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Soils and Foundations xxx (2017) xxxxxx

Evaluation of specic surface area of bentonite-engineered barriers

for Kozeny-Carman law q
I. Kobayashi a,, H. Owada b, T. Ishii b, A. Iizuka c
Kajima Corporation, Tokyo, Japan
Radioactive Waste Management Funding and Research Center, Tokyo, Japan
Kobe University, Kobe, Japan

Received 11 July 2016; received in revised form 25 April 2017; accepted 16 May 2017


The impermeability of bentonite is dependent on montmorillonite microstructures and varies with chemical alteration caused by
related changes. The Kozeny-Carman equation is viewed as a rational hydraulic model for bentonite because it incorporates microstruc-
ture parameters such as specic surface area in addition to macrostructure parameters such as the void ratio. In the study reported here, a
technique for measuring the specic surface area of compacted bentonite under constant volume conditions using X-ray diraction was
developed, and the hydraulic conductivity of various bentonite materials was evaluated based on the measurements thus obtained. The
applicability of the Kozeny-Carman hydraulic model for evaluation of impermeability of bentonite was claried.
2017 Production and hosting by Elsevier B.V. on behalf of The Japanese Geotechnical Society. This is an open access article under the CC BY-
NC-ND license (

Keywords: Bentonite; Montmorillonite; Hydraulic conductivity; Specic surface area; Kozeny-Carman law

1. Introduction the groundwater and the radionuclides and to slow the

migration of the radionuclides into the biosphere even if
Finding methods for the nal disposal of radioactive the groundwater becomes contaminated (JAEA, 2000).
waste is a pressing issue in Japan, and ongoing studies have Fig. 1 shows a conceptual model of a geological disposal
been conducted on the feasibility of disposal projects from facility for TRU waste in Japan. The facility has engineered
a scientic perspective. The countrys planned disposal barriers, including cementitious types to reduce diusion
methods include encasing trans-uranium (TRU) and other and bentonite types to minimize hydraulic conductivity
high-level radioactive waste in facilities built under stable (FEPC and JAEA, 2005).
bedrock at least 300 m below the ground surface. This tech- An engineered bentonite barrier is a compacted soil mix-
nique is referred to as geological disposal; it involves the ture of bentonite and silica sand. Its low hydraulic conduc-
use of a system comprised of both natural and engineered tivity comes from montmorillonite (the principal mineral in
barriers. The system is expected to retard contact between bentonite clay), and therefore, depends on the type and
content of the montmorillonite used.
The primary particles of montmorillonite have a sheet-
This manuscript was submitted to the Special Issue on the like form, a permanent electric charge and a capacity for
International Symposium on Geomechanics from Micro to Macro cation exchange. Various interlayer cations are adsorbed
IS-Cambridge 2014 (Vol. 56 No. 5). between the primary particles. Montmorillonite with Na
Peer review under responsibility of The Japanese Geotechnical Society. interlayer cations is known as Na-montmorillonite, and
Corresponding author.
E-mail address: (I. Kobayashi).
bentonite whose principal mineral is Na-montmorillonite
0038-0806/ 2017 Production and hosting by Elsevier B.V. on behalf of The Japanese Geotechnical Society.
This is an open access article under the CC BY-NC-ND license (

Please cite this article in press as: Kobayashi, I. et al., Evaluation of specic surface area of bentonite-engineered barriers for Kozeny-Carman law, Soils
Found. (2017),
2 I. Kobayashi et al. / Soils and Foundations xxx (2017) xxxxxx

the hydraulic conductivity due to these cation exchange

reactions depending on the subsequent compositional
changes in the pore water. For example, after passing
through an engineered cementitious barrier, the groundwa-
ter (cement leachate) becomes highly alkaline and Ca ion-
rich. As cement leachate permeates bentonite, the inter-
layer cations in the montmorillonite (in this case, Na ions)
are displaced by the Ca ions. This results in the alteration
of the bentonite to Ca-bentonite, which swells less than
Na-bentonite. Thus, large voids can be expected in Ca-
bentonite even under saturated conditions unless the mate-
rial is compacted to a high dry density, which could
increase the hydraulic conductivity. Additionally, the reac-
tion of highly alkaline pore water (such as cement leachate)
with montmorillonite over an extended period may cause
the montmorillonite to dissolve and create a non-swelling
Fig. 1. Basic concept of TRU geological disposal (FEPC and JAEA,
mineral. Similarly, the hydraulic conductivity of engineered
bentonite barriers may increase due to the reduced mont-
morillonite content caused by such an alteration and the
is known as Na-bentonite. The hydraulic conductivity of resultant increased presence of large voids.
montmorillonite depends on the type of cations, as its Against such a background, an assessment to determine
microstructure also diers with the interlayer cations. Na- the feasibility of radioactive-waste geological disposal facil-
montmorillonite exhibits lower hydraulic conductivity than ities with a lifespan of tens of thousands of years must
other types of montmorillonite because it retains many involve a prediction of the temporal changes in the perfor-
water molecules among its primary particles (known as mance of the engineered barriers in consideration of the
hydration or swelling), resulting in the absence of large related chemical interaction. Therefore, this study was con-
voids under saturated conditions. Accordingly, Na- ducted to examine a hydrologic model for engineered bar-
bentonite is used as a reference material for engineered riers that enables an analysis of the microstructural
bentonite barriers in Japan. changes caused by the chemical interaction.
However, interlayer cations are readily displaced A typical approach to the development of hydrologic
depending on the type and the ionic strength of the cations models for engineered bentonite barriers involves the
contained in the pore water due to cation exchange reac- experimental determination of the relationship between
tions. As a result, the use of Na-bentonite for building engi- the dry density and the hydraulic conductivity of the
neered barriers in geological disposal facilities may increase barrier material as well as the establishment of a tting

Fig. 2. Modeling based on tting experiment results (adapted from Kikuchi et al., 2003).

Please cite this article in press as: Kobayashi, I. et al., Evaluation of specic surface area of bentonite-engineered barriers for Kozeny-Carman law, Soils
Found. (2017),
I. Kobayashi et al. / Soils and Foundations xxx (2017) xxxxxx 3

function (see Fig. 2). Methods are currently being studied resulting from cation exchange reactions, have been associ-
that will enable the determination of the changes in ated with alterations in the contact area between the pore
hydraulic performance resulting from the chemical alter- water and the soil particles caused by changes in the swel-
ation using an engineered geochemically altered bentonite ling properties. Hence, the Kozeny-Carman relationship
barrier followed by an experimental clarication of the appears suitable for evaluating the hydraulic performance
relationship between the barriers dry density and hydrau- of engineered bentonite barriers. However, its application
lic conductivity. From this information, a tting function is as a hydrologic model requires knowledge of the specic
established and the coecients for both pre- and post- surface area of bentonite under the prescribed dry density
alteration functions are interpolated according to the and moisture conditions, as this depends on the barriers
degree of alteration. This approach enables the expression pore water composition and moisture conditions.
of forecasted events for the experiment, but is not applicable This implies that conventional specic surface area mea-
to the prediction of non-forecasted events. By way of example, surement methods (such as the BET approach used for dry
as shown in Fig. 2, it enables representation of the experi- powder samples and the mercury intrusion technique, in
mental results to some degree within the test range with dry which pore water composition is not considered) are not
densities between 1.0 and 1.8 Mg/m3, but is limited at applicable.
lower levels due to the reduced hydraulic conductivity. In this study, a method for determining the specic sur-
Meanwhile, the hydrologic models proposed by Hazen face area of compacted bentonite using the X-ray dirac-
(1892), Creager et al. (1945), Terzaghi and Peck (1967) tion (XRD) method under constrained volume and
and others take the microstructures of earth materials into saturation conditions was developed and used to evaluate
account via consideration of the representative particle the hydraulic conductivity of various bentonite types.
size. However, when a cation exchange reaction causes This paper presents a revision of the research by
the interlayer Na-bentonite cations to be displaced by Ca Kobayashi et al. (2011) including their recent ndings.
ions, no changes in the primary particle size occur, but
the hydraulic conductivity increases (e.g., Sasakura et al., 2. Microscopic analysis of smectitic minerals
2004, Pusch and Yong, 2006; Morodome, 2008). Conse-
quently, particle size is not a rational indicator of the The reference material for engineered barriers, designed
microstructural changes resulting from the bentonite chem- for radioactive waste disposal, is the Na-bentonite pro-
ical reactions. duced in Yamagata Prefecture (see Fig. 4 for the related
In contrast, the Kozeny-Carman hydrologic model mineral composition). It is made of montmorillonite (a
(1956) considers microstructures based on the specic sur- swelling mineral) and non-swelling minerals, making its
face area of the material in question. In previous studies constituents limited. However, the constituent percentages
(Fig. 3), changes in the hydraulic performance of bentonite, vary with each production lot, with the principal mineral

Fig. 3. Conceptual microstructural model for bentonite (Kikuchi et al., 2003) and structural changes caused by pore water (adapted from Kikuchi et al.,

Please cite this article in press as: Kobayashi, I. et al., Evaluation of specic surface area of bentonite-engineered barriers for Kozeny-Carman law, Soils
Found. (2017),
4 I. Kobayashi et al. / Soils and Foundations xxx (2017) xxxxxx

Fig. 6 shows a schematic microstructural model of

montmorillonite. The primary particles of montmorillonite
have a sheet-like structure, as also shown in Fig. 3, with the
major and minor axes ranging from 100 nm to 50 nm. The
sheet thickness is approximately 1 nm. Secondary particles
of montmorillonite are considered to be a lamination of
1020 primary particles (Shibutani et al., 1999).
Fig. 7 shows the microstructural changes in montmoril-
lonite caused by water permeation. The primary particles
form the laminar structure of secondary particles, with
Fig. 4. Mineralogical composition of sodium bentonite mined in Yam- the spaces between the primary particles known as internal
agata Prefecture, Japan (Ito et al., 1994). voids and the others known as external voids. As the cation
concentration of the internal voids is higher than that of
the external voids, water molecules migrate from the latter
Hydraulic conductivity k (m/s)

Na-bentonite to the former to compensate for the dierences in concen-

-7 (Sasakura et al., 2004) tration upon water penetration. Water selectively perme-
Kaolinite ates the internal voids, causing greater interlayer
10-9 distances in the phenomena known as permeation and
swelling. As the interlayer distance generally increases with
10-11 a greater water content, the external voids become smaller
to balance the expanding internal voids when the water
10-13 permeates the montmorillonite under constrained volume
conditions. Since internal voids have much smaller pores
0.0 0.5 1.0 1.5 2.0 2.5 3.0 than external voids, the hydraulic performance of the ben-
Dry density (Mg/m3) tonite improves under fully hydrated conditions, with
internal voids accounting for an increased portion of the
Fig. 5. Comparison of hydraulic conductivities of bentonite and kaolinite
(adapted from Sasakura et al., 2004).
total. Such an improvement can be interpreted as an eect
of the increased specic surface area due to these factors.
These successive phenomena were observed in studies by
(montmorillonite) generally varying from 50 to 60%. The Tomioka et al. (2007) using microfocus X-ray CT, as
material lot used in this study had a montmorillonite con- shown in Photo 1.
tent of 59%.
Fig. 5 compares kaolinite (a non-swelling mineral) and 3. Hydrologic model of bentonite
Na-bentonite, showing the relationships between dry den-
sity and hydraulic conductivity. The graphs reveal that at In this study, the Kozeny-Carman relationship was
the same dry density, the hydraulic conductivity of Na- employed as a hydrologic model for bentonite allowing
bentonite is much lower than that of kaolinite. This implies for consideration of the water permeation-related changes
that consideration of the dry density and other parameters in the montmorillonite microstructures. This relationship
representing the macrostructures alone is ineective for is expressed as
expressing the dierences in hydraulic conductivity. Table 1
1 qg 1 e3
shows the parameters (particle shape, particle size and k 1
C l S 2v 1 e
specic surface area) used to represent the microstructures
of kaolinite and montmorillonite. The smectite family where k is the hydraulic conductivity, C is the shape factor
(which includes montmorillonite) has smaller particles of the soil particles (usually constant at 5), q is the pore liq-
and a far greater specic surface area than kaolinite. uid density, g is the gravity-related acceleration, l is the
Assuming that the dierences in hydraulic conductivity coecient of viscosity, S v is the surface area per unit vol-
shown in Fig. 5 are attributable to these microstructures, ume (specic surface area) and e is the void ratio. The
it appears necessary that, for evaluation, hydraulic models specic surface area shown in Table 1 is the mass per unit.
of bentonite must at least be comprised of both micro and For conversion to the surface area per unit volume, as
macrostructural parameters. required for the Kozeny-Carman relationship, multiplication

Table 1
Particle shape, particle size and specic surface area of various clays (CSSJ, 1987).
Clay mineral Particle form Particle size (lm) Specic surface area (m2/g)
Smectite (montmorillonite) Sheet From 0.1  0.1  0.001 to 1  1  0.001 From 760 to 810
Kaolinite Panel sheet From 1  10.02 to 1  10.1 From 9 to 40

Please cite this article in press as: Kobayashi, I. et al., Evaluation of specic surface area of bentonite-engineered barriers for Kozeny-Carman law, Soils
Found. (2017),
I. Kobayashi et al. / Soils and Foundations xxx (2017) xxxxxx 5

Fig. 6. Montmorillonite microstructure.

area observed under compacted conditions with a certain

level of dry density.
The Kozeny-Carman relationship involves the assump-
tion of spherical soil particles and the Hagen-Poiseulle
ow, making it somewhat incompatible with the subject
of the study in some points. However, being based on a
theoretically derived equation, the relationship is advanta-
geous in that physical phenomena are expressed coherently,
as this is a monotonically decreasing function with a range
in dry density of 0 < qd < qs within which the hydraulic
conductivity can be dened. It also comprises microstruc-
tural and macrostructural parameters, as shown by Eq.
(1). More specically, the void ratio (i.e., that of the vol-
ume of all voids to the entire volume of soil particles)
can be viewed as a macrostructural parameter because,
by itself, it expresses neither the neness of the soil particles
nor changes in the soil particle structure. Meanwhile, the
specic surface area varies with the soil particle structures
a characteristic that depends on particle size and the
degree of hydration, making it a microstructural parame-
ter. By way of example, the use of Eq. (1) enables the
Fig. 7. Bentonite swelling. expression of dierences in hydraulic conductivity between
kaolinite and montmorillonite at the same void ratios
(Fig. 5) as dierences in the specic surface area (Table 1).
by dry density and other calculations are needed. It should Moreover, with a microstructure formed by water perme-
also be noted that the specic surface areas in the table ation and swelling under constrained volume conditions
were observed as part of a system of soil particles fully (Fig. 7), the improvement in hydraulic performance
diused in a large amount of water, and that the (reduced hydraulic conductivity) can be represented as an
Kozeny-Carman relationship requires a specic surface increase in the specic surface area.

Before saturation After saturation

Photo 1. Saturation-related changes in microstructure of montmorillonite under microfocus X-ray CT (Tomioka et al., 2007).

Please cite this article in press as: Kobayashi, I. et al., Evaluation of specic surface area of bentonite-engineered barriers for Kozeny-Carman law, Soils
Found. (2017),
6 I. Kobayashi et al. / Soils and Foundations xxx (2017) xxxxxx

Thus, in contrast to the conventional mainstream 4.1. XRD test on bentonite with various levels of water
approach of experimentally determining the relationships content
between dry density and hydraulic conductivity, the use
of the Kozeny-Carman relationship as a hydrologic model 4.1.1. Two-layer hydration water content
to evaluate the impermeability of engineered bentonite bar- Morodome (2008) reported that the number of mole-
riers allows for the expression of more events such as cules of adsorbed water depends on the relative humidity
changes in hydraulic conductivity caused by variations in and temperature of the void spaces in a bentonite speci-
the microstructure stemming from the chemical- men, and that the hydration state can be ascertained via
mechanical-hydraulic interaction. It is also highly probable an XRD observation. In research on montmorillonite
that, being based on a theoretically derived equation, the hydration states, the layer concept (Fig. 8) is often used.
relationship supports a high prediction capacity. It should This concept was applied to the determination of the speci-
be noted that the use of the Kozeny-Carman relationship c surface area of montmorillonite, as outlined below.
requires the determination of the specic surface area of On the surface of a mineral, the area occupied by one
compacted swelling cohesive clay permeated with water water molecule is conceived as the projection area of the
under constrained volume conditions. water molecule at 10.8 (A2) (Sudo, 1967). Consequently,
on the surface of a mineral, the area occupied per unit mass
4. Determining specific surface area of bentonite blocks with of water, S g , is expressed by
constant volume 2
S g 10:8 A  6:02  1023 =18
Kozaki (2003) and other researchers have conducted 3:6  103 m2 =g-water 2
studies to determine the specic surface area of bentonite,
assessing the eects of microstructures on the diusion where 6:02  1023 is Avogadros number and 18 g/mole is
behavior of related radioactive nuclides via surface obser- the molecular weight of water.
vation based on SEM and AFM, a particle size distribution If the monomolecular adsorption of water molecules
analysis and an internal observation using microfocus occurs without excess or deciency on the surfaces of the
X-ray CT and other methods. Kozaki notably determined primary particles of montmorillonite, two primary particles
the specic surface area using the BET method with nitro- have two layers of water molecules between them, as shown
gen gas and a surface adsorption approach involving the in Fig. 8. This condition is dened as a two-layer hydration
use of ethylene glycol monoethyl ether (known as the state, and the water in it is known as the two-layer hydra-
EGME method) to calculate the surface area of internal tion water content, w . Using w , the specic surface area
voids from the dierences in measurement determined from per unit mass, sv, is expressed as
both approaches (see Table 2). However, both the BET
method and the EGME method require testing with com- sv 3:6  103  w m2 =g-soil 3
pletely dry powder samples. The surface area data from [E1] In this paper, the state at which the N water mole-
such tests do not always fully match the data on the contact cules hydrate between two primary particles is hereinafter
areas between the pore uid and the minerals, as required referred to as the N-layer hydration state, while the dis-
for the Kozeny-Carman relationship. tance between two primary particles in the N-layer hydra-
As stated previously, bentonite used for engineered bar- tion state is hereinafter referred to as the N-layer hydration
riers is in the form of compacted swelling cohesive soil. It is distance.
highly likely that its microstructure depends on the type of The specic surface area required for the Kozeny-
liquid permeating its voids and on its dry density. Hence, Carman relationship is the surface area per unit volume.
the use of the Kozeny-Carman relationship to evaluate The two sides of Eq. (3) can be multiplied by the dry den-
the impermeability of such barriers requires a method for sity, qd (Mg/m3), to yield the following value:
determining the specic surface area of the bentonite per-
meated with water under constrained volume conditions. S v 3:6  103  w  qd
Accordingly, focus in this study was placed on a rational 3:6  109 w qd m2 =m3 -soil 4
method for determining the specic surface area.
Eq. (4) enables the calculation of the surface area per unit
volume, Sv, of the montmorillonite compacted to a certain
dry density based on two-layer hydration water content w .
Table 2 Next, the two-layer hydration water content was exam-
Specic surface area of montmorillonite samples based on BET and ined. As a rst step, the primary particles of the montmo-
EGME methods (Kozaki, 2003).
rillonite were placed in a two-layer hydration state in a
Particle size distribution BET method EGME method constrained volume cell, as shown in Fig. 8. If there are
(mesh) (m2/g) (m2/g)
considerably fewer primary particles in such a state, com-
100200 45 7.0  102 pared with cell volume V, the dry density of the entire cell
<330 62 7.0  102
is very low. However, as the particles are in a two-layer

Please cite this article in press as: Kobayashi, I. et al., Evaluation of specic surface area of bentonite-engineered barriers for Kozeny-Carman law, Soils
Found. (2017),
I. Kobayashi et al. / Soils and Foundations xxx (2017) xxxxxx 7

Volume: V
Two-hydration state particle:
Total mass of particles : M s
Total mass of Water : M w Two-hydration state water content : w* Mass of
Mass of
Dry density : d e 1 s
V Water content in saturation state : wsat 1
Mw Gs Gs d
Water content : w Specific gravity : Gs Void ratio : e
Soil particle density : s
(A) Unsaturation state (B) Unsaturation state

Volume constant cell Add the two-

hydration state

Ms : increase , w w*
d ,w w* d
(C) Saturation state (D) Saturation state

d : increase , w wsat w* d : increase , w wsat w*

When number of particles with two-hydration state will increase, bulk dry density will
increase but water content will be constant until saturation.
In order to increase number of particles after saturation, water content has to decrease. In
this case, the two-hydration state can not maintain.

Fig. 8. Two-layer hydration water content.

hydration state, the water in the cell is the two-layer hydra- To apply the above arguments to bentonite, it was
tion water content (Fig. 8(A)). Adding the primary parti- assumed in this study that water adsorbed onto the sur-
cles in a two-layer hydration state to the cell also merely faces of the non-swelling minerals in the material could
increases the dry density, with the water remaining as the be ignored because the surface area of such minerals is
two-layer hydration content until saturation is reached much smaller than that of montmorillonite (Table 1).
(Fig. 8(B) and (C)]. If the cell is saturated, in terms of Based on this assumption, the two-layer hydration water
the water content, it is not possible to add the primary par- content of bentonite with the desired montmorillonite con-
ticles in a two-layer hydration state to the cell. To intro- tent can be ascertained by determining the two-layer hydra-
duce more primary particles (or to raise the dry density), tion water content of the montmorillonite alone.
the cell must be drained (Fig. 8(D)). Thus, if the water con-
tent in the cell is below saturation, the two-layer hydration 4.1.2. Determination of two-layer hydration water content
water content remains constant irrespective of the dry den- This study involved the use of X-ray diraction (XRD)
sity. After saturation, however, this content depends on the to clarify the state of two-layer hydration. XRD is usually
dry density. At high dry density, under which a two-layer applied to determine the interatomic distances in crystals
hydration state cannot occur, it should be noted that the and other materials with regularly aligned atoms. Particu-
two-layer hydration water content is estimated to be lower lar focus was placed on the spacing of the montmorillonite
than the actual level. At such high dry density, the hydrau- primary particles, which is uniform after permeation and
lic conductivity calculated from the Kozeny-Carman rela- swelling. The spacing of the multiple particles of this type
tionship will monotonically decrease with the increasing was determined in line with the peak positions in the
dry density due to the substantially reduced void ratio, XRD patterns (Fig. 9) to enable the calculation of the
which is a macroscopic parameter. number of water molecules between the primary particles

Please cite this article in press as: Kobayashi, I. et al., Evaluation of specic surface area of bentonite-engineered barriers for Kozeny-Carman law, Soils
Found. (2017),
8 I. Kobayashi et al. / Soils and Foundations xxx (2017) xxxxxx

Fig. 9. XRD cell for evaluation of two-layer hydration state of montmorillonite based on measurement of interlayer distance.

based on the distances determined. The XRD method was was produced by blending the Na-montmorillonite and
used to identify the two-layer hydration state in this study nely crushed silica sand to achieve the same level of mont-
based on the in situ approach of Kawamura et al. (1999), morillonite content as natural Na-bentonite.
which enables observation of the changes between the pri-
mary particles of montmorillonite during the processes of (1) The two-layer hydration water content w of the
water penetration and saturation. In this technique, the materials was determined as follows:
montmorillonite is compacted to a prescribed dry density (2) Each bentonite sample was cooled with ice to approx-
and placed in an XRD cell that allows water penetration imately 20 C.
at a constrained volume, which was ideal for the purposes (3) The ice was then crushed to create a ne powder.
of this study. The XRD equipment used here was the ordi- (4) The powdered ice and cooled bentonite were mixed to
nary h-h type (Rint Ultima III, Rigaku Co., Ltd.; MoKa, achieve the prescribed water content.
k = 0.7093 A) with a goniometer radius of 285 mm. The (5) The resulting mixture was placed in an XRD cell
XRD cell shown in Fig. 9 was set at the center of the (Fig. 9) for compaction to the prescribed dry density
goniometer. The tube current was 30 mA, the voltage was (Fig. 8), and the cell was rmly lidded. Steps 14 were
50 kV and the scanning range was 1.05.0 2h. The surface carried out in a 20 C environment to prevent the
of the specimen was irradiated with X-rays at steps of 0.05 powdered ice from melting.
and a scan rate of 0.1 per minute. (6) The water content preparation was considered com-
This study involved the determination of the two-layer plete when the mixture of the powdered ice and the
hydration water content of Na-montmorillonite, Ca- cooled bentonite sealed in the XRD cell was thawed
montmorillonite, Na-bentonite, Ca-bentonite and engi- at room temperature. The above steps were followed
neered Na-bentonite. The Na-bentonite was a natural to create bentonite samples with dierent water con-
variety produced in Yamagata Prefecture. The tents in increments of 1%. As shown in Fig. 9, the
Na-montmorillonite was exclusively extracted from the XRD cell consisted of a 1.5-mm-thick polycarbonate
Na-bentonite (Kudo and Kawanishi, 2005), and the Ca- pipe and a stainless steel sheath (with windows to
montmorillonite and Ca-bentonite were produced by allow for X-ray passage) to constrain the volume.
rening the Na-montmorillonite and the Na-bentonite via During the XRD process, X-rays entered a window
a forced cation exchange reaction using a CaCl2 aqueous and passed through the polycarbonate pipe to the
solution (Sasakura et al., 2004). The engineered bentonite water content-controlled sample. After diraction,

Please cite this article in press as: Kobayashi, I. et al., Evaluation of specic surface area of bentonite-engineered barriers for Kozeny-Carman law, Soils
Found. (2017),
I. Kobayashi et al. / Soils and Foundations xxx (2017) xxxxxx 9

X-rays passing through the other window were eval-

uated. Molybdenum (MoKa) was used as the radia-
tion source for the XRD lamp.
(7) XRD was conducted on each sample to establish the
distance between the primary particles for each level
of water content, and the diraction patterns were
observed to identify the peaks. The state of hydration
was determined by identifying the highest diraction
intensity among the one- to four-layer hydration
states. By way of example, for the XRD performed Na-montmorillonite
on the lower-water-content samples followed by the
higher-water-content samples, the diraction patterns
and identied peaks revealed that the hydration state
of the highest diraction intensity shifted from a one-
layer hydration state to a four-layer hydration state.
For this reason, the water content immediately pre-
ceding that at which the three-layer hydration state
exhibited the highest intensity was dened as the
two-layer hydration water content, w .

4.2. XRD test results for bentonite with various levels of

water content

Fig. 10 shows the XRD patterns from all the test cases.
The red vertical lines represent the diraction angles corre-
sponding, respectively, to the zero interlayer distances and
the one- to four-water-molecule interlayer distances.
Accordingly, the position of the central red line represents
the two-layer hydration state [E2]. The values in the paren- Na-bentonite
theses in the legend of Fig. 10 represent the water content
of the montmorillonite portion of bentonite, dened by
the mass of the pore water relative to the dry mass of the
The graphs reveal that, in all the test cases, diraction
peaks shifted towards the left with the increasing sample
water content. This implies that at higher water contents,
increasing numbers of interlayer water molecules con-
tributed to increased interlayer distances. Consequently, Man-made Na-bentonite
the water content at which the diraction peak was posi-
tioned at 2.68 (as determined via XRD using the water
content as a parameter) was equal to the two-layer hydra-
tion water content. However, the baseline needs to be
removed because the diraction patterns shown in Fig. 10
were aected by the polycarbonate pipe. The numbers of
water molecules between the primary particles also show
some variation. Accordingly, the two-layer hydration state
was identied via a peak separation process.
Fig. 11 shows examples of the baseline removal and the
peak separation for the Na-montmorillonite and the Ca- Ca-bentonite
bentonite. At a water content of 19%, as shown in the
Fig. 10. XRD patterns for all materials tested.
upper-left gure, the two-layer hydration state exhibited
high diraction intensity at 2.68. However, as the water
content reached 20%, as shown in the upper-right gure, XRD was conducted following these steps with water
the diraction intensity of the two-layer hydration state content increments of 1%. The two-layer hydration water
diminished sharply and that of the three-layer hydration content was dened as the content observed immediately
state (at 2.26) increased toward similar levels. before the sharp decrease in diraction intensity for the

Please cite this article in press as: Kobayashi, I. et al., Evaluation of specic surface area of bentonite-engineered barriers for Kozeny-Carman law, Soils
Found. (2017),
10 I. Kobayashi et al. / Soils and Foundations xxx (2017) xxxxxx

Na montmorillonite
=1.6Mg/m , w=20%
XRD pattern
Peak separation results
Peak separation results
Peak separation results
Resynthesised XRD pattern

Ca bentonite
Ca bentonite
=1.6Mg/m3, w=10%
=1.6Mg/m3, w=9% XRD pattern
XRD pattern Peak separation results
Peak separation results Peak separation results
Peak separation results Peak separation results
Peak separation results Resynthesised XRD pattern
Resynthesised XRD pattern

Fig. 11. Peak separation for XRD patterns.

two-layer hydration state. Based on this denition, the two- the water-retention capacity of the accessory minerals
layer hydration water content for the Na-montmorillonite being minimal.
was 19%. Similarly, for the Ca-bentonite (shown in the lower
gures), the two-layer hydration water content was 9%. 4.3. Relationship between dry density and two-layer
The test results also revealed that the water content of hydration water content
the montmorillonite portion of bentonite in a two-layer
hydration state was roughly constant for the same types Table 3 summarizes the test results. The natural Na-
of montmorillonite. bentonite and engineered bentonite exhibited similar levels
Montmorillonite water content wmnt is expressed as of two-layer hydration water content. Consequently, it can
be considered that the accessory minerals had very little
Mw Mw w
wmnt 5 eect on the content in these tests. This, in turn, implies
M smnt vmnt M s vmnt a minimal eect from the accessory minerals on the
hydraulic performance of the engineered bentonite barriers
where M w is the mass of the pore water, M smnt is the mont-
when these minerals are not electrolytes. These results were
morillonite dry mass, M s is the total mass of soil particles,
used to determine the relationship between the dry density
w M w =M s is the bentonite water content and vmnt is the
and the two-layer hydration water content.
montmorillonite content (0.59 in this study). As Eq. (5)
Fig. 8 suggests that the two-layer hydration water con-
holds true for the two-layer hydration water content, the
tent, below saturated water content wsat , was independent
two-layer hydration water content w of bentonite is
of the dry density. Hence, the following equation must hold
expressed as wmnt vmnt w based on the montmorillonite
More specically, the two-layer hydration water content E3 w const: when w < wsat 6
of the bentonite samples, with the same type of montmoril-
lonite at dierent contents, can be determined by nding Meanwhile, at high dry densities, with low pore volume
the two-layer hydration water content of the montmoril- and insucient space for a two-layer hydration state, the
lonite itself and multiplying it by a factor representing saturated water content fell below the two-layer hydration
the montmorillonite content. water content. In this case, the two-layer hydration water
These outcomes indicate that most of the water added to content was regarded as being equal to the saturated water
the bentonite was adsorbed by the montmorillonite, with content.

Please cite this article in press as: Kobayashi, I. et al., Evaluation of specic surface area of bentonite-engineered barriers for Kozeny-Carman law, Soils
Found. (2017),
I. Kobayashi et al. / Soils and Foundations xxx (2017) xxxxxx 11

Table 3
Relationship between two-layer hydration water content and eective bentonite dry density for dierent materials.
Material w Relationship between eective bentonite dry density and two-layer hydration water content

w 0:01vmnt =0:052 3:8  106 vmnt qd mnt

Na-montmorillonite 0.19
w 0:01vmnt =0:066 2:6  107 vmnt qd
Ca-montmorillonite 0.15
w 0:01=0:091 2:2  10 qd  0:01vmnt =0:052 3:8  106 vmnt qd mnt
8 17:57 12:1v
Na-bentonite 0.11
w 0:01=0:091 2:2  108 q17:57 6 12:1vmnt
Man-made Na-bentonite 0.11 d  0:01v mnt =0:052 3:8  10 v q
mnt d
11 24:5 7
Ca-bentonite 0.09 0:01=0:11 3:9  10 qd  0:01vmnt =0:066 2:6  10 vmnt qd

Previous research (Sato, 2008) has indicated that this express the eects of the interlayer cations on the hydraulic
condition occurs when the dry density of bentonite is performance (Sasakura et al., 2004). The percentage R of
1.7 Mg/m3 or more. In such a high dry density range, direct Ca ion equivalence Ca2  to the sum of Na ion equivalence
contact among the soil particles is highly likely. Conse- Na  (meq/100 g) and Ca2  is determined as
quently, once a certain dry density is reached, the specic
surface area appears to decrease with the increasing dry Ca2 
R 9
density. Hence, it was assumed that the following condition Ca2  Na 
must be fullled:
  Given this, Ca-bentonite development rate CR is
 def e 1 qs expressed by
E4 w wsat  1 when w > wsat 7
Gs Gs qd R  R0
CR 10
In this study, the relationship between dry density qd R100  R0
and two-layer hydration water content w , fullling the where subscript 0 is used to indicate R under natural con-
above condition, was dened as ditions and 100 indicates R after the complete displacement
0:01vmnt of the interlayer Na ions by the Ca ions. Based on this def-
w b vmnt
8 inition, CR is 0 for natural bentonite 1 when all the Na ions
cmnt amnt vmnt qdmnt
have been displaced by the Ca ions. In the test cases of this
where amnt , bmnt and cmnt are tting parameters, as shown in study, CR was either 0 or 1. Accordingly, linear approxima-
Table 3, in which the bentonite-heading elds show rela- tion is needed to set amnt , bmnt and cmnt as a function of CR.
tionships between the dry density and the two-layer hydra- A similar analysis using CR as a parameter allows for the
tion water content, as determined by multiplying the test development of a detailed model to determine the eects
results for the montmorillonite itself by the montmoril- of CR on amnt , bmnt and cmnt .
lonite content. Table 3 also highlights the relationship
between the dry density and the two-layer hydration water 4.4. Kozeny-Carman law with specific surface area
content, as determined from the test results. calculated from two-layer hydration water content
The relationship between the dry density and the two-
layer hydration water content depends on the types of Fig. 12 shows the relationships linking dry density qd
interlayer cation, as shown in Table 3. An indicator known and two-layer hydration water content w (left), dry density
as the Ca-bentonite development rate (CR) can be used to and the surface area per unit mass sv (center), and dry

Fig. 12. Relationship between eective bentonite dry density and two-layer hydration water content/specic surface area (Na-montmorillonite).

Please cite this article in press as: Kobayashi, I. et al., Evaluation of specic surface area of bentonite-engineered barriers for Kozeny-Carman law, Soils
Found. (2017),
12 I. Kobayashi et al. / Soils and Foundations xxx (2017) xxxxxx

density and surface area per unit volume S v (right) for on the right. This dry density can be calculated as a specic
Na-montmorillonite. The graphs reveal a constant surface value (1.813 Mg/m3) at which the Na-montmorillonite
area per unit mass up to saturation water content and a two-layer hydration water content of 19% at a soil particle
subsequent decrease with a reduced saturation water density of 2.766 Mg/m3 is equal to the saturated water
content to fulll the condition of Eq. (7). Meanwhile, the content.
surface area per unit mass (center) exhibits values slightly Fig. 13 shows the relationships linking the dry density
lower than those for montmorillonite in Table 1, which and the hydraulic conductivity for all materials based on
shows the specic surface area of montmorillonite in a dif- the steps shown in Fig. 14, along with the relationships
fused system, while the graph in the center shows corre- linking dry density and hydraulic conductivity proposed
sponding values obtained in a compressed system. in previous studies (Pusch, 1994; Ichikawa et al., 2002)
The specic surface area per unit volume required for and in the experimental results for Na-bentonite from pre-
the Kozeny-Carman relationship reaches its maximum at vious studies (JAEA Database; Sasakura et al., 2004).
a dry density of around 1.8 Mg/m3, as shown in the graph Compared with existing studies, the results from the study
reported here for the Na-bentonite conform relatively well
to the Kozeny-Carman relationship, as shown in Fig. 13.
However, it should be noted that the results based on this
relationship were slightly higher than the experimental
Fig. 13 also shows the results for Na-montmorillonite,
Ca-montmorillonite and Ca-bentonite, indicating that dif-
ferent hydraulic conductivities resulting from dierences
in the interlayer cations and the montmorillonite content
(even at the same dry density) were successfully

4.5. Separation of internal and external voids using XRD

The relationship between dry density and hydraulic

conductivity, as calculated in accordance with the
Fig. 13. Comparison of relationships between dry density and hydraulic Kozeny-Carman relationship using the specic surface area
conductivity from various studies.
determined from two-layer hydration water contents,

sv 36w* (m2 / g )
Sv 36w* d (m2 / m3 )
w* 1/ 0.052 3.8E 6 d

Kozeny-Carman law
1 g 1 e3
k k ( , , e, Sv )
5 Sv 2 1 e
Sv: Specific Surface Area (m2/m3)

Fig. 14. Hydraulic conductivity calculation.

Please cite this article in press as: Kobayashi, I. et al., Evaluation of specic surface area of bentonite-engineered barriers for Kozeny-Carman law, Soils
Found. (2017),
I. Kobayashi et al. / Soils and Foundations xxx (2017) xxxxxx 13

corresponds more closely to the experimental results than eext wsat w* Gs

those presented in previous studies, as shown in Fig. 13. s
However, the relationship values are slightly higher than e 1
the experimental values. In the next step of the study, inter-
nal and external voids were analyzed to determine their e
respective hydraulic conductivities. eext

With Na-montmorillonite, permeating water is eint
adsorbed into the interlayer spaces and the primary parti-
cles eventually diuse into the water. The hydration prop-
erty of Ca-montmorillonite is lower than that of Na- s
montmorillonite. Water permeating Ca-montmorillonite d
w*Gs 1
results in a three- to four-layer hydration state at best, eint w Gs
and the permeation of more water eventually leads to mate-
rial disintegration (e.g., Fukushima 1984; Morodome,
2008). Consequently, the proportions of internal to exter-
nal voids depend on the type of interlayer cation and rep-
resent the parameters for the determination of
microstructures. As such, it is important to individually Fig. 15. Separation of external and internal voids in Na-montmorillonite.
examine these proportions in a hydrologic performance state. Accordingly, a denition of internal voids that more
evaluation. To separate the internal and external voids, accurately represents the experimental results should be
the internal voids were dened in this study as those exist- established in practice. The above denition was established
ing up to a two-layer hydration state, while all other voids in this study because it was considered important to present a
were considered external voids. procedure for separating the internal voids from the external
Based on this denition, internal void ratio eint is voids. Incidentally, in order to use a dierent hydration state
expressed by the following equation with two-layer hydra- for the denition of internal voids, two-layer hydration
tion water content w : water content w can be changed to the water content of a
M w qw V int eint hydration state conforming to the new denition.
Ms qs V s Gs
4.6. Hydrologic model incorporating consideration of
eint Gs w 11 internal and external voids
Here, Gs is the specic gravity of the soil particles, qw and
qd are the water density and the dry density, and V int and The internal and external void ratios can be quantita-
V s are the volumes of internal voids and soil particles, tively separated by dening the internal voids as being in
respectively. a state up to two-layer hydration, as discussed above.
External void ratio eext is expressed by the following Using the separated ratios, the hydraulic conductivity
equation with total void ratio e and internal void ratio eint : was calculated in accordance with the Kozeny-Carman
relationship. Firstly, the hydraulic conductivities of inter-
wsat Gs
eext e  eint  w Gs wsat  w Gs 12 nal voids k int and external voids k ext were dened as
1 qg 1 e3int
Fig. 15 shows the relationships of dry density to the k int 14
total, internal and external void ratios. The external void C l S vint 1 eint

ratio is below the internal void ratio when the dry density 1 qg 1 e3ext
is around 1.3 Mg/m3 or above, and reaches zero at a dry k ext 15
C l S vext 1 eext
density of 1.813 Mg/m3. This is roughly consistent with
the outcome of a previous research (Sato, 2008). Dry den- where S vint and S vext are the surface area of the internal and
sity qd , at which the external voids disappear, is external voids per unit volume, respectively. However, as it
q is not possible to separate S vint from S vext logically, propor-
qd  s 13 tions of internal and external void ratios to the total void
w Gs 1
ratio were used to make the following assumption:
When dry density qd is exceeded, the total void ratio is e 23 e 23
int ext
equal to the internal void ratio. S vint S v ; S vext S v 16
Internal voids were dened as those in a state of up to two- e e
layer hydration because the water between the primary par- Next, it was assumed that water permeates the internal
ticles is considered free rather than adsorbed in a hydration and external voids in parallel in montmorillonite in an
state with three or more layers. However, it is highly likely engineered bentonite barrier, with the same hydraulic gra-
that the water between the primary particles is in fact inu- dient acting on both types of voids. Then, the total hydrau-
enced by the adsorbed water even in a three-layer hydration lic conductivity was expressed as follows (parallel model):

Please cite this article in press as: Kobayashi, I. et al., Evaluation of specic surface area of bentonite-engineered barriers for Kozeny-Carman law, Soils
Found. (2017),
14 I. Kobayashi et al. / Soils and Foundations xxx (2017) xxxxxx

Fig. 16. Evaluation of hydraulic conductivity considering internal and external voids.

k k int k ext 17 Eq. (1), which expresses the ordinary Kozeny-Carman

relationship. The hydraulic conductivity of the external
In contrast, when it was assumed that water permeates voids falls below that of the internal voids at a certain level
the internal and external voids in a series (at the same ow of dry density. At this level, the external voids are no longer
rate for both voids), the following equation expressed the present (or are indistinguishable from the internal voids).
total hydraulic conductivity (series model): Consequently, the internal voids are the predominant
1 1 1 determinant of the total hydraulic conductivity. This sug-
18 gests that the engineered bentonite barriers have discrete
k k int k ext
(rather than interconnected) external voids at a certain
With the parallel model, the greater of the two hydraulic level of dry density. These results indicate that the internal
conductivities is a determinant of the total hydraulic con- voids may be the dominant determinant of the total
ductivity; with the series model, the lower hydraulic con- hydraulic conductivity and that the external voids are not
ductivity is a determinant. interconnected within the range in dry density required of
Fig. 16 shows the relationships between dry density and engineered bentonite barriers.
hydraulic conductivity for Na-bentonite as calculated in
accordance with the Kozeny-Carman relationship and rep-
resented by Eqs. (1), (14), (15), (17) and (18). It also shows 5. Conclusion
the experimental results for the previous studies displayed
in Fig. 13. In this study, the Kozeny-Carman relationship was used
The hydraulic conductivity of the internal voids, repre- to evaluate the hydraulic performance of engineered ben-
sented by Eq. (14), and the hydraulic conductivity of the tonite barriers, and a method was developed for measuring
series model, represented by Eq. (18), are more consistent the specic surface area required for this relationship under
with the experimental results than those derived from constrained volume conditions with water permeation. A

Please cite this article in press as: Kobayashi, I. et al., Evaluation of specic surface area of bentonite-engineered barriers for Kozeny-Carman law, Soils
Found. (2017),
I. Kobayashi et al. / Soils and Foundations xxx (2017) xxxxxx 15

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