eight or nine of them in regular production. American serials such as
perils of Pauline and exploits of Elaine were popular & inspiring during
the World War I. Universal pictures set up and Indian agency in 1916,
which went to dominate the Indian distribution system.
From 1960’s through the 1980’s art films were subsidized by the
Indian Governments, aspersing directors could get federal or state
government grants to produce non commercial film’s on Indian themes
many of them were graduates of government support film & television
Institute of India. Their films were broad casted in the government film
festival. they were some of the history of bollywood.
Animation history in Asia was started in 1940’s & was heavily
influenced by the needs of western studio and Disney in particular.
Exposure to foreign production, training abroad and foreign assistance
were important factors behind emergence of an animation tradition in
countries such as India, China, Japan & Korea. Asian countries adopted
these elements to fit their own culture. Countries such as India, china,
Vietnam, Malaysia & Singapore has recently started their own industries.
The early animation was predominantly influenced by the Walt Disney.
The ‘pia-brothers’ considered as the first-Indian animated film which
was released in 1934 considered by some as India’s first theatrical
release films.
Indian animation studio are now marching ahead the arena of
creating original products & establishing their own intellectual property
rights. In this area India has several advantages not only over China but
rest of the world with its rich history & culture of story telling with high
quality artistic capability.
In India a new animation revolution is under way with generation
next being exposed to world- class animation from TV. Channels such as
cartoon network Disney channels, hungama, pogo & animax, thus,
creating domestic market for Indian animation products.

With the animation establishment in India, some of the animated films
such as hanuman 2, Roadside Romeo,My Friend Ganesha
2,Jumbo,Ghatothkach(Master of Magic),Prithviraj Chauhan etc are all
related to 2008.

Animation in films
Animation is abuzz in film industry where so many experiments
have proved successful. In many blockbusters like'Hum Tum', 'Krishh',
'Koi Mil Gaya', animation and special effects contributed in a big way to
the success of these movies. On the other hand, it has been recognized
that Indians are among the best animators worldover. They have served a
lot to the Hollywood hits, such as, 'The Incredible', 'Lords of Ring', 'The
Mummy' and more. Also, films are clamouring for good animators,
providing enormous opportunities to the upcoming animators.

Indian animation industry

The Indian animation industry today stands at Rs 12 billion, and is
projected to grow to Rs 42 billion by 2009. Animation in India is
currently riding on two key factors - a large base of highly skilled labour,
and low cost of production. While the industry is gaining prominence
steadily, several important factors such as the government's role in
supporting the animation industry, producing original content locally,
and the importance of training, will steer the industry to greater heights. .

'Vision India - Animation Leaders Speak' raised the all important
question – Can India outperform or come on par with advanced
animation content creating countries? Ashish Kulkarni, Founder and
Executive Producer, Anirights Infomedia Pvt Ltd, was the moderator for
the session, while the panelists comprised Vincent Edwards, Director,
'Spiderman'; Tapaas Chakravorti, Managing Director, DQ Entertainment;
Ronnie Screwvala, Chairman, UTV; Anthony Boucher, Cinnamon
Entertainment, UK; and A K Madhavan, CEO, Crest Animation Studio.
Being in its nascent stage, the animation industry in India has not
been very stable. However, it is stepping into the next era of
development. Chakravorti said that though countries like South Korea
and China were far ahead of India in this space, India had the potential to
be recognised as an animation hub, if certain factors like education
facilities, funds, infrastructure and constant development of original
content were stressed upon. It was also important to develop original
content that appealed to audiences in America, UK, and Europe, he said.
According to Chakravorti, international exposure limited to the
business of non-creative executives and lack of financial backing from
the government were the major deterrents to India being
recognised as an animation hub.

Boucher said that Cinnamon was a company that focused on
investing in entertainment, and that it was committed to India. However,
India was a long way from being an animation hub despite having
encouraging factors like an English speaking talent pool, and low
production costs, he added. "India can be recognised as a key player in
animation if you look at the industry as a serious business and invest
heavily in developing this space," he further said. .
According to Edwards, movies were all about magic; and to create
global brands, he reasoned, content should have universal appeal. The
Indian outsourcing industry, according to Edwards, should be considered
an advantage only to train people in the basics of animation, but not as
the final word in gauging the industry's growth. The best way to ensure
wholesome training was to invite global animation experts to train
people in Indian production houses that provide animated content, he
explained. .
UTV's Screwvala opined, "Competitive advantage is not possible
if India continues to be a low-cost animation production country." He
said that the early players in Indian animation did not stress on training
and investment, and this had stunted the industry's growth. However, he
reasoned, that India had an advantage over global players in that there
was not much by way of government regulations, and this kept the
industry free of several complexities. .
Madhavan said, "I am bullish about animation in India." According
to him, India's creative workforce needed to recognise the art of story
telling, as this would ensure being noticed as a quality
animation content producer. .

'Master Class in Making of Animated Movie' had David Sproxton,
CEO, Aardman Animations, UK, and creator of 'Chicken Run'
reconstructing 'Wallace & Gromit' - from pre-production and production
to post production. The animation series based on the simple but
adventurous premise of highly inventive Wallace and his faithful dog,
Gromit, has won several awards. Sproxton said, "To create a successful
movie, it needs to have a story with a heart and be driven by passion." .
Wallace & Gromit's success formula is the relationship between
the two lead characters that moves from Gromit barely tolerating
Wallace to getting Wallace out of trouble every time he gets into his
highly inventive mode, and then back to Gromit tolerating Wallace.
Several characters were added over the years to make the movies
engaging and timeless. The recent movie 'Wallace & Gromit: Curse of
the Were-Rabbit' has Helena Bonham Carter and Ralph Fiennes lend
their voices to the characters Lady Tottington and Lord Victor
Quatermaine, respectively. .
India definitely has some advantages and potential to develop the
animation industry. Training, investing heavily in the industry, and
providing original and compelling content, will be critical to its growth.
The encouraging news is that while the primary work coming to India is
through animation outsourcing, the industry is moving up to the next
level, with some co-production assignments also trickling in – slowly,
but surely.

How Indian animation industry can be a star

Future projects
We are currently busy with the
co-production of a 3D animated (40 x
26minutes) TV series for BBC called
Freefonix which has already received
widespread acclaim in the United
Kingdom. In addition to this we have
also delivered just now a 2D project
for Marvel (Wolverine and the X
Men - 26 x 22 minutes).
Other major works that are in
the pipeline include a 3D feature film
The life and adventures of Santa Claus, slated to be released during
2009 Christmas for G7 animation, USA; and Playmobil, a 3D
DVD series for Sony Pictures Home Entertainment.
Mostly Ghostly, a feature film for Universal Studios will be
released by fall 2008. We are also working on a 2D series Brave for
Cartoon Network, Europe and Tales of Lord Siva for the Indian

The quality of Indian animators

India has a talent pool of skilled animators. When I say
'animators,' it largely includes those who carry out the animation
production using various kinds of software, i.e. mostly the production
part of animation.

There is definitely a
shortage of talent who can
cater to the pre-
development part of
animation. This is because
70 per cent of our
animation industry
constitutes outsourced
production work, which restricts the experience of our talent pool.
We can tackle this in two ways. Our training institutes need to re-
orient their approach towards training. The need of the hour is a
comprehensive curriculum that gives equal emphasis on all the stages of
an animation production rather than just on software-based training.
Secondly Indian studios need to develop more IPs, which can help
polish the much-needed pre-production skills of our talent.

The animation films made in India

We have a
long way to go in
terms of achieving
global standards in
animation. Indian
audiences have
been exposed to a
gamut of Western
animation content over many years. And this has set the standard in their
Except for few productions like Hanuman, we are yet to witness
animation content, which can be compared to global standards.
Animation development is an expensive proposition and most of the
Indian studios are apprehensive about investing much in a
virgin industry like ours. This has affected quality
In the West, there is a lot of emphasis in idea/concept generation
and the subsequent reiteration process of fine-tuning it. We need to
produce IPs, which would balance the quality standards and also engage
the audience.

Indian animation industry in the next 5-10 years

I feel that it is high time India shrugged off the label of 'sweat
shops' for the big Hollywood producers. Indian companies shouldn't
concentrate on just getting big banner production work from Hollywood.

As is common for any industry, the animation boom follows a cycle.

Currently there is immense scope for Indian companies

because of their cost effective labour and quality
manpower. In due course of time, we could lose
competitive advantage either due to increasing cost of
production or due to the emergence of strong outsourcing
markets elsewhere.
We must think pro-actively at this stage and move in to the next
phase of co-production and own productions so that we have a strong
domestic market. This will ensure that the animation cycle would last
long in India.

The future of animation: 2 D or 3D?
This debate will go on for a long time. As I see it, both the formats
have got pros and cons of their own. 2D is definitely labour-intensive
and expensive, though digital software like Toon Boom has now
considerably reduced these.
3D is comparatively less time consuming and less labour
intensive. From the standpoint of the industry, 3D ensures quick project
turnover times and hence constant flow of revenues compared to 2D. But
there exists a significant section of audiences to whom 2D animation
appeals. Now there are hybrid shows that utilise both technologies.

Animated Films
Animated Films are ones in which individual drawings, paintings,
or illustrations are photographed frame by frame (stop-frame
cinematography). Usually, each frame differs slightly from the one
preceding it, giving the illusion of movement when frames are projected
in rapid succession at 24 frames per second. The earliest cinema
animation was composed of frame-by-frame, hand-drawn images. When
combined with movement, the illustrator's two-dimensional static art
came alive and created pure and imaginative cinematic images - animals
and other inanimate objects could become evil villains or heroes.

Animations are not a strictly-defined genre category, but rather a
film technique, although they often contain genre-like elements.
Animation, fairy tales, and stop-motion films often appeal to children,
but it would marginalize animations to view them only as "children's
entertainment." Animated films are often directed to, or appeal most to
children, but easily can be enjoyed by all.

Roadside Romeo :

What was Animated ?

Character called Romeo and laila, they both were leading characters in
this film. Indian film industries super stars gave their voice for these
characters , they are Saif Ali Khan and Kareena Kapoor.

My Friend Ganesha :
This film is based on Mythological story. Lord Ganesha animation
has played the major role in this animated film. It is most appreciated by
the kids under 10 years.

The main character in this film ws an baby
elephant .This film was neither an Indian
product nor it was a foreign product,it had been
made in collaboration with an international
animation house. It had done much better at the
box office.

Ghatothkach : (Master of Magic)

This film is also a Mythological story.

Shemaroo entertainment will enter the world of
animation with Ghatothkach.Master of Magtic,a
two dimensional musical film.The film is about
Ghatothkach and his escapades and have magic,
action,romance,comedy,fantasy and ofcourse music.

Hanuman 2 :
Childern loved the animated film Hanuman and made
it a box office hit. This was the second version of
“Hanuman”.The main perfuse of interducing the
Mythological storied in animated films only to
promote the importance of religion among the

Special Effects
Special effects are used widely in the entertainment industry. The
success of 'Krishh' has proved it. Expert comment suggests that special
effect sector has a long way to go. Filmmakers are now realizing the
power of this medium and are using it to attract the maximum eyeballs.
Think of any film, be it 'Matrix Reloaded', 'Shrek', or Hindi films such as
'Main Hoon Na', 'Devdas', 'Dus', 'Paheli and numerous advertisements or
online games where special effects are used as a base.
Special effects form an important part of animation. One who
finds interest in special effect can opt for a specialized course in it,
which is offered by most of the animation schools in India.

A new fever of outsourcing has gripped the country. Big names in
global entertainment industry like Walt Disney, Imax, Warner Brothers
and Sony are signing up huge contracts with Indian animation
companies. And cities in India like Mumbai, Chennai, Bangalore,
Hyderabad, New Delhi and Trivandrum have emerged as the country's
major animation hubs. Companies in these cities have dedicated
themselves to the outsourced world of animation and special effects.
Toonz Animation, Crest Communications, Maya Entertainment,
Silvertoon Studio, UTV Toons, Zee Institute of Creative Arts, 2NZ
Studios, Pentamedia Graphics, Prasad Studios, Acropetal, JadooWorks,
Color Chips and Heart Animation are some of the common names that
are famous for their outsourced content.
According to the experts, India is becoming popular choice of
west for outsourcing because our country has a strong base of English
speaking workforce and animation requires familiarity with the English
Secondly, India is recognized as the second biggest entertainment
industry in the world, after Hollywood. Here, animation studios are well
equipped with high-quality software engineers and all this is available at,
a much lower cost. There are a good number of animation studios in
India that can cater western projects at lower cost. That's why foreign
entertainment firms are flocking to India. Outsourcing is highly paid and
glorious sector for the animators.

World of web
Emergence of computer savvy world has provided a wide range of
opportunities to multimedia specialists. Career opportunities for
animators in this field are expanding, like never before.

Gaming industry
India has a huge potential in gaming industry not only for
international market but even at domestic level. The craze for games is
increasing in India. There is a strong belief among experts that gaming
industry would witness a boom in the near future.
Apart from this, India's established IT reputation is attracting the
eyeballs of the world's gaming fraternity.
As per the predictions of NASSCOM, the revenues of animation
and gaming industry is expected to reach $ 1.25 billion by the year 2009.

Animators have been largely used in
As the audiences which are shown in Indian televisions, the add
makers were in search of a simple medium through which the audience
may be attracted like that the animations have been used in
advertisements for attracting the audiences & for selling the products in
the markets.

As the children are mostly attracted towards the animated figures,
for the purpose of attracting the customers of small aged group of the
larger age group towards the products, the products have been relying on
animations, they are using the animated figures for their products which
may be milk, chocolates, Buble gums etc., have been playing a vital role
in field of marketing.
Thus, the animation has a vital role to play whether it may be in
the field of Hollywood, bollywood, marketing, advertisements the
animation industry is establishing itself slowly in the commercial
business markets, with the frequency it is developing today we can say
that the animation Industry has a bright future ahead & will gain a
predominant stage in the field of every sectors. Thus animation has an
important role to play.


The demand for Animators

Animation Industry Records a high Growth

Indian animation: Future bright

Growth of Industry Expected by NASSCOM



The demand for Animators

The multimedia training division of aptech limited is making
efforts to meet the demand of animators from India to tune 50,000
skilled personnel in Coming 2 to 3 years, Multimedia deputy vice
president Business development, Atul Vohra said participating in 6th
anniversary celebration of Arena Multimedia in Guntur, he told country
with the rich cultural heritage able to produce one of the best animation
in the would for whom there near tremendous market and the Rs. 2,200
crore animation industry was likely to Grow 5 times this size by 2008.

“Our target is to provide students with best possible concepts,

environment and tools to turn them into web designers and animators so
that they can meet the requirement of the international Gaming and web
designing industry, He said regarding the Arena Multimedia
Contribution, he said it had already trained 1.25 lakh students. at 260
centers in such countries.

“Animation Industry Records a high Growth”

The International Animation industry is continuously looking
towards cost of real sets, outdoor studios and locations.

“The demand for animation professionals has been going up” Said
“Rajesh Turakya”, chief execution officer of Maya Entertainment
limited; a company engaged in animation works and training.

According to the industry forecast by ‘Anderson consulting, the

animation industry in India is to touch whopping of $ 15 billion by 2008.
It has archived remarkable achievement from $# 550 million in 2002.
Latest ‘nasscom’ statistic, indicated that India might receive more
that $ 2 billion worth of animation business. The Anderson report states
that around 40,000 professionals will be needed in India by 2008. The
animation Industry is extremely Labour intension and has the capacity to
absorb as many as animators as possible. The entire western world in
general and The U.S. in particular are outsourcing as many as possible
projects to India for the production of their big budget films promo’s
and games..
With the commercialization of computer animation, the wild
success of animation sourcing and the increasing role of Asian
animation studios, the industry is experiencing interesting and existing
changes. Take a look at these industry updates on the three largest
players in animation, the United States, India, and China.

My experience with Animation industry, which I would like to
share with all of you because now Animation industry has given very
new thinking to the students with new dream to plane his career in
different way. After passing 12th student become very confuse what to
do, Father says MCA, CA, BTEC, MTEC but now situation is quite
change, parents have started thinking about Animation also. Animation a
dream land with a huge growth of career. Now new comer has one more
option to give expansion to his/hercareer.
Glad to introduce you Animation & Gaming industry, Animation
& Gaming industry is booming now a days as we have seen IT industry
blast in beginning. Scope of Animation is really vast as so many big
players of market is coming in to the picture and now started catering the
animation market very fast, parallel educational institute, colleges and
private institute has started diploma, degree and certificate courses which
were really difficult to find out in India in beginning but still there are
some part of education which we are unable to get in India, for that
student are going to complete in abroad.
If we talk about the growth part of animation, the number of
companies are coming with the huge project to save their cost of
production, for example the 90minutes animation movie, the cost of
production is 20 to 22 crore in overseas but it India the production cost
get reduce 75%. Outstanding difference, I think that is main source of
growth of animation in India.

Indian animation: Future bright

Today Indian animation companies are doing feature films,
commercials and TV series work that aspire to international standards.
However, the company is only as good as the artists it employs. So good,
well trained animation professionals find themselves in high demand.
The Animation industry in India has grown exponentially over the
last few years. What is more remarkable is that even with this rapid
growth India still represents only a small portion of the world animation
pie! That means there are still lots of opportunities for Indian animation
to grow.

What is it going to take for animation to come of age in India?
Production of original content.
Animation is an extraordinary means of telling a story. What one can
achieve in animation is the ability to strip away all the unnecessary
details so the story can be presented in its purest form. Here is where
the secret of animation’s appeal lies. This is why people remember
good animation movies even decades after they first saw them.
However, the industry in India has so far focused only on being work
for hire studios, working on shows meant to primarily air in
international markets. But
the trend is changing and
more and more studios are
endeavouring to produce
original content.

It is to be noted that
storytelling has always been
an individual driven enterprise. Walt Disney, Hayao Miyazaki and
John Lasseter are few examples of individuals who have changed the
whole direction of animation film making by their truly
extraordinary vision. The industry in India needs individuals with
vision and the tenacity to actualise their dreams.

This is where the lack of properly trained manpower becomes the
biggest challenge that faces the animation industry. The lack of good
training institutes who offer properly planned courses is one main cause
of this. Most art/animation education are focused on creating operators
and not creators.
The perspective needed is that Animation is an art form. Just like a
person cannot become a writer by learning Microsoft Word and so
similarly someone cannot become an animation artist by merely learning
a software or two for a couple of years. It requires one to develop
perspective and insight; a sense of story and design; a mature aesthetic
sense. It takes tremendous dedication and focus to successfully create a
full feature length story.
One of the unique aspects of animation is that animation is a multi
disciplinary art form. It takes inspiration from dance, drawing,
illustration, cinema, theatre, puppetry, mime etc on the creative side and
requires tremendous support from physics, mathematics, programming
etc on the technical side. In this sense the animation art form is a true
renaissance art form. A good animation education requires a well
rounded approach. This is one of the greatest advantages of working in
the animation space. In the same environment you have c++
programmers and painting; technical artists as well as cartoonists
working. The mix of talent in a studio is truly incredible. There is space
in the industry for every different type of talent.

One of the features of the animation industry is that it is constantly
changing and needs to adapt to ever new requirements and standards of
quality. The biggest change over the last few years in India is that quality
has become more important. Earlier, for an animator it was ok to possess
just the basic skills. Projects did not demand high quality so his skill
level remained at a very basic level. Clients came here for the cost
advantages and did not mind the lower standards. That is no longer the
situation today. Today Indian companies are doing feature films,
commercials and TV series work that aspire to international standards.
Here is where the artist comes in. The company is only as good as the
artists it employs. So good, well trained animation professionals find
themselves in high demand.
This requirement for quality has also led to high entry
requirements. It is becoming tougher for students to break into a good
company just out of school unless he or she has an excellent body of
work to show for themselves; matching their skill set match to the very
best in the world. This is more important as studios move away into
production of original talent where potential employees are evaluated on
their creativity. Students too today are much more aware of the
animation industry and work with a great deal of passion and dedication.
Some of the student work that I have seen are absolutely outstanding
The future for the industry in India is bright and its growth is
going to need talent capable of executing high quality work. Someday I
hope Indian animation will be compared favourably to the best
animation work that’s out there.

India strong and career Friendly
Animation outsourcing is still a large industry in India. With
plenty of work available for freelance animators. India has become a
fertile place for animations. In addition to supporting larger, more
profitable animation studios in western countries India is also starting to
develops its own studios ventures.
To support this trend, animation schools and partnerships have
been popping up our past few years in a country known for building an
economy by supporting other countries.

Growth of Industry Expected by ‘NASSCOM”.

Potential Growth’ NASSCOM’ study on animation and Gaming
industry in India 2006 has indulged that the Indian animation and
Gaming companies all establishing credentials the world over.
Availability of right skill and the cost competitiveness will lead Indian
industry to potential Growth. The premier trade body and voice of the
I.T software and service industry in India. Association with Government
of Andhra announced the commencement of Animation India 2006. The
Nasscom Study” on animation and Gaming industry in India has
unveiled at the event.
The report reveals a huge growth potential in both the animation
and Gaming industry in India. Indian Animation Industry is expected to
reach USD 950 Million by 2009, and Gaming industry is expected to
reach USD 300 million by 2009.
India is fastly going up the animation outsourcing ladder. Though
a recent entrant in Global animation, scene, demand for Indians

production success in Growing at a fast pace. with a Global
entertainment majors like Walt Disney, I max, Walter brothers and Sony
singing up huge contracts with Indian animation companies, local
animation design studios are gradually establishing their credentials
overseas and building their skills sets in the high potential global Market
with the growing business the animation and gaming an emerging trend
that can be seen in the market currently is that a number of Indian
companies adopting a co-production business model from an outsourcing
model would proof fruitful for the industry as co-production model.
Key findings of the NASSCOM study on Animation and Gaming
Industry in India.
The latest NASSCOM report on Animation and Gaming industry
in India estimates the Global market size (demand perspective) of
industry will witness a ( growth of eight percent and is expected to
reach USD 75 billion by 2009. Based on this, the Global animation
Market (from the developer’s perspective) is expected to increases to
USD 35 billion by 2009 from USD 25 billion in 2005.
The size of Indian animation market (from the developer’s
perspective) near estimated at USD 285 million in 2005. It is expected
the witness a (CARG of 35 percent from 2005-2009 and increased to
USD 950 million by 2009.
According the report the Market for Gaming is and 20 percent for
the textile sector and the second half of the current financial year.
Gaming business is respected to neatness a (CAGR of 78 percent and
March USD 300 million by 2009 from USD 3D million in 2005.

“40 percent Growth in IT sector”
A survey report Conducted by the confederation of Indian
industry has pegged a 40 percent Growth rate in information technology
section during October 2005 march 2006.
The business outlook survey conducted by CII’s southern region
for April, September 2006 also predicted a Growth rate of 25 percent for
the Manufacturing Sector.


Profile of Param Infotech


Profile of Param Infotech

The proprietor of Param infotech is Mr.D.G.Subramanya , who

has completed B.E in “Computer Science” at “Siddhartha Institute of
Technology” in Tumkur.

This computer education and training centre has eshtablished in

2004.Before commencing the Param infotech the computer education
and training centre , he has took the ‘Karnataka Electronics Development
Corporation’[Keonics] in 1998 at Shimoga. Though this institution he
provides the computer eduction to the student , the staff of Police
department ,staff of KEB department and he had also worked for social
welfare.He worked in Keonincs for four years and afterwards he started
his own institution named Param infotech .For eshtablishing this centre
he took loan o famount 1.5lakhs at SBI the branch of
Jayanagar,Shimoga.In this centre he is offering various computer
courses such as,Animation,Visual Basic, Photo Shop,Corol Draw, A/C
package, C,C++, Jave, Web Designing etc.

Chapter -8


Chapter -8

1. Table showing the occupation of respondents

Occupation No.of respondents Percentage
Student 56 56
Business men 14 14
Profession 20 20
Others 10 10
Total 100 100

To make the sample more representative the respondents of
various occupational groups were included in the sample. They are
Students, Businessmen , Profession, Students and others. Among this
56% are of Students , 14% are of Businessmen , 20% are of Profession
and 20% are of others included. Totally in this survey there are 100

Graph shows that occupation of Respondents





20 10


Student Business men Profession Others

Table 2 showing the knowledge of respondents towards Animation

Opinion No.of respondents Percentage

Yes 63 63
No 37 37

Total 100 100

pie chart showing knowledge of respondents



From the above table we came to know that how many people
know about the animation. According to my survey 63% of people have
the knowledge about Animation, where as nearly 37% of people have no
idea about animation.

Table 3 showing the sources to animation

Sources No.of respondents Percentage

Advertisements 45 45
Television 15 15
Magazines 20 20
Others 20 20
Total 100 100

The above table gives us information about how the people got
Interaction with the animation, here I have selected few sources they are
Advertisement, Television, Magazines and Others. According to my
survey through Advertisement 45%, Television 15%, through Magazines
20% and through Others 20%.

Graph showing the sources to animation




20 20



A dvertisements Television M agazines Others

Table 4 showing usefulness of animation in commercial world

Opinion No.of respondents Percentage

Yes 87 87
No 13 13
Total 100 100

Table 4 tell us the usefulness of animation in commercial world ,
regarding this issue different people a have different opinions. According
to my survey 87% respondents says it is useful in commercial world and
remaining 13% have the opinion that it is not useful in commercial



Table 5 showing the usefulness of animation in different fields

Fields No.of respondents Percentage

Entertainment 36 36
Education 14 14
Business 25 25
Others 25 25
Total 100 100



25 25




Entertainment Education Business Others

Table 6 showing the existence of animation centers in our locality
Opinion No.of respondents Percentage
Yes 12 12
No 88 88
Total 100 100

Graph no 5 shows us about the existence of animation Centers in
our locality, according to this out of 100% only 12% of animation
centres are exists in our locality. Most of the animation centres are
concentrated in Metropolitian cities, nearly 88% have their existence in
that area. So the areas like our locality does not able to avail the
advantage of these centres.



Table 7 showing preference of animation courses

Courses No.of respondents Percentage

3D 77 77
2D 23 23
Total 100 100

Now a days animation courses have become very popular among
students. But there are different type of animation courses such as 3D
and 2D among those 3D is most preferable than the 2D.According to my
survey nearly 77% of respondents preferred the 3D animation courses
rather than the 2D courses. Only 23% respondents preferred the 2D



Table 8 showing the opinion about the courses

Opinion No.of respondents Percentage

Excellent 13 13
Good 62 62
Average 18 18
Bad 7 7
Total 100 100







10 7

Excellent Good Average Bad

Table 9 showing satisfaction of the service provided

Opinion No.of respondents Percentage

Excellent 16 16
Good 14 14
Average 50 50
Bad 30 30
Total 100 100






20 16


Excellent Good Average Bad

Table 10 showing development of animation in India

Opinion No.of respondents Percentage

Yes 36 36
No 44 44
Cant say 20 20
Total 100 100


Table no 9 let us know the development of animation in India.

According to the survey I had conducted to know the knowledge of
people regarding the animation I came to know the 36% respondents
says the that animation is developing in India,45% says that it is not
developing and remaining 20% respondents have their opinion that they
cant say any thing.

Graph showing development of animation in India

Cant say



0 10 20 30 40 50

Table 11 showing necessity of animation in the fast growing world

Opinion No.of respondents Percentage

Yes 88 88
No 8 8
Cant say 4 4
Total 100 100

cant say

As everyone know that animation has become the part of each and
every field, it has been adopted in all fields , for example: in
advertisements, films , teaching etc. The main reason of using the
animation in each and every field is because it attracts the attention of
everyone. Not only the children but also the adults are also interested in
animation. So in my survey 88% of respondents have opinion that it is
necessary in the fast growing world , 8% says no , and remaining 4%
respondents says that they cant say anything.

Table 12 showing the opinion about the animation courses

Opinion No.of respondents Percentage

Costlier 88 88
Affordable 12 12
Total 100 100

Table no 12 give us information about the animation, according to
which the opinion of respondents is the animation courses which are
offered are more costlier a middle class cant affordable, these are beyond
the reach of a middle class person.My servey says that 88% respondents
opinion is that the animation courses are costlier and remaining 12%
respondents says it is affordable.

Graph showing the opinion about the animation courses



Table 13 showing the stories which are mostly used in animation
Opinion No.of respondents Percentage
Mythological 64 64
Fictitious 36 36
Total 100 100

Table no 12 gives us information about what kind of stories does
the people preferred in animation films. Nealy 64% of respondents
preferred Mythological stories whereas 36% respondents preferred
Fictitious stories. The main reason of preferring the Mythological stories
is mostly children interest in animation, so they also get knowledge
about their religion.








No.of respondents


Table 14 showing the popularity of the cartoon channel

Opinion No.of respondents Percentage

Pogo 32 32
Cartoon Network 56 56
Animax 12 12
Total 100 100

P ogo

Cartoon Network
P ogo Cartoon Network Animax

Table 15 showing the interested age group in animation

Opinion No.of respondents Percentage

Children 82 82
Adults 18 18
Total 100 100


Children Adults

Chapter -9
Survey Findings, Suggestion and Conclusion

Chapter -9
Survey Findings, Suggestion and Conclusion

The questionnaire was prepared and was submitted to the
respondents to know the intensity and the knowledge of the respondents
towards the animation industry in India ,potential growth ‘Nascomm’
study on animation and gaming industry in India 2006 has unveiled that
the the Indian animation and gaming company are establishing
credentials the world over, the report reveals a huge growth potential in
both the animation and gaming industry ,the Indian animation industry is
expected to reach us $950 million by 2009 and gaming industry is
expected to reach us $ 300, India is fastly growing up the animation
outsourcing ladder ,though a recent entrant in the global animation scene
with a global entertainment majors like Walt Disney , Imax, Warner
brothers and Sony sinning up huge contracts with Indian animations
companies, local animation design studios are gradually establishing
their selves in overseas with the high global potential market.
As a large improvement can be Witnessed from the early 1940s to
2006, it has truly Undergone a radical change, present Indian animation.
Industry is expected to get a business of $2billion by 2008. Thus
to know the interest of the respondents towards the growing Indian
animation industry, I personally undertook a survey and I have come up
with the following findings after going through the survey they are

 Although there has been a keen interest of the respondents towards
the animation industry, the main problem that I they are facing were
lack of information about the animation industry.

 The respondents are coming to know the information about the

animation through the sources like advertisements, televisions,
magazines and other sources. The respondents mainly come to know
about the animation through advertisements which I have come to
know after a deep survey.
 When it comes to the usefulness of animation in this commercial
world, I found out that a major part of the respondents think that it is
very much essential for the fast growing commercial world.
 Then a survey was under taken to find out the usefulness of animation
in different fields, the first preference was to the field of
entertainment and the second preference was to business world...
 The next survey of mine was related to the existence of animation
centers in our locality, I found out that there were not much or there
were completely no training centers in our locality…
 When it comes to the preference of animation courses, there are two
courses namely 3D and 2D courses, according to my survey most of
the people choose 3D courses there is much scope for 3D animation
these days…
 Regarding the satisfaction of the services, respondents are not much
satisfied with the service provided by the local animation centers.
 There was an survey of the overall development of the animation
industry in India , what I found out was there was not much
development of the animation industry in India compared to other
developed countries, though countries when compared to India have
advanced countries in the field of animation , it should still travel
through a long tunnel

 Is there an requirement for animation in this fast growing world, yes,

absolutely… there is an requirement for the digital animators and
the creative animation world to this fastly moving commercial or
business or economical world as per my survey.

According to my survey what I founded was there was a keen

interest on the part of respondents to wards the growing animation
centers, the main problem was there was no adequate information
regarding the animation centers in India. if the information’s are
provided properly to them then there would be a definite improvement in
field of animation industry


Many information were gathered at the time of survey and I came

out ultimately with various suggestion.

 Proper information must be provided to the interested people.

 Although the animation industry has been developed in India, still

there are many areas which is completely isolated from the world of


 Even interested people find it very hard to get the information’s about

the animation.

 Animation training centers must not only concentrate in metropolitan

cities, it must also move towards other areas.

 The courses available in the metropolitan cities are much costlier and

difficult to afford by middle income families. The courses must be

available in a cheaper price.

 Though India has not been so advanced than other countries in

animation world, it is capable of producing talented digital animators,

if proper training is provided to the interested people, therefore proper

training must be provided.

 Training centers must be equipped with sophisticated tools.

 Not only 2D courses must be provided but also stress must be put on

3D animation courses.

 Animation centers should provide their student with necessaries so

that they may be able to compete with the digital animators of other



Though there is a large amount of development in the animation

industry, it has to go a long way to reach the stage the other countries are

in .so, after going through a keen observation, that is through survey and

analysis the conclusion that I have come is the people here who are

interested in the field of animation is they are not getting proper

information ,the animation centers present here are concentrated towards

the metropolitan cities and not towards any other areas ,the courses

available here are very costly and cannot be affordable by middle class

talented people, so it should be available in a cheaper price, so, the

development in field of animation must take place as a whole and not as

a part of it so, proper training and information must be provided to the

interested people, it must be available to them in a cheaper price, when it

comes to development of animation in India compared to last few years

and needs to move a long way




Dear Sir/Madam,
I am student of final year BBM Government First Grade College,
Hosadurga. I have undertaken a project work on “Growth and
Development of Animation Industry” and conducting a survey in this
Kindly spare some of your valuable time to fill up the following
questionnaire which will help me to complete my work successfully. The
information collected will be used only for academic purpose.

Bhagya .B
1. Name :
2. Address :
3. Age :
Below 20 [ ]
20 – 30 [ ]
31 – 40 [ ]
Above 40 [ ]
4. Sex : Male [ ] Female [ ]
5. Occupation of Respondents
Student [ ]
Business men [ ]
Profession [ ]
Others [ ]

Which age group have more interest in Animation?
Children [ ]
Adults []
Is it beneficial for children ?
Yes []
No []
In which sector Animation is most useful?
Commercial []
Entertainment [ ]
Is there scope for Animation in future ?
Yes [ ]
No [ ]
Which cartoon channel is most appreciated by the public ?
Pogo [ ]
Animax [ ]
Network [ ]
Which Animation is preferable now a days ?
2d [ ]
3d [ ]
Does people have any knowledge about Animation ?
Yes [ ]
No [ ]

From which source you get the knowledge about Animation?
Advertisements [ ]
Television [ ]
Magazines [ ]
Others [ ]
What is the opinion of students about the Animation courses afford in
your locality ?
Excellent [ ]
Good [ ]
Average [ ]
Bad [ ]
6. Please Give Suggestion

Date: Signature


• Marketing Management by: B.S Raman

• Indian film industry by Ramesh Chandra
• Marketing management by PHILIP KOTLER

• Marketing research - D.D. Sharma

• Marketing management - S.A. SHERLEKAR

• Articles

• News Paper

• Magazine




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