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Black Sun | Hollywood Subliminals 12/2/17, 8(36 AM

Black Sun

The term Black Sun (German Schwarze Sonne), also referred to as the
Sonnenrad (the German for Sun Wheel), is a symbol of esoteric or occult
significance. Its design bases on a sun wheel incorporated in a floor of
Wewelsburg Castle during the Nazi era. Today, it may also be used in
occult currents of Germanic neopaganism, and in Irminenschaft or
Armanenschaft-inspired esotericism but not necessarily in a racial or
neo-Nazi context.

The design has loose visual parallels in Migration Age Alemannic brooches
(Zierscheiben), possibly a variation of the Roman swastika fibula, thought
to have been worn on Frankish and Alemannic womens belts. Some
Alemannic or Bavarian specimens incorporate a swastika symbol at the
center. The number of rays in the brooches varies between five and twelve. Page 1 of 72
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Goodrick-Clarke (2002) does connect the Wewelsburg design with the

Early Medieval Germanic brooches, and does assume that the original
artifacts had a solar significance, stating that this twelve-spoke sun wheel
derives from decorative disks of the Merovingians of the early medieval
period and are supposed to represent the visible sun or its passage
through the months of the year. He further refers to scholarly discussion
of the brooches in Nazi Germany, allowing for the possibility that the
designers of the Wewelsburg mosaic were indeed inspired by these
historical precedents.

The Eye of Sauron represents the Black Sun

The Lord of the Rings: The Two Towers (2002)

The Wewelsburg mosaic

The shape of the symbol as it is used within Germanic mysticist

esotericism and Neo-Nazism today is based primarily on the design of a
floor mosaic at the castle of Wewelsburg (built 1603), a Renaissance castle
located in the northwest of North Rhine-Westphalia, Germany. Page 2 of 72
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During the Third Reich the castle was to become a representative and
ideological center of the order of the SS. Heinrich Himmler, the leader of
the SS, wanted to establish the Center of the New World. A focus of the
actual SS-activities at the castle were archaeological excavations in the
surrounding region and studies on Germanic early history.

The mosaic is located in the ground floor room of the North-Tower of the
castle, in the so-called Obergruppenfhrersaal (Obergruppenfhrer
hall, completed 1939-1943). The Obergruppenfhrer (literally: Upper-
Group-Leaders) were the highest ranking SS-generals. It is not known if
the SS had a special name for the ornament, or if they attributed a special
meaning to it. The sun wheel is significant for the Germanic light- and
sun-mysticism which was propagated by the SS. In their studies on sense
characters, the sun apart was interpreted as the strongest and most
visible expression of god, the number twelve as significant for the things
of the target and the completion. The mosaic at Wewelsburg itself is dark
green on a whitish/greyish marble floor. Probably a golden disc was
originally located in the middle of the ornament.

Traditional Christianity was to be replaced by a vlkisch (folkish or Page 3 of 72
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racial) cult. Instead of Christianity, Himmler wanted a moral doctrine

derived from the pre-Christian pagan Germanic heritage. Cultic
ceremonies and rituals were part of the everyday life of the SS. The
Wewelsburg was to be a center of a species-compliant religion (German:
artgeme Religion)

The North-Tower of the castle was to be the center of a planned circular

estate, 1.27 kilometres in diameter (also see the architectural drawing and
model from 1944). The architects called the complex the Center of the
World from 1941 on.

The North-Tower, which had survived a ruin after 1815, only assumed
importance for Himmler starting in the autumn of 1935. In the process of
Himmler establishing the castle as a cult site (an ideological and religious
center of the SS), the tower was to serve the highest-ranking SS leaders as
a meeting place and probably as location for quasi-religious devotions.
Nothing is known about the possible way and the kind of arrangement of
designated ceremonies in the towerthe redesigned rooms were never
used. According to the architects, the axis of the North-Tower was to be
the actual Center of the World.

The inside of the complete castle was redesigned in an Nazi-specific

mythological way (see the Wewelsburg SS School). SS architect Hermann
Bartels presented a first draft of plans that envisioned using the North
Tower on three different levels. However, a meeting in the first floor
mosaic room never occurredthe building work at the room was stopped
in 1943. In 1945, when the final victory didnt materialize, the castle was
partially blasted and set on fire by the SS, but the two redesigned rooms in
the North-Tower stayed intact.

It is not known whether this symbol was placed in the marble floor at Page 4 of 72
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Wewelsburg before or after the National Socialist Regime and the taking
over of the castle by Himmler. There is speculation as to whether the
symbol was put into the hall by the Nazis or whether it was there a long
time before but there is no definitive proof either way. It must be noted
that the book sold by the Wewelsburg museum on the history of the castle
from 1933 to 1945 makes no mention of who put it there. The plans for the
North Tower by SS architect Hermann Bartels make no mention of it.
Scholars today are reluctant to say with any certainty why it was put there,
or by whom. Because the ceilings of the North-Tower were cast in concrete
and faced with natural stone during the Third Reich, it is more likely that
the ornament was created during the Himmler era.

There is, although its origins are unknown, an identical rendition of the
Wewelsburg Schwarze Sonne in a wall painting at a World War II military
bunker memorial to Bismarck at Hamburg below a statue of Bismarck (see
Bismarck-Monument (Hamburg)). It is with a central piece incorporating
a sunwheel and swastikas and the texts Nicht durch Reden werden groe
Fragen entschieden, sondern durch Eisen und Blut (Great questions will
not be resolved by talk, but by iron and blood). Page 5 of 72
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The Deus Ex Machina represents the Black Sun

The Matrix Revolutions (2003)

The Vienna Circle

The Black Sun is often associated with the mystic-esoteric aspects of

National Socialism. Origin of a phantastic post war SS mysticism which
refers to the Black Sun is a right-wing esoteric circle in Vienna in the
early 1950s.

The former SS member Wilhelm Landig of the Vienna Circle (esoteric)

coined the idea of the Black Sun, a substitute swastika and mystical
source of energy capable of regenerating the Aryan race Rudolf J. Mund
(also a former SS member and later also member of the Vienna Circle)
discusses a relationship of the Black Sun with alchemy. The visible sun is
described as a symbol of an invisible anti-sun: Everything that can be
comprehended by human senses is material, the shadow of the invisible
spiritual light. The material fire is seen in this way also just the
shadow of the spiritual fire. Page 6 of 72
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The portal opened using the Tesseract (Hypercube) symbolizes

the Black Sun
The Avengers (2012)

Nazi and Neo-Nazi significance

The term Black Sun may originate with the mystical Central Sun in
Helena Blavatskys Theosophy. This invisible or burnt out Sun (Karl Maria
Wiliguts Santur in Nazi mysticism) symbolizes an opposing force or pole.
Emil Rdiger, of Rudolf John Gorslebens Edda-Gesellschaft (Edda
Society), claimed that a fight between the new and the old Suns was
decided 330,000 years ago, and that Santur had been the source of power
of the Hyperboreans. Page 7 of 72
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The Nazi Swastika represents the Black Sun

Inglourious Basterds (2009)

The Wewelsburg symbol can be deconstructed into three swastikas; a

rising, a zenith & a setting one, the design is popular among German
Neo-Nazis as a replacement for the outlawed singular swastika symbol.
Another interpretation is that the symbol incorporates twelve reversed
Sig runes of the Armanen runes.

Allegedly, the design was drawn for Heinrich Himmler from an old Aryan
emblem, and was meant to mimic the Round table of Arthurian legend
with each spoke of the sun wheel representing one knight or Officer of
the inner SS. According to James Twining, The symbol of the Black Sun
unites the three most important symbols of Nazi ideology the sun wheel,
the swastika and the stylized victory rune. and that it is symbolic in its
form representing the twelve SS Knights of The Order of the Deaths
Head and their three retainers).

Erich Halik was the first to link the esoteric SS with the Black Sun roundel
insignia carried by German aircraft in the polar region at the close of
World War II. Page 8 of 72
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Image & Source

The dimensional portal activated to free the Ogdru Jahad

(APEP) represents the Black Sun
Hellboy (2004) Page 9 of 72
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BLACK SUN (Crime Syndicate)

It is a vast criminal syndicateits influence felt on every planet

from the Core Worlds to the Outer Rim. Black Sun has existed for
hundreds of years, and embedded itself in the very fiber of the
galaxy. The resources at its disposal are almost limitless. The
soldiers under its command number in the tens of thousands. The
ignorant even call it the most powerful force in the known
Darth Sidious, to Darth Maul

Black Sun was the most powerful and infamous crime syndicate of its Page 11 of 72
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time in the galaxy.


Black Sun held a massive amount of reach and influence, extending its
tendrils of corruption deep in the various galactic governments of each
era. It was infamous for its involvement in piracy and smuggling. But
smuggling was just the tip of the iceberg of the galaxy-wide organization.
It was involved in every known type of illegal activity; its information
networks surpassed even the accuracy and scope of Imperial Intelligence.
The resources available to Black Sun rivalled those belonging to a large
planetary army, including foot soldiers.

Below the leader of Black Sun were nine Vigos (Old Tionese for nephew).
Each Vigo ruled over his or her own territory and sector.



Black Sun was formed at the end of the Great Galactic War. After the
Sacking of Coruscant in 3653 BBY, Galactic City soon fell into chaos and
rioting, overwhelming the already stretched thin Coruscant Security Force
police officers. Taking advantage of the situation, several prominent
gangsters joined together and began seizing control of neighborhoods in
the lower levels. With this, in reference to the gangsters, denizens of the
lower levels coined the phrase better a black sun than none and the
Black Sun crime syndicate was born. Black Sun quickly carved out a
territory for itself and developed spice and weapons trafficking operations.
Though their advance to claim more sectors was halted by the Justicars
Brigade, the rioting and looting never stopped within their own territory.
In the following years of the Cold War, Black Suns influence stretched Page 12 of 72
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beyond Coruscant and the gang became a galactic criminal syndicate. The
Galactic Senate soon came to realize the full situation and CSF forces such
as the Special Tactical Unit began actively fighting back to regain the
sectors under Black Suns control. It was during this time that the
Republic Strategic Information Service began joint operations with the
CSF and Republic Military to counter Black Sun. SIS Agent Theron Shan
tracked a small cell of criminals consisting of Teffith and others on
Coruscant in an effort to discover who was funding the Black Sun slavery

Late Republic era

Although headquartered on Coruscant, the influence of the Black Sun

stretched the length of the galaxy. With tens of thousands of foot soldiers
and hundreds of leaders based on safe houses and fortresses across the
galaxy, the syndicate was both covertly and openly a force to be reckoned
with on a galactic scale. By 33 BBY, Black Sun had come under the control
of Alexi Garyn, who was killed by Darth Maul on Lord Sidiouss orders.
Other Vigos fell to the Sith Lords lightsaber as well, and the the
organization was severely damaged in accordance with Sidiouss plan. It
would be about a decade before it had recuperated. Page 13 of 72
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The Black Sun Leaders Star Wars: The Clone Wars 514

During the Clone Wars, Black Sun exploited the Republics focus on the
war to drastically expand its activities. At that time, a faction of the
syndicate was controlled by a cabal of Falleen nobles under Xomit
Grunseit, headquartered on Mustafar. After Savage Opress murdered
Grunseit and his ruling council, Ziton Moj assumed control of the faction
and pledged allegiance to Darth Maul, the very man who had almost
destroyed the syndicate thirteen years prior. Once in the Shadow
Collective, Death Watch moved Black Suns Mustafar weapon stores and
equipment to their camp on Zanbar in preparation for the planned attack
on Sundari. The armed forces commanded by Moj were deemed inefficient
for a direct attack, however, and so were relocated to Zanbar until a
sufficient force had been assembled. After the Pyke Syndicate heard that
Death Watch and Black Sun were building an army, Lom Pyke quickly
moved to join the Collective. The last to join were the leaders of the Hutt Page 14 of 72
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Black Sun and Pyke forces (led by Moj and Lom respectively) smuggled
themselves into Sundari in crates and launched an attack in the docks as
part of an elaborate plan to take the city. Pre Vizsla and his Death Watch
warriors faced off against them in a sham conflict which ended with the
criminals displayed in cuffs before the New Mandalorian crowds in the
Royal Palace. The support of the people allowed Vizsla to oust Duchess
Satine Kryze in a quick and bloodless coup.

During the war, Black Sun dealt extensively with the plant bota, found
only on the planet Drongar. Originally, Admiral Tarnese Bleyd was the
main contact with Filba the Hutt for the smuggling. He was later
assassinated by Kaird, a Nediji, following the death of the former
operative Mathal. Another partnership was later established with Thula
and Squa Tront to secure the bota. Upon learning that the bota was losing
its potency, Kaird escaped from Drongar with a supply as a gift for his
Vigos; it was subsequently discovered that the case was filled with
explosives, in attempt at betrayal by Thula and Tront.

Following the war, Pistoeka sabotage droids were acquired by Black Sun,
which utilized them in chop shops on Nar Shaddaa.

Black Sun was known to have several hideouts in remote, scarcely

populated planets of the Outer Rim Territories. Page 15 of 72
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The window behind the Emperor represents the Black Sun

Star Wars Episode VI: Return of the Jedi (1983)

Galactic Civil War

During the early days of the Galactic Empire, Black Sun was led by Dal
Perhi, though his mantle was soon usurped by a Black Sun captain named
Xizor. The Falleen crimelord would lead Black Sun to unparalleled
prestige by the onset of the Galactic Civil War. Assisting Prince Xizor was
the feminine Human replica droid, Guri. Guri acted as bodyguard and
assassin for the Falleen Prince. Under Xizors leadership, Black Sun
became so powerful that the Prince was considered by some Coruscant
courtiers to be surpassed in power only by Emperor Palpatine and Darth
Vader. Black Suns influence was tremendous. They had a practically
limitless amount of credits; more than enough to finance any operation
they wished to complete. They ruled the underworld and few individuals
or organizations dared to cross them or pose a threat to them.

Source Page 16 of 72
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Learn more about the Archons, the Ancient Egyptian

Gods SET (the Demiurge) & APEP. Page 17 of 72
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The following set of images provide subliminal examples of where Black

Sun symbolism has been encoded into real-world architecture, events, and
organizations dating right back to the early 20th century. The Archons
influence in our history is more pronounced than you might think. Page 18 of 72
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The Black Sun was encoded into 2014 Oscars (Academy

Awards) at the Dolby Theater in Hollywood.
A. The main stage and outer facade combine to create the Black
Sun, B. Ceiling architecture, C. Host & Presenter Stage

We now know what and who Hollywood truly worships hidden in plain
view Page 19 of 72
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The Black Sun was encoded into the summit table during the
2010 G-20 in Toronto.
The seated attending delegates represent the rays of the Black
Sun. Page 20 of 72
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The Black Sun is encoded into the design of Bracken House in

Winston Churchills face can be found inside the Black Sun.
Very revealing indeed. Page 21 of 72
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In October 2009, above the city of Moscow a strange Halo

Cloud phenomenon was seen in the skies.
This Halo Cloud represents the Black Sun, an artificial
construct/signature; put in place using HAARP technology.
(We now know who controls HAARP technology) Page 22 of 72
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The Nazi Swastika represents the Black Sun, used extensively

during World War I and II. Page 23 of 72
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The Nazi Swastika (Black Sun) was hidden at the barracks

during the 1960s at the U.S. Naval Base Coronado near San
It appears the U.S. Military was infiltrated well over 50 years
(Exact co-ordinates 32.67657N 117.15827W Take a look for yourself)

2010s Page 24 of 72
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2013 Page 25 of 72
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2012 Page 28 of 72
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2011 Page 30 of 72
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2000s Page 34 of 72
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2009 Page 35 of 72
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2008 Page 37 of 72
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2007 Page 39 of 72
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2006 Page 41 of 72
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2005 Page 43 of 72
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2004 Page 46 of 72
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2003 Page 48 of 72
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2002 Page 49 of 72
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2001 Page 51 of 72
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2000 Page 52 of 72
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1999 Page 53 of 72
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1998 Page 54 of 72
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1997 Page 55 of 72
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1994 Page 57 of 72
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1992 Page 58 of 72
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1990 Page 59 of 72
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1980s Page 60 of 72
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1988 Page 61 of 72
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1986 Page 62 of 72
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1984 Page 63 of 72
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1983 Page 64 of 72
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1982 Page 65 of 72
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1980 Page 66 of 72
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1977 Page 67 of 72
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1975 Page 68 of 72
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1968 Page 69 of 72
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1922 Page 70 of 72
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First Published: Dec 9, 2011 Last Updated: Jun 4, 2014 Page 71 of 72
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