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CHAPTER II the number 200 , and so on . This system is much more efficient .

However, the two systems are still not good enough in addition or
multiplication long series of numbers.
2.1. HISTORY OF GREEK MATHEMATICS Because the Greeks had a system of writing numbers that are not
Greek mathematics is the mathematics written in Greek , developed efficient , they are not like algebra . Menganggapnnya too difficult
from the 6th century BC to the 5th century AD around the Eastern because they have to write an equation or problem number . Finally ,
coast of the Mediterranean Sea . Greek mathematicians lived in cities the Greek mathematician focus more on geometry and geometrical
spread over the eastern part of the Mediterranean Area , ranging from methods to solve problems may also use algebra.
Italy to North Africa , But they are united by culture and the Greek The Greeks in general very tertatik on rationality , in terms of making
language. The word "mathematics" itself is derived from the ancient all things related and reasonable . They want to relate what is not clear
Greek word (mathema), meaning "the lessons of instruction" . They liked the music , because music has strict rules for generating
The Greeks have many ways to write numbers, but there is no beauty . Similarly, architecture , and mathematics.
efficient , and every city in the country of Greece using different Greek mathematician also very interested in proving that certain
systems . Some Greeks used the system in the form of typing the first mathematical ideas is true . So they spend a lot of time using
letter of the word for the number. If you want to say ten ( ' , geometry to prove that it is true , even though nations like Egypt and
DECA ) , then they write , which means ten . With this system , one Babylonia already know that they are almost always right .
written by a straight line , similar to number 1 on the modern writing . Greek mathematics also contribute substantially to the important ideas
They use to ( Penta , five ) , for ( , Ten ) , H for of number theory , mathematical analysis , applied mathematics , and
H ( Hekaton , one hundred ) , X to X ( Xhililoi , a , in that period , approaching the performance of the integral calculus .
thousand ) , and M for M ( Murioir , ten thousand ).cSo they will Famous figures in the Greek mathematician Pythagoras among them ,
write numbers as XXXXXXHH 6247. a blurred figure of a small island , Samos partially association with
The Greeks also used other systems in which the letters of the Greek number mysticism and numerology , but is more well known through
alphabet used as symbols for numbers , so the number I was alpha ( the resulting theorem , Theorem of Pythagoras , and Euclid , which is
) , 2 is the beta ( B ) , 3 is a gamma ( ) , and so on . They apply this known through his book Elements of Euclid , a writing reference
rule to the first ten letters , and then the letter number 20 symbolizes geometry for centuries . The most characteristic achievements of
the eleventh , twelfth letter symbolizes the number 30 , the thirteenth Greek mathematics is the theory of conic sections , many developed
letter number 40 . Having the number 100 , the next letter symbolizes in the Hellenistic period.
2.2. Math Period In Greece none of their original works are still preserved , except perhaps
1. Classical Period for " Thales fractions " which still survive , the reliability is still
Historians usually place the beginning of the Greek disputed. However , some historians postulate that many
mathematician Thales of Miletus lifetime (about 624-548 BC ) . mathematical knowledge derived from Thales was actually
Little is known about the life and work of Thales , thin certainty developed in the next time , especially the aspects that depend on
that the birth and death adjacent to eclipse in 585 BC , which may the concept of angles , while the latter appears the use of the
appear when he was still in the productive age . general statement , such as those found in the official text written
Thales theorem , which states that the angle - touch - arc on the slab . The reason that it was not clear what was done by
described in the half - circle is a right angle , may be studied by Thales or Pythagoras is that almost no advanced documentation
Thales at the time he was in Babylon , but the tradition which is that is still preserved . The only evidence comes from a tradition
attached to the Thales theorem show it . With this reason that that is immortalized in the works of such responses Proclus to
Thales is often hailed as the father of mathematics and deductive Euclid were written centuries later . Some of the newer works of
organization as the first true mathematician . Thales is also Aristotle it was a response to the school of Pythagoras , each
regarded as the earliest in history to whom specific findings known only from the little fragments remaining .
pinned mathematics . 2. Hellenistic
Although it is not known whether or not the first Thales Hellenistic civilization began in the 5th century BC by Alexander
introduces structure into mathematical logic , which is currently the Great's conquest over the eastern part of the Mediterranean
the case in force in any area, but it is known that in the two coast , Egypt , Mesopotamia , the Iranian plateau , Central Asia ,
hundred years after the death of Thales the Greeks introduced the and some parts of India , which became the beginning of the
notion of proof and logic into mathematics . Other important spread of the Greek language and culture across the ocean . Greek
figures that help provide a record of the history of Greek became the language of scholars in the Hellenistic world , and
mathematics is Pythagoras , he sparked the madhhab Pythagorean mathematics Egyptian mathematics merged with Greek and
numerology and geometry looked at as the most fundamental Babylonian mathematics to generate Hellenistic mathematics .
thing to understand the properties of the universe and therefore The assessment center is Iskandaryah this period in Egypt . In this
become a center of ideas and their religious philosophy . period there were figures - figures such as Archimedes was able
To determine differences in the work of Thales and Pythagoras to use infinitesimals in a way similar to modern integral calculus .
from the mathematicians of later or earlier is not easy because Archimedes is also able to solve the problems to any degree of
accuracy with methods that are the result of the assumption of the Greek tradition more . Between 800 BC and 600 BC , Greek
proposition as true and indicates that the next steps show the mathematics in general are behind Greek literature , and little is
contradiction . known about Greek mathematics of this period - that almost all of
Greek mathematics and astronomy reached advanced stages in the them had been up through the previous authors , since the middle of
Hellenistic civilization , which is enlivened by scholars such as the 4th century BC .
Hipparchus , Posidonius , and Ptolemy , who is able to build Hypatia
simple analog computer such as the Antikythera mechanism . Hypatia is one of the leading in the field of mathematics ,
The most characteristic achievements of Greek mathematics especially algebra . She is the first woman mathematician who
theory of conic sections may , many developed in the Hellenistic listed his name in the history of mathematics . Based on
period . The method used does not make explicit use of algebra , comments mathematician afterwards , it is known that many
trigonometry nor. hypatias post comments komertar top - mathematician previous
In understanding the geometry of conic sections , a cone is works , such as " Arithmetica " it Diophantus , " Conic section "
considered to have two skin that stretches to infinity in both of Apollonius , and " Al - Magest his" Ptolemy . Hypatia also
directions . A generator is a line that can be made on the skin cone known as medicine specialists and experts philosophy.
, and all generators intersect at a point called the vertex of the Proclus ( 410-484 )
cone . Proclus more philosophical but dibandingikan as math sayings
Types of conic sections. and writings often provide a critique of the history of the
If a plane slicing a cone parallel to one and only one generator beginning of the development of Greek geometry . His greatest
, then the cut is parabolic . If the slicing plane parallel to the work was his commentary on the first book of Euclid 's work
two generators , then the cut will cut both the skin and form a elements . In writing these comments , it is certain that having a
hyperbole . An elliptical happen if the slicer is not aligned copy of a Proklus of " History of Geometry " by Eudemus , who
with any generator . The circle is a special case of an ellipse , now can not be found anymore , as well as the work of Poppus "
which is formed when the field slicer to cut all generators and Geometry of the Elements " , most of which can not be found
perpendicular to the axis of the cone. anymore .
2.3. MATH GREEK LEADER DEVELOPER Services are the largest Proclus is her work on the history of
Generally thought that the neighboring civilizations , namely the geometry before Ecluid , where in his " Geometry " , Proklus
Babylonians and Ancient Egyptians had an influence on the later make a summary of the work of Eudemus ' History of Geometry
" , which consists of four books . Part of this book , which was However Theon more instrumental in the history of information
known as " Eudemion Summery " Proklus regarded as the compared with the results of mathematical works.
greatest contribution to the history of mathematics , in addition Pythagoras
theorem discovery : When a line segment whose length remains Pythagoras lived around the 500s BC , and was one of the first
engaged with both ends on the two lines intersect , a point of the Greek mathematical thinkers . He spent his life in the Greek
line segment will depicts a portion of an ellipse . Proklus other colonies in Sicily and southern Italy . He has a group of students ,
works is his commentary on Plato's " Republic ". who follow and teach people what Pythagoras had taught them .
Boothius ( 475-524 ) The followers of Pythagoras , the so-called Pythagorean famous
Boothius sabagai besides a mathematician and philosopher , he is for their lifestyle . They grew his hair , just wear simple clothes ,
also a well-known statesman , Although Boothius is a leading do not wear shoes , and do not eat peanuts. The Pythagorean
math in Roman times , but the work was far behind the level of interested in philosophy , but especially in music and
the works of Greek writers . Boothius writing textbooks for the mathematics , the two things that they consider to be the way out
four branches of mathematics , namely arithmetic , geometry , of the mess . Music is sound that has rules , and mathematics are
music and astronomy . Boothius arithmetic books based on the " rules about how the world works.
Introduction " by Hicomacus , geometry based on " Elements " of Pythagoras is best known for proving the truth of the
his Euclid , astronomy based on " his '' Almagest Ptolomy , while Pythagorean theorem . The Sumerians , two thousand years
the musical based on the works of Hicomacus , Euclid and earlier , already know that the theorem is true , and their use in
Ptolemy. the measurement , but Pythagoras is mentioned as the one who
Theon of Alexadria was able to prove that it is true . Not really known if indeed
Theon wrote comments on the work Ptolomy , Almagest , in Pythagoras banr did it, because there is no evidence for it until
eleven books . In addition, the modern edition of the work the time of Euclid , but that's the tradition . Some historians have
Euclied , Elements , is based on a revision of the original even argued that verification was done at the time of Euclid.
manuscript Theon . However Theon more instrumental in the Pythagoras founded a sect called the Pythagorean schools , which
history of information compared with the results of mathematical handle knowledge and natural properties and therefore all the
works. findings of the followers of the school of Pythagoras belonged to
In addition, the modern edition of the work Euclied , Elements , this sect . And because in ancient times was a norm to give all
is based on a revision of the original manuscript Theon . respect for the teacher , Pythagoras himself appreciated the
findings made by the sect. Pythagoras Pythagorean school was arrested but managed to escape the death sentence by the judge
built by 455 years ago. Pythagoras himself a lot to contribute to with the help of a friend of his Pericles . But he still had to leave
the development of Greek mathematics such as: Athens , and he died shortly afterwards in Lamsakos , around 428
1. Philosophy BC . Only some of the books that still exist in Anaxagoras
2. The study of proportion masakini , most of which is lost or destroyed .
3. The study of plane and solid geometry Nearly a hundred years later , Aristotle says that she initially gain
4. Number Theory an understanding of the science of the works of Anaxagoras .
5. The theory of proof Thales
6. The discovery of incommensurables. Is the first Greek scientists are trying to explain that the various
Anaxagoras phenomena and natural objects , misalna weather , stars, and
Born around the year 500 BC . A case like Thales , Anaxagoras planets , are not controlled by the gods . Instead , he was thinking
was born in Asia Minor , in the city Klazomenai . He appears to of the scientific explanation for this, although he is not always
come from a wealthy family , and possibilities. school . As an right . Thales claim that water is the basis of all living things ,
adult , he chose not to continue the family business . He went to that all life is essentially made of water . Thales true that
Athens , which was the center of Greek culture at that time . He everything is composed of the same object , but the object is the
lived in Athens for most of his life . There he became friends electron and the proton , not water .
with Pericles and Euripides , and he must also know Socrates . But there are some things that succeeded Thales thinking
Anaxagoras most important idea is that people should not trust correctly . He correctly states that the earth is round , and that the
their senses or their common sense to investigate about the world moon reflects the light of the sun . According to Herodotos , in
, but they should always use logic and going to find out the truth . the year 585 BC Thales was the first to successfully predict the
Tekadang this idea makes Anaxagoras thought of funny things . occurrence of a solar eclipse , which ended the war between
For example , he says that the snow is definitely mengandug Lydia and Persia .
darkness , white as well as color , or how dark the snow turns Thales is also an important mathematician . He managed to find a
into water when it melts ? But he managed to find the cause of way to calculate height of one of the pyramids in Egypt . He
the eclipse . waited at noon when the shadow has the same height with her ,
Anaxagoras the idea of making a lot of people of Athens , who and then she measures the shadow of the pyramids.
does not believe in the gods consider it , not happy . He was
He also managed to prove some interesting mathematical ideas . . More than a thousand years later , then Al - Ghazali and other
Thales proved that : astronomers consider seriously thinking Muslimm Aristarchus.
The circle divided by its diameter Aristarchus also uses the works of Eratosthenes to calculate the
The angle at the foot of an isosceles triangle is equal size of the moon , and calculated that the sun is certainly more
If there are two intersecting straight lines , then the ebsar than the earth and the moon , although the size of the result
opposite angles are equal of the calculation is not appropriate because he did not have a
If two triangles have two angles and one side are the good telescope . Aristarchus also realized for the first time that

same , then the two triangles are identical. Thales the stars are in the extreme distance away from the earth , farther

possibility had been a teacher for Anaximandros , and away than the sun or the moon , but again , without a good
Anaximandros itself is the teacher of Pythagoras . telescope , he can not prove it.
Several ancient authors mention that Pythagoras , as
a youth , visited Thales , Pythagoras and that Thales QUESTION :
advised to study in Egypt . Thales died in 543 BC , just a
few years after the city conquered by the Persians. 1. What the greek mathematics?

Aristarchus 2. Where Greek mathematics developed in the 6th century BC to the 5th

Born on the island of Samos in Greece in 310 BC . He spent most century AD?
of hidunya to work at the University of Alexandria in Egypt . 3. How to write 7865 on the Greek number system?

Aristarchus was the first person who is suspected to think that the 4. Can you mention the important contribution of the Greek
earth moves around the sun and maybe not the reverse. mathematician?

Aristarchus knew that the earth revolves around the sun in a way 5. How many periods in Greek mathematics? Mention it!

see the Earth's shadow on the moon during a lunar eclipse . 6. What Pythagoras contribute to one of the classical period? Explain!

Previous Thales already found a way to predict eclipses and 7. Why not easy to know the difference Pythagoras and Thales?

Anaxagoras had found the cause of the eclipse . Aristarchus 8. Can you mention greek leader developer math? (at least 5)

using Euclidean geometric theory , and also his theory , to 9. Who is Hypatia, Proclus (410-484), Boethius (475-524)?
perform calculations. 10. What the great idea from Anaxagoras, Thales, and Aristarchus?
Most people assume Aristarchus thought ridiculous , and they
prefer to follow the Aristotelian idea that the sun around the earth

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