Ruined Britannia

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By John Austin
Additional material John Bailey, Jim Bailey and Andy Cooper
Thanks to Phil Castle and Max Piper for all the painting

Copyright West Wind Productions 2015 all rights reserved

Welcome to Ruined Britannia a supplement for Secrets of the Third

Reich focussing on Britains secret struggle against spiritual corruption
in the face of the Gotterdamerung.

In this supplement you will find Orders of Battle and Scenarios tailored
to allow players to recreate this epic struggle, or equally, to use with the
Orders of Battle from the Core rule book or the Doomsday supplement,
taking the forces within further out into the World at war.

London 1949

Private Barnes clambered through the wreckage - rubble strewn

underfoot, concealing the decaying remains of those caught in the fall
of London. The orange of the dawn sky lit the ruined landmarks... Big
Ben, St. Pauls, the White Tower... so peaceful in the morning light.
There had been a ground shift in the night. The impact of the bombing
had cracked and splintered the foundations of what was once a great
and thriving Capitol, and now, periodically, the earth would shift and
buckle, and buildings would disappear underground without a trace.
Sometimes the pavement would be forced up jagged splinters jutting
up out of the ground opening passageways to the sewers and the
underground passages through which the living corpses of those who
had taken shelter in desperation now began to crawl their way out and
into the light.
Barnes was never fit enough to be sent to the front. Tuberculosis as a
child had taken its toll on his lungs, but that hadnt stopped the Home
guard recruiters from knocking on his door. If the uniform fits, and you
can stand, then you can serve.
With a cursory glance, Embankment station itself seemed mostly intact.
It was only upon closer inspection that Barnes saw that the stairs
leading down into the warren like depths of the grand old station had
collapsed down and in on themselves.
From the darkness came a scampering, snuffling sound. Barnes hoped
that it was rats.
Barnes called out to the rest of his patrol;
Movement here!
He checked the fixture on his bayonet - ran a finger around his gas
mask seal just to be sure... and brought his carbine to his shoulder.
Ready for whatever corpses would be working their way out of the ruin
of the station.
He was a little surprised to find his first corpse not shuffling and
groaning its way through the dark but rather laid flat out on its back
with two close entry points at the back of its skull.
Barnes hadnt heard any shots fired yet this morning, and it was
unlikely that yesterdays patrol hadnt disposed of the body. Besides,

this looked recent, and unless the kill happened very close up, then
whoever fired these shots was a better marksman than any he had met at
Barnes put the thought to the back of his head. Just another dead body.
No need to make it something more important than it was. Pay it no
Barnes returned his attention to the ruined station, eyes alert for
A scraping of metal. The noise coming from deeper within
Embankment station itself. The dead needed to be cleared if there was
ever any hope of reclaiming London not one could be left to spread the
plague beyond the city. He would have to go down. Slowly, cautiously,
Barnes made his way towards the rubble strewn stairwell leading down
to the disused platform. He listened again. The noise of metal on metal
had not stopped, if anything it had taken on a more rhythmic pattern
as though one of the vile bloated corpses were trying to hammer its way
out of some steel door or cage.
He called out to his squad again. No reply. Perhaps they were too far
away to hear him. He pressed on.
Further and further down Barnes crept, into the impenetrable
darkness. He slowed. There in front of him was the outline of something
large reflecting chinks of light back at him - a metal canister possibly
some sort of unexploded shell? Everything was unclear in the murky
black of the Underground.
As he moved closer to investigate, the hair on the back of his neck
prickled a zombie hunters instinct - there was something moving in
the shadows. Something man shaped moving with deadly intent...
But this was no shuffling corpse. This was a living man. And he wasnt
The darkness was illuminated by a spray of sub-machine gun fire
a squad of black-clad militia lit up by the rounds before darkness
reclaimed the chamber. Barnes dove to the ground, his hands sinking
deep into a mass of blood and decaying flesh. The floor was littered with
the bodies of the dead, each connected with some vile piece of tubing
that connected to the metal canister. It dripped with blood and ichor.
Barnes lurched to his feet, turned and ran bullets tearing at the walls

beside him. What the hell was going on? Was this the invasion? Were
the Germans here?

Daylight! Barnes pulled himself clear his hands cut to pieces on the
jagged concrete. He was bleeding... but he was alive! He had somehow
lost his carbine in the panicked retreat, his Battle dress uniform torn
and dishevelled. He called out in panic to his squad. There were no
voices in reply. Were they dead? Had his friends fallen foul of whatever
was working its machinations below the surface? He took a moment
to take stock of his situation there was something... ungodly at work.
His skin crawled at the thought of the things he had seen beneath the
surface He had to tell someone he had to let his superiors know
know that there was something dark moving under the ruins of London.
Something had to be done... before it was too late.
Thats when Barnes saw him the bespectacled man striding through
the rubble. The stranger brought one finger to his lips, drew an angular,
fist handled blade, and smiled...


Quia multi sumus

The Decima, and the agency which would evolve to become MI-13 have
existed and been in conflict (knowingly or not) for centuries the stakes
however have never been so high...

The Decima

The origins of the Temple are unknown, lost to the passage of time, or
perhaps eradicated by Decima operatives themselves in an attempt to
maintain their covert nature Many believe that the Temple has been
active in Britain and its colonies for centuries with rumoured links to
the Freemasons, The Bullingdon club, Crowley and his Golden Dawn as
well as various insidious agencies within the government. MI-13 agents
who have survived an encounter with one of the Temples nefarious
schemes have whispered of a non-descript business man in thick lensed
spectacles, a gore splattered trench coat and a gentlemans bowler hat.

Many speak of this man in hushed tones, and when questioned the
MI-13 operatives who have had the misfortune to cross paths with this
man have paled visibly as though remembering some lost darkness in
their own souls. This shadow man, designated Mr. Smythe by MI-
13 for lack of a better name, is believed to be one of the Decima; The
commanding body of the Templars who have given themselves over
to a transformative process of tortuous and brutal physical training,
combined with scientific and eldritch tampering and testing from which
only one in every ten survive.

There is a solid belief within the corridors of MI-13, that this Smythe
may not be a single individual manand that there are in fact many
Mr. Smythes out there. To support this theory, no less than five
heavily redacted reports in the MI-13 dossiers have placed Smythe
in the company of groups of heavily-armed men in night-black body
armour - the Brothers of the Temple scattered in different locations
throughout the world with multiple reports of sightings on different
continents, thickly immersed in combat zones with barely a day between
them. There are at least two witnessed reports of Smythe being utterly
destroyed, including eye-witness testimony from Dr. Lazarus himself
swearing to his demise.

Several reports claim that Smythe is accompanied by at one or several

terrifying monsters nightmare creatures reminiscent of Shelleys
Frankenstein - a Golem constructed of harvested human flesh. The
influence of Nihl tech is heavily suspected. The report of such a Flesh
Golem would also fit with various speculations that the Temple is in
possession of the Keys of Solomon, ancient grimoires of deepest magics
and the blackest necromancy, purportedly penned by Solomon himself.
These dusty tombs were reported stolen from his namesake Temple
centuries ago with the self proclaimed Great Beast Aleister Crowley
having claimed to have studied them, whilst the Masons were long
accused of keeping them hidden.

Whatever the truth, and however unsavoury Mr. Smythe and the
Templars are, it appears that they still operate with the interests of

King and Crown in mind. There is no evidence of them allying with
the Axis They actively defend British interests and assets... However,
they simply appear to have abandoned all scruples and morality in
serving their country. The Decima are doing whatever they feel must
be done for Englands preservation... no matter the cost to their own
morality. It is speculated that the Decima engineered the relationship
between Wallace Simpson and Edward to remove the Nazi sympathising
Monarch from the throne, in addition to the calming of the sea and
rolling fog that covered the Dunkirk retreat.


The Bad-Luck Boys are Englands stalwart defence against the

supernatural horrors rampaging in the darkness. MI-13 operatives
are deployed to counter Axis and Soviet occult activity, aid and assist
in American operations against suspected Supernatural agencies, and
on a more covert level investigate and thwart wherever possible
the machinations of the Decima. There is no field manual for MI-13
each operative is sanctioned by the Crown to wield their own Modus
Operandi in taking care of threats to the state. They are answerable only
to the King and Lazarus...

MI-13 is merely the current iteration of a group that has been defending
Britain and the Crown from devilment and demonic incursions for
centuries. Incidence of a state sponsored anti-supernatural department
answering directly to a monarch can be seen (If you know what to
look for...) as early as 16th Century England, with Queen Elizabeths
own advisor Doctor John Dee being tasked with defending the court
from infernal interference, in even more recent history, before the
launching of the German V-Gas weapons and the official sanctioning
of the department, archives report incidents of individuals wielding the
authority of the Crown interceding in strange events throughout the
Zulu wars and the trenches of World War I.

The Home Guard

Without the fanfare of the forces that Britain sends to protect its interests
in Europe, Africa or the Pacific, the Home Guard still play an important
role within the Great British War Effort. Originally comprised of men
who were considered too weak or infirm to be dispatched overseas, the
Home Guard has developed and grown since the first V-Gas strikes in
London and Southern England into a seasoned force to be reckoned
with, as the British people have found the darkness knocking on their
front doors.

Lacking the equipment or resources reserved for their compatriots

across the Channel, the Home Guard find themselves in a constant state
of trying to achieve the best results with limited supplies beyond their
own resourcefulness and stubborn refusal to surrender British soil. This
tenacity, coupled with the proximity of the threats that they encounter
to the heart of the British Empire, means that they often find themselves

with similar goals as MI-13, Agents often commandeering Home Guard
squads and platoons.

The value of the Home Guard has been noted amongst the Decima, and
there are rumours within the upper echelons of British High Command
that some Home Guard units have made deals for support from the
Temple. Tales of Smythes accompanying units of Air raid Wardens
trickle in, but as yet there is no evidence to corroborate this.

On the British home front, we give you a first glimpse of the struggle
going on in the ruins of London for the soul of the United Kingdom
between the dark and Machiavellian agents of the Temple and the grim
warriors of the MI-13. While both fight for the survival of the England,
they have very different visions of her future.

The following Orders of Battle are suited to the desperate battle that
rages through both the green and pleasant lands, and the dark satanic
mills that constitute the war for Britains Soul.
Unless noted, these lists comply with the rules set out for army building
in the Secrets of the Third Reich Core Rule Book.

In this section you will find all the rules and background you need to
play a selection of British Platoons, both those of noble intent, and
others with a more sinister agenda but all defending the sceptered isle.

UK Special Rules apply to all UK units.

UK Special Rules (Reprinted here for your convenience from the
Secrets of the Third Reich core rulebook)

Olde and Blood Soaked Lande- The British Isles are a mysterious
place. Fairies and demons and unsettled spirits have wandered the
green fields and moors of Britain, Scotland, and Ireland openly for ages.
The ghosts of tyrants and madmen and the older gods still lurk in the
shadows. The people of the British Isles know from birth that all is not as
it seems in this world.

To represent this, all UK units may re-roll any failed Horror checks.
Other Commonwealth and Colonial forces using the UK Orders of
Battle do not receive this special rule.
Non-Commisioned Officers- The British army has one more rank at the
lower echelons than its counterparts. Treat Corporals in Commonwealth
forces as Sergeants and treat Lance Corporals as Corporals.

Webley Sabot- The British have developed a pistol that fires incendiary
rounds to combat zombies and the supernatural. A Webley Sabot
is treated as a normal pistol in all respects but has a Very Light AT
Penetration Class.

Common Weapons Descriptions

Long Rate
Short Max Penetration
WEAPON Type Range of Special
Range Range Class
Mod Fire

Pistol 12 24 -1 1 Light Infantry Close Combat Weapon.

Pistol 12 24 -1 1 Very Light AT Close Combat Weapon, Incendiary
Webley Sabot
12 24 -1 2 Light Infantry Close Combat Weapon.
Thompson Stub Pistol
Shotgun Close Combat Weapon. +2 To Hit
4 18 1 Light Infantry
at Short Range.
Rifle 24 -1 1 Light Infantry
Can drop to ROF 1 to apply Aimed
Commando Automatic 24 -1 2 Light Infantry
Shot To Hit modifier.
Carbine Rifle
Scoped (+1 to hit). Head Shot on
Sniper Rifle 1 Light Infantry To Hit roll of natural 6 = automatic
Goner! result
Sub Machine 12 24 3 Light Infantry +1 To Hit at Short Range.
Assault Rifle 3 Light Infantry
Assault Bren
Packed Light
Machine 5 Light Infantry
Packed Vickers Gun
Heavy Move Or Fire. +1 To Hit at Short
Machine 24 8
Infantry Range.
.30 Cal Vickers Gun
Machine 24 6 Very Light AT Move Or Fire. +1 To Hit at Short
.50 Cal Vickers Gun
Target unit makes a Cool test. If
Light Infantry failed, unit becomes Disorganized.
Flamethrower Down models are burning. Ignites
Template Template 1
or Light AT vegetation; In Maintenance phase
roll 1d6; 1-2 = burnt out, 3-6 =
remains burning
Grenade HE = Light Move Or Fire. 3 template for
Launcher/ 12 24 -1 1 Infantry HE grenade. HE grenade misses
Rifle Grenade AT = Very
Light AT scatter 1d6.
Propelled 24 -2 1 Light AT Move Or Fire.
PIAT-D Grenade
Propelled 24 -2 1 Medium AT Move or Fire.
Super Bazooka Grenade
Light Mortar Move Or Fire. 12 Minimum
1 Light Infantry
Medium Mortar Heavy Move Or Fire. 18 Minimum
Infantry Range.
1 Light AT
Boyes Rifle
Hand Grenade 3 template for 1-3 grenades and
10 Light Infantry
5 template for 4+ grenades.
Molotov Cocktails As Move Or Fire. As Hand Grenade
Flamethrower and Flamethrower.
Smoke Grenade 10 Usable once per game.

Back Blast. 3 template and Light
Infantry penetration class hits for
Explosives 1 Medium AT AT explosives. 5 template and
Light AT penetration class hits for
HE explosives.

Home Guard Platoon
During the early years of the war the Home Guard units were
comprised of those individuals either too old or infirm to be shipped to
the front lines. As the years of the war have ground on, and the terror
of the V-Gas weapons has brought the battle to British front doors, the
Home Guard has been bolstered beyond traditional division strength
and often acts as a testing ground for green and newly raised regiments.
Whilst inexperienced or past their prime, the Home Guard fight with
the fearlessness and desperation of a people defending their homes.
Home Guard Platoons are Green but may be upgraded to Veteran, but
not Elite.

The platoon may take no Ground Transport Options aside from Trucks
or Battlemaster Recon APCs.

Home Guard Platoon Organization Chart

1 Home Guard Platoon Command Section
1-2 Home Guard Squads
0-1 Air Raid Warden Squads
0-1 Home Guard Engineer Teams
0-1 Home Guard MG Teams
0-1 Home Guard Anti-Mech Rifle Teams
0-1 Home Guard Sniper Team
0-1 Civilian Band

Home Guard Platoon

Command Section 4RP
6 man team. Lieutenant, Sergeant, Radio Operator, and 3 Privates
Unit Equipment- smoke grenades, Commando Carbine
Lieutenant- Webley Sabot or Thompson Stub.

Unit Upgrades
Up to three Privates may trade their equipment for a Medic kit
and a Webley pistol to become a medic. These models gain the
Loner ability.
Lieutenant and Sergeant may have optical range finders.

Unit may attach a Battlemaster Recon APC for 3RP this does
not count toward the maximum allowance for Support Vehicles.
Up to one Medic may be upgraded to a Battle Chaplain at a cost
of +1 RP. A Battle Chaplain follows all the rules for a medic. In
addition, he gains the following:

Special Rules
Locus of Faith- the Battle Chaplain grants +1 Cool and the
Monster Hunter special rule to any unit he joins and to himself.
Hammer of the Gods- A Battle Chaplain is armed with a Close
Combat weapon. It may be a crucifix, sword, hammer, or any other
holy symbol. Against foes with the Uncanny Resilience special
rule or zombies of any kind, a Battle Chaplain gains the Combat
Monster special rule.

Home Guard Squad 6RP

10 man team. Corporal, Lance Corporal, and 8 Privates

Special rule: Fire Team
Unit Equipment- Smoke grenades, Commando Carbine
Corporal- Webley Pistol or Webley Sabot

Unit upgrades
Any 1 model may trade his weapon for a Packed .30 cal for an
additional 1 RP

Air Raid Warden Squad 6RP

10 man team. Corporal, Lance Corporal, and 8 Privates

Special rule: Fire Team
Unit Equipment- Smoke grenades, Commando Carbine
Corporal- Webley Pistol or Webley Sabot

Unit upgrades
up to two Privates may trade their equipment for a Medic kit
and a Webley pistol to become a medic. These models gain the
Loner ability.
Engineer Team 3RP
5 man team. Corporal and 4 Privates

Unit Equipment- smoke grenades, Commando Carbine
Sergeant- Webley pistol

Unit Upgrades
Up to two privates may trade their weapons for flamethrowers at
an additional 1 RP per model
One Private may trade his equipment for a Medic kit and
a Webley pistol to become a medic. This model may not be given
a flamethrower. This model gains the Loner ability.

HMG Team 3RP
3 man team Unit
-Lance Corporal with Vickers HMG, Webley Pistol
-2 Privates: loader and spotter with Commando Carbine
Unit Equipment- smoke grenades

Anti-Mech Rifle team 1RP
2 man team
-Private with Commando Carbine
-Lance Corporal with Boyes Anti-Mech Rifle, pistol
Unit Equipment - Hand Grenades, smoke grenades

Sniper Team 4RP
2 man team Veteran
Special Rules Sniper
Unit Equipment - Hand Grenades, camouflage, Sniper Rifle


The Home guard is not blessed with the vast array of resources that are
commonplace within British Forces distributed around the globe. Due
to financial or logistical constraints, the Home guard is restricted to the
following Support Options (reprinted here for your convenience from
Doomsday and the Core Rule Book).

MI-13 Commando Section 6RP

MI-13 Commando Sections may be taken as Support choices for any
British platoon.

Veteran 6 man team: Corporal and 5 Privates

Unit Equipment- Hand Grenades, Smoke Grenades, Assault

Rifle, Explosives, Camouflage, Body Armor, and Infrared Tech.
The Corporal carries a radio in addition to his basic equipment

Unit Upgrades
Any model may trade their Assault Rifle for a Corrigan Gut
Gun at no additional cost. A Corrigan Gut Gun functions as
a Shotgun except that it has a short range of 8, ROF 2, and is
Heavy Infantry Penetration Class.
One model may purchase a Piat-D for 1RP in addition to his
other weapons.
The Squad may purchase a Pinger Jammer for 1RP. It functions
as long as there is at least one model remaining in the squad.
The effects of any Zombie Pingers on the table are ignored as
long as the Pinger Jammer is functioning.


Special Rules
Deep Insertion, Ranger, Monster Hunters, Nerves of Steel
Incendiary Round- If a model in the section has purchased a
Piat-D, it may fire as normal or may fire a white-phosphorus
Incendiary Round that uses the 5 blast template and damages
its target per the Flamethrower rules.
Zombie Bait- Once per game, a squad may employ Zombie
Bait by tossing it per the grenade rules. Place a marker
where it lands. Zombies must treat bait as if it were a living
model. In the Maintenance Phase of the turn following that
in which a zombie has made base to counter contact with the
bait, it is removed (eaten).

MI-13 commando units are often in need of heavily armoured support
that can squeeze into tight places and deal with difficult ground.
Sometimes the boys just need that little extra punch... Gracie is the
affectionate name given to the light mecha that has been developed for
delivering that punch!

In addition to boosting a squads firepower with the additional HMG,
Gracie serves as the teams pack mule, hauling supplies and extra ammo
on extended missions. Perfectly balanced and reinforced, with excellent
traction, Gracie can easily stride into the largest horde of zombies
and leave nothing but a fine paste in her wake, making her standard
equipment for units operating in ruined London.
A unit of Gracies may be taken as a Support choice but may only be
fielded if an MI-13 Commando Section is fielded as well.

Elite 1-3 Mech Squadron

Unit Equipment and Upgrades:

Anti-Zombie Apparatus, Radiation Shielding, Sealed Hull

Mark VII BattleMaster Recon 3RP

The Battlemaster Recon is a well worn and reliable version of the
popular British APC, seeing a lot of action in the ruins of London due
to its perceived high level of protection against radiation and V-Gas. The
Battlemaster Recon is a lightweight APC, sacrificing armour for speed.
Its large fuel capacity gives it a good range, making it highly valued by
MI-13 in zombie infested areas. Its closed compartment makes it ideal
for transporting troops through V-gas contamination zones.

Any LMGs or HMGs carried by transported models may be pintle

mounted on either the Recon or APC. Both the Battlemaster APC
and the Recon version have the Sealed Hull and Amphibious Vehicle

Templar Platoon

Although more favourable to stealth and subversion over direct large

scale military operations, the Decima has been known to bring its teeth
to bear when circumstances demand. The Templar Platoon is a mish-
mash of advanced Nihl influenced technology and distorted perversions
of nature. There is always one consistent however... the macabre spectre
of Mr. Smythe flitting from corpse to corpse...

Templar Platoons are always Elite.

The platoon may take no Ground Transport Options aside from Shadow
Battlemaster Recon APCs.

Templar Platoon Organization Chart

1 Mr. Smythe
1-3 Templar Squads
0-2 Golems
0-1 Templar Zombie Squad
0-2 Templar Sniper Team
0-3 Battlemaster Shadow-Recon APC
0-1 Civilian Band

Mr Smythe 4 RP
Mr. Smythe is a character with a Cool of 10. He is a Loner. Smythe may
be chosen for any UK Platoon that does not contain MI-13 units. Mr.
Smythe must be taken as the HQ choice for a Templar Platoon.

Unit Equipment: Close Combat Weapon (umbrella sword),

Webley Sabot

Special Rules:
Uncanny Resilience, Combat Monster
Enhanced Strength Mr. Smythe resolves all Close Combat
attacks at Very Light AT.

Templar Flesh Golem 5 RP
These inhuman monstrosities are constructs brought to life from
various selected and enhanced human body parts, using a combination
of Nihl tech and the Keys of Solomon, ancient writings handed down
from the original King Solomon himself.

Up to two Templar Flesh Golems may be taken in a Templar Platoon.

These do not count against available Support options. Additional
Templar Flesh Golems may be taken as support options.

Unit Equipment - Body Armour, Close Combat Weapon

Special Rules
Loner, Hard to Kill, Super Strength, Utterly Fearless
Mindless Brute- Templar Flesh Golems will follow the orders
of any person bearing the mystical amulets and other items
prescribed by the Keys, but left to their own devices will wreak
havoc. As long as the Templar Flesh Golem remains within the
command radius of a Templar character or officer, it will move as
normal. If activated while outside the command radius of such
models, the Templar Golem will move on the double toward the
nearest enemy unit or vehicle and mindlessly seek to tear it to bits.

Templar Assault Squad 5 RP

Even the Decima need muscle to accomplish their unknown and
Machiavellian aims. Those who are not quite fit to attempt the rigors of
the Decima are heavily trained in special operations skills and hand-to-
hand combat. Given the nature of the Temples operations, the Templar
Assault Squads are masters of the night, springing from the shadows to
unleash death in the name of the Crown upon foes and those friends
who are in the way.

A Templar Assault Squad is a 0-1 Support Option for British Platoons

that do not include MI-13 units or British Steel Armoured units. If a
Platoon includes Mr. Smythe, up to 3 Templar Assault Squads may be
chosen and in this case, do not count against available Support options.


Elite 6 man team: 1 Knight (Corporal), and 5 Templar Agents (Privates)

Unit Equipment - Body Armour, Hand Grenades, Smoke

Grenades, Assault Bren, Close Combat Weapon, Infrared Tech,

Unit Upgrades-
One model may be given either an Anti-Mech rifle for 1RP or
Packed Vickers for 1RP

Special Rules:
Nerves of Steel
Living Shadows- A form of night time camouflage. In Night
Fight missions Templars can move up to their on the double
distance while sneaking. In addition, in Night Fight missions
they may not be fired upon or assaulted unless the attacking
unit is less than 10 away. They may only be spotted while
Hidden in a Night Fight mission by means of a Cool roll under
the conditions for spotting snipers per the rulebook, with a
modifier of -2 to the spotting units effective Cool.

Choke Grenades- Throw once per game as per normal Hand

Grenade rules. Target unit loses its next activation if any
member of the unit is wholly within the template.

Templar Zombie Horde 4RP

10 corpse horde
Britain will stand and the Decima will stoop to any length to ensure
that that happens. Emulating the research goals of the SWD, although
not the methodology, the Decima has combined Ancient rite with
Nihl influenced alchemy, to reanimate the long dead of London, and,
bolstering their numbers with V-Gas victims from the ruined capital,
have turned their enemies strengths against it.


Unit Equipment: none

Unit upgrades:
Add more zombies to the horde in blocks of 5 for an
additional 2RP per 5 additional zombies. Make the horde
as large as you want!

Sniper Team 6RP
Veteran 2 man team
Unit Equipment: camouflage, Sniper Rifle Body Armour, Hand
Grenades, Smoke Grenades, Close Combat Weapon, Infrared
Tech, Explosives

Special Rules
Sniper, Nerves of Steel
Living Shadows- A form of night time camouflage. In Night
Fight missions Templars can move up to their on the double
distance while sneaking. In addition, in Night Fight missions
they may not be fired upon or assaulted unless the attacking
unit is less than 10 away. They may only be spotted while
Hidden in a Night Fight mission by means of a Cool roll
under the conditions for spotting snipers per the SoTR
rulebook, with a modifier of -2 to the spotting units effective

Choke Grenades- Throw once per game as per normal Hand

Grenade rules. Target unit loses its next activation if any
member of the unit is wholly within the template.

Irregular Forces
The forces listed here under Irregular Forces may or may not be
produced by West Wind or Grindhouse in model form. You should view
this as a conversion or substitution opportunity!

Civilian Band 3RP

The people of ruined Britannia strive daily to make their way in a world
ravaged by the decisions of people who would never deign to walk on
the rubble strewn streets. They battle to eke out a day to day existence,
easily swayed by the voices of their betters. A Civilian band may be
recruited for both Home Guard and Templar forces.

10 man team: Team Leader (equivalent to sergeant) and 9 Partisans

Unit Equipment- Commando Carbine

Unit Upgrades
Team Leader may substitute his Rifle for an SMG

Civilian Special Rules

The following special rules apply to all Partisan forces.
Infiltrate- Partisans are always on their own turf, and always
know the terrain better than they and so always have the
Infiltrate special rule.
Irregulars- Partisans are guerrilla fighters who depend more on
will and stealth than on discipline. Partisans have a Unit
Coherency distance of 6 rather than the usual 4.

This unit is rated as Conscript, regardless of the platoon Cool, but may
be upgraded to Green for 1RP

The Temple is far more efficiently equipped and prepared than the
Homeguard and as such has access to all British Support options from
the Core Rule Book and the Doomsday supplement barring of course,
any options presented by their opposite numbers in MI-13.
In addition, the following Support choice may be taken;

Templar Mark VII.a BattleMaster Shadow-Recon 4RP

Modified through a mixture of Nihl technology and arcane protective
sigils, the Shadow-Recon is the result of the Decimas experimentation
with Hobarts ubiquitous APC, disgorging Golems and Templars into the
heart of any strongpoint or fortification. The Shadow-Recon may only be
taken in Platoons that contain at least one Templar Assault Squad.

Special Rules
Any LMGs or HMGs carried by transported models may be
pintle mounted on either the Recon or APC. The Shadow Recon
APC Sealed Hull and Amphibious Vehicle upgrades.


The following Scenarios may be played alone, or as a linked mini-

campaign detailing one of the skirmishes in the ruins of London.

Scenario 1 :: Scouring the Ruins

Squad Level Mission

Thats when I saw him... the spectacled man striding towards us

through the rubble... he drew his blade and smiled...

Your Orders

The Decima is at work in the ruins of the London Underground,

making its way to the under-ruins of the British Museum. It
is imperative that they remain undetected by MI-13, and as such
any interference or risk of exposure must be eliminated!

The Home Guard have stumbled upon the Decimas subversive

operations in the conduct of their patrols and find themselves
targeted by the full force of the Temple. At least one man must
survive long enough to get a message through to MI-13!
The Home Guard finds the Decima at their scheming best
meaning that the Home guard are caught flat-footed, with the Temple
Assault Squad primed and ready for action! The Templar Platoon
automatically gets the first turn.

Force Disposition
One squad of ten British Home guard Riflemen or Air Raid Wardens
pitched against a Mr Smythe and his six man Templar squad.

The Battlefield and Deployment

This game should be played on a 4 x 4 table. Each players deployment
zone extends 8 in from the opposite table edge.

Victory Conditions
Game length is 6 turns.
The winner is the player with the most Victory Points. For purposes of
calculating victory points, models which are DOWN at the end of turn 6
are treated as casualties.

Templar Attacker- The Decima must remain undiscovered! The Templar

Platoon receives 10VP for eliminating the Home guard squad.

Home guard Defender- You must hang on! It is imperative that at least
one man remains alive at the end of the game to warn MI-13. If the
Home guard have at least one model remaining standing on the board,
they receive 5 VP. The Home guard also gain 5VP each for killing Mr.
Smythe and/or the Templar Assault Squad.

Scenario 2 :: Bethshebas Fragmented Soul
30RP Platoon Level Mission

Those bastards are scrabbling for something in those ruins. If it matters to

them... then it cant be good for us... ready weapons - were going in.

Your Orders

The Decima agents at the British Museum have a purpose The

broken shards of Bethshebas Soul - shattered and scattered
fragments of an Obsidian idol, marked with ancient crypt
filled with unholy truths their mission; to claim each of the
fragments in readiness for the alignment of the Dog Star with
St. Pauls Cathedral. The hour closes and the Decima will be

The Home Guard know nothing of Bethsheba. They know

nothing of the Dog Star, or of its alignment with St. Pauls. They
know very little about the Templars and their insidious schemes.
What they do know is that the Decima cannot be trusted, and
that death following in their wake. The Temple must be stopped
no matter the cost and if that means preventing them from
claiming some shards of stone, then so be it!

Players roll off for initiative as normal, unless the mini-campaign is
being played.

Playing as part of a Campaign

If playing this scenario as the second part of the Ruined Britannia mini-
Campaign, then the results of the previous scenario will have an effect
on this battle.

Templar Victory If the Templars were victorious in the first game,

then Initiative for the first turn is awarded to the Templars.

Home Guard Victory If the Home Guard survived the first encounter,
then they will be more prepared for the race ahead of them, and are
awarded the first turn. Additionally, MI-13 Units may be purchased and
added to the Platoon.

Force Disposition
The Home Guard player may take a 30RP Platoon as per the Order of
Battle. If playing as part of the mini-campaign, the platoon may not take
any characters or MI-13 Support choices unless models survived the first

The Templar Player may take a 30RP Platoon as per the Order of Battle.

The Battlefield and Deployment

This game should be played on a 6 x 4 table. Each player deploys within
8 of opposing long table edge. At the start of the game each player
must place the objectives the Shards of Bethshebas Soul. The Temple
player is given three objectives and the Home guard player two. With
the Temple player placing first, the objectives may be placed anywhere
on the board that is at least 8 away from any table edge, and at least 12
away from any deployed model.

Victory Conditions
Game length is 6 turns. Each player garners VP equal to the RP of
units that they destroy. In addition, each objective that is claimed and
uncontested at the end of six turns nets an additional 5VP each.

Scenario 3 :: The Shadow of St. Pauls
50RP Platoon Level Mission

We draw a line here and now. We must succeed here this day. No matter
the cost.

Your Orders
Home Guard- Word has come in, and the balloon has gone up!
The Temple are activating an obscene Device in the shell of St.
Pauls Cathedral... this diabolical Device must be neutralised at
all cost!

Temple The collected Shards of Bethsheba have been assembled

within a reverse engineered Nihl Device. Its intent to send a
clarion call through the ether into a darkened realm the Temple
has a mind to draw the darkness from beyond the veil of reality
and use it as a weapon. The Device must be protected at all costs...
at least until the summons has been sent!

Force Disposition
Opponents should agree upon a set number of Requisition Points to play
out this mission. We recommend 50 RP, but it can be played at any RP

Playing as part of a Campaign

If playing this scenario as the second part of the Ruined Britannia mini-

Campaign, then the results of the previous scenario will have an effect
on this battle.

Templar Victory If Smythe and the Templars were victorious in the

first game, then Initiative for the first turn is awarded to the Templars.
If the Temple was victorious in the Second scenario, then the Temple
reserves arrive each turn on a 3+ rather than a 4+!

Home Guard Victory If the Home Guard survived the first encounter,
then they will be more prepared for the race ahead of them, and are
awarded the first turn. In addition, MI-13 Units may be purchased and
added to the Platoon. If the Home Guard was victorious in the Second
scenario, it may increase its deployment zone to 18 onto the board from
the short table edges.

The Battlefield and Deployment

This game should be played on a 4 x 6 table. The Device should be a
structure of your choice placed in the centre of the table.

The Temples deployment zone extends in a 12 radius from The Device.

The Temple player must deploy Mr. Smythe within 2 of The Device,
and as many other units in his deployment zone as he wishes. The
remainder of his force is off board, patrolling the surrounding area.
Starting in the maintenance phase of the second turn, roll a d6 for each
patrolling unit. On a 4+ that unit returns to the ancient shrine and
moves on the board from either long table edge, within one of the two
reinforcement zones.

The Home Guard player splits his force roughly in half and deploys each
half on opposite short edges of the board, up to 12 deep. The Home
Guard player may not use the Deep Insertion special rule.

Victory Conditions
If at the end of turn 6 either player has a unit that is not a Loner within
2 of The Device and the other player does not, the player closest to

The Device gains 10 Victory Points. If neither player has a unit within
2, then it is a draw 0 Victory points each. If both players have a unit
within 2 of The Device, the units are immediately considered Engaged
in close combat if not already engaged. Models which are not physically
in base contact should be moved together. Fight out the close combat
until all the models on one side or the other are all Down or Goners.
The side with the last man standing wins and gains 20 Victory points!

What next...?
Thats entirely for you as players to decide! West Wind is very interested
in the results from your campaigns play as many times as you wish,
and send your battle results to The
results will be tallied and will affect the outcome of the British in a future
supplement. You will be deciding the course of Great Britain the future
depends upon you!


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