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Journal Notes for Practicum 3b.

Write your journal in paragraph form. It should be a minimum of 100 words and clearly illustrated with
photographs. Remember, it is your personal account of your thoughts, feelings and reactions during your
time in the preschool. Consequently, you may choose to focus not only on the discussion points raised in
each observation and/or use one, all or none of the following focus points in your journal.

You can use this table to make notes / jot down ideas during TP. It would also be helpful to consistently
compare this practicum with previous TP experience and reflect on your professional development with
reference to the TP Competencies.

What is your general feeling about TP at the end of the day?

The second week was very nice and the children adapting to me, and I felt I have more control on the
children because I identify their name and know some information from them.

Reflect on the duties / activities did you carry out during the preschool today. How do you feel about your
efforts? Was there anything you could have done to improve the quality of the learning experience for the

I felt my efforts become more than the first week, and for quality of the learning experience I think focusing
on their behaviors. Teach them how to behave in class.

What was the most interesting activity or strategy you saw your MST use? Why did you think it was
interesting and worth noting/remembering? Compare this with previous TP experience.

The activity that I saw and I really like it is the places that animals live in the farm. She was bringing a real
grass and water and mud and she show children that each animal live in one of them.

What progress have you made in terms of your own personal targets for TP this semester? Which TP
competencies do you feel you achieved and which do you think that you need to focus on next time? Discuss
ways in which you could do this.

The target that I won it manages the children behavior. For next lesson, I will focus on the activity time

What evidence of learning did you identify/document today? Relate this to the UK EYFS early learning goals.

I let children to describe characteristics of weather.

Compare and group living things.

What was the most important thing you learnt about the role of the teacher in managing all aspects of the
school day? Compare this with previous TP experience and where possible make links with college based

I learn from MST how to manage the children behavior by use a mister sad place which mean a place that
have a sad face and If children not behave will they go to their.

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